Tenta and Sophie

Story by Sayre Foxx on SoFurry

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The detached 4 bedroom house on the outskirts of the suburbs had been standing there for 30 years and at this late hour its current occupants were asleep, except one, Sophie was at her computer chewing slowly through some cupcakes whilst just browsing a number of her favourite sites, time had gotten away from her again, her large white tail swishing behind her as she chewed on another cupcake.

Sophie was albino, Her fur was purest white and her eyes a bright red, a thin figure and a a nice bust, however she was also shy, this made making friends very hard for here and more so to find Girlfriend, the four friends that she lived with were her closest and she would do anything for them.

The Small Interstellar craft was hovering just above the house its lone pilot tapping away at the console and watching the monitors, on the screens were multiple view points of Sophie as she sat and surfed the internet, the alien watched her with interest for a while, her green skin with blue markings and bright orange eyes all very contrasting and yet very beautiful at the same time, her larger rounded body very different to the normal Alien stereotype, her name was Tenta, and she had a mission and she had chosen her target.

As Sophie was tapping away on her computer she started to get a static feeling as her fur stood all on end and she fluffed up slightly, her keyboard giving her a small shock "ow!, where's this static coming from?" she was looking around to find the source of the static, a pointless pursuit she knew well, as she started to question again its origins, the sensation vanished and she realised that she was no longer in her room and that she wasn't alone and she was unable to move.

Tenta had activated a a teleportation device and she watched the squirrel's fur stand on end as the process began, Tenta turned just as the Squirrel appeared in the chair that she had set up for her, the straps wrapping themselves around her slight body and wrapping her tight, she looked terrified as she looked up at her sudden and unexpected captor, Tenta decided this would be a good time to explain "hello there sexy thing!" her voice was low with a seductive tone "I do hope your ok, didn't mean to scare ya, but I have a mission, well it's more of a hobby really, and one I rather enjoy, you're a very pretty squirrel, but you need some meat on your bones " she leaned forward and kissed the squirrels nose as her tentacles rose and advanced towards the squirrel plunging into the squirrels maw before she even had time to scream.

Sophie struggled furiously as her captor invaded her maw, trying to break free of her holds, having listened to the alien speak and getting more and more worried as her "plans" unfolded, but she was stuck, the tentacle was jammed in her maw and was now quivering slightly, she gasped as she saw a few small lumps passing down the tentacle towards her maw, she closed her eyes and whimpered fearing the worst, and she felt a flood of liquid pour into her maw, it took a few moments for her to recognise the sweet creamy substance that was poured into her maw "mphht!" it was her attempt at saying chocolate, Tenta already knew this and watched the squirrel begin to swallow the sweet substance, it was as though the chocolate dissolved her fears and gave her just pleasure in eating it despite its strange source.

Tenta started to make the chocolate flow faster, the squirrel's eyes had closed, she seemed to be enjoying the experience as much as Tenta was, She smiled softly and stroked the squirrels soft fur waiting for the chocolate to start taking effect.

Sophie murred quietly rather enjoying her chocolate snack, but she was starting to feel full but still hungry at the same time, she sucked on the tentacle harder rewarded with a faster flow of the chocolate, she hadn't noticed that the chair she was strapped to had in fact let her go, she also failed to noticed the slight pot belly she had grown since arriving on the ship itself, which was slowly growing larger and rounder as she ate.

Tenta offered a second tentacle to the squirrel, which she accepted eagerly began to suck on as well, her round tummy getting larger and larger, her thighs and breasts also expanding, but at a slower pace, a round chin starting to appear on her muzzle as she keep swallowing the delicious desert.

Sophie murred as she swallowed another mouthful of the chocolate, a warm tingling feeling had overtaken her, every inch of her skin felt like it was being blown by a mixture of warm and cool air, she opened her eyes to look at herself noticing her new found tummy and breasts and watched as they expanded even more, she wiggled a bit and smiled, the idea of being fed and fattened had appealed to her but she never thought it would happen and now it was, it was better than she ever dreamed, she sucked on the tentacles harder than before and murred softly enjoying every second.

The squirrels body had grow to thrice its normal size and was getting larger and larger by the second, her belly covered with multiple rolls of fat and her thighs pushing themselves apart and her previously single chin now a roll of 3, Tenta gave the squirrel the other 2 tentacles her mouth slightly prised apart by them and chocolate dripping onto her belly from its corners but it had the desired effect of pleasing the squirrel more and making her fatten even faster, Tenta had never seen someone enjoy the experience so much and she found herself interested in the young squirrel she moved closer and started to stroke the squirrels fattening belly realising she would have to stop soon.

Sophie was in pure heaven, she was round and fat and being filled with chocolate by a hot girl, she couldn't think of anything more perfect, but she knew it wouldn't last, and as the flow of chocolate slowed and the tentacles removed them self from her maw, she took a look at herself, her breasts were much larger than before and sagging with the weight against a belly that she was sure she couldn't walk with, her arms weren't able to touch each other any longer because of the expanse of her belly and her thighs had pushed themselves apart, most peculiarly her tail, seemed to have also gained some weight as she could no longer move it, its was just stuck on the floor big and heavy and round and useless, Sophie looked up at Tenta and she looked back, it was that moment that Sophie realised that she was attracted, she squeaked slightly and blushed and spoke quietly "umm, my name's... uh... Sophie, Tenta what you've done, its a dream of mine and well, I want you to come and live with me, I-if you want?" she smiled hopefully and waited for an answer, Tenta looked surprised but gave not answer.

To be continued