On the Hunt

Story by Shale_the_Smiler on SoFurry

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Night clubs are the best kind of hunting grounds.

Disclaimer: any similarities actual people or events are entirely coincidental. All characters are privately owned. And constructive criticism is always welcome!

Jasper loved night clubs. The sights. The sounds. The smells. The flashing lights and brightly coloured clothes. The laughter and the pounding dance music. The scent of sweat and fur, arousal, alcohol, people grinding against each other. Hoping to get lucky but if not then it wasn't a big deal. There was so much going on in night clubs at any given time. And Jasper just loved to watch. He would sit there at the bar for hours, watching people come and go, nursing a Singapore Sling or a Rusty Nail while reading the paper. He'd watch a girl go home with a guy, he'd see friends come in and laugh for a couple hours before heading on out. The businessman stopping by for a drink after work, the single mother needing a night out, the college student experimenting with something new. He just loved the night life. Rarely did he feel more alive than he did now, watching the world writ small. It was like having all of reality at your fingertips.

"Um...excuse me?"

Jasper blinked and adjusted his glasses, turning himself around on his stool. A cute, white furred feline stood behind him and just to the side, smiling lightly. Dressed in bell bottoms and blue top with a red leather jacket, she rocked lightly on her heels with her hands clasped behind her back. She brushed a strand of long blonde hair from her face and tilted her head in an adorably sweet sort of way, murmuring "Do you mind if I...?"

Jasper smiled and edged his chair over to make some room. "No, not at all" he said. He flicked his eyes back to his newspaper, the front page discussing the budget deficit, the rise in violent crime, and the top ten reasons why you could afford to take out anther loan on your house, then folded it up and put it out of his mind. He watched the girl who he judged to be in her early twenties settle down in a stool beside him and noted "Usually it's me who's asking that question."

The feline giggled lightly. "I'll be honest...I wouldn't have" she admitted. "But I've seen you in here before, and a friend of mine has been daring me to open up all night..."

"Well, I'll have to thank her for that then." As a wolverine, Jasper knew he could be a little imposing. He wasn't particularly tall and had a certain paunch to him, but was packed with muscle beneath his flannel button up shirt, and his dress pants strained a little around his thighs...he needed a new pair soon before they burst around him. "So what's your name? Or better yet, tell me your friend's name so you can palm me off on her" he joked.

The feline girl chuckled and tugged on that strand of her hair. "I'm Allison. And that's as far as I've been able to get, so..."

Jasper caught the hint and took the lead. "Well I could always start by buying you a drink" he said, and when Allison rapidly nodded he waved to the bartender. Soon they were both sipping Grasshoppers and relaxing, the world narrowing down to just the two of them. "There we go. Is that good for an ice breaker?"

Allison sipped daintily at the sweet cocktail and purred. "Mmm. Definitely getting better. Hehe." She smiled up at him, being a bit short for a feline and curled her tail around the legs of the stool. And despite her shy demeanour Jasper had the feeling that he was being sized up. It wasn't a common experience for him, and he straightened up a bit under the scrutiny, grinning. How often did you get sized up by a pretty girl after all?

"Soooo..." Allison murmured, peering into her glass. "What happens next?"

"Well you could tell me about yourself" Jasper invited with a gentle smile. Good lord, was she shy...out here in the pounding energy of the club, she looked very much like a fish out of water. A little girl who didn't belong. It was endearing, and the wolverine found himself smiling a bit wider. "Or if you'd rather I can go first."

"Maybe that would be for the best." Allison was all too eager to agree, and Jasper couldn't help but chuckle. He pushed his glasses further up his snout and leaned back on his stool, giving the sales pitch on his life.

"Well my name's Jasper, like I said" he explained. "I grew up with my mother and brother. He joined the army and I went to college. I majored in English and spent five years bouncing around jobs flipping burgers and washing dishes before I got something halfway decent. Now I work at the public library down town. I have to take the bus to and from work every day, so there's always the risk of getting stabbed but apart from that my life is looking up."

Allison arched a delicate eyebrow. "Stabbed? I get the feeling that you're not fond of the bus are you?"

Jasper grinned and winked back at her. "Well you never know what kind of crazies you'll run into on the bus! I swear, I get nervous every time someone gets on...have you seen the news these days?" He nudged his newspaper lightly. "I keep expecting to get mugged on the way to work..."

"Oh I don't know about that." Allison peered into her cocktail as though examining the ingredients or admiring the colour. "I read that two out of every three muggers will think twice about picking a fight with certain species. Elephants, bull frogs...wolverines." She smiled shyly up at him. "I think you'd be too scary for most of them."

"Scary?" Jasper gestured to his glasses and down to his somewhat pudgy frame, built that way from years of college life, forged from nights of noodles, pizza and Mountain Dew followed by still more years of working in fast food and forced subsistence on burgers, fries, fried chicken and the occasional poor quality salad, and finishing up with a largely sedentary career that left him seated for most of the day. "I look scary? Well! Thank you. That either gave my self esteem a much needed boost, or I'm going to curl up with some ice cream to watch Monster Bug Wars."

The cute feline giggled and splayed her ears out, making the wolverine grin. He took a long, slow drink of chilled cocktail and glanced about idly around the night club. A couple of lionesses, a mother and daughter duo probably, danced among the flashing lights on the dance floor, surrounded by attentive looking men. Down the bar, a spotted hyena with a long red mane peered disconsolately into the bottom of a glass of vodka, looking preoccupied with something. And a doe who looked to be in her early to mid thirties lounged by the speakers, doing something on her tablet while chewing on what was probably bubblegum. The whole world in the palm of his hand. And it was rather busy tonight with plenty of interesting characters. And yet Allison the feline was catching his attention. Swirling his drink about he mused "It's busy here tonight...you picked a good time to go out and open up."

The feline blushed and ducked her head, trying to hide her pleased smile at Jasper's words. "Aw shucks. It's nothing..."

They continued to chat like this for a while as the music blared and the lights flared. The lionesses on the dance floor got a bit more flashy with their partners and the hyena down the bar drank a couple more vodkas. The doe woman set down her tablet and watched the dancers as if considering joining in. And Jasper and Allison made small talk and sipped fruity cocktails. The topic turned from work to the local news, to his alma mater and on to Allison's area of study which caught Jasper's interest.

"A lawyer, huh?" Jasper asked, grinning as he drummed his fingers lightly on the bartop, leaning forwards ever so slightly. "They say that law school kills your dating life."

Allison snorted daintily, her cute nose flaring a bit. "I never had much of one, thank you... And technically I'd need to graduate first. And then go through lots of paralegal work and so on...it's all technical and not very interesting."

Jasper cocked his head and regarded Allison for a moment without speaking. Trying to imagine her as a high powered lawyer with the power of life and death in her hands for those who paid. It may have been the alcohol talking but that gave him quite the mental image. The feline seemed to be guessing what he was thinking and she blushed and quickly wrapped both hands around her glass, but did not excuse herself. A good sign. The wolverine tugged absently at his collar as he considered her words. "Well it can't be ALL boring" he suggested. "There must be papers, case studies, work on projects. Do you keep up with criminal news? The daily papers? Stuff like that?"

Allison flicked her ears at that and leaned forward a bit against the bar, crossing her arms and resting them upon the counter. "Actually, I have been reading the news a lot lately" she said with an embarrassed little grin. "For my end of the year project in school. My program is in its last year, you see. And I decided to be all ambitious and conscientious, and got to studying the city's crime rates over the semester." Her cheeks flushed a soft red beneath her fur and she pressed on hurriedly. "It's been so much trouble keeping track of every paper in the city for the last few years...there's a LOT of data out there. But it's been worth it. And it's almost over. I'm just writing up the last few pages of my report before turning it in. It's silly, I know..."

"Silly?" Jasper repeated, cocking his head. He felt himself smile a bit, clean white teeth showing behind his lips. "That doesn't sound silly at all. If anything that's fascinating. A lot more interesting than what I do with myself at any rate." He glanced at his newspaper again, wondering, then asked "So what kind of conclusions have you been coming to, if I may ask?"

The feline grinned with delight at the interest he was showing, and straightened up before she began to speak. "Well first of all I've been using a bunch of different sources to follow the news every day" she explained, hands wrapping around her half empty cocktail. "I've been following all the daily newspapers in the city like I said before, both local and national. I've combed the city archives more than once to look for trends. And I've particularly been focussing on any kind of crime. Petty theft, muggings, violence. I've got a whole scrap book full of articles I cut out to use as my sources."

"Well it beats collecting photographs of birds" the wolverine said approvingly.

Allison giggled and sipped her drink. "It's interesting" she noted. "Crime levels on the whole has been dropping all over the city, in terms of theft and fraud and things like that, but violent crime has been going up. Police shootings. Shootings OF police. Murders. Rapes. People getting attacked going home from work. It sounds silly" she added hastily, unconsciously leaning forward a bit, so very earnest about what she was saying. "And it's not like it's massively likely. But there's a definite trend of things on the way up."

Jasper waved a hand lightly. "It's politics" he snarked. "The crazies have come out of the closet this election year and they're goading the nutjobs with their flags and angry chants to come out and make themselves heard. You won't catch me dead near one of those rallies..."

"Oh it goes further than angry rallies and running people off the road for having the wrong bumper sticker." Jasper had to admit to himself, though perhaps he'd had a few too many cocktails, that when Allison leaned in with such an earnest look in her eyes, she could be so absolutely entrancing. Was she a little bit too close to him? It was hard to tell. "I mean real John Wayne Gacy, Edmund Kemper, Gennady Mikhasevich, Jack the Ripper type stuff..."

"Jack the Ripper? Ah come on Allie" Jasper said with a smile. "This is San Francisco! At least go for a Skid Row Slasher reference." He raised his arms as though gesturing to the entire Golden State that lay beyond the confines of the club. By now the sun would be down, the city lit by street lights and neon signs. But people would not be going home just yet. The night was still young, and the motion of life intermingling was still most energetic and complex as men and women connected in all kinds of ways. He gestured out over the night club, encompassing everyone. "You make it sound like there's a knife wielding lunatic ready to chop you up lurking behind every dancer here. Not that I'm accusing you of being paranoid" he hastily backpedaled, seeing Allison blush brightly. "It's very interesting stuff, really! And I'm sure you're right. It's just all a little too...statistical for me."

"No, you're right." Allie smiled lightly and peered into the bottom of her glass. "It's a bit silly. And it's not much of a topic for conversation in a night club like this, is it? I'm just...normally so shy and don't do the whole talking thing very easily..."

Jasper let himself relax a little when he saw that she wasn't offended. Pushing his glasses up his snout, he said "Well you seem to be doing pretty well so far. I'd say it's a success on all accounts."

"Maybe so, but still..." Allison hesitated a moment, then leaned over and touched her hand to his. The wolverine went still and it was his turn to blush faintly as the feline squeezed lightly and smiled shyly up at him. "Thank you for putting up with my rambling on. And for listening to me talk about school. To be honest, I'm not sure if the whole report is any good...if the end of the semester wasn't coming up so quickly on us then I might think about doing it all over..."

"No no no..." Jasper shook his head firmly. "You have to submit it as is. The topic is fascinating, and just because my brain doesn't wrap well around the statistics behind violent crime doesn't mean there's no worth to it."

Allison hesitated. "I don't know..."

"I'll tell you what." Grinning wide now, Jasper nudged away his empty glass and drummed his claws on the bar top, leaning forward just a bit. "After you hand in your final paper, after you defend it and so on, we'll meet back up here, talk about the good old days, and laugh about how awkward things were while having cocktails, and thank your friend for daring you to come on over and open up. How does that sound?"

Allie blushed so hard it looked like her head might just pop. For a moment it looked like she was considering fleeing. When she was still there a few moments later, she inclined her head and smiled shyly. "Alright. I...think I can do that" she said. And it was like the weight of the world lifted off of her shoulders. The feline straightened up a bit and raised her glass in a toast. "To the end of term then."

"And meeting folks in a club" Jasper added with a big smile, gallantly tapping his glass to her's.

"Oh will you just fuck already?"

The two blinked and turned in near unison. The spotted hyena down the bar was glaring at them, her eyes slightly unfocussed. She still had a half full glass of vodka before her and the several other empty glasses before her explained that weavy look in her eyes. Her mane of hair looked untidy and soaked in sweat, and her jacket was unbuttoned, revealing her tank top and tightly muscled belly. "You can cut the tension with a fuckin' knife..." she slurred.

Jasper blinked a couple times, twitching his ears. Then scowled. "Hey, mind your own business" he growled at her.

"Then stop being so schmoozy and just fuck her already" the hyena snarked back, decidedly un-intimidated. "What, have you never kissed a girl before? It's easy. Here..." She mimed reaching out and wrapping her arms around an invisible lover. Her jaws parted and her tongue waggled out while making half assed sounds of making out. Her hips rocked back and forth and it looked like she might topple over off her stool. Only by judicious flailing and grabbing the bar top did she keep herself upright. "How long do you really expect to keep up the flirty act without jumping her?" she drawled at him, stretching her arms out along the wooden counter with a grin.

Well. That was lewd enough to get Allison blushing harder than she had all night. The feline girl was shy enough at the best of times, now...now her ears were flat against her head, her snout was down and she was peering at the floor, away from the rest of the world. Trying to make herself look small and meek and inoffensive, hands clasped in her lap. A minute ago she'd been opened up, talkative, enraptured. And now she was on the verge of crawling back into her cave. Because of a drunken bully.

Jasper struggled to salvage the situation. Settling his hand on Allie's shoulder, he glared at the hyena bitch. "Oh can it" he growled. "You're drunk."

"And she's a virgin" the hyena countered. "In the morning I'll be sober but you still won't be getting any pussy!" She grinned wide, glossy black lips peeling back over sharp white fangs. Very much enjoying their discomfiture.

Jasper actually growled and glared at her over the rims of his glasses. His hand curled around his empty glass and he seriously considered flinging it at the grinning girl's face. But the feline set her hand on his wrist and shyly peered up at him. She offered a slight smile.

"I should...think about getting back to my friend" she murmured quietly. "It's getting late..."

"Are you sure?" The wolverine tilted his head and smiled sheepishly. "It's kind of a shitty way to end things..."

Allison shook her head. "There's still end of term drinks. Remember? So it's not an end to anything."

"Still a pretty shitty way for it to go, but..." Jasper sighed and pushed his glasses up his snout. But he put on a smile and tried to ignore the hyena who was back to making kissing noises. "You'll have to come by before then though" he urged her. "I don't want to wait that long to see you again, you know?"

Allison blushed softly. But she smiled again and raised her glass, draining the last of whatever was left. "It's a busy part of the year" she'd admit, "But...I'll do my best."

And just like that, it was over. Allie offered to pay for her drink...Jasper played the gentleman and refused, paying for her instead. They shook hands and he made her giggle by bending over to kiss the back of her wrist. And then she was gone. He followed her with his eyes, watching her scamper off to rejoin her friend, and together they disappeared deeper into the club. And before he knew it, he was left alone with his thoughts.

Well, not quite.

"Eh... Parting is such sweet sorrow, ain't it?" The hyena giggled drunkenly and tossed her head back, draining the last of her glass and thumping it back onto the bar top.

Jasper just glared at her impotently for several seconds. His jaws worked in silence as he struggled to find the words and the spotted bitch just grinned at him impishly. "Now...if you're reeeally desperate to get some, you could be the gentleman and give me a ride home" she suggested, drawling her words some. "It's a lot better when you're in bed with someone who knows what they're doing. And you know what they say about hyenas, hmm?" She shifted position on her stool to face him, spreading her legs and casually rubbing herself between her thighs. Accentuating a noticeable bulge that strained against the denim.

Jasper didn't say anything for a while. He just glared in silence. Then he produced his wallet and left a few bills on the bar top, getting up to his feet. Tucking his wallet away, he offered the girl a hand. "You're drunk" he growled. "Come on. If I don't give you a ride you'll end up wrapped around a tree or face down in an alley. But like hell am I sleeping with you..."

"Mmm don't act so shy big boy." The hyena took him by the hand and slowly pulled herself up to her feet. At her full height, she was a few inches taller than he was, something which just fed Jasper's irritation. "You were playing pretty hard to get in that cute little thing's pants before. Why play hard to get now?" She giggled and stumbled a little as Jasper began guiding her to the front door and the parking lot.

"Just...shut up..." Jasper growled in exasperation, keeping his eyes fixed on his car. And his thoughts fixed on how good it would feel to cut out the bitch's eyes.


The car ride to his home was uneventful. The hyena bitch (he hadn't bothered asking her name) had settled into the passenger's side seat and was taking a nap, sleeping off all the booze she'd drunk. Her black lips were slightly parted and her nose flared as she snored quietly. Jasper snuck glances at her as he drove down the streets of San Francisco, imagining how the cocky woman would react when he had her tied down. Wondering how to start. Maybe he would cut out her tongue first and silence her mocking words. And from there maybe he would cut off her spots one by one until her body was a wrecked and bloody mess. He would cut off her nipples certainly, and keep them for his collection. Maybe her faux-cock too. Jasper had heard about hyena females and their extended pseudo penis. He'd never seen one though.

In a way he was glad how tonight had turned out. Though he would have loved cutting apart Allison while she sobbed and pleaded, this girl would be his first hyena. Besides, she had been drinking all alone. There'd be no one to raise a fuss when she didn't show up in class the next day, or come in to work, or answer her phone. A quick frisk of her drunken form had turned up no phone or wallet. She'd paid for her drinks in cash. Some kind of yuppie then, slumming it and not wanting daddy to find out. He idly let his eyes drift down to her crotch, which still strained against her jeans. Just how hard would it be to preserve that like her nipples?

Jasper growled softly to himself and smiled as his car rolled off into the night, entering the outskirts. He lived in one of the residential subdivisions outside of the city. A lovely little place where the rent was fairly cheap and was surrounded by desert. Nice and isolated from the rest of the world. Sure, that made getting people out there to fix the cable or what have you a bit of pain, but it was worth it to have prying eyes turned away when he had company over for the night. Especially since the company never left. He'd have rather been having Allison over, since she was more his type but...the bossy hyena bitch was such an irritant that Jasper wouldn't lose much sleep over slashing her throat instead.

Coming to a stop for a red light, the wolverine glanced over at his snoring passenger. Christ, she was out of it... Slumped down, her jaws parted, tongue lolling out... Wrinkling his nose, then let his eyes flick down to her chest. At least she was pretty well stacked. Her top was stretched snug against her breasts and her nipples were standing out against the fabric.

Reaching over as the light turned green, he took one sensitive nub between his thumb and forefinger and pinched, twisting hard. That got the response he wanted. The hyena bitch shuddered and groaned. Then sputtered and hacked and her eyes flicked open as she sat up in her seat. By then Jasper had both hands on the wheel again, his eyes locked on the road. "Mmph!" Raising her arms above her head, the red head shuddered and stretched, groaning out loud. "Oh fuck...did I fall asleep there?"

"Wouldn't surprise me" Jasper snarked flatly, ears folded back. "You drank enough to float a yacht..."

The hyena stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry. "Oh psh! What's wrong with a few drinks on a night out, hmm?"

"Well considering that now I have to drag your drunk ass home instead of getting laid by a pretty girl who was hanging on every word I was saying..."

"Ahhhh, there we see it." The hyena grinned smugly and arched an eyebrow at the wolverine. "So the gentleman shows his true colours! Aw don't glare at me like that...I'm not such a prude as the pretty girl. And I'm not so drunk that I can't give consent to a handsome boy like you, hmm?" Chuckling, she set her hands on the hem of her shirt and slowly began to drag it upwards. She had a thinner body type than normal for a spotted hyena but her abs had a nice four pack of toned muscle that bespoke a natural toughness. Her shirt continued to travel upwards until her chest was bared, her large B cup or maybe C cup breasts coming into view. No bra for her it seemed, her big black nipples stiff from the treatment he'd given her. Shaking her mane free from her face, the girl peeled her top all the way off and sighed with relief. "Mmm, that's MUCH better... Sometimes I hate shirts."

Jasper just kind of stared at her in silence. Not saying a word. What could he possibly say? The moment seemed to go on for an eternity, him staring at her spotted breasts, her grinning in drunken pride. Then the car wheel bumped against a curb and Jasper's attention was brought back to the present. He yanked the wheel and they swerved back into the center of the road, scowling as the hyena laughed.

He shouldn't be surprised. All women were whores at heart. His mother had been a whore after all. Cassie Reed from his high school days had been a whore. Allison was a whore...despite her cute and shy exterior she'd wanted to have sex with him. Or rather she'd wanted him to take her, like a big violent brute taking a pretty princess. That at least he could manage...

"Jasper? What are you-" The pretty vixen (he'd forgotten her name already) found her words cut off and her eyes bulged as a pair of big hands wrapped around her soft, slender neck. Jasper tilted his head to watch her, fascinated by the way she gasped and gagged. The blood rushing into her face as he squeezed and squeezed. And he gradually became aware of a strange feeling growing inside of him. A sort of heat and tightness all at once brought on by watching her struggle. She tugged at the wolverine's arms but at sixteen years old he was strong for his age and she couldn't budge him. Indeed, he even squeezed tighter, cutting off her squeaking struggles for breath as the vixen thrashed in growing desperation, throwing her pretty summer dress into disarray. And Jasper began to pant softly, aware of just how hard his penis was becoming. He didn't understand why. Only that it felt too good to stop now. And so he squeezed and he squeezed...feeling delicate bones begin to crack in the girl's neck as her eyes rolled back and her tongue hung out. He kept on squeezing for long after her struggles had ceased, and he was panting frantically himself by the time he released her neck. His eyes stayed locked on her as he tugged and pulled at his pants, forcing them down his legs, baring his rock hard cock. Guided by instincts, he pulled her skirt up her legs and hips, exposing her undergarments which were torn easily. And from there, it was easy to align himself with her folds and clumsily thrust inside...

The wolverine blinked and the memory was banished for now. His first date. It had been something of an epiphany for him. An instinctive reaction to the feelings the girl had stirred in his body, and one that had really set him on his route in life. One that he'd nurtured and cherished ever since.

Sighing in exasperation, Jasper locked his eyes on the road and sought to ignore the hyena whore's laughter at his minor driving mishap. "You know, this is how people wind up dead and naked in a ditch on the side of the road" he growled irritably. "Irritating the people giving them rides home." Not really. He would much rather get her home where he could take his time with her and have some privacy. Leaving girls in a ditch was a recipe for getting caught.

The hyena snorted in amusement and slumped down in her seat. "You going to kill me, handsome?" she murmured, yawning lightly. "Or rape me first? Hehe... I like it rough, you know?"

Jasper sighed again, though at least the exit to is suburb was coming up. Not much longer now.

They made the rest of the trip in silence. The hyena had closed her eyes and laid still as if asleep. Like all the snark and taunting had taken the fight out of her. Maybe she'd be all nice and demure for him after all. At least she kept her trap shut.

It was so late at night that the only sounds were the car tires rolling across the asphalt down the street, past his neighbours' houses and towards his moderately nice town house. Be it ever so humble. With the lights off it loomed up over his car as he rolled up and into the driveway and at last put the car in park.

The faint jolt woke the hyena back up. Groaning softly, she arched her back and stretched, pushing her tits up as she stretched. "Ohhhh... Here already?"

"Mmhmm. Just relax" Jasper murmured, pocketing his key. "I'll get you inside and put you to bed."

"You gonna fuck me first?" The hyena grinned and let her eyes drift shut as she wrapped her arms under her breasts and pushed them up. "Drinking makes me horny."

Jasper just sighed and climbed out of the driver's seat, slamming the door shut on the girl's drunken laughter. Once out in the cool night air he a few calming breaths. Why did she have to TALK so much? It was...off-putting. It made him grit his teeth in irritation and he spit on the asphalt of his driveway. Still, here they were. She could say what she wanted...she'd be bleeding out soon. The release of violence would sooth him. It always did.

For a moment he leaned back on his heels, tilted his head back so he gazed up into the sky and just closed his eyes, remembering the last girl he'd brought home for the night. She'd been a secretary for some business lawyer in town. A kangaroo with a typically Australian accent that she'd had to have played up to sound so...corny. They'd met on the dance floor, and she'd been much more confident and aggressive than Allison. What had her name been? Stacy? Macy? Whatever it had been, she'd been quick to flirt, quick to laugh, and slow to catch on once he'd taken the knife to her...

The sharp steel blade sliced easily through her throat. Jasper had cut deep, slicing through the carotid artery, and for a second he just stared as the blood spurted out, soaking the slut's soft brown fur. For a time the pressure was strong enough to even spray out over her breasts and red trickled over her cleavage and belly. The wolverine smiled and made a deep growling purr in his throat as the roo girl struggled feebly against her ropes. She'd thought that it had been kinky when he'd suggested tying her down to the bed. Now she tried to scream. To speak. To plead. But she couldn't get the words out past her torn throat. Tears started running down her face as she thrashed. Jasper ignored her and casually dragged his knife down her chest, in between her lovely breasts. Flesh parted before the blade and blood spilled out over his hand. There was a faint pulsing in his head as his heart beat raced. And there came the familiar feeling of his cock getting hard. Arousal swept over him and he began to pant as he began to stab. The knife plunged into the kangaroo's gut and her legs jerked spasmodically. Jasper tore it free and stabbed again, this time in the chest. The knife dragged against bone with a harsh grating sound as he pulled it free. Stabbing again and again, growing wilder by the moment. He lost track of how long it was but the knife had to have sunk into her body twenty or thirty times before he frantically tugged his pants down and exposed himself. He grabbed her by the hair and forced his cock inside of her lifeless mouth. It only took three thrusts before his back arched and his jaw dropped as he released inside her slack muzzle...

He'd kept her head for longer than he was used to...he'd found that he had really enjoyed using her mouth after all. It had been easy enough to hack through her throat and spine and save the trophy...but in the end she'd been flushed into his septic system along with the rest of her. The thought made him smile. All that was left was her ear rings which sat in his trophy box along with trinkets from all the others.

What might he take off of his new girl?

And she just had to ruin the moment for him. He hadn't heard her climb out of the car and he tensed right up when a pair of arms snaked about him from behind, hugging him back into her chest. A snout nuzzled his neck and a drunken giggle reached his ear. "You're all spacey...thinking of what you're going to do when you get me naked?" she murred.

Jasper hissed in irritation. But slowly relaxed and forced a smile. "Maybe just a little."


"Oooh, swanky." The hyena growled appreciatively as she strolled through Jasper's entry hall, casually kicking her sneakers off and heading into the living room. "I could get used to this!"

Jasper shut the door behind them, twisting the lock and casually applying the chain. "Well don't. You're only staying here for the night" he growled. Shaking his head, he followed her to the living room, adding "Once the morning comes we're calling a cab and..." His words abandoned him.

Her tight shorts were already around her ankles. Kicking them aside the hyena stretched her arms up and over her head, groaning in satisfaction. All she wore left were a pair of black panties and her long, lithe body was bared. There were noticeable nicks and scars in her. Along her front, and over her thighs. Probably from brawling...Jasper had seen girls like her before, and they always loved to throw punches. That's not what his eyes were focussed on. They were settled on the swollen bulge in between her legs stretching out her underwear.

In an abstract sort of way Jasper noted that she was pretty big. His size maybe? Not that he saw a lot of dicks, and it wasn't a real dick anyway. Just something that hyena females had. No different than any other woman he'd been with. Just...unique. Unlike any other kind of female out there. It was actually kind of mesmerising. He couldn't look away. Abstractly, he wondered if he should be staring at her like this. Even more so, he wondered why he wasn't knifing her to death right now.

"Like what you see?"

Jasper didn't react as the girl stepped forward and took his wrist in her hand. Slowly, gently, she guided it between her legs and pressed his palm against her crotch. Letting him feel her thickness and heat. The way she hardened under his hand. It was...mesmerising. He couldn't pull away. Even as she pressed closer and slowly pushed him back against the wall of his living room. The hyena's ebony lips pressed against his own, and then her tongue was in his mouth. Tasting him. Her hips pressed against his and slowly began to grind. Letting her faux cock meet his and grind sensuously through his pants. And a curious feeling came over him. He could feel himself starting to get hard against her. His cock stiffening in his pants as arousal came over him. Jasper...didn't know what to do. He'd never got hard like this before, not without the blood or the violence. Not since...

The hyena stepped back suddenly, breaking his train of thought. There was a sly smile on her lips and she casually brushed her hair back before pushing a hand into her panties and casually adjusting her growing boner. Jasper just stared. And he must have been slack jawed because she touched a finger to his chin and gently closed his mouth.

"I'm going to take a shower real quick" she murred, "To wake myself up a bit. Keep hard for me, alright babe?" Her hand slid down in between his legs and squeezed his crotch firmly. He could only grunt in response. And then she was walking past him, hips swaying as she sashayed down the hallway.

Jasper didn't say a word. He stayed where he was, leaned up against the living room wall, hearing the shower run in the bathroom down the hall. Honestly he'd barely heard her. His mind had gone back. Far back...


"Ohhh yeah..." "You're such a good boy..." "Mommy loves her sweetheart..."

_ The words reached little Jasper's ears...and though they were soothing and gentle, they failed to calm him. The little by sniffled quietly as he laid on his back, ears folded back and tail tucked between his legs. It didn't help him though, as his mother was already straddling his hips. Guiding his little boy's penis into her vagina and grinding steadily against him, coaxing strange and frightening feelings into his body._

_ The older wolverine smile vacantly at him, her eyes glazed and her breath reeking. They always were when she came to Jasper at night. He thought that it was from the stuff she drank and that white powder that she kept in baggies. Whatever the case, she was large and thickly built with large breasts and thick thighs, and had too much weight and want for her son to push away. And he knew by now that pleading didn't help. So he just lay back meekly and whimpered, his hand clenched into small fists while she rode him. Milking his penis with her body and moaning to him, telling him how good he was being for mommy._

_ Jasper squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered, only for his mother to guide his muzzle to one large breast and push the nipple into his mouth. Instinctively he suckled, and he hated himself for the moan that drew from his mother. "Mmm... Just like that...sweetheart" she panted hotly, flexing her inner muscles to milk him. "You're so...good to...mommy... So much better...than your father..." Each word was hateful to him. He was too young to really understand it...but he instinctively knew that this was wrong. _

_ It had started a few years ago after Jasper's parents had separated, when his mother had begun seeing all those men. The little boy had stayed in his room at nights after he'd come home from school, not knowing what the moans and other sounds coming from her room had meant but not thinking anything of it. It didn't have anything to do with him after all. Then one night she had stumbled into his room, crooning sweetly. Drunk and high and naked, she had slipped into bed with him. He'd smiled and cuddled up against her under the covers. Then felt her hands start to tug on his pajamas. Lifting the top over his head and tugging his pants down. He'd started to whimper uncomfortably when she had pressed him down onto his back. Then cried when she'd taken him in her mouth, sucking his penis. By the time she raised her head and straddled his hips, taking his eight year old cock inside of her, he was spent. His body limp and weak from strange and scary emotions, he'd been only able to lay still and cry, watching his mother pant and moan and whisper sweet things to him as she rode him until she cried out and collapsed atop him. He'd been left with his thoughts while she passed out atop him, his childhood innocence broken. Left frightened, battered...and with a tiny seed of hatred inside._

_ That was the first night. Ever since then he'd laid awake in bed, paying attention to the laughter and sounds that came from his mother's room. Only daring to go to sleep when she did. Every few nights since then, sometimes as often as each night in a week, Jasper's mother would sneak inside his room and coo to him. And touch him. And make him cry. At first he'd pleaded with her to stop. Soon enough though he'd learned to just lie still and let her touch him and make him feel that way. And in the dark of the night when she'd finished riding him...taking her pleasure...and collapsed atop him in a drunk and stoned stupor, he would lie still and gaze up past her at the ceiling. And he'd feel that kernel of hate._

_ This night was the same. And as Jasper lay back, his lips suckling on her nipple while she bounced and moaned and rode his cock, the young boy couldn't help, for just a moment, that his mother would go die._

_ It took him a few moments to notice. His mother shuddered. Her body heaved. Muscles clenched and squeezed, and the little boy couldn't help a moan as she clamped down on his young cock. Surprised, he peered upwards and looked into her eyes. They were as wide as dinner plates...a trickle of blood drooled from her snout as she shuddered and jerked. Hacking sounds came from her throat, a white foam frothing over her lips. Jasper twitched his ears, concerned, but before he could speak up the older woman threw up. Bile and vomit splashed over the wall and drooled down her neck as she thrashed. Her body, long battered by drugs and booze and a hedonistic lifestyle, finally gave up on her. She was a long time dying. And Jasper lay underneath her the whole time as she shuddered and clenched and struggled atop him. He watched as her breasts heaved, nipples rock hard, her body shivering in a cold sweat, and finally she just collapsed on top of him. It was all too much for him. His young body shuddered and tensed and his jaws parted as he let out a soft cry. It wasn't the first time that he'd cum inside of her. But it was the first time that he'd truly felt good about it... _

_ It was pleasurable. And though in the morning his life changed forever, he would always remember that feeling...of how good it had felt._


Jasper still stood with his back to the wall, eyes locked straight ahead. If he listened he could hear the water running in the shower but for the most part he was caught alone with his memories.

Images from his past danced in his mind. The orphanage he'd been raised in when social services had found him. Staying up all night to get in some last minute studying for term papers. The day he'd been accepted into college. The first time he read a newspaper headline featuring the death of a girl he'd killed himself. And most of all, his mother. That crooning voice. That coked up look of lust in her eyes. That way she had gently but firmly pinned him back before raping him.

For a time Jasper could only stand there and remember everything.

And then the rage set in.

The wolverine's lips writhed and bared his teeth, a deep growl rumbling in his chest. Eyes narrowing, he stalked from the living room and glanced down the hall. The bathroom door was open, the interior clouded by steam. The stupid whore WANTED him to follow her. He could picture her now. Back arched, soaping up her tits, one hand grasped around her unique anatomy and stroking steadily. Panting and growling to herself, maybe keeping herself on edge, maybe releasing all over her belly. Waiting for him to join her. Stalking into the kitchen, Jasper imagined the horny smirk on her face as he joined her, changing to surprise, and then fear and pain. As he drew a knife from the chopping block, he imagined her terrified screams, and the way they would choke off as he plunged it into her guts.

The wolverine took a few moments to test the edge, shuddering with pleasure. How many stabs would it take? How long until the screams turned to begging and pleading? Maybe he would keep this one alive for a while longer. Hyenas were supposed to be tough. Surely she could survive a couple days... Maybe this time he'd keep her whole body, stuffed and mounted as a sex doll. That's teach the slut to be so horny and demanding...like his cunt of mother...

A low growl erupted in his throat at that errant thought. Flinging caution to the winds, Jasper stalked back into the hallway and down towards the bathroom. He didn't bother to hide his approach. She knew that he was coming for her, after all. By the time he burst into the bathroom his breath was coming in snarling pants, as the friendly and slightly dorky young man was subsumed by the monster.

Immediately his glasses fogged up in the steamy air. He didn't care. He surged ahead and reached out blindly, grabbing the shower curtain and yanking it aside. The plastic ripped from the shower hooks and he let out a bloodthirsty roar, storming inside and lashing out with his knife.

Instead of plunging into flesh the skidded across the shower wall and the wolverine lashed out again, grabbing for the girl. Somehow she evaded his grasp in the close quarters and he surged after her, hacking wildly. Again he missed her in the steam and hot water. Where was she?! Turning himself around, Jasper first squinted through his fogged up glasses then yanked them from his face. His vision was blurry but he could more clearly than he could with them on. With his cock painfully hard, he looked left and right. The lust driven fury faded some and the wolverine was left to blink, astonishment penetrating the urge to kill.

He was all alone in the steam shrouded shower. The hot water sprayed him from above, hot enough to sting his exposed skin a little, but there was nobody else. His quarry had vanished.

Jasper had a split second to stare at the empty shower in shock, and perhaps to form the start of a thought before the cord wrapped around his neck from behind and snapped tight. The wolverine's eyes bulged as he was yanked backward and off balance, grabbing frantically for the shower door. He caught the handle and steadied himself but the cord was squeezing tighter and tighter. Snarling, he twisted on his heel and swung savagely at the one behind him. They were agile though, or maybe just that much lighter than he was and the force of the motion yanked them off their feet and left him flailing wildly

Hacking for breath, he reared back against the wall slamming his attacker in place with a bone jarring thud. He was rewarded with a hiss of pain, but that cord around his neck refused to give. He slammed back again pinning his assailant in place and reversing his grip on his knife. A sharp stab and he felt the blade bite into flesh. Despite the pain in his throat Jasper managed to smile. But he wasn't in position to bring his full strength to bear and couldn't drive it in deep. And the assailant...twisted in place, driving a foot into the side of his knee. The joint cracked under the precision assault and Jasper collapsed to one knee. Wheezing and gagging as he fell, he could feel the mad rage running out of him. Dropping the knife, he clawed and grabbed for the cord that wrapped tightly around his neck, struggling, needing to draw a breath.

Another blow to his knee drove Jasper to the bathroom floor and knocked his glasses across the tile. Gasping for breath...choking, wheezing, yanking hard at the cord around his throat but unable to loosen it. His vision swam and his lungs clamoured for air. Strangely enough he didn't feel afraid. In fact his cock was still rock hard, throbbing in his pants. Every time he thrashed it ground against the floor, and his toes couldn't help but curl with desire. If only he could breathe... If only he could kill... If only his...thoughts weren't feeling so cloudy...

Darkness was seeping into the edges of his vision and streaks of red shot through his sight when he felt something nuzzle against his cheek. Someone's muzzle, he realised dimly. Who...? A tongue flicked across cheek and a sultry voice whispered to him, "Be honest big boy... Are you still hard for me?"

That voice sounded familiar... Why couldn't he...?

He almost had it when the darkness swallowed him whole.


Aaliyah kept the cord wrapped tightly around Jasper's throat, continuing to garrotte him long after his body had gone limp and still. It never paid to be sloppy after all. And besides, the brawny yet pudgy wolverine wasn't exactly unattractive. Her faux cock was rock hard, grinding against his lower back. Any moment now she thought she would burst and cream her black silk panties.

Alas, she was to be denied for now. After another three minutes of strangling the wolverine's wind pipe caved in at last and the familiar crunch of bones reached her ears. Aaliyah dropped the length of cord that she'd concealed in her panties and took hold of Jasper's hair. A sharp twist and his neck snapped for good measure. Only then did she let herself sit up and lean back, eyes lidding and her lips curved into a satisfied smirk.

"Mmm..." The spotted hyena murred with pleasure and licked her lips. "Jumping a girl in the shower? Come on babe... How much more theatrical can you get? Mmph..." She set a hand to her side, gritting her teeth at the stickiness of blood and the sting of an open wound. "Pinked me though. So a point to you."

That sort of thing tended to piss her off though.

So when she dragged Jasper's body down into the basement where the septic bed lay she took perhaps more enjoyment than was strictly necessary in watching his head thump limply upon each step. Flicking the switch to turn the lights on, she took a moment to survey the room. Tools hung along one wall. Boxes of things packed away for the future were stacked along the other. And in the back lay the septic bed. Her snout wrinkled some at the smell in the air that only got worse as she dragged him over to hatch in the back corner. Hoisting it open, Aaliyah peered down into the darkness in contemplative silence. Even in the dim light of the overhead lamp she could make out...shapes down there. The damp and partially decayed remains of who knew how many girls lay within, cut to pieces and forgotten. Stepping back she glanced at the dead wolverine and smirked. "You're such a bad boy, you know that?" she murmured, sashaying her way over to the tools. "What kind of man sees a girl naked and willing to ride his dick like a bronco, and thinks 'I'mma cut her to pieces?' Now...not gonna lie, part of that does sound hot. Buuuut..." And here she plucked a circular saw from the wall and gave the trigger a test squeeze, smiling as the saw gave a satisfying whirr. "Unfortunately for you, I'm spoken for" she murred, turning back to the dead body. "Sorry handsome. It wouldn't have worked out."

Jasper had nothing to say, even when the circular saw bit into his throat.


It was early morning before Aaliyah, fully dressed and bathed now, slipped out of the front door and strolled down the steps. It was dark as sin outside, so she took up position by a street sign and drew a cigarette package from her jacket pocket, popping the butt between her lips while she waited.

She didn't have to wait for long. It was only a few minutes before headlights rolled down the street and a brown and black station wagon pulled up to her. The passenger side door swung open and a gila monster slid out into the night air. The two exchanged wordless grins and he strolled on up to Jasper's house while Aaliyah slipped inside. Settling back behind the driver's side seat, she stretched out and sighed, letting her eyes drift shut.

"Look at you. As cool as a cucumber."

Aaliyah smirked but kept her eyes shut. "Should I not be?" she murred.

"Heh." There was laughter. "You just killed a man with your bare hands and here you are, chewing on a cigarette and practically asleep. Is that blood or ice water in your veins babe?"

Now the hyena opened her eyes and flashed a saucy grin at the white haired dragon who smirked back at her from the front passenger's side seat. "Do you want to make me say it Isaac?" she murmured. "I'm hard as a rock."

The driver snorted lightly. "She is, you know. I can smell it on her. Your girlfriend is messed up."

"What can I say Raine?" Isaac brushed his long white hair back over his shoulders and leaned back, lifting his bare feet up on the car dash. "I like em cocky and crazy."

The wolf chuckled ruefully and shook his head, eyes peering out the windshield into the night. After a few moments he whispered some words more to himself than anything. Isaac heard him but didn't speak up about it, used to his best friend's ways. Aaliyah did hear him and sat up in her seat. "Hmm? What'cha say there?" she asked.

"Oh nothing" Raine told her once he'd finished. His eyes spotted Vee slumping back out of the house and he twisted the key in the ignition. "Just a prayer."

Aaliyah cocked her head and arched an eyebrow. "For that dirt bag?" she asked. "He was a rapist and serial killer. A rabid dog. Guy got off on killing girls then fucking their bodies. If Judge Lane hadn't found what he did to his niece then he'd still be doing it." Huffing, she got to her feet and scrambled over Isaac's reclining form, pulling open the glove compartment and fetching her lighter. Her boyfriend grinned but refrained from laughing while she crawled all over him before he slumped back in her seat and lit up at last. Sucking in a deep drag, she puffed the smoke out the window. "I doubt he's worth what Marcus was paying for this job, but fuck, I'd have done it for free."

"Technically you did do it for free." Raine smirked at her as she scowled in the rear view mirror. "This was your graduation test after all. And besides...it was a prayer for you, not him. You took your first life today. Congratulations Aaliyah. You're as fucked up as the rest of us."

Vee had slipped back into the station wagon just in time to hear that and chuckled in amusement. "Not as sloppy as Scion predicted either. And you didn't get yourself killed. I'll need your written report before the end of the night but I've seen worse ways to start."

"And you don't want to get kicked out of the professional killer industry" Isaac remarked as Raine shifted the station wagon into gear. "It's such a growth market after all. Sooo...what say we blow this stand and catch some all night burgers? Take it easy while Aali finishes writing up her test and her future gets decides?"

"Does it have to be burgers?" Raine objected. "Can't we spend a little more to get some real food?"

"Well if you know an all night bar and grill open at this time I'm all ears."

"Well actually..."

Aaliyah let the boys bicker and closed her eyes again, puffing on her cigarette and pretending to catch some sleep as they rolled off in the night. Instead she was thinking of how to write up her after action report. Her first kill. She just sat and thought about that for a few moments. Thinking of how it felt to strangle the life out of the wolverine while he thrashed and struggled. How rough and dirty it had been. And how adrenaline had rushed through her every step of the evening as she performed for him. Keeping his eyes on her. Grabbing his attention. Making him hate her. Lust for her. Want to kill her. And then at the last goading him into the bathroom. She...hadn't been joking entirely when she'd told her boyfriend that she was hard the whole time...

Slowly her ebony lips curved into a smirk. This job...assassin. Hitman. Professional killer. It...hadn't been what she'd expected when she'd signed up for school this semester. But...it had its perks...

The station wagon drove on into the night, heading for food and enjoyment while leaving behind a murder scene.