Working Bears 2: A Desire For Domination

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#8 of Working Bears

The fifth and final story of 'Working Bears 2'.

Working Bears 2 - A Desire For Domination

by Cyberklaw

Doc idly wondered what this night might bring.

He was stood in one of the private rooms of the Working Bears club, awaiting his first customer of the night. Someone had booked a private session with him first thing, and he was waiting for him to arrive now that the club was about to open.

He took a moment to double check his appearance. His bulky muscular body was dressed only in a light blue jockstrap and a white lab coat, with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. The sleeves of the lab coat were rolled up to the elbow, so that his powerful forearms were on display.

Satisfied that everything was in place, he resumed his stance, standing to attention, waiting patiently.

As he waited, he mused on the nature of his life. For most of it he had been convinced that all he wanted to be was a doctor. He had always thought he didn't and wouldn't ever want to be anything else. When he had achieved his goal, he had thought his life as a doctor was happy and perfect.

But then he had met Master Thurman and his life had changed dramatically. Following his enslavement, and all the hypnosis and mental programming that involved, he had come to realise that his true destiny was to be a slave, owned by the wonderful Master Thurman, to serve him as one of the slave bears of of the Working Bears club, serving his Master by serving and pleasing customers. He was so much more content now, knowing with every fibre of his being that this was who he really was, where he really belonged. He felt like now he truly had a happy and perfect life, what he'd had before paling in comparison.

Of course, he was still a doctor as well. Since his enslavement, his private practice was now owned and run by his Master, but he still worked there regularly. However, he had very few patients, allowing him plenty of time off to spend working at the club.

But being a doctor played into his life at the club, how he served the customers. The majority of customers who rented him for private sessions tended to do so because of his outside profession. Oh, he had plenty who just wanted sex with a big muscle bear, but many more were looking for role-play of some kind with a real doctor.

Sometimes the customer played a sick patient wanting to be 'comforted' by the loving doctor. Some liked to be patients that were receiving genital or anal examinations that inevitably led to sex. He even had one regular who liked to role-play as his superior, chastising him for doing a bad job, misdiagnosing patients, screwing up treatments, whatever. Doc would then have to either suck off his 'superior' in order to keep his job, or be fucked senseless as punishment. Sometimes both.

Doc was certain there had to be some kind of interesting backstory to that particular customer, but then, it wasn't his place to know. It was his place simply to serve the desires of the paying customers, whatever they might be.

Which brought him back to the here and now, as the door opened and his customer arrived, sidling into the room and closing the door behind him.

The customer was a short and skinny polar bear, in a casual looking suit and tie. He nervously took a few steps towards Doc, looking at him with wide-eyed surprise.

"You..." The customer stammered. "You're... bigger than I was expecting."

"Thank you, Sir." Doc could see his customer was obviously nervous. First time renting one of the bears maybe?

The polar bear fidgeted nervously. He kept looking like he was about to say something, but kept shutting his muzzle and looking away before any words came out.

Doc decided to take the initiative, help his customer get started. "How may I serve you, Sir?"

The customer flinched slightly as Doc spoke and then looked embarrassed. "I... I.. I'm sorry. I'm not good at this..."

"It's quite all right, Sir." Doc reassured him. "Some customers can sometimes be a little nervous. It's nothing I haven't seen before."

The polar bear nodded, but said nothing further.

Doc tried again. "It's OK to relax here, Sir. Nothing we do here will leave this room, there is complete discretion and no judgement. You have rented me for the hour, so you are in complete control. We can do anything you want, provided it's not against the rules."

"And..." The customer stuttered. "And what are the rules again?"

That caused Doc to frown. Surely he should already know?

The customer noticed his confusion. "Yes, I know the rules. They were made clear to me when I joined the club. I just... I just want to double check. What I want... I think it might be a bit unusual..."

Doc sincerely doubted that. He and his fellow slave bears had encountered all kinds of strange and unusual requests and role-play scenarios. But this was his customer, it was his place to obey him.

"No serious physical harm to come to any of the slaves." The black bear said, reciting the basic rules. "No markings or alteration to the slave's appearance. No unhygienic practices that might risk a slave's health. All punishments for breaking the rules to be decided by Master Thurman."

The customer nodded along to this, thoughtful. "Hmm." He muttered. "Nothing against it..."

He appeared to reach a decision. "Okay then..." He said. "Okay... here's what I want..." He paused and took a deep breath.

"I want you to pretend to be Dr. Thurman." He blurted out.

That took Doc by surprise. That was actually something he'd never heard before.

"I'm sorry!" The customer was blabbering on, pouring his heart out. "But I come here whenever I can, I watch you slave bears, all proud and magnificent, happily enslaved and I just can't help wanting to join you, be one of you... so I finally got up the courage to rent one of you and act out that fantasy and... and..."

The polar bear slumped back against the wall, clutching his head in his paws, looking dejected.

This was more familiar territory for Doc. A customer needing comfort, feeling ashamed or uncertain about their fantasy, was something he'd dealt with before.

He strolled over to the polar bear and placed a comforting arm around his shoulders, and proceeded to guide him over to the bed, where they sat down, side by side.

"It's okay, Sir." Doc said, soothingly. "We can just talk for a bit if you'd like..."

"You don't understand, I'm not supposed to be this way!" The polar bear cried.

Doc frowned at that. "You're right, Sir. I don't understand that."

The customer tried to explain. "My family, we've always been industrialists, big business owners. All my life, my father drilled into me that I had to be strong, be powerful, always be the one to take charge. So as not to disgrace the family name..."

He trailed off, but started talking again a few moments later. "But then... then I keep having these fantasies about being dominated and they are so good! They turn me on so much! And I hear about this club and managed to get a membership, and I see all you slave bears, and just feel so envious of all of you..."

He looked up at Doc. "But I have never... never acted on these fantasies. A part of me wants to more than anything... but I don't want to disgrace my family! I'm not supposed to be like this, wanting to be dominated and controlled!"

Doc listened to all of this, trying to figure out how to proceed. He needed to do whatever he could to make his customer happy.

"Sir." He said. "What matters most is what you want, what you want to be, not what your family wants you to be."

The customer looked unconvinced, so Doc carried on, trying a different approach. "Besides, Sir, this room..." He waved a paw at the room around them. "This is a safe place. In here, you can be whoever you want, whatever you want, and no one will ever know. There's no judgement, no disgrace here. You can have your fantasy in safety and security."

The polar bear nodded. "And what about what I wanted... you as Thurman... enslaving me, making me a slave bear? Is that okay?"

That gave Doc pause for thought. Was it okay? Sure, he'd played the dominant Master for customers before. Many times. But playing Master Thurman specifically? That was a new one. It felt vaguely wrong to pose as his Master... And yet, there was no rule against it. And it was his duty to please his customer, give him what he wanted...

"It's okay, Sir." Doc said. "We can do that."

The polar bear looked a little relieved. "Let's do that then... please..."

Doc stood up, stepping away from the bed and taking a deep breath. He focused himself, trying to get into the proper mindset. He thought about Master Thurman, how he behaved, how he acted, doing his best to try and figure out how to portray his beloved owner.

He pulled the stethoscope from around his neck and tossed it aside before turning back to face his customer, putting on a stern and confident expression.

"So," He said, in what he hoped was an authoritative tone. "You want to be one of my slave bears do you?"

The customer looked mildly surprised at the sudden change in Doc's behaviour. Then the corners of his mouth curled up slightly in a slight smile, realizing his fantasy had begun. But there was still a nervous and uneasy edge to his body language and expression.

The polar bear took a moment to respond, considering what to say. "Umm... Yes.... yes Sir?"

"Respectful." Doc nodded. "That's very good. It should make your enslavement easier." He took a step closer to the customer. "And that's what you want isn't it? I can tell a natural slave when I see one."

"Yes... I want that... I..." The customer was looking nervous, stumbling over his words. He suddenly let out an annoyed sigh and buried his face in his paws once again. "I'm sorry... I don't know what to say, this is kind of weird to me..." He looked up at Doc pleadingly. "I've never done anything like this before."

This was more familiar ground for the slave bear. This was far from the first time he'd had a customer who had trouble getting into the role-play.

Doc stepped forward and placed a reassuring paw on the other bear's shoulder. "It's quite all right, Sir." He said, soothingly. "Almost everyone finds it a little strange at first."

"I just don't know what to say or do..." The customer said, sadly.

"I can only offer some advice, Sir." Said Doc.


"Forget everything outside this room." The big slave bear said. "Forget about your real life. Put it all away and focus on what you want, on your fantasy. Lose yourself in it. Enjoy it. Do and say whatever you want, whatever feels right. I will play along and do everything I can to help you have the best fantasy possible."

The customer nodded and closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. He then looked up at Doc once again. "Okay. Let's try this again."

Doc nodded back to him in response and did his best to slip back into character, once again summoning up his best impression of his Master's confidence and powerful magnificence.

"Then I'll ask you again." He said, glaring at his customer. "Do you want to be one of my slave bears? Answer honestly."

"Y-y-yes, Sir." The customer said, nodding enthusiastically.

"I don't just let anyone be one of my slave bears, you know." Doc said, paws clasped behind his back and eyes continuously locked on the polar bear. "Do you think you will make a good slave bear? How badly do you want it?"

"Sir, I..." The smaller bear gulped and took a deep breath. For a moment, Doc thought he was going to falter again. But he instead carried on. "I want it more than anything. Some deep part of me longs to be a happy enslaved bear under your command and control, blissful and mindlessly obedient."

Before Doc could respond, the customer slipped off the bed and sank to his knees in front of him, staring up at him imploringly. "Please, Dr. Thurman, do whatever it is you do and enslave me to your will."

Doc was pleased. The customer seemed to have managed to get past his hesitation quite well and was now getting into the session. It helped the big black bear relax some. A customer getting into the role-play meant he was doing his job, fulfilling his purpose in serving the customers of the club. It helped his confidence in this unusual scenario and role.

He stepped forward and patted the kneeling polar bear on the head. "Congratulations. You have convinced me that you will make a fine addition to my slave bears and to my Working Bears club."

"Thank you, Sir." Said the polar bear, with a slight smile. "I'll try to do my best..."

"Oh, there will be no trying involved." Said Doc. As strange as it had felt at first, he was starting to settle into the role of Master Thurman, which he found surprising. "Once you are hypnotized and enslaved, you will be my slave, my property. And I make sure my property is the best at whatever I want them doing. My reprogramming and training of them sees to that."

He reached down, cupping one paw under the customer's chin and holding his head in place so that he couldn't possibly look away. "In your case, you will be one of my slaves at the Working Bears club, so I will ensure you will be the best slave bear there that you can possibly be. There will be no more worries about your future, no stressful decisions to be made. You will be mine, under my control, so your life and future will be mine to decide. You will be free of the burden of deciding anything for yourself, you will be able to simply enjoy the pleasures of being a slave, devoted to serving the will and whims of me, your Master."

The black bear was rather pleased with that speech. It was partly paraphrased from things Doc had actually heard Master Thurman say, mostly from his own first encounter with his Master, many years ago. He'd improvised the rest, but it sounded right.

He did his best impersonation of one of Master's warm confident grins. "How does that sound, my soon to be slave?"

The kneeling customer was continuing to stare into his eyes, open-mouthed. "That... that sounds wonderful, Sir. Like everything I've ever wanted..."

At that point, Doc wasn't sure how much the polar bear was role-playing, and how much he was saying how he really felt. He suspected it was a bit of both. The customer was certainly developing a tight bulge in the crotch of his trousers.

"When will you start enslaving me, Sir?" The customer asked, an adorable eagerness to his voice.

"Oh, I already have started." Doc chuckled.

"What?" The polar bear frowned. "I don't understand..."

"Do you think I've been staring into your eyes for the hell of it?" Doc explained. "No, I've been allowing my hypnotic gaze to subtly start putting you into a trance, under my control, without you even realizing it..."

This again was based somewhat on reality. In his own enslavement, and from what he'd heard from his fellow slave bears, Master seemed to often start hypnotizing subjects without them even knowing it, and by the time they did know, it was too late to offer any kind of significant resistance.

The polar bear's eyes had widened, but he had not attempted to break eye contact. "In fact," Doc told him. "It is already too late to turn back. You couldn't resist my hypnotic power now, even if you wanted to..."

Doc was happy to see that his customer seemed to be relaxing and was unwilling to look away.

"You can feel yourself relaxing," He continued. "Feel my power and will flowing through you, your mind sinking deeper and deeper as I take more and more control of your mind..."

The polar bear on his knees seemed to really getting into things now. "Yes..." He said, smiling happily. "It feels so good... Make me your slave, Dr. Thurman..."

He knew he wasn't really hypnotizing and enslaving the customer, Doc was fully aware it was just role-play, and he was kind of winging it a little, having no experience of hypnotizing anyone. But the customers reaction helped fill him with confidence that he was doing a good job of it.

Doc kept his paw on the polar bear's chin, holding his head still as he continued to stare into his eyes. "Your free will is slipping away," He said. "My will is rewriting your mind, any resistance, any desire to be anything other than my loyal obedient slave bear is being wiped away. Leaving you devoted utterly to serving me and being part of the Working Bears club."

"Yes..." The kneeling polar bear said, smiling. "My free will is gone... I am your obedient slave... Devoted utterly to serving you..."

Unsure exactly how long to keep up the 'hypnotizing and enslaving' part of the role-play, Doc decided it was probably best to start moving moving on. He was concerned about repeating himself too much and leaving his customer bored. "You are now one of my slave bears, your mind fully enslaved, your body ready to serve and obey. I am your Master and you will address me as such at all times."

"Yes Master!" The customer said, grinning up at him. "I am your slave and I am ready to serve and obey!"

"Very well then." Said Doc, releasing the polar bear's chin and stepping back, folding his arms across his chest, putting on his best dominant Thurman-esque expression. "First things first. If you're going to be one of the clubs slave bears, you will need and appropriate outfit. Something that matches who you are beyond the club..."

The big black bear thought about this for a moment. As he considered the options, he glanced at the customer. "Strip off those clothes, slave."

The customer hesitated, seeming unsure. Perhaps he'd never been naked with another male before? Doc wondered. He briefly considered being understanding and comforting, but realized that would involve breaking out of the role he was playing and ruining the customer's immersion in the scene. So he opted for something more direct and in character, hoping the polar bear would go along with it...

He shot out a paw and grabbed the customer by the chin once again, forcing him to look Doc in the eye once again. "Do you need more programming slave?" He said, with a carefully measured hint hint of disapproval. "I am your Master, and you are my hypnotized slave bear. When I command you, you obey. You don't hesitate, you don't think about it, you obey. You are free of your worries and concerns. Those are things for your Master to deal with. You place is to serve and obey and let the pleasure of complete submission and servitude fill you. Do you understand?"

The kneeling customer gulped, wide-eyed at Doc's forcefulness, but showing no signs of protesting it. Instead, he said. "Yes, Master, I understand."

Doc released him again. "Then obey your Master. Strip naked. Now!"

"Yes, Master." The polar bear nodded. He started pulling off his clothes.

While he was doing that, Doc's mind was racing, planning the rest of this session. He had to create a suitable slave bear persona for the customer, and was trying to come up with an appropriate name and costume. It felt so strange, having a taste of the decisions Master Thurman must have had to make with all the club's bears. It definitely still felt a little wrong.

But he was a good slave bear. It was his place to serve an obey his Master by serving the customers and giving them what they wanted and making them happy. And this was what this particular customer wanted. So he would put aside his ongoing reservations at playing his Master and soldier on with the role-play.

The customer worked in big business, so that should be the basis of his slave persona. He'd need a jockstrap, all slave bear outfits had them with only a few exceptions. The rest of the outfit could use some of the polar bear's own clothes.

That just left the name. Doc tried to come up with something as he rummaged through the room's cabinets, looking for a jockstrap. He knew there were some in here somewhere. After all, some customers had quite a jockstrap fetish.

What would be a good name for a business slave? He cycled through various business terms in his head, trying to come up with something suitable.

He found a jockstrap, a nice black silk one. It would be comfortable for the customer. Turning back to the polar bear, he saw that he was now naked, clothes folded neatly on the bed. He was standing there somewhat uncertainly, paws clasped over his cock.

Definitely not used to being naked in front of another male. Doc concluded. His instincts had been correct.

He tossed the jock to the polar bear. "Put this on." He commanded.

"Yes, Master!" Said the customer, seeming a little pleased that he would have least something to wear.

Doc examined the pile of the customer's clothes, selecting the suit jacket and the tie. He handed the customer the jacket to put on, and while he was doing so, the black bear put the tie on him, wrapping it around his neck and tying it in place.

He stepped back to survey his work. The polar bear looked good, the outfit seemed to work. Now he just needed a name. It was time to pick one...

"Looking good, slave." Doc said. "Like a proper slave of my Working Bears club. From now on, your name shall be Tycoon. That is who you are, that is your slave identity."

"Yes, Master." The newly named Tycoon said, with a smile. "Thank you, Master." A moment later, he looked down at himself and the smile disappeared.

"Something wrong, Tycoon?" Doc asked, concerned at the change in mood.

"I'm sorry, Master..." Tycoon replied. "It's just that... I feel a little too small and scrawny to be one of your slave bears..."

Doc stepped forward and ruffled the polar bear's head fur affectionately, in a way similar to how he'd often observed Master Thurman doing. "Don't let that concern you, my slave. You're new, just enslaved. Very few of my slave bears had their impressive physiques when they first became mine, they came later, with hard work and dedication."

The big black bear smiled, deciding to inject some personal experience. "In fact, there was one of my slave bears, Doc. He was a very pathetic and skinny specimen when first enslaved, and he even felt the same as you do now, that his scrawniness made him somehow unworthy of being a proper slave bear. And I'll tell you what I told him. The physique doesn't make a good slave bear, it's being dedicated to serving and obeying me that matters. The muscles can come later."

Tycoon nodded. "Yes, Master, I understand. I just... I badly want to be a good slave bear."

"You already are." Doc said. "I have enslaved you, my hypnotic programming in your head will make sure you are a good slave bear. So don't worry about it and enjoy having found your proper place in the world as one of my slaves."

The polar bear's smile returned. "Thank you, Master."

Doc smiled back as he decided that perhaps moving on to some sexual fun would help take his customers mind more fully off his worries and allow him to enjoy himself.

He stepped back, glaring at Tycoon. "Stand to attention, slave."

Tycoon obeyed, standing up straight, paws behind his back, staring forward. Doc nodded his approval. "Now, before you are put to work in the club, fulfilling your purpose of serving me by servicing my customers, I think I should try you out. Make sure you are ready. Kneel!"

"Yes, Master." Tycoon said, dropping to his knees.

"As a slave bear, you will be required to serve the sexual needs of any customer who hires you." Doc explained. "So I'm going to test your sexual skills. You will imagine I am a customer in need of servicing. Customers are to be shown respect and addressed as 'Sir' unless they tell you otherwise."

"Yes, Master...." The polar bear said, and then quickly corrected himself. "Sir."

Doc stood watching Tycoon for a few moments, paws on his hips. Then he said. "Well? Aren't you going to do anything?"

Looking confused, Tycoon started to protest. "But Sir, you didn't say..."

"Well done, Tycoon!" Doc said, grinning broadly. "You did the right thing! A good slave bear does nothing until the customer indicates what he wants. That was a test, and you passed!" And it was a good easy way to give him an excuse to praise his customer in his slave role, Doc mused to himself. Hopefully, it would help build the small polar bear's confidence.

It seemed to work. The kneeling polar bear looked very pleased with himself at earning some praise.

"Now, crawl over to me, slave." Said Doc, reaching down and patting the crotch of his jockstrap. "Your customer's cock is in need of worship. Come get it out and suck it."

The polar bear's eyes widened slightly at that, and Doc noticed the bulging in his jockstrap. "Yes,Sir." He said, as he shuffled forward on all fours.

As he went, Doc continued to be encouraging. "That's a good slave. Obey your Master and serve your purpose. Service your customer's needs, make him happy just as any slave bear would..."

When he reached the towering black bear, Tycoon returned to a kneeling position, staring hungrily at the pouch of Doc's jockstrap.

"Go ahead then, slave." Doc said. "Serve me. Suck your customer's cock."

"Yes, Sir!" Tycoon said, unable to keep the excitement from his voice.

White furred paws quickly yanked down Doc's jockstrap, freeing his large member. It was already semi-erect. All Doc had to do was focus on how he was doing this to serve his magnificent Master Thurman in order to accomplish that. It would be fully hard in a matter of seconds.

But Tycoon didn't wait. He immediately wrapped his muzzle around the rapidly stiffening meat and started suckling, wrapping his tongue around the shaft as best he could.

The polar bear's blow-job technique was... adequate. That was the best term Doc found himself able to use, since he thought it wrong to think ill of his customers in any way. But Tycoon was something of an amateur, his movements around the cock in his muzzle sloppy and ill-timed, and he didn't seem to know exactly what to do with his tongue.

But Doc consoled himself that his customer seemed to be very much enjoying himself, moaning and panting as he continued to suck and lick, moving his muzzle up and down the black bear's length. If he tilted his head enough, Doc could even manage to get a glimpse of the polar bear's groin, where the front of the jockstrap was now fully tented, telling of the customer's pleasure.

That made the less that satisfactory cock worshipping worth it. He even managed to stop himself wincing when he felt the occasional accidental brush of teeth against his cock. He was helping his customer enjoy himself, and that was what mattered more than anything.

Of course, there was something else he had planned, that he strongly suspected his customer might like even more. Some full on physical and sexual domination. And with time on their session running out, Doc didn't want to let the cock-sucking go on for too long.

He allowed Tycoon a good bit of time at it, though. He was even starting to enjoy it a bit himself as it went on. But then Doc decided it was time to move on to other things.

Placing a paw on the polar bear's head, Doc gently eased him off his cock. Tycoon looked up at him, disappointed and confused.

"Sir? I wasn't..." He started to say.

Doc interrupted him. "Do not protest, slave." He said. "You stop when you're customer wants you to stop. Not when you'd like to stop. You are a slave bear. What you want doesn't enter into it. You serve your Master and your customers."

Tycoon nodded. "Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir."

Not wanting to dwell on that too long, Doc moved on. "Now, my slave, sometimes your customer will want you to do all the work, like having you let out his cock and standing there while you suck it. Other times, they may be a lot more active and controlling." He grinned. "Like this!"

He grabbed the polar bear and pulled him to his feet. Tycoon tried and failed to stifle a yelp of surprise as Doc then roughly flung him onto the bed, where he scrambled into a sitting position..

The big black bear stalked towards him, slipping off his jockstrap and kicking it aside as he went. "Some customers may just want to completely dominate you, control you, fuck you senseless. Your place is to let them, to be a good obedient slave bear and accept their domination eagerly."

"Yes, Sir!" Tycoon said. "You are my customer and I will serve you however you like! Dominate and fuck me if that is your wish! I am yours to use and control!"

The definite hints of yearning and eagerness in the polar bear's voice and the continuing bulging of his jockstrap told Doc that his suspicions had been correct. At his very core, this polar bear had an extremely strong desire for domination

And being the good slave bear that he was, Doc wanted to serve his customer and satisfy that desire.

He climbed onto the bed, looming over Tycoon. He thought back to the rare occasions Master had dominated and fucked him in the past, the way he liked to do things. He realized that the thing to remember was to be in control at all times, to accept nothing less than complete devotion and obedience.

Tycoon glared up at him. "Sir, what do you want me to...?"

"Silence, slave." Doc said, firmly. He put a paw on is chest, pushing him forceful down against the bed. "I will tell you what to do. I am in complete control of you and your body now. The only things I want to hear from you are 'Yes, Sir' and moans of delight as I fuck you senseless. Understand?"

The polar bear gulped. "Yes, Sir."

Doc ran his paw down Tycoon's body and grabbed his hard cock through the fabric of the jockstrap, squeezing hard, drawing a surprised yelp from the polar bear.

"And when I say I'm in control of your body." He said. "That includes this cock of yours. You do not cum unless I tell you to. Unless I decide you have been a good enough slave to earn it!"

"Yes, Sir." Tycoon gasped.

"Good." Doc nodded, continuing to squeeze. "Just always remember. You are a slave. Devotion and obedience are all you need to focus on. Serve your Master and be a good slave bear."

"Y-y-yes, Sir..." The polar bear said, shuddering slightly at the continued abuse of his member.

Doc released his grip. "Now, time to try that ass of yours!" He said, in a dominant growl. "Let you experience being treated like the piece of property that you are and getting well and truly fucked!"

Taking Tycoon by surprise, he grabbed the skinny polar bear and flipped him over onto his stomach. He then quickly grabbed both his arms and pulled them up behind his back, holding him there by the wrists with one big paw.

With his other paw, he gave the polar bear's ass a little slap. "Nice rump here, slave." He said. "I think I'm going to enjoy giving it a good pounding!"

His cock was still slick and wet from getting sucked, so Doc decided he needn't bother with any lube and should just get on with this. It only took him a second to properly position himself on top of Tycoon, his weight bearing down on the smaller bear, pressing him into the bed. Then he thrust forward into the polar bear's ass.

Tycoon let out a pained cry at first. Doc had been expecting that. He guessed that a repressed guy like he seemed to be probably wouldn't have had much experience with anal sex.

"It's okay, slave." He said. "I know it hurts a little at first, but be a good slave bear and endure it, it will pass as you get used to having me in you..."

"Yes.... Sir..." Tycoon said, between gasps of discomfort.

Doc sympathised with the polar bear. He could remember first getting fucked himself, and the pain that had accompanied it. But he also remembered how fantastic it had felt once the pain had passed.

The big black bear started thrusting in and out of Tycoon, slamming his thick cock in again and again. There was a temptation to be gentle, but he resisted it. His customer wanted to be experience being dominated, and sometimes that involved enduring your Master's wishes, no matter how rough. And so he just felt it would be less realistic to go easy on the polar bear under him. After all, Master Thurman had never gone easy on him when he fucked him. In Doc's experience Master was often forceful, powerful and relentless when using his slaves. So he felt it right to be the same way with this customer.

He repeatedly pushed his hard shaft into Tycoon's very tight tail-hole without any real difficulty, slipping into a perfectly timed rhythm with the utmost of ease.

This was far from the first time he'd had to dominate and fuck a customer, but as with all the other times, he didn't really enjoy it. He could give the appearance of enjoying it, but in reality, he knew he was a slave at heart. Dominating and fucking a guy held zero interest beyond doing them to satisfy a customer, and thereby serving his Master's interest. Whenever he was called upon to do this, he often found himself fantasising that he was the one being dominated, and that Master Thurman was here doing the fucking.

And he started doing that here, imagining it has him pressed into the bed as his magnificent Master used his ass for his pleasure, pounding into his slave without mercy. These thoughts caused Doc to moan a little, but it didn't matter, it would just help convince this customer that he was actually enjoying this.

Doc did take some satisfaction from how Tycoon did seem to be enjoying this. He had stopped whimpering with pain and was now letting out low growls of pleasure, that were growing more and more pronounced with each passing second, with each savage thrust into his rear. He writhed and squirmed beneath Doc, but of course, the black bear was bigger and far stronger, and was easily able to hold him in place, arms pinned behind his back, with only minimal effort.

Although he was aware of the passage of time, and the end of this session was fast approaching, Doc carried on his brutal and relentless fucking of the polar bear, wanting to give his customer as much enjoyment as possible before the end.

Tycoon, for his part, seemed to be completely lost in the pleasure of getting fucked now, his bucking and squirming body pressing and clenching against his invading cock almost entirely on instinct. His tongue was hanging out the side of his muzzle as he moaned and panted loudly, rumbling expressions of his ecstasy filling the air.

The black bear felt proud of himself for managing to give his customer such pleasure and thereby be a good slave bear himself.

His own thoughts of getting fucked by his Master had driven Doc to the point of climax, but he held off, wanting to prolong it as long as he could, to give Tycoon every last possible second of enjoyment. He stayed focused on thrusting into the polar bear, ignoring the throbbing of his cock and the churning in his balls.

Finally, when there was less than ten minutes left before their session was over, Doc decided it was time to bring things to an end.

He slammed his cock into the tail-hole one last time, and stopped resisting the urge to cum. He roared out loud, expressing the pleasure that slammed into him as his climax hit. He felt himself shooting his load deep into the polar bear beneath him.

Tycoon roared as well, squirming far more fiercely than he done before as Doc shot his load deep inside of him. But the black bear still managed to easily hold him in place.

Once he was spent, Doc slumped against the polar bear a little, a warm tiredness washing through him. A part of him wanted to give into it and just rest, but there was still more to do and time was short.

The polar bear was lying still now, panting with exhaustion, looking satisfied. Doc supposed he could leave the session like this and still have a happy customer. But he thought he could do one last thing to make him even happier. And he was a good slave bear, it was his duty to make his customers as happy as possible...

He pulled out of the polar bear's behind, his softening cock pulling free with a squelching pop. Without hesitation, he grabbed Tycoon and flipped him over onto his back, the polar bear offering no question or resistance.

Just as Doc had suspected, Tycoon's erection was still in full force, straining at the black fabric of his jockstrap. He quickly slipped the garment down, allowing the stiff cock inside to spring free. He wrapped a big paw around it's length and started pumping it, hard and fast. The polar bear immediately resumed his moaning and writhing, and even managed to raise his head and shoot Doc a quizzical look.

"You've proven yourself to be such a good slave bear." Said Doc. "And good slave bear's get rewarded. So, you have permission to cum for your Master."

"Yes, Master Thurman." Tycoon said, a goofy grin on his muzzle as he lay back.

It didn't take long to bring the polar bear to orgasm. Doc had guessed he would be pretty close already with how much he had been enjoying getting fucked, and he had been correct.

So before long, the black bear's swift firm strokes on his cock caused the polar bear to arch his back and throw back his head, letting out a guttural growl of pleasure. The cock in Doc's paw throbbed and he came, a fountain of sticky white cum exploding from the end. Ropes of it splattered against Tycoon's stomach.

Doc maintained his pumping until the flow of the polar bear's seed stopped and the customer sagged into the bed covers, panting and looking deliriously happy.

As he let go of the cock, Tycoon looked up at him. "Thank you, Master..."

The big black bear simply nodded. "You're welcome slave."

The polar bear closed his eyes, laying back and breathing heavily, obviously taking a moment to rest from all the exertion.

Doc didn't have that luxury. Time for the session was very nearly up. He hauled himself up off the bed and padded over to the cabinet where he knew he'd be able to find some fresh towels. He retrieved some and returned to his customer.

He found that the polar bear had managed to sit up, looking tired and slightly bleary-eyed. He looked at Doc curiously as the black bear handed him some towels.

"My apologies, Sir." He explained. "But your session is at an end. Time is up."

The customer let out a long sigh. "Of course." He started cleaning himself up , using the towels to clean off as much as he could of the cum that caked his ass, cock and stomach. Doc did likewise, cleaning off his cock with a towel of his own.

Once the customer was done, the polar bear started to get dressed. Doc did a little tidying up, collecting the towels and the polar bear's discarded jockstrap and dropping them in the laundry hamper in the corner of the room. He slipped his own jockstrap back on and collected his stethoscope from where he'd dropped it, placing it back around his neck.

With this all done, he turned back to his customer, intending to bid him farewell. But he stopped.

The polar bear was once again fully dressed in his suit, sat on the edge of the bed. But he was looking extremely unhappy, a heartbreakingly sad and thoughtful expression on his features.

This didn't seem right to Doc. Usually when customers enjoyed a session as much as he knew this polar bear had, they left happy and satisfied, not looking utterly depressed. It made Doc feel like he'd failed, his customer was unhappy, he hadn't been a good slave bear and satisfied the polar bear. That thought, the thought of possibly having failed Master Thurman, tore him up inside.

Doc was unsure exactly what to do in this situation. "Excuse me for asking, Sir..." He said, carefully. "But are you alright?"

The customer looked at him, frowning. "What?"

"You look extraordinarily unhappy, Sir." Doc explained. "Did you not enjoy your session, did I not satisfy you?" He couldn't stop his voice breaking slightly at the thought of possibly having failed so completely. "If so, Sir, then please allow me to apologise profusely for my failure and to..."

The polar bear was on his feet in an instant, putting a reassuring paw on Doc's arm. "No, no, no!" He said, soothingly. "You didn't fail! You were fantastic, you gave me exactly what I wanted. I did enjoy the experience immensely. But that's the problem..."

This did help Doc feel a lot better, but he was still concerned and confused about what the problem was...

"I wasn't supposed to enjoy it!" The customer said, sadly. "I thought... I hoped that maybe if I indulged these submissive slave fantasies just this once, I could find out I didn't enjoy the experience as much as I thought I would and I'd be able to move on, put aside these damn desires, desires I shouldn't have, once and for all..."

The polar bear's shoulders slumped. "Instead, I enjoyed it a whole lot more than I ever thought I possibly could. I have no idea what to do now..."

Doc desperately wanted to say something that could help, but before he could utter a word, the customer patted him gently on the chest an said. "But none of that is your concern. You did a wonderful job and served me well. You are..." Suddenly, his eyes and expression were filled with sadness and regret, and a than a hint of longing jealousy. "You're a good slave bear, Doc."

And with that, the polar bear departed, walking quickly out the door, closing it behind him.

It took Doc several moments to collect his thoughts. He felt bad for the polar bear, and a part of him wanted to so badly to do something to help him. But it was too late now that he was gone. He realized he didn't even know the customer's name, it had just never come up.

Besides, he was a slave bear. It wasn't his place to concern himself with the personal problems of his customers once their session was over. He'd fulfilled his purpose and duty and served the polar bear, and had done a good job. He clung to that. That should be enough to satisfy him.

He left the room to head back to work in the club, doing his best to put the polar bear and his problems out of his mind.

But failing miserably...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Alright, guys, Good job tonight! It was a difficult night, but you handled it admirably!"

Doc looked up as Victor's voice rang out. The large muscular ferret was returning from having locked the club's doors after seeing out the last customer. The Working Bears club was now closed.

He was just helping Hammer and Zip Code clear away the last of the glasses. As usual, he took satisfaction from the ferret's praise, the knowledge that he had done a good job.

And it had indeed been a difficult night. Doc and pretty much every other slave bear on duty had been rushed off their feet the whole time. Being under-staffed would do that, he supposed. He'd had to help placate upset customers several times when their orders had arrived a little late, or when they had found that a bear they had wanted to use was suddenly unavailable tonight.

He felt a slight pang of jealousy towards those lucky bears who had been taken by Master Thurman tonight, getting to serve him so closely and directly for this one night. But he shrugged it off. Someone had to stay and staff Master's club, he told himself.

But as busy a night as it had been, there was something else entirely that had made it all the more difficult for Doc. He couldn't stop thinking about that poor sad polar bear.

He knew that he shouldn't, knew there was nothing else he could have done or could do. The customer was gone. And it wasn't his place anyway.

Yet, thoughts of that customer continued to plague him throughout the night. The look of sadness he'd had in his eyes haunted him, the explanation of how the poor guy believed he wasn't supposed to have submissive desires continually swirling round and round in his head. No matter how much he chided himself for having such thoughts and concerns, no matter how much he tried to suppress or dismiss them, they remained rooted in his mind.

They were once again at the forefront of his thoughts as he filed out of the club with his fellow slave bears, bound for a well deserved shower and rest.

A paw on his arm stopped him. He snapped out of his reverie to see that it was Victor, looking at him with concern.

"Yes, Sir?" Doc said, automatically.

Victor place put a paw on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" The ferret asked. "You seem a little troubled."

Doc thought for a moment. Should he tell Victor about what was going on his head? A part of him thought that might be the right thing to do, since that was the ferret's job, running the club for Master and looking after the slave bears, dealing with any problems. Put on the other paw, he realized he wouldn't be able to tell him enough. His programming would prevent him from revealing any details about the customer. Discretion for the club's members was guaranteed and programmed into every slave bear.

But Victor was still worried about him, and he wanted to reassure him. "Perhaps a little, Sir." He said, with a shrug. "Just had an unusual customer tonight. I'll be fine."

"Very well, Doc." Victor said. "If it does keep bothering you, if you need to talk about it at all... well, at least as much as you can without divulging details about the customer... please come and see me. I'll be happy to help."

"Thank you, Sir, I will." Doc smiled in appreciation, grateful for the ferret looking out for him.

"Go get some rest." Victor said, patting him on the back.

"Yes, Sir." Said Doc, heading for the locker room.

Several hours later, after a shower, a meal and some time relaxing and chatting with his fellow bears, Doc found himself in bed, trying to get some sleep. And failing.

The polar bear was still on his mind, and he didn't know why. He'd been able to distract himself from thinking about it too much while eating and spending time with his comrades. And just before bed, the bears who had been taken by Master had returned, except for Axe. Welcoming them back, having to say farewell to Knockout as he had to head home, and then hearing some details from the others about what they'd been up to had also helped temporarily taken his mind off things. But now lying in bed, alone with his thoughts, he couldn't think of anything else but that customer.

A customer had just never got to him like this before. He was trying to figure out why he was obsessing over this polar bear, so concerned about his well-being, wishing he had done more to help him.

It wasn't as if he could relate to the customer's problem. He'd never had anything like the kind of issues the polar bear had with his father, with having to carry on some family legacy. He definitely couldn't identify with wanting to deny submissive desires. He loved being a slave.

So what was the problem? After tossing and turning in bed and going over the situation again and again and again in his head, he still didn't have a clue and he was no closer to managing to get to sleep.

He couldn't just lie there all night. He needed sleep.

Doc reached a decision. He'd talk to Victor, tell him what he could and ask the ferret for his advice. Another perspective might be what was needed. And he knew he could trust Victor to do whatever he could to help.

The black bear eased himself out of bed, being careful not to disturb Hammer, who had snuggled up against him in bed. He padded out of the slave quarters and headed for Victor's office.

He knocked on the door, expecting to hear the ferret to call out for him to come in. Instead, something wholly unexpected happened. Master Thurman opened the door.

The sudden appearance of his Master took Doc completely by surprise. "Master!" He stammered in shock. "I was looking for Victor..."

The brown bear stepped out of the office, closing the door behind him. "Something wrong, Doc?" He asked.

Doc suddenly felt very lucky. He supposed he always did when he he got to spend any amount of time with Master. But he felt even more so today. If anyone could help him, it would be Master Thurman.

"I was just going to talk to Victor." He explained. "I'm having trouble sleeping because I can't stop thinking about an unusual customer I had today."

Thurman frowned, showing a little concern. "I see." He said. "Well, tell me about it. As much as you are able with your programming."

"Yes, Master..." Doc nodded. He proceeded to tell his Master everything about his encounter with the polar bear customer. Every last detail. As he revealed more and more, he realized something was wrong. His programming should have prevented him revealing so much.

Apparently, Master Thurman had realized this too, as he was looking more and more shocked the more he explained.

When Doc finished his explanations, the brown bear was very confused. "You really shouldn't have been able to tell me in such detail. Not unless..." He trailed off, thoughtful.

Finally, he looked Doc in the eye. "I might have an idea what's happening here, but I'm going to see what's going on in your sub-conscious to be sure. Slave bear: Trance mode."

As those last four words hit his ears, it was like a switch was flipped in Doc's brain. In an instant, his conscious mind switched off and all awareness faded...


"Slave bear: Awaken."

Doc blinked and shook his head, awareness flooding back. He was still standing in the corridor outside Victor's office with Master Thurman. He knew his Master must have placed him in a trance, but he had no idea how long he had been out.

Thurman wasn't paying him much attention, looking distracted, as if his thoughts were elsewhere, mulling over whatever he had learned from Doc while the black bear had been in a trance.

"Master?" Doc asked. "Is everything okay?"

The brown bear looked at him. "Hmm? Oh yes, everything is fine, I found out what I needed to know about the problem..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the door to Victor's office opening and the ferret peering out at them. But his attention was immediately drawn back to his Master as Thurman patted him on the shoulder, causing a shudder of delight throughout his body.

"I'll take care of it, Doc, don't you worry about anything." Master Thurman smiled at him. "You've done well."

"Thank you, Master." Said Doc, happily accepting his Master's praise.

"Now run along and get some rest." Thurman said.

"Yes, Master." Doc said with a nod. He turned and walked away, leaving his Master to start talking to Victor about something...

Doc went straight back to bed, feeling much more happy and comfortable than he had before. His Master had praised him and would take care of everything. It would have been simply impossible for him not to feel better after that. His brainwashed programming, his deeply ingrained love and trust of his wonderful brown bear Master, would not have allowed anything otherwise.

After he was in bed once again, he found it so much easier to relax. The knowledge that whatever was wrong, his Master knew what the problem was and would deal with it, that was incredibly comforting.

The big black bear let himself snuggle up against Hammer beside him and had soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Boris Caldwell arrived home, and he wasn't happy.

The exhausted polar bear dropped his briefcase and keys on the table just inside the door and leaned back against it, relived to be home, that yet another stressful day was done. He let a out a long sigh.

He rubbed his eyes, feeling tired and stressed out. It was times like this that he wondered how much more of this he could take. He seriously hated every day of his life, running the family business that he had no interest in. He had to do it, he wanted to honour his father and the family name, but that didn't mean he liked it one bit.

And every single damn day was filled with stress and misery, grinding him down...

Well, he had to admit to himself, there had been that one night a few days ago. At the Working Bears club with Doc. That had felt fantastic. A release of stress that he had desperately needed. The only time in recent memory he had actually been happy.

Maybe he could go back, have another session? He could easily afford it and that would...

He stopped himself, rejecting that thought. No, as good as that had been, it was wrong of him to indulge those fantasies. His plan had backfired and it had just made his shameful desires stronger. That wasn't who he was meant to be.

But he still wanted it all the same...

Growling in frustration at his own traitorous desires, Boris strolled along the the main hallway of his penthouse apartment, loosening his tie. He'd try to relax tonight, as unlikely it was that he would succeed.

As he pushed open the door to the lounge and stepped through, the thought struck him. Why were the lights on in here? Did I leave them on when I left this morning?

"Hello, Mr. Caldwell."

Boris stopped in his tracks, just inside the door, frozen in place by the scene that greeted him. A large brown furred bear in a smart business suit was sat in one of his leather armchairs. He was now just putting away his phone, apparently having been looking at it as he arrived.

On the floor beside the chair, kneeling with his paws clasped behind his back, was a large black bear wearing only a collar and a pair of tight blue briefs with a familiar 'T' logo on the front. He instantly recognized him as Doc from the Working Bears club.

And then he suddenly recognized the other bear. He'd only seen him in pictures before. It was Dr. Bernard Thurman.

His blood ran cold as he imagined all the possible reasons for Thurman to be here. "I... I..."

Thurman stood up and strolled over to him, smiling warmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He took the polar bear's paw in a firm grip and gave him a friendly handshake. "Is it okay if I call you Boris?"

"Err... yes, of course... I..." Boris stammered, struggling to put his thoughts in order and figure out what was going on here.

He decided there was something he should be asking. "How did you get in here?" He demanded. A second later, remembering who he was talking to, he added, a touch more respectfully. "That is, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's a fair question." Thurman shrugged. "And it was the building manager who let us in. He didn't want to at first, but after a little chat, he was more cooperative."

"What did you...?" Boris was almost afraid to ask.

"Oh, just some minor hypnosis." Thurman said, with a wave of his paw. "Just enough to make him a little more helpful. And to make sure he doesn't remember me or Doc ever being here."

"And..." Boris stumbled over his words again. "And why are you here?"

"Come sit down, Boris." Said Thurman, returning to where he'd been sitting. "We have things to discuss."

Cautiously, the polar bear sat down in the armchair across from Thurman, keeping his eyes on the big brown bear at all times.

"As to why I'm here." Thurman explained. "It's because Doc here had some concerns about you after your session with him a few days ago..."

Boris' throat suddenly felt dry. He had known asking for his fantasy would land him in trouble. But he'd been stupid enough to go ahead with it anyway...

"I'm so sorry!" Boris stammered. "I knew what I was asking for was wrong... but Doc said it was okay and... I... I mean..."

"Calm down, Boris." Said Thurman, with a disapproving glare. "This is not about your fantasy. If anything, its kind of flattering, having someone fantasizing about being enslaved by me..."

A thought suddenly occurred to Boris. "But... How did you even find out about that? The club, the bears... its all supposed to be discrete..."

"Oh yes, under normal circumstances, it is completely discrete." Thurman explained. "The slave bears at the club are programmed not to discuss specifics of customers and their sessions with anyone, only general details at most."

He paused for a moment and shrugged. "However, I did program them with a sort of fail-safe to protect their well being. It allows them to override that discretion programming if something happens during a session that causes them upset or concern. When that happens, they are able to discuss things, but only with Victor or myself."

"I did something to upset Doc?" Boris was shocked, unsure what it might have been.

"Not quite." Said Thurman, sitting back. "This is where it gets interesting. Because this is an eventuality I actually hadn't foreseen or considered, which is kind of rare. It turns out Doc's concern was not for himself, but for you. For your well being."

"I... what?" Boris was confused.

"Doc here is a doctor." Said Thurman, reaching out and stroking the kneeling slave bear's head, causing him to shudder happily. "It's in his nature to care about others, to want to help them when he feels they're in need, when he sees them in pain. In this case, your issues with your submissive fantasies triggered that aspect of who he is and made him deeply concerned about your emotional and psychological health. It left him with a desire to help you if he could."

Boris simply stared at Doc, feeling rather touched that this slave bear should feel that way about him.

"And it was that desire, that concern, that activated the fail-safe in his programming." Said Thurman. "It allowed him to tell me everything. And once he did, it didn't take me long to decide to pay you a visit to discuss some things with you."

The polar bear fidgeted nervously. "What exactly did you want to discuss?"

Thurman blinked in surprise. "Isn't it obvious? I'm here to offer you the chance to become one of my slave bears at the Working Bears club. To become 'Tycoon' permanently."

"What?" Boris was shocked.

"Yes, I don't actually have any CEO's among the staff at the club." Thurman said. "I think there could be plenty of customers interested in playing out a fantasy with a rich business leader. And it's quite rare to encounter someone who actually wants to become a brainwashed slave bear. It does make the enslavement process so much easier if the subject is willing."

"But..." Boris' mind was reeling at Thurman's offer. A part of him wanted to immediately say yes, get down on his knees and thank the brown bear. But he'd had many years experience ignoring and trying to suppress that particular part of himself.

It was just ridiculous, the idea of him actually becoming a slave bear in reality. It wouldn't work, it wasn't who he was supposed to be. His father would be spinning in his grave at the thought of him even considering it.

"I can't." Said Boris, firmly. "I'm sorry, Dr. Thurman, but it's just not possible."

"I disagree." Said the brown bear. "It's actually very possible, given my skills..."

"Of course." Boris hastily added. "I don't doubt that you could enslave me. Easily. What I mean is..." He paused, trying to put how he was feeling into appropriate words that would not offend Thurman. He'd heard stories about what happened to those who offended or upset this bear.

"What happened with Doc at the club..." He said. "It was just a fantasy. And one I should not have indulged. I don't think it would work very well in reality. As much as I appreciate the offer..."

"Why don't you think it would work?" Thurman interrupted, his expression neutral and unreadable.

"It's just..." Boris said. "I have a business to run, I wouldn't have the time. And there's the fact that some business rivals might also be members of the Working Bears club, or could be in future. They'd recognize me as one of the slaves. They could use that against me in future, blackmail me..."

"That's a fair point." Thurman nodded. "Although, if you were one of my slave bears, you'd be my property. And I am VERY protective of my property. If anyone were to try and use your position at the club against you in any way, I would come down very hard on them. Believe me when I say I have many, many ways of dealing with such situations."

"I do believe you..." Said the polar bear, nervously.

"As for time..." Thurman continued. "I can figure something out. When something is important, you make the time for it. How about this? I guarantee that you becoming one of my slave bears will not negatively impact your company in any way. I'll take care of it."

"I still don't think..." Boris stammered.

Thurman interrupted him with a deep sigh, his patience apparently coming to an end. "Okay, let's cut to the chase here. I don't have all night, and I'm not your damn therapist. This is about the crap your father filled you're head with, isn't it?"

Boris could only stare at him in response.

"Remember, Doc here told me everything." Said Thurman. "I know all about the nonsense your father told you."

"It's not nonsense." Said Boris, feeling a need to defend his family. "I'm not supposed to be submissive. I'm supposed to be strong, a leader, a powerful business owner..."

"You're supposed to be what you want to be." Thurman said. "Not what your father decided you should be. It's your life after all." He looked to the large slave bear kneeling beside him. "What's your opinion, Doc? You have permission to speak freely."

Doc glanced between Thurman and Boris before answering. "I agree with Master." He said, addressing the polar bear. "You need to live your own life the way you want to. When you were living out your fantasy, I could easily tell that you were enjoying it completely, that it made you incredibly happy. And you were so miserable when it was over. It is plainly obvious which life you truly want to live."

Boris wanted to deny it, but knew it would be pointless. "It's not that simple." He muttered instead.

"That's true." Doc admitted. "There are plenty of difficulties and complications. But Master is offering to help you with those. He is offering you a chance to be who you really are, who you want to be deep down. Master is offering you a chance to be truly happy."

The polar bear remained silent and thoughtful.

"I am not a psychiatrist." Doc continued. "I am not that kind of doctor. But I have studied some psychology. And in my opinion, continuing on the course you are on now, suppressing and bottling up your true feelings, will only lead to misery and unhappiness." He looked up at Thurman. "Master, may I approach Mr. Caldwell?"

Once the brown bear nodded his approval, Doc crawled over to Boris and placed a paw on his leg, giving it a gentle reassuring stroke, looking up at him. "Sir, there is no shame in having submissive desires and embracing them. There is never any shame in being you. Just take a moment to imagine becoming a good slave bear like me, how happy we both know it would make you."

Boris' head was a whirlwind of confused thoughts and emotions, his mind at war with itself. He simply did not know what to do. Looking down at Doc, smiling hopefully up at him, looking friendly and encouraging, it made it impossible not to admit that he did want to join him, be just like him and all the other bears at the Working Bears club. If he was honest with himself, he wanted it more than anything he'd ever wanted in his life.

But he couldn't could he? It wasn't who he was supposed to be... even if Thurman and Doc were right that it was his life and he should live it the way he wanted to...

But it would impact his family's business... but Thurman had promised to ensure it wouldn't...

But... but...but...

He grimaced and screwed up his eyes, trying to force some degree of calm into the raging storm of thoughts swirling through his brain. What should he do? What did he want to do? He hated the misery that had accompanied his recent days, he wanted to be happy...

"Do it." He said, suddenly, opening his eyes to look at Thurman. "Enslave me."

"Are you sure?" Said Thurman, with a slight frown at this sudden change of heart.

"No." Boris admitted. "But I want to try and be happy. Just please do it now before I change my mind, which I might do in a few minutes..."

Thurman nodded and stood up. He glanced at Doc and pointed at the spot beside his chair. The big slave bear took the hint and crawled back to where he'd previously been kneeling.

Boris sat where he was, unsure what was going to happen next. He had no idea how accurate his role-play with Doc had been. Thurman stepped towards him, towering over him, fixing him with an intense stare, his eyes locked on the polar bear's, making Boris feel like he couldn't look away, even if he wanted to...

"Just relax, Boris." Thurman said, his voice both soothing and full of authority. "Keep looking into my eyes and listening to my voice. Let it wash over you, filling your mind, relaxing you, soothing you, letting you sink deeper and deeper..."

Thurman's voice seemed to flow smoothly and effortlessly through Boris' head as he kept his gaze focused in the brown bear's wonderful piercing blue eyes. His whole body seemed to be relaxing and it was becoming difficult to focus on exactly what Thurman was saying. But it suddenly didn't seem that important to understand the words, just to relax and listen and sink deeper as his conscious thoughts slipped further and further away...



Sink deeper...

And deeper...






Boris blinked, awareness flooding back. What had just happened?

He glanced about. Everything seemed suddenly different. For one, he was now keeling in the middle of the lounge. And he was naked, his clothes scattered around him. And why did his ass feel a little sore? And why was his hard cock wet?

"Just relax, Boris." Came Thurman's voice.

The polar bear glanced up over his shoulder to see the big brown bear standing behind him. He seemed to be in the middle of getting dressed, in the process of buttoning up his shirt.

"What happened?" He asked.

"It'll come back to you in a moment." Said Thurman, as he finished buttoning his shirt and started putting his tie back on. "But basically I hypnotized you and gave you a true taste of being a slave bear."

"I don't understand." Said Boris. "I thought you were going to enslave me..."

"I did." Thurman said. "Just in a basic, reversible way. You were uncertain, so I decided to give you a taste and then wake you up. With a little experience of being truly enslaved, you should be able to make a more informed, definite choice."

"But I can't remember..." Boris shook his head, trying to clear his confused brain.

"You're subconscious is probably just processing it all." Said Thurman, as he shrugged on his suit jacket. "As I said, it'll come back to you in a moment." He stepped around the kneeling polar bear and sat back down in the same chair he had occupied before.

"Where's Doc?" Boris realized the big slave bear was nowhere to be seen.

"Making use of your shower." Thurman replied, distractedly. He pulled out his phone and checked it. "He needs to be back at the club tonight, so I thought it prudent he got cleaned up some before we left."

A thought suddenly occurred to Boris. "Why did you bring him here tonight?"

Thurman looked up from his phone. He then took a deep breath and slipped the device back into his pocket before answering. "For his own peace of mind. I told you I'm not your therapist. But in a way, I am his. I try to take care of my property, my slaves, looking out for both their physical and mental health."

He glanced in the direction of the bathroom. "Doc was really very worried about you, and that worry was preying on his mind. I had to resolve that." He returned his gaze to Boris. "Oh, I could have easily just erased the memory of you. But it's very likely some fragment of it would remain buried in his sub-conscious where it would fester and cause problems later."

The brown bear smiled. "The most effective way to deal with it was to let him be involved in helping you. This whole thing is more for his benefit than yours." He shrugged. "But don't get me wrong, you will make a great slave, a good addition to the club should you choose that, so I will be getting something out of this as well. And of course, if you do become my slave, I will be just as protective of you and your well being as I am with Doc."

Boris nodded his understanding. He had to admit, that did sound very tempting, to be under the protection of this powerful, handsome, dominant bear.

"For the moment though," Said Thurman, taking out his phone again. "You have some remembering to do. So close your eyes and relax and let the memories come." He was then checking stuff on his phone, paying the kneeling polar bear no more attention.

Closing his eyes, Boris sighed and tried to relax, not sure exactly what he could do to...

And the memories of what had happened came back, hitting him suddenly in a flood of images and feelings.

He remembered waking up from the initial trance and bout of hypnotic programming. How peaceful and contented he felt with the knowledge filling his head that he was Master Thurman's obedient slave.

Role-playing as a slave bear had been fun and enjoyable and oh so fulfilling. But it vastly paled into insignificance when compared to the real thing. He had just known, with every last fibre of his being, that he was where he truly belonged, he'd found his place in the universe, owned by the magnificent Master Thurman, devoting himself to serving and obeying him and being the best slave bear he could possibly be. No other experience in his entire life even came close to measuring up.

More memories tumbled through his head. After waking up in feeling so fantastic at being Thurman's slave, he had dropped to his knees, thanking the brown bear profusely for enslaving him, for the honour of being able to serve him.

Thurman had patted him on the head, causing a burst of pleasure, every touch of his Master feeling like a gift from God, like he was blessed. Thurman had told him how he was sure he'd make a great slave, and Boris had felt a surge of pride at his Master having such confidence in him.

His Master had sat down again and commanded him to undress, but to make a show of it, entertain him.

Boris had obeyed eagerly, performing a strip tease for his Master, dancing and writhing for his amusement as he peeled off and discarded each article of clothing. He was certain that had he ever been asked to do such a thing before then, he would have hesitated and been plagued with uncertainty, not sure what to do. But in that enslaved state he had simply obeyed his Master, throwing himself into it with confidence and gusto. And it had felt fantastic.

Once he was naked, Thurman had decided to get Doc in on the act of entertaining him, and had commanded the two slave bears to wrestle for him.

The following half hour had been spent with Boris and Doc grappling and struggling against each other, paws continually groping and gripping all over. Boris had of course been no match for the bigger and stronger black bear, and had been pinned to the floor time and time again, but he had enjoyed it all the same.

But while it had been fun and arousing to spend all that time pressed up against the muscular bear, it had been a much more powerful feeling seeing Master Thurman chuckling and smiling at their antics. The knowledge that he was obeying and pleasing his Master satisfied a deep yearning hungry need deep inside of him, helping him experience a contentment he'd never felt before.

When Thurman had called an end to the wrestling, he and Doc had knelt side by side as Master had undressed. Boris had almost started drooling at the sight of the brown bear naked, with his thick rippling muscles, exquisite physique and thick beautiful cock. To him, his Master was the very picture of male perfection and his own hard cock throbbed as he looked up at him.

And then Boris had got to experience the pure unadulterated pleasure of being used by Master Thurman.

The brown bear had snatched up his tie from among his discarded clothes. He had then proceeded to forcefully haul Boris to his feet and lift his arms, putting his paws behind his head, using the tie to bind them together, also passing the length of fabric around his neck, essentially securing his wrists to the back of his neck.

Boris for his part, offered no protest. The thought never even entered his head. He was Master Thurman's slave, his property. He could do what he liked with him. He was more concerned with enjoying the feeling of being used, the sensations of delight that passed through him whenever Thurman touched him.

With his paws now secured behind his head, Boris stood there as Thurman ran an examining paw down his chest and stomach, eventually reaching his cock and giving it a playful squeeze.

He had thought the sensation of his Master touching his body had been good, but it was twice as powerful and overwhelming when the brown bear's paw came into contact with his cock. He couldn't stop himself letting out a loud delighted moan.

Master Thurman had simply laughed at this reaction.

Before he had a chance to recover, Thurman had grabbed him and spun him around, bending him over slightly, grabbing him by the hips. It had taken Boris a moment to realize that his Master was going to fuck him.

Just the anticipation of what was about to happen had filled the polar bear with delight. Master Thurman had deemed him worthy of being fucked by his superior cock! That thought made his position as a slave of this incredible brown bear utterly worthwhile.

And then Thurman's cock had pounded into him. Boris had been surprised that there had been no pain as there had been at first when Doc had fucked him. He guessed that his hypnotic programming must have prevented it, but at the time he hadn't cared. He'd just enjoyed the intense blinding pleasure of having his Master's cock buried deep inside him.

Master Thurman's fucking had been hard and fast, his thrusts into the Boris' ass brutal, powerful and relentless. He simply did not let up for a second, letting out pleased growls as he made use of his enslaved polar bear, his strong paws massaging up and down Boris' sides.

Boris however, had been completely lost in the experience of getting fucked by the Master he was now utterly devoted to. He'd never thought such levels of pleasure were possible, let alone that he would get to experience such complete ecstasy.

And he knew that it wasn't just the physical sensation, the sex, although that was incredible, far beyond any sexual encounter he'd ever had before. But it had also been that it was his Master doing this to him, each powerful thrust into his tail-hole reminding him of that he was the loyal, devoted slave of this marvellous bear, that he had the honour of serving his Master Thurman, obeying him, being used by him as he saw fit. That knowledge seemed to massively amplify the pleasure that surged through him with each impaling slam of Thurman's cock into his rear. Boris had revelled in that pleasure, never wanting it to end.

Part way through the fucking, Thurman had ordered Doc to kneel before Boris, and had the big black bear worship the polar bear's cock and balls, nuzzling and licking at them. This had piled even more sexual pleasure into his already overloaded brain, practically short-circuiting his capacity for conscious thought.

| | | | |

It hadn't been long after that before he had been ready to cum, his throbbing cock ready to explode as Doc's tongue washed over it repeatedly. But against all the odds, he had been able to stop himself from doing so. Boris suspected he had Thurman's hypnotic programming to thank for that, preventing him from cumming without his Master's permission. He was certain that without it there would have been no chance whatsoever of holding himself back

Boris had completely lost track of time as he had been fucked, so was clueless as to exactly how long he stood there, wrists bound to the back of his neck, while Thurman fucked his ass hard and Doc licked at his genitals.

When Thurman came, it was without warning, the brown bear's paws gripping Boris hips more tightly as he plunged his cock into the polar bear one last time, slamming it home as he hit his climax, roaring and growling out his pleasure as Boris felt his Master's seed pump into him, filling his insides with wonderful warmth and causing a virtual tsunami of burning sexual pleasure to wash through his shuddering, squirming body.

When the brown bear had finished filling Boris's ass with his cum, he spent a few moments panting and getting his breath back. He then patted the polar bear still impaled on his member on the small of the back and ordered him to cum now.

As soon as that order had been given, Boris had gladly obeyed. A shuddering orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks, the end of his cock erupting with milky white cum. His seed splattered across Doc's face and chest and shoulders, but the black bear didn't mind, continuing to lick at Boris' cock as he received a coating of polar bear cum. Probably because Thurman hadn't told him to stop.

Once Boris was spent, panting and exhausted, he had thanked Master Thurman for using him and allowing him to cum. It had just seemed like the right and proper thing to do. And when the brown bear had responded by telling him he was a good slave, Boris had felt so damn happy, a dopey grin plastered across his muzzle.

Thurman had pulled out of him then, leaving his ass feeling empty, wanting his Master's cock to fill it again. He had been determined to be the best slave he could possibly be and one day earn the honour of being worthy enough for Master to fuck him again.

Doc had been ordered to lick Thurman's and Boris' cocks clean before the brown bear Master had despatched him to the bathroom to clean his cum-splattered body.

Master Thurman had then had Boris kneel once again. As he started to get dressed, he said it was time to revert him to his old self so that he could make his final choice. Boris had despaired at not being his Master's slave any longer, but Thurman had spoken a trigger phrase and his mind had gone momentarily blank...

Boris suddenly snapped back to the present, all his memories of what had happened in place. It was all an incredible experience, far greater than he ever thought possible. And he realized with a start that the choice Dr. Thurman was offering was really no choice at all...

"Well?" Said Thurman. He was looking at Boris expectantly. "Your memories should be back by now. You now know exactly what its like being one of my brainwashed slave bears. So, time for you to choose whether or not to make it permanent..."

"I choose enslavement!" Boris blurted out, without the slightest hint of hesitation or uncertainty. All his former worries now seemed small and ridiculous, wiped away by what he had experienced. "How could I possibly choose otherwise? That was the most wonderful, intense, happy and pleasurable time of my life! Please sir...Master Thurman... please do me the honour of making me your slave, now and forever! I... I don't think I've ever wanted anything so much in my entire life... to be that happy and contented and where I truly belong." He looked at Thurman with pleading eyes. "Please fully enslave me!"

"That is exactly how I thought you'd feel." Said Thurman, sporting a smug grin. "But letting you reach a point of absolute certainty in your decision will make the rest of your programming and enslavement so much easier." As he spoke, Doc returned, now washed with his fur slightly damp. He resumed his kneeling position beside his Master's chair.

The brown bear stood up, towering over Boris. "So, yes, I will brainwash an enslave you fully. You will become one of the slaves of my Working Bears club."

Boris felt he could almost cry with happiness and gratitude. "Thank you so much, Master!"

"There's someone else you should thank." Thurman said. "The one who's concerns about you made this possible."

The kneeling polar bear nodded and looked at Doc. "Thank you so much, Doc, for all your help. Thank you for helping me find my true place in the world."

"You're welcome, Boris." Doc smiled back at him.

"No, not Boris." Said Thurman. "Not anymore. From now on, you are not Boris Caldwell. That is simply an identity you will use when not at the club. Your true self will now be a slave bear named Tycoon."

The polar grinned happily at that as Thurman looked him in the eye. "Now, we need to get to work getting you fully programmed and ready for service. Slave Tycoon: Sleep!"

And with that trigger phrase spoken, the conscious mind of Boris Caldwell switched off completely...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Doc stepped out of the computer room, happy to be home.

He stretched a little, working the kinks out of his muscles after sitting down from the regular hypnotic programming session he and all the slave bears of the club went through upon re-entering the club.

It felt so good to be back at the club again after several days away. He was looking forward to seeing his fellow slave bears again, catching up with them. And of course there was working in the club to look forward to that night, serving customers and thereby serving Master Thurman.

As he made his way through the slave quarters towards the gym, he greeted and shared hugs with various bears, each one filling him with happiness. He felt at home, more than he did anywhere else. Here among his slave brothers, was were he truly belonged.

He just reached the entrance to the gym, ready for a good workout session, when someone called out to him. "Hey, Doc!"

The voice was instantly recognizable as that of Victor. He turned to see the big muscle-bound ferret standing beside a group of bears in the corridor just outside the slave quarters. There was apparently some conversation happening there.

Changing course, Doc headed towards him. "Hello, Sir. What's up?"

"I just wanted you to come say hello to the new slave bear." Victor smiled.

Doc's expression brightened. A new recruit for the club? That was always a reason to celebrate. As he joined the group of bear's he noticed the newcomer, currently shaking Warrant's paw, exchanging words of greeting.

He was a polar bear, wearing only blue briefs and a collar. He was a lot smaller and scrawnier that the other muscle-bound slave bears surrounding him. That was hardly unusual, new recruits sometimes were considerably less muscular than the rest of the slave bears. But it never lasted. With the diet and workout regime all the bears of the club were set by Master Thurman, he would quickly bulk up.

The new bear turned to face Doc, smiling warmly at him and holding out his paw. As he looked into the face of this new recruit, an odd feeling briefly passed through him. What was it? Recognition? Satisfaction? It seemed as if, for some reason, seeing this polar bear here made him feel somewhat pleased with himself.

The black bear was briefly reminded of the unusual polar bear customer he'd had recently. He knew that the problem he'd had there had been resolved by Master Thurman, but he couldn't remember exactly how. But he trusted his Master.

He wasn't sure why the new bear reminded him of that customer. But then he decided whatever the reason, it was unimportant and best forgotten. This was a fellow slave bear, not a customer.

"Hi there. I'm Doc." He introduced himself to the newcomer with a smile. Butt instead of taking his paw to shake, Doc had the sudden urge to hug the new arrival. So that's what he did, wrapping his arms around the surprised smaller bear and hugging him warmly and affectionately.

"Welcome to the family." He said, before releasing him.

The polar bear grinned back at him. "Thank you. It's great the way everyone is so warm and friendly. It's a pleasure to meet you, Doc." He frowned slightly. "Do I know you? You seem vaguely familiar."

"It's always a possibility." Victor said. "But even if the two of do know each other or have met before now, your programming won't allow you to remember. That's the way Master Thurman wants it."

Both Doc and the new recruit nodded their understanding and put it out of their minds. That was what their Master wanted, so they accepted it without question.

"Has Master decided on a name yet?" Doc asked, glancing between the new slave bear and Victor.

"Yes." Said Victor. "Our new slave bear here is to be called Tycoon."

Doc raised a quizzical eyebrow. "Tycoon?"

"I work in big business outside the club" Said the polar bear that was Tycoon. "I'm actually the CEO of my own company."

"I see." Said Doc. "Well, congratulations on being the club's very first business slave."

"Thank you." Tycoon smiled back at him.

"Come along, Tycoon." Said Victor. "There's more to show you, and more bears to introduce you to..."

"Yes Sir." Tycoon nodded. He followed as Victor led him away.

Doc headed for the gym, pondering the club's new polar bear recruit. Seeing Tycoon had left him feeling amazingly happy, more than usual for simply greeting a new recruit. He was glad to see the polar bear, he realized, even though he would have sworn he had never seen him before.

With a shrug, he shook off the feeling. He was certain it didn't matter. He had a workout to be getting on with and a night working in the club to be looking forward to. So he decided to stay focused on that.

One final thought about the new polar bear popped into his head before he got down to his workout. Doc was absolutely certain that Tycoon was going to be a very good slave bear. Just like he was...

The End.