Breaking My Bimbo In...

Story by Nefrette on SoFurry

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#25 of Ziggs Az'Ari

You see, I'm not the nicest of women. My main bitch Amber knows this well. Fucking slut would do most things (Within reason, Wouldn't subjugate her to things I wouldn't do).

Special thanks to someone who wishes to be Anonymous for writing this piece for me, really showing off the side of Ziggs I need to start actually writing.

Supporting me can be from paypal Or Ko-Fi.

Ziggs took a long draught as she eyed the girl beside her - a snow white bunny girl wearing far too much makeup to have come to the bar just to unwind. The rabbit, busy with her phone, paid no heed to the aggressive look running over her outfit, which was both expensive looking and far too small for her boisterous frame. Even more eye catching as she leaned over the bar due to the fact her fat tits are dangerously close to spilling from her top. In fact, if it weren't for the fact they were being mushed into the laminated wood, they would probably be hanging freely. Ziggs' drink began to run down her chin as things like swallowing and sense of purpose became second to imagining her fat cock between those fat tits.

The bunny glanced away from her phone to consider the coughing hyena. A rather dismissive "Hm," and then back to whatever banal discussion she was so enthralled in. Cleaning off the alcohol with her shoulder, Ziggs gave her another look, this one far less friendly as her eyes narrowed. Under her breath she muttered, "Stuck up bitch, hmmmm?" The emphasis on her harumph quite a bit louder as it went on, again catching the rabbit's attention. "Um. Can I like, help you?"

Her snob was so thick it hung on her breath, invading Ziggs' nostrils and setting them ablaze with contempt. She looked at the girl for a few moments thinking to herself. "Who does she think she is? Who does she think I am!?" The bunny's air of superiority quickly faded, replaced with an annoyed, then slightly worried look as those purple eyes bore into her. Finally the hyena spoke, her slurred speech betraying her attempt to not look drunk. "Ohh no, don't mind meee. Just enjoying the scenery is all." Her hand waved in a manner that was probably quite dramatic in her head, but in practice just a repeated flop. Sharp teeth appeared as she grinned. "Can I buy you a drink?"

The curt answer brought a frown upon her darkened maw. "Um. No." She huffed, looking at her phone. "I was totally supposed to meet someone here and you are DEFINITELY not them." She stood up, walking obviously towards the restroom in the back of the bar.

Ziggs considered her surroundings. It was late on a weekday, the bar itself was far less lively than usual even discounting that. Furthermore, she licked the undersides of her teeth, the few patrons that were here were either also sitting along the bar or by the windows at the front. She slapped a bill down in front of her, not even sure of the denomination, before strutting to the bathroom all while humming confidently to herself. As she opened the door she saw the bunny bitch as the bunny bitch saw her. Of course the conceited little cunt would be checking her makeup in the mirror. "Oh gawd, please don't tell me you followed me." She quickly started putting her makeup back in her bag, "Look I don't even like girls so if you could just-"

A small crash accompanied the bag's impact - the hand previously holding it up pinned painfully to the wall. The bunny struggled to little avail. Even if she weren't a pampered little tart she was still distinctly smaller than the aggressive hyena shemale, the fact she was a shemale all too apparent now that their forms were pressed together.

"H-hey get! Ow, get off me you creep! Ow! OW!!!!" Ziggs was far too busy running her free hand over her new toy to even register the protests. Her tongue hung out, drooling as she seized a nice handful of the bunny's bousum. When she ripped the top off to get a better view and more intimate grip suddenly the protests became far too apparent as they reached a shrill crescendo. Angrily, Ziggs finally spoke up, "Hey will you shut the fuck up?"

The cold, icy undertone of that statement, but mostly the strong hand over her neck, silenced the bunny's cries for help. It only exacerbated the tears now ruining her makeup of course, which brought a toothy grin from her now molester soon-to-be rapist. "Yeah that's better. Hey." She brought her face in close with the crying snow white, "I'm gonna fuck you, alright?" When the bunny didn't immediately respond, Ziggs shook her by the neck, which painfully bashed her head against the mirror, cracking it slightly. "I SAID, I'm gonna fuck you. Got it, bitch?"

Doing her best to nod, her mascara now running in rivers down her face, the bunny sobbed. "Great!" Ziggs cheerfully spoke, "Now open that slutty mouth, and no teeth or else!" The honey lacing those words may as well have been a gun to the head to the rabbit as far as motivation went. A muffled and throaty sob rumbled out from the bimbo, now fully aware of her predicament. Without warning she found herself falling, the grip around her neck gone and a new soreness on her ass as she bounced off the tile floor. A large, hot, wet, fleshy object began poking her in the nose before she could even sort herself. It was obvious what it was even though her tear soaked eyes couldn't make out anything, and still sobbing, she opened her mouth and attempted to find the head.

"Oh fuck yeah, suck on it cunt. I knew you'd be good for something." Ziggs leaned forward, hands on the sink in front of her as the bimbo beneath did her best to suck the girlmeat. Although not willing, the rabbit's blowjob could certainly be described as enthusiastic. "C'mon, you can get deeper can't you?" Moments later a thick gag filled the air as the bunny pressed forward, the cock hitting the back of her throat, and she pulled back coughing and gasping for air. Frustrated at the fact her cock was no longer being pleasured, and how pitiful the attempt was, Ziggs grabbed the bunny by her ears and pulled her mid breath back onto her cock. "Fuckin, you can do better than that!"

Many a hearty gag soon filled the restroom as Ziggs mercilessly fucked the bunny's face. Her thick dick pounded against the girl's uvula almost as often as the small white fists landed harmlessly against the hyena girl's legs. The thick black cock slammed painfully against the rear of the bunny's throat, trying to force itself deeper but the throat simply being too small to accommodate it. Even more tears fell from the rabbit's face as she fought fruitlessly to get away from her attacker, but her effort only shortened what little bit of air she had managed to gulp down before the assault began. Ziggs hardly even noticed the bunny's efforts slacking, but when her toy began to sag she ventured a look down to see the bunny's eyes rolling back in their sockets, a bit of blue starting to hint at her complete inability to breathe.

"Ah c'mon..." Reluctantly she removed the blockage, a slick *pop* piercing the air as she let go of the bunny's ears. Without anyone to hold her up the rabbit collapsed in a heap, greedily sucking air as she choked on her own saliva and copious amounts of precum. She tried to orient herself but it was hard to think. She felt herself being picked back up and put on her unsteady feet, now facing the mirror she wiped one eye, and looked into the reflection staring back at her.

She was a mess. Her makeup completely ruined, spit and lipstick and mascara and tears smeared over her face like some kind of modern art painting, and her bloodshot eyes finishing the concoction with a look equal parts pain and terror. She felt impatient hands around her waist tugging on her shorts, and she saw those purple eyes staring at her through the mirror all to clearly. With a sniffle she undid her button, letting what little clothing she had left fall to the floor.

Ziggs eyed her ass hungrily. Not nearly as impressive as those breasts resting on the sink she thought, giving one of them a painful tweak that brought a squeak from the rabbit. Still, it was an appetizing morsel. She played with those fat white sacks a bit longer, eliciting more pained moans from the helpless meat beneath her, before getting down on her knees. The pained squeaks turned into a cry of surprise as Zigg's tongue hit her ring. Slow but heavy laps landed against her backdoor, causing her to squirm uncomfortably. The hyena took a moment to lock her in place by the hips before returning to her task. "Quite a tasty morsel," she thought. And from the sound of things, this was a new experience for the bimbo. "Hey slut," she called up, "What, you never tried anal?"

"N-no..." came the meek reply, fearful of what was coming next.

"Well," Ziggs licked her lips, "Better break you in then!" And with that her tongue plunged into that tight, pink hole. The rabbit gasped, standing on the tips of her feet and straining against the sink as if attempting to push the wall to get further away from the invading object now exploring her rear. Ziggs pressed on, going deeper into that virgin hole with every stroke. She was thoroughly enjoying every awkward shift and moan her tongue lashing was bringing out. In fact, she extracted her tongue, "Hey, you're not actually enjoying this are you?"

The reply came far too quick, far too panicked, to not give away the truth. "H-h-how could I enjoy this you c-c-reeEEE-"

She was cut off as her rear was again penetrated, this time by a spit covered finger. The rabbit hunched over the sink trying to gain some strength from its porcelain surface. If she wasn't such a scrawny little toy she might have even cracked it with how tight she was gripping it. As a second finger entered her tailhole a small crack rent the air. "Oh no... my nail."

"WHAT?" Ziggs was almost incredulous. "You're worried about your nails at a time like this?" She extracted her hand, using it instead to grip her hard dick. "Hey rabbit, I'll give you something to worry about. You ready to get fucked?" The bunny bit her lip holding back more tears, and slowly nodded her head.

"Good, now don't make too much noise or I'll have to choke you again." She chuckled to herself aloud, eliciting a whimper from the rabbit, "As if I need a good reason to choke this bitch." One firm hand on the rabbit's shoulder, another lining her womanhood up with her prize, Ziggs pressed in.

A shrill cry was silenced by a crushing grip around the rabbit's neck. "What the fuck did I just say? Shut up and endure it, you'll love it." Her tone was menacing, but in this case menace was very persuasive. Even still, all the persuasion in the world wasn't enough to make up for the enormous girldick splitting the rabbit's ass open. She scrambled pitifully, desperately, trying to put some distance between the hard thrusts gaining inch after inch of her no longer virgin soil. "Shit, you're tight as hell." A bead of sweat ran down Ziggs' brow, her face scrunched in effort as she plowed on. She had wanted to take her all at once, really give this bitch something to remember, but she was too damn tight!

Even still, she was certainly making headway. Her hold around the rabbit's neck had loosened too. But with half of the hyena's dick lodged firmly in her ass the rabbit was unable to drawn breath. A silent scream plastered her face, her eyes wide and scrambling for some kind of savior. But there was no savior or miracle to be had, save the miracle Ziggs could even fit her dick into this lopsided runt of a whore.

"Almost there bitch," Ziggs proclaimed, "just a couple more inches and I'll be ALL the way in." Her emphasis on the word "all" got a wince out of the rabbit. Although, it could have just been one of the many winces and tensings she was making as Ziggs plowed her. The hyena reared back, and giving a snarl, slammed in finally bottoming out in the rabbit's bottom.

An unintelligible stream of syllables poured forth from the rabbit's lips. Her feet scrambled uselessly against the floor as she clawed at the mirror before her. She was like some feral animal trying to escape from a predator that had her fully pinned. A sadistic smile spread over Ziggs' face before a contented sigh broke it. "Okay, wow, you actually feel a-ma-zing!" If the rabbit even registered that "compliment" she didn't show it, still trying to extricate herself from the girlcock making a noticeable bulge in her stomach.

In retrospect Ziggs was pretty lucky nobody came into the bathroom during her excapade. In this very moment, however, she was far too busy destroying the poor rabbit's ass to care if someone had even come in. All she knew at that moment was how the rabbit's ass felt like heaven stretched around her dick. She pounded relentlessly, mercilessly, uncaring of the sounds and struggles of her victim. Although, if she had been paying attention she might have noticed something odd about the way her fucktoy was screaming.

The bunny's supple little ass bounced and reverberated with each fresh pump from the hyena raping her. Drool ran out her clenched teeth as she tried to weather the assault. Each forceful plow brought out a strained grunt from her attacker and a pained moan from her own lips. And in the back of her head, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, to fight against that, her instincts were telling her. She was enjoying it. She shook her head as if that would loose those thoughts from her head, but each time that cock bottomed out, that huge, thick, hot cock reached the limits of its invasion, a shock flew up her spine. The pain was still mind numbing, excruciating, like a battering ram trying to rip her in half. So why did she LIKE it so much?!

Ziggs' thoughts were far less conflicted as well as much more sparse. All she knew, all she cared about, was how that pink ring gripped around her cock, the warmth enveloping her length, and how fantastic it felt to be balls deep in this stuck up broad's bowels. It felt too good, it felt like, it felt like... "Ah fuck, I'm gonna cum soon. I gotta hand it to you rabbit, you're nice and tight!" To accentuate that she gave the rabbit a none too gentle slap on a spread cheek.

And the rabbit moaned.

"What the fuck?" She gave the rabbit another slap. The rabbit moaned again, or at least started to, before she quickly put a hand to her mouth. "Holy shh-shit, you really ARE enjoying this?" That line of thought brought Ziggs over the edge. She drove home one last time, spearing the rabbit and letting loose a copious amount of cum. The rabbit could feel it, each convulsion, each rope shooting in her took her breath away. Her hands looked for something to steady on, she grabbed onto Ziggs' arms, clenching them for dear life as the shemale dumped her load.

After what seemed like an eternity for both, heaven for Ziggs and hell for the rabbit, she was finally spent. A noticeably round bulge protruded from the rabbit's stomach, all the contents of Ziggs' balls nestled warmly in her gut. Both panted, both completely and entirely out of breath and energy for the moment. Ziggs was the first to move, dragging her semi flaccid cock out of the now thoroughly loosened ass. The bunny deflated as the cock slipped out, all that cum pouring onto the floor and the bunny collapsing in a heap with it.

"Shit, glad I'm not the janitor." Ziggs shook her head. "Ah this is just what I needed. Thanks slut." The rabbit made no move or sound, save her rasping breathing. Ziggs redressed herself, wiping and cleaning herself of sweat and sex as she went, happily humming some tune she couldn't place as she went. She even washed her hands above the still panting bunny. "Hmm mm hmm... man where is that from..." She gave one last look at her toy, chuckled, and turned and left, her load considerably lightened for the night.

Three day later Ziggs returned to the bar for her usual bad mood pick-me-upper. Not even halfway through her first drink she glanced to her side and saw a familiar, makeup caked face. She turned fully, eyeing a nervous and embarrassed looking snow-white bunny. Their eyes locked before the rabbit broke the stare to look down at her phone. Ziggs' mouth turned up into a toothy grin.

It became a full fledged smile as she saw the rabbit glance her way before getting up and walking to the bathroom.