Threetopia - Chapter 1: Wilde Times.

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And a few days early to boot. >.O

I decided it was time to post it, so I hope you guys enjoy the sequel to the last story: Twotopia. If you haven't read that story, this one won't make a lot of sense. Feel free to check out chapter 1 here. >>>>

Judy rushed down the streets of Savannah central, stuck on foot pursuing a racoon dressed in black that had just robbed a bank. Diving into an ally he scaled up a fire escape and onto the roof, but Judy easily bound up and caught up. Leaping at him, she tumbled and tossed him to the ground flat on his belly. In a snap she had the cuffs on him, quite proud of her little pounce.

"Ha, suspect caught on the roof. That's one Nick." She smiled. Nick was chasing a racoon of his own, a female who was fleeing through the alleys, trying to toss garbage cans and debris in Nick's way. She made the mistake of turning down a fairly long stretch as Nick whipped out his tranquilizer gun and laughed. Looking away he covered his eyes.

"And it's a no look, ringtail takedown." He said, as the dart fired and the racoon went down, spilling a bag full of money on the ground. Nick casually strolled over and planted a foot on her outstretched hand. "Enjoy the nap honey; you are under a-rest after all." He chuckled to himself. "Ahh, I love these dad jokes." Picking up his radio he called it in. "In the alley by Pride Ave. Got the other. Looks like it's one and one Carrots."

"Ooo!" She fumed, stomping the ground. "Where did that third one go!?"

"Judy." Matt radioed in.


"Third's on acacia street, go get em bunny bud." He smiled from his cruiser.

"Whose side are you on!?" Nick exclaimed over the radio.

"She bribed me with pizza for when go to Spring Forward, good luck Nick." Matt snickered. Nick and Judy rushed over to Acacia Street, trying to get there before the other. Judy bound down the catwalk of the apartment complex, just in time for her nose to meet the barrel of the third raccoon's gun. Snickering he seemed ready to fire until three darts were lodged in his neck. Nick rushed over as the racoon collapsed and swept up his wife in his arms.

"Baby you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Phew, huge scare there." She smiled, patting his back while Nick kept his arm draped over her. "I guess I can let you have that one." She consented, picking up her radio. "You're out a pizza Matt."

"Damn it, how did Nick beat ya to it?"

"I know all the shortcuts around here, can't out class me on street smarts." Nick touted. Judy rolled her eyes with a smile and began rummaging through the racoons pockets. Pulling out a few vials of purple fluid she huffed and presented them to Nick. "More of this stuff."

"Times like this I miss classic drugs."

"Yeah, I can't stand these vapes anymore." Nick agreed. "Isn't weed supposed to be green?"

"It's diluted, we don't know with what yet. Whatever it is, it's potent."

"Oh perfect, that's all we need." Nick huffed. Matt pulled up alongside the alleyway and got out of the cruiser.

"Johnson is cleaning up the one you brought down, Nick. Judy, where was yours again?"

"Up on the roof a few buildings down." Judy pointed before tossing the vials to Matt.

"More of this junk, alright I'll wrap it up for evidence. You two good for the day or what?"

"Yeah, we started early. We're gonna crash for tomorrow." Nick announced.

"Sounds good. Let's head back to the station, I'll help ya load this punk in."

"Ready for the weekend, Carrots?" Nick smiled, climbing into the cruiser.

"Mmm, so ready. Let's get home so I can cuddle my big fox hero to bed." Judy cooed.

"I used to have it all figured out. There wasn't anything left this town could throw at me that would surprise me. Get what you need, use it to make money and never let anyone see that they got to you. It was an easy life, even a heck of a lot of fun. But then, strolling into town on her little happy hopping feet came this bunny." Nick smiled, stroking Judy's ears as she lay in bed with him. "She never stopped believing in me. Taught me to never give up, and to look inside myself and understand that change, comes from within. Well, one thing's for sure, she brought it out in me. She brought it out to this city and together, we even brought into this world, these little monsters." Nick smiled, seeing his eldest son push the door open. "That, is Jason Nicholas Wilde, our first born. One thing's for sure, this little guy, can sure out hop his old dad." The little cub was carrying a stuffed tiger, dressed in a blue shirt and tighty-white underwear. His ears had the shape of a fox's but the flexibility of a rabbit. His muzzle a little shorter than a typical fox and his eyes warm and green. His cheeks well rounded and fluffy, a nose like his father but with a tiny pink blemish and predatory teeth. But his tail was short, a little tuft of fluff like his mother's and strong legs. His little claws protruding from his paws and feet were fairly well rounded, not exactly great for scratching. The fur on his head and back was just like his father's, but spatters of grey trickled down his arms and legs.

"Daddy, wakey wakey time!" The little cub chuckled, tussling the toy in his arms.

"Mmm, not yet Jay-jay. I wanna cuddle with your mom some more." Nick lightly protested. Judy moaned, scratching Nick's leg and giggled, pulling the pillow over her face. Jason leapt up into the bed and parked himself before his father's face.

"Did you forget daddy!?"

"Forget what?"

"You said we could go to "Spring Forward" Today! You didn't forget did you?" The little cub pleaded.

"Course not kido." Nick assured his son, ruffling his little head. "Gonna see how high those little legs can fire ya."

"Which by the way, should have PJ bottoms on them." Judy coolly reminded Jason.

"Slid em off again." Nick sighed.

"I can go put them on!"

"You do that." Nick smiled, watching Jason leap from the bed down the hall. Nick rolled over and pulled Judy into his chest. "That should hold him for about 3 minutes. Wanna-"

"No." Judy giggled, playing with the fur on his chest. "Trampoline park first, my backside second." She winked.

"Well I know what'll be more fun but, which has more bounce?"

"Smart ass." She giggled, hugging him tight and kissing his neck. "Come on, sexy fox." She insisted, pulling him out of bed. "You have pancakes to make, and I have to get the twins."

"Mmm." Nick hummed, stealing a quick kiss. "Funny shapes or normal?"

"Funny shapes." Judy carried on giggling. She scooted down the hall in her night gown while Nick slid out of bed in his PJ bottoms. Stepping passed the computer room he peeked inside to see Judy's little brother Ian, typing away on the computer.

"You're up bright and early." Nick yawned, leaning on the doorway.

"Haven't slept yet." Ian rubbed his eyes. "Ugh, you would not BELIEVE the homework I have. Since when did network tech get so many assignments?"

"Oh boy, what you working on now?"

"Just an essay on the improvements on past networking infrastructures versus advances today. We have to cover both before moving along to managing fibre optic servers."

"Maybe you should get some rest bud, you look awful." Nick insisted stepping into the room.

"I've got it, it's ok. I gotta get this done for Monday anyway."

"Come on, Ian. There's a pillow callin with your name on it." Nick insisted, pulling the little rabbit up. "I'll save this and shut it down. You go get some sleep."

"Already saved, it's all good." Ian insisted with a quick ctrl S.

"Sleep, now. I'll have some pancakes in the fridge for you." Nick ushered him into the guest bedroom and shut the door before scurrying down stairs. He turned left, passed the dining room and into the kitchen where Jason was already at the table playing with a couple of toy cars.

"Hi Daddy!" He greeted with a big smile.

"Hey squirt. Want some broccoli and tunafish?"

"Bleh!!" The little cub spat up his tongue.

"Alright, pancakes it is." He smiled, getting everything ready. He stirred up a nice big batch of mix and poured it into the pan. He was getting pretty good at making little animal shapes for the kids.

"Nick!?" Judy called from upstairs.


"We have any paper towels left? Hannah had a little accident."

"On the roll, down here." He called back.

"Can you bring them up?" Nick took the roll off the hook and tossed it to Jason.

"Kido, run that up to your mom, please."

"K!" The little cub rushed off.

Nick placed the plates down before the family in the dining room. Jason had a couple of little bird shaped pancakes while Hannah and Liam had bits cut up into plastic plates. Liam, the little three year old, had a lot in common with his big brother, but had a much more distinct fox like look to his face. His fur however was a blend of grey, white and black, an almost racoon like coloring to him. His eyes were purple like his mother and had a long, grey and white tail. Hannah his twin sister was the odd one out. Her face a near perfect mirror of her mother, save for her gorgeous brown eyes. Long velvety ears and solid little legs for her age. She only seemed to inherit her father's fur color and tail, red along her back with a cream colored belly.

"Here ya go, Carrots." Nick placed a plate before his wife with some rather peculiar looking pancakes. She gave him a flat stare as he took a seat across from her and asked.

"This is your idea of funny shapes?"

"What?" Judy tapped the fork on her plate, as the shape of the pancakes were clearly something phallic. With a little smile, she drizzled the syrup on and sliced across the top. Nick made a little gulp and dove into his regular shaped breakfast.

"Mama, I want orange juice!" Hannah protested.

"Honey, we're out of orange juice, we'll get some later ok?"

"But Mama!" She carried on, slapping her sippy cup on the table.

"Don't start!" Judy was quick to cut off.

"Listen to your mama baby." Nick threw in. Liam and Jason were digging into their breakfast fast, a rather polar opposite to their fussy eating sister.

"Get a hold of Matt and Lani?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, he's meeting us there. Laura's gonna bring Caden and Derek too."

"Going for 11?"


"I'm surprised it's been this easy to get a few weekends off. Can't believe how quiet it's been in town." Judy stated, taking another bite.

"Yeah, it's been slower than that syrup. Crime rates are way down." Nick noted.

"Good for the city for sure, but it's gonna mean more hours cut."

"Yeah, I know. But we're ok."

"Maybe, it's the senior staff that are earning the most. Staff like us." Judy stated.

"Grizzoli, Wolford, Anderson, Johnson, they're not more senior than us?" Nick laughed nervously.

"They won't cut Ryan's hours. He's doing a good job as First Sergeant."

"He's doing ok. He's definitely a field guy. I don't think he likes the office work that came along with the job." Nick threw in.

"No, true. But Delgato's been helping him with that. Mainly cause he's gonna be lead over at the Rainforest District station, I hope."

"Relax Fluff. I'm sure after Ryan get's his transfer cleared, you'll get promoted." Nick assured her.

"I'll miss him for sure but, yeah. It'd be nice to get the pay raise." Judy agreed. Jason leapt from the table and scurried off to the living room. "Jason you forgot to put your plate away!"

"I got it Carrots, don't worry about it." Nick dismissed, snatching up Jason's plate and his own.

After a good struggle to get everyone dressed and ready, Judy drove their little green sedan out to Spring Forward. They parked not too far from Matt's car and headed toward the entrance. Inside, they spotted Matt and Lani, sitting at a bench near the reception desk. Cubs, kits and calves were laughing and playing within the room beyond.

"Hey chops, how's it hanging?" Nick greeted in his jovial little manner.

"I keep tellin ya not to start with that chops crap." Matt laughed, getting up to greet him. Matt took a quick but playful swat at Nick's arm before scooping Judy up for a hug. "How do you put up with this guy, huh?"

"I have my ways, some involving fox tasers." Judy winked playfully.

"Hey kids, look it's auntie Judy and uncle Nick!" Lani smiled, ruffling her cub's cheeks. She and Matt had two, four year old cubs together.

"Kendra, Elena, go say hi and give little Jay-jay a hug." Matt suggested with a devious little smile. The girls giggled and rushed over to Jason whose face contorted in terror.

"AAHHHH! GIRL GERMS!!!" He shrieked as the girls started chasing him around the lobby. Judy let the twins loose as she took a seat next to Lani while Nick and Matt leaned on the wall.

"Laura on her way?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, she called me earlier, said she might be a little late. Caden's been acting up again and didn't want to come."

"Damn, again huh?"

"Yeah. He just hasn't been the same since Jason died. Laura's actually worried he's been sneaking out to go drinking." Matt suggested.

"Seriously!? What isn't he like, 12?"

"13. Can't say I'm too impressed. I try to talk to him now and then you know? I think he's just getting into that whole teenage angst thing."

"He gonna be ok around the cubs today?" Nick asked with a little more concern.

"Oh I think so. Caden might be a bit bratty right now, but he's been good with the girls when he babysits." Matt assured him.

"Lucky us, we have Ian living at our place. Free babysitter."

"Yeah, rub it in." Matt chuckled, tapping Nick's shoulder.

"Daddy." Kendra pulled at her father's pants.

"What is it baby?"

"I gotta go potty." The little cub pled, crossing her legs.

"Alright, well mommy has to take you for this place. Honey?"

"Mmm?" Lani turned to him.

"Kendra needs to go."

"Oh ok. Elena? Do you need the potty too?" She asked her daughter who had given up chasing Jason around. Her daughter gave a little nod before Lani smiled back to her husband. "Like clockwork with these girls." Matt blew her a kiss, while Lani offered up a wink back. Judy was playing with Hannah's ears on the bench while Liam watched the cubs jumping in the window.

"So, any word on Laura yet?" Judy asked from the bench. Matt broke out his phone and checked for messages.

"Huh, no not yet. But it's 11:01 now, so they have a little time. Worse comes to worse, I'll pick up some extra passes and wait out here while Lani takes the girls in ahead." Nick glanced over to the door and happened to catch Laura, Caden and Derek's arrival. Smiling he and Matt tried to wave them down, but it looked like Laura was preoccupied with Caden.

"Just knock it off Caden, I mean it. Not another damn word." Laura scolded in a hushed tone. Caden brushed off his mother and tucked his hands in the pockets of his cargo pants. Derek on the other hand smiled rushing down to Matt.

"Uncle Matt!" He cheered, leaping into the big lion's arms.

"Hey kido, how ya doing?" Matt jovially greeted. Setting him down he turned to Nick.

"What's up Uncle Nick?"

"Doing good lil woof, good to see ya again." Nick answered, clasping the cub's hand he pulled him in for a quick hug. Derek eagerly returned his attention to Jason and asked.

"Hey Jason! Ready to go jumping!?"

"Yeah!" The little cub cheered as Judy went up to the counter to get the passes with the twins.

"Laura, great to see you. Caden, how you been?" Nick greeted.

"Fine." Caden brushed off. Nick extended his hand for the same hug he offered up his brother, but Caden just slapped it.

"Oh Caden. Nick, wonderful to see you. And Matt! So sorry we're late." Laura begged.

"Don't worry about it, you were hardly late. Caden, how you doing kid? The girls were happy to know you were coming today."

"That's cool." He nodded.

"You don't mind helping me watch em in there do you? Make sure they don't get hurt?"

"Yeah sure, it's fine." He nodded once again.

"Thanks kido."

"Got the passes!" Judy announced, just in time for Lani to return from the washrooms. She handed them out to Matt, Laura, Caden and Derek. "Was able to get family passes for most of us cause the cubs are under six but, Caden and Derek had to pay teen."

"How much do I owe you?" Laura asked.

"Don't worry bout it, just chip in for lunch." Judy winked.

"Oh, thank you Judy."

"Thanks Auntie Judy!" Derek perked up.

"Come on, let's head inside." She smiled.

Matt took Caden and his girls along with Liam and Hannah to the kiddy side of the trampoline park. It was a massive indoor playground with dozens of trampolines lined up side by side with two rows in the back that had a few obstacles and foam pits. Nets lined the walls and separated the big kid and little kid areas. The kiddy side had smaller trampolines lined around the outside with a few little circular ones in the middle. The rest was just mats, a few toys and games.

Nick was playing with Jason and Derek on the big kid side, while Judy, Laura and Lani took the opportunity to relax and catch up with a cup of coffee.

"So, how do you like clinic life now Lani?" Laura spoke up.

"Oh it's way less stressful." Lani sighed in relief. "You would not believe the hours I had to work at the hospital. Matt had some real patience. We dated maybe once a month just because our schedules kept conflicting, it was driving me nuts."

"Jeez, that bad?" Judy asked.

"Brutal. But the money, oh gosh. So good. I had so much saved up because you'd just eat at the hospital, sometimes even sleep there! When I moved in with Matt, there was enough in my savings to put the down payment on the clinic, and then some!"

"You still have room for us as patients right?" Laura wondered.

"Don't you worry about that." Lani chuckled, bumping Laura's rear. "I got you guys covered. You're my patients, along with the little ones, it's all good. Which reminds me, Judy your twins are gonna be due for their second round of vaccines soon."

"When do you want us in?"

"Any time next week is fine, I've got openings in the afternoons from Tuesday onward, just give my receptionist a call, she'll take care of it." Lani assured her, taking a sip of coffee.

"Hey Carrots!" Nick called out. "Why aren't you out here, what you gonna let a fox out hop ya?"

"Brave words." Laura smiled. Judy bit her lip and set her coffee down, bounding out onto the trampolines. Judy rushed across the first couple before taking a good leap off the third, flying clear over Nick, Derek and Jason. Landing in the obstacle lane, she leapt out and onto Nick's trampoline.

"Out bounce that, tough guy." She quipped, punching his shoulder. Nick smiled, heading toward the start of the obstacle course and started running. He vaulted over the first ramp, rolled under the padded bar and jumped clear of the foam pit, hitting the net. Clasping on he started scaling up to the top. "Nick! You really shouldn't be up that high!"

"Go dad!!" Jason cheered.

"He's nuts! Hahah this is awesome!" Derek egged on. Getting to the top he mustered as much balanced as he could and leapt off, doing a full back flip before hitting the trampoline, vaulting high into the air with a distinct "WOO HOO!!" and landing in the foam pit. Judy covered her eyes and shook her head as Nick climbed out to the cheers of his son and Derek.

"Way to go dad!!"

"That was sweet!" Derek chimed in.

"Your move, Carrots." Nick nodded, wiping his nose as he stepped onto her trampoline. Judy swept his feet, toppling the fox on his back with a laugh. "Come on! Show us what you got fluff."

"Remember, you asked for it." She winked. The cubs stepped off Nick's trampoline and watched from the next over as Judy took to the start of the course. Following the same path as her husband, she easily cleared the ramp and tumbled under the bar. She opted however to build up some steam on the last trampoline and really got up high. With one good jump, she kicked off the wall and managed to snatch one of the rafters up on the roof with one paw. She sured up her grip and started swinging with a big smile on her face.

"Carrots, what are you doing?" Nick asked himself. Dismounting the rafter, she curled up in a ball and fell right on the trampoline Nick was standing on. The force of her fall was enough to send Nick up into the air and onto another trampoline. Settling her bouncing, she lay down on the trampoline laughing at Nick. Once he settled, he rushed back over and started to bounce her trampoline with Judy on her back.

"Hahaha, Nick! Stop!" Timing it just right, he managed to double bounce her high enough to catch her. "No no no no!" She playfully cried, as Nick charged the foam pit with Judy in his arms.

"Tackle the bunny!" He shouted, as Derek and Jason rushed in after her. "Oh the bunny is down! Now to finish her off with tickle torture!"

"NO!!" Judy helplessly laughed as Jason and Nick tickled at Judy's belly as they tossed about in the foam pit. She managed to get hold of the lip of the pit and climbed out, rolling across the trampoline and onto the sidelines. "That's enough for me for a sec, let me catch my breath!" Judy insisted.

"Ah, ahahhaa we have defeated the bunny. Now, we turn.. TO THE FOXXIT!" Nick proclaimed.

"NOOOO!!" Jason squealed, rushing along the trampolines to escape.

"He can run, but he cannot hide!" Nick carried on.

"You two are just priceless!" Lani exclaimed with laughter.

"You're so good with them! Oh and Nick, what a guy. I just love seeing Derek smile like that." Laura agreed.

"Yeah, I got myself a keeper." Judy winked.

"Excuse me, miss?" A rabbit asked, walking along the sidelines. He was dressed in a white dress shirt and khaki slacks. "Was that you on the rooftops just now?"

"Huh? Yeah. OH!!!" Judy exclaimed covering her mouth, the rabbit went slack jawed, realizing who it was.


"Nate!! Oh my gosh!!" Judy rushed over and gave him a big hug. "Nate, unreal! What are you doing here!?"

"Good to see you too." He chuckled, letting her go. "This is my place, I own Spring Forward."

"You... You own this place!?" Judy smiled.

"Yeah, I bought it out two years ago. I figured since our last name was Spring, it was kinda cutesy you know. Sides, "Trampoland." sounded so dumb. Can't believe the previous owners called it that." He explained, placing his hands in his pockets. "So what brings you here? Aside from breaking my safety rules." He winked.

"Here with friends and family. Nate, this is Lani Grizzoli and Laura Fangmeyer." Judy introduced, each of them waving and greeting him. "Girls, this is Nathan Spring, he's an old friend of mine from back in the Bunny Burrow days."

"Pleasure." Nate nodded to each of them. "So family? Is Stu and Bonnie here too?"

"Uh no, my husband and cubs." Judy bashfully replied. Nate seemed taken aside.

"Husband and cubs?"

"Mmm, I got married, which by the way I recall you weren't there for." Judy tipped her head.

"Yeah, about that." Nathan rubbed his neck. Judy gave his cheek a playful swat.


"Yeah yeah." Nathan refuted. "No, I really didn't mean to miss it. See, remember how I told you dad wanted me to take over the farm?"

"Yeah, I remember, at the ho down you told me." Judy nodded along.

"Well, I finally made my decision and refused to take it over. So dad basically kicked me out. I was actually living at your place for about a month until I got accepted into UFTB."

"UFTB?" Judy questioned.

"University of Terra-Borea. I got accepted into the business program there and got a degree in marketing and management. Three year course, pretty intensive stuff too." Nate shyly explained.


"Dad never bothered to forward any of my mail. It's way up north and all, so basically I was only getting my bank statements. You wouldn't believe how many change of address forms I had to do. But yeah, I got your wedding invitation two years ago. So a little late to say the least." Nate chuckled nervously.

"Terra-Borea." Lani spoke up. "That's a six hour flight up north, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah. Brutal winter's there too. But the mountains in the summer. So beautiful. I must have gone hiking every day during summer break." He recalled.

"Hey Carrots! You coming back or what!?" Nick called out.

"Nick, kids, come on over!" Judy waved. Nate was surprised to see Nick again, bounding across trampolines until he arrived. It took him a moment, but sure enough her recognized the rabbit. "Nate, you remember Nick right? He and I are married. This is our son, Jason." She introduced, taking Jason to her side.

"Oh wow." Nate breathed, gazing down at the little cub. "Judy I'm so, well surprised doesn't quite cut it. I didn't think a fox and rabbit could, you know."

"Well, we found a way." Nick stated, throwing his chin up.

"Down boy." Judy insisted, swatting Nick's belly. "Nate, are you ok? If this is too much, we can just let you get back to work."

"No no, it's fine." He brushed off. "I won't lie, I think a part of me will always care about you Judy but, It's good to see you happy."

"I am." She smiled, squeezing Nick tight. "He's given me three sweet little cubs, and all the love in the world."

"Well I only hope I end up as lucky with Tanya." Nate smiled.

"Oh you found someone!?" Judy exclaimed with joy.

"Hehe, we're dating right now but things are going pretty good. I actually have dinner plans with her tonight after work. Kinda excited, we're gonna hit up Sea of Green."

"That place isn't too bad." Nick chimed in. "Frais Chateau Vert is kinda going downhill, so we stopped eating there. But steer clear of Sea of Greens tuna salad, whole thing tastes off."

"Thanks for the tip." Nate chuckled.

"Daddy..." Jason tugged at his father's shirt. "I wanna play!"

"I won't keep ya." Nate smiled. "Here, it's a few passes." He handed off to Judy. "This will get you three free general admissions next time you come back."

"Thanks!" Judy praised.

"Don't mention it." Nate smiled. "I should get back to work. Good seeing you again, Judy."

"You too!"

Caden managed to get the slip on Matt and left him to tend to the cubs alone. Passing down the hallway, he snuck passed the washrooms and out the front door. Scurrying alongside the building, Caden cloaked himself behind a nearby tree and pulled a vaporizer out of his cargo pocket. The fluid was a mix of vaporizable weed, mixed with just a few milligrams of nighthowler. Giving it a moment, he took a good long drag from it and held the smoke in for a while. Releasing a plume of smoke into the tree, Caden gave a quick cough and laugh.

"Ahh, so much better." He took another long drag, trying to make shapes with the smoke, but without much success. A trio of racoons were walking by, all of them late teenagers.

"Hey wolf, aren't you a little young to be smoking?" One of the guys spoke up.

"Fuck off, ringtail." Caden brushed off, taking another drag.

"Shit, you smell that? That's fucking weed bro."

"I said piss off." Caden more adamantly stated.

"Chill out, wolf." The oldest of the group walked over. "You holding? Got any fluid left for us?"

"It's got Nighthowler in it, sure you can handle it?" Caden glared.

"Yeah yeah, come on."

"Not holding. But the chick I get it from is named Kayla, Rainforest District. Tell her Caden sent you, she'll hook you up." He nodded.

"Damn, alright cool whatever." Caden took one more good long drag and puffed it into the tree. Satisfied with his little high, he tucked the vaporizer away and headed back into the trampoline park. He gave the reception counter a quick look over and darted down the hall into the bathroom. Scrubbing his fur with hot water and soap, he hoped he had brushed off most of the smell. Taking a few moments to stare at himself in the mirror, he splashed his face with a bit more cold water and wiped it off with paper towel. Sniffling he left the bathroom, waved his pass at the desk and headed back inside. He walked casually passed Nick, Lani and Laura who were chatting, while Judy was entertaining the cubs out on the adult side.

"Caden! Where have you been?" Matt called out.

"Sorry, had to hit the can." He replied.

"What'd you eat, kido huh?" Matt smiled, ruffling his head. "Watch the girls for me, I need to take a little break myself." He said, heading toward the door. Passing Nick, he gave him a quick tap as he strolled toward Caden, who seemed much more relaxed and attentive to the cubs.

"Elana, be careful! Don't fall through the springs." Caden advised.

"See you like watching out for em." Nick smiled. Caden glanced back, folding his arms with a proud little smile.

"They're alright. Uncle Matt's pretty cool; he pays me really good to babysit for him."

"That's Matt for ya. But glad to see you're suddenly in a rather pleasant mood." Nick noted.

"Mm? Oh yeah. Mom and I were fighting before, so I didn't really want to come today. But yeah, got a chance to relax now."

"What were you fighting over?"

"Just stupid stuff." Caden dismissed, tipping his head. Nick leaned in a little closer and whispered.

"Like the weed you're smoking?" Taking a much more serious face. Caden's ears fired up as he went wide eyed. "Didn't do a very good job covering up the smell."

"I-I-I don't, have any-"

"Don't lie to me, Caden. I can smell it on you right now. Where is it?" Nick almost growled. Caden grasped at his pocket, as Nick dove his hand in and pulled the pipe out and concealed it. "Figured, using a vaporizer to smoke it."

"Please don't tell mom."

"I was never one to rat mammals out, but this is too far Caden, and it's your only warning." Nick threatened. "Cause the next time I see you high again. Especially around the cubs." He growled once more. "You'll be behind bars, woofer." Caden curled his lip and looked away.

"K fine, whatever."

Back at home after an exhausting but fun day for the cubs, Nick was putting a few dishes away in the kitchen.

"A husband that does dishes, I really lucked out." Judy smiled from the doorway. Nick glanced back and chuckled, placing a stack of plates in the cabinet.

"Yeah." He sighed, grabbing a towel to brush off his hands. Judy noted something a little off and waltzed over, wrapping her paws around his waist.

"Something up, handsome? It's been five whole minutes between dad jokes." She giggled. Nick swivelled around and pressed her head into his chest.

"Just something that happened at the park." Nick shrugged.


"Yeah." He mumbled. "Caught Caden with a vape, he snuck out to smoke weed."

"What!?" Judy exclaimed. "That's a serious offense for a minor!"

"I know but, I took it away from him. Gave him a hell of a scare and snapped the pipe and tossed it. I don't think he'll be pulling that again anytime soon."

"Oh sweet cheese and crackers. I should call Laura." Judy huffed.

"No-no. I'm betting she already knows. Wolves got better sniffers than us foxes and if I could smell it, I'm sure she could too. You'd just embarrass her." Nick insisted. "Maybe I should take Caden to meet Finnick and Patrick. Give him a real sense of where that life can go."

"Fin and Patrick went clean, didn't they?" Judy questioned, tipping her head.

"Yeah, but no one's as street smart as us three. He won't take me seriously cause I'm a cop but, maybe two former hustlers will set him straight."

"Mmm, well I better get to bed." Judy moaned softly, kissing Nick's chest.

"Hey now, someone's forgetting about her little promise to me tonight." Nick winked.

"Oh but baby, I'm so tired. The park really took it outta me." Judy complained. Nick sighed reluctantly and submitted, heading back to the dishes.

"Yeah alright, I'll be up as soon as I check in with Ian."

"More lessons?" Judy asked.

"Something like that." Nick nodded as Judy slipped from the room. Nick sighed and leaned over the sink. "Shoulda known she'd say that again."