Savage World Chapter 1

Story by Feugen on SoFurry

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Yes I know I still have to work on InsemiNation. And... possibly the Remnants. Couldn't help it. This was a story idea that came into my mind and needed to be put on paper. I actually already have Chapter 2 started so we'll see how this goes. I'm hoping to have a few long term stories. If you're into semi non-consensual and butt stuff you should enjoy this one. Enjoy!

Silver and Alex (c) my lovely wife River

Max (c) Myself

"Please..." the wolfess' soft voice whimpered. Pleasure and confusion laced the word, muddying her intent behind it into the unknown. Her entire body quivered both in fear and bliss as experienced fingers danced across her form. One breast was already exposed, it's pretty pink nipple trapped firmly between two thick, strong fingers. She jerked and twisted against the leather straps that bound her wrists, but whether it was trying to avoid the touch or lean more insistently against it, not even she knew. Leggings long forgotten, her lower half was completely exposed to her assailant. His other meaty hand deftly worked at her between her thighs from behind. Fingertips danced over soft virgin lips, pink like her trapped nipple, a beautiful pink, pure and completely soaked in the honey of her ecstasy. She knew she should fight it, but something deep in the core of her mind wanted her to submit. To give in. To just let it happen and let this male take what he wanted. She knew she didn't have a choice anyway. A gasp escaped her as she felt him tug at her nipple before finally releasing it. That strong hand slid down her side, along her thigh, thick white fingers dancing over her silvery white fur, almost as if admiring the beauty of it's soft shine.

"Nnng!" she cried out softly "wh... what are you... ahhh!" she felt a suddenly foreign sensation. A thick digit pressing against the tight puckered ring beneath her tail, pressing her own nectar into the tight tunnel beyond. What was he doing back there? It was so sinful, so humiliating. And yet... it felt good in such a strange and embarrassing way. Her face burned with shame but her tail hiked against her will, giving him even further access. Not that she could deny him. He could do as he pleased and there was nothing she could do to stop him. Her parents weren't home, they were with everyone else. She was alone with this male. Even if she screamed no one could come to save her. She was helpless to stop that thick digit as it pushed it's way inside her slowly and carefully.

"You're pure... and without child" that deep voice rumbled behind her "I'll keep it that way... But I won't be cumming anywhere outside a warm body..." That voice. So powerful, so dominant, and yet it had that slight accent reminding her that he was not native to her lands. He spoke as though he had the will of a god. What he said happened, and no one could stop him. Not their guards, not their greatest warriors. No one had been able to stop the raiders. And now he was going to do as he pleased with her, and she could do nothing.

"P... Please..." the little striped wolfess whimpered again "B... be gentle..." She was scared. This male, he was so big. And he hadn't even removed his waistwrap yet, but she could only imagine what was hidden underneath. The fact that he was a stallion only added to her imagination. Her soft blue eyes turned and looked back at him, begging him. She didn't want to be torn, didn't want to hurt.

"Of course" the stallion replied, as though it was obvious. For a brief moment she thought it strange. He was a raider, a savage at that. Swinging a battle axe and screaming like a wild animal. Yet here, now, with her bound by her wrists the torch above her, ass presented to this strange male, he seemed so different. That thought however did not last long as she felt him withdraw his hand from between her thighs and instead untied his wrap, letting it fall to the floor. It was in that moment as she gazed upon the powerful breeding tool that presented itself, that her imagination did not do this male justice.

"I... it won't f*" she started to stutter out.

"It will" replied the stallion, ignoring her protests just like every other one. One hand dipped into a bowl of oil he had on a nightstand. Clearly this wasn't the first time for him. The glistening liquid dribbled down his length as he stroked it along his black flesh. Truth be told, he always enjoyed the look of wonder and fear in their eyes when they gazed upon his cock for the first time. Males... Females... the look was all the same, an appetizer to the main event. This one wasn't experienced enough to use her mouth, but he didn't mind.

With his shaft properly prepared he lined the tip up with her own glistening flesh and slowly, gently, rubbed the tip up and down and in steady circles around that tight ring of muscle. Another whimper escaped the poor girl as she felt the heat of it. This was it, there was no escaping now. This great brute was going to defile her. She was scared, trembling even, but what made her face burn and turn away out of shame was the soft 'pat pat pat' of her own arousal dripping to the floor beneath her. There was no mistaking the sound with her sharp ears, despite being laid flat against her head.

"Relax..." she heard him say "it will feel good in time..." But that... was exactly what she was worried about. She felt the pressure increase steadily, making her squirm and try to wriggle away desperately. Not out of pain but fear of enjoying this savage's attention. What would everyone think of her if she enjoyed being raped by a Raider? He wasn't going to let her escape though. He was going to take her and there was no stopping it. There was no denying his will. Not now, not in this moment. In this moment he owned her entirely.

If there were any lingering thoughts of resisting they faded when the tight ring of her ass finally gave way under the relentless pressure from his thick pillar of flesh. She felt his tip slip inside and a gasp escaped her as her tunnel suddenly felt a strange burning stretching sensation. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, squirming in his grasp. "nnng... s... stop it feels..." she started to say but those words were drowned into a moan as his fingers dipped down between her thighs again and began assaulting her poor slick cunny once more. In the same moment he pushed in just another inch or so into her ass and began rocking his hips. She could feel it moving inside her. His cock... his flesh... and he was easing deeper and deeper with every roll of his powerful hips. A snort of determination escaped him, washing over her ears and hair as he worked his way further and further into her.

"Please" she whined, squirming as she felt his thick cock stretching her deeper and deeper. Her ass was burning but it felt so intense... it felt good in such a shameful way. She tried again in vain to squirm away but realized she was nearly pressed against the wall. She had nowhere to go. He pinned her there with one hand on her hip, the other working over her drooling cunny like a pro as his hips came fully flush against her ass. He held himself there for a few moments, fully hilted inside of her, letting her feel the full length of his magnificent breeding tool, but more importantly, letting her adjust to the size of it.

She let out slow breathes though her heart was racing. She felt her body relax and he took that signal without a single word to draw his hips back nice and slow. Her flesh hugged against his, almost as though it were desperate to keep him buried inside of her. A gasp escaped her again as she felt suddenly... empty. A thought entered her mind and her cheeks burned from it but she wanted... wanted that fullness back. Wanted him back inside of her. Her wish was soon granted as he shoved his hips forward and thrust right back to the hilt. A loud gasping cry escaped her maw before she could stop it. She managed to clench it shut before the next thrust and only a soft groan escaped her but gods it was so intense. It didn't hurt... it felt uncomfortable but every passing thrust, slickened by the oils he had slathered to his shaft, seemed to ebb away at that discomfort and replace it more and more with a sinful pleasure.

She could feel him giving in even more to his own lust. He stopped being as gentle as he felt her tight passage open up more and more for him, shaping to his cock. He reached up with his free paw and seized a hold of her young breast again as it bounced and rubbed against the cold stone wall. A firm squeeze forced another cry from her as he humped her faster and faster. Soon she could feel the wet smack of his heavy swinging sac against her drooling cunt with every thrust. It was nearly drowned out though by the smack of his hips against the plush soft curves of her cute ass as he bred her beneath her tail like a bitch in heat. IF she were in a better state of mind she would be wondering how she wasn't torn. But all she could think about now was the shame that occasionally cut through the growing pleasure as he claimed her.

Soon the only thoughts that filled her mind were the reeling pleasure at his hands. His shaft passed over a sweet spot buried deep inside her with every thrust, pressing against otherwise untouched flesh and stimulating her love tunnel through the thin wall of flesh that separated them. She was a virgin it's true... but now she could feel pleasure from parts of her that had yet to actually be touched, simply from the girth of his cock as it pumped in and out of her tailhole. Another pinch to her nipple sent her muzzle flying open, releasing a cry of bliss as she came and not for the first time that evening. He was merciless with that tight little nub of flesh. His fingers felt so thick, so huge as they squeezed it hard, tugging it away from her breast and mixing pain into her pleasure. Her juices gushed down her thighs and she knew others would hear but found herself no longer able to care. Tears were squeezing out of the corners of her eyes as her assailant used her body for his own pleasure but made sure her's was in the same state of bliss, even if it was against her will.

She lost track of time. Her entire world was filled with the sensation of the savage stallion breeding her ass. But as she came down from another orgasm she started to feel something else. His thrusts were getting easier and easier and her tunnel felt hotter and hotter. That's when she realized his cock was spurting into her. His jets of precum were slickening her even further and allowing him to thrust even harder and deeper. She could feel his breathing coming harder and faster, washing out against the back of her neck. His muzzle came down beside her's as he humped even harder.

"P... Please..." she whined one last time "Please finish..." she couldn't take it. It was just too much. Her mind was reeling from everything. She couldn't process thoughts anymore. She just needed it to be over, needed to rest. Her plea did not fall on deaf ears however. The stallion's thrusts grew more and more erratic as he pounded into the blissful warmth of her body. She felt his body stating to tremble against her back, his breathing brushing her neck and hair with every intense breathe. Primal instincts told her that he was a male about to release his seed, and she knew he would be true to his word. She knew where he was going to release it.

With a heavy groan he suddenly hilted into her one last time. She felt his flesh pulsing, swelling with each pass as his thick seed erupted from his tip. Heat exploded in her core, making her cry out once more as the added pressure pulsed hard in just the right place, forcing another orgasm to wrack her body with tremors of bliss. Every pulse and throb of his shaft spilled more and more of that liquid heat into her depths, forcing her to accept more of his seed. She whimpered and squirmed completely filled with his cock and now even more so with his savage cum.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, her orgasm faded and his flow slowed to a dribble and then stopped entirely. She panted hard against the wall and felt him panting against her neck. She was too tired to even whine as she felt him slide slowly out of her abused hole. As his cock popped free she felt his seed drooling down over her poor cunny lips, reddened from the stimulation of his fingers and her repeated climaxes. She squirmed and her tailhole slowly squeezed itself shut, not wanting to feel like a used whore. Then she felt a soft touch, so light she could hardly believe it was him after what he'd just finished doing to her. A soft rag wiped up her thighs and over her cunny and tail, cleaning her before it was tossed away.

She didn't realize how raw her wrists had been rubbed by the leather straps until they were finally loosened and she sagged down to the floor, slumping to her knees. A tiny bit more of his seed leaked free and puddled to the floor below her. So many thoughts raced through her exhausted mind but they couldn't fully form. Emotions raged inside of her. Shame, fear, anger, regret, but when those strong hands scooped her up she curled against him by reflex, seeking any form of comfort she could find. Even if it was at his hand... at least he was gentle.

Slowly he turned and laid her down on the bed beside them. It was her's. Her own bed, her own room. Oddly enough, it didn't feel... dirtied. She couldn't help but wonder if that's why he took her against the wall instead. She even felt the soft touch of her familiar blanket being pulled up and over her. He was tucking her in... not even her parents tucked her in anymore. She was too old for that. Yet she relished in the sensation. Her mind and body were so confused. She felt like she should hate this male and yet she didn't. She found herself admiring him in many ways. His strength, his dominance, his control, even his restraint with her. It was a strange thought to think that you admired your rapist for not being as rough as they could be as they defiled you. But perhaps it was because... part of her had wanted it. She had always fantasized about a strong male desiring so much that not even her own protests would stop him. She had envisioned something a bit... sweeter... then a savage raider. But in a strange way, his words, his actions, his consideration to not leave her with a child long before she was ready, even leaving her purity intact to give to the male of her choice, it had won her over enough to not hate him.

When he finished she looked up at him with tired blue eyes, gazing at him through soft silky strands of her black hair. He looked back at her with a silvery white gaze and finally he turned to go. "W... wait..." she called softly. He paused but he didn't turn back. "What's your name?... Mine's Silver..." He hesitated for a long moment and then finally glanced back and said "Maximus... my friends call me Max."

"Will you ever be back?" she asked quietly, biting her lip. He was quiet again and he looked right at her. That was a rather interesting question. One he hadn't heard before, at least, not without a great deal of fear. When he didn't answer she spoke very softly "if you come back. P... pick me again. I was scared but I'm not now. But I don't want... anyone else to be scared."

He blinked at her but he didn't know what to say. How to respond. This was the way of life he knew growing up. Though as he hefted his axe and slung it to his shoulder he recalled the days when he was younger. When they just picked females at will and there was no care... no honor. As he walked out of her small family home, past her parents' bedroom where they would soon return, unharmed, he recalled the days when they would burn down a village afterwards. A time when he was young... foolish. And it took the fear in a girl's eyes, the outright pure terror... no excitement, no shamed arousal, pure... undeniable... horror... to make him realize their ways were not right.

The scar across his face reminded him every day of the price that was paid to change that. The price he paid to take control of the Clan. Now things were different. It had taken time, and many battles fought. Many deaths. More prices paid. But things were better. They were still seen as savages. Raiders. Monsters even. But they had honor. They had a code. They took what they wanted. But they were no longer Ruiners. Destroyers. Devastators. He glanced back one last time and saw the girl curl up on her bed, a blush still on her cheeks. She was all the evidence he needed.

As he turned back he froze. Every muscle in his body tensed beyond any ability to move. Even his breathe was trapped within his lungs as his heart skipped a beat. The feasting hall for the village. The place where they had gathered everyone to hold for the night while they enjoyed their spoils... it was on fire. The molten glow cast across the grass in front of him and across his shimmering black fur. It was then he realized he could hear something... screaming, the sounds of more and more people screaming. His gaze drifted down to the front doors to the Hall as they burst open and the villagers poured out. The sight was absolutely horrifying.

They were on fire, dismembered, disemboweled, or choking to death on the smoke from the burning bodies... soon to be corpses. Falling debris crushed the bodies of some, leaving nothing but crushed bone and more blood to stain and sour the ground. He had to help. He rushed forward only to have a young girl slam into him screaming and begging for him to kill her... begging him to end her suffering. The flames hissed at his fur and skin as she collapsed and died right there at his feet. He looked around and gave a call for his comrades. This was not what they did, this was not what they were... not anymore. But no one answered, not a single Clan Brother answered the call.

Then he saw it. The building collapsed and the flames roared suddenly higher, flashing further out and illuminating the pile. The stallion's axe fell slowly down along his side, the blade dragging through the grass as he walked towards the pile. Every one of his brothers, every single warrior in the Clan, their bodies lay stacked like a pile of garbage. But their heads... their heads had been piked in a circle around it. He could see the lifeless fear in their eyes, forever frozen on their expressions. Every person he knew was now gone... slaughtered, leaving nothing... leaving no one... He blinked and the realization hit him. "SILVER!" he shouted and turned. Blinding pain lashed at his chest, sending him stumbling back. He nearly fell but managed to plant his axe into the dirt to keep from toppling over.

He heard a snort as he steadied himself and looked up, seeing his attacker. It was a tall male, mounted on an armored steed. Puffs of smoke misted in the air from the stallion's nose... more from the rider's helmet as he growled. His armor was finely crafted... expensive. His blade was black and shined like glass, like nothing the stallion had ever seen before. Then the glow caught his gaze... the hut, Silver's hut. It was on fire too. The entire home was consumed in a raging inferno. The stallion's gaze narrowed on the rider, his hand tightening on his axe. Every ounce of unimaginable rage that he could muster suddenly welled up and burst like a dam releasing an entire ocean.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" he roared as he sat bolt upright in his bed. Sweat poured from his brow and soaked his chest and the furs he used as a blanket. He looked around the dark and quiet room. Not a single thing stirred... not at first. He cast his gaze to the side and saw him... the little grey furred feline with familiar blue eyes.

"Alex... I..." he started to say.

"It's okay..." the little feline blurted out quickly. He rushed to the stallion and just hugged him tight. "I tried to wake you... you were scaring me" he mewled softly. The stallion took a deep breathe and just hugged the smaller male against him. He was no stranger to these nightmares, but they still terrified anyone who got close enough to witness them. And that number was not a large one. A large white hand descended upon the feline's head, petting him tenderly to reassure him. He wondered how the little male put up with him during his visits sometimes. He knew of his past, knew what he was, but he still seemed so devoted to their friendship.

"Just another nightmare" the stallion said softly. He paused and then a tiny smirk touched his lips "funny... it didn't start off too bad."

"I know..." the feline grumbled "you poked me awake you know."

"Well if you didn't have such a nice ass..." Max started to say.

"Don't you start with that Mister" Alex growled at him, glancing up with narrowed eyes.

"Sorry, can't help it" the stallion replied as he slumped back with a heavy sigh. He glanced out the window and said softly "it's barely past midnight..."

Alex sighed and slowly shifted down, nuzzling the stallion's strong broad chest, kissing the scar that raked across it. "You need your rest..." he whispered softly "you're traveling in the morning again aren't you?"

"I am" he said with a sigh, gazing up at the ceiling "but I don't think I'll be getting any rest tonight. Not after thaaahhhh... nnnggg Alex..." his words faded to a groan as a paw slipped under the covers and wrapped around his length, stroking him slowly. It took only two pumps for his shaft to come to life fully.

"Shhh Max..." the feline commanded softly "just relax..." With that his head disappeared beneath the covers and the stallion felt a warm and welcoming maw close eagerly around his tip. A moment later it rolled down his length steadily before falling into a steady rhythm. A soft tongue swirled over his tip and flicked across the tiny hole nestled in the center. Soft lips suckled and caressed up and down along the shaft while that warm paw worked up and down at the same pace, reaching what the feline's muzzle couldn't. Which at this point was not much.

The stallion's eyes slowly closed and his head once more dropped back against the soft pillow below. A hand slid along the feline's back and caressed up over his neck to his head out of pure practiced instinct. He didn't push, didn't shove him down or choke him, he didn't need to. Alex just wanted the stallion to sleep well tonight so he would be safer during his travels the next day. Instead his fingers found one of his ears and tenderly rubbed and caressed at the little flicking appendage, causing it's owner to purr in enjoyment.

Every pass of that warm muzzle sent the stallion rising higher and higher towards his bliss. He wasn't trying to last, not for this. But the comforting sensation of increasing pleasure eased away the tension caused by his nightmare... his memory. His chest rose and fell faster and faster as his pleasure increased. He was getting close already, and knew what was coming. Yet even when it did, it felt like it caught him off guard.

The feline suddenly shoved forward, sliding several inches of the stallion's meat into his throat all at once. A bulge in his neck gave evidence to the presence of the stallion's girthy cock as he bobbed rapidly and shallowly, keeping the precious breeding tool buried in his inviting warmth. Max could only groan and stiffen as his pleasure skyrocketed to new heights, only to come crashing into their peek when Alex started swallowing. Expert muscles in his throat squeezed and rippled down his length from almost his base all the way to his tip. Milking him desperately. Who was he to deny such demands?

He came, not as hard as he otherwise would have if he'd taken his time. But he came nonetheless, filling the little feline's throat with gushes of thick stallion spunk. Alex's throat flexed again and again as he continued to swallow, gulping down everything the stud gave him. Slowly he drew himself back and let the last few spurts fill his maw, tasting that wonderful cream before swallowing it down. He licked the glistening spire clean and finally re-emerged from under the covers, smiling shyly up at the stallion and licking his muzzle.

"Thank you..." Max whispered softly, sounding rather tired.

"Any time" Alex purred gently in response. He eased forward and cuddled up against the powerful male, curling into his side. He knew Max would never say it, never even indicate it was true, but he owed everything to this savage beastly male. His old life was such a distant memory now... all he knew was happiness and if it weren't for Max, he would never have known a happiness like this could even exist.

Max slowly closed his eyes as exhaustion claimed him from consciousness once again. He hoped this time... that if he dreamed, it would remain within the better realms of his memories. Before someone took away everything from him. Someone who still had to pay.