Code Drop: Press Paws

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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Tess becomes more comfortable with being kinky after a sticky situation arises during gaming.

Code Drop: Press Paws Tempo

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Really, it was all Erik's fault.

Tess just wanted to read fanfiction. She'd been waiting for updates to this wizard-bakery AU for months. But she kept getting distracted by her boyfriend's big dumb paws. Her dusky jackal tail fluffed in annoyance. Every time she started getting into the story again, motion in her peripheral vision caught her eye.

The golden retriever had his feet propped up on their glass-topped coffee table, playing video games in his boxers. Whenever he had to dodge something in the game, his toes would flex, only to sprawl when he tried to make a jump. Subconscious, of course. Dogs weren't the most self-conscious creatures. Likewise, he was completely oblivious to her gaze, depriving her of another excuse to not stare.

So her glance caught on every wiggle of his stupid, twitchy boy-paws. Over and over. It seemed silly to tell him to stop, but she'd have to get up from the chair to not have them in view.

Like the rest of him, the retriever's paws were fluffy and shimmered golden in the light of the TV. But they were also so different from her own delicate paws. Bigger. Blockier. Stronger. Seeing them called to mind all the times she'd watched them brace against sheets or the carpet, driving his hard doggy dick into her. He had power under that fluff, but a safe kind of power. The kind a dog used to show a jackal a good time. Her teeth traced over her bottom lip at the memories.

She wasn't into paws or anything. Erik was the perv of the relationship. The goofball just kept propping them up where she had to see them all the time. She'd never had a boyfriend before and nobody in her family ever really went around barefoot. And now her brain kept getting stuck on his paws. It'd started out really subtly, but it'd been happening more and more over the past year.

Erik, oblivious to her inner turmoil, scratched behind his ear as the end-of-level animation sparkled across the screen.

"Ya know." Tess supported her muzzle with her knuckles and looked over at him. "It's weird that you go around with bare paws all the time."

Erik tilted his head at his paws, as if surprised to see them. "It is?"

"I don't know." She brushed her hair back from her face. "I wear socks around the house half the time. You barely even wear shoes when we go out."

He shrugged. "Maybe we should be asking: why don't you?"

"I don't know!" She threw her hands in the air a little ways. "Paws aren't a thing you show people."

"Oh sweetie-fluff, your paws are cute." He smirked, tail swishing. "Besides, I show you lots of parts of my anatomy."

Glancing at her socks, she crossed her feet self-consciously. She waved toward the front door. "What if somebody delivered a package?"

"Are you expecting a package?" He glanced to her, his character immediately falling into a bottomless pit. Smarmy golden eyebrows waggled at her. "Because I could deliver."

The jackal rolled her eyes with a woof.

Gaze still on the TV, he shrugged. "You should try it sometime."

"What? Running around in my underpants?"

His tail thumped to either side. "Yes."

Her ears flicked up. "Sounds like you have some ulterior motives."

"Of course I do." He shrugged. "But that doesn't mean I'm wrong."

She looked down at herself. She was still in a button-up from work. Her ID badge with its terrible photo still hung from her belt. "Ugh, fine." She stood, retreated to the bedroom, undid her fly, and pushed down her black slacks. She sat on the bed and pulled off her socks. Nothing wrong with her feet, really. Just sort of there. Entirely pedestrian. One of her toe claws always grew in white, so she kept a bottle of black nail polish to make it match. A tiny chip revealed the white coloration underneath. She'd have to touch it up later. Right now, she had a point to prove.

Performing the usual escape artistry to exit her bra, she tossed it aside. Pulling on a purple t-shirt and swapping out her panties for new ones, she strode back out into the living room. "There." She spread her arms.

He looked her up and down, tail drumming on the sofa. "I approve." Onscreen, his unattended character tumbled directly into a monster's mouth.

Tess flopped down on the sofa beside him. "How are you still on this level?"

"Infinite lives." He bobbed his muzzle in the direction of the cheat adapter the cartridge was plugged into.

They took turns playing the game. Tess was way better. Hand-eye coordination was on her side. Plus, her hands were small enough to use the controllers. His were so big and fluffy, she wasn't sure how he could even press one button at a time.

As one particularly long turn concluded, she set her controller down and stretched against the sofa. Thinking her canine companion might be a little stiff too, she idly reached over and rubbed his shoulder.

That sturdy jaw opened to allow his big pink tongue to pant over pearly teeth. His tail thumped against the sofa cushions.

She rolled her eyes. "Scoot forward."

Controller in hand, the dog obeyed. Onscreen, his character bounced along at a steady clip.

She slid in behind him. As she watched him play, her muzzle slipped under his silken ear. The warm comfort of his bulk soothed her. He smelled like shampoo. She curled her legs around his waist. She felt a stiffening rise under her paws, then chuckled as she patted the lump in his boxers. "Getting excited about your game?"

Whimpering with arousal, he nodded. His black nostrils flared as he tried to keep his attention on the levitating platforms. "About you."

"Me, huh?" Her ears rose as he tried to make his jumps onscreen. Granted, it'd been right as she pressed his growing dick between her soles. She rubbed at his arousal through the thin material of the shorts, sabotaging him further. "Guess I should be flattered."

"When you're in a relationship, a boner can be a compliment." Erik giggled with a wag. He tried for the third time to make the same sequence of attacks against a mini-boss. "It's a complimentary boner."

She snorted and rolled his cock head lovingly between the balls of her feet. "They're all complimentary. If we had to pay for your erections, we'd be broke."

Blue eyes locked on the screen, he pressed onward as she pressed downward. His broad shoulders shrugged even as he panted through clenched teeth. "I'm just that generous."

She pressed her feet flat against his lap, then slid the tennis-ball-patterned material of his boxers back and over his tenting erection. Not for her benefit, just to tease him. He was the one getting a boner, after all. Pervy pooch. This was just where her paws naturally ended up when she sat behind him like this. Her toes snuck into the fly of his boxers, massaging the sheath she found there. Peeking around his shoulder, she glimpsed red flesh with a slight sheen of moisture. Carefully, she rubbed his sheath back and forth...

Only the electronic sprongs of the video game and the gentle whisper of skin on skin echoed through the room. Her boyfriend moaned, then groaned as he got knocked out of the game by a spiky turtle. His next life went better, until a sudden squeeze of her toes sent him plummeting into a bottomless pit. With a small bark of surrender, he thumbed the pause button. The screen froze.

Nose buried in the warmth of his naked shoulder, she chuckled. "That's what you get for using a cheat cartridge."

Teeth bared at the pleasure, he squirmed. Those floppy ears swiveled back toward her. "Not sure this will discourage me." A fresh bead of moisture collected at his tip, crystal clear and detracting the TV light.

"Oh?" She spread his eager precum around with her paw pads, then growled softly in his ear: "You like that?"

"Mmmhmm." Eyes still closed, his stocky muzzle nodded.

Gently, gently, her toes grasped at his cock. Her toe claws were blunt, but she took great care to use only her pads. He might be a perv, but he was her perv and didn't want to hurt him. Using only her paw pads, she toyed with the sheath, rubbing it around his stiffening length as it rose between her big and second toes. Her other foot traced down to tug his sheath up and down, through the thin cloth of his boxers.

"Let me get these out of the way..." He wiggled out of his boxers, getting them down as far as one ankle before hurrying back to her. Then his upright cock presented itself right back to her paws. He could've just turned around and started plowing her right there.

With a snicker, she slid her paws up and caressed his dick. Both her feet stroked up and down his length. Her muzzle dipped to his shoulder. A blush simmered under her cheek fur. Even as her tail dipped, she found her hips grinding against his back. Arousal seeped into her panties as the friction of fur and fabric brushed over sensitive jackal folds.

Erik, meanwhile, laid back, panting like a happy doggy, enjoying her paws. His breath staggered. His hips bucked. A long whine of desire trailed from his muzzle. Those big hands stroked her calves, urging her onward. His thighs spread, allowing her to lift and slow-motion juggle his balls.

She lifted one paw to grasp at his tip, seeing just how much she could rile him up. Her other squeezed his knot against her heel. She couldn't believe she was doing this, but with Erik it was safe to be pervy. "I want you to come for me..."

With a sharp gasp, her boyfriend twitched and groaned. Sticky heat rushed against her paw pads. Pulse after pulse of his passion spread against her bare sole. Her paw slid down his shaft, spreading a sheen of rich white fluid in the light of the Nintendo game. She tilted his dick to one side for a better view as it throbbed between her feet. A few dribbles seeped down after, trailing down her other paw.

Her paws, so soft from usually being in shoes, spread that fresh cum up and down his spent but still-mostly-stiff length, even smoother for that hot slickness. The sticky white fluid massaged to a lewd liquid sheen until only the cool of evaporation and the heat of his dick remained against her pads.

Her ears perked up in surprise. The pearly liquid trailed down his shaft, hot against her paw pads, glistening in the light of the paused video game. She felt weirdly proud of making him come. At the very least, she thought she'd have to reach around and give him a hand to finish him off. It felt...kind of flattering. Exciting to have him this turned on, especially considering she'd never thought of her paws as sexy. The warmth and texture was nice too, all hot and smooth and throbbing.

The dog leaned against her in afterglow, moaning with a slump. "Oh Tessie..." He panted, tongue lolling from his upturned muzzle. "That felt so good..."

She pulled her paws back a little to see the cum. Her blush returned, spreading all the way to her ears. "Man, you made a huge mess on my paws."

"Let me help clean it up." Erik, all doped up on endorphins and shameless to start with, grabbed her paw and raised it to his muzzle. Hot breath washed over the cooling semen, followed by the even greater heat of his tongue. Each lap dragged along her naked paw pads.

"Hey!" She squirmed, but she wasn't at an angle to stop him even if she wanted to. And she wanted to, right? Even if it was kind of sexy to think he'd lick her somewhere she'd never considered her best feature.

The golden retriever lifted her other paw and, while glancing back into her eyes, proceeded to lick his juices off that one too. His fluffy tail wagged with shameless fun.

The jackal squirmed, tickled, but only managed to grind her tender slit against the base of his tail. "I didn't know you were a paw fan."

His tail swished, flashing at either side of his hips. "I'm a fan of you all over." He mouthed onto a toe with retriever care. "Besides, you're the one who started this."

A deep blush simmered under her fur. He was right. She had started this. Not that he wasn't a general hornball, but he had a point. She mulled it over while he licked her paws clean, squirming with giddy arousal all the while at the stimulation.

Eventually, he smiled back at her, then grabbed her by both ankles and spun her to lay flat on the sofa. He threw her legs over his shoulders. That wide black nose dragged back and forth along her underwear. With a big grin, he nuzzled the damp crotch of her panties, hot breath washing between her thighs. His blocky muzzle pushed her panties to one side. As she watched, that broad pink tongue slathered her exposed slit with shameless canine enthusiasm. Lick-lick-lick. On and on. Faster and faster. With one thumb holding her panties aside, his eager licks delved deeper and deeper into her.

Tess set her teeth against the onslaught of sensation. Unbidden, her hands rose to play with her nipples. Her tail dangled down off the couch, the tip brushing a half-sheathed, still-sticky dick. Her hips twisted with fervent need. Ears pinned back, she whimpered for more.

His strong hands held her hips, giving that wide pink tongue full access to her slit. Its satin texture twirled over and into her on complex trajectories. Then the retriever's tongue flicked up to focus on her clit with button-mash speed.

Pleasure rushed through Tess's body. Her toes curled on empty air. Her passage clenched around his tongue.

Then, as afterglow buzzed through her, as he panted against the thin fur of her crotch, she watched her toes flex as her ankles are atop his broad shoulders and decided, yeah, maybe her paws were kind of sexy after all.

Time breezed by in satisfied breaths. Her heartbeat calmed, slowing with her thoughts. Her fluffy boyfriend liberated himself from under her legs. His stocky frame lounged along hers. The still-exposed tip of his cock pressed into her messy panties. His big fluffy retriever body wrapped around her, their paws brushing along each other at the far end of the sofa. She buried her muzzle in his chest fluff, feeling fully content.

~ ~ ~

This is half of an art trade with Anyare. We really like each other's work, so this is the story I wrote to match her pic. She's now working on a pic to match a story I wrote for her.

Edits: Kohaku Nightfang, Eljot001, Jovo, Slip-Wolf, Slate, Sillyneko345, CarlMinez, Clover Arizona

Art: anyare

First Code Drop story in a while! ^_^ Let me know what you think, folks.

  • Tempo