The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 7: First Date

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#7 of The Blakes and The Greys

Hubert was possibly the gayest wolf on the planet. Not in the slang sense of being homosexual, nor in the ironic sense of being in a state of unhappiness or joylessness. He was gay in the original meaning of the word, that of being in a state of happiness or pure joy. He hadn't felt like that in days because of the breakup with his long time sweetheart, Penelope.

There was a spring in the wolf's step and a smile on his face that went from ear to ear as his cousin dropped him off at the flower shop about half a block away from the restaurant. He'd paid for a bouquet of a daisies, giving them a long sniff before saying, "I gots me a date! I think Jo's gonna love this!" That statement had brought a raised eyebrow from the rabbit behind the counter, but before she could ask, Hubert was gone.

Jo was standing outside the restaurant. She was nicely dressed, much more so than before, wearing a yellow sundress that almost blended in with her fur color. She hadn't waited very long when Hubert walked up. The vixen giggled softly. He was dressed very casually in a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt and holding a bouquet.

Slowly, Hubert made his way over to her. He stammered as he pushed the grouping of flowers towards the vixen, "They.... They.... They...."

Jo gently took the bouquet, smiling warmly before giving them a deep sniff. "They're lovely, sugar wolf," the fox said warmly as she held them to her breast. Hubert however, was giggling and "a-hyucking" uncontrollably as he stammered out, "Ya called me sugar wolf." The vixen smiled softly as she gently reached out to take his hand, "I sure did."

Hubert's ears flicked around, almost looking like two radar dishes, while his cheeks flushed red. "Y.... yer real purdy, Jo-sef-een," the wolf somehow managed to say before reaching out to take her hand. The vixen blushed softly as her palm rested against his. "Why thank ya, shoog," she said sweetly, "Yer a handsome feller, Hubert."

The canine seemed to blush even more. "Ya calls me handsome," he replied before letting out an, "A-hyuck!"

Jo giggled again as she looked him up and down, "Ya ready t'get some grub?"

Hubert's head nodded, making the wolf look like a bobble head doll, something that made the vixen giggle more as she started to lead him into the restaurant.

To say everyone was surprised to see Jo with a male was the understatement of the century. Almost everyone stopped eating, even the servers gaped and gasped as the two casually walked in. The maître d'hotel stammered several times as he tried to get them to their seats, fumbling the menus in his hands as the rest of the patrons stared openly. A few of them started to mumble to one another as Jo and Hubert slid into the booth while the maître d shoved menus at them before departing.

The whole thing made Jo giggle to herself, but Hubert was a bit confused, "Why's they lookin' ats us, Jo-sef-een?" the vixen blushed softly as she turned her head to look at her date, "They's never seen me with a feller that ain't my kin before."

"Ohh," the wolf replied as he started to stare at the menu. Most of what was on it was predominantly vegetarian since the town was almost entirely prey species. It was a little bit of a shock to the wolf, being from Wolfsberg, which had the exact opposite in population.

"Ya know whatcha want, shoog," Jo asked softly as she folded her menu. Hubert looked a little confused, probably from all the Italian. "Ya wants t' get what Iz havin', sugar wolf," the vixen said softly, something that only made the canine let out another blushing, "A-hyuck," that made the fox giggle.

Finally, their waiter approached. The bunny, who was definitely a member of the Springer Battalion, slowly approached them with an air of curiosity before she spoke, "Uhm... can... can I get you anything, Jo? And... uhm... whoever you are?"

The vixen turned her attention away from the wolf, "Can we get two la-san-yas? And two glasses a house wine?"

The rabbit nodded as she slowly started to move away, "Uhm... sure... I'll make sure it comes right out, Jo."

The wine came first, though, neither Hubert nor Jo seemed to pay any attention to it. The two were just staring and smiling and blushing at each other from across the table. The vixen's foot slowly and gently brushed over the wolf's, making him giggle and, "a-hyuck," more as he started to pay her a few compliments of, "You'z a purdy foxy, Jo-sef-een," and, "Iz glads ya likes me."

Fifteen minutes after the bunny left, another bunny made his way out of the kitchen to slide two plates full of steaming hot lasagna in front of the two. Slowly, the proto-couple began to dig in, their eyes barely leaving each other's gazes. The two were hungry, though, not necessarily for the food, but for each other.

"Is Bill cumin' t'pick you up after this," Jo inquired between bites, her foot gently brushing against his. The wolf blushed softly, "Naw. He tolds me t'call'm when Iz ready t'cum home."

The vixen giggled softly as she put down her fork, her lasagna finished, "And do ya want t'? Head home I mean."

Hubert shook his head, "Nuh-uh."

Jo smiled softly as she reached a hand out to gently stroke the top of his, "I can think of a few places we could go after this."

The wolf's ears perked up as he felt his loins stir before letting out another, "A-hyuck!"

The vixen giggled softly as their waiter approached with the check. Jo started to move her hand away, but Hubert stopped her. "Mama told me t'be a gentlewolf. Iz paying fer dese here viddles, Jo-sef-een."

The way he said it made the fox blush, "All right."

The wolf reached into his pockets and pulled out a wallet. He opened the small leather money case before pulling out fourty dollars and putting it down on the table. It was enough to cover the meal and the tip. Jo grinned as his hand wrapped around hers, "Ya knows any place we c'n go?"

The vixen leaned in to whisper something into the canine's ear that about made him fall over with another loud, "A-hyuck," before recovering enough to almost yank the vixen out of her seat as he rushed out of the restaurant.

Hubert made it about four feet outside the door, poor Jo struggling to keep up and stand on her two feet. She hadn't expected him to be this strong, but then she realized that he was a farm wolf. Something about that fact seemed to turn her on more and more. "Uh... I jist relized I don'ts know war ya lives, Jo-sef-een," Hubert said with a blush on his face.

He was an eager wolf, and Jo was an eager vixen, her feet finally able to catch up with the canine before leaning against him. "Just stay with me, shoog," she cooed softly, slowly guiding the larger mammal down the street.