Chymes - A Night in the Woods Vore Story
I did this like a week after the game came out. I'm terrible.
There's a sequel with post-vore disposal as well.
Night in the Woods © Scott Benson
Warning: The following story has heavy spoilers for Night in the Woods, being based on a slight alteration to the game's ending. It should not be read if you have not yet completed the game (or if things like vore and digestion make you squeamish, for that matter).
"...You don't want to turn him over to the police, do you?" The large bear broke the silence, an unconscious man in a robe slung over his shoulder. He soon deposited the man on the couch, keeping an eye on the latter after doing so.
"..." The fox remained silent for a moment, "You know how I feel, Angus. Casey was my friend."
When the vengeful cultist had tried to attack Mae, she had managed to land a solid kick to his face, knocking him out cold. Now, Gregg, Angus and the unconscious cultist were back home at their place, having taken a detour from the police station Bea had dropped them off at.
The fox and bear stared in silence at the slumped over man on their couch, blood visible on his cloak from where Gregg had previously shot him in the shoulder. They had not yet bothered to remove his hood, perhaps out of apathy, perhaps out of fear he was someone they knew.
Angus could clearly make out his boyfriend's attempts to contain his anger, one of the fox's hands balled up and shaking. He placed his hand reassuringly on the fox's shoulder, Gregg's own hand soon reaching over to rest on top of it.
"Gregg, I..."
"I know, two wrongs don't make a right... I guess I just wanted to bring him here so I can pretend I did something..."
"...Gregg, I love you. I trust your judgment. They say that if you excuse one death, you risk excusing them all but... you're not that kind of person. While I... obviously didn't approve of the trouble you and Mae were getting into, I know it was all for fun. Juvenile, illegal fun, but... fun. Harmless fun... mostly."
"Angus, what are you-" The fox's head turned, his eyes looking at his boyfriend's glasses, trying to decipher what meaning lay in the eyes behind them.
Angus leaned in close, close enough Gregg was sure they were going to kiss. Then Angus did something he seldom ever did... he removed his glasses, his eyes now staring into Gregg's with nothing between them.
"...As I said, Gregg. I don't believe in Hell, but I'm still hoping all these people go to it. And... if you really want to do something... to take reven- ... to get justice for Casey... I will support you. No one saw us. We would find a way to not get caught... we have enough money to hop on the next bus out of town if we have to." With that, the bear had soon placed his glasses back on his face, returning to his usual unassuming stance.
"Angus I... you..." Gregg's eyes kept shifting between the man he loved standing next to him, and the man he so despised on the couch. Tears started to gather in the corners of his eyes, "I love you, Angus."
"I love you too, hon."
The pair embraced. Anger, sadness, fear... so many emotions coursing through Gregg's mind, and all it took was Angus' powerful arms around him to make them fade away for that slightest moment...
...But Gregg snapped back to the present. He would always have more time to spend with Angus. His time to make a decision on this... monster sitting on his couch was running short. His brain nearly froze from trying to process all the ways this could go.
"...It's up to you, hon. I'll help you with whatever you choose. You can do your worst... you can turn him in. I know you'll make whatever the right choice is."
"...this fucker should suffer for what he did. He... he should be made to disappear against his will, just like he made so many others do." Gregg made up his mind fairly quick, his voice coming close to cracking in parts as emotion welled up his throat.
Angus nodded, accepting Gregg's choice with surprising ease. He did not believe in anything greater, really... just what could be felt and experienced. He felt love for Gregg. Gregg felt hate for the cultist. The cultist felt he was justified in destroying any life he wanted for the supposed greater good. And if any of his group were allowed to live... misery would eventually be felt by everyone else. They would run out of "undesirables" eventually. Destroying him was itself a greater good. As the bear pondered, he started to debate if such concepts as murder and the morality thereof were conceived by those too afraid of moral ambiguity, needing the constant, repetitive reassurance that there was no gain in embracing it.
"What will you do?" Angus asked the natural question. It was enough to make Gregg's ears perk.
"I'm... not sure." The fox walked over to the murderer, slumped over on the couch. He didn't know why, but he thought he'd start getting ideas if he only pulled the hood down...
It was like a bolt of lightning. His hand shot out and let the hood fall.
An unassuming rabbit, one he had never seen before. Quite young, too. It was no surprise he had so impulsively chased Mae up in the elevator.
...beneath the fox's jacket, his stomach suddenly growled. His mouth was filling some with extra saliva, his nostrils flaring as a surprisingly divine smell greeted them... he wasn't sure what was coming over him...
"They wanted to feed people to that... thing, right?" Gregg asked Angus, mostly to confirm his own memory.
"If karma isn't real, we're about to make it be." Gregg said, eyes fixated on the unconscious, wounded bunny. His pupils dilated, taking in a morsel.
He didn't even think, vulpine instincts taking over. His jaws parted wide, his teeth came down around the rabbit's head.
...but he didn't bite. He didn't even draw blood (that he could tell, anyway). His muzzle simply slipped right over the blissfully unaware victim's head. He could feel the muscles in his jaws whine with pain as his mouth stretched far beyond what it was used to. His mind was telling him he should bite down...
He swallowed. No. It would be far too merciful to simply end the man's life in that manner. He had no idea what Casey went through, likely tossed in the pit screaming and begging for mercy... only to be devoured by whatever lurked in the darkness... no doubt large enough to swallow him whole. The idea that Casey probably lived inside the thing's stomach for some time, being painfully dissolved... it made a tear slip down his cheek.
...but then his cheeks curled into a smile. Now the time had come for Casey to be avenged.
That swallow had forced the cultist's head into his throat, which had stretched to absurd proportions to fit it inside. On a regular day, the fox would wonder why he hadn't just ruptured something... but with how crazy things had been in the past week, this seemed almost par the course. He was about to swallow again when he noticed the cultist still had his robe... in a feral moment, he extended his claws, tearing into the man's cloak and ripping the shredded garments off... the bunny's regular clothes underneath soon followed.
His tongue appreciated the explosion of flavor. The rabbit's face sliding along his palette had been great, but now that disgusting cloth wasn't leaving a weird aftertaste in his mouth for the second time in a week. He greedily lapped all over the bunny, letting out a pleased groan as a hand reached up to stroke at his obscenely bulged throat... shivering as he felt the rabbit's bulge shift lower with another swallow, his muzzle now gaping to fit in the rabbit's chest and shoulders.
Copper. He tasted copper... clearly from the wound Gregg had given him earlier when he fired a bolt into his body. The wound seemed to have sealed up, not bleeding too much... good. He didn't want the man to get out of this easy. He wanted him to live inside his digestive system for as long as possible, to experience the same horror that Casey surely had.
Gllk... gllk... the taste was wonderful, but Gregg suddenly felt an intense hunger in his stomach that he couldn't describe. It was something clearly primal... and it needed sating. The sort of sating that only gorging on meat could give. And the rabbit, while lean, still had plenty to help in that department. Plus, with how much of the rabbit's body tasted the same as the rest, there wasn't too much of an urge to keep him outside his new home for too long. Gregg nearly lost his balance from all the shifting weight, but Angus was right behind him to hold him upright; he was literally supporting Gregg in a way neither of them had anticipated. The fox mused in his thoughts about whether or not the big bear would be open to massaging his stomach afterward...
Gregg came to the rabbit's groin, his gut now visibly distending his jacket to a point he had to unzip it so his belly could hang out freely. Admittedly, he felt the urge to kind of bite the bunny's dick off right then and there to add injury to insult... but the idea of his tongue even slightly touching the other man's penis was horrific enough on its own. The last thing Gregg wanted is blood from the same area. As a consequence, he promptly swallowed, advancing to the rabbit's legs with a wet gllllb.
Feeling the rabbit start to stir some, those toes flexing and twitching as he came to, Gregg knew he had to finish up to prevent this causing any problems. With ravenous, feral hunger, he swallowed one gulp after another, inching his sharp teeth along the rabbit's legs, not caring if he grazed him one bit; the rabbit was food, and the fox felt no reason to give him more consideration than the sugary treats at Donut Wolf.
Ah, and then the thrashing. The cries for help, muffled by thick layers of fox muscle, fat and fur. Gregg couldn't see it, but Angus had the slightest smile of satisfaction... it wasn't a supernatural Hell, but a very real Hell that the rabbit would spend his last moments of life in. That was good enough for Angus' skeptical heart to enjoy.
Snap. The fox's jaws clamped shut just beyond the rabbit's toes, Gregg frankly not caring if he had caused any damage closing them; fortunately for the bunny, none of his toes were in the path of those sharp teeth coming together with the sharpness and precision of a guillotine. Angling his head up slightly to assist in sending the last of the rabbit on his way, Gregg swallowed, a loud, wet gulp sending his condemned prisoner down to his stomach along with copious amounts of drool.
Speaking of, Gregg blushed when he realizes the mess he had made; the bunny's flavor had been so intense that in his predatory trance, he hadn't noticed the sheer amount of thick, warm saliva that had leaked onto his chest and was now running down that shifting, squirming mass of fur in his middle. He didn't take too long to ponder cleaning up, however; standing upright with so much meat gathering in his stomach made him feel disoriented. He turned around, flopping down on the couch, using the tattered ribbons that had been his victim's clothing to start soaking up the saliva that had pooled on his front.
The rabbit felt his feet slip into the tight, vice-like grip of Gregg's esophagus, the rippling muscles keeping him nicely bound as they gradually pushed him lower, every pulsating second taking the bunny further and further from freedom. Most of him was already curled up inside the snug, humid confines of Gregg's stomach, each breath hard to take as acidic air stung his lungs the same way chlorine in a pool does the nostrils. And yet, he was breathing in more of that air by the second, his heart racing as he tried to kick, and punch, partly to escape, partly to convince (or force) the fox to regurgitate him. He had already registered the fact this small fox had somehow managed to swallow him whole... now he was focused on not being broken down into mush like some lapine hamburger. For all his struggles, the gut would simply churn, as if angered at his persistent struggles, accented by his face being plunged into the fleshy pillow of the walls as they drew close.
"Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!" Gregg's jaws parted as he released the deepest belch in his life, other than perhaps that time he chugged way too many sodas on a dare from Mae. Unfortunately for the rabbit, no puking was involved as part of this gorging himself. It lasted several solid seconds, causing Angus' eye ridges to arc upward in clear surprise at how much power his boyfriend's gut packed. A few stray drops of drool and fur later, though, and Gregg was silent once more, smacking his lips and gulping as he took in the bunny's lingering taste... followed by a loud swallow as he took in more oxygen. He wanted the rabbit to last for as long as possible.
The rabbit was relieved to feel the cool air rush over his slime and drool-covered body, but as that gut kneaded around him, already starting to work the juices it was secreting into his flesh and fur, he wasn't finished panicking yet. "Please! I'll do anything! We can work this out!" It hurt him to yell so loudly, but he wanted to be sure that the fox could hear him.
"I'm sure Casey said the same thing, and you ignored him. Fuck you." Gregg bluntly replied as his blood boiled, thinking that this scum had the nerve to beg for mercy when he never showed it to anyone else. In his anger, he forcefully punched where the rabbit's head was, visibly wincing afterward as he registered that it was his abdomen the other man was currently stewing in.
...Angus' hand reached over to where he had made contact, the bear gently kneading at that tender spot. And Gregg... gasped. Then he moaned. The leather of his jacket creaked as his limbs unconsciously shifted at his sides, in the process opening his jacket up more so Angus had full access to his boyfriend's impossibly bulbous middle.
Angus... had seen this sort of thing on the internet before, admittedly. He just had never thought it was actually possible. He felt a warmth all over his body, however... clearly having enjoyed the show. He had always been worried that Gregg was susceptible to bad influences, that he would happily eschew responsibility if possible... to see the fun-loving fox so ravenously devour another person... to see him willing to sentence a monster to a painful death inside of his body... to give the ultimate punishment for harming someone he cared about...
It was hot. Very hot. The small fox man's harmless vandalism, he theorized, was just a catharsis for darker tendencies. Darker tendencies that he didn't entirely mind in circumstances like this... were someone to hurt him, the idea Gregg would be willing to do whatever he needed to avenge him... it made him smile a little. His boyfriend would not adhere to abstract ideals of pacifism. No. He would get even.
Angus intensified his massages, one hand on each side of the stomach. Increasingly, neither of the lovers could make out the rabbit's yells - and increasingly, screams - over the lewd gurglings of the vulpine's belly as it got to work. Angus would feel the occasional thump against his hands as he rubbed, but it was obvious from the slowing struggles that Gregg's digestive system was winning. The stomach acids were more than up to the task of breaking down the generous feast Gregg had given his belly, eating away at the rabbit's hide while he remained conscious, not having been given the bliss of passing out from lack of oxygen thanks to Gregg's courteous swallowing of air.
Angus was more than happy to help Gregg process his meal, using the great strength he rarely showcased to knead powerfully yet gently at the fox's sides, causing his boyfriend to groan with delight as his tightly-stretched skin was so skillfully stimulated. With a slight sniff, Angus could make out distinctive fox musk... Gregg was getting turned on by all of this as well.
Lifting himself up from his position a little, Angus leaned his muzzle in, pressing his lips against Gregg's for a kiss, which the latter happily accepted. Both of Gregg's hands came to rest on top of Angus', which were pressing down on the fox's ballooned stomach. It seemed almost as if they were trying to feel a baby kicking within Gregg's body... though in this case, life was ending rather than beginning. The bear's weight pushing down seemed to finish the job, as there was simply a loud, pained groan from within... then the stomach went still, other than a weak twitch Gregg could faintly feel.
"Burrrrrrrrrp." A smaller burp escaped Gregg's lips as a result of Angus' pressure, the smell of digesting meat hitting the bear square in the face, causing Gregg to turn away in embarrassment.
...Angus smiled, simply pecking Gregg on the cheek the latter had exposed by turning away. It would take a lot more than that to gross him out, especially given that rank odor was literally the smell of victory. His boyfriend had wanted justice... revenge... closure... whatever. He got it. Those gastric fumes were evidence enough of that. The rabbit was history.
"Ooof... I had no idea I could even do that." Now that he was coming down from his predatory high, Gregg was processing exactly what the hell had transpired over the last half hour. It had just come to him... instinctively. He could only assume his victim's status as a rabbit had triggered something primal in him. Caught and eaten by a fox, just as his ancestors would have been. The slightest grin crossed his buck-toothed muzzle as he cradled his gut with both hands, hearing it audibly slosh now that more of the rabbit had been melted down into chyme.
"...Well, I'm not complaining." Angus replied bluntly, taking a seat on the couch next to his boyfriend, one hand on top of Gregg's as the fox rested it on his stomach.
They sat there for several minutes, exchanging no words. The only sound that passed between them was the slightly labored breathing of a well-sated predator, both Gregg and Angus feeling that mountain of a belly rise and fall with each breath. Said sound was nicely accented by the deep rumbles
from within the fox's belly as it turned what had been a man into nothing more than nutrition.
"How are we going to get into bed when I'm like this?" Gregg sighed, taking in a drawback of the situation. He had obtained (literally) sweet revenge, but now found the amount of weight in his middle kept him pinned in place.
"We can sleep out here... I'll get us some blankets." Angus moved to get up before Gregg could offer a protest, the bear returning with the appropriate bedding, sliding a blanket over his boyfriend as he helped the latter take his jacket, pants and boots off. Angus was soon settled back in next to him, in nothing but his underwear. Both of them had noticeable bulges... tough they elected that was best taken care of when Gregg didn't look like a fuzzy balloon.
Gregg noted the pillow Angus had placed behind his head... and the fact Angus didn't have one behind his.
"Hon, why didn't you-" He asked with concern. He was already reaching behind himself to hand it over to his boyfriend.
"I have one already." Angus said, covering himself up as he leaned his head against the fox's stomach. Gregg looked puzzled for a moment, before his lips gradually shifted into a smile, which was returned by the bear.
"...what are we gonna do? I literally just ate a guy." Now that they were sitting idle, Gregg interrupted the constant churning of his stomach with the obvious question.
"We can worry about that in the morning. You should conserve your energy... you need to... get rid of the evidence."
The way the innocent-seeming Angus was so quick to think like a criminal made his boyfriend burst out laughing. He knew there was something beneath Angus' surface that pulled him in... they both had their deviant streak, clearly.
Gregg yawned, drowsiness starting to hit him as his body tried to give him a hint he should sleep so it could focus fully on breaking the rabbit down into a form nobody would recognize. Seeing Angus' head resting on his stomach, he leaned down, planting a kiss on the bear's cheek.
As Gregg closed his eyes, ready to drift off, Angus took in the full symphony of his boyfriend's digestive system. The pops, sizzles, gurgles, everything, as what was once a person was reduced to nothing but its most basic building blocks, as if they had never existed with any purpose to be anything other than fuel for Gregg's body. In some strange way, he... he envied Gregg's prey. For at least some period of time, he was going to be a part of the man he loved. They were to be one... that evil bastard was given an ultimate kindness, pumping through Gregg's veins every time his heart would beat while they made love.
But he didn't think too hard on that. What was more important was they had avenged Casey and so many others. And Gregg was clearly satisfied, emotionally and physically. All was well...
As he started to drift off, Angus decided to speak one last time.
"...Crimes?" He posed.
The fox softly chuckled, "Crimes."