The Artaxes Family Part Two

Story by Daniel Artaxes on SoFurry

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#2 of The Artaxes Family

After the shower Ben and I went off to our room. We figured we would spend some time relaxing and playing some computer games and watching TV.

But no sooner did we get back to the room then Ben's phone starts to go off.

I hear him say, "hold on let me put you on speaker," as soon as he answers.

"Hey guys!" I hear our wolf friend Jake call from the phone.

I answer him, "Hey Jake what's up?"

There is silence on the line for a few moments and he hesitantly starts to respond, "Well uh, me and Allen wanted to know if... uh... 'the girls' could come over to play..." he says hesitantly.

Me and my brother both break out into laughter. We know exactingly what they are talking about, and of course they are referring to the two of us.

"Well I think they are busy today," my brother teases Jake, "maybe if you were to offer to do something special for them though, they might just become available..."

We both hear two distinct groans coming from the phone, they know we aren't just going to let them off easy.

"Okay, look we're desperate," Jake whines "what do you two want?"

"Hold on," Ben says into the phone before muting the call.

"What should we ask for? They want both of us so it had better be damn good!" Ben tells me.

I grin and nod, "Oh definitely, I mean everything should be back by tonight so I say we give them until then. But in return they have to be our 'puppies' for ALL day tomorrow."

My brother immediately gets a huge smile across his face, "your a genius bro!"

He immediately unmutes the call, "Okay boys, I talked things over with my sister, and we will be over in an hour. There are some conditions though. First, you get us from when we get there until our bits come back this evening. No holds barred, whatever you want. However, tomorrow your ours. All day. And you have to be our 'puppies.' Deal?"

We both giggle as we hear Allen mumble, "fuck," in the back ground.

After a long period of silence and just as Ben is about to goad them some more we hear both of them respond, "Okay, fine you both have a deal. But get over here quick, were horny as hell!"

We laugh and hear them grumble, Ben tells them "well you know we have to get rid of a few things first and that can take a while so we'll be over soon."

In the background we hear Allan cry our frustrated, "Can't they just use a fucking knife!"

We laugh even harder, it is so much fun teasing these two. Some might say it is just too easy, but we just say it's fun.

"No we are not using a knife!" I tell them, "Where is the fun in that? You will just have to be patient, you will get your revenge soon."

"You're damn right we will!" Jake says

We giggle and in his best girly, seductive voice Ben says, "see you soon boys," and hangs up.

We look at each other and grin, now the real fun begins because what the neighbor boys want is for us to nullify ourselves, (that's removing our cocks and balls) put on some girly dresses, and let them ravish us and treat us like the bad girls we are. Like we said though it's no fun just cutting them off! Some furs that have received the pain-to-pleasure treatment say that cutting off your balls gives you the best orgasm imaginable. I, and many others, say they just aren't being creative enough.

"So did you have any ideas bro? Maybe something long and slow?" I say to my brother as I come over and sit on the bed sliding up next to him and wrapping my arm around his shoulders.

"Oh I have been waiting for this and I have something you are going to love!" Ben says before going off and opening up our 'toy' chest (lets just say there are no cars, army men, or toy guns in there... well I mean depending on how you define toy guns...) and he pulls out a small wooden box and bring it over to the bed sitting back down next to me. Without saying a word he opens the lid to reveal 4 unused syringes with needles, and a bottle of clear fluid.

"I did some 'favors' for our dad Trevor, in return he got me this a few days ago. It's a special acid with nanites in it designed to painfully dissolve testicles and there cords but nothing else. It takes about ½ an hour to fully dissolve them and it keeps the nerves alive until it has destroyed all the other tissue in that area. We will feel every second of it until our balls are completely gone!"

My eyes go wide and look down at the box and then back to my brother before I give him a giant hug.

"You are the best brother ever!" I exclaim as he laughs and hugs me back.

"I knew you would like this," he says happily, "here let me fill the syringes and then we can inject each other."

I watch with bated breath as he carefully fills each syringe using the whole bottle. After he finishes he hands me two of the syringes and keeps two for himself.

"okay, ill inject you and then you do me." Ben says eagerly.

Without hesitation I lay back on the bed and spread my legs for my brother. It certainly isn't the first time we have injected things into our balls so my brother has no trouble slipping the needle into the center of my right testicle. I gasp loudly and groan in pain as my cock comes out of hiding and starts to harden up quick. All the sudden I feel the cool liquid pump into my ball and see it swell just a little before my brother pulls the needle out. I feel nothing but an odd sensation of the cool liquid in my ball so far. With out pause Ben slips the second needle into my left testicle and injects the liquid.

Seeing I am confused as to why I am not rolling around in insane amounts of pain my brother tells me "Oh there is a 2 minute delay to give you enough time to inject both balls and make any other preparations. Good idea huh?"

I nod in agreement as we switch places and I inject both of his testicles the same way. Doing both of us takes less than a minute so we shouldn't be too far off from each other when the grace period is up.

I start to get fidgety and butterflies in my stomach as I wait for the acid to kick in not knowing exactly when it will hit. Then out of the blue I scream bloody murder as the acid activates for my right ball, I barely catch my breath before I let out another scream of intense pain as it activates for my left.

When you hear people talk about acid they always say it is "eating away" at something. That may be what it looks like, but NOT what it feels like. It burns. In this case it feels like there is a small sun in the center of my balls slowly, very slowly, burning away the insides. On top of that the acid caused the nerves in the cords of my balls to react causing me to feel like the exact moment the foot connects with your testicles when someone kicks you in the jewels. You feel it all the way up into your stomach. Except it didn't dull at all, it stayed at that level the whole time. This is some of the worst pain I have ever felt, and because of the pain procedure the most insane pleasure too. As I am screaming at the top of my lungs in pain I also shoot my first load all over the bed and the carpet next to it.

Vaguely I can hear my brother right next to me as the acid starts to work on his balls but I am so caught up in my own storm of burning balls and intense orgasm I can barely hear his terrible screams. I am sure our dads can but they don't worry. They are use to us doing stuff like this and know we wouldn't do anything stupid enough that the nanites couldn't heal. They'll come check on us in a couple of hours if they don't hear from us.

Me? I am frozen to the bed, I can't move there is so much pain. Then I encounter a side effect of the acid burning away at my balls neither of us considered. Before my first orgasm even dies down another one rocks my body. All I can think is "oh shit" as I realize I am in for half an hour of multiple orgasms. I know that sounds great but paw off and then immediately paw off again. My cock was so insanely sensitive that after the third orgasm I didn't know what was worst the air against my exposed cock or the burning acid working away at my nuts. It was by far the most amazing, fun, painful and pleasurable experience in my young life.

I was in heaven, I mean I screamed like I was in hell the whole time, but really I was having the time of my life. I have no idea how much time had past but at a certain point I was able to move a little again. I used this opportunity to reach down and squeeze my balls to see how far along they were. This caused the acid to quickly shoot through more of the surrounding ball tissue causing even more pain as more of my little nuggets felt like molten lava. This caused me to orgasm yet again, I don't know how many times I had cum I at that point, and they had long ago gone dry, but I could care less, they felt just as good.

If you had been able to ask me during I couldn't have told you at any point if it had been one minute or one year. But eventually all good things come to an end and as my cords burned up into my body like lit fuses the pain finally came to an end. I just laid back on the bed for several more minutes as I recovered. I was scared to even touch my cock, the one thing that still felt like it was on fire after so many orgasms.

My brother's pain ended moments after mine and I reached over to stroke his head.

"You are the best brother in the world." I manage to get out as I gasp for breath my throat raw from screaming.

He just smiles and pulls me over for a kiss. As our tongues explore each others muzzles our paws feel up each others empty sacks. Slowly we break the kiss and just look into each others eyes, so full of deep love for each other, far more then just brothers, he is my mate, and I love him with all my heart.

"Well I suppose it is rude to keep our boys waiting, and we don't have much time to get really creative with our cocks." Ben says with more than a little disappointment. "But I think we can both use a snack now don't you?"

I chuckle a little and say, "I'm starving, who's first?"

"All yours bro." He says gesturing towards his cock.

I look it over and can't help but lick my lips, I know it is a little cliché but my brothers cock is worth it. To tease him I give one long lick up his cock with my powerful vulpine tongue causing him to gasp loudly. His cock was still as stiff and sensitive as mine is. Without wasting any more time I take the whole thing in my muzzle and use my lips to push his sheath all the way back until I am down to the root. Without warning I chomp down as hard as I can. My sharp canine like teeth tear into his flesh and the power of my bite breaks his baculum. With a powerful tug of my muzzle I tear his cock from his body. He screams out in pain as best he can with his voice still very horse from having his balls dissolved and tears stream down his face into his cheek-fur.

For my part I sit beside him and stroke his chest as I start to chew. I love cock, in my ass, in my muzzle, in my paw, but best of all chewing one up freshly severed. Its a little tough as meat goes but the flavor is like nothing you have ever experienced fresh off the, in this case, lion boy. I take my time chewing and savoring it crunching up the baculum as I go before finally swallowing the last of it.

"okay, your turn!" I cry happily, eager to get his own treat.

Ben wastes no time getting in between my legs. Of course he has to return my earlier favor of the lick with his rough little tongue. He takes his time though lapping all over my knot and cock as I whine and squirm around on the bed. Mercifully he finally stops, although I enjoyed the pain there is no way my body could manage another orgasm so soon. I watch intently as he takes every inch of my fox cock in his muzzle including my knot, which admittedly isn't the biggest.

Without warning I feel his sharp teeth sink into the base of my cock and I cry out. It feels like a hundred little razors just got pushed into the base of my cock right down to the baculum. My brother is still feeling playful though so he doesn't break my cock bone; instead he uses his teeth to chew on my flesh before getting it almost separated from the base. Then he bites down softly and yanks pulling my cock right off my penis bone. I howl in pain, lucky to have such a playful, horny brother.

After a breath I look over to watch him smile as he starts to devour my cock. I then look down to see my baculum sticking straight up out of my crotch. Now, there is no blood through all of this, the nanites seal off any bleeding almost instantly. But again I find the cool air of the room causing me pain as my super sensitive little dick bone screams in pain.

After my brother finishes chewing up my cock he looks me in the eyes with an evil grin, reaches over, and snaps my baculum off.

"FUCK!" I cry out as it snaps off sending more waves of pain through my abused abdomen and crotch.

My brother just giggles as he puts my cock bone over on the dresser, I am sure he will find something fun to do with it later.

"Okay," Ben says, "lets clip the odds and ends and use some of the nanite gel to get us all fixed up and smooth."

With that we both get to work quickly cutting off our sacks and sheaths, then rubbing a green goopy nanite gel on our crotches. The nanites in the gel are programed for just what we want, fix our crotches so they are nice and smooth with a peehole below were our balls were, and then in about 4 hours start to grow everything back and put us back together. That usually takes another 2-4 hours depending on size and species.

Our hour of prep time almost up we let our crotches heal as we get out our best miniskirt dresses and put them on, sans panties of course. The boys love these, white dresses with pink trim and a bow tied around the waste. We look like cute little sluts if I do say so myself.

Finally we are ready. We both look in the mirror, adjust our dresses, check to make sure we are all healed and smooth and then look at each other and smile. Time to go have some fun with the boys!