A Camper's Initiation

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#5 of Commissions

Friend of mine took advantage of my commission sale I have going on and had me do this for him. Info on the sale can be found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1099317

It's based on the website LuvBites.net and the basic premise of the story is entirely theirs. I did clear it with them first.

Also it's my first time writing M/M smut in some time so enjoy that!

If you want to support me and everything I do here, then please go over to https://www.patreon.com/kergiby

The fox's eyes opened, blinking in the bright sunlight which bathed his face. He turned over, grabbing the pillow and whining. It had to be mid-morning but Avran felt like he hadn't slept more than an hour or two. His head throbbed which made him think he was just hungover at a friend's house. But the sound of a seagull overhead caused him to bolt upright. With eyes open, he was finally able to take in the room he was in.

He found himself in a cabin, with very basic amenities. It seemed like a hotel room except there was no way he could be in a hotel where a seagull might be. He looked from the dresser to the desk to the door. The solid wood door had no lock. Avran cocked his head.

"What kind of place doesn't let you lock your door?" he asked himself. His voice was hoarse, barely even escaping his muzzle.

Avran turned around and next to the window on his right was a full-length mirror. Standing there, he examined himself.

The fox didn't look worse for the wear. His fur still held its bright orange luster and he couldn't see any unusual marks though there was a pain in his jaw. The fox's cheeks burned when he thought of what could cause that particular pain. As much as he hated to admit it... he couldn't discount that he'd forgotten all about a hook up with someone. But if that were the case, then where was the person he'd hooked up with?

But the strangest thing of all in his reflection was the gray hoodie he wore. It was blank, without any markings of any kind except for the numbers. The numbers 6752 went down from the shoulders of each arm. He crossed his arms, his stomach tensing up the more that he looked at his own reflection. And if the hoodie wasn't enough, he found himself in a pair of snug athletic shorts.

"Six Seven Five Two. Where have I heard those numbers before?" The fox's ears drooped. Something about those numbers scratched at a part of him he wasn't aware of. It felt familiar and comforting. Just reading those numbers made his extremities tingle, his tail wagged at a leisurely rate the more he thought about those numbers. The fox shook his head and went to the door. It creaked as it swung inside, and the fox could finally see where he was.

Immediately around him were other cabins. They were connected with a dirt road that went from cabin to cabin, leading the way to a much larger cabin. Above that cabin which seemed to have a group of people already there was a flag that waved in the sunny afternoon. On the flag were the words Camp Soumet. The fox looked to his left and in the distance was the crash of waves against rocks unseen.

"What the fuck?" he whispered to himself.

"Oh good," a voice behind him uttered. "You're awake."

Avran jumped. He swung around and fell onto his butt. There, towering above the fox stood a tall panther. His arms were over his chest but still the fox could make out the word Security in white letters on his black shirt. The panther's green eyes looked him down, like he was some curio in a museum rather than a person. His paw reached out and tugged the fox to his feet.

"Where am I? What is this place? Who are you? What the f--"

Avran's torrent of questions was ended by the paw on his muzzle which forced it close. He was tugged closer, and his ears dropped low.

"First. You will address your superiors as Sir. Second. This is Camp Soumet. Your family has decided that you are in need of corrective education and this is where you go to receive it. Third, my name is Kay. I'm sure you can read so you should be able to tell me what my shirt says, right?"

The fox nodded. Kay released his muzzle and Avran sputtered for a moment.

"Security..." he muttered, not looking up at the panther which still towered over him even with when he stood on his feet.

"Good girl, you can read," Kay grunted.

"I--I'm not a girl!" Avran yelled, stamping his foot on the ground--though the soft dirt did nothing to help the fox's point.

"Sure you're not," Kay mumbled and turned the fox around. He walked him into the woods, crunching twigs beneath his feet.

Avran's heart began to pound as he was manhandled so readily by the panther. The arm around his shoulders made his tail stiff, and his hackles were beginning to rise as well. The fox tried to fight the grip but it only grew stronger. The fingers dug into his shoulder and he yelped in pain.

"Ow... Stop it, you're hurting me," the fox whimpered. The panther didn't even look at him. He kept to his path until they were far enough away from the camp that the fox could smell the ocean now. The roar of waves was louder and more methodic in nature.

"You're an EMT, right?" the panther asked the fox.

Avran finally broke free of the panther's grip and took a step back.

"How did you know that?" he mumbled.

"It was in your file. The head of the camp and our personnel person are both indisposed at the moment or they would ask you themselves, but we're currently looking for someone in your position."

Avran cocked his head. "Wait... so you fucking kidnap me, drag me to God knows where on the coast--"

"Island," Kay interjected.

"An island! Fucking perfect. Of course it's an island. So you drag me to an island against my will and then ask for my help? What kind of bullshit camp is this supposed to be?"

"A corrective education camp, as I told you." The panther looked Avran down but the fox didn't shrink down this time. He stood tall though he was still dwarfed. "You need to listen more, girl."

"I'm not a girl!" Avran growled. His claws extended and he raised it up but his muscles tightened up. His arm felt heavy, like weights were attached to every joint and muscle. His arm fell down to his side, useless. "What did you do to me?!" Avran yelped. His arm could move again but it still felt sluggish, moving at half the pace it should. Looking at the panther, the fox's eyes betrayed all the fear that he felt. They had to.

"It's what we do here. We train those who need to be reminded how to be good, functional members of society. And good members of society don't strike each other."

Avran's mouth went dry and he found himself sputtering once again. "You motherfughkk!" The fox's tongue caught and he seemed to trip over his sound. Thoughts of escape slowed in his mind and a flash of eyes came to his head.

"Good members of society don't insult each other now do they?" The panther smirked and dragged his claw down the fox's neck. Avran squirmed, his head shaking.

"You're a bihhhh," he grunted. The words could not form in his mouth and it only made the weight in the fox's mind heavier. His resistance making him tired.

The fox turned and began to run. He was running back towards the camp but it didn't matter. Anywhere would be better than with the cruel feline. He was barely twenty feet away when a shrill, piercing whistle stopped him dead in his tracks. Avran's mind felt heavier than ever. His eyes didn't close but his mind seemed to go blank as an inky blackness took him over.

From within the blackness of his mind, the fox was vaguely aware of the footsteps that were approaching. He could feel his arms being moved but he didn't have a way to stop him. The panther was doing what he wanted to with him and something deep down in his mind was happy to be jerked about like an object. Somewhere in that void, the disconnect between his mind and his body was bridged for long enough for a single word to take hold of his mind.


Avran's mind slowly returned to his body. He came out of that blissful blackness where all his cares were gone to a new set of cares were placed before him. There was no reason why he shouldn't obey. The panther was right. Obeying was the easiest thing to do. The fox felt his arms behind his back with plastic keeping them cinched together. He tried to pull them apart but couldn't manage it. He was still in the forest and his knees were resting on a bed of leaves. His shorts were on the ground in front of him and that made his stomach sunk. Looking down at himself, Avran saw a pair of panties snug against his sheath, the black lace doing little to hide the white fur beneath. Around his neck was a collar with a leash that led...

"Look who's back," the panther cooed from behind.

"What did you do?" Avran mumbled, his head trying to turn to see his assailant.

"I did my job. You were running away, I'm administering a punishment."

"So you took my pants?!" Avran growled and struggled against the sharp binds which cut into his wrists.

"Now now, little fox," the panther cooed. He stepped in front of Avran and that's when he could see him.

From the waist up, the panther was still clothed like security but from the waist down... Well, the fox couldn't help but stare. His legs were bare, leaving him exposed to the air and the fox on his knees. A white tuft of fur stood right over Kay's black shaft. The panther's cock stood thick and erect in front of the fox's muzzle and pre dripped onto the forest floor. Along the underside of that ebony spire was a series of piercings that would make a perfect runway for a tongue. "I'm not just taking your pants. I'm teaching you your first lesson."

"O-obey," Avran mumbled, remembering the word he heard while his mind was blank.

"Precisely," the panther purred out.

The fox felt a tug on his collar until his muzzle was pressed against the panther's endowment. He mumbled out something but even Avran didn't know the words which came from his mouth. All that Avran knew was that the scent which radiated off of the black spire. He gasped and felt the pre from the panther's shaft drip onto his muzzle.

"I will say this exactly once. Suck."

The words seemed to soothe his mind, like a balm on a burn; they eased his thoughts and helped him do what he knew he wanted to do. The fox's ears dropped to the back of his head and he could feel the burning in his cheeks. He swallowed, feeling his mouth running dry. Finally, Avran opened his mouth and his tongue ran up, going from the balls all the way up to Kay's tip. His tongue ran along the line between the piercings, feeling the cool metal on his tongue. The taste was _wonderful_and Avran's tail wagged the more his tongue lavished along the underside.

Sure, Avran had been in a position like this before, but there was something different. The command the panther could give in a single word made him compelled to obey. Something the whistle had done to him forced him to obey so obey he did. The panther gave another tug and Avran's mouth wrapped around his cock. He moaned at the tip on his tongue and looked up at the guard. His cheeks burned hotter but he did as he was told.

Avran began to suck on the cock in his mouth, moving his head down, going down farther along his cock. He groaned when it itched at his throat. There was another sharp tug on the leash. Avran shook his head, hating how the panther could look at him and force him to obey. But he didn't dare say no. Obeying the silent order, Avran moved down, his nose brushing up against the white of his pubic fur. He whimpered, suppressing a gag and outright shuddering at the feeling of a cock in his throat. It burned his lungs, made his jaw ache but still the fox didn't move. Not that he could, the leash holding him right against Kay's hips.

Avran whimpered with his nose snug against the white fur of the panther. He wanted nothing more than to push him away, dig his claws into the panther and force him off, but there was nothing he could do. The panther kept him still, shoving his hips forward. Kay's paws grabbed the fox's head and began to pump. He wasn't merely humping, he was fucking--using--his throat. Avran shivered, his whole body tingling the harder that the panther used him. It was violent and rough and it made Avran's cock ache against his panties.

The fox didn't bother trying to bob. He could only close his eyes and brace against his sharp thrusts. The panther didn't show him kindness and the more he thought about it, the more that the fox on his knees loved it. Shifting in place, he adjusted himself, knees sore and burning. The longer it went on the more Avran's head swam in pleasure and pain. But he had to admit he liked how harsh the panther was. It drove him crazy how harsh the panther was. The balls that smacked on his chin itched the submissive part of Avran's mind.

He had to please. He wanted to be a good boy.

Finally, the panther's cock began to twitch and Avran knew full well that he was going to get his rewarded for his good behavior. So when the panther stopped thrusting, Avran kept going. He bobbed hard, fucking his own throat on the panther's cock and the way that his jaw ache, forced open. Avran bobbed, eyes closed at the enjoyment of the moment. He loved the taste of the panther's cock; he loved the ache in his jaw and the want for stimulation to his own cock from behind those frilly black panties.

The panther pulled out, cock escaping Avran's muzzle. A lewd slurp drooled out of his mouth and it matched the spit and pre that connected the tip to his lips. Avran licked his lips, looking at Kay with a mix of obedience and hatred.

"A-aren't you going to cum?" sputtered the fox on his knees.

"As if you deserve it. I think I should leave you like this and let you walk back to camp like this." Kay dragged his cock over the fox's face, mussing up his fur and dousing him with the pre and spit concoction. The humiliation of the scent of the panther on his face burned his cheeks but his tail wagged all the same.

"Come on, sir..." Avran said. His eyes stung with tears.

"Come on, what?" Kay growled. His arms crossed over his chest.

"I-I want you to cum in my mouth," The fox whimpered. His whole body shook, watering eyes stinging.

The panther snorted, a cruel and rather derisive sound that harkened to just how worthless Avran was in his eyes. It itched at that dark part of his mind that he so rarely admitted to. But here he was, begging for the cum of a man he'd just met. The panther shoved his tip back into Avran's muzzle.

The fox bobbed down, his tongue working down his shaft carefully. He was bracing for it but when the panther's cock twitched, he froze, letting it happen. The torrent of seed rushed into his mouth, filling it up with rope upon rope of thick, gooey seed. Deep down, Avran knew this was where he deserved to be--pleasing his better. His swallowed every shot that entered his mouth. Every time his tongue felt a new dollop of cum on its wide surface, he pushed it down and swallowed. The heady taste forced a whimper out and he could only blush harder.

When the leash finally went slack and Avran could move, he stayed still for a moment, finally pulling back to free his mouth. He sputtered, slobber still coating his muzzle.

"W-was that okay?" Avran managed.

Kay paused, lost in thought for a moment. His paws stayed on the fox's head, finger rapping on his skull. Avran's ears stayed flat to his head, burning hot.

"I suppose it was." The relief the panther's words brought was short lived. "But I'm not done with you quite yet, camper."

Avran knew all too well what Kay meant. He couldn't even manage a word of dissent. His tail even wagged and that was what finally forced the fox to look away from the male whose words made the vulpine's extremities tingle. The panther took out the whistle from underneath his shirt. Avran opened his mouth, ready to say something, get a word in opposition but the piercing sound of the whistle cut through his mind.

A dark veil descended over Avran's mind. His awareness narrowed, further and further until it was nothing but darkness consuming his thoughts. There was nothing but peace. Somewhere, some part of Avran knew he was being moved about but he could nothing but obey. His body moved and it wasn't until the honey-glazed words of the panther pierced that veil that Avran even knew what he was.

"Sit." The word was simple, it carried with it an order that the fox was inclined to obey. His hips lowered and he felt himself gasp--far away from wherever this prison of sorts was. He whined, feeling a stab of pain. It slowly subsided, working through his body until there was a warmth and care to the pain. Another word followed.

"Bounce." That was when Avran's eyes were able to open, blinking the darkness away and letting the word fill his head, and warm his body to the core. Bouncing was the proper course of events. Of course it was. The blackness in his mind finally left.

He wished it were still there.

Below him was the panther, shirtless now and laying in on his back in a clearing of the forest. Avran could taste his own panties in his mouth, a zip tie keeping his muzzle closed. His body was resting in the lap of the black feline which meant the pain was...

The fox slammed down, the shaft forcing its way deep inside of his body. He squealed loud, leaning down and running his claws down his chest. The fox's pleas died out on his lips, unable to get the words out of his throat. Instead, he just moaned.

The squealing moans of the fox were loud enough that Avran knew people at the camp heard. They weren't that far away and, well, he was rather loud. The fox's cheeks burned but his hips didn't stop their path. His thighs forced him up, almost losing the cock, only to slam back down. Over and over again he bounced on the panther's shaft. Each time he bottomed out, Avran whined. It wasn't that he didn't want to stop it was that he couldn't. His control was gone and it made his cock pulse. It throbbed with his heartbeat, and nothing he could do to touch it. His arms struggled against the binding on his wrists.

"That's it," Kay grunts, thick cock flexing in the fox's snug figure. "This is why you're here: to please those better than you."

Avran didn't say a word. He didn't have to. It was written all over his face and he knew it. The panther's words were powerful that Avran still found himself bouncing in place. He rode that cock like a seasoned veteran, rocking hips and bouncing along the length off his shaft. It hurt just a little to do it, but still he found himself obeying. His body was no longer under his own control so he didn't bother thinking anymore, only acting.

"Mmm!" the fox groaned through the panties.

"You like that?" Kay sneered, tugging on the leash.

Avran nodded as best he could with the leash keeping him from moving away.

"Yeeees," he groans. "I bet you do."

The panther flipped over, forcing the Avran onto his back. This time the thrusts were entirely by the guard which made them far more demanding. Each time he rammed in, Avran's body squeezed. Each time he rammed in, Avran moaned. Each time he rammed in, Avran felt himself being brought to the verge of ecstasy and denied. The fox knew what he was after. It's why he pushed his hips back.

He spread his legs; face resting in the ground to allow the panther to use his body for his own sick pleasure. What hurt more than anything however, was that the more his tight ass was forced open and filled, the closer to release he got. His knot swelled so close to its release.

"You're gonna cum hands free, aren't you, camper?"

Avran nodded.

"And you're going to be a good cumrag for your master, won't you?"

Again, he nodded his head, tears stinging his eyes.

"Then cum for me, fox."

He didn't need to be told, but still the order tickled that part of his mind that felt numb each time he came out of that dark veil.

When the panther's shaft slammed into his body again after the order, the fox whimpered. His cock twitched, shooting his seed onto the forest floor. It felt so wrong and that was why the peak that Avran felt rushing through him was more powerful than any other he'd had before.

Avran felt his body clench around the shaft that impaled itself so deep inside his body. He gasped, rocking back and forth in tempo with the harsh thrusts until he felt it. The warmth of Kay's seed spread throughout his tight innards. Avran gasped, body going numb from the exertion it just went through. He panted, breath moving the leaves beneath him.

"There you go, Camper. I think you're going to fit in just fine here, don't you?" Kay finally snapped the zip tie with his claw, snapping it off.

The fox spat his panties out and whimpered.

"Y-you asshoooo!" The fox cursed the guard the best he could through whatever blocks prevented him from action.

Kay snorted, his cock pulling out of Avran's tight ass with a lewd slurp. It made the fox gasp, his body still limp. He didn't understand the paws on his back until he felt how slowly they moved. Turning his head, the fox found the guard smearing Avran's own cum onto his fur. He narrowed his eyes but when Kay saw this, a slap came across his raised ass.

"You came all over the ground and you want to act like you didn't love that? Come now, fox. I thought you were smart."

Avran grumbled, and his arms came sliding down onto the ground when Kay snapped the zip tie with a claw.

"So what's the plan, fox? You planning on behaving and helping us out if we have anything serious come up?"

It took some doing for Kay's words to stir the proper memory from the fox. Right, the offer... of course.

Avran nodded his head.

"Sure, I can help with that, I guess." The panther smiled, helping Avran to his feet. The fox blushed, picking up his clothes and looking at them. He could hardly wear them now with his fur matted with cum and his ass still leaking the panther's seed. This meant he would have to walk into camp in the nude.

"Great. I'll let the bossman know," the panther said, tucking himself back into a pair of slim-fitting shorts. When his shirt slipped over his body, Avran found himself disappointed to be denied that sight.

"Who is in charge here?"

"Vincent. Great guy. Little... little short tempered sometimes," Kay said, patting the fox's ass and starting the walk back towards camp. "I'll take you to the showers so you can clean up."

Avran nodded his head, unsure of what to even say to the panther that held this power over him. Biting the inside of his cheek, he looked him over for a minute then turning to look forward.

"So this is an education camp, what are we supposed to learn?" the fox stammered, brushing hair from his face.

"Manners. What to do when superiors talk to you. I told you that before," Kay grunted.

"Y-you did?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about it though. The whistle or any of our other tricks tend to play with a person's memory."

"Oh..." Avran's heart beat faster. That thought chilled him to the bone that someone could make him do something. Would he even remember?

When the pair returned to the camp, there was a stillness in the air. No one was around but faintly from a building, Avran heard words speaking, many speaking at once. Kay saw his look and shook his head.

"All in good time. To the shower now."

The fox opened the door that the panther gestured to and froze.

Inside the cabin was a large gator. His body was nearly 7 feet tall and he was built like a tank. He had a paunch on his gut but it didn't change the gator's appeal. The fox found his tail wagging, eyes noticing his firm butt and when he turned around, he could see the large, flaccid cock between his legs.

"W-who is that?" Avran mumbled under his breath.

Kay chuckled and put a paw on the smaller male's shoulders.

"That'd be Vincent. Word to the wise. If he tells you to do something, obey. Don't show him any disrespect."

Avran felt his cock stirring to life inside of his sheath.

"W-why's that?"

"Because, little fox, if you think that I was hard on you, he'll destroy you and make you squeal for more." Kay growled into Avran's ear. "He'll make you wish for what I did to you tonight."

Despite the dryness in Avran's mouth and the lightheadedness he felt, he had to admit.

He was going to enjoy it here.