Chapter 3 Where Earth Meets Sky

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#3 of The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Where Earth Meets Sky

Chapter 3

Nodan was pleasantly surprised when stepping into the forest didn't conjure an immediate bone-arrow in his throat. In fact, no wolves appeared at all, and he was able to travel for several days in relative quiet. And yet, though the forest was beautiful with its flowers and birdsong, Nodan was still terrified. He had heard too many stories of wolves capturing and raping sheep, skinning them, beheading them. Every little lamb knew the story of The Three Bad Wolves, who cooked a helpless lamb and her brother in a pot and later wore their bones. The wolves were violent and cruel; they were always watching, and eventually, Nodan knew they would find him. His only hope was for a quick death, that they wouldn't torture him or leave him to suffer.

Nodan found his own fear of the forest sadly ironic. His name, after all, meant "earth." He was so named with the anticipation that he would master the land, the same way his mother had mastered the water. Yet here he was, jumping at every shadow, loath to sleep on the wet soil, and scrambling to form some makeshift shelter from the rain. His winter wool kept him warm and dry in the beginning, but an angry bear forced him to cross the river, and though he escaped the beast unscathed, he still emerged from the ordeal wet and muddy and chilled to the bone.

The clouds had cleared and the rain had stopped by the time Nodan floundered his way to dry land. He didn't know how to swim and was amazed that he had managed to cross the river on an adrenaline rush of sheer fear alone. His little hooves clomped up the muddy bank, sucking each time he pulled them up. The mud was heavy, as if it was trying to pull him down, and he knew that should he be attacked here, it would be very hard to flee.

Nodan's knapsack was so heavy with rainwater, the strap cut hard into his shoulder. He strained to get out of the mud as quickly as possible, thighs and calves shuddering and burning with each grunting step, and his skirt was so sopping wet, it slipped loose down his hips a little. Nodan paused in horror, trying to catch his skirt before it fell. He managed to grab it in fistfuls just as it slipped around his knees, exposing his bare penis and fuzzy sack to the wind.

"Shite!" Nodan muttered under his breath, and as he fought to get the skirt back up, he thought he heard a laugh. It was a snicker. Someone was watching his predicament and laughing at him! Nodan spun around, sloshing through the mud, until his back was to the forest as he listened with ears forward. He wanted to be afraid, but instead, he was just indignant. He glanced around, eyes furious, for the culprit. "Where are you? Come out!" he shouted. "If you're gonna hunt me, just hunt me and get it over with - but don't laugh at me!"

Nodan heard the bushes behind him rustling, and with his heart in his throat, he looked over his shoulder and blinked in surprise at what he saw. A young wolf was standing there, tall and black, with fierce slanted eyes and a wild mane flying about his handsome face in a mess. He was a hunter, wrapped in a brown loincloth, with a cloak and hood around his shoulders against the recent rain. Aside from that, however, he was naked, muscular chest bare and belly rippling. His black body glistened with water, the translucent rain clinging to every hard curve of him, to every bulging muscle. In his paws was a bow, and though it was lowered, there was a bone-arrow nocked to it.

It took Nodan a moment to realize the young wolf was as frozen with surprise as he. It seemed the wolf had completely forgotten he was even holding a weapon, for his pretty eyes went from Nodan's penis, up to his face, and down to his penis again. Nodan couldn't help feasting on the stranger with his eyes either: there he stood, tousled and wet and hard-bodied, so young and beautiful, and nothing like the horrific stories he'd heard of monstrous wolves with arm-length fangs.

Sheep and wolf stared into each other's eyes a long moment before it all came crashing back on them that they were mortal foes.

Nodan, stuck in the mud as he was, knew that fleeing would be useless. He wasn't certain he could move anyway. He waited a beat to see what the baffled wolf would do, heart pounding in his ears.

Coming back to his senses, the wolf's face hardened and he lifted his weapon, drawing the string back with a creak and aiming the arrow at Nodan. Nodan swallowed hard, waiting to be shot, but the shot never game. The wolf's paws shook on the weapon, and then, as Nodan watched in shock . . . the wolf sprang an erection behind his loincloth.

The wolf grimaced against his own sudden arousal, and taking the narrow opportunity to escape, Nodan ran.

Nodan ran as hard as his hooves would carry him, into the trees, into the shadows, panting and wide-eyed as he frantically fumbled to tie his skirt back in place. His knapsack bounced against his naked back, banging him painfully as he fled, but he never paused, never faltered, only stumbling occasionally but always finding his hooves again.

Eventually, Nodan could hear the wolf thundering after him, heard the zip of arrows as they whizzed past his ears. He glanced back in terror, and when he saw the young wolf leaping and firing with grim determination, a painful shot of fear punched his heart. This was it. He was going to be shot and skinned and cooked. But the least he could do was make it hard for the bastard!

Suddenly defiant, Nodan grabbed branches and yanked them forward, letting them snap back again as he passed. He felt a thrill of triumph when the wolf was hit in the face and cursed in his language, and it suddenly occurred to Nodan that there could be no reasoning with this creature even if he wanted to: they didn't even speak the same tongue.

As Nodan ran hard, thighs burning like they never had in his life, he could see a small thicket with a hole in it just ahead. It was a thicket of thorny bushes, all clustered tight together to form a sort of natural tunnel. He was small and thin enough to scramble inside, but the wolf could not follow. If he could make it to the thicket, he could survive!

The wolf, sensing what Nodan planned, became more wild and determined in his chase. His arrows, while missing before due to his shaking paws, were suddenly hitting their mark. Nodan gasped when he heard his knapsack struck, ripping beneath the stab of an arrowhead and releasing oats in a rustling fountain behind him. Another zip, and his skirt had been snagged by an arrow, pinning him to a tree.

Forced to a halt, Nodan fumbled frantically to untie the skirt he had only tied on seconds before, willing himself to ignore the heavy sound of the wolf's approaching feet. His heart nearly burst from his chest when he felt the wolf's heavy paw on his knapsack, clutching as it tried to drag him back. At the very last second, he managed to get his skirt off, and wriggling free of the knapsack's strap, he fled into the thicket, naked as the day he was born.

Nodan screamed softly when he felt the barest graze of the wolf's rough claws on his ankle. The creature had almost caught him by the leg, but he yanked himself free, scuttling on so fast that he cut his knees on the thorns beneath. He glanced back only once and saw the wolf's handsome face glaring as he escaped, and it was amazing that such a frightening creature could be so beautiful at the same time.

The stories had never said wolves were beautiful.


Skylar felt like a fool. He had been following the little sheep for days, unwilling to capture him simply because he thought it curious that a little sheep would be trying to live in the forest on his own. He wanted to know why, and it had cost him dearly. Now the sheep had escaped his clutches, and not only that, it had witnessed him become erect at the mere sight of his swinging penis!

Even now, Skylar could not get that dangling penis out of his mind. He had watched with bated breath as the sheep boy fought with his skirt, only for it to drop and reveal the soft flesh between his thighs. The smell of it . . . When the smell hit his face, it was unlike anything Skylar had ever smelled in his life, and he had smelled plenty_of sheep before. But this sheep's smell was alluring, all-consuming. The smell had made a baffled fool of him, for he was _still_hard even now and hated himself for it. Perhaps the sheep would go back to the other sheep and laugh about him. He had brought shame to his clan. He _must catch that sheep now or risk looking like a buffoon.

Luckily, the sheep wouldn't be able to get far. Skylar had the sheep's knapsack, as well the pretty green skirt left pinned to the tree by his arrow. Slinging the knapsack over his shoulder, Skylar roughly ripped the skirt off the tree and brought it to his face. He closed his eyes and sighed happily. There was that sweet, sweet smell again. It warmed his heart, made something in him hot and excited. He felt his erection dripping behind his loincloth, and glancing around, he reached under and tried using the sheep's torn skirt to quiet his organ. No amount of stroking would satisfy it, however, and he knew in that moment that he must have that sheep to make his desire go away.

Skylar was carrying rope over his shoulder and adjusted it as he followed the scent of the sheep through the forest. He had no intention of having his way with the sheep. He just needed it near, needed to have it there, so that he might look at its naked body while he touched himself. Who would the sheep tell once he was caught anyway? Sheep captured for malehood rituals were always cooked at a great wedding feast. It was tradition. For it was believed that not eating a young, healthy sheep after a wedding was bad luck and that the marriage would fail.

Skylar thought it a shame that he would have to eat such a pretty sheep. The sheep boy was small, white, and fluffy, with a fleshy pink belly, and the prettiest green eyes wreathed in thick pale lashes. The sheep's eyes were so round and innocent . . . and so frightened. Skylar felt sorry for him, that he must hunt him for his wedding.

The thicket the sheep had escaped inside had openings in several directions, meaning the sheep could emerge anywhere. Skylar followed the scent on the sheep's skirt through the forest for days and nights, never ceasing, never resting. He managed to stumble across the sheep a few times, once at the stream, again near a cave, but always, the sheep fled just in time, leading Skylar into one of his own people's traps.

Skylar had never been so humiliated in his life. His own people's traps - used against him! And not once, but again and again! He felt so stupid.

One time, the sheep tricked Skylar into running across a rope, which snapped Skylar up in the air by the ankle, forcing his loincloth down over his belly. Head spinning, he could see the sheep below him, snickering into his little paws and blushing as he stared at Skylar's heavy brown cock. Furious, Skylar pushed his loincloth over his penis, belly trembling angrily, and he silently vowed to catch that sheep if it meant the life of him.

But catching the sheep soon proved easier said than done. Day after day, Skylar found himself dangling in some trap while the sheep laughed at him and fled. Was he the predator or the prey? He was beginning to wonder. Perhaps this sheep had entered the forest thinking to catch a wolf as leverage against his people, and he had walked right into a trap!

All his life, Skylar had sat around fires, listening to stories about how stupid sheep were. But this sheep, he was too clever, and it was putting Skylar to shame.

The last time he was caught in a trap, Skylar hit his head as he fell, and when he awoke again, he was tied to a tree with his own rope! The sheep was standing before him, calmly tying on the skirt Skylar had been using to track him. Fury burned in Skylar's chest and he wiggled against his binds. He fell still again when the sheep said something in his language. Then he stepped close, looking at Skylar with a longing that startled him. Did the sheep want him as much as he wanted the sheep?

The smell of the sheep hit Skylar's face again, warm and musky, and he grimaced as sudden arousal made his penis slap upright behind his loincloth. After a tense pause, Skylar bitterly lifted his eyes and was surprised to find the sheep wasn't laughing at him anymore. In fact, he appeared as embarrassed as Skylar felt. His white cheeks were blushing furiously, and he stood there rubbing the back of his neck. He said something else in his strange language and laughed nervously, and Skylar's eyes softened: the sheep was cute when he was nervous.

Skylar looked away as misery griped his heart again. He didn't want to hurt this pretty, shy creature. He suddenly just wanted to let him go. But what choice did he have now? Could he really walk away? Go back to his village with empty paws and tell Subira he had failed? He would never live it -

Skylar's eyes widened when he felt the sheep's hot mouth devour his cock. He looked down and could see the sheep's head moving under his loincloth, moving back and forth as he slid his hungry mouth along his shaft. He was ravishing Skylar's rigid cock in long, slow sucks, pausing every now and then to gently flick his tongue against the head, and Skylar's chest heaved as it happened, as he strained not to release but to remain hard and firm. He wanted it to last forever, wanted to feel the wet tip of the sheep's tongue trailing up and down along the veins of his shaft for all time, and indeed, it seemed as if time had stopped. The pleasure mounted, more and more intense, until he felt himself heaving and flinching in the boy's mouth.

To Skylar's amazement, the sheep boy did not pull away. His lips clung, and his tongue flexed, coaxing Skylar to climax. Skylar didn't know why, but he was afraid to let go, and then he felt the little sheep cupping his sack, massaging it until his toes curled, and he erupted with a cry.

The sheep swallowed, gulping with muffled cries as he held Skylar's thick cock fast in his lips. He did not let go until Skylar's penis softened, and then he pulled his mouth away in a string of fluids, letting Skylar's ravished organ flop limp and defeated against his thighs.

Skylar slumped in his binds, panting and deliciously tired as he watched the little sheep rise to his hooves again. The sheep was blushing and bashful as he licked his lips and avoided Skylar's eyes. Skylar looked at him and thought he was beautiful standing there, his white mane a thick, long cloud that tumbled down his back, his cute face so young and sweet, his pretty eyes . . . always so breathtaking with their warm, warm green.

"Untie me," Skylar said, shocked at his own words, "and I will make such love to you!"

The sheep paused, perhaps surprised by the emotion in Skylar's voice. Skylar was surprised as well, but he meant it. Now he wanted to catch the sheep, and he wanted to catch him for a completely different reason.

"You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," Skylar said breathlessly.

The sheep seemed frightened and confused. He backed away, then turned and fled on dainty hooves, taking his knapsack with him.

Standing there tied to the tree, Skylar cursed, then dismally set about gnawing his way free.


Nodan was ashamed of what he'd done to the wolf, but seeing him so helpless and tied to the tree with that largely unsatisfied erection . . . Nodan figured that if he was going to die, he might as well taste a cock one last time, and why not the cock of the hunter who hunted him? He'd done it with a sort of perverse vengeance, seeking to rub his triumph in his pursuer's face before he was finally hunted down and killed. He hadn't expected for the wolf to like what he did to him. And he certainly hadn't expected such an emotional response! The wolf's pretty, slanted eyes had been filled with such desire and longing, Nodan didn't know whether to be titillated or afraid. In all honesty, he was a little of both.

At least the wolf would find it harder to track Nodan now: he'd successfully managed to steal back both his skirt and knapsack! Now perhaps he could escape deeper into the forest, maybe find a cave, start a home. It would take the wolf some time to gnaw himself free, and in the mean time, Nodan could put a great amount of distance between them.

Several days passed without one encounter with the wolf, and Nodan began to feel confident - even cocky - that he had successfully escaped his would-be captor. He found a cave deep in the heart of the forest that was ideal: the mouth of the cave was so tiny, the wolf could not fit inside. Nodan was safe so long as he was in the cave, only venturing out during the night. Over time, he became more bold and daring, staying outside for long hours at a time, even bathing in the stream in broad daylight.

One morning, Nodan was out collecting wild wheat when he heard a twig snap and he froze. Someone was near! Depending on where they were hiding, he might have been too far from the cave to make it back in time. He stood there, completely still, ears forward as he listened in terror. And then he saw him: the wolf. The black creature was crouched in the bushes, rope ready in his paws, eyes hungry and bright! Nodan's heart leapt to his chest. He turned and fled at once, dropping the wheat in a golden shower, and he had almost made it to the cave when something happened he hadn't anticipated: the rope whistled through the air and landed in a loop around his chest!

The wolf gave the rope a vicious tug, and Nodan baaed in horror as it tightened around him, yanking him back. He fought with all his might, pulling so hard on the rope that the wolf was dragged forward, but the wolf held on. Nodan bleated wildly now, eyes popping, and turning around, he blindly ran forward, where he knew not. He wiggled as he ran, hoping to make the rope slide down, and it did, until it was flapping around his ankles. He had almost stepped out of it when the wolf gave the rope another tug, tightening it around his ankles and yanking his hooves out from under him.

Nodan screamed and threw out his paws, trying to catch himself before he fell on his face. His chest hit the wet earth hard, the pain spreading in a slap down his front, and he lay there, cheek in the mud, panting and pained and defeated. It took him a moment to realize his skirt had flown up, exposing his backside to the cold breeze. He scrambled to push it down, but his paws were too slow: the wolf straddled his back, pinning his arms to his sides.

Nodan bitterly fell still as the weight of the wolf pressed him down. He tried to ignore it, the feel of the wolf's hard thighs and buttocks against him. The wolf was facing Nodan's hooves as he wound the rope roughly about them, and Nodan blushed furiously as he realized his soft backside was on display before the wolf's eyes. He hated how his buttocks jiggled as the silent hunter worked to bind his ankles together.

The wolf, satisfied with how tightly he'd bound Nodan's ankles, turned about, facing Nodan's head now as he straddled him and bound his wrists behind his back. Nodan's backside was just before wolf, nudging up against the hot brush of his cock and sack. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, willing himself not to become aroused by the soft brush of the wolf's sex. He was a little hurt by how indifferently the wolf glanced down at him, and he thought for a moment that perhaps the wolf didn't want him anymore. Something in the hunter's bright blue eyes had turned to steel, and he seemed determined not to look at Nodan. Nodan had to ask himself why he was disappointed by that.

Paws and hooves bound together, Nodan was roughly flipped over on his back by the wolf, who squatted over him, a serious fire in his eyes. He grabbed Nodan's skirt, and without warning, tore it roughly, yanking so violently that Nodan gasped as his flopping penis was exposed. The wolf halted, green tatters in his fists, and just stared at Nodan's penis with hooded eyes. Nodan lay very still, naked before his captor, bound, helpless, and blushing furiously. He didn't know why, but he started to cry wretchedly. To his surprise, the wolf looked at him apologetically.

"Well?" Nodan said angrily, his voice a sob. "Aren't you going to kill me and eat me?!"

To Nodan's further shock, the wolf dropped his eyes, and his ears went back in shame. Nodan fell silent, sniffling quietly and trying to stop his tears. But he couldn't. He was afraid! He didn't want to be murdered and eaten! He cringed where he lay and began to cry, body shaking with sobs. He squeezed his eyes shut, squeezed them against the misery and tears, and went still when he felt the wolf's rough paw on his cheek.

It was a hard paw, almost muscly, as if it'd seen nothing but hardship all its life. The nails were long and jagged, but the wolf stroked Nodan's cheek with such affection, it didn't even matter. Sniffling quietly, Nodan opened eyes and could see the wolf looking down at him, blurred through his veil of tears. The wolf's paw cupped Nodan's face and then . . . he leaned down and kissed him.

Nodan went still in shock. He hadn't expected to be kissed! There was true pity in the wolf's kiss and . . . something else. Something he didn't understand. Before he could try to grasp it, the wolf's lips peel away, kissing instead down his body. Nodan closed his eyes and frowned, shrugging against the kisses on his neck. The kisses found his pink little nipple and the wolf's teeth gently pinched, sending a red blush up Nodan's face. Then the kisses continued, down and down, and Nodan went still as he realized what the wolf was going to do.

"W-Wait! A-Are you . . . oh," Nodan moaned, eyes hooding as the wolf's hungry mouth closed on his pink cock in a long, wet suck. Nodan cringed as he stiffened in the wolf's mouth, and then he was being sucked . . . so slowly, so _hungrily,_with a longing that melted him. His fat little cock twitched and heaved, but the wolf kept going, pausing to gently lap the length of him, letting his tense penis quiet its throbbing before devouring it again.

"By the gods," Nodan whispered, twisting against the binds on his wrists. His cheek dropped to the mud in defeat as he was pleasured so slowly and deliciously, and eyes closed, his mouth opened wide in baffled, frowning delight.

The wolf, eager to taste, put Nodan's legs on his shoulders and bowed his head, sucking deeply and wetly, until Nodan found himself trembling all over, trying not to release. He belly struggled and heaved, as if holding his breath would stop the inevitable climax, and he found himself stammering out meaningless words in a breathless daze. Never in his life had been sucked so intensely. His bound hooves lifted of their own accord into the air, and the wolf, focused as he was on sucking, absently reached up and smoothed his paws down the length of his legs. Nodan quickly lowered his hooves, embarrassed, and then it happened: he squirted with a stammering cry in the wolf's eager mouth, clenching his trembling thighs around the wolf's head. The wolf swallowed easily, and without pausing, dragged his lapping tongue down to Nodan's sack.

Holding Nodan's bound legs in aloft with one large paw, the wolf licked slowly, heavily, letting Nodan's sack roll gently off his tongue. Nodan melted as he was eagerly licked, heavy lap after lap, until he was glossy with drool, and then the wolf moved on - plunging his tongue up the tight pink knot that was Nodan's anus.

Nodan's eyes fluttered wide and he gasped. He'd never been licked under his tail and was paralyzed by the pleasure. The wolf never paused, never hesitated, as he eagerly devoured every inch between Nodan's backside. Nodan's thighs trembled from the relentless slurping, and in seconds, his penis was standing rigid again, pointing hungry against the air.

The wolf leaned back and slipped two fingers deep in Nodan's anus. Nodan's clenched up on reflex, pleasure tingling through him as the wolf's careful fingers glided slowly in and out. He thought his captor was fingering him, but glancing up, he saw the wolf frowning and realized he was trying to decide if he was wet enough! Surely wasn't thinking of -- ! But he was. Placing Nodan's bound legs on his shoulder, the wolf looked him in the eye as he slowly rubbed his rigid cock back and forth against the soft wool on his buttocks. His eyes hooded with delight as Nodan's wool massaged him, then the head of his cock pressed against Nodan's anus, gently nudging, questioning. He looked at Nodan intently, patiently waiting.

Nodan looked at the wolf breathlessly, and without thinking, he nodded. The wolf smiled, and the slow intrusion of his plunging cock paralyzed Nodan, who stared, unseeing, with his mouth open. The wolf sighed as Nodan's wool, as his hot, tight walls enfolded him, then he cleaned down close, trapping Nodan's bound legs between them, and cupping Nodan's face with one gentle paw, he made love to him.

Nodan couldn't look away as they rocked together. The wolf's blue eyes were bright as the sky, warm and loving and narrowed in their lust. Nodan had never been looked at that way before, as if he were amazing, as if he were unbelievable in some baffling way. The wolf's eyes said he was beautiful, and his heart skipped away when those doting eyes went to his lips: the wolf wanted to kiss him!

"Kiss me again," Nodan whispered. He suddenly wanted that more than anything in the world.

The wolf didn't know what he was saying and still dropped his face in Nodan's neck, humping deeper, slower, until his cock had gone in so deep, Nodan bleated helplessly. He could feel his fat pink penis heaving and ready to release. It flinched against the wolf's rippling belly, and reaching between them, the wolf stoked him in careful fingers, until he shivered on the verge of release.

Every firm thrust of the wolf's cock held Nodan open a little wider, rocked him a little harder, and he moaned and sighed, blushing and twisting against his binds, folded up and trapped in the wolf's hard embrace. The wolf watched his moaning with soft-eyed delight, pressing slow, tender kisses on his cheek, on his neck. There in the sunlight, down in the grass, surrounded by flowers and birdsong, the wolf made love to Nodan until he climaxed inside . . . and fell asleep with him in his arms.