Passing along the Gift

Story by mlgbonghits on SoFurry

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This is a short story, with very little background or explanation, just pure sex. Enjoy!

Jason turned the corner and froze. Another lion came down the alleyway, smiling at him with menacing eyes. The other lion came around the corner Jason had just come from, boxing him in. He was trapped.

Both lions had their cocks out. Large throbbing pieces of meat, stretched out of their sheaths and dripping pre cum as they walked towards him. The lion behind Jason grabbed at him. Jason swung his arm at the lion but it was swatted away. The two predators circled Jason as he got into a defensive stance, his keen fox eyes looking for an escape route, but he saw none. Eventually the two lunged at him at the same time, tackling him to the ground and pinning his arms against the pavement. "What do you want from me?" Jason said. The two lions just flashed their gruesome smiles as they bound him. "Taste and you will see." One of the lions said to him.

That lion grabbed Jason's head and forced him towards it's massive cock. Jason turned his head away trying to avoid contact but the lion overpowered him, forcing it's meat into his mouth. At the first taste of precum Jason had an odd feeling. The more and more he was forced to swallow, the more and more he WANTED to swallow. Progressively, Jason felt himself get more and more aroused until before he knew it, he was bobbing his head up and down on the lions cock without a paw to force him. The lion chuckled and pushed Jason off of his now glistening dick, making Jason realize that he needed a deep breath and probably would have blacked out if he had continued.

The other lion approached Jason, tilting his head towards his own throbbing meat. Jason obliged taking it in his mouth and sucking up as much precum as he could. He took the monster cock all the way down to the hilt, gagging as his throat was filled, but rewarded with a tasty spurt of pre. Finally he pulled off, gasping for air. He was about to go in for round two when the lions grabbed him and flipped him over onto his hands and knees. Jason watched with excitement as the two each chose one side of him. One lion kneeling down in front of his face, and the other at his back.

As one they pushed into Jason making him moan with pleasure. Each lion wasting no time to pick up their pace. If Jason hadn't sucked them both off, he was sure that the lion behind him would have torn his tail hole open. He loved the feeling of the lion's giant cock in his ass, lining his inner walls with pre and spreading his insides wide open. He loved the twitch that happened every once in a while in the predators lionhood as it emptied spurt after spurt of delicious pre. Then he was reminded of his current task at hand. The lion before him patted his cheek to get his attention back to the tasty piece of flesh before him. Hurriedly, Jason began to polish his cock with list tongue, covering ever possible spot that he could reach, eliciting low growls from the predator before him.

Jason was brought away from the lion in front of him as he was suddenly flattened on the floor by a powerful thrust from the mammal behind him. The lion that he had been sucking off took a step back as his counterpart stood over Jason. Pulling Jason's rump into the air, the lion crouched on top of him and began thrusting in to Jason, going balls deep with each thrust. Gradually a light growl grew in power from the lions belly until, with a roar worthy of a battle cry, the lion thrust in to Jason one last time. Jason felt sticky ropes of cum splatter the inside of his tail hole, bring his lust to a knew all time high. Finally, after letting loose almost a dozen bursts inside of Jason, the lion stepped away. Exhausted, but still horny, Jason rolled over and looked down at himself. Was it his imagination or was his belly slightly larger? More round? He had no time to think about that though because the other lion grabbed Jason's hind legs dragging him towards itself.

The lion forced it's cock into Jason's brutalized tail hole. The pain and pleasure was too much, sending Jason over the edge. As the lion began to frantically hump Jason at a speed and pace only a predator of such strength and speed could achieve, Jason let loose a cry as he blew his load, coating his chest with his own potent seed. Jason's eyes rolled back into his head as the lion humped him frantically, trying to achieve it's own release as soon as possible. Finally a familiar low growl began to build up in the lion, but instead of continuing to hump Jason it pulled out allowing much of the cum from the previous lion to leak out, "Open your mouth!" it commanded and Jason obliged. The lion began to furiously jack off until, with another loud roar, it ejaculated. Jason was surprised when the first black of cum hit him, it was much larger than he had thought, and he was more surprised when the next blast, wasn't cum at all. A long, wriggling black worm blasted out of the lions tip landing on Jason's chest. Finally a few more spurts of regular cum shot out of the lion covering Jason's entire body and filling his mouth.

The lion caught Jason eyeing the parasite curiously. "One of those is now growing inside of you," he said while patting Jason's bulging stomach, "It'll creat more of itself, allowing you to pass on the beautiful feeling of sex with every other species. You should count yourself lucky." Jason smiled, "I guess I should." He picking up the wriggling worm and slurped it down his throat making both lions before him smile mischievously. "I'll pass the gift along, I promise." Jason said.