Samantha's Sins - I - Telling of Lina

Story by Shalimeth on SoFurry

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#2 of Samantha Baker

a REAL "disclaimer".

First, the important part, that I really want my readers to get the hang of. The whole thing is purely fictional. The main character, Samantha Baker has not the slightest resemblance to me. She is a literary figure. An artifical person. Entirely.

This story contains explicit depictions of sexual actions between fictional, anthropomorphic persons. (I know, thats what you where hoping for when clicking the link. ;) ) If you are offended by such content or not of legal age in your area to view such stuff: Don't do so.

Those furries will be of different genders, species and ages 15+. You'll find solo passages of both genders. You'll find straight and queer passages. You'll find bi passages with more than two participants. Most characters are bi or at least open to that. So the story series is meant to enjoy those who are bi or open to that. If the thought of any certain gender combination yucks you, the overall storyline probably is not the one for you. But maybe you'll enjoy those parts featuring your interests as a bunch of yiffy short stories. For that purpose I will markup every part properly.

Enough of the talk!

Enjoy reading and let me know if you do.


Chapter I

Telling of Lina

This very first chapter will tell you of the very first and most important person in my life. Without my dearest friend, Lina, neither my life nor my sexuality would be anything near complete.

We've met in early shool and since that very moment were welded together. As children both of us constantly refused to go on vacation with our parents alone. One would rather stay at the other's place, while the parents were in "somewhere near nowhere" than get separated from her. As we know today, our parents quickly learned to enjoy the upsides of that habit. I remember times in which whe lived together weekwise at one of our homes, then would change to the other. So, my parents would enjoy a regular childfree week. Universe may know how they spent that time. Lina's younger brother Ian prevented her parents from that amount of free time, but quite often my mom and dad gave him shelter as well.

I'm just realizing that I am so much used to having Lina around that I did not even bother with describing her for you. Of course Lina is Lina, what explanation is needed in addition? Dumb me.

Lina is a mixed breed of German Shepherd and Rottweiler. While her mom had the upper hand in frame and shape, making her a shepherd, her dad had his impact on her fur, making her a rusty red and not very fluffy shepherd.

I usually make fun of her short fur, because she often feels cold when I finally think its not too hot for a bikini in my silverish amur fur. But to be honest, in secret I just love her pelt. In opposition to me, the rowing and paddling would lead to a seriously bulkyß< shape on her, if she did not regularly reduce training intensity or have a total break. Usually she spends the winter season for slimming down muscles instead of getting chubby as I do. But anyways, she is far more defined and athletic than I will ever be. The relatively short, shiny fur tends to so incredibly highlight every bit of that perfect organic apparatus that is Lina. Just thinking of that makes me long for her embrace, for her affection, her love. And her super spicy body.

Of course Lina was the first to make me really aware of sexuality in general. Sure, we had sex ed in school. But at this time the things the teachers told us had pretty much the same impact on our lives as the lenght of nile or the pythagoraeic formula. Anyways, when speaking of "awareness of sexuality" I don't mean the knowledge of its existence or its reproductive purpose. I mean feeling it. Doing it. Enjoying it.

Let me tell you how she brought that wonderful topic into my mind.