"Returning Flames"

Story by ZaneWolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of Returning Flames

Zane is just your average 'lone wolf', he's got his entire life figured out that is until he meets Loup D'argent and his life changes forever. Everything he thought he knew about himself he comes to realize was a complete lie, he'd been lying to himself and everyfur he knew. But with Loup's help he discovers himself in more ways then one.

Introduction: "Four Years Earlier"

*Zane's POV*

'Why can't I be like everybody else? Why am I so useless and broken?' Heya everyone the name's Zane, I'm a brown and silver wolf, I'm just your typical high school senior. I'm pretty much the social outcast of my school, always the one to be everyone else's doormat, it doesn't matter...I've kinda always been more of a 'lone wolf'. Sure I've got a shitty after school job, just something to help pay the rent. You're probably wondering, why the hell I've got rent? I'm still in high school. Well you'd be right if it wasn't for my mom trying to control everything in my life, at my old place I could barely shower after school without my mom bombarding me with a billion questions, so now I live in a pretty shitty run-down apartment on the edge of town. Not really the most ideal place to live, but my roommate is pretty cool so it's no big deal. So besides the shit job and rundown apartment my life sounds pretty good, I've even got a few scholarships that'll get me out of this town full of nobodies. The only problem is...I think I may like guys, now now now before you start spouting off the whole 'wow you're probably in heaven, seeing all those other guys in the shower after gym class' or 'Are you a top or bottom?.' Just stop right there, I'm still attracted to women and it's not every guy I see, just one or two that keep catching my eye. Usually I just ignore these stupid feelings, but I just can't get this one guy off my mind. Anytime I see him I just get weak in the knees...huh I sound like such a fag right now, but I can't help it...he's just so perfect. I just met him last week, kind of perfect timing considering we graduate next month, I really wanna get to know him but everytime I try to talk to him...I just get so tongue-tied. The damn guy even makes me blush, me a guy who's never cared about anybody a day in his damn life is blushing for some suave guy, he just laughs it off everytime I try to talk to him. It's so embarrassing I don't even know the guy's name and I'm falling all over him like a schoolgirl or some long lost puppy. What the hell am I so worried about? I'm not gonna let some attractive, well-spoken arctic wolf turn me into some love-struck chick. Tomorrow I'm just going to march straight up to him, introduce myself and get these stupid feelings off my back. Yeah that's it, we'll just become good friends and nothing else...I don't need no man cuddling me at night after a long day of work or-. Uh just forget it, I'll go to school tomorrow and get this stupid lovey dovey feelings off my chest once and for all.

I lay down tossing and turning trying to get some sleep, yet I can't get him outta of my damned head. I can't stop imagining what it'd be like, having his soft chest fur pressed up against my back, wrapping his arms around my chest, pulling me in closer with his soft paws. 'Damnit stupid sexy guy, it's just evening wood no big deal.' Forget this I'm going to get some sleep, and tomorrow I'll talk to that stupid well read, extremely attractive. 'Fuck it'. I'm heading to bed I can't deal with this shit anymore.