Diamond in the rough part 2

Story by writer007 on SoFurry

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So here is the second part of the story, I will have part three in a moment

The Professor knew that Tira wasn't going to change her mind of going inside the secret entrance. Once he saw Tira walk inside, he sigh to himself and follow her as well, but being extra careful with his sprang leg. The Diamond dog was pleased with the mare earth pony attitude, it was thinking about what to do with her, once the diamond dog get it claws on her. The Diamond Dog waited for a moment for them to walk a little further to the entrance and then start following them behind.

Inside the secret entrance, The Professor and Tira Shark notice that they were walking through some sort of tunnel, leading to who knows where. Tira was having a hard time seeing where she was going, but her friend the Professor use his magic to light the way. After a few minute of walking, they were able to find the end of the tunnel that lead to a secret room, which was filled of different kind of gems and diamond. The Professor and Tira Shark were amaze of cool this place was, the Professor got close to one of the chest filled with different gems, while Tira Shark walk at the other side of the room and saw something cool to look at. When they were busy looking around the place, the Diamond dog finally reach the end of the tunnel, but stay in the shadow without being seen. The Diamond dog wasn't happy that were touching it stuff and want them to stop, the Diamond dog notice that the earth pony was by itself, it smile to show off it dog like fangs and started walking towards the mare. The Diamond continue walking towards the earth pony, it kept an extra eye on the alicorn, to make sure it wasn't looking of what it doing. The Diamond dog walk a little more slowly, so it doesn't surprise the earth pony. When the Diamond dog finally reach her, it was plan to use it claws to attack, but out of nowhere the earth pony sense the Diamond and use her leg to kick it in the stomach. The Diamond dog was in pain of what the mare did and did it best to move away from the earth pony. The Diamond dog notice that alicorn walk by to see what going on and started talking to the earth pony.

The Professor: Tira, are you alright

Tira Shark: I'm fine Fester, just dealing with this perverted Diamond dog, that trying to attack me bedhind.

The Diamond dog didn't answer back, all it did was growl at her and hold it stomach in pain.

The Professor: a diamond dog here, but why is it doing around here in this abandon diamond mine.

Tira Shark: maybe because this place we're in could be it hiding place, a special hiding place for thieves to hid their stuff

The Professor: that would make sense, since I was able to look at a chest full of diamonds and gems, that weren't from these mines.

Tira Shark: which mean in other words, this diamond dog is a wanted criminal that must the escape from prison and trying to return for it prize

The Diamond Dog heard what the earth pony said, it smile and started to laugh to itself, thinking about something that it plan to do with them. The earth pony and the alicorn were both confuse to why the diamond dog was laughing for, one of them were plan to walk towards it, but finally the diamond dog stop laughing and the first time in a while, it finally speak

Diamond Dog: you puny ponies really think your smart don't you? Thinking that you were able to discover my secret hiding place on your own, then guess that I was a wanted criminal

The Professor: actually sir, my friend Tira accidently discover your secret tunnel, since it was already open before.

Tira Shark: Fester, don't correct the wanted criminal.

Diamond Dog: whatever the case it is, neither of you going to leave here and if I were you two, I would think of a clever way to stop me.

Tira Shark: If you want something clever, than be ready to face a mare that never lose a fight.

The Professor: Tira don't

Tira Shark started running towards the diamond dog, trying to see if she can attack it head on. She was plan to use both her legs and kick it in the stomach again, but the Diamond dog knew that she was going to use the same move again and dodge it without fail. When Tira Shark attack miss, she crash to the ground on her stomach, which she started to feel the pain. The Diamond dog started to laugh a little, enjoying the show that Tira Shark making a fool of herself. The Professor was plan to help her, but saw Tira held her hooves and stop him in his place.

The Professor: what are you doing Tira

Tira Shark: stopping you from helping me.

The Professor: but Tira you got hurt really badly from that fall, just let me heal you and try to get out of here. I don't think that Diamond dog isn't going to play fair.

Diamond Dog: what the matter little pony, afraid to face me, afraid to lose

Tira Shark: ....... I'm sorry Fester, but that Diamond dog need to be taught a lesson

The Professor: but Tira

The Professor did his best to talk his friend out from fighting, but thanks to her fighting instinct, she start going after the Diamond dog once more. The Diamond dog saw her coming and ready to dodge her attack, but Tira change her strategy and jump in mid-air and gone after it face. The Diamond dog was caught off guard from her surprised attack and fell on it back, Tira Shark was pleased that she was able to take down the Diamond dog, but know it wasn't going to last forever. The Professor notice that the Diamond dog was trying to move and he try to warn her to run. Tira Shark was too busy feeling proud of herself, but was too later to see the Diamond dog got up from the ground and attack her with it claws. The attack was able to hit by Tira left eye, leaving a very bad scratch mark, which was bleeding heavily. The Professor was shock to see what happened to Tira, he race over to her, but the Diamond dog was blocking his path. The Diamond dog was staring to laugh at the Professor, knowing that it going to harm him the same way he did to Tira Shark.

The Professor: get out of my way Diamond dog, I don't want to fight you

Diamond dog: *laugh* that too bad to hear that, but I'm not letting you pass, unless you fight me.

The Professor knew that reason the diamond dog was no use at this point, when he look behind it, he saw that Tira Shark was doing her best to get up, but having a hard time standing on her own. The Diamond dog was getting a lot close and the Professor was running out of time to think, he wanted to plan more, but did the best thing he can do. The Diamond dog was happy that the alicorn stop moving for a second, it leap toward the alicorn to cause some damage, but instead it fell to the ground, with its head burry in the ground. When removing it head from the ground, the Diamond dog was shock to see that the alicorn was gone, it look around to see where it had gone, until it spot the alicorn, at the other side of the secret room. The Professor finally reach Tira Shark and see how she was doing, he notice that the scar on her left eye was really bad and see that her eye trying it best to see through the blood. The Professor stay close by Tira side and help her up from the ground.

The Professor: don't worry Tira, I got you by my side.

Tira Shark: Fester is that really you?

The Professor: it is Tira, look like someone is rescuing your life this time

Tira Shark: *she laugh* always trying to come up a good joke huh

The Professor: I learn from the best Tira, now let save the joke on the side, so I can get you out of here and quick.

The Professor did his best to get her up from the floor, but without warning, her hear some growling noise in the air and knew that the Diamond dog was angry. The Professor get Tira on his back, but she force herself away and stand on her own. The Professor wasn't sure what she was doing, but ask her to follow him.

The Professor: what are you doing Tira, you're badly injured

Tira Shark: I know Fester, but somebody got to stop that Diamond dog, before it try to attack again.

The Professor: but how, you having a hard time standing on your own, plus your left eye is cover in blood, you can't see clearly.

Tira Shark: I know that Fester, but that not going to stop me from protecting you

The Professor: you got to be crazy, you and I both know you no in good condition to fight against that Diamond dog. It be un-logical

Tira Shark: you of all ponies should know me a lot better than that Fester, I always beat the odds, no matter how bad things are and like I said before, I'm protecting you, because your too important for me to lose.

The Professor knew that Tira is crazy of trying to fight the diamond dog again, he wanted to use his magic and teleport them to the teleporter device, but after hearing that Tira said, he knew deep inside that Tira love him the same way as he does for her. When the Professor try to find a better solution for this situation there in, the diamond dog whole once more to warn them that it was coming, the Professor look and see that the Diamond dog was started running towards them. The Professor was about to tell Tira to run, but she ignored him and start running towards the Diamond dog as well. The Diamond dog and Tira were close to ram to each other, but instead to be a total crash, Tira slide to the ground, to get under the Diamond dog. The Diamond dog notice what earth pony was doing, but ran out of time to do something, when Tira double kick him by the rear. The Diamond dog was in mid-aid then crash landed something hard, which was a pile of old junk, that the Diamond dog collect over the years. Tira Shark was pleased that she was able to fool the Diamond dog, but thanks to her sliding to the ground, some of the dirt got into her bad eye, even harder for her to see now. The Professor ran toward Tira side and pick her up once more, Tira try to see her friend with her good eye and smile with a positive attitude.

Tira Shark: see Fester, I told you that I can beat that Diamond dog flank *she laugh*

The Professor: ... sigh, your something else Tira, but this what I get to have an amazing friend like you.

Tira Shark: well this amazing friend want one thing from you.

The Professor was about to say something, until Tira got close to his face and then kiss him on the lips. The two were kissing for a little while, until Tira finally let go to get some air. The Professor was caught off guard of what just happen to him, he wanted to say something, but he was lost in words when his face began to turn red. Tira was laughing to see her friend face was all red, she jump on the Professor back and tap him by the side.

Tira Shark: ok hero, take this Denzel back home, I need to get this eye check, before I lose it

The Professor: none to worry Tira, I know a good doctor that can check your eye for you. I use the teleporter and we be there no problem.

Tira Shark: you do that, as for me I might take a nap for a moment, after that fight it took a lot out of me.

The Professor: take as much rest you need, with the Diamond dog out of the picture, we should be

Before he could finish his sentence, the Diamond dog that Tira Shark defeated appear out of nowhere and attack the both of them. The Professor hit hard on the floor, while his friend Tira being held up by the Diamond dog. Tira Shark try to break free from its grip, but Diamond dog making sure that she wasn't getting away this time. The Diamond dog laugh at the earth pony once more, knowing the pain he gotten from her was impressive, but going to enjoy ending her life. Tira Shark was scared for her life and start screaming the Professor name for help. The Professor see what the Diamond dog going to do and try to think of something quick. He got up the best he can and gone after the Diamond dog, but it already knew what the Alicron was going to do and held the earth pony close to it body. The Professor stop running for a second, when the Diamond dog tell him something that force him to listen.

Diamond dog: listen good and listen well pony, if you dare come any close or pull any trick, I will tear this puny pony head.

Tira Shark: Fester ... help me please

The Professor: I'm coming for you Tira, just hold on a little longer. Diamond dog please, let my friend go and we never bother you again

Diamond dog: that going to be a little problem, you see your friend did more than damage my body, she damage my pride. When a Diamond dog pride is ruin, so will the pony.

The Professor: *he look in Tira eyes that she was in great fear for her life. He know that the Diamond dog wasn't going to show no reason, now have no other choice* listen to me Diamond dog, let my friend go or things will get messy for you.

Diamond dog: *laugh* and what a little Alicorn pony like you will do, you can't harm me, without harming your precious friend.

The Professor: ........... sigh, that too bad, I would rather not do this, but like my friend once said to me, sometimes you have to risk it, in order to save someone important and I hope that someone, would forgive me of what I'm about to do.

Diamond dog was curious of what the Alicorn was about to do, knowing that it had the earth pony by it claws. The Professor close his eyes for a moment and start conjure up some magic in his horn. His horn started to give a bright green glow, brighten up the whole room, the Diamond did it best to see, but force itself to close them, thanks to the Professor light show. While the Diamond dog kept it eyes close, underneath it feet the ground started to soften up, turning into a liquid quick sand. The Diamond too busy to keep it eyes close, it didn't notice that it was standing underneath quick sand, the Diamond dog was terrified of what just happened, it let go the earth pony from it claws. The Professor open his eyes and they were glowing the same color as his horn, he use his magic to capture Tira in mid-air and teleport her right next to him, the Professor was pleased that Tira was alright, that he gave her a big hug, but nearly forget about Tira injured left eye.

The Professor: thank Celestia that you was alright Tira

Tira Shark: me too Fester, one more second, that Diamond dog would got me for good. What did you do that you caught that Diamond dog off guard like that.

The Professor: all I really did was using advance magic that only a few know about. I wish I could tell you more about it, but I would be in big trouble with my father if I told anyone outside the family about it.

Tira Shark: I understand Fester, but what about the Diamond dog, will it be ok?

The Professor: the quick sand I made with my magic is only temporary, it will wear off a few hours and the Diamond dog get out safely, now as for you Tira, we need to find you a doctor quick, before you lose your left eye.

Tira Shark: ok then, but where a good doctor you said about we going to find that is nearby?

The Professor: there a doctor from ponyville that go by the name Dr. Djose, he's very good at healing any kind of injuries, especially saving serious injuries like yours Tira.

Tira Shark: that good to hear, but how we going to get to ponyville in time?

The Professor: ........ You forgot already Tira

Tira Shark: ....... Oh right, your teleporter device, sorry Fester

The Professor: it's alright, now come on, we need to go before the Diamond dog escape again.

Tira Shark: ok, but can you do me one more favor

The Professor: sure Tira, what you need

to be continue part 3