By Day One Way By Night Another - Chapter Four -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#4 of One Way By Day, Another By Night

Ashtail is startled out of a sleep by a knock on the door to her suite at the "Establishment' - sleeping on the job is punishable in cruel and inventive ways, but when she inadvertantly displeases a pair of Vulpine brothers - the punishment for her infraction is swift and sure - and very very painful for the hurting and scared young Doe.

By Day One Way, By Night Another,

Chapter Five

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

18thSeptember, 2017,

All Rights Reserved.

A knock on her door to the private suite snapped Ashtail out of a light doze, before she gasped and slapped herself across the muzzle, for sleeping on the job was an unpardonable crime - if it wasn't for her exceptionally sharp hearing, she would still be sleeping - and if the clients had entered - well - it'd not go well for her.

Blinking her pale eyes, she looked at one, then the other, before she sat up, her long legs folded one over the other, as she adopted the kangaroo alert but resting post, finding it the most comfortable.

"Hello little Doe - " One of the Vulpines smiled, and Ashtail swallowed, as she seen the sarp canines he accidentally exposed. "I'm Bill, this is my twin brother, Will!"

Ashtail flicked her gaze from one to the other, then back again, as they entered, their thick luxuriant brushes flickering against the carpet. She did not know these two, they weren't one of her regular customers - and as such, she had no idea what they would do with her.

"Will here, he's a virgin - in every sense of the word..." Bill grinned, then playfully slapped his twin's shoulder, as the other Vulpine winced and hung his head. "Its his whelping day, well, both of ours, as we're twins - so I thought I'd treat him - you come exceptionally recommended by the Madam of this establishment..."

Ashtail blinked, but internally she was moaning in frustration. One thing she hated above all else, were virgin's - she prefered clientelle who knew what they wanted, and how to ask for it - a virgin, he just ended up frustrating the feral he was with, constantly touching that place on their neck, then trying something else - it made the feral confused and often, exasperated - not that they were allowed to show their displeasure to a client...

"Now, shall we get down to buisness?" Bill asked, as he pulled his polo shirt up over his head, and dropped it negligently onto the floor, the tight fitting shorts quickly following.

He stood before her, his sheath bulging, but thankfully, at least to Ashtail's thinking, he appeared pretty average. Shyly, Will followed, he was slightly larger, but still within Ashtail's abilities to tolerate, and she cluckled quietly, flickering her ears as she looked at the twins, remaining submissive, but awaiting their instructions. She had ideas of her own, but it was generally frowned upon for the staff to try to dominate their client - unless given specific instructions from said client.

"I've never mated a Kangaroo - " Bill grinned, as he walked over and stroked Ashtail's forehead, feeling the soft fur and long ears which he trailed throuigh his furred fingers, making her sigh in pleasure. "How about you Will, you want first go with her? Maybe we can both mate her and - "

Ashtail growled, then snorted and her eyes narrowed, as she shook her head violently, reinforcing the instructions given to the Vulpine twins, about what was acceptable and what was not - double penetration of Ashtail was most definitely not welcomed - at least to her mind, especially with a creature who could tie her...

"Hey, easy girl - " Bill squealed, as he backed away, and Ashtail shivered, then lay her head down, feeling ashamed at having snapped at him.

Will fought with his fear and his lust, before he stepped over to Ashtail, then looked at her, timidly folding his ears back as he gently stroked her muzzle, then looked down at his exposed penis, then back at her.

"Think she would enjoy a muzzle tying?" Will asked timidly.

Ashtail blinked, her ears sweeping back as she frowned and looked up, not understanding what he wanted.

"Guess we'll find out...I don't remember anything saying we couldn't - go ahead, she doesn't bite, or so I've been told, she shouldn't...they're supposedly really well trained here, they exist to please, and all that!" Bill snickered.

Ashtail swallowed nervously, internally, she was hating this smug, arrogant young Vulpine, but orders were orders - she had to fulfil them, as they were her clientele...

Her thoughts were shattered, as she felt the tip of Will's penis tapped against her nose, then she blinked and looked up. He snorted at her, then placed both paws on the back of her head and pushed her head down, before Ashtail could quite get ready and as he pushed himself into her muzzle, she instinctively gagged and whimpered, before she rolled over onto her belly and a leather paw wrapped around his penile base and began gently squeezing, as Will gasped and his knees quivered.

"Yeah, muzzle that Doe!" His sibling grinned, before he climbed onto the bed and gripped Ashtail's tail in his black gloved paws.

Ashtail gagged and moaned, deep in her throat, as she felt the younger Sibling grip her ears in his black gloved paws and began humping her muzzle harder and faster, as the elder behind her lifted her tail then he moved slightly and she felt him mounting her. Her vaginal walls gripped him tight, as the younger Vulpine kept humping her muzzle, and Ashtail squeezed her eyes closed tightly, wishing this would end quickly. She despised haivng two patrons at once, it left her sick, sore and aching, but as they were so young, she wondered if they had the sexual stamina to last and...

Her eyes snapped open and she moaned, as she felt the younger one thrust harder, then his tight knot was pushed into her muzzle, forcing her jaws apart as wide as she could. Tears trickled down her muzzle, as he muzzle-docked her, his paws gripping her ears as he began spurting sticky streams of pre-ejaculate down her throat. It ached, it ached terribly, her jaws at full extension, as he moaned and twisted her ears, making her cry more - Ashtail couldn't help it - the ache in her stretched jaws from his knot, then as he pushed further, he gasped as he felt the bony ridges at the top of her mouth rubbing his engorged knot, making him grunt and grip her ears tighter still.

"Careful brother, don't want to end it too soon - " Snickered the elder, as he slipped his paws around Ashtail's hips, her tail pushed up hard against his shoulder as he began thrusting with frightening strength, her vaginal folds squeezing whenever he pushed forwards, then relaxing as he withdrew, only to plow back into her again and again, but Ashtail was familiar with canids - and at last, after what felt like an eternity to her, he grunted and gripped her tighter around the flanks, then his knot popped into her tightening folds and she flinched, as her vaginal muscles of the cloaca closed and queezed his knot tightly.

"Oh that's...." Bill grunted, feeling Ashtail's msucles begin quivering and squeezing.

"Bill, I...I can't..." Will squealed, before he thrust his hips against Ashtail's mzuzle, then his hips bucked and her eyes widened, as she felt his penis thrust into her throat and the hot, sticky Vulpine sperm was jetted down her throat in a dozen strong spurts.

"Fuck Will," Bill snickered, laughing at his brother. "I told you, you should have pawed before we came, so you'd last longer..."

"Give me some credit, she's so hot, those muscles in her throat and - "

Ashtail squeezed her eyes closed, as the tears slid down her furred cheeks, her jaw aching and groin following, the pain alternating in time to the beating of her heart. She didn't like the Vulpine's sperm pulsed down her throat, finding it bitter and unpleasant, but his knot remaimed firm, and her jaws began to go from an ache to an unberarable burning - but she couldn't pull her head away, already, she feared the twin's would tell the Gazelle of their displeasure at her, and she would be punished...

"No...fuck you Doe...not...oh...oh..." Bill gasped, before he dug his claws into Ashtail's flanks and felt his own orgasm flooding into her body, the spurts strong and powerful, the semen scalding, as it splashed agains the sensitive nerves of her vulva and the knot strained at her aching cloaca muscles.

Ashtail tried to stop her tears, but she may as well have tried to stop her own heart, as both Vulpine's knotted her for nearly thirty minutes, before they gasped and the thick knots were reduced enough to dismount. Will slid his free, Ashtail's lips slurping at it and his length as he dismounted her, before he knelt back on the bed, a dribble of pre-ejaculatory fluid spurting onto the sweat stained bedcover. Bill stayed knotted for a while longer, before he grunted and placed his hips on Ashtail's lower back, then pulled himself backwards - his larger knot making Ashtail arch her spine downwards and lift her rump, as it strained her cloaca muscles and he dismounted - a gush of his semen spattering onto the bed before he snorted and smacked her hard on the back, making her cry out.

"Bad Doe!" He growled at her, as he smacked her again, before the brother leapt and gripped his wrist and stopped him.

"Hey, you know the rules, no violence against them and - " Will moaned, his eyes wide.

"She's a feral? Whose going to know if I smack her until she admits she is nothing but a cock slurping whore, who exists to please men!" Bill snorted, before he sighed and gave her another smack across the lower back, this time hard and with meaning.

Ashtail cried out and flinched, the tears sliding down her muzzle, before Bill and Will climbed off the bed and left, Bill slamming the door hard enough to make Ashtail whimper in fear. She did not mean to displease them - but she knew she had, even if it had been because they were hurting her...

It didn't take long, before Madam Falen entered, her muzzle wreathed in a smile, as she brought two large men with her, who closed the door. Ashtail swallowed and began crying helplessly, as she backed up against the bed head, knowing from experience, when Madam Falen looked like that...and brought her two enforcers with her - she was to be very serverely punished...

Ashtail whimpered and growled, clucked and backpeadled, until her back hit the bed head, her tail laying between her legs, Bill's semen still dribbling from her cloacca, as she shook her head wildly, grunting in feral fear and terror, knowing what was coming.

Ashtail squealed and scrambled across the bed on all fours, before she was cruelly grabbed by the tail and yanked backwards, the men not gentle, as they pulled out manacles and clamped them about Ashtail's slender hind feet and one around the base of her tail, before a collar was snapped tight about her neck and a chain that lifted her tail up painfully over her back was clipped to it, before the struggled as she squealed and fought, but they westled her to her belly and pulled her paws behind her back and affixed handcuffs before she was mercilessly thrown onto her back, where she lay sobbing and trembling in terror.

Her legs were stretched out until the tendons screamed, pleading for mercy, her tail was aching and her paws felt like they were being snapped at the wrists, as she cried helplessly and squealed, as Madam Falen advanced on her, the two enforcers following like trained attack dogs.

"Ashtail," Madam Falen spoke quietly, her voice dripping with the rage she felt towards her prized staff member. "Your performance has been deemed, unsuiting and unprofessonal by your last client - "

Ashtail sobbed in terror, shaking her head and grunting, unable to give voice to the words she wanted too, to try and explain herself.

From behind her back, the Gazelle produced a cruel, thick plaited riding whip, before she brought it down on Ashtail's muzzle with a sickening crack that made Ashtail scream. Again the whip flashed, this time striking on the senstive pouch, then the muzzle again, across the ears, the pouch, and finally, back across the ears. Ashtail shrieked and writhed under each lash of the whip, but she was helpless to defend herself or struggle away, all she could do was suffer her punishment - plead and beg as much as she wanted - but nothing stopped the enranged Gazelle.

"Because of your lack of discipline - " Madam Falen snarled, then smacked the whip with all her strength across Ashtail's ears again. "I have been forced to refund their money to them - do you have any idea, how much I charge for your services, Doe? Do you know? Do you even care?"

Each question was punctuated with further lashes of the whip, as Ashtail screamed and struggled, the tears soaking her muzzle and spattering onto her chest.

To Be Continued...