One Winter(s) Night

Story by Cyrris on SoFurry

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Raye Winters twirled a thick, auburn lock of hair through her fingers, nervously glancing every now and then at the clock slowly ticking away on the kitchen wall. The cup of coffee she lightly gripped in her other hand had long since lost the heat that had made it an appealing drink in the first place. She had made herself a bagel to go along with the coffee, but she'd eaten that before she'd sat down. With a couple more sips, she pushed the cup away before it was even half-empty and stood up from the table.

She had resigned herself to remain within Lincoln for the holidays; the last of her housemates had left that morning, leaving her alone for a couple of weeks in the house which they shared on a quiet road on the east border of the city. As a werewolf, the location was perfect; just a few minutes down the road was the west common, and beyond that along River Witham was mostly fields and woodland; plenty of space to run around with minimal risk of being disturbed or running into anyone. The holidays themselves gave her the whole house to lounge around in however she wanted during the day, while in the evenings she could transform indoors instead of a hedgerow, some dark gravel path or in the middle of a field. When it came down to the werewolf side of things, her transformations were something sporadic, but generally predictable. It wasn't caused by the full moon; in fact, the full moon didn't have any impact on her transformations whatsoever as far as she could tell, even if she did happen to change during a full moon. Whenever a transformation was due, she instead felt a strange heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach that slowly spread through the rest of her body over the course of several days. She also became incredibly hungry; so much so in fact that she didn't really stop eating over the few days the feeling lasted. When she found herself sprouting fur and claws she remained in control of her actions, if being somewhat mentally fuzzy. Kind of like she was drunk, or getting there at least. She had yet to harm another person in the several years since she'd be infected with lycanthropy, but she still figured that the fewer people around her the better. Just to be safe, Raye had never actually transformed with another person present. Although her housemates were aware of her "condition", she'd never remained in the house before during a transformation, and had declined their offers to accompany her out into the fields. Now that she thought about it, she'd never actually provided genuine, tangible evidence that she was a werewolf; for all they knew she could just be a real slut going to some guy's house every other day. Maybe that is what they thought? Raye pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind. It didn't matter. Re-filling the kettle at the kitchen counter, she prepared another cup of coffee to replace the one she'd barely touched. Looking up at the clock on the kitchen wall, she sighed. It was still early. Too early. She felt agitated. Itchy.

She had no intentions of changing yet though; tonight, she had a plan. In her first year of university, she had met someone she'd taken quite a liking to: Christie Black. A little taller than herself, with a head of long, usually tied-up dirty-blonde hair and a natural body to die for, Christie was everything Raye hadn't realised she'd liked in another person until she saw her walk into the lecture hall on their very first day of classes. From that moment on, Raye had made sure to get as close to Christie as possible through whatever means she could. Even Raye had to admit that their friendship was something she'd forced to occur, rather than something that had developed naturally as a friendship should. Not that she was complaining, of course. She genuinely cared for Christie as a friend, but she had some pretty devious ulterior motives. She couldn't really call herself straight, all things considered, but Christie was the first, and so far only girl who'd ever done anything for her in the romantic sense; and tonight she was coming over.

with an flick, she stirred a single spoonful of sugar into her coffee, took a sip then transitioned from the kitchen to the living room, turning on the television as some form of distraction. With a small thud, she placed her coffee on the table sat at the sofa's end, giving the inside of her arm and absent-minded scratch. She figured now would probably be a good time to go over her plan for the night. As far as she knew, Christie didn't reciprocate any of the feelings that Raye herself felt. This wasn't entirely unexpected, seeing as she had never mentioned anything to Christie about how she felt. It wasn't vital that she achieved some form of sexual satisfaction, but the transformations often were something that Raye found to be incredibly arousing towards the end. She'd masturbated, sure, but that wasn't the same having someone else do the work for you. Now she had been provided the perfect opportunity, and after so many years it was something she simply wasn't willing to pass on. This was going to work. It had to work.

The first thing she was going to do tonight was make sure Christie was as comfortable as possible. If she was relaxed, then she'd let her guard down. Once that had happened, she would be much more susceptible to Raye's advances. The two knew each other well; had done for several years by this point, so this was something Raye felt she could accomplish with relatively little effort. All it would take was some tact. Couldn't seem too eager. Secondly, she was going to have to somehow seduce Christie, who as far as Raye was aware had no interest in other girls whatsoever. This meant getting Christie to break her own boundaries and inhibitions to go along with what Raye had planned. What she thought they were going to do was have a general night of hanging out enjoying one another's company; play some video games, watch a movie, get take out, drink beer - the usual student gig. That's how she was planning on letting it start, anyway. That would get Christie comfortable. As for bending Christie to her will... Well, that would take more effort. In all honesty Raye wasn't even entirely sure what she would do, but she figured she'd start slow. Offer a drink and get Christie tipsy. Talk low and soft. Think of a way to initiate physical contact. Raye was usually pretty good at thinking on her feet, and was confident she would be able to seize any opportunity that might present itself to her that evening. She tapped her fingers against her leg as she simply stared at the images flashing on the screen in front of her. She wasn't absorbing any of the information she was seeing, she was too busy thinking. It was only about an hour or so until Christie arrived, and Raye was growing more impatient by the minute. Flicking through channels didn't provide any better entertainment; there was nothing on. The only thing that momentarily caught her eyes was that The Company of Wolves was showing on Film4. She couldn't help but smile at the fact. God, she couldn't wait to have Christie all to herself, with no chance of interruption of any obligations to attend to. Raye may have been staying during the holidays for the opportunity to be alone, but Christie was staying for her part-time job; she wasn't planning on going home until after Christmas simply because she needed the money. But with the day off tomorrow, she could spend the whole night with Raye.

Unaware that the itchy sensation in her arms was creeping up into her shoulders, Raye continued to scratch at her wrist without realising it. What she was aware of, however, was the sensation of heat that was beginning to rise in her chest, signifying the start of her transformation. At this point, if she were to relax enough and concentrate, she could probably force herself to begin shifting. But no, she willed herself to remain human, at least for now. The change would come, but will have to wait a while longer still. Placing her now mostly-empty coffee mug on the table, Raye pushed herself off the sofa and made her way up to her room to get ready, leaving the television on if just for the background noise. Her third trick for making Christie hers was her choice of outfit; sexy, but casual. Nothing too obvious. It was doubtful Christie would think anything much of whatever Raye ended up wearing - unless it was nothing at all - but she was aiming for more of a subliminal thing anyway. She decided on a pair of plain, somewhat loose black shorts and dark red vest-top, sans bra and underwear; what she was wearing had to not only be easily removable in case of transformation-related emergencies, but also loose enough that they would be able to accommodate her growth until the intensity of the initial change had subsided enough for her to remember to remove them. Finally, she made sure to remove her socks. It wasn't the worst thing in the world if she forgot, but honestly, she was running low enough on them as it was, and she really didn't want to have to face the sales assistants at Primark as she bought yet another pack. As she padded across the carpet to leave her room, she caught herself in the mirror attached to her wardrobe. She had to admit; she looked good. Really good. For all the negatives, lycanthropy had its fair share of positives; better senses, a monstrous sex drive, and the body of a professional athlete with absolutely no effort on her part. One thing she especially liked was the tiniest specks of yellow that had developed in the metallic-grey irises of her eyes. it looked like a million tiny stars somehow shining in an overcast sky. Her eyes practically shone, even in low-light conditions and she could see with clarity she would never have believed possible. She had the eyes of a predator. Smiling to herself, she pulled a pose and took herself in.

"Yeah, she'll fall for you..."

God, she was sultry.

Just as she turned her attention to the desk, umming and ahhing over whether she should bother with some subtle make-up, a loud buzzing sound suddenly came from behind her, causing her to jump but pulling her thoughts away from mild self-obsession. She had forgotten that she'd let her phone charging on her bed-side table. With a graceful skip over to the table, she found herself immensely disappointed that it wasn't a message from Christie, but was instead just an email notification that had been pushed through. She did briefly consider sending a text herself, but quickly rescinded the thought. She didn't want to appear too eager. Huffing, Raye sat down on her bed and checked her watch. Not long now. Her nose involuntarily twitched, and she shook her head rapidly, clearing her thoughts. On days where she transformed into her other self, she found herself full of various conflicting emotions and sensations; anger, joy, lust... Pain, pleasure, fatigue... She could already feel the tingling crawling just under the surface of her skin. It was very... Was hormonal the right word? She wasn't sure. It kinda felt like going through puberty again, she guessed, but in the span of just a few hours. She felt like several different people squeezed into a single meat suit, sharing rapid streams of consciousness. Worse than all else, however, was the itchiness. A few years back, when she was first infected, it drove her absolutely nuts; it was a relentless assault which she couldn't relieve, to the point where she had scratched her arm until blood had begun to flow freely. Even now, she caught herself scratching without realising it. She withdrew her hand from her wrist, frowning at the red scratch marks left behind. She figured she should probably take her watch off.

"Sorry I'm late dude, my hair took so long to dry."

Christie stepped through the doorway into the hall, her arms outstretched. Raye grinned and mimicked her movements, pulling her friend into a brief but tight hug.

"It's good to see you dude," she smiled, stepping back, "How's your holidays been so far?"

Closing the door and stepping through into the living room, Christie took a seat on the sofa facing the television whilst Raye nipped through to the kitchen to get started on her plan for the evening.

Christie's voice followed Raye as she made her way to the fridge, "It's been okay, thanks. Been working mostly. It'll be nice to have a night of chilling out."

"And it'll be nice for me to have some company", Raye replied, as though she'd been alone for more than eight hours. "Drink?"

She pulled open the fridge door to browse what she had in stock.

"What have you got?" came Christie's voice, whispering directly into her ear.

"Fuck!" Raye cried out, turning in fright.

Christie burst out laughing and reached around Raye, pulling a bottle out of the fridge.

"I'll have one of these, cheers."

Gracefully recovering from her own embarrassment, Raye retrieved her own drink and closed the door. Considering her brilliant senses, she hadn't heard Christie sneaking up on her at all. She licked her lips. Maybe she was too mentally distracted, but something about that sort of turned her on.

"So what's the plan of action?" Christie asked, swigging a beer in the doorway dividing the kitchen from the living room. Even the way she stood was alluring; one leg crossed over the other, casually leaning against the door frame. Her dark blonde hair seemed to fall in the most perfect way with what seemed like minimal effort. Even the jeans and hoodie she was wearing were so casual and relaxed it was enticing. Christie must have noticed Raye's gaze checking her out, not to mention her lack of reply. She purposefully coughed to pull Raye's eyes back up to meet her own. Raising an eyebrow, she returned the favour, quickly and very obviously looking Raye up and down whilst she took another sip from her bottle. "Aren't you cold man?"

Raye didn't respond, instead quietly making her way past Christie all the while trying to hide the intense blushing on her face. She sat down on the sofa as Christie stood in the room between herself and the television.

"Well," Raye finally began once she was sat, "I was thinking we could order some food, play some video games... Maybe watch a movie?" She turned to face Christie, who stepped into the room

"Games sounds good," Christie replied enthusiastically, "I haven't had much time to play anything recently. What've you got?"

Raye pointed her in the direction of the cupboard that contained all the video games and movies, gleefully staring at Christie's butt as she got up to rifle through the collection inside. The way she moved - stuck out her butt and wriggled her hips - it was like she was putting on a show personally for Raye. She wasn't, of course, but every step seemed so deliberate and designed to drive her wild. She felt the heat inside of her flare up in intensity. She knew she was going to start transforming sooner rather than later. Why did Christie have to show up so late? She didn't want to rush everything either; they were only on their first drink after all. Christie finally took a seat, although Raye couldn't help feeling a little disappointed that Christie had sat as far away as it was possible for her to do so. They began talking about general things; life, university, work, relationships - standard stuff really. Raye herself wasn't particularly interested in what they were talking about, but gave Christie her full attention nonetheless; reading her movements and watching her closely. Several beers later, Christie was clearly finding it more difficult to focus on the game. In turn, Raye was more uncomfortable and agitated than ever, she could barely sit still. If she had to hazard a guess, she had maybe half an hour or so before she wouldn't be able to resist shifting. Well, she guessed that now was better than ever to start making a move.

Prodding Christie's thigh with her foot, she put on the sweetest voice she could.

"Chris," she said softly, nursing her beer millimetres from her lips, "it really is good to see you. Thanks for coming over."

Christie shot her a sharp, quizzical look out of the corner of her eyes before returning her gaze to the television.

"What's got you all sentimental?"

"Well we're both so busy nowadays we don't really get to see one another much anymore."

"Hasn't it only been about a week since we went to the pub?" Christie shot back.

"Well... Yeah, it had. But what I mean is we only see one another occasionally; for maybe a few hours at a time. We should do stuff like this more often dude."

Stretching out her legs, Raye rested her feet in Christie's lap, "fancy watching a movie?"

Christie looked down at Raye's feet, then up at Raye herself. For a small moment, she seemed conflicted, but ultimately ended up gently pushing away Raye's legs and standing up.

"I'm going to get a drink first," she said quietly. "Do you want one?"

Raye was already feeling pretty tipsy, but she smiled warmly at Christie and gave a quick, affirmative nod.

She wasn't sure what she had assumed would happen just then, and the response she'd received was probably something within the realms of expectation. Moments later Christie returned looking as though she was finding it difficult to remain upright, clumsily handing Raye a bottle before collapsing on the sofa.

"I thought," she started, pausing afterwards for longer than necessary, "we could watch this one movie on Netflix that you NEED to see."

"Sure." Raye replied simply.

Once the movie was set up to go, the pair were quiet for a couple of minutes as they watched the film's introductory sequence; not an awkward silence, but just two friends enjoying one another's company. At the same time, an uncomfortable pulsing sensation was now beginning to form in the tips of her fingers and toes, which meant that whether she liked it or not, she was starting to transform. It was now or never.

"Hey, Chris?"


Christie didn't look away from the television.

Raye prodded her with her foot once again.

"Are you lonely?"

The question caused Christie to turn to face Raye, head slightly cocked with an eyebrow raised.

"That's a very odd, existential question to ask someone out of the blue."

A wry smile plastered on her face, Raye grabbed a lock of hair and wrung it around her finger.

"Well you haven't had a boyfriend for as long as I've known you, and you never come out with us when we go clubbing or whatever. Always working, always studying."

Scoffing, Christie turned to look back at the television.

"I guess I have straighter priorities." she said. Unbeknownst to Christie, her choice of words gave Raye tingles, even if they were obviously unintentional. Christie continued on unaware; "Besides, you haven't had a boyfriend for as long as I've known you either."

"Well I don't want a boyfriend." Raye stated matter-of-factly.

"Jesus, you make that sound so final. Ever?"

"I said I don't like men. Not that I don't like anyone."

Raye saw Christie look at her briefly out of her peripheral.

"Okay, well I've never seen you with a girl either."

Christie's response was so quick and nonchalant Raye was taken aback. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that Christie hadn't made a bigger deal out of the fact.

"You don't seem very surprised." Raye pouted.

Christie sighed and turned back to face Raye.

"Because gay is okay now? What do you want me to say, Raye?"

Unsure how to react, Raye shifted uncomfortably. This isn't the way she'd expected things to go at all. Running her fingers through her hair awkwardly, she was horrified to find a large clump of it come away when she withdrew her hand.

"Fuck it I guess." she said out loud.

She jumped up from her position and clambered over to Christie, pulling the poor blonde in before she had a chance to react and connect her lips to Raye's own. Raye gave it all she had, closing her eyes to avoid having to see Christie's more than likely horrified reaction, and instead enjoyed the way her soft, warm flesh felt. The kiss was passionate and Raye held it for as long as she dared; Christie wasn't resisting her, pushing away or really even moving at all, she just stood still, stunned. Raye finally broke it off, pulling back slowly and opening her eyes, making contact with Christie's.

They were both silent for a moment. Raye tried to keep her expression neutral, but couldn't stop a stupid smile from plastering itself on her face. Christie looked confused and unfocused, but not necessarily in a bad way. Conflicted was probably a better way of putting it.

"Wow, that was uh... Intense." Christie finally said, barely louder than a whisper.

Raye's grin spread a little wider. She leaned forward again without saying anything, this time teasing Christie; inviting her to partake in another round by choice. Although her movements were unsure, Christie reciprocated, mimicking Raye's movements after the briefest moment of hesitation. They tasted one another again, this time Raye went a little further, sliding her hands down the sides of Christie's body, feeling the way it curved and contoured; butterflies fluttered in her stomach as Christie put her arms around Raye's shoulders in return and pulled her in tighter, enjoying the experience more than she ever thought he would have done. They broke apart for a second time, the difference being that Christie herself seemed to be savouring the moment. Raye, however, was brought crashing down to earth by the large amounts of blood that stained the area around Christie's mouth, who herself seemed to suddenly become aware of the fact shortly afterwards. With her expression turning immediately from mild arousal to disgust, Christie pushed Raye away, leaping up from her seat.

"Raye, your mouth - I - what the fuck?"

Raye had been too caught up in the moment to notice the sharp stinging sensation and pulsing heat that seemed to encompass the entirety of her mouth. She smiled weakly at Christie, as if trying to save face and ran her hand across her lips. Just as she'd expected when she pulled it away, her fingers and palm were covered in a thick coating of fresh blood that had begun to seep from her mouth and drip down her face. She swallowed what built up, licked her lips and wiped her chin, leaving a crimson smear which spread along the bottom of her face. Christie watched on in silent horror, completely sobered by the scene unfolding before her.

"I guess I should-" Raye began, but cut herself off as a small giggle slipped through her lips at the thought of what she was about to say. She took a breath and straightened her expression. "I guess I should tell you that I'm, well, a werewolf."

Christie stared, but whatever emotion she had on her face was one which Raye couldn't read - any other time, Christie probably would've brushed off the remark that had just been made, but the sudden eruption of blood from her friend's face made the situation appear a lot worse than it actually was.

"I won't hurt you." Raye said simply, barely louder than a whisper. She was trying to be reassuring and calming, but Christie didn't look like she was having any of it. Raye couldn't blame her; as she'd transformed alone every other time, she'd never really taken much notice of how grisly it seemed to be. Not to mention that outside, the dirt ground would usually drink up whatever blood landed on it relatively quickly. Raye smiled at Christie, displaying her growing fangs to her terrified friend, but at the same time could smell and feel the blood begin to run freely from her nose as well.

Christie took a few steps further back.

"What the fuck is happening?" She cried, bringing her hands up to her mouth in horror. Her skin had gone pale. "Raye, what's wrong with you?"

"Christie, I know it's hard to believe but try to calm down. I'm not in pain."

This was of course a lie; the pain was very, very intense; but Raye had been through the transformation a few times a week for the last six years, and at some point had simply gotten used to the pain, or rather, knew what to expect and how to brace for it. The first few times were agony; had she not been writhing in so much pain that she was unable to even stand, she was certain she would've tried killing herself just to make it stop. Her one respite is that as horrendous as it was, the pain was relatively brief.

She made no move to advance on Christie, instead remaining perched on the edge of the sofa. Her hair was falling out in clumps without any encouragement whatsoever whilst wicked black claws forced their way through the tips of her fingers and toes. She grimaced momentarily as the stinging sensation in each digit peaked at its absolute worst before quickly fading away. She took a deep breath and recovered herself.

"I wanted you to come around tonight, because I really trust you. An-" she winced as her bones cracked and shifted. Catching her breath again, she continued "...And I thought of all people, Christie is someone who would be able to handle knowing."

Still looking horrified, now somehow more so, Christie scanned Raye's form from head to toe, choking on whatever words she was trying to say whilst tears swelled in her eyes. She closed them and looked away, her breathing heavy and ragged. Raye felt a twinge of guilt; she knew the situation was never going to be ideal, but this was much worse than she had imagined. Was Christie having a panic attack? She wanted to say something, anything comforting but her thoughts were once again pulled away when the most horrific burning sensation manifested just below the surface of her skin. It started at her spine and slowly made its way along the rest of her body like a spreading fire; fine brown fur was beginning to push its way out of every pore across her body. With a heavy breath, Raye slumped back on her growing haunches, on the one hand to give herself better posture as her body contorted, and on the second to appear less threatening. Swallowing what blood remained in her mouth as her nose pushed out to the point it was obscuring her vision slightly, Raye ran her tongue along her darkening lips.

"Christie, sooner or later I'm not gonna be able to talk anymore."

A wicked snap cracked out as her ears twisted out and pulled themselves towards the top of her head as her fur gradually ceased its onward march. She now had the appearance of a furry woman with some sort of bizarre, broken bone structure. Her eyes still shut, Christie seemed as though she was trying her hardest to be anywhere but that living room. A small whine slipped from Raye's throat, but she quickly covered it with a cough; watching Christie react the way she did made Raye feel distressed in turn.

"I won't be able to talk, but I am in control. I- Ohhh."

Raye gasped as she felt a heat in her breasts; not like the heat that had gone along the growth of her fur, which had felt as though she was quite literally melting from the inside out. This was a pleasurable burning that accompanied the growth of her more sensitive areas. Her mind clouded by the sudden burst of lust, she brought her left hand up to one of her boobs and slowly, albeit briefly massaged it through her shirt. A low, soft moan emanated from the depths of her muzzle, her tongue involuntarily lolling out. Rough pads growing on her palms and fingertips made it feel that much better as they momentarily groped and squeezed her sensitive flesh. It was short-lived though as she came to her senses after the feeling passed, forcing her hand back down to the floor; she wasn't going to start feeling herself up right here, in front of her terrified friend. The changes usually resulted in her masturbating at some point either during or after her transformation, just to make the heat disappear. Not tonight though. Tonight, she had other plans. The more animal she became, the less she found herself concerned with her friend crying against the wall and the more bothered she became by Christie's hysterics. Stepping off the sofa and taking a couple of shaky steps toward Christie as she gained her balance on her new feet, Raye stretched out her arms and gently placed her clawed hands on Christie's shoulders.

"Chris, look at me."

Swallowing hard, Christie hesitantly opened her eyes, surprised to find herself staring into the fur of Raye's neck. She stepped away quickly, Raye making no attempt to hold her in place as she let her arms fall to her sides. Christie looked down at Raye's padded feet, then up to the twitching ears on the top of her canine head. Now that Raye looked more like a bipedal wolf with human features, rather than a human that had begun to burst from the inside-out, Christie could stand to look at her. If the creature's fur wasn't matted with it's own blood, she may have even considered calling Raye cute in a weird way. Something about the way the rudiment of Raye's tail slowly swept from side to side as it grew out from the base of her spine made Christie feel the same way she did when she saw an adorable animal. They finally made eye contact for the first time since Raye could've been considered human, and Christie felt a strange sinking feeling in her stomach. Pity? The eyes she was looking at were unmistakably Raye's; cold steely grey, yet somehow full of warmth and longing. She didn't have much time to mull over what she was seeing as Raye took yet another step towards her, and leant down slightly, the tip of the werewolf's rough, leathery nose brushed against her own whilst hot breath from the panting maw blew her hair back slightly. She could smell the thick, coppery twang of blood and before she had the chance to be disgusted, she was tasting it for the second time that night; Raye had suddenly pushed her muzzle into Christie's face, connecting their lips and forcing her tongue into her friend's mouth before Christie even had time to process what was happening. Her eyes grew wide as she tried to pull away, but Raye, who's eyes were closed, wrapped her arms around her neck in response and pulled her in tighter. Christie was confused and worse, worried that she was actually starting to get turned on by this. There was something wild about it; primal, almost. It was undeniably wrong; but that was making it all the more exciting. Christie leaned into Raye, her resistance lowering bit-by-bit as she felt electricity tingle across her body. Maybe this isn't so bad? She was certainly enjoying it more than she thought she would. Even the tongue in her mouth felt wonderful; long and dexterous. She was beginning to feel hot. She found herself at some sort of mental stalemate; mere moments ago she'd wanted nothing more than to be out of the house and away from the actual, very real werewolf she now found herself making out with. She pushed back against Raye's assault with her own tongue. Christ, what was she doing? What was happening?

After the kiss had turned into something a lot more passionate, Raye finally pulled back, a huge toothy grin on her face. She knew that Christie had enjoyed what they'd just done and looking over her now, knew that she wanted more. After being unable to think of any other way to do so, Raye had mainly initiated the make-out session in some wild attempt to stop Christie from doing something stupid in her panic, but had begun to truly get invested once Christie had quickly reciprocated her move. Raye was surprised at how easily Christie had been swayed.

"Raye? Can you still talk?"

Raye's ears perked up.

"Yrsssghgh." Was all she seemed able to create with her throat. A strange, low growl of gibberish. She swallowed hard and tried again. "Yooeerraasgh."

From the way it sounded, Christie could tell that she had attempted to say 'yes', but had been unable to make the right vocalisations. Whatever had happened to her body internally within the last couple of minutes had finally rendered her unable to speak. Defeated, Raye flattened her ears and softly whined, shaking her head from side to side. Christie didn't seem to care all that much, instead she found herself distracted by the muscles growing beneath Raye's straining clothing. Wanting to help her friend whilst also being eager to... discover more, Christie reached out and gently took the bottom of Raye's top in her hands and started to pull it up over her body. Raye's now fully-grown tail began swaying rapidly from side to side, enjoying her friend's sudden change of heart. How she had managed to turn the situation around so quickly with a "simple" kiss was beyond Raye, but she sure as hell wasn't complaining. She gave Christie a hand in pulling her shirt up, gingerly slipping a claw beneath the hem and pulling it up and over her head. The cool air hitting her bare fur caused her to sigh in relief - she hadn't realised just how hot she'd become with all the fur she'd grown trapped beneath the clothing. When she was alone she would normally get naked before the changes began. Not that Christie seemed to mind all that much though; she was too distracted by the large furry breasts that had bounced down once they were free of their tight confines. Feeling a bit bolder, Raye took Christie's hand in her own and moved it up to her chest, placing it on one of her large mounds. Christie didn't resist, in fact she seemed eager to go along with it. Raye let go once her hand had found it's mark, and with no encouragement necessary, Christie herself began to feel Raye up; her comparatively dainty fingers trailing through Raye's thick, soft fur as she felt her way around. Raye made a guttural noise that almost sounded like a purr.

"Jesus, Raye..." Christie muttered under her breath. She couldn't believe this. Now that everything seemed to have finished changing except for her muscles which were still bulging out slightly, Raye didn't actually look that bad at all. Was she really getting turned on by a werewolf? And a female one, no less. "How does it feel?" she continued.

Raye responded with a short, low howl and simply blinked.

Christie nodded in response and withdrew her hand.

"That was wild." she stated. "...Is wild." she then corrected, noticing as she looked down that Raye was still in her shorts.

Christie was quiet for a moment. Raye looked good, and strangely sexy whilst Christie felt devious... And kind of naughty. She looked up at Raye and caught her eye.

"How about we get those shorts off before you ruin them?"

Raye blinked again, her eyes going wide and her tail wagging itself into overdrive. She nodded once, her tongue slipping from her muzzle as her lips curled up slightly. A smile, almost?

Christie didn't hesitate. She'd wasted enough time being scared, and it was still early. Time for some real fun.