Every Divine Drop

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#14 of Kinktober 2017

In search of something, and someone far greater, a wolf gives himself over to the most delicious extremes of debauchery. <3

This story was written for Day #14 of Kinktober 2017! Today's theme is Cum-Slut, and the story was written for Riddle. It contains M/M sex between multiple consenting adults, and copious amounts of cum. :3

Every Divine Drop

Moans of pleasure echoed around the temple's sandy limestone walls, punctuated by the rapid, rhythmic slapping sound of flesh against flesh as Riddle felt his latest lover's hips slamming against his firm buttocks. Resting upon his knees, the wolf whimpered as he glanced over his shoulder, blushing not in embarrassment but in elation as he saw not only the skunk fucking him now glaring down at him with a look of the utmost desperation and lust, but also more faces peering over the skunk's shoulders. The tiger who had fucked him before the skunk. The lighter grey, monotone furred wolf before that. Almost a dozen men, some draped in open fronted white ceremonial robes but most having cast those aside and standing fully nude, many of them erect once more despite each having cast a load of their virile seed either into or over Riddle's trembling body.

"Ah. Aaahh... please..."

Riddle gurgled in bliss as he felt the skunk's body hunker down over his and the other man's hips beginning to increase their already rather rapid pace. One hand was wrapped around his chest, holding them tight together, and the other now reached down and wrapped itself around the wolf's swollen, rich blue fleshed cock. His toes curled and his tail, despite being rather pinned down and pushed to one side by the skunk's looming presence over his back, wagged feverishly as spurts of pre-cum lashed the ground beneath him. His prostate ached deliciously with every slamming stroke of the skunk's cock against it, and as he threw back his head Riddle could feel some of the droplets, still damp from the last load he had taken to the face, fly off into the fiery torch-lit space ahead.

The skunk grunted, and Riddle howled unabashedly as he felt hot ribbons of cum beginning to paint the inside of his body when suddenly the passionate thrusting ceased and the other man simply held himself within him, throbbing, pulsing, unloading everything he had into the wolf. The hand upon his cock slid lower still and squeezed his thick, swollen knot, forcing another strained, ear-splitting yelp from Riddle's lips as he too was driven over the edge and into the potent embrace of yet another orgasm. He revelled in the sensation of being filled, of the cock pulsing and spurting in his ass alongside his own orgasmic bliss, but all too soon the skunk was pulling out and rubbing his still dribbling cock over the wolf's already stained, matted ass and tail-base.

"You are anointed with the gifts of those who came before. Move on, and grow ever closer to your Lord. Your God, for whom every drop you spill and every drop you receive is freely given."

Breathing heavily the skunk whispered into Riddle's ear, one hand cupping the wolf's own panting muzzle, drawing his head to the side and stealing a passionate, tongue-heavy kiss. Then, mere moments later, the skunk was scrambling to his feet and stumbling wearily back to join the rest of the onlookers, the rest of the number who had already anointed Riddle this day. Riddle himself meanwhile, spent and satisfied as he might have been in that moment, rose up on shaky legs and began to walk too. Only forward in his case, not back.

He knelt before a lion still draped in his white robe, and lapped and sucked and nuzzled at the big cat's balls while the feline's own hand massaged his thick shaft. Another handful of minutes later his face was freshly marked with thick strings of abundant and richly scented seed. Another few steps and he met with a lithe horse, not big and muscular but lean and spry, and whimpered bashfully as he lay down on his back to find the equine male straddling him, rubbing his far longer cock up and down over the wolf's own. For almost twenty minutes they rubbed cocks without once adding a single hand to proceedings, until finally the stallion whinnied, his foot long erection pulsed violently and he coated the entirety of Riddle's chest and the underside of his face with volumes of cum that were so obscenely large they seemed to total all that had been poured out over and within Riddle's body thus far during this ceremony.

Two hyenas followed, one riding Riddle's own cock, still achingly needy from the prior bout and driving the wolf to orgasm in barely a minute of eager, giddy bouncing upon him. Even when the wolf was spent however the hyena didn't skip a beat, slipping the wolf's cock out of his ass and promptly filling Riddle with his instead, all the while the second of the pair gently, casually humping his erection against the back of the lupine initiate's throat. When they were done, leaving Riddle leaking from both ends, they each shared a kiss of their own with him just as all the other men had, and whispered their own blessing to him before sending the wolf on his way anew.

A rabbit. An antelope. A leopard. A lemur. A dalmatian. They all pleasured Riddle and they all let loose their cum over, around and within him in the hyena's wake, and only after the dog had made Riddle cum himself as they lay end-to-end in a loud, slurping sixty-nine did the wolf realise as he stumbled onward that he was now ascending stairs. Not a stairway as such but a series of raised blocks leading up to a large, flat dais which was currently bathed in an obscuring darkness that didn't seem quite natural. On each step there stood not one man, but several. The robes of these men were not plain white as the others had been, but white with trims of gold and inlaid patterns in the same shining material, hieroglyphs that Riddle knew instinctively were Egyptian in origin.

These men, these high priests, they soon discarded their robes just as all the men who had come before had done, and in groups of four, five or indeed as many as eight upon one level, they set upon Riddle as he staggered into their embraces all too willingly. He knelt before them as they jerked off in a circle around him. He gurgled and whimpered giddily as they rubbed against him, stuffing cocks not just into muzzle and ass, but into his hands, against the soles of his feet, anywhere and everywhere they could receive stimulation enough to drive themselves to orgasm against him. If riddle's black and blue furred body had been streaked and stained by streaks of cum before, then by the time he reached the top of that dais some two hours after beginning to climb its seven broad steps he was so coated, so saturated by cum that he probably would have been unrecognisable to most of the people who knew him beyond this temple's walls.

He was no longer Riddle. No longer the warm, kind, playful wolf his friends, family and lovers knew. He was a shimmering, matted furred beast, panting, grunting, cock erect and throbbing with every stumbling step he took as he staggered up onto the peak of the dais, cum dripping from the bottom of his chin, from his arms, from his tail, all over him in its potent excess. All he could smell was the thick heat of men clinging to him. All he could taste was the rich, salty tang of seed even when he wasn't licking his cum-stained muzzle's chops. His ears rang with the echoes of lustful cries as behind him all those he had tended to with his own body set upon one another in a vast, eager orgy, and his eyes... at first they saw only darkness as he stumbled into the gloom at the peak of the steps. But slowly, little by little, he began to make out a shape before him.

It wasn't that the air was getting any lighter, it was just that all of a sudden he was able to see through it. To penetrate the veil between worlds that he could now see shimmering all around him. He whimpered loudly as he realised what that meant. As he realised that what he had been trying to achieve by being anointed by all of his Lord's most trusted servants had finally come to pass.

He was ready.

He was able.

He stood before a vast throne carved from the same limestone as the temple around him, and whimpered bashfully as slowly he began to walk around it, praying, hoping that it wouldn't be empty. That there would be a figure sitting, waiting for him within its embrace. And indeed, as Riddle realised with a strangled yelp of glee when he saw the first flecks of dark fur upon one arm, there was.

His Lord.

His God.

The one to whom he was submitting himself for eternal service and devotion.


He was about to drop to his knees, to crawl around to the front of the jackal deity's throne and beg to be granted the honour of suckling a load from Anubis' thick black cock, but before he could do so Anubis rose to his feet. He turned, deep, dark eyes falling upon Riddle, and reached out a strong hand heavy with the weight of godhood.

Riddle swallowed, and he swore that as he reached out and took the proffered paw he felt a surge of divine energy course through him.

His body, matted, dripping with cum and heavy with the scent of every man he had shared himself with to get here, trembled as Anubis led him deeper into this darkness through which Riddle could now see clear as day. Away from the limestone throne. Away from the temple. Beyond the bounds of this reality to which the God was so obviously not limited, and to somewhere... else.

Before them, shimmering into being with a ripple and a gentle babbling of water, was a pool. Not quite a lake, not quite a pond, somewhere in between. It was lined with stones, but surrounding the stones were grasses and trees, and a small stream fed into the pool on one side, then out again on the other.

Anubis stepped into the water, and led Riddle in after him. The water was almost perfectly body temperature, so much so that aside from the pressure around him Riddle could barely feel its presence at all. He gasped as Anubis guided him deeper, and deeper until the water was shoulder deep around Anubis, neck deep on the slightly shorter mortal male. Then he felt a hand upon his head, he took an instinctive breath, and closed his eyes as he was pushed under by his God.

He broke the surface again mere moments later, and yelped as he blinked the water out of his eyes only to see that the area was no longer bathed in that strange, transparent darkness. Indeed now they were surrounded by dazzling light, and as Riddle looked up he saw a clear blue sky. Looking around everything was the same, only now they were no longer walking in extra-dimensional space. They had returned to what looked like earth, only not in the temple, but in some distant savannah-like grassland in which this pool was located.

So caught up was Riddle in staring at the beauty of the land around him, by the time he returned his focus to Anubis the God's hands were already running over his body beneath the water. Rubbing gently at his fur. Caressing him. Cleaning him. He blushed, whimpered, and tried to take a step back.

"M-my Lord... you don't have to. I... I did this for you. Every drop, f-for you. I wear it proudly. Besides, even if you wish me to clean myself off, I should do it. Not you."

Anubis didn't frown, but nor did he let the wolf step away from his touch. He simply followed as Riddle stepped away, continuing to rub and bathe the mortal, even going so far as to cup his hands together and release a spray of water over Riddle's head, wiping away the water and the lingering streaks of cum from his handsome face.

"I know what you did, Riddle. I know what you did to get to me. To prove yourself to my followers. And I thank you. Your devotion will not go unrewarded."

Soon Riddle was clean, and he blushed, he shivered despite the warmth of the sun upon him as they exited the water once more. Only now did he realise that he was naked in front of his God. And only now did he realise that Anubis, golden jewellery aside, was every bit as naked, and every bit as erect as himself.

He dropped to his knees before the jackal's cock at long last, and this time Anubis made no move to stop him. The God simply chuckled as Riddle whimpered and crawled closer, panting, tongue hanging hungrily out as his eyes bulged at the sight of Anubis' cock throbbing before him.

"Indeed, I cleaned you so that I could give you your reward in the truest sense. I can see into your heart, Riddle. I know what it is you desire of me. What you have desired of me since you first became aware of my existence."

The wolf's cheeks burned crimson, and he whimpered bashfully at the idea that Anubis knew every last thought, every last fantasy, every last longing wish he had ever had about the God. The list was not a short one.

"You bathed yourself in the cum of my followers because you wished to show how devoted you were to me. How much you craved my seed, and that of anyone who felt for me as you do."

Riddle whimpered bashfully, but in longing too, licking his lips and almost missing the salty tang no longer present upon them.

"But now you are cleansed. Refreshed. And now..."

Anubis dropped to his own knees before Riddle, and before the already kneeling wolf could react, wrapped his hands around the mortal male's face and drew him in for a deep kiss. To be kissed by a God, by his God, the knowledge of that fact hit Riddle like a freight train, and he swore that he very nearly began to cum right then and there. He was soon enough very glad that he hadn't though, for as that kiss faded Anubis pushed the wolf down over onto his back, raised Riddle's legs up high and growled happily as he loomed over him on all fours, eyes shining, cock twitching hungrily as the savannah sun beamed down across their clean, damp bodies.

"...and now, Riddle, you're going to prove that same devotion in person. And you won't stop... you won't be able to stop, until I've coated you with as much of my own cum as every one of my followers combined twice over, both inside and out. And even then... if you still desire more, I will be all too happy to oblige. No matter how many hours it takes. How many days. How many eons it takes for you to drain every drop that you desire from me."

The jackal lunged forward, and a mere second or so later Riddle was howling at the top of his lungs as he felt the divine cock of his God press deep, deep into his ass and begin to hump, to fuck him without pause.

"My... aaahh yes... my Lord!"

Riddle couldn't help himself. He wrapped his arms, his legs around Anubis' powerful body, and pulled the deity down tighter against himself as his tail thrashed and his toes flexed in pure elation.

"My God! F-fuck me. Cum in me! Yes. Yes. Oh... oh please, g-give me everything! Every drop! N-now. Always. Never stop!"

His eyes rolled back in his head as with each and every thrust from the snarling, urgently working jackal he felt his prostate erupt with intense pleasure, his balls aching as though they had yet to be drained that week, that year rather than the truth of how many times they had already been emptied out that same day alone.

"My God! M-my... my God! Oh. Oh! O-ohhh my... my god, yes!"

By Jeeves

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