Vulpes Lupis Chapter 2: Tales From A Troubled World

Story by Yukigo Kurosaki on SoFurry

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#2 of Vulpes Lupis

Disclaimer: This story is rated R for scenes of a violent nature, and quite possibly some yiff. Look, just don't read it if you are under 18, It'll save you a lot of guilt. Of course I know that'll never happen.


Liz wandered around the base as she gripped what had just happened with her family. She cried in the corner and looked at the Desert Eagle in her paws. She unclicked the safety and slowly raised it to her head.

"Don't do it." Liz looked up to see Desmond standing there. "You'll just give them the satisfaction of killing another one."

Liz sighed and put the safety back on. "I hate fucking Lupes."

Desmond shrugged. "Don't we all?"

Liz smiled a bit, before Desmond held out his paw. "Sorry, I'm gonna need my Eagle back."

"Aw... I just started liking this thing."

"Yeah, but they are quite rare, you'll have to find something else. Come on, head downstairs, I'm sure you'll find something you'll like down there. Let's get you a bra well you're down there too, I saw a few heads turn as you walked by."

Liz took Desmond's paw. "Thanks, I'm really glad you found me, who knows what would have happened to me if you hadn't."

Desmond slicked back his hair nervously. "You're welcome, don't mention it."

They headed downstairs, which was quite abandoned from everybody watching the news upstairs. Only a few soldiers remained, who stood and saluted quickly when they saw Desmond. "At ease all, I'm just here to introduce you to Elizabeth Benedick, she's the newest member of BRAGG and she doesn't have a rank yet. Please treat her like any other soldier and try to be kind, she's had a few very traumatic experiences, that is all."

The soldiers went back to what they were doing and Desmond took Liz back to a table occupied by a single female fox, who was messing with a grey, puttylike substance, shaping it into various sculptures. "There! A masterpiece if I've ever seen one!" She looked up for a second and nearly fell off the bench. "Whoa! General Meyers, Sir!" She saluted, panicked.

"At ease, at ease! I just wanted to trust you with the company of Liz here. She needs a quick tour and I'm afraid I'm a bit busy at the moment, considering what you're doing on the table, you're obviously not very busy..."

She held her chest. "Oh, is that all? I thought you were going to reprimand me."

"Of course not, you're a fine soldier." He glanced over to the sculpture on the table. "And a pretty fine artist."

Liz poked it. "What's it made of anyway?"

The soldier looked over at her. "C4" she replied casually.

Liz yelped and jumped backwards, franticly rubbing her finger against her fatigues to get the C4 off.

"Relax, Relax! It won't explode unless there's a detonator in it." She held out a paw to Liz. "Corporal Chloe Graesser, explosives expert! I also handle women's clothing."

Liz looked at Desmond. "Ohh... so that's why you brought me here." She looked at Chloe. "So, do you have any bras?"

"Bras? Of course! What size?"

Liz blushed and looked back at Desmond. "Um..." she whispered. "36-C"

Chloe laughed. "C? Oh no, those babies are definitely D's!" Liz gasped and turned pure red out of embarrassment. She looked at where Desmond was, but he was no longer there. She turned back to Chloe. "You sure? I've worn C's for a while now."

"And there's your problem, foxes grow, your size doesn't stay the same. You wore C's? Jeez, those must have been tight; I don't know how you lived with it. Come on, we'd better measure you."

Liz felt the embarrassment rise in her chest. "Do we have to? I've been naked enough times for a day thank you."

Chloe giggled. "I'm not even going to ask what that means. Come on! It's not so bad, I'm a girl too, it's not like I've never seen this."

Liz reluctantly followed Chloe to another room, where she shut the door. "Don't want half the base fapping themselves to death do we?" She got out some measuring tape. "Ok, off with them!" Liz blushed and took off the top to the fatigues, Chloe let out a low whistle. "Damn, what I wouldn't give to have a rack like that!" She wrapped the tape around Liz's back and looped it back around the front. Ah-HA! 38 -D, I knew something was wrong with that measurement..." She grabbed a few bras and handed them to Liz. "There ya go! Need any civvy clothes while you're here?"

"I suppose. Whatcha got?"

Chloe and Liz browsed the racks for a little while, grabbing a few pairs of civilian clothing as well as some extra fatigues for base wear. Liz stretched. "So, where can I get a gun around here Corporal Graesser?"

Chloe smiled. "Please, just call me Chloe, and the firing range is down on the other side of the base. Brigadier General Hunter is on duty there. I'd recommend being a bit more formal with him though; he's a much, much higher rank than I am.

Liz took off towards the firing range, grabbing some hearing protection as dictated explicitly by a sign on the door. She finally got there and walked over to a wolf wearing a much more decorated pair of fatigues. Liz saluted nervously, not sure how to instigate conversation with a person of his rank. Hunter looked over to her. "Oh there's no need for that Ms. Benedick, you are not technically in the military yet. So what can I do for you?"

"Um, Mr. Hunter sir... I need a gun."

Hunter grabbed a pistol. "Of course, I heard how you saved General Meyers. Not bad if I do say so myself. I'm afraid that Desert Eagle is damn near impossible to find. Not sure where he got it myself, but I'm sure an M9 will do you good. Why don't you give it a test run?" He handed the pistol to her and she aimed it down the range. She fired off a couple of shots and Hunter raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Holy... Right down the middle! Not bad! Try it again." She fired off the rest of the clip and Hunter's jaw dropped. "Every one... perfect! Maybe we should give you an upgrade." He handed her a P90. "Ok, this bad boy is automatic, you ever shot an automatic weapon before?"

"No, Sir..."

"Well Ok, here's a crash course, here, just take your arm here, Yeah, there you go, Ok other arm here... Hold on tight, this baby will take off on you if you're not careful... Alright get into a stable stance, otherwise you'll be landing on your ass." Liz looked almost comical with the large rifle against her small body. "Good! Now, hold on tight, the moment you feel that you can't control it, TAKE YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER, I can't stress that enough."

Liz nervously took the rifle and aimed it down the range. She clicked the trigger and a stream of bullets took off with satisfying cracks as her arm was wrenched to one side. The first couple hit pretty accurately but the last few skewed way off course, one even hitting a neighboring target. Hunter laughed heartily. "Heh, that usually happens to newcomers, don't feel bad."

Liz lined up another shot, bracing her arm for the powerful forces about to be applied to it. She carefully pulled the trigger and this time she was prepared, the bullets spiraled out of the muzzle quickly and landed dead on their target, give or take a few inches because of recoil. Hunter's eyes widened. "Liz, you're a natural at this."

"Thanks, but I prefer the non automatic weapons."

Another voice came behind her. "Then perhaps we can work out a deal?"

Liz yelped and turned around. A thoroughly scarred human stood imposingly over her. He saluted casually to Brigadier General Hunter, suggesting they were close in rank, and close friends. Hunter smiled. "Well! If it isn't Major Trippi himself! How'd that mission go today?"

"You know Gavin, we barely escaped with our asses!"

Hunter laughed in his hearty belly laugh. "I know John, just messing with you."

Liz shook and slowly set down the P90. "You-you're a...a!"

Major Trippi looked down. "Human? Yeah. Thought we were all dead didn't you?"

Liz nodded, not knowing what to say. "Well, you're wrong, there's about 30,000 of us left. I'm here to make sure that the foxes and wolves don't do what nearly killed us: go to civil war." Major Trippi was nearly the same height as Desmond, which meant that he was nearly a foot and a half taller than her. He held out a hand. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Major Jonathon Trippi of Blacklight Squadron."

Liz looked up at him. "Isn't that the sniper squad that was following General Meyers?"

"Sure was! And also the squad that failed at protecting him... an untrained fox did a better job at saving him than us! I'm ashamed to call us a squad anymore..."

Hunter put a paw on the major's shoulder "Now don't be like that! You did the best you could and that's all that matters. YOU HOWEVER!" He suddenly grabbed a wolf who had appeared behind the Major, he was barely 5'7" and didn't even look like he was 18 yet. "Lieutenant Thompson! You are a disgrace to the major's fine squad! Flagrant insubordination! Suggestive comments! And worse of all, an unwillingness to protect the General!" He ripped all but the top row of bars off of his shoulder insignia. "Now then PRIVATE Thompson, drop and give me 1000 or until you pass out. For your sake you damn well better hope it's the first one!"

Thompson got to his knees and started doing push-ups. "You call those push-ups? Higher you stupid lupe! What would your mother think?! She gave her life for BRAGG and now her spoiled son is going to undo everything she accomplished!"

Major Trippi started walking, "Come on Liz, there's nothing we can do for Thompson right now."

The Brigadier General was still chewing Private Thompson out. "Did I say you could stop? NO! So move your fat ass off the ground before I kick it straight into the Gulf!"

The Major looked back. "Sometimes I feel sorry for the kid, this is no place for a 16 year old."

Liz was silent, still shocked at the presence of a human being. "S-so, is there anything different about a human besides the lack of a tail and different face structure?" She immediately regretted asking.

The major turned to her. "Well, we've got different feet and hands, or paws to you, and let's just say that there are some things that I can't show you unless you become VERY good friends with me, or get me extremely drunk." He winked. "But other than that, no, we're pretty much the same. Of course the world doesn't see it that way, most humans are shot on sight, it's so sad being misunderstood. I'm sure you understand though, being a fox and all."

Liz mumbled. "You sure got that right..."

The major continued walking "Hey, you know I think General Meyers has a thing for you."


"Yeah, when you took him back on the bed back at the safehouse, he rolled with it until Captain Barker said something. Normally in that circumstance he would have rejected right away, but he didn't for you, he turned soft for a second."

Liz thought for a second. "So Desmond likes me? I'm not sure I entirely trust him that way though. Still, it begs the question... 'why me?'" She looked down at her breasts. "Is it these? No, there are several women who have cleavage like mine..." She was stumped. "Isn't love between a fox and a wolf illegal?" She asked aloud.

The major didn't even look back. "Yes. But you know that General Meyers doesn't care about the law, and frankly, neither do I. If foxes and wolves want to interbreed, it shouldn't matter how many of them are on the planet. You don't want to know what happens to those who are found to have a Wolfox though."

"What happens Major?"

"Liz, just trust me when I say you're better off not knowing, you've gone through enough trauma for now."

Liz gulped and decided not to pursue the matter. "So where are we going anyway?"

"To visit Captain Barker of course."

Liz had nearly forgotten about the brave fox who risked his life to save Desmond's. They arrived at the infirmary and the Major threw open the doors. "Hey buddy..." he said quietly. "... how you doing?"

Barker groaned. "You don't have to whisper, I only got shot in the arm, nothing a blood transfusion couldn't fix." He looked up and blushed. "Oh... Ms. Benedick... How are you?"

Liz sat down beside him. "I think that was extremely brave of you, coming back for us..."

Barker stared down at the floor bashfully. "It was nothing... just my job..."

"You should be proud of yourself... Hey, Captain Barker?" He looked up at her and Liz planted a big kiss on his muzzle, which made him turn a deep scarlet and look away.

The major smiled. "Never wash that muzzle Matt, that's the only kiss you'll ever get."

"Shut up Trippi!"

The major laughed. "Well, at least you're OK kid. I was worried about you, congrats on the promotion."

Barker groaned and held his head. "Agh... got a massive headache from the fluctuating blood levels."

The major sniffed dramatically. "Well!" He said mock snobbishly. "I know when we're not wanted!"

"Fermez ta bouche! Barker said indignantly.

"Well, our work here is done." The major walked out of the room and Liz followed quickly.

"So... why do the Wolves help here?"

"Every one has their own story, you should ask them yourself, start with Hunter, his is quite... interesting, just tell him that 'Major Trippi asked you to show me', and be sure to say that verbatim. For now, I'll be over at the other side of the training range, I've got something special to show you, but I've got to get it set up."

Liz hurried over to where Brigadier General Hunter was standing. He held out his arms warmly. "Ah, back again? Wanna try out something a little bigger?"

"Um... no. I wanted to ask you why you help us."

Hunter looked back at her. "Oh... so that's it? Look, I'm afraid I can't really tell you that..."

"Major Trippi asked you to show me, whatever that means."

Hunter sighed... "OK then, come with me."

He showed Liz to an ammunition shack, which he promptly locked the door of. Liz gulped, suddenly her fears of rape began to emerge again. He unhooked the snap of his fatigues and let them fall to his feet. "THIS, is why I joined."

Liz gasped and stared at his naked body. He had a perfectly normal sheath and penis, but he was completely missing a scrotum. Instead there were several razor scars and a fur void from where he was stitched back together. "THEY, did this to me, WOLF did it to me. You see, I had a beautiful fox mate, almost like you, and we had a child together. He was a beautiful little Wolfox we named Jacob. Then one day they broke in. They killed Jacob right in front of us, then my wife and finally they got to me." He was in tears. "They cut off my wolfhood and left me there. If General Meyers hadn't heard my screams of pain I might not be here. Now do you understand?" Liz nodded fervently. "Good, now go, I think the Major is waiting for you."

Liz ran down the range, trying to get the violent image out of her head. "My god, WOLF is fucked up."

She noticed Private Thompson, angrily shooting at a target at the extreme furthest possible range. His bullets always hit true and she could see why he was a sharpshooter. He looked over at her briefly and then turned back to his gun. "Well, if isn't Meyers newest toy."

Liz was hurt and she started to walk away. Thompson shouted behind her. "Wait! Sorry, I didn't mean that, I'm just a little angry at myself, that's all."

Liz sat beside him and he sighed. "I shouldn't be here, one day I'm just gonna go insane and kill everyone here. A sixteen year old shouldn't have to serve. If it wasn't for my mom I wouldn't be in here. She was killed in duty when I was four, I've been trying to fill in her shoes ever since."

Liz cocked her head. "Why are you so insubordinate?"

"I'm nervous as hell Liz, I'm afraid. Like I said, I'm 16, I shouldn't be here."

"Who was your dad?"

"My dad? I don't know, my mom was raped by some guy in WOLF. Look Liz, just get going, I'm gonna get chewed out again if they find me talking to you again."

Liz continued walking. She was beginning to understand more and more of why people came together in BRAGG. She got to the other end where Major Trippi was waiting for her. He looked over to her. "Now do you understand?" She nodded. "Well OK, here we go, this place is not just your average firing range, it's a sniper course. Judging from your shots before, I think you might be ready for this." He handed her a .306 Sniper Rifle. "This is your standard Thirty Aught Six, don't ask me why they don't just say Three oh six, they just do. Anyway, just be careful, it's really heavy, nothing a few weeks weight lifting and field training can't fix."

She grabbed the rifle and her arms dropped a little and she grunted as she tried to lift it a bit. "My god, you weren't joking."

The major smiled, "I'll put some mounting legs on the muzzle, just think of them as training wheels for now."

Liz grunted and handed the .306 back to the Major, who took off towards another shed, searching for the mounting legs. Her eyes drifted to a ridiculously large gun in a locked case, it was nearly 4 feet long and looked like it weighed a ton. "What the... hell?"

The major came back. "Ah, I see you've found that one. That, my friend, is a 50 cal Intervention. It's a 5 shot armor piercing magazine, each of the bullets weighs a pound by itself, and the gun itself weighs about 50. You'll have to understand I'm not letting you fire that one quite yet."

Liz nodded. "I can see why, I doubt I could even hold the damn thing."

"Well? Shall we?"

Liz took the .306 again and a vein in her head popped out as she grunted to try and get it over to the ledge. She panted as she set it down on the ledge, ready to fire. Liz wiped some hair out of the way. "OK, I'm ready."

"OK, just a few pointers first. One, hold on tight because it has a recoil like you wouldn't believe, Two, its accurate down to the millimeter, so you'll actually have to aim down the scope, and Three, it only has 8 rounds to a magazine, so if you take wild shots you'll be reloading quite often. I'd get the hang of reloading now before you start if I were you.

Her first few attempts at reloading were a bit awkward to say the least. Eventually she got faster though and she soon was able to do it in a matter of seconds. "Alright, I think I'm ready now."

"Excellent, I'll call up one target, just take the shot when you are ready."

Liz took a deep breath and looked down the scope. The crosshairs lined up straight on the target wearing a WOLF uniform. Liz grinned and pulled the trigger. The target was knocked down, but so was she, the recoil bounced back and knocked her on her ass, the gun falling on her stomach, causing a gasping cough. Trippi giggled. "I told you to watch out for the recoil!"

Liz got up and brushed some dirt off of her ass. "Wow, that was unexpected"

"You ready for the REAL test?"

"That wasn't the real test?"

"Liz, hitting a single target with a sniper rifle is like stepping on a blade of grass in a lawn, it's so trivially easy that there has to be another test."

He called up several targets, some moving as well as some fox targets. "Don't shoot the foxes, head shots count for extra and you'll be timed. Oh, and you'll have to move too, a couple are behind cover, now go!" He slapped her ass and Liz shrieked in surprise. She sprinted and lugged the .306 along. She took a couple quick shots at the beginning and hit the Mozarts right on. She took off and quickly shot at the one she had missed and was hiding behind cover, now at a better angle. She got down on one knee and aimed at a trio of targets at a range too far for hip firing, she dropped them quickly and moved on, dropping a well concealed target in the corner. She took another magazine from her pocket and quickly reloaded, she went up a set of stairs where a target suddenly popped up at the top, Liz screamed and smashed it with the butt of the rifle in panic, where it dropped, much to her surprise. She shot at one last free standing target, it hit right on but the fox behind him dropped too, which made her swear. The major's voice drifted over. "Liz! Bullets go through shit!" She saw a trio of targets so far away she could barely see them, she set down the .306 on the mounts and carefully aimed. Bullets went through all of their heads and she jumped down from the roof, sprinting to the exit. She carefully set down the .306 and keeled over, panting. The major looked over his clipboard. "Hmm... 32.5 seconds, 1 civvy, 4 headshots. Overall... not bad, of course, going down the middle like that and not using cover will definitely get you killed." He held out his hand. "Welcome to the team, kiddo!"

She took his hand with apprehension. "T-Thank you, but are you sure I'm ready for this?"

"The numbers say you are, but you never know until you take a field test." He knelt down to her level. "But Liz, listen to me, if you don't want to do this, just tell me, being a sniper is a dangerous job and I'd never want to force that on you."

Liz nodded. "I'll do it, I owe it to General Meyers to help him."

"In that case, I'll expect you to do at least 2 hours of weight training a day, you're gonna need to be able to lug that thing around without losing all your energy.

"Yes sir!"

"Come on, I'll show you 'round the rest of the place, and get you back to Meyers for bunking arrangements."

"I'm actually starting to get tired now..."

"Well alright, I'll get you back to Meyers then." They walked towards the middle of the basement, where a ring was set up, and Desmond was standing shirtless in the middle, sparring with another wolf of similar build, Desmond rolled out of the way and smacked him on the back as he charged him. Desmond held up his arms. "Come on! Can't any of you suckers beat me?!"

Liz shuddered as she looked at his naked upper body. He was sweaty from the workout and several scars were visible in his fur. His chest was well toned and his biceps flexed as he blocked a punch aimed at him and wrenched his opponent's wrist back, making him cry out in pain. Her eyes drifted down to his legs, which were equally as muscled and to the meeting of his thighs. While she couldn't see past the fabric, her imagination was taking her on a wild ride as she thought what he could be hiding there. Liz found herself panting and she felt her panties becoming increasingly wet. "What's... happening to me? I've never felt this way about a guy before..."

"Ogling the General, eh?" Liz yelped in surprise as Chloe suddenly appeared beside her. "Can't blame you, he's one hell of a hunk. What makes me envious is the fact that you have a chance with him." She sighed. "Oh god, what I wouldn't give for a night with him."

"I-I'm not thinking about him!"

Chloe snorted. "Yeah, and I'll believe that when you stop creaming your pants." Liz looked down and gasped as she saw the telltale stain on her fatigues. She quickly took off her sweater she was wearing (it was rather cold in the basement of an abandoned building, oddly enough) and tied it around her waist.

"OK, so I was thinking about him... so what?"

"Nothing. I was just saying I envy you, that's all, it was a complement."

Desmond scoffed as he exited the ring. "Come back when you actually have a shot at beating me. I'm off to the showers."

Liz looked back to where Chloe was, but she had disappeared, probably off to do something else. She walked up to Desmond. "Um... General Meyers? I was wondering where I was going to sleep." Liz smiled inside as she thought of something. "I-I'm not sure I trust the all people here..."

Desmond looked back at her. Liz was completely captivated by his incredibly handsome body. "I can't see why you wouldn't, but since I hadn't really thought about bunking arrangements and because you are a civvy, you can stay with me for today. Just... don't tell anyone, they wouldn't take kindly to favoritism."

"Ooh! Thank you!" Liz ran up to Desmond and gave him a hug, eager to feel his well toned chest next to her face and to rub his soft back fur. "What the hell? Why am I doing this?" She thought. "He's just another guy... why is my body betraying me like this?"

Desmond looked forward nervously. "Liz, why are you hugging me? It's highly against regulation."

"Screw regulation!" Liz gulped nervously. "Did I just say that out loud to a general?" She thought.

Desmond's eyes widened. "Liz, I request you return to your bunk now, you need your rest."

Liz lowered her head. "Yes General..." She said sadly.

Desmond walked off to the showers. "Did she just hug me? Does she have a thing for me? She does know that this is highly... oh damn it, what am I saying? I feel it too... I just can't tell her." Desmond sighed and quickly stripped off in the showers turning the water on. They actually pirated water straight from a main so that no red flags would be raised from water being sent to an abandoned facility. Desmond sighed and fingered around his sheath a bit. He giggled quietly. "L-liz... stop that..." He suddenly opened his eyes. "No! I can't just paw off because I have a crush on a girl... An extremely beautiful vixen who has a giant rack... Oh fuck it..."


Liz started walking along the wall, searching for the sign on the door that said General Meyers on it. She was suddenly aware that nobody was paying any attention to her at all. Her eyes drifted towards the shower room. "No... no way, that's an invasion of privacy." Her panties began growing extremely wet. "Well... I do wonder what he hides under there sometimes..." She slinked in the shadows, passing quickly to avoid being noticed. This was made easy by the fact that foxes were naturally good at stealth and the environment she'd grown up in made it crucial to learn such a skill. She stood by the entrance of the showers and took a deep breath. "Well... it's all or nothing..." the fire in her crotch prevailed though as she silently entered, hiding in a shadow made by bad lighting. Desmond poured some water over himself and he sighed in bliss. Liz stood completely still, aware that Desmond probably had excellent peripheral vision, hardly even breathing. Desmond stared at his sheath, as if deciding something, and suddenly he brushed his paw against his sheath, which made him giggle slightly. "L-Liz... stop that!"

Liz froze. "H-He's pawing to me?!" She thought.

Desmond ran his forefinger and thumb along his sheath to coax his underused cock out. He sighed, "Oh god... I haven't done this since forever..." He grinned as the tip emerged. "Why hello there, remember me?" He teasingly ran a claw down the bottom of his tip and he shuddered in ecstasy. "Holy shit... that's sensitive." By now a bit more had come out and he was able to grip it in his paws. He tried not to moan as he brushed his hardened pads against his soft cock. Inch by inch, his neglected phallus emerged from its den. Liz nearly let out a yelp as he saw his full size, a full 8 inches. His cock, like most canines, was tapered from tip to base and he was an inch and a half in girth at the approximate middle point.

Liz, Desmond's silent and unnoticed voyeur, was nearly at orgasm right now and she had hardly seen anything yet. Desmond let go of his cock for a second to actually wash his fur like he was supposed to be doing. He turned towards Liz a bit as he washed himself, still not noticing her. Liz however was unable to pry her eyes off of his member. Her virgin mind screamed for that perfect cock to be inside of her. Desmond returned to his ministrations as he began to run his paw up and down his wonderful tapered length. He closed his eyes and leaned against the shower stall, trapped in his own fantasy. "Liz! Oh Liz! Uhh! More!"

Liz's fluids now freely flowed, she hoped that Desmond wouldn't be able to distinguish their scent over the general smell of locker room. His knot bulged an additional inch out from the base. Desmond himself wondered how he was supposed to fit that inside of a female, but he knew that anatomically it could be done, otherwise he wouldn't have one. Desmond struggled to control his voice. "Liz! Oh god Liz! I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna AAAAHH!" He grunted as thick ropes of his wolf spunk sprayed out with it seemed as much pressure as a fire hose. It coated everything in the stall with lines of white as Desmond swore and aimed the shower nozzle at them to wash them off. "Son of a Bitch! I knew I shouldn't have done that!"

Liz waited until Desmond was facing the opposite direction and bolted out of the door. Desmond snapped to attention and looked around. "Huh what?! Whose's there?" He looked in every conceivable hiding spot. "Hmm, must just be seeing things... I should get to bed, that took a lot out of me..."


Liz stuck to the shadows again. "Holy Shit... that was really close. I don't know what the hell got into me..."

Liz came to Desmond's room and quietly entered. She lied back on the bed with a sigh. "My god that was hot." The fire in her crotch had only intensified. "Maaan... what the hell is with me lately? All I want is sex!" Liz started panting. "Oh my god... when the hell did it get so HOT in here?" She gasped for air and quickly removed her fatigues, now standing in her bra and underwear. Still she was hot. "Damn... what the fuck is going ON?" She took off the rest of her clothes. "Guh! So... damn... hot!" She lied back on the bed and panted frantically to release some of the heat from her body. She noticed the burning pain around her pussy and she groaned. "Oh my god... It hurts! What the hell is going on! I've never felt like this before!" In desperation she slid her paw down to her aching, throbbing cunt. "Go... away!" She delved into the depths of her treasure and she moaned. "H-hey... it feels... a little better." She moaned happily as she probed her depths. "Oh god... yes..." She writhed in utter bliss, her body riding each wave of ecstasy while her mind wandered the gardens of Xanadu. Liz turned over, her ass in the air out of instinct, her paw still buried in her pussy. "Oh Jesus! Yes! More, MORE!" She squeezed her clit and let out a screaming moan of purest delight. She started having fantasies herself. She imagined Desmond standing over here, plunging deep into her depths with his absolutely perfect cock. She flipped onto her back again and ground against herself with everything she had. She could physically feel the imaginary Desmond stretching her walls and filling her with his seed. Liz released a final triumphant howl and CAME. The juices came rushing past her paw with more volume and intensity than Niagara Falls. She let herself down and she wriggled with aftershocks to the tsunami of pleasure. "Ah... fancy that... I just came on Desmond's bed..." She giggled a little. "I hope he doesn't notice."

Suddenly the door opened and Desmond stood there. "Liz? Are you OK? I heard screaming, did you have a bad dream?" He suddenly looked down at the disaster zone that was her crotch. "Ohhhh... so that's..."

Liz was frozen with horror and Desmond stood, jaw dropped, unable to say anything they stood like this nearly half a minute, Liz looking like she was about to cry and Desmond in a state of permanent shock . "Oh my... this is awkward..."
