When Husband's Away

Story by seroster on SoFurry

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"Have fun at work husband!", Shema smiled and kissed her husband as he got ready to leave for work. He grumbled something and kissed her back. He was never happy in the mornings for some reason. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the matron writing something in her little computer and a flash of irritation crossed her face. Ever since the matron started staying with them, things had changed a little. Just a little.

As he walked out the door, Shema watched him run out to his car as the rain and lightning pelted him with water. She loved rainy days and the wet, crisp smell of the air after a rainstorm and thought about taking a nap outside once the storm died down.

Still watching him as he backed the car out of the driveway, she failed to notice the matron, whom her husband had nicknamed "Number 2" instead of wrestling with her real name, was standing immediately behind her.

"I do believe there's a matter that requires your attention", a deep, throaty voice purred into her ear.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Shema asked, already knowing what it was.

"Just a little something to do with this...", the matron breathed, sliding a hand between Shema's legs and gently pushing upwards, "...and something to do with this", pressing a finger lightly against Shema's asshole with her other hand.

Shema hissed as the matron wrapped her arm around Shema's waist before resuming her molestations. She knew from the day she appeared in her bedroom that Number 2 would try to gain power over her. Number 2 was a matron, the most powerful caste of females in Katta society and Shema was just an ordinary, everyday female, trying to get by with her life like everyone else.

Noticing that Shema wasn't responding the way she had been training her to, Number 2 grinned and bit Shema's ears, asking her if she had any complaints to make.

Shema seethed with frustration and anger, but she had no choice but to respond, "No matron, your attention is my pleasure", as the matron proceeded to slowly tear her underwear (a favorite pair, a gift from her husband) to shreds with her claws as her fingers became bolder.

Against her will, her body responded to this expertly delivered attention and she blushed with shame as she heard the wet sounds the matron's fingers were making between her legs.

"Oh yes...my kitten loves this, doesn't she?", the matron challenged, purring lowly in her ear. Receiving no reply, she sped up and gave special attention to a place inside Shema that was known only to the matrons, normally used to aid in the females' Breaking if they were too nervous to perform well. Having left home at an earlier age than normal, Shema's hymen was never broken by the matrons and she had no knowledge of this until now. Gasping as a sudden, sharp shock burst from her vagina, Shema's knees buckled and the matron wickedly grinned and increased her attentions while propping Shema's nearly limp form against the window. Mewing almost unconsciously, Shema dug her claws into the window, scratching deep gouges into the glass as her orgasm built up and exploded, splashing the matron's fingers with her cum and splattering all over the floor.

"That's a good kitten...that's my kitten, yes?". The matron smiled in self-satisfaction. A few more indoctrinations like this and Shema would willingly leave her stupid husband. She hated that male. Hairless and weak, she couldn't understand why such a beautiful female ended up with him. She suspected trickery on his part, if not outright criminality and she was determined to bring Shema back home where she belonged. And the first part of her plan was to turn Shema against him, first sexually, after which the emotional part would be easy.

She slowly ran her tongue up and down the back of Shema's head as Shema continued gasping and shaking. "Oh kitten, I think I have something for you to do too..."

Shema, still panting and extremely ashamed, nodded and the matron took her hand and led her upstairs into the bedroom she shared with her husband.

"You can start", the matron smiled evilly, "with this", sitting on the edge of the bed and spreading her legs. Without saying a word, Shema knelt down in front of the matron and started running her tongue up and down the matron's slit, stopping occasionally to nip her inner thighs as she gradually probed deeper with her tongue.

The matron sighed in the bliss of accomplishment, not sex. "Ah, my kitten, you're wonderful. It's a pity you've been wasting that pretty mouth on that male of yours when you could be serving as a mating sister under my tent."

Shema glared but didn't stop her ministrations. Eating newly adult pussy for the rest of her adult life was hardly something she had ever aspired to and it was her opinion that such a position was reserved for sex freaks and perverts.

When the matron started rubbing her crotch against Shema's mouth, she knew what the matron would want next and silently pulled the shoebox from underneath the bed. She really didn't like the next part, but what would happen if she didn't perform well was even worse.

"You're my pet now, kitten, and you must do everything I say, or else you know what will happen, yes?", the matron purred and rolled backwards slightly on the bed, exposing her rear end to Shema as she unhappily rooted though the shoebox, previously a treasure chest of fun between herself and her husband, the matron had claimed it as her own and made sure to make full use of it against Shema.

Pulling a foot-long string of silicone beads from the box, Shema gingerly pushed each bead into the matron's asshole, causing the domineering Katta to wiggle her butt and purr. Shema delicately pushed the final bead into the matron, leaving the loop of string at the end. Shema closed her eyes and mentally wished for her husband's forgiveness as she slowly lowered her head to the matron's ass and gripped the string with her teeth, the matron's asshole quivering an inch from Shema's face. Disgusted, Shema held the string in her teeth and drew the beads out as the matron's body shuddered and twitched. Once she had the entire string hanging from her mouth, Shema inserted it back in again. Three times she did this, feeling dirtier each time she did it. Finally, the matron sighed and sat back up, kissing the top of Shema's bowed head.

"You are learning fast kitten, now let's have some private fun of our own"

Shema nodded, rooting through the shoebox again and selecting a strap-on, which her husband did NOT know about. Her shame growing, Shema quietly strapped it around her waist, transforming her into a male with a blue, seven-inch, translucent silicone cock.

"Yes my kitten. Show me how excited you are, yes?", the matron purred, spinning her body around on to all fours, her rear end again wiggling in front of Shema's face.

Hesitantly, Shema nodded and position the toy dick against the matron's pussy, gradually pushing it all the way in, banging into the matron's cervix, eliciting a yelp and a glare.

"Be good kitten, or your husband will find out you have fantasies about gangs of males mating you over and over again. That would be very bad, yes?" The matron's eyes narrowed and Shema knew she wasn't bluffing. She cursed the day she left her husband's computer on. The matron had poked around and found some stories from Shema's female friend that she wrote for Shema and instantly deducted two things: One, Shema was a Katta with a very dirty and naughty mind and two, her husband probably didn't know about this. Thereafter, she had started blackmailing Shema into an orgy of lesbian sex that was gradually turning Shema away from humankind and her husband.

Shema apologized dutifully and began awkwardly thrusting in and out of the matron, trying to mimic the movements of her husband without much success. The matron, on the other hand, was in ecstasy. This was something they didn't have back home. It was like mating a male, without the male. Arching her back and gyrating her hips into Shema's clumsy movements, she felt the familiar pressure building up within her. Hissing in anticipation and pleasure, the matron told Shema to stop and start licking her again.

Bucking her hips against Shema's blushing face, the matron purred and scratched the bedding as she came, squirting Shema's face and mouth as Shema ate her out through her orgasm.

"Oh yes kitten, my kitten, my pretty Shema...", the matron murmured as she splashed her scent on to her Shema, rubbing her cunt against Shema's mouth and nose, ensuring that Shema was cowed and correctly ashamed of what had been done to her. Every day Shema argued a little less with her and every night was a little more willing to roll around with her. She felt that her domination of Shema was nearly complete and all that remained was to remove this human friend of Shema's from the picture. She knew Shema had already started to view her own body as an object of shame and she knew her husband hadn't seen so much as a nipple in over a month.

Basking in the afterglow as Shema unhappily tried to clean her face off, the matron became lost in her thoughts of her future with her pretty, obedient Shema.