The Serpent's Shard (Pt 2)

Story by Wpython on SoFurry

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This is the second part of Rarriku's quest for the Angel's shard and his meeting with Vyrsussiks.

You can read the First Part Here: The Serpent's Shard (Pt1)

The Serpent's Shard (Pt 2)

By Whitepython

Rarriku poked his head out from the tight tunnel formed by the collapsed rocks towards the large antechamber. He couldn't scan the ceiling because his movements were too restricted. It was a miracle his chest could expand to allow him to breathe.

The wolf decided to take the risk and pull his slim furred self out of the hole. He observed the natural dome and the skylight of the antechamber. There were no signals of the unusual snake. The wolf knew that this was his opportunity to return to the hall with the dangerous devices.

The wolf hoped for his staff to be around so he could return home with his tools, but His staff was nowhere to be seen.

As his eyes got used to the source of light again, the wolf walked along the antechamber until a sudden pillar of coils fell from the ceiling that blocked his exit.

"It's so pretty. It'sssss more beautiful that I could have ever imagined..."

The brown wolf growled loud as his legs took a couple of steps back. While he was expecting for the guardian to show up, he wasn't expecting to see the reptile so excited about his return.

The serpent's eyes examined his form with the possessive and hungry glare they always have until they locked around his neck. Vyrsussiks wanted to fetch the wolf's prize.

"Leave me alone serpent! This is mine now."

"Oh no. I told you that the precious jewel is mine. And so are you now..."

The wolf tried to run back towards the collapsed hall, but the serpent slithered fast. He laid his coils in a wide circular wall around him, trapping the canine in a round prison. But the reptile left a vast distance between the canine and the large loop.

"Today is my lucky day. Two pretties for me to own"

The distance between the guardian and the theft became shorter when Vyrsussiks slid his body closer. And Rarriku grew uncomfortable as those coils suffocated his escape.

"It's Delicioussss. I can feel its power already... "

The once red eyes of the reptile were now glowing in the same color as the jewel Rarriku carried around his neck. The red stripes placed along those dark scales also were glowing in deep blue. The serpent and the Angel's Shard joined each other in some strange synchrony.

That snake was without any doubt not a common reptile.

"Come into my coils, my little pet" Vyrsussiks invited "-tell your new master what does your heart desires the most-. He just might grant it to you through the power of darkness. Given that you are a good pet."

Rarriku froze in place. He gave a quick head shake as he tried to remain focused after the perplexing question. What sort of trick was the reptile trying to pull on him? Was he offering an opportunity to obtain anything he wished through dark magic? If he could obtain anything he wished for, he didn't have to think about it. He already knew what to tell to the dangerous predator before him.

Rarriku wished for Gerrgyl to come back to life. To come back to his side. Or at least he wished for the opportunity to see him one last time so that he could say goodbye. He wished he could say 'I am sorry'...

-He wished he could say I love you...-

But disturbing the soul of Gerrgyl with dark magic sounded like an insult to the memory of the lupine he still very much loved.

"There is nothing you can give me snake. Step aside already!" the wolf commanded after recovering his thoughts from the land of emotions. His voice was broken after refusing to accept the deal. His eyes turned watery for an instant.

"I beg to differ" the reptile flicked his ebony tongue before shaking his head "I have stared into your soul for a while now. I have tasted the pain your spirit carries. You shouldn't lie to Master. Good pets never do such things. I am going to figure out what's wrong with you sooner or later. Why do you resist me so my deliciousssss little prey?"

"Because I refuse to end as your latest meal!" the wolf spoke blunt and plain.

"Don't concern yourself with such insignificant things. If you could see through my eyes, you would be mesmerized at the sight of how delicious you look with that necklacsssssse..."

"I told you already that I have to return to my masters and hand over the Angel's shard. Or else, they will beat me until my bones are broken, and then they will throw my half dead body to be devoured by the beasts."

The wolf felt the once red-eyed snake was analyzing him. Purplish-blue eyes studied him with utmost scrutiny and seriousness.

"I can't see why someone would hurt a cute furred thing such as you." The snake recalled his coils back towards the entrance. The circular prison disappeared from around the lupine. "Only someone without a soul would dare to wound a beautiful toy such as you..." Vyrsussiks spoke as he slid his upper body closer to the lupine with a smooth slide "I have a good solution for you. Don't return to them. Renounce your evil masters and become mine, -get into my coils- yesssssss..." the snake suggested to the wolf using that long and forked tongue that was sniffing his slender self.

"I can't do that!" the wolf walked back from that large reptilian head "I have to free my fellow pack of slaves, so they don't have to suffer just like me."

"Just forget about them and save yourself..."

"No! I refuse to abandon them."

"They will find their own way to freedom sooner or later if they look for it."

The wolf remained silent for a moment. He couldn't imagine how cruel would it be to earn his freedom but not to think about freeing his fellow pack of slaves. He wouldn't be able to live with himself knowing that his fellow slaves are suffering enslavement while he roamed free.

Vyrsussiks released a mocking hiss as he slid his coils closer to the wolf. The reptilian guardian was now about 3 meters away from Rarriku as that reptilian head hovered next to his own head.

"I could force you into my coils, but I would rather not. Your body is wounded and tired. And that would be way too easy for me. I would enjoy it more if you were to surrender to me. I want to have the pretty stone in my power, and I want you to be under my power too..." The snake slid the round and fat tip of his black and blue tail next to Rarriku's feet without making contact with him.

"Come to me. I can help you forget everything..." The snake tempted Rarriku with his forked tongue. That triangular-like reptilian snout spoke in a soft voice close to his left ear, almost whispering. "I can make you a happy mindless pet. I cannot talk you into becoming mine, nor can I bribe you with the power of darkness that I command to make your wishes come true. I will have to show you the kind of life that I offer you from a different perspective..."

Rarriku didn't want to take part of this change of perspectives. He gave the serpent's snout a rough shove to push it away before walking several steps away from the reptile.

The serpent counterattacked by launching several coils of himself against the canine. Rarriku was fast enough to jump back and gain enough distance to stay away from the guardian. After the quick maneuver that saved him from a tight hug, he pressed his back and his palms against the rock wall next to the collapsed hall from where he retrieved the Angel's Shard. The blue and dark serpent stood under the light that shone from the skylight on the cave.

He fixed his eyes on the guardian as the black and blue serpent coiled itself closer to the lupine theft.

"Quick reflexessssss. I like that! But now come here and give me a big kissss. A small one for your new master..." Rarriku felt cornered. However, this same situation gave him an excellent idea.

The reptile lunged his head forward with his jaws open towards the wolf. Rarriku jumped aside at the right moment. The serpent's blunt snout kissed the rough wall with a heavy hit.

The wolf ran back towards the entrance hall now that the snake was stunned. Those quick reflexes the snake complimented had bought him an opportunity to escape.

Rarriku stood at the top of the staircase that would take him back home, but the wolf stopped for a moment as soon as he remembered that this exit route was loaded with pressure sensitive plates and they could kill him at any time.

The wolf hesitated to escape, but he didn't have time for second thoughts. He began to descend the staircase when something cold wrapped around his waist and dragged him back into the cave.

"That's not the right path my pet. The right way is over here. In my coilssss."

The pelt along Rarriku's back rose, and he exposed his fangs. He clawed at the thick scales surrounding his waist while his legs tensed in an attempt to remain stuck on the floor.

Rarriku would express his shock about how fast the reptile recovered from the blunt hit if he wasn't worried about the increasing dominant grip of the reptile around his slim waist which held him in victory.

The brown wolf held the tail around his waist in a desperate attempt to pull it off of his body before that cool and cylindrical body could wrap further around his athletic self. But the reptile was too strong to be subdued into submission.

"Come here..." Vyrsussiks commanded "my precious toysssssss..." Rarriku got a hold of the snake's tail tip and attempted to twist it off of his brown furred self. He burnt the last of his strength to free himself from the scaled loop, but he was soon distracted when the upper half of the snake rose up in the air before his eyes. A commanding tower rose before the lupine. Those purple eyes locked into his brown ones. That black scaled head swayed side to side before him. The gaze of the Guardian and the gaze of the theft were locked in.

Rarriku remembered how dangerous it was to look into the serpent's eyes after the first encounter. Pulling his glare away from those eyes was more important than escaping that tail. But his body was invaded by a soft tingling once again. The will to fight against the black and blue reptile was withdrawing from his body. He was under an intense allure towards the guardian of the cave. He felt invited to step forth into those coils.

The tail left his waist. Rarriku felt the desire to follow it. To allow that tail to roam along his bare chest and his loin-clothed thighs. He has been attacked by many guardians in the past. But none has been so charming. So tempting.

So seductive...

But the wolf also felt uneasy near the strange snake and the malicious aura he projected. If this creature could be called a snake.

His brown plantigrade feet paws moved back in an attempt to safeguard his brown furred body into safety. Rarriku felt the intriguing glare was loaded with dark intentions.

The snake made his next move. He slid the tip of his tail and his lower body towards the fleeing wolf as their glares fought with each other. Rarriku felt confused as his world began to take a purple tint while at the same time he became unable to move by some reason.

A very soft and subtle hissing sound dragged the wolf away from any distracting thoughts. It offered him a soothing sound to follow with his sluggish mind.

His body became enveloped by a cool and tight sensation all around him which started around his thick ankles that held them in place. The feeling moved fast along his warm body. Covering his furred self until it stopped around his neck.

The only thing he perceived was the scent of the earth mixed with water that was refreshing the vegetation in the floor of the antechamber.

After a moment of being held in body and mind by the strange sensations, Rarriku shook his head fast to try to clear his seduced mind from the mesmerizing blue and purple light. He tried to move his hands to pry himself free from the oppressing coils only to realize that he was free and the black and purple scaled reptile was nowhere to be seen.

Rarriku attempted to recover control over himself and to become aware of what was happening. But he also missed that beautiful purple light.

"Where... where did...?" the confused wolf asked.

"Missing me already my cute pet?" a voice spoke from an unknown direction until the wolf felt a smooth appendage stroking his back.

The half-asleep wolf turned around to observe what was happening: Vyrsussiks' tail was hanging low, stroking his furred body as the head of the serpent examined him.

"I am not like your masters. I am quite different. Cease your resistance and come to me. Let the darkness embrace you..."

The wolf growled softly. He remained tensed on the outside while inside of him he wondered the real reason behind his struggle.

But before he reached a conclusion, he found his gaze lured once again towards the snake's eyes. Those purple eyes resumed to become the focus of his attention. Inviting his restrictions to evaporate. Those eyes dragged him to slip into a new world of purple submission.

Rarriku considered for a moment the intriguing idea to allow that purple light to wash over his tired body and spent mind. He leaned towards the hanging tail. Maybe there was a way for him to surrender and to stay under the power of the pretty purple lights.

But the beautiful eyes disappeared once again...

"Stop messing with me!" the mind hazed Wolf complained.

"Why is that my pretty? You enjoy my attention, don't you? I can make you always live in the blissful touch of the darknesssss. Embrace my coils my pet..."

The wolf found himself near the exit. He wasn't sure how did he end so close to the hall that would take him back to the Ashen Cloaks. This would be the perfect opportunity to escape.

Rarriku turned back for an instant. He noticed the purple lights at the bottom of the cave. Those eyes inviting him to walk deeper into the antechamber and to stay with the purple striped coils. He debated about turning around and running back towards the Ashen Cloaks or taking the risk and following the commands given by Vyrsussiks.

"Come here little toy. This would be the third time I lure you towards me. And there will be no point of return for you if you fall into my charms this time. I won't hold back my powers if you do..."

Rarriku squeezed the stone hanging over his pectorals once again as he weighed his options.

If he managed to escape any unexpected trap on the hall behind him, his masters would receive him with a pat on the back and a bowl of food. If he were lucky enough, he would be able to relax for three days before his masters would give him yet another stealing mission where he would start once again to function as nothing but another tool for those reptiles to fatten up their purses with gold.

If he followed the pretty purple light. He wouldn't have to worry about living a life of thieving any longer. Even if he didn't know what the real intentions of the reptile are.

The hand of his current masters ensured a life of being used as a pawn and be sacrificed when he couldn't serve that purpose anymore, but at least he could enjoy the company of other wolves in the meantime. The coils of the serpent were an uncertain fate aside from promises of bliss and no more days as theft. This strange reptile has been the only reptile who has treated him with care and has been seductive towards him even if he was rough. Even if there was something sinister hidden behind that purple glare.

The wolf dragged his large feet paws along the cool ground of the antechamber where the purple gaze beckoned him to walk forth. If the serpent took both the Angel's Shard and himself forever, the time and vast quantity of resources that the Ashen Cloaks had spent in obtaining the Lapis lazuli would be wasted in vain. They would never be able to punish Rarriku for this. They would have to face their irreparable loss by themselves and the humiliation of failure before other mercenary groups.

This was the perfect way to avenge Gerrgyl.

The brown wolf remembered stories told by other slaves about unique reptiles that were touched by the God of Darkness himself with the power of dominion over weaker minds. They forced their willpower upon others through their eyes. Maybe that's what this serpent was doing.

Rarriku wondered if this meant that he had a weak mind...

"Good pet. Walk towards me. With every step you give deeper and deeper into the cave. The deeper you surrender your mind to me. And the deeper you accept my power over your feeble and enslavable mind..."

The lupine released a soft yawn. He noticed that those mighty coils were appearing and disappearing from his sight as they danced among the shadows of the cave. Even if the wolf's feet weren't moving fast, he noticed that with every swing those coils approached him closer and closer. His mind was already too allured towards the powerful presence of his newest master to care. After a couple more of waving coils, the wolf felt his chest caught in a thick loop and the cold ground leaving his thick soles.

After a moment of being held in the air, Rarriku felt the rest of his body being encased by another and another loop of those smooth and powerful coils. The thick rings of his master slid in all directions around his furred body in a mighty and possessive embrace.

His body placed no resistance. He allowed himself to be held in those smooth coils as they caressed his almost naked self. He was now at the mercy of the guardian of the cave. He would do anything the reptile commanded, and his enslaved mind would obey without hesitation. Vyrsussiks was the kind of master that he could trust.

His vision became the pair of bluish purple eyes which were reaffirming their possessive power over him as the sea of black and blue striped coils kept the source of that mind numbing energies hovering before him.

Vyrsussiks executed a silent power that consumed his free will in a slow pace. His muscles were unable to remain tense as the coils held him in a tight grip, his once wounded shoulder was now numb. Being under the power of the serpent was such a pleasuring experience that he was unable to find anything that could come close to second. His feet paws missed the sensation of the cold ground but Rarriku remaining focused on those deep eyes. They were the most important thing now. Rarriku had surrendered his future and his freedom to the mesmerizing serpent.

And he felt glad that he did...

"I had dreamt of holding you in my coilsssss since you awoke me when you activated those boulders. Now I own you for eternity..."

The wolf felt secure in the tight embrace of those coils as the large head of the hypnotic reptile danced before him. Maybe the security came from the dominant energies constricting any kind of worry. His eyes were lost in those purple eyes. Rarriku wished for his new master to execute a complete command over him.

The wolf saw the large reptile to open his jaws wide before him until they unhinged, but his mind and his will had been already devoured by the purple energies.

The coils lifted the wolf up in the air before they turned him upside down. He felt the necklace leaving his neck as his world became a confusing inverted one. Those strong coils then lost their tight grip around him. Gravity kicked in, and the floating wolf descended. Vyrsussiks had his unhinged jaws waiting for him.

The next thing that Rarriku noticed was that he landed on something not so soft yet not so rough. Thanks to the slip, his mind cleared enough for him to notice his surroundings.

Rarriku found himself laying on top of those thick and abundant pile of coils. The scaly snout of the reptile was closed tight. A bluish-purple color glowing illuminated that maw from the insides. It was as if Vyrsussiks had eaten a purple sun whose rays attempted to escape through his thick scaly skin.

Vyrsussiks stretched his long and elongated self. Rarriku saw the light traveling down along the snake's body. The Angel's shard illuminated those scales as it moved along the thick coils until it stopped in the middle where it began to dim. The stripes and the eyes of the serpent glowed with a renewed power.

"That was a delicious meal. Yessssss..." the large predator flicked his tongue against the half enchanted lupine. "That must be the 'Angel souls' thing you were talking about. Even if it's the captured soul of an angel, I can corrupt its energiessss to keep myself alive in this world and absorb those energies for my new plans."

The wolf was confused as the snake spoke. What kind of serpent feeds itself from glowing stones? Was that stone the real soul of an angel?

"Tricking you into fetching this item was so easy. A touch of hypnosis goes a long way too. That item was sealed so only mortal beings were the only ones that could fetch it. Thanks to you it's now mine. My reign over this world can take place like it did when I used to be a low-astral demon living in the veil."

The black serpent filled the silent cave with a hiss of satisfaction. Rarriku wasn't sure what the snake was talking about.

"However, this little feast has left me with another hunger that my newest toy will satisfy..."

Rarriku felt the once asleep coils around him to execute a tight grip around his body. The wolf also noticed the hypnotic power of the snake kept on fading as the snake's touch grew rougher.

Maybe the snake would send him where the angel shard was resting.

However, the snake's head slipped under his slave loincloth. Rarriku noticed that his legs were free of the coils, it was only his chest with his arms pinned to his sides that were under the power of the reptile. That cool tongue flicked against his sheath.

His whole body tensed from the sensation the snake was causing with his thick tongue. Slaves such as himself never received such attention unless he would administer it with his own hand or unless he grew close to a fellow slave who could do him such favors. And the only fellow slave who he used to do this was Gerrgyl...

After feeling that long and forked tongue tickling his sheath, the wolf couldn't hold it anymore. His red maleness erected under all of the attention. It flopped at the top of the snake's cold and rough scaled head.

Rarriku was lifted up in the air. From his neck, all the way down to his waist he was enveloped in coils as the snake's head rested against his sheath. He spread his legs wide as they poked out from under the coils that held him.

Rarriku shut his eyes to enjoy the dexterous reptilian snout as it pleased his canine maleness. Sounds of pleasure and soft howls left his gullet as his master wasted no time to push him to the edge. Several lines of pre-semen escaped his red maleness. His nose caught the first scents of his own arousal along with a new, spicy and musky scent that filled the air. The reptile was also getting turned on by this.

The tight but comfortable grip of the serpent remained around his chest which mixed with the pleasure caused by the soft and moist reptilian maw.

The wolf curled his toes and stretched his whole body as the snake sucked around his meat with a strong and stable suction that enveloped his entire knotted meat. The lupine released a loud howl of pleasure now as his heart was beating fast against the soft scutes of the coils that held him. He was about to fill the serpent's maw with his release.

But the suckling ended out of sudden.

"Nice pet. You love master's touch. Let's have you doing now something to me. Something we both would enjoy..."

The wolf felt himself being carried in the air by the thick coils around his chest until something smooth and cool was pressed under his tail. And those purple eyes returned to his face to resume their dominion over him.

"Keep your legs spread wide. Let your master ssssslip inside..."

Master commanded, and the pet obeyed. The purple eyes before Rarriku made sure he obeyed. Something slipped under his tail. And something else moved under his ball sack and flopped over his own red maleness.

"Can't slide both. Not yet at least. I don't want to ruin my pet so soon. I will train you in the following weeks to take both. But now enjoy the ride my sex toy..."

Rarriku realized at that moment that his master had not one, but two cocks. One that pressed its smooth tip under his tail and a second one stretched over his lupine meat and rested against his warm sheath.

The wolf was placed between those reptilian genitals as both meats extended themselves. One wasted no time to fill the wolf's hole with his thrombin presence as the other one flopped against Rarriku's own maleness.

While he couldn't see what they looked like, Rarriku felt they were smooth and long. With a thick tip and a thin neck. But they felt thicker and thicker as the reptile worked to slide and grind his erected meats all the way to the base.

The wolf panted some as the snake kept both meats in place. Giving his catch time to get used to the thick maleness that sunk inside of him.

After a moment, Vyrsussiks rammed his cock with a faster pace. The other one frotted against the wolf's red shaft but the movement was irregular and hard to keep in contact until the snake used the tip of his tail to constrict both dicks in place against each other.

Rarriku's heart resumed to beat fast as he felt his body growing warmer as the serpent thrust faster and faster into his hole even if those coils around his thick pelted chest were quite cool.

The wolf saw the walls of the cave surrounding him moving as the serpent titled the wolf on his back against the ground. His legs were now spread wide in the air. The reptile was gaining now a better control of the situation. The spicy and musky scent the reptile was releasing began to mix with the scent of his own arousal. Both creatures had fallen into a mating heat.

"As soon as you orgasm you will become all mine. You are nothing but my pet and property. You will belong to me in mind, body, and sssssoul..."

It was a command to surrender his very own being to the serpent. He might not be able to see his fellow pack of slaves again. But with both the pendant and himself gone, he has ruined the masters he has despised since he was a cub.

Even if Vyrsussiks' coils were wrapped around his chest, the wolf felt his own body weight resting on his upper back and shoulders as the reptile held him now almost titled upside down. His legs bounced back and forth as the snake rammed under his tail with an increasing animalistic mating urgency. His cock and the spare cock of the Guardian had already coated each other in a thick layer of pre-semen as that reptilian tail tip kept both of them at the edge of pleasure

Rarriku needed to empty himself for his master.

A loud howl filled the silent antechamber. The wolf felt a powerful shiver running from the tip of his toes all the way to the tip of his ears. He exploded in pleasure like nobody has ever made him feel before. The wolf felt a thick and cool liquid filling his belly along with another shot of that liquid that splashed over his tummy and knotted dick. Rarriku passed out under the dominance of the purple light that colored his orgasm -and the rest of his life-.

When Rarriku woke up, he found himself laying on his belly in the middle of the antechamber. The moonlight shone through the skylight at the dome of the cave.

"It's time to rise my pet. Take me to your former masterssss."

The canine snapped free from his slumber. He placed his hands on the floor and brought himself up. He searched around for his new master. But the reptile was nowhere to be seen. Yet, the voice of his master was so easy to hear in his mind. Rarriku felt uneasy with the idea of going back, but it was so hard to resist the command.

"Fear not my pet. I sssssshall have a private word with your former masters. I am sure I can show them things from a new perspective."

The wolf's legs moved towards the hall with the setup traps. But by some strange reason, he knew that as long as he remained stuck to the left wall, he would be okay.

Rarriku was once again wearing his combat staff on his back, and the Angel's Shard was back around his neck. But the stone was devoid of its once beautiful purplish glow.

"Move at once," Master Vyrsussiks commanded. "I can't wait to devour the souls of your former masters and use their bodies and resources for the service of darkness..."

"It will be done, my Master..."