Switching Places

Story by Linkin Monroe on SoFurry

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This is a story, pornographic in nature. So I think I have to let you know that if you're not old enough, you shouldn't be reading this. And if you're not, I'm not your parent. But seriously! Gay stuff ahead! Shout out to RVasil for helping me when I was stumped and Zeeme for proof reading and editing!

I still have trouble pasting from Google Docs.

Switching Places

By Linkin Monroe

Dax sat curled up and alone on the loveseat. His knees were pulled up to his chin, a pillow hugged to his chest and his arms wrapped over his legs in anticipation. His eyes were transfixed on the television screen where he was on the 12th episode of the 3rd season of his newest favorite show he'd been binge watching all weekend.

In the bedroom down the hallway, his boyfriend, Klayton, had finished up some late night work and flipped off his computer screen. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stretched his arms, letting out a yawn as he moved. Settling back down, he let out a frustrated growl as he felt an uncomfortable tingle on his rump from sitting too long. The nub of his tail flicked in annoyance as he reached down to scratch his rear to help make the sensation go away. His pointed, cropped ears then picked up the sound of the TV in the main room. Slowly he got back up from his chair and followed the noise to the living room. He then spotted the red panda still watching that damned show like he had been when he had last seen him...five hours ago.

Had he gotten up at all this weekend? He thought to himself.

"Dax!" he barked to get the red panda's attention.

The red panda shrieked and jumped in his seat, nearly toppling over the armrest onto the floor when he was surprised. "Klay!" he gasped, grasping onto the pillow like a shield that could somehow protect him from a dangerous Doberman. Thankfully, he quickly relaxed when he realized didn't have to worry about that too much from his boyfriend. The red panda slipped back into his comfortable position and patted the seat next to him. "Come watch with me!"

The black and tan canine circled around and sat next to the smaller male.

Dax continued, "Sarah is about find out that Harvey isn't really who he says he is, and that Patrick was really...was really..." he noticed that the Doberman was staring right at him, not a blink in his brown eyes hinted that he was paying any attention to the brief spoilers that Dax was pouring over. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like a dog who hasn't gotten any attention all weekend cause of your silly show?" Klayton cooed, a coy smirk on his face as he leaned forward so that the red panda had to move his upper half back.

Dax let out a quiet whimper, feeling his boyfriend's breath on his neck, making shivers run down his spine. Was it Sunday night already? He shifted in his seat, a soft smile creeping onto his face as his lower half twisted to face the looming canine, bowing his head to look up at the Doberman. "I--"

He was cut short when Klayton pressed his lips to his and kissed him, silenced as the doberman embraced him and pulled him under him, resting the back of Dax's head on the armrest so that he could push his long tongue into his mouth. Dax's struggle was brief, his body held down by the muscular canine, who had hooked his arms under his armpits and tan paws held his shoulders. Dax stopped his resistance briefly to let the sloppy canine have his way before he twisted his head to the side when he heard Sarah's reaction to the reveal of Harvey's true identity.

"K-Klayton! Lemme finish this episode, then we can play--"

"No can do, fox-coon. I've waited long enough to mess around with you, and I won't take later for an answer." the Doberman said as he pushed his snout into the exposed neck of the red panda, a known ticklish spot and snuffled with his breathing, causing Dax to go into a fit of laughter as he tried to push the dog that was twice his size off him.

The Doberman let out a hearty laugh at the red panda's feeble attempt. He wouldn't say he was the biggest guy around, but he had been on a strict routine for the past few years that had kept him toned and muscular, the definition of which could be easily seen under the dim light of the television with his short black fur. Dax on the other hand, had some pudge on his hips and had a cute little gut. The red panda had tried to join the canine in his exercise, however this did not last long due to his stamina and his frequent complaints of exhaustion. Klayton would have let Dax try his hardest to try to escape, but his plans for the night did not involve exhausting the red panda too early.

Dax freezed when he felt the doberman push himself against him, feeling the canine's eagerness push into his stomach, the red fur on his face hiding his blush when he felt that wonderful bulge grind against him. "Klay..." Dax protested one last time as he felt the canine's hot breath exhale against his ear, making him shiver again, as his own erection starting to chub within his shorts.

"Mmmm?" Klayton breathed again into Dax's ear as he reached for the remote on the side table, muting the annoying sounds of a woman shouting. He continued dry humping the red panda's belly. He didn't mind the extra bit of fluff on the smaller male, if was soft and squishy and it gave him extra jiggle candy during sex--when they had sex, which seemed to be rare nowadays.

"F-fiveee minutes..." Dax begged, his ears pinned back as he could only hear the ragged breathing of the horny dog grinding on him. He really wanted to finish this episode, but with his boyfriend on top of him he suddenly had a much more urgent need.

"I've been waiting longer than five minutes!" Klayton growled, "We'll do it right here on the couch if we have to dammit, but we are going to have sex tonight." He finished his sentence, the look on his face was final. Moments later, he clicked his tongue as he felt himself start to leak within his underwear. "I'll let you finish your show," the canine murred softly, "but only if you do what I say."

Dax perked and blushed at the sound of that. It wasn't that the idea of having sex didn't arouse him, he loved it when his studly boyfriend got all dominant and stuffed all nine inches of grade A German dog meat deep in his ass. Especially when he started to push his fat bulbous knot right towards his ass and he could feel the thick meat pulsating around his ring as he was filled with his seed. He just was so engrossed in this show, if he could convince Klayton to tie with him on the couch, he could get back to watching.

"Fine, but pause my show!" Dax agreed, but only with those conditions. He scooted out from under the canine, sitting up on his ass while the canine still remained loomed over him on all fours like a feral animal. Dax reached down and grabbed the hem of Klayton's shirt, pulling the buttoned shirt off in one pull reveal that gorgeous torso. With only a thin layer of fur to hide it, his firm abdominals and well-mounded pectorals were a sight to behold that practically begged to be played with. Dax was always felt intimidated by his boyfriend's appearance, a strikingly fierce and angular canine in contrast to his pudgy, small, not very tough frame. Still, even though there was quite a difference in weight and height between the two of them he never once doubted the love the loyal Doberman had for him. Not that he couldn't really understand why he had fallen for him in the first place, but when it's the right person it doesn't need to make sense. As Dax pulled the shirt off from Klayton the big dobermans antennae-like ears twitched before popping straight back up in the alert fashion. Dax giggled as he watched Klayton's ears twitch a few more times before they settled down .

Klayton rolled his eyes at the giggling red panda and smirked, nosing under his chin and sniffing his boyfriend's scent and lifted his head to Dax's ear. "Now, for your first order of the night. I want you to dominate me." He whispered, as if telling the red panda his dirty little secret.

Dax blinked as he registered what the canine had said to him. It had caught him off guard. Him, dominate? Any of his friends would have guffawed at those two words in the same sentence, unless it was hearing about how Klayton dominated him. He was the shyest, prone to cower in fear from the macho, stud of his boyfriend.

He repeated his thoughts out loud. "Me? Dominate you? You could easily suplex me into a pretzel!" Dax cried out, trembling with nerves. "Even if I did, you know I'm too timid to try to do anything rough! I can't even harm a butterfly!"

Klayton ignored the red panda, tilting his head down to start nuzzling the bulge in Dax's shorts and inhaled the growing scent of arousal. "MMm... I know, that's why I want you to try. At least indulge me and put some effort into it." He nipped at Dax's waistband and pulled them down with ease, finding himself face to face with a pair of cute white briefs that had the slightest tent to them. He nosed the wet spot at the head, feeling some precum seep through the cotton and rub on his pointed snout. He paused momentarily and looked up at the red panda who held his long bushy tail in his paws against his upper chest shyly, as if to cover his pudge, his big blue eyes watching the Doberman in awe. "And my last order of the night is, you can't order me away to watch your show until you've claimed my ass."

"Yes sir," Dax complied, biting his lip without noticing how he responded.

Klayton's brows furrowed and he shook his head in disbelief. "Really? You haven't even been in control for five seconds, and you've already resorted to being submissive." He growled in annoyance, feeling that itch on his rump return. "I told you to use me like a cockhound, I expect you to take me and use me like a bitch in heat, dammit!"

Dax squeaked and blushed an even deeper shade of red as he adjusted himself on the seat, realizing his mistake and quickly regained his form. He put on his best, dominant face, something that looked like a cross of angry and pouting. "Uhh, did I tell you to talk back to me, mutt? Get my underwear off! I have a bone to pick with you!"

Klayton's cropped ears perked at Dax's faux authoritative voice and his first order, his lips curling into a grin as he lifted his paws to grab the waistband of the briefs, his nub wagging behind him as he pulled down when he felt a swift bap to his nose, blinking and pulling his head back in shock to look up at Dax, who's paw had come down to slap his muzzle.

"Oh my god," Dax panicked, "I'm sorry! Did I hurt you Klay?"

"N-no," Klayton stammered a bit, his paws holding still on Dax's briefs, "I just didn't expect you to do that."

"Oh!" The red panda giggled to himself, surprising even himself with how he'd treated the Doberman. He stopped when he saw the unamused look on Klayton's and contorted back to his dominant scowl and continued, "Did I say you could use your paws, mutt?" He continued as if the small interjection never took place.

Dax watched the big tan paws let go of his waistband, feeling the elastic snap back around his hips and Klayton bring his muzzle down, the cold wet nose brushing against the fabric before he parted his lips and carefully closed his incisors on the waistband, tugging on it to pull them down and off. Dax lifted his rump so Klayton could have some help getting his underwear off. Off the briefs went, and revealed the prize of the night. At an average six inches tall, Dax was a decently sized male, but he was most proud of his thickness, at just above two and a half inches in diameter, almost matching Klayton's knot in circumference. And just beneath that were two kiwi sized orbs, bouncing in reaction to the open air.

The smell of arousal grew as Klayton kept his head down in submission to his partner, waiting for further instruction despite his own craving to wrap his tongue around that fat bone and suck on it. Dax flexed his cock, letting a bead of precum dribble down the length following a vein. "Did.... I tell you to not lick?" Dax asked, perplexed by his own question after he felt the trickle of pre on his fuzzy balls.

"No sir," Klayton snarkily responded, wishing he had been told to lick, it was getting more difficult by the second to just not take back control. He wasn't sure if Dax was teasing him or just not sure what to do, but his forsaken cock, still trapped within his jeans was a constant reminder of the role he had placed upon himself.

"Well, get to it!" Dax piped up, and for added emphasis, "Now mutt!"

The second Klayton brought his head down, his tongue lolling out of his muzzle to lick up the precious drop of pre, his ears caught the sound of an excited gasp and felt Dax's black paw push down on the back of his head and forced him down on his member. Klayton let out a low murmur around the cock, curling his lips over his teeth to not nick the soft flesh. He tried to lift his head up, but found that Dax was not relenting in letting him back up. Instead he was kept down on the throbbing cock, his sensitive nose pressed into the black pubic fur just beneath the slight gut his eyes were transfixed against.

"Oooh..." Dax let out a sigh as he pumped his hips up into Klayton's warm, welcoming maw. He looked sternly down at the Doberman, making sure the dog was looking up at him when he added, "And you don't dare let those teeth touch my dick, or I'll... I'll... I won't let you touch yourself, for a week!"

It was his best threat he could come up with, and tried his best imitation of Klayton's growl to let the Doberman know he was trying to get into his new role, despite the lack of conviction in his voice. So he just rambled off with the first things that came into his mind, barking out orders and instruction as his boyfriend bobbed on his shaft. "C'mon and start using your tongue. Don't act like this is your first blowjob, mutt! Underside, you little cockhound. You were born a natural cocksucker! You should know what you're doing!" He curled his toes and groaned happily when he felt the tongue swirl around his length and a warm huff of air tickle his groin as Klayton was forced to inhale his musk.

During this time, Klayton was sucking as best as he could. Dax's paw had moved from the back of his head to grip his two cropped ears like handlebars, lifting the head up and then pulling him back down on his cock. The canine's mind was reeling in excitement from his boyfriend's behavior, his body craving the next moment of being told what to do. His tongue was collecting every droplet of red panda pre-seed, savoring the salty taste on his taste buds. As he began to wonder how much longer Dax would last, he was pulled off of the fat prick, a strand of saliva connecting his lips to the member.

He panted for fresh air, his eyes slightly lidded as Dax looked him over. "Hmm... I think you've been a good boy. And good boys get treats!" Klayton didn't realize his tail started wagging in anticipation as Dax noticed the raised rump behind him.

"Please sir, use me however you see fit." Klayton begged, the itch on his rump was driving him wild. He wasn't sure how he would fit Dax's cock, but dammit, he wanted to get fucked.

"Turn around, bitchpup!" Dax ordered, his mind was hesitant at the idea of mounting his boyfriend, but his cock was taking lead. Klayton obeyed as quickly as possible, unfastening his belt buckle and shucking his pants off to the floor, his red cock bouncing in the air between his legs, his hefty plum size balls swinging beneath it as he presented his cream colored rump, his nub perked high and showing off that tight pink pucker between two voluptuous ass cheeks.

Dax had been right on the edge of climax, but seeing Klayton's ass he pushed the canine forward, legs spread, ass up and tried to push himself into him.

"L-lube!" Klayton cried out, his ears flat as his head was forced down into the couch, his paws clutching the loveseat, claws digging to brace themselves as he felt the mushroom head prod his tailhole, whimpering as the eager red panda ignored his plea and pushed himself into his ass with nothing by spit and pre and determination.

"Did I say you could talk back, beta mutt?" Dax growled, his paw grabbing the Klayton's nubbed tail and tugged back on it like a saddlehorn, watching his fat cock stretch the clenching ring, groaning out as he was milked. It was so warm and tight, he found himself craving more.

Klayton clenched his teeth, his claws digging into the fabric, his eyes scrunched tight.This is why people had safety words! He was conflicted from the burning pain and pressure he felt in his rectum, but fuck he wanted it so badly. He hissed quietly and kept his face buried into the couch away from Dax as he felt the red panda push in a bit more, feeling himself stretch wide. Fuck, Dax was thick, he reminded himself as he was stretched by the massive girth that was throbbing madly, wistfully hoping the pain would subside quickly and scratch that itch he felt.

Dax closed his eyes, his head falling back as he rocked his hips back and forth, he was just a few inches inside his boyfriend and it felt amazing. The way the muscles clenched and worked his cock was indescribable. He was concerned when he heard a whimper escape from Klayton's throat, but he wasn't told to stop and he was going to fuck his boyfriend until he was leaking cum. He wrapped his paw around the rest of his cock, stroking himself off ferociously.

Klayton's eyes rolled back as he felt the cock just oozing precum inside him, barely in but enough for him to feel it prod. He couldn't help but moan when he felt the hand bumping against his rear as Dax jerked himself off to climax. He tried his best to push back, wincing briefly as he felt his ass stretch more, but the itch he felt was beginning to fade.

Dax found it harder to stroke himself as he was slowly easing into the Doberman before him, finding the tail wag against his gut. He let his instincts take over as he felt his endorphins rise, his breathing getting ragged. He let go of his cock, and wrapping his arms around his mate, he groaned out, "Holy fuck Klay..." he stuttered, the feeling of his impending climax approaching faster than before. "Y-you're... MINE!" he exclaimed as he bucked, as the most amazing surge of strength and power he felt ejactulate from his groin.

Klayton howled out below Dax as he was filled from within, throwing his head back as he felt a few pulses of warmth within his tight passage before Dax pulled out and let pearly streaks etch across those firm ass cheeks that had hugged his cock. The red panda shivered as his intense orgasm subsided and he slumped over his boyfriend, heaving from exhaustion and wrapped his long bushy tail around the Doberman's waist.

"Th-that was incredible!" Dax finally gasped out, his body all aglow in the aftermath and looked down at Klayton, who was grinning goofily as he looked over his shoulder at the red panda. "Did I do okay?" He inquired, curious to know how his first time as a dom and top was with the inexperienced sub and bottom.

Klayton winced at that moment, feeling cum ooze from slightly loosened hole and clenched reflexively. "Nnngh.. You did amazingly love. I had no idea you had such a mean bone in your body."

Dax panicked, sitting up and flailing. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

The canine laughed at the red panda's frantic panic attack and turned to stop him. "No, no. I meant that in a good way. As if you could hurt this stud." He smirked and winked, flexing in demonstration of his muscular body. "Silly fox-coon."

"Heeeey," Dax fake pouted, crossing his arms. "Well don't come asking me to do that again any time soon. I was running out of things to say." He giggled as he nestled up into his Doberman's arms and kissed him on the chin, feeling Klayton's still rock hard bone against his soft gut as his own dribbled cum on Klayton's abs. "But that was kind of fun, pretending to be really dominant. But I think, as the dom, that it's your turn to put me back in my place, Mr. Alpha!"

Klayton grinned at Dax's suggestion and wasted no time in pulling the red panda off his stomach and guiding him to the floor as he sat up, legs spread out and his throbbing cock resting on top of the red panda's muzzle. "Alright you little cocksucker," Klayton growled, "I shouldn't have to tell you what you already know."

Dax gleefully parted his lips and took the tapered cock head into his mouth, one paw wrapped around the fist sized knotted sheath, pulling the soft fur back as both of Klayton's paws took a hold of his head and chin and began to rock his hips back and forth. Dax savored every splash of precum that flowed from the glorious red rocket that glided in and out of lips, gulping down every precious drop. He let out low moans as he felt the tip poke the back of his throat, which only enticed the Doberman to delve deeper, undisturbed by a gag reflex, something that Dax was quite proud of.

His eyes rolled back as he found himself at the base of Klayton's cock, the knot stretching his jaw out as he fit the whole nine inches in his muzzle and throat, feeling the slick precum drip directly down into his stomach as the Doberman held his head down, counting the seconds in his head of how long he could hold his breath. Dax gripped Klayton's thighs and squeezed when he was at his limit and was pulled off, gasping as the Doberman took his cock in paw and stroked it, rubbing the tip against the red panda's cheek.

"Bedroom. Now." Klayton instructed.

"But my show--"

"Will still be here when I'm done with you." Klayton finished and stood up, his legs just high enough that he could walk over Dax and drag his swollen balls across the red panda's face, rubbing his scent off on him.

Dax glared from the Doberman's cum splattered ass as he walked away, nub flicking, to the frozen image on the television. He had indulged in the Doberman's roleplay and done as he was told, but something inside him knew better. He huffed and got up off the couch, following Klayton down the hallway into their shared room, finding himself picked up and thrown onto the bed, landing on his back and followed by the Doberman pouncing on top of him.

"Horn dog."


"Fuck me."

Dax squeaked when he felt Klayton line himself up, his leaking tip finding it's target remarkably quickly and impaled itself inside him. His body had grown used to the size of Klayton he was able to take it with relative ease, and moaned out, clutching his dobie's broad shoulders as every inch buried itself inside him. He hooked his legs and tail around Klayton's waist as his ass lifted, feeling the knot bump against his ass.

Klayton cradled Dax in his arms, hunched over as he held the red panda steady and began to fuck him at a rapid, steady pace, making Dax writhe in pleasure as his prostate was assaulted repeatedly at a precise angle. His balls slapped against the furry ass, his cock pounding away as he grunted with exertion, his face pressed into Dax's cheek, making sure the red panda could feel and hear his ravenous panting.

Unable to escape, Dax submitted, moaning as he was filled with Klayton's sex, hearing the wet slaps of the knot pounding away on his ass, making his ass and gut jiggle with the solid rhythmic thrusts of the canine. He held on tight as the Doberman pushed deeper, feeling his tailhole stretch every time he felt that knot kiss his tailhole.

With a lewd, wet pop, Klayton managed to slam his knot into the red panda's welcoming hole, his knot fully enveloped by the warm hole. Dax gasped out, as if he had the wind punched right out of his lungs. His lost voice was quickly drowned as Klayton snarled loudly, feeling his climax near it's peak.

The wooden bed frame creaked as Klayton's was held in place by his tied knot, his pace increased in tempo, a stretto of thrusts as he rammed himself deeper into Dax. He didn't have to wait much longer before he felt the familiar twinge from his balls and reached his climactic end. Klayton howled loudly as his cock stiffened and flexed within Dax's ass, his hot white seed spilled itself inside, not a drop able to escape the pressurized passage. Dax was certain he saw stars as his body was wracked with pleasure as he felt the flood of semen spread deep down inside his guts. His swollen prostate was battered and with how much he was clenching on it, Dax let out a lustful moan, as he came a second time in near unison.

The two partners basked in their blissful orgasms, held in each other's embrace, Klayton's cock still basting Dax's insides with his seed while Dax arched his back, his seed splattering over his and Klayton's black furred chests. The second orgasm always seemed to be the strongest, however not quite as messy as the initial load. Dax slumped and murred gleefully as he rubbed his belly, imagining himself full of Klayton's cum. He smiled up at the panting canine and received a slobbery lick.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you any attention," Dax finally apologized.

"Don't worry," Klayton licked him again across the face. "Next time, I'll just pick you up and take what I want."

Dax squeaked and giggled, blushing and covering his drool covered face. "Hey now! That's not fair!"

"Neither is keeping your boyfriend pent up."

Dax put on his cutest face and looked up at Klayton's twinkling brown eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, fox-coon."