Chapter 2: The Little One

Story by Momchil the dragon slayer on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: The Little One

Nick was going to come soon, so I decided to wait for him in front of the entrance of the block. As it was dark, I took a flashlight with me. I got down and stayed there, looking at the darkness in front of me. I turned on the flashlight and pointed it at the dark bushes. Luckily for me, there weren't xenomorphs. I breathed out the air I had been holding without realizing it.

After some waiting, Nick came and we got to my apartment. As we got in, my bigger sister came and said "Hi Momchi, hi Nick, how are you?" "We... uum... are fine." - I said, with a fake smile. "What is it? You are hiding something, aren't you?" - She said, with a little smile. "Nope. We aren't." - Nick joined the conversation. After that both of us got in my room, where I told Nick what I saw in front of my block. He listened carefully, or at least he seemed so. After I finished he laughed and said "You are insane.". I only glared at him, but decided to agree with him. I really was a xenomorph maniac and I thought about it. Why did I even like xenomorphs? I mean, in fanfictions, they are awesome, but on the other hand, they were monsters. In the movies, they were described as "things, born to kill". "Helloo, Momchi, you there?" - Nick interrupted my thoughts. "Yes Nick, I might be insane. If you want to, you can stay here for the night." - I replied. "No, thanks. I think to go now. It's ten p.m. My mother might be conserned. By the way, I didn't believe you for that, but I would believe you for something that makes sense." - Nick said, before standing up. "See you tomorrow, I guess." - I said, as he got out of the apartment's door.

I got back in my room and prepared myself for tomorrow's day. After that, I got myself for sleep and went under the covers.

I suddenly awoke from a weird noise. It was that hissing noise, but in my room! I quickly turned the lights on and prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. I saw... nothing unusual. No xenomorphs, no marks of claws, no noises, nothing like that. "Am I getting crazy?!" - I thought to myself and returned to sleep, turning the lights off. On the morning, the alarm woke me up at half past six a.m. "Freaking alarms!" - I thought and almost broke my phone, from where the alarm sounded. I turned it off and got up, a bit angry and sleepy. As time passed, I calmed down and decided to have a breakfast.

After that I realized that I had only a shirt and a underwear on me. I put some clean clothes on and brushed my teeth. I got my jacket and my bag for school. I fastened the middle pocked of my bag, not looking at it, because I was in a hurry.

On the way to school, I remembered last night's noises. "It was probably just a dream." - I thought to myself. I felt something in my bag to move and jumped from surprise. I quickly got the bag off and checked what was in it. I opened the first pocket - only books for school. I opened the middle pocket and was scared and surprised to see a chestburster in it! I looked away and then in the chestburster again. I blinked several times and realized that it wasn't going to hurt me. It just looked at me, confused and scared as much as me. I realized that I couldn't take it to school and I couldn't take it home, either. I closed the pocket and started walking towards home. I hurried and soon got to the field in front of my block. I opened the bag and tried to take the chestburster, but it hissed at me.I backed away, showing my hands, proving that I wasn't going to hurt it. After it calmed down, I slowly got closer and carefully got it out of the bag. I couldn't believe it. I was holding a xenomorph in my hands. I felt like I wanted to keep it, but then I quickly threw that idea out of my mind. I was deep in the field, so no one could see me. I petted the chestburster slowly and for my surprise, it purred. It liked being petted. After that, I put it on the ground, but it locked itself on my hand. At first, I thought that this was cute, but after that, I tried to remove it from my hand, but it hissed at me. I gave up and took it in my hands. I sighed and thought "What am I going to do with a chestburster, which wants to stay with me?!". I decided that I was going to skip school today, so I called my mum and lied that I was sick and that I was going to skip school today. She believed me and I almost jumped from happiness. She told me to come home. I agreed, I couldn't disagree. I thought a little bit and after a while, I got a plan in my head. I put the chestburser back in my bag and went home.

In the front door, my mum asked me "How are you feeling? Are you ok?". I pretended to be sick and said "Well, I have headache, my throat aches, also and I think that I am going to throw up every moment." She looked at me worryingly and said "OK, go to your room, I will make you some tea and prepare some toast." "Okay, thanks mum." - I replied and went to my room. I opened my bag and took the chestburster. How did it get in my bag, anyway? The doors were locked. After that I remembered that I had forgotten to close the door for the balcony. I hid the chestburster in a box in my room. That box was there for a complete unknown reason. I hadn't used it until then. I said "Stay here and be quiet." It seemed to understand me, somehow. That was good. My mother got in the room with the toast and the tea. "Thank you mum, really." After that I remembered that the chestburser should be hungry, too. That could be a problem. There was meat in the fridge, but my mum would get very suspicios if I asked her to bring me raw meat. I got out of the room with her and we went to the kitchen. There, I opened the fridge while she wasn't looking and took a steak. Luckily, she didn't notice. I got back to my room and went to the box where the chestburster was. I smiled and said "You should be hungry, I bring you some meat." It looked at me and its saliva started forming in its mouth. I gave it the steak and went to eat my own meal.

After I finished, I went to my mother and said "Uh, mum. Would you please not come in my room?" "Why" - She asked and I said "Well, I just need some time for myself." "Okay." - She said and I got back to my room. There, I saw that the chestburster was exploring the enviroment. "Okay, we are free for the next few hours." - I said and laid on my bed, resting. The little alien joined me and got next to me. I got it on my belly and started petting it. It purred and I enjoyed that sound. After some time it got asleep. I smiled and thought "This is so cute!" After that, I carefully got up, without waking it up and put it in the box, where later I put one T-shirt on it. I smiled and went on my computer to read fanfictions.

End Of Chapter 2

Sorry for the waiting, people! I am back with this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! But I need reviews, because I feel like I am writing to no one. I will see you in the next chapter! Review, follow and favorite!