It ain't all about the size, but it helps Part 2

Story by lizarman on SoFurry

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#5 of Zootopian texts

Second half of this sexy story. Nick and Judy continue with their hornyness after reading Finnic's story of how he got to fuck Bogo. Fun for all the family! :D

Three hours later, they both were headed out of the station. The poor fox looked like he had crossed paths with a tornado, with a limping walk and fur so shaggy that Clawhauser, coming in early for a morning shift, was torn between offering him a comb or just licking his pelt in place. Judy's appearance was more decent, but her mood obviously showed her tiredness and frustration. One of those drug dealers could sue her for police brutality for the way she had knocked him down, but it would be hard to convince a judge that a poor, innocent bunny could do such damage to a big donkey. That would teach them to interrupt a bunny in the middle of "multiplying" and then make her chase them, arrest them and fill some seemingly never ending police report about it.

"I guess we should head home and get some well-deserved rest." Muttered Nick, rubbing his tired eyes. But Judy took his hand and gave him a knowing smile.

"I'm gonna guess.. you'll read the rest of Finn's texts and finish what we started, right?" It never ceased to amaze him how such a cute bunny could be so naughty when she tried to.

"Mh... either that, or I call in sick tomorrow because of my acute blue balls." He shrugged. Since they were honest, why not be bluntly honest? "I was thinking about... getting some relief myself too. So... we could try that. Together."

«Nick Jr.» threatened with trying to come out once again. Nick actually gave his crotch an angry look. No time for painful pant-bonners now.

"I'd love to. But Judy... we're both needy, exhausted, frustrated, and many other things I don't even want to list. It's a recipe for a terrible night of sex, honestly. I don't want to rush things and end up being a disappointment."

She gave him her best «Jude the Dude» laugh as she gently punched his arm. "Nick, I don't want you to rock my world with an incredible night of passion. You said it, we're at the fuckbuddy point of our... thing, right? Well, I want to get off, you want to get off. We could just get off together, reading some nice guy-on-guy gossip on the meantime."

"Oh my... if I had known one year ago that officer Toot-Toot would offer me to do a jerk circle with her... you sure you won't feel disappointed that our first time is just... that?"

"Technically our first time has been on a police cruiser, and we were interrupted by our duty. And please Nick. My first time with a rabbit lasted less than this conversation. You'd have to actively try to fall lower than that. Just the fact that you know what to do down here with your fingers puts you quite near the very top."

That make him smile, proud of himself like only a con-fox can be. His mind was a bit low in the input. "Wait, so there is a ranking? Also, your first time, that was with a rabbit; or your first time WITH a rabbit? Have you tried other species then?!"

She just poked his belly with a finger. It was so nice to see she still could make Nick go nuts. "Show me if you know how to use that devilish fox tongue of yours half as good as you used your paw, and I promise I'll answer to that."

After a quick discussion over "small apartment with noisy neighbours" and "leaky dirty possibly nons-sanitary basement" they decided, for their mental health, to go to some neutral territory. And apparently, they had a portable Switzerland in the form of Finnick's van. Nick knew where he parked it, and it was unused at the moment apparently, so it would be good to crash there for the night. Plus, the fennec was surprisingly clean. Judy was impressed by the order and the nice smell of the sheets.

"I honestly expected pot. Like... a whole pot plant growing in here." Commented the rabbit, getting some chuckles from her friend. "So... should we catch up with the owner?"

"Mh... let me check... oh! Voice messages! I guess his tiny hands got tired to typing all of that on his phone." Nick said back on the thin mattress Finnick had as a bed there. It had been big enough for both foxes to sleep on, so he and Judy could spoon together, she was just a bit taller than the fennec. The fox undid his belt and unbuttoned his police uniform, sighting in relief. He hanged those on the front seats as he stretched in just his loose pants and his white sleeveless shirt. On the meanwhile, Judy stared at him like a deer in front of some car headlights.

"Oh, sorry. I was about to get comfortable... I know you're not a fan of nudity, I'll... well. I can just unzip the pants." The fox covered himself a bit with his tail. Ironic that something that nearly comes out of your ass is decent to be shown uncovered. Even bunnies used a tail-hole on their pants, in spite the fact their small tails could just as well hid underneath. "Oh, nono, it's... it's fine. Although I'll be the first time I see you naked. I mean... I've seen your junk, but not... the full fox."

"That's true. You should have taken me to some of those classical country lakes where people go skinny dipping." He suggested, checking himself. "Should I try to turn this into a sexy streaptease?" He turned, holding on the front seats and wiggling his tail high.

"I'll have to give you one in return I guess?" She replied, showing her typical hip swag.

"Ooooh the possibilities... nah. Do whatever comes natural."

And she did. She walked up to her fox-friend and placed her grey paws on his waist, slowly pulling them up and taking his shirt with her. He was still the thin, long fox she meet more than one year ago, but at least the police training had given him some definition under his fur. And her hands appreciated that.

"So... no dance?" Questioned Nick, raising his hands for her. She still had to climb on some boxes to be face-to-face with the tall fox.

"I've seen you dance. I don't want to kill the mood. I'd have to take you in for mood mammal-slaughter." His shirt went past his head and was unceremoniously thrown on the front seats. Her hands combed his rugged fur, feeling the warm skin underneath. She found herself holding his face, looking at that annoying muzzle that so often had captivated her with his smile.

"Nick... can fuck buddies kiss?" Asked Judy, as the fox placed his hands on her sides. "I'm... not really sure. During sex and that it's normal, but kissing just because... it feels like... different, right?" Murmured Nick, his nose feeling the soft fur of her cheeks.

"I guess. But we'd still be making us feel good, right?" She heard a chuckle right against her ear."

"You are one stubborn bunny. You know I'm a pred, you'd be kissing my disgusting, fang-filled, meat-tasting, neck-ripping mouth, and..." Her hand petting his ear distracted him. "Oh mrf..."

"I'm an adventurous bunny, and you know it." She promised, still waiting for his approbation. "You know... it'd be very hard for us to date. We're very different, not only size. We have different tastes, and many people would look at us bad... it's not the same to have some kinky inter-species sex than to actually date somebody outside your own kind." She held his fur tight, pulling it a bit. Her eyes burned, staring right at his.

"Nick, I'm a bunny cop. Do you think I still give a flying fuck about what they say behind my back?" She was very sure of her choice. She had always tried everything after all.

"I'd be the evil fox who has corrupted you, and you the poor, stupid bunny who has fallen for my tricks..." Nick on the other hand, was still a pessimist, even if not so much as before. "And I'll personally kick the stupid out of anybody who suggests that. Now please, can we leave the depressing talk for when we're actually going to take that step? I'm asking for a kiss you dumb fox, not a marriage proposal."

"Damn you're sexy when you're right." He slowly approached his lips to hers. His heart beating on his chest so hard he worried about his survival.

"So I'm sexy all the time?" She came to the fox too. Something on the most basic part of her brain screamed at her not to get so close to the scary predator to run away from that van that smelled of musky canine and hide on the darkest hole she could find. She ignored it, her experience and awareness defeating it. It also told her to have like a dozen babies for now. Making those would be fun. Maybe instinct had some sense after all.

"You wish." Whispered the fox. Dark lips meet with pink ones. Sharp canine fangs graced strong rodent incisors. And for an instant, they forgot everything else on the world.

The shared bliss lasted for a while, and quite probably neither could give an accurate guess on how long they stayed like that. After a while they parted, but not before a cold shiver ran down the bunny's back. She looked at Nick for an instant, still coming down of the high of that first kiss. As if needing protection, she threw herself at the fox's arms, burying her face on the fur of his neck. Powerful fox musk surrender her. Her world was her fox in that instant. "You liked?" Asked Nick, petting her ears.

"Yes." Whispered her, nuzzling and nearly purring. "I definitely want kisses on our OK list."

"And... what was that shiver? You kind of... almost pulled away for an instant."

He had noticed. She looked again at him, and actually raised one paw to part his lips and check on his fangs. The fox was usually quite careful not to show teeth. "Just... my dumb bunny brain. I remembered that time on the museum, when you pretended to be savage. Sometimes... it comes to mind, when you're around."

His arms, still on her back, tensed noticeably. "Do I... scare you?" He asked, using that poker face he forced when the rest of his personal defenses were already down.

"No, of course not! I trust you, literally with my life. Every day while we're on the job."

He didn't even cracked a joke about their work not being THAT exciting. His face just pressed her to keep explaining.

"But... there is one part of me, the part that's always alert for danger, that... says you could be dangerous. That IF you wanted, you could hurt me. It's just some dumb instinct... and I know it's wrong. I know you're a kind fox who doesn't wish harm on others, and I know that if I ever see you bare your fangs at another, it won't be to hurt me, but to defend somebody." She nuzzled his lips and kissed the side of his face.

"You have an interesting, dangerous aura around. And that makes me feel safe, having you. Plus it's... kind of hot. Like some bad boy vibe."

"You are one messed up Bunn-eeeee!" Nick shivered and arched his back when his once-again hard knot was pressed by some small bunny fingers, his hips giving some short thrusts as his underwear was once again stained by his pre. At this rate he'd have to throw it away, there wasn't enough bleach in zootopia to clean those stains.

"And you're one over-dressed fox. Come on! Show your country girl what's it like on the Wilde side!" She cheered, sitting on some boxes Finnick had around as she clapped and whistled at him.

"Please don't try to make puns. You'll kill the mood." Nick winked at her as he undid his tail-hole button. With the front open, nothing was holding the pants anymore and they fell to his ankles. With practiced skill he kicked them up and caught them by the waist in the air, hanging them with his blue shirt. In front of Judy was now a fox wearing just some tight underwear with a very shape bludging.

The bunny guessed it was her turn to show some fur. She stood there, unlocking her chest piece and slowly removing it. She held it on her stretched hand, showing it to Nick before dropping it on the hard floor of the van. Next she turned her back on him, unbuttoning her shirt. She was taking her long time, and her partner was starting to get anxious when suddenly, she threw the shirt on his face. His vision went dark and his senses overwhelmed by the smell of sweet, horny bunny. He stayed like that for a moment, enjoying that cloth before trying to remove it from his face. Only to be blinded again by her bra.

"This joke's getting old." He warned her, clearly amused by her playfulness. When he regained his vision, she was facing him, topless, although covering her breasts with one arm, as she fiddled with the button of her pants. "Aw... really Carrots?" I've been knuckle-deep into your cunt, nearly showered you with my spunk, but you're too shy to show some boob?"

"Wow Nick, for somebody so... articulate as you, you sure know how to kill the mood." She complained, crossing her arms. The fox playfully stick his tongue out.

"Oh, sorry my dear. I meant that you don't have to fear uncovering your gorgeous form. I've already felt the embracing touch of your dew-covered secret flower, as well as you've stolen from me the very seed I hope to plant in your gardens."

The confused bunny examined her friend for a moment. She had never been the best with words. She was a girl of action, after all. "... Let's go back to English. But please..."

"Is pussy and dick alright?" Suggested the fox, shifting to his kind face again.

"Yes... but never use it near a feline. Or... the second one, near somebody called Richard."

"So, neither near Officer Richard Parker?" Nick chuckled. It was a tiger cop from their precinct.

"Nope. But... he's quite the good-looking tiger. Maybe I should try to become his fuckbuddy and drop this annoying fox that spends more time making fun of me than doing actual sexy things." She poked his belly. At least she felt more comfortable showing her body to the fox after falling into their regular banter routine. Not that she had such an amazing rack to show off. Being a bunny and working out a lot had given her a bit of a flat chest, but you could still tell the shape of her curves.

"Hah, you'd wish. He swings for the other team. I have more a chance to score some stripped ass than you." Nick couldn't help but laugh in his bark-like way.

"Sweet cheese and... is there any guy at our precinct who likes women?" Begged the bunny, nearly pulling her ears.

"Oh, sure. Plenty. I've heard many lewd comments about what some would do to the girls in blue they see around while showering with the boys." He assured, patting her head like she needed comfort from the lack of straight males in her environment.

"Oh... should I ask who said what? Especially if it's about me." She was feeling curious now. She knew that cotton bunny ass was quite popular in some circles. Maybe some of the cops around her lusted for some lucky rabbit paw?

"Ah ah. That's male confidentiality. I can't, under no circumstance, reveal who lusts after whom, or who brags about having scored with who. It's like doctor-patient confidentiality, or attorney-client. It's a sacred bond of trust." He placed his paw on his chest and raised the other one, like he was making an oath.

"Because they'd tell what you've said too in revenge, right?"

"Yes, and as a pansexual fox, I've said things about a great number of asses that fall just in my line of sight that I would like to remain secret." They both shared some chuckles. She knew how often Nick's mind could wander into the perverted territory.

The bunny officer felt she was back at their comfort zone. She could imagine going on a fancy date with Nick, or introducing him to her family. Couple stuff. But when she really felt close to him it was when they acted as the best friend they were. Best friends with benefits, apparently. Just having some fun, joking around.

Without any worry or need for a show, she took her pants out. Her paties were nearly stuck to her sex with the wetness she had build up, but finally she was completely bare in front of of her fox.

Her hands rested on his white chest, rubbing the fur as she slowly petted the vulpine's torso. At the bottom she found his boxers, throbbing visibly with his need and excitement of their nakedness. Finally she dared to pull them down, leaving them on the van's floor as the red rocket was finally free.

"I guess... we should finish what we started? "She asked, feeling her face warm with embarrassment. "Of course... no rush, anyway. How about we lay a bit and see what Finn has been up to?"

She nodded, sitting on the mattress laid there. Nick sat besides her, licking his lips. She got goosebumps at seeing that large vulpine tongue.

"Something's wrong?" The fox worried. He couldn't help it, she did look like a poor scared prey every time her eyes glued onto some part of him. A claw, a fang... it was almost an instinct. He worked so hard to hide his more threatening features every time he had to hustle some prey animal. But Judy didn't seem to mind anymore, she usually seemed even interested in his more "dangerous" details.

But sometimes, she stared, and he knew her bunny brain was warning her that he was a predator, a thing that had evolved with the explicit propose to harm her. However she didn't try to reach to some Fox-Away can anymore. Nowadays she got closer, and sometimes, even asked to touch something or to see something up close. She wanted to know more about him and to conquer her fears. He couldn't help but love her for that.

"Nothing's wrong. I was just wondering about your tongue." She admitted. They were naked, sitting together on a borrowed mattress. They were way past holding back their thoughts.

"It's just a tongue. It tastes things. But I'm told I have a pretty sharp and articulate one, able to sell ice in Tundratown if needed to."

"You idiot." She complained between chuckles. She could always count on Nick to defuse a tense situation. "I meant... well. It looks bigger than a rabbit tongue. Longer, boarder..."

"Yes, I'm sure I do have a larger mouth than most of your kind. But unlike my mysterious dick and its knot, my mouth works basically the same as yours." He assured her, sticking his tongue as far as he could and licking his lips. She shuddered again, and held a fistful of his chest fur to pull him in as she whispered to his ear:

"I was thinking how much better a tongue like yours would feel... down there, you dumb fox."

It took the most part of a second for Nick's brain to kick in. His ears perked up as he looked into the infinite, wondering if Karma was playing a joke on him or it was just it's way to let him know it was done kicking him in the ribs. "You want me to..."

"I want you..." She cut him off. "To push me down, spread my legs, and eat some rabbit like you just hunted me after starving for days." She was panting hard, although, after analyzing her words, her ears fell down and she gave a worried and regretful look. "Uh, that... sounded better in my head. I don't mean th..." She was silenced by a dark furred finger on her mouth.

"Officer Judith Laverne Hopps. That was hot as fuck." He smiled at her, playfully growling and baring his fangs just for an instant. She tensed again, but her face showed how much she was enjoying it. It was just harmless scares, not unlike going on a haunted ride at the park. The fox understood that and, with a bark, took hold of her arms and pushed her with his weight. Judy's police training nearly kicked in and made her kick the fox off with her feet, but instead she allowed him to overpower her as she laugh and shirked, his warm and sleek body over hers. Strong, grey furred bunny legs hugged him, nearly managing to crush his ribs if she applied any more strength.

"So... should I go?" Asked the fox. The fact that he had his nuzzle buried on her neck and enjoying her smell showed that he wasn't exactly in a hurry.

"Stop asking, if I don't like something, I'll let you know!" She assured, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. He returned it, and then some. His kisses began to move south, past her collarbone and on her chest. Gray furred fingers held him by his red-and-white furred cheeks, keeping him from going down too fast. Apparently Judy enjoyed Nick's kisses and quick licks on her breasts, and even some nibbles on her nipple. The way she gasped and moaned sounded like music to the fox's ears.

Soon she was squirming and rubbing her entire form on as much fox as she could hold on. He slowed down his lickings until he had stopped entirely and let her rest for an instant and catch her breath.

"You liked that?" He asked. She needed a few more breaths before being able to confirm.

"Yeah... fox teeth, quite different to a buck's." Nick gave her one of his trademarked «go on» looks. "More interesting. Lots of sharp bits. Feels a bit dangerous... I want more."

"Well, a bit of danger makes life way more interesting." He assured her, moving down to kiss her lower sternum, feeling the ribs end and the belly start. Hard farm work and harder police training had left Judy with a quite firm abdomen, he noted. "Look at me, I stick around you, even when you're talking down mob bosses or crashing trains."

"Don't you have anything better to do with that big mouth of yours?" She grunted, among her happy pants.

"Yes, yes I do." Grinned Nick, with what looked like an evil Disney smile. His hands grabbed Judy's knees and pushed them apart, spreading her strong legs (or more likely, convincing her to spread them) and exposing her moist sex. He had really done a number on her, and they had barely started. That was going to be tons of fun. "I wonder what Bunny tastes like." He whispered, getting some giggles out of her as their eyes meet across the expanse of a rabbit's torso.

Without breaking eye contact, not even blinking, he gave her one tentative lick. His broad and strong tongue pushed her lips apart and offered him a nice retelling of the salty juices of her flesh. It felt... softer than what he expected, milder and meeker than the usual taste and feel of a vixen. Of course, it was to be expected. His body was wired to react to vulpine smells and tastes, not lapin. But on the other hand, he found it new, interesting, and even sweet, coming from such an empowered bunny.

At the same time, Judy tensed when she felt that large tongue whipping her sex. For a moment she wondered if Nick had used a wet towel somehow, but no. It was warm, and fleshy, and definitely alive. THAT was his tongue, and it seemed to hit every bit of her outer sex at once. She tried to focus on her friend's gaze, but in an instant her head hit the pillow as she curled back and moaned loudly, not caring if anybody could hear them outside that old van.

She wanted more. She wanted only to grab Nick's face with her legs and pull him in and force him to tongue-fuck her into unconsciousness. Her fox seemed to catch on that, since he proceeded with a second lick, this time opening his jaw wide and using his neck to give her a much longer and deeper pass. The base of his tongue seemed fatter and thicker, it felt to her almost like he was rubbing some shaft on her sex. Instinctively she clenched and then relaxed, feeling eager to be filled. The tip, instead, was broader and more flat, and while it didn't have the same strength, it allowed him to find every bit and fold and tiny pleasurable spot inside her.

That freaking fox, he knew how to make her squirm. He wasn't just focusing on one easy-to-find spot. He was working on bringing pleasure to every inch of her sex, and more. His hands took time to explore her body. First going south, appreciating her firm and strong legs and that curvy and fun ass. His thumbs massaged her rabbit feet making her feel like the luckiest bunny there is. Later, she felt those same hands climb back up, tracing lines around her navel, and, with a dominant growl, holding firmly her chest as she pushed against him. She felt so tense, so close now. Nick knew somehow, since he placed one hand on the back of her head, holding her and caressing her cheek with his fingers as the other held her own hand. Rabbit fingers entangled with fox ones as the vulpine tongue dared to go further than just licking, and slowly and moved on to penetrate her.

It was Judy's last straw. She gifted Nick with the sound of her glorious release, while her whole body tensed and spasmed. Her legs hugged the fox's head as he found himself having to open his long muzzle around the top and bottom of his friend's hips, his poor tongue trapped inside the orgasming bunny. He didn't mind, although he expected his whole mouth to be sore after that. He didn't mind. The taste of bunny flesh being pleasured was something that not only made him feel satisfied at some primal level. He was loving the fact it was his dear friend, that crazy sly bunny who turned his life upside-down.

After a few blissful instants the rabbit relaxed, and the fox could get his tongue out of her sex. He was panting, a bit of drool and feminine juices dropping from his jaws onto Judy's belly. She gave him a thankful look, but soon tensed when she saw what the poor canine had between his legs. Nick's dick was hard as a rock and had an angry red color, crisscrossed by a network of blue veins. His knot was hard and bigger than Judy's own fists, not to mention the way it bounced against his belly over and over, shooting stripes of precum on Finnick's bed.

"Oh my. Nick, you seem... tense." She teased. Her playful tone went over the fox's head, as he looked down at his own malehood and tried to cover it with his tail.

"S-shit! Sorry Judy, I didn't mean to..." He tried to excuse, but she raised enough to place a finger on his nose. It was wetter than she expected.

"Hey, we both need this, and so far I'm the only one who has gotten it. How about you lay down now, and I try to figure out how a prey can eat some pred meat?"

"That joke's gonna get old someday, you know?" he chuckled, kissing her neck as they spun, the bunny sitting over the fox's belly.

"I better milk it for all it's worth, then." She assured, returning the kisses in the same way. ", you have a pretty strong smell, you know?"

"We do, we do. Specially after a whole night of hot car naughtiness and no shower. You've got a pretty sweet smell yourself. I might get hungry." He playfully growled, enjoying the way it made her get shivers all the way down her spine.

"I'm glad you like it." Assured Judy, petting his face before sliding down his body. She carefully held Nick's dick against his belly, before moving her hips over it, letting him feel her wet sex against his flesh for an instant. The fox whimpered and tried to thrust with his legs, before the lapine sat on his thighs and rested her hands on the sides of his waist.

"Do you also like this?" She teased, very slowly rubbing her finger along the lines of that cock. Poor Nick, he trembled with every move, tensing and leaking pre. "I think you do, you needy fox."

"For the love of... can you stop teasing you evil bunny?" Begged the canine, giving her a pleading look, his breath shallow with excitement.

She nodded, wrapping her fingers around the length of her friend and stroking him, slowly but surely. Nick sighed and shuddered, letting his head fall on the pillow as his tension eased just so sightly. He felt content with letting her just explore his body. It was pleasurable, the way her hands traced his form, how she enjoyed by the way his hips bounced and he whined when she cupped his knot between her paws and pressed. He even let her explore the thinner root of his cock, and the way his sheath had retracted, even if she could still play with the skin of it.

"Hey fluff, I gotta warn you," He started, his breathing labored and his hands digging holes on Finnick's sheets, just to keep himself from grabbing Judy's head and face-fucking her right there. "I was pretty pent-up, I dunno if I'll last lo-oh-oh-oooh!" The bunny didn't care, she just interrupted Nick by taking his hard meat and downing it. Slowly, and carefull to just drag her large buck teeth across the skin but not hurt him, she took down all of his carrot, until her lips were kissing his knot. She could feel the tip opening her gullet, hot canine precum shooting down her throat like a water gun.

The ex-conman was in absolute bliss. A couple of smaller, softer paws were carefully handling his most private parts, with the delicacy they deserved and the curiosity of someone who was eager to find what made it all tick. Not only he whined, yipped and sighed every time she playfully tugged, pushed or pressed on his knot, but she also spent some time on his poor balls, painfully full after so much promise from the fun back at the car, and sore and aching from being denied the promised release back then. Her mouth was warm, and barely able to fit him, meaning he could feel almost every bit of her around his throbbing need. It was way too much for a canine.

"C-crap, Judy... the knot... when I finish, please don't let go of the knot!" Being a quite practical girl, she decided to just hold it tight right there with her paws. Poor Nick, he never stood a chance. "Fuck! I-I... Incoming!" He had done his best, and even found the strength of mind to warn her. His back arched forward, nearly hugging her head as his floodgates opened, his hands finding her ears and holding from there for his dear life. He didn't need to pull, she didn't plan on going anywhere.

At first.

She had seen other males releasing, some sparse boyfriend-ish mates she had had over the years, some lewds videos Nick had urged her to watch, and even one embarrassing time she walked on one of her brothers. (Never again had he wanted to wear headphones.) Nevertheless, Nick seemed to play on a whole different league, (at least, she'd think that until some days later, when he'd send her some videos of horses, to her horror) and it wasn't long until she had to forcefully remove it from her mouth, coughing as she was gifted with more hot streams of musky fox seed.

"Sweet *cough* cheese and... Nick, how much do you have there?" She slapped his leg, breaking him of the spell of the post-orgasm bliss and back to reality. "S-sorry, I DID warn you I was PRETTY pent up." He excused, his dick stil twitching and shooting some drops of white cum. Judy tried to let go of the knot, but Nick immediately whined and she went back to holding it.

"How long...?" She asked, looking at the panting fox. "Just... a moment longer. It... ah, aah... it is to keep me inside a female while I'm shooting. It... doesn't feel ok to finish without it. Well... some canines like it, it's similar to some sort of... edging, like cumming without exactly getting it all, but I'm not a fan." His climax slowly died out, and the bunny could feel that hard piece of meat deflating just so sightly.

"Feeling better?" She asked. Nick's warm smile was more than enough answer. Also, he found the time to dug a towel from some drawer on the van and handing it to her.

"You have... eh... some clean bits, between all the cum. Wanna take a picture to remember the occasion?"

"Sure, just what you need. More blackmail material." Despite her sarcasm, she accepted the towel. Her fur would look awful on the morning, she was sure of it. And smell even worse. At least they both had gotten some well deserved release. She let herself fall onto Nick's side, using the fox's arm as a pillow.

They allowed themselves some instants of peace, simply enjoying their company, the warm feeling of laying close to another. She pressed her chest against Nick's, her nose close to his neck. It didn't last long, since a certain fox's phone buzzed again. It was the same "text notification" rumble it always had, but somehow it seemed to carry an angrier tone this time. They knew for sure it was from Finnick.

"We forgot to read the rest of his texts." Admitted Judy. She even recalled Nick suggesting her to continue the voyeuristic fun from the patrol car before, but they seemed to be too worked up to care for another mammal at that point. "I'm afraid to open it now." Confessed Nick, eyeing the smartphone as it were some sort of explosive device. "Fin's not exactly a patient fennec. At this point, he probably is planning on skinning me and turning me into some sort of scarf. I'm sure I'd be a great present for Chief Buffalo Butt, he'd parade it on the precinct to remind everybody of their fates if they cross him."

Judy's first instinct was to punch him in the elbow as usual, but that'd mean her arms would leave the comfort of his fur, so she just pinched him. On a nipple. "First of all: Ew!" She ignored his complains about her physical punishments. "Second, skinning is a crime, I'm sure the chief wouldn't parade you, no matter if he appreciates you or not. And third, I'd bet he's a vegetarian, being a bull and everything."

Nick's muzzle rested between her ears, one of his favorite spots of lately. She could hear the chuckles resonating on his chest. "You silly bunny, why do you enjoy destroying my fun remarks? Also... first, you can eat just veggies and still support the death penalty, even against such handsome foxes as me. And second, we know that the chief has been trying a carnivore diet... as in he's been eating a certain carnivore's dick."

It was Judy's time to barely contain a loud laugh, basically by burying her face on her friend's fur.

"You know the Chief will DESTROY our lives if we ever air this, right?" She warned him. She knew Nick had a tendency to poke fun of absolutely everything around them.

"Be assured fluff, if I ever slip and tell somebody, I expect to be in another hemisphere by the time Bogo and Finn hear about it. Their combined rage would probably scorch the very earth they'd step on."

And yet, Nick took the phone. First, there were some texts that Judy and Nick had ignored, before their mutual masturbation session had been interrupted by actual police work:

"So, after a while relaxing against one of Ruben's legs, I had the courage to pull out. He hurried to take me and let me rest my head on the pillow, my body on his shoulder and pec. We stayed like that for a bit, just cooling down. Not long until Bogo asked me if I still had some juice left to try the toys we had brought from storage."

"I didn't knew Buffalos had such stamina." Confessed Judy.

"No idea... but I've seen the chief's being nicer lately. Maybe his usual grumpy mood was actually just some pent up blue balls?" "Hush and read." She urged, the fox scrolling down with his thumb.

"So, I got to work. Man, it would take all night to tell you all about it, but I guess I can give you the bullet points. First, Ruben loves to take it up his butt. I got the chinese balls, the BIG ones, and started pushing them in, one by one. The small one went easily, but the second was already found some resistance. I took the fleshlight, too, and jerked him off (quite a complete workout with my size, ya know). It was amazing, I could feel him throb every time my feet pushed one of those balls up his ass. After the fifth ball, you couldn't even understand his moans, and he was leaking so hard I didn't even needed to add any lube. The last ball was a monster thing, I dunno how it didn't break anything, but his hands were at his cheeks, spreading himself open so I could force it in. I nearly had to kick it, and as soon as he swallowed it, he grabbed me and held me against the fleshlight as he finished himself off. At least this time it didn't get on my eyes."

"You're hard again." Whispered Judy, pressing her leg on the fox's malehood. "Need to go another round?"

"My dick says that Finn's tale is hot, but my balls claim to be out of stock. Have some mercy you horny bunny."

"Mh... we gotta train that endurance in the future. We bunnies..."

"Yeah yeah, multiplying. Hush."

"After all that exercise, we were both pretty beat, so I suggested we called it a night, and to try the rest of the toys another day, if he wanted to repeat. But he told me that, if I wanted, I could spend the night there. I was quite surprised, of course. I've been with many larger mammals, you know, but most just look for a bit of kinky sex, some adventure. He didn't. He offered to order some dinner, and told me to feel free to shower and relax if I needed to. He wanted to actually get to know me. My first instinct was to flee, of course. You know old stupid Finnic. But I guess I understood him. He has this big, mean, hard personality. He pushes others away, because he has to, of course. He's the chief of police, he can't afford the luxury to be all buddy-buddy with everybody. But I felt like... I understood what his deal was. I guess you can guess why I saw quite a bit of myself in there."

"Of course I do buddy." Whispered Nick. Judy looked at him. The red fox had a somewhat melancholic look on his face, a quite hard to read mixt of emotions. Was he worried about his friend? Or just relieved he had found somebody to be close with? Was it some regret that it hadn't worked out between them, as a romance? in any case, he seemed happy for Fin.

His look of course changed to one of fear when he realized the next text was from 10 minutes later, asking if he was too busy jerking off to reply to his friend. Then another reminding him he has two hands, and his dick is not that big to need them both all the time. A couple more reminding him that he was "spooning" with his boss and could make his carrier a living hell if he wanted to.

And then the voice messages he had seen earlier started.

"Woooow, he swears like a sailor. If you ever take him to the burrows with me, he better behave or mom'll have his mouth washed with soap, canine fangs or not." Chuckled Judy, glad not to be the target of the fennec's rage.

A bit after Nick had gotten another text. This one seemed way more relaxed: "So, I spoke with your boss, who's getting dressed because he got a call. Apparently a fox and a bunny have reported some dealers he's been after, and wants to interrogate them himself. So... you were ON DUTY. While you let me tell you ALL about it. OMG, LOL, and all of that. Nicky, I've never seen you not fapping to my tales. Either your dick's crushed on those blue police pants, or you've been quite a nasty boy. Did ya make a bathroom run to take care of business? Or you just whipped it out for officer toot-toot to see?"

Judy groaned, thinking of the possible fiasco it'd be. Nick cast a glance at his partner and decided to reassure her. "Don't you worry, Finn's a good guy, underneath all that grumpiness. He prefers me having a paycheck so he can make me buy the drinks." And so, Nick hurried to give him an abridged version of what had transpired on the other end of the line, with the promise to meet another day for the play-by-play commentary.

"Oh, glad to know my fan-base is increasing. Hi there Hopps, you and I gotta hang out one of those days to share embarrassing anecdotes about Nick, I'm sure you've got some juicy ones."

Judy hurried to press the voice-recording icon on the screen, and before Nick could get his phone away from the bunny, the voice message was already sent: "Of course! Call me, I wanted to ask a favour from you!"

"Tell this sucka to text me your number." Was Finn's next reply, getting an annoyed huff from the red fox. Deciding that, since they were all alone anyway, he just clicked "muzzle time", getting a shriek from the bunny, who made haste to cover herself with some sheets at least. As soon as the camera clicked on the fennec made an annoyed face.

"Really Wilde? You fucked your bunny in MY VAN?"

"Like you were using it anyway, and I had to drag my bunny to eat her somewhere safe, didn't I?"

Of course Juddy used the chance to kick her partner's ribs. "Seriously, predator humor is terrible." - She grunted, getting some chuckles from both foxes.

"Sure, like you veggie jokes are so great." He shoot back at her, with Finn adding: "Ruben's are terrible too, he's so sweet, but I'm absolutely taking him to some real comedy talk shows. Hopefully he'll learn something."

Nick was enjoying this way too much for his own health. "Oh no. No way. First, Bogo has no sense of humor. It's atrophied. Dead. Necrotic. Complete rigor mortis. Second, your talk show taste is terrible too, please don't rub it on my boss."

"Oh, believe me, I'm sure I've rubbed a lot of things on your boss already." The fennec winked at them. This time the camera went a bit more south than Finnick's face, and Judy could appreciate he was just as naked as Nick.. "Will you two cover up? You foxes have no shame? No need to go around shoving your junk to your friend's face."

"Oh sweetie. Nick has done way more than shove it before. I've choked on him more times that I care to remember. He spurts like a fountain, you'd think he'll dehydrate, wasting so much seed, right?

The bunny's ears were redder than a tomato, internally agreeing with the fennec. "You DO miss our fun nights, eh? Should I ask my boss if he wants two foxes under his desk?" Suggested Nick, his smirk so large he might just pull a muscle on his face. "Dunno, it's hard to forget the lousiest, needier sex partner you've ever had."

Now Judy had to laugh. She had been able to see the exact moment Nick's pride had been fatally wounded. Even if both foxes knew they were only joking, neither was ready to stand down from their barrage of friendly insults. "No three-ways then?" Nick huffed, acting all-mighty again. "I'm sure you're just scared that Bogo would make me his personal assistant or something now he's developed a taste for foxes..." "Nick, how about you let your friend talk?" The bunny asked, feeling they could keep going in circles until dawn. Actually, dawn wasn't that far by now.

"That's true. Finn, you needed my advice, right? You know you can ask me anything, and officer Fluff is an expert on feelings, being an emotional bunny. Plus a great listener, you could say she's... ALL EARS!" The red fox finished, pulling on of her long ears.

The poor bunny grunted and gave him a killer look. "Nick. You recall me knocking down a rhino with a kick? Shall I demonstrate on your balls? Because I can aim perfectly right now." That made him recoil and try to cover himself with the sheets. So much Judy had to grab the phone he had thrown in the air on his rush to protect his family jewels.

"Glad to see who's the brains here." Finn's low voice nearly growled. For a moment Judy pictured how sex between Finn and Bogo sounded like. Probably like two Bass singers... moaning, mostly. Batty White music came to her mind. "Well, the point is... we spent the night together. Kind of a... date, you could say. He suggested to get delivery from this fancy place he likes, and was kind, and asked about my tastes and how much he should get me for my size. He never guessed, or acted like his scraps would be more than enough. He was considerate all the time, and after some good diner and good drinks and we got to know, he offered me the bed. He even said he could sleep on the couch if I'd rather be alone, but when I asked him to stay with me, he left half of the bed to me. Ha! I could use one of his pillows as a bed, but... he treated me so well. I... don't think I ever felt this cared for, and at the same time still considered just an equal."

The small fox's voice seemed to crack a bit, and he acted as if he had to rub his eyes a bit. Tough guy play. "We... kept meeting. We went to watch some movies, or maybe dinner. Always friendly... until we hit his place, of course. Then it's a miracle if we're still dressed by the time we hit his bed. He loves to have somebody who enjoys all of him, and yet doesn't treat him like he could fire them on a whim, and I love that crazy dedication to give back for all he gets. It started just like fun, but... I get some clues. He's mentioned that he'd gladly let me stay here for as long as I need, and... and it's hard not to jump at the chance to say yes, you know? Neither of us are getting any younger, but... there is SO MANY things that could go wrong. I'm a conman, you know? And a male, and a pred, and I don't even reach his knees. There is so many things people would find wrong with us being something. His career is already at risk just by being friendly with me!"

Judy felt a pang of pain on her heart when she realized how hard it was for Finnic to accept Bogo's love. She couldn't help but cast a glance at Nick, and she could immediately confirm how much the red fox could relate to his friend. Nick had given up hustling to follow Judy's dreams and make them his own, but still there were times when he felt his past might just catch up to him and bite him in the tail. And Finn had even more past behind him, and Bogo...

"Have you asked him what he wants?" Suggested Nick, feeling the smile come back on his muzzle. "He seems to enjoy having you around. And he's the chief of police. Of course you should try to... turn your business into something more legal, but with his help, you might simply get some actual provider for your pawsicles, some real fridges... you could go legal, maybe launder your stashes even if you play it smart. But if paying taxes lets you stay with him..."

"That would just fix the legal issue. There is still all the rest." Grunted Finn. Not only his not-yet-boyfriend would have to pull lots of strings to make his past stay hidden, but there was the issue of his public image. "You know how he'd look walking around with a boyfriend smaller than his newborn nephew?"

"He's Chief Ruben Bogo." Judy reminded him. "If somebody tries to make him look bad just because he's dating who he wants, he'll probably destroy that mammal. Legally, politically, publicly and psychologically." "I wouldn't rule out physically." Commented Nick. "I've seen him tackle criminals. I wonder how he didn't crush that donkey's bones."

"So that's your advice." Sighed Finn, his ears low in fear. "To risk it all?"

"We're saying that our boss might be a quite stubborn mammal, and one who doesn't like to be forced into new things. But when he finds something he enjoys, he opens up to it. Have you two talked about... how you feel?"

"We've... had some chats. Just as hypothetical situations. He'd have to build lots of stairs for me to reach things, and... that he doesn't like me living on a van, he worries about me. And I keep telling him that drowning his salads on a sea of caesar dressing is not healthy, and that I'd love to greet him with dinner every night. Shit, it sounds so silly."

"It's lovely." Judy assured him. "And... urg. Have you really not caught on the signs? He's SO begging you to move with him! I'm sure he feels lonely, and he knows you feel lonely, and you two have good chemistry and could NOT feel lonely together! And you care so much about him too, that you can see yourself even becoming a homemaker for him!"

"He'd be his housewife." Nick chuckled, before getting kicked into a wall by the bunny. Now WASN'T the time to mock the desert fox.

"And what if he says no? What if it's... all over?" Whined Finn, his eyes wandering all over. "W-what if this is the best I should hope for, and... I get to greedy and...?"

"How long could you wait?" Nick asked him. "You two are good for eachother. But how long would you stand to be «just fuckbuddies» until one got bored with the childish play?"

The fennec seemed about to shout him something, but the words never came out. He gave out a long sigh, and nodded.

"I'll... talk with Ruben when he gets back. I still want to take things slow, but... maybe we could try to look for something to call each other. We're clearly past the fuckbuddy point, it's time we act like adults. At least, we should be lovers, right?"

"Something like that." Nodded Judy, happy to see Fin building up the courage to face his feelings. She had a hunch it was his own past what scared him, and not Bogo himself.

"And bunny, remember that I love this fox dearly. Break his heart, and I'll tell your boss that he's not getting head until he fires you. See ya!"

And with that, he hang up. Judy couldn't help but feel a cold shiver run up her spine. "Aw... he likes you." Nick whispered to her ear. "He always makes threats to those he think are worthy. He must think the world of you."

"Mh... well, because of me you got legal, and he has met our boss. I think he owes us some drinks." She winked, before looking at their surroundings. "So... fap-friends get to cuddle afterwards?"

"We can cuddle all you want." Nick offered, laying down on his side and showing his chest and arm for Judy to spoon against. She let her back press on the fox's chest and she felt him cover her with arms, legs and tail. His head rested on top of hers, and the world seemed small, warm and somewhat muskie. Maybe she could get used to this.

The next morning they were greeted by the smell of musk and sex in a closed van. They decided to park it somewhere hidden with the windows slightly open to let it air, while they went to a park to have breakfast. Even if they both were wearing last night's clothes, wrinkled and sweated, they were happy to just sit on their bench, sharing some overpriced coffee and pastries.

A few kids played early, shouting and kicking some balls. Old mammals took walks near a pond, and many joggers went for morning runs.

Like a cape buffalo, with some Zootopia Police Department themed shirt and shorts clinging to his rippled body, huffing as he pushed himself for another lap. He drew many looks from the other mammals. In part, for his looks, but mostly because on his shoulder sat a fennec, sipping from a soda can while he steadied with one arm on the buffalo's horn. His sunglasses almost made his eyes invisible, but his way of looking down at the others seemed to convey a message:

"Yeah, this great piece of ass is mine. You jelly? Don't make me laugh. You wouldn't know where to start with it. Enjoy the looks ya losers!"

So focused they were on the run that they missed two of the buffalo's officers, one with a raised phone recording the whole thing. In a few minutes, a quite round cheetah would cocke on a glassed, chocolate sprinkled donut.