Team Player

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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Commission for

Practice was grueling as always. With only two weeks left until the preseason began, conditioning was picking up and everyone was feeling the burn tonight. The players had been out on the field since six, and even when the sun eventually set it was still well into the seventies and eighties.

Lyric was trying out for the wide-receiver position after being drafted in the fourth round by the Lions. The vast majority of drafted players would make their team's rosters, but Lyric knew there was no such thing as a sure thing.

Almost nothing, at least.

The wolf wasn't exceptionally tall at five-foot-nine, but he was fast. He'd ran the 40 yard dash in just under four seconds, and had several big plays while in college where he simply outran the opposing team's defense.

After tonight's practice his legs burned and his entire body ached to relax. He'd been one of the last players off the field when they'd wrapped up for the evening. The wolf sat on the side of the field and closed his eyes for nearly thirty minutes before heading towards the locker room.

The musk hit him like a solid wall as he entered the locker room and he recoiled for a moment before shaking his head and continuing in. Dozens of sweaty, heated guys hanging out in one place had left the room drenched in scents of every kind. Some might have found it unpleasant, but the wolf couldn't help but take a few deep breaths to take it all in.

Most players had showered and left already, and plenty didn't even bother with the locker room, electing to go decompress at home. A few dressed players were hanging out near the lockers, and some were getting dressed. Lyric could hear the showers still running as he passed by the various rows until he got to his own locker.

"Lyric!" a voice boomed, startling the poor wolf out of his pelt. He had only a second to look around before a large, striped paw clapped down on his shoulder and squeezed tight. "What the hell took ya so long? We were beginning to think you'd fallen asleep out on the benches.

The wolf's knees wobbled as the large zebra's grip nearly sent him to the floor. "You scared the shit out of me, Harris," Lyric laughed, shaking his head and shrugging the paw off his shoulder. "I just wanted to take a break before coming in. Still not used to everyone here, ya know?"

"Well you're not gonna get used to everyone by avoiding the team," Harris said, smacking the wolf's ass and chuckling good-naturedly.

Harris was built like a lineman; an appropriate sentiment considering that was the zebra's position. His arms were as thick as the wolf's legs and even without flexing you could see the thick veins along his arms and shoulders. His black hair was tied back in a ponytail, still damp with sweat. Most noticeably about the zebra was that had black and blue stripes instead of the typical colors. An expensive dye job, but the shades of blue looked appealing over his muscled form.

Lyric was no slouch, but his muscles didn't show as obviously on his sleek frame. The wolf's bright white fur was stained green and brown along parts of his arms where he'd hit the turf a few times and grey everywhere else from how much he'd been sweating all day.

"Yeah, I know. I'll get there," Lyric said, smiling over to the zebra as he began pulling his padding off, dropping it on the floor. "Surprised you're still hanging around here."

"Cam and I were just hanging around, jawin', musta lost track of time. Then you came in," the equine said, leaning back on the lockers. He'd already taken off his padding, but still wore his pants.

Lyric nodded and glanced back at the zebra for a second before looking down at the laces on his own pants. "Any plans for the rest of the night?"

Harris shrugged, scratching up under the back of his hair, looking back down the row of lockers towards the showers. "Mmm, wash off, get some food. Then dunno. Not much going on tomorrow, so I'll probably be up late."

The wolf nodded, undoing the laces on his pants and pushing them down, his tail flicking up and out of the way. "Well, if you wanna do something..." he let his voice trail off, cheeks red as he grinned to himself.

After being drafted, he'd met up with Harris and Cam early during conditioning. They'd been on the team for three and seven years, linebacker and running back respectively, and had no worries about staying on the roster. They'd hit it off with a few mutual interests, and even hooked up after practice.

The zebra let out a growl that would have been more fitting from the wolf's muzzle, and he stepped forward to grab one of the straps of Lyric's jockstrap, pulling him back a couple steps until the wolf's ass rested against the equine's crotch. "We don't hafta wait for something like that."

Lyric nearly stumbled over his downed pants and practically fell back into the equine's arms. His cheeks heated up and he glanced around nervously, but didn't see anyone. Cam and Harris were the only two who knew, and likely shared, his sexuality and it wasn't exactly something he wanted the whole team to know about. "Are you crazy?" he whispered, glancing up at the blue-striped equine.

"It's the last row of lockers and almost everyone is gone. No skin off my nose if anyone comes back here," Harris said, both paws now tugging on the straps of Lyric's jock, grinding himself against that bare ass.

Lyric shivered and pushed his pants down around his ankles, trying to slip completely out of them. "Yeah, well, you could just pummel anyone that talks shit. I'm not even part of the team,"

"Pfft, not yet, maybe, but I sure you'll make the cut," the zebra said, muzzle dipping down to press into Lyric's neck, taking a few quick nips.

The wolf's eyes closed and he let his head roll to one side, accepting a few more bites from the horse. He could still hear a few talking down at the other end of the locker room, but couldn't make out any of what was being said. A not-so-small part of him decided that their choice of venue wasn't entirely objectionable.

"What do you two faggots think you're doing?" a voice grumbled from nearby.

Lyric's eyes snapped open and he wrenched himself away from the zebra's grip. The wolf tripped over his pants and fell forward, landing on his hands and knees with his head down. He pushed himself up to start standing but a heavy hand caught the back of his head and pulled his muzzle in against some rough, damp fabric.

Musk flooded his nostrils and the wolf's body tensed as he inhaled a sharp, spicy scent that put his fur on end. Lyric struggled to pull away, mind still racing with what was happening.

"Think we're gonna keep some cocksucker like you around here?" the voice grumbled again, keeping the wolf's muzzle buried in against his jock.

Lyric's heart was pounding as he was held firm, his paws pushing at the person's legs to get himself free. His ears twitched when the person spoke again he recognized the voice. "Cam?" he mumbled, tasting the horse's musk on his lips when he tried to speak.

The large horse laughed and ground his hips against the wolf's muzzle, holding him still by his short head fur. "Who else?"

The wolf stopped struggling and his paws relaxed, just holding onto Cam's legs. "You scared me," came Lyric's muffled voice followed by a nervous chuckle. "Gonna let me up?"

Cam was a beast of a horse at six and a half feet tall, not quite as muscled as Harris. He had brown fur, white hands and feet, and a splotch of white across his broad muzzle. Black dreadlocks were tied back behind his head to keep them out of the way and he stood in the row in only his white, damp jock.

"Mmm, I don't know. What do you think, man?" Cam asked the zebra, wiggling his hips back and forth as he pressed the wolf's muzzle close against his package.

Harris stepped over to the downed wolf and replaced the horse's paw, pulling Lyric's head back. "Damnit, Hoss. Always trying to move in on my action."

"Now now, didn't your mama ever teach you it was polite to share?" Cam asked, punching the zebra's arm and laughing.

The zebra's fingers were holding onto the wolf's head and he just stared up at the two giants, kneeling uncomfortably on the concrete floor. He licked his lips clean of the horse's sweat, shuddering at the salty taste. "Guys, my knees."

"Ah, shit, sorry fam," the horse said, reaching down to grab one of Lyric's arms. Cam pulled him up with Harris' help and they both clapped his arms with a paw.

"Guess concrete ain't the best thing for your knees when you're trying to make the team, eh?" Harris said, slipping a hand down the front of his pants and rearranging his junk.

Lyric bent over, rubbing both of his knees and laughing. "Probably not,"

Cam stepped to the wolf's side and smacked his ass, keeping his hand there and sliding his middle finger up under the wolf's tail, pressing the digit in to the knuckle. "Doesn't mean we can't still do things to ya, though,"

The wolf yipped loud and stood on his toes, eyes wide as that finger pushed into him. His passage burned from the sudden intrusion and he stepped forward out of reflex to get away.

Harris stepped in front of the wolf, keeping him from escaping. "Cam's gotta point, newbie. 'Sides, we got the benches here. That'd give your knees a rest, eh?"

Lyric's chest pressed against the zebra's striped one and his head was tilted back, spine arched as he stood on his tiptoes to escape the horse's probing finger. It pushed in deeper and spread him further, wiggling about.

The wolf's cheeks were burning with embarrassment and his paws gripped Harris' shoulders for support. "G-god-shit... fuck. Cam,"

Cam's paw was big enough to squeeze one of the wolf's cheeks tight in his grip while fingering the wolf's hole and it kept the canine pressed against his teammate's chest. "Hmm? Speak up, pup,"

"Kind of hard to focus when you're using him like a bowling ball," Harris laughed, biting at the wolf's exposed neck once more. "You've got some big hands, Hoss. Bet he's taken guys smaller than one of your fingers before,"

The horse grunted and adjusted his jock with his free hand, rotating his finger inside the wolf's ass. "Probably. If we wedge in em enough times, though, he'll be fine with this,"

"Dibs on em first, Hoss. You had him last anyway," Harris said, pushing down his pants and revealing his bulging jockstrap.

Lyric listened to the two equines talk about using him like a toy and his cock throbbed against the rough fabric of his jock. The sweat had dried already, but the fabric was beginning to dampen once more with pre as he was fingered and toyed with. He'd forgotten all about the rest of the locker room at this point.

The finger in his passage was suddenly removed and a pair of strong hands pushed him backwards until he fell back on one of the benches in the locker row. They were padded instead of wooden, and he heard a puff of expelled air as his body crushed the padding beneath him.

Lyric lifted his head to look up at his teammates as Harris threw a leg over the bench, straddled his head, and pressed his bulging jock to his face. The wolf could feel the heat of the zebra's erection through the once-white cotton. His cheeks were a deep crimson and he pressed his lips to the side of Harris' clothed shaft, tongue darting out to taste the equine's musk through the fabric.

Cam tugged the wolf's pants off completely and knelt down at the end of the bench, muzzle pressing up between the wolf's legs. His tongue pushed out against the wolf's pucker, forcing inside to help lube the way for the lineman.

Harris's cock hung over his heavy balls, straining at the jock to get fully hard, lifting the fabric away and letting those orbs swing free against the wolf's chin. He glanced back at the horse and chuckled. "And here I'm used to making a hole for you," he joked.

Cam punched the zebra in the small of the back, tongue swirling around the wolf's insides.

Lyric whimpered pitifully as he was stretched by the horse's appendage, paws squeezing the edge of the bench. His muzzle was damp from the zebra's sweat as his face was dragged back and forth over the cotton garment.

Harris hooked his fingers on the side of his underwear and tugged it aside, fully freeing his balls and smothering Lyric's face with them. "Man, you make the team and it'll give me someone to pound on those damn road games,"

Cam pulled his head away from the wolf's tunnel and laughed. "Preach it. Last year was awful after Mac tore his ACL in game two,"

"Fuck, yeah. That sucked. Least we got a new wide-receiver, eh?" The zebra snickered, tensing up as he felt the horse punch him again for his shameless pun.

Lyric's senses were shut out of everything but the zebra's heady musk. Those heavy balls were resting over his muzzle and he had to breathe through his muzzle while his tongue lavished those smooth orbs. His eyes were glued to the outlined head of the zebra's cock as it tented the poor jockstrap, soaking the thin fabric in pre juices.

The wolf's muzzle watered hungrily and he brought a paw up to squeeze Harris' cock through the jock, watching as a thick bead of pre forced through the material and dripped right above his right eye.

"Mmm, he good back there?" Harris asked, locking eyes with the wolf past his strained underwear. The zebra tugged it aside and freed his cock at long last, shaft springing up to its full height. He shifted his hips and angled his cock down to the wolf's lips.

Lyric hardly needed convincing as his lips sealed over the head of the zebra's black length. Hot, pungent pre met his tongue and he groaned appreciatively as he sunk down over Harris' cock.

Cam spit on his fingers and slipped two beneath the wolf's tail, earning a strangled gasp from the wolf. "Looks it," the horse said, scissoring his fingers and stretching the wolf's pucker a few times before inserting a third.

Harris humped his cock back and forth in the wolf's muzzle, only able to wet a few inches with the wolf on his back. "Good, trade ya,"

Lyric's lips squeezed the horse's length as it dragged out of his muzzle. Harris stood up off the bench and stepped between his legs as Cam moved away. Lyric obediently raised both legs, paws holding behind each thigh as he stared past his own tented jockstrap at the blue and black striped beauty.

Harris pulled his abused jockstrap off and tossed it away before stepping forward, gripping his cock at the base. He smacked the head down on the wolf's clothed package and Lyric nearly came right there. "Man, I don't think even Mac got off on this this hard," he said.

"Shit, Mac came in his cup during a game when he was at the bottom of a pile after he fumbled," Cam said, stripping off his own and stepping up to the wolf's side.

The horse's cock had pink mottled along the side that would have made it look kind of cute, had it not been thicker than the zebra's. Cam lay it across Lyric's face, watching as Harris lined himself up against the wolf's hole.

"Hah, I remember that. He blew me during half time cause he was so worked up."

The zebra's thick head pushed at the wolf's entrance before it sunk inside with a wet slop. Lyric whimpered and gripped at the bench again, fighting to relax as his legs were held up by the lineman's strong hands.

He'd taken both equines on a couple of occasions now, but it wasn't something you acclimated to very quickly. Neither were particularly gentle with him, either. As soon as Harris had gotten the head in, he shoved forward until his medial ring was knocking at the door.

Lyric cried out in pain and turned his muzzle towards Cam, panting through gritted teeth as he waited for the pain to subside.

Cam fisted his own cock while watching the zebra get to work between the wolf's legs. He swung one of his own over the bench and dragged his huge balls over Lyric's face, adding his own musk to what Harris had left behind. "C'mon man, no pain no gain,"

The wolf's passage ached as the zebra's shaft started moving back and forth in him, but he diligently tilted his muzzle towards the horse's sac, tongue licking every inch he could reach. Cam's odor was thicker and sweeter, clouding Lyric's senses as the fur on his face was matted down with several hours of practice's sweat.

The dyed zebra was hugging Lyric's legs to his sides as his hips worked the thick, black cock into the wolf's passage. The head drooled like a faucet and made the ride smoother and soon enough the medial ring slipped past the wolf's abused sphincter. Harris used the opportunity to bury himself to the hilt, snarling lustily. "God damn, I swear he's trying to pull me deeper,"

"Hey, if you can't oblige him, I've got a few extra inches," Cam offered.

"Man, fuck off," Harris said, though a grin split his muzzle at the light ribbing. He dragged his cock from the younger canine and stuffed it back in, balls slapping the upturned ass. "You can have em after I unload in him. Been a couple days, he'll be nice and drenched for ya,"

"Works for me," Cam said.

Lyric panted openly for a few seconds, a few sounds escaping his muzzle that lacked any masculinity behind them. He couldn't help it. Harris' cock was banging on his prostate like a drum and his cock spit pre into his dirty jock with every thrust, knot ballooned out and outlined through the nearly-transparent cotton.

Cam scooted up further along the wolf's head until the canine's tongue dragged across his hole. "There ya go, good pup," the horse groaned, stroking himself slowly, pre dripping down over his fingers.

Lyric's cock twitched on the edge as his tongue teased over the horse's entrance. Cam's musk was choking him like a thick fog and every breath was full of nothing but the horse's body.

The wolf was taken off guard when his cock unexpectedly throbbed in his underwear, cum shooting through the fabric to land in a few lazy arcs over his stomach. Lyric thrashed about on the padded bench as his orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks. Cum flooded his jock after the first couple shots and he moaned into the horse's ass.

"D-damn," the zebra said, watching as the wolf came all over himself. "Fucker just blew his load from rimming you," he said, quivering on the edge of his own climax now.

"Shit. Hurry up so I can go," Cam muttered, listening to the wolf's pleasured noises from beneath him. He let the wolf tongue his ass for a few more moments before standing up off the bench, watching the zebra start pounding away.

Harris was close. His heavy balls were smacking the wolf's ass and his ring popped noiselessly in and out. The zebra felt his balls draw up and he crashed over the edge a few seconds later.

The zebra's cock flared up and a thick few ropes of seed drenched Lyric's tunnel before Harris popped his thick head from the wolf's ass. He milked his cock out across the wolf's jock and stomach, soaking him in pungent zebra cum.

Lyric's ass stretched to accommodate the equine's flared head, and his body fought in vain to keep that flare inside. As soon as it was pulled free, zebra spunk drooled out across the underneath of his tail.

The warm ropes of zebra cum soaked through his jock to join the mess he'd already made, and his still-hard cock throbbed wantonly.

"Fuck man," Harris said, taking a step back and sitting on the next bench behind them. "Should play tight-end,"

Cam rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored the bad pun. He stepped around between the wolf's legs and slipped the head of his cock right inside.

Lyric gasped and moaned out as he was taken by the horse's large shaft. It pressed in smoothly, lubed by Harris' contribution and Cam wasted no time in humping away.

Cam held the wolf's legs up towards his sides as he began abusing the wolf's hole, pushing the zebra's cum further inside. The wolf could only whimper and wait it out, cock still straining in his underwear.

Harris moved around and sat on the bench just past the wolf's head. His heavy sac rest on Lyric's head and the heavy, softening shaft hung forward over the wolf's muzzle, upside down. Lyric did his best to lick at the thick pole while another plowed him, but it was difficult to remain focused.

Cam huffed from effort, hips working hard to hump back and forth into the wolf. His medial ring made a slide popping noise whenever it passed through the stretched and beaten hole. The horse's thrusts were becoming more erratic and jerky. "F-fuck, how's he this tight after you,"

"I know, right?" Harris said, grinning down at Lyric. His cock was now resting over the wolf's muzzle, cum occasionally dripping from the slit across Lyric's lips.

Cam let out a vicious snarl of pleasure as he bottomed out in the wolf's passage and cum flooded him deep. The flared head sealed off the rest of Lyric's passage like a canine's knot and he could feel the warmth spreading up through his walls.

Cam looked down at the wolf through lidded eyes as he reveled in his knee-shaking climax. He ran a paw down one of the wolf's legs until he got to the soaked jockstrap, finding the bulb of flesh there.

One firm, testing squeeze set the wolf's smaller frame into a shaking, vibrating mess as he came a second time. The weaker load was lost among the first. Cam groaned and closed his eyes, cock flexing deep within the wolf. "Shit, fucker's trying to take me off at the base he's squeezing so hard.

Lyric's eyes watered as he came for the second time, and the cock up his tail felt absolutely huge. He kept himself distracted with the zebra's now-soft length, a steady stream of whines and whimpers escaping his lips.

Cam kept himself buried in the wolf for a couple minutes until his cock had softened most of the way. He drew back and watched as his seed ran back out, over the wolf's ass and down his tail. "Ahhh... yeah, you've gotta make the team now," he said, patting one of Lyric's legs.

"Hoss is right," Harris said, slapping the wolf's shoulder. "Make the team so we can keep pounding you,"

The wolf's body was weak and he desperately needed a shower. His jock strap was full of warm cum and he'd been pumped so full of equine seed that he was half surprised he wasn't bloated. "I'll do my best."

Cam yawned and slapped the wolf's flank, stepping towards the shower. "Well, come on, before they lock us in here,"

"Yeah," the zebra said, following behind. "Otherwise we'll be stuck in here, destroying the wolf's poor ass all night,"

Lyric gingerly pushed himself up to a sitting position and then stood up, legs wobbling a bit. He could feel cum running down the inside of this thighs and he knew he'd be feeling the pain in the morning. The thought of this happening over the course of seventeen weeks with the team would definitely be a good motivator to make the cut.