Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 5)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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A few long seconds passed before the fox finally acted. "Well, from seeing how you guys handled yourself, I honestly don't have that many fears," he scoffed, a grin broadening across his muzzle. "I knew that they were going to send a group of their best but I never expected this. Pyro kinetics, Arrow kinetics..."--gesturing to Seth and Crystal--"...what a rare package. And you two!" he boomed staring at the Alpha and Beta. "You throwing plasma and lightning while you throw force." He gestured to either one of them as he gave off their abilities. He seemed rather ecstatic about the whole thing, too overconfident. "I knew it must have been you when I first saw you through my monitor at the entrance but I had to make sure you guys were the real thing," he said, remembering the situation as if he was there himself.

Blizzard stared him down and snarled low in his throat. "You knew it was us but you didn't let your guards back off?" His vocals were strained and threatening.

The president only nodded once. "Although, I am glad you allowed my house guards to live, except maybe that last one. It seemed like that was quite a ways to the ground," he pondered, looking up at the ceiling and then a thought struck him. "Speaking of, I don't believe I saw a show of your abilities," he said looking right at Vace.

The wolf's temper wasn't as acute as Blizzard's, or as under control. "Well, allow me to give you a demonstration," he thundered and broke rank to step up to the fox. Blizzard pulled his arm when the Gamma got close enough and held him back from moving any closer.

"Settle down, Vace," he said in a whisper.

The wolf whirled on his Alpha and let a growl roll around in his chest. "Come on, Blizzard, I'll turn him into a goddamned popsicle!" he said furiously. "What do we need his money for, anyways?"

The husky glared at him and the lupine flinched. "It's not our money that we're trying to earn," His voice was low and commanding. Blizzard turned his gaze forward to the president and tried his hand at a calm tenor. "You'll have to forgive him. The Terveta are trained from the womb to protect innocents and follow a strict code. We usually don't take kind to those that put the lives of others in the way of such danger, especially leaders who abuse that power." He was gritting his teeth while he spoke.

The fox's facial features were frozen in place, keeping a frown and even the early hints of a glare. "Well, I'm glad you can at least hold him back. He certainly does have an anger problem," the red fox said smugly.

"Shut it!" Blizzard snapped, suddenly showing his rage. "I'm not much farther behind, so I suggest that you bite your tongue around us when a thought comes into your mind."

The leader stared at him with unshifting eyes for a long while before he finally spoke. "Other then telling me about the hostiles and an exchange of information, threats included, is there anything else you wanted to say?"

Blizzard clicked his teeth together and closed his eyes. The way he said it sounded too cocky for his own good. He'd kill the leader if he weren't coordinating the payment that would ensue after the whole ordeal was over. "Yeah," the Alpha breathed, and cleared his throat. "Give out a public notice for everyone to stay inside, and as far into the center of their structure as possible, or underground over a period of the next two days until further notice."

The president nodded and pushed himself from the desk. "What about doors and windows being locked?"

Blizzard couldn't hide the smile from crossing his face at that. "Hostiles aren't detoured by simple locks. Come to think of it, they aren't even detoured from doors in general. It'd be useless to even bother with it."

The leader nodded. "Is that it then?" The smile began to work itself back over his muzzle, his paw out reaching for a mug of coffee on his desk.

Blizzard racked his brain for anything he might need to know. "Where's your armory, if you don't mind...?"

The fox's eyebrows pulled together in confusion. "I'm afraid I don't trust you enough with that knowledge. Sorry."