The Changed chapter 2

Story by WiteFox0 on SoFurry

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Just so you know the story is going to go dark. It was kind of the plan from the beginning. I just wasn't sure how to go so I thought I'd make a kind of hook that established the relationship and location of the characters.

(Kakakakaka) boom (ahhhhhhhhh)

We pop up suddenly and fly into our clothes. Our equipment goes on just as fast as we stride toward the entrance to our tent. It was a massacre. The writhing bodies and screaming men cluttered the ground. They were changed and human. We're waking up in the middle of the battle feild. Where it begins and where it ends we cannot see, but it is apparent we fight or we die.

" Mother fuckers!" Rein screamed and charged off me close behind watching his six. We charged towards the cornel's tent. One pops on the right he's gunned down. Anothe pops up on the left meets the same fate. And so it goes. We get to the tent. It's a disaster. There is blood everywhere.there are 3 or 4 dead humans all surrounding the cornel. If it wasn't for his uniform you would never know it was him.

(Tink tink tink kashhhhhhhh)

The tent quickly fills with tear gas we run out the front only to be met with guns pointed at us. As our hands go up one of them buts Rein in the skull with his gun; knocking him out. Without thinking I growl and leap forward (kakaka). Pressure than warmth then pain. I collapse and cough up blood. The last thing I remember is them dragging him off.

"Ah another crosses my threshold " a voice comes from the dark "What a shame he's such a fine speciman" Slowly I open my eyes. Who is this? His fur is black as tar and sleeker and shined to perfection. As I look into his golden eyes and facial features so familiar. He's Nubian just like me only black with golden markings. I groan slowly sitting up. I look at him he practically shines. No that can't be right. He moves closerkind eyes moving up and down my body. "Who are you?" I ask slowly and carefully so not to offend. "I go by many names death for one, but you can call me Anubis" I shoot to my feet in panic. "But if your death than that means..." I tail off in horror. "While I maybe called death I am merely a guide from this world to the next." Anubis states calmly. "No!" I scream. "Now calm down there is no need for that" he growls harshly "your a special case." "W-what?" I stammer. "Now why would you, a child of two unchanged humans, suddenly and unexplainablely change with so little evidence of radiation?" "Huh?" I exclaim in utter confusion. "That means that something else something unexpected must have happend. No?" He smiles down on me with some cruel glee "You will return to your living world only more than you ever where, because something beyond your world intervened. You have my blood in your veins boy. I gave it to you as a child that is how you ended up as you are. As my child you will survive death many times over. And as my child you will have abilities only know to the gods. Your death serves as your birthday as a demigod." As he went on my vision starts to blur, and the darkness envelopes me once more.