[Commission] Max and Kelsey After Scouts Fun

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Max Norton waited outside the local community hall for his friend. The day was warm and the sun hung overhead, blue skies and no clouds kept the kit very warm indeed. He had gotten out a bit early from his cub scout's meeting, and was still dressed in the green uniform, patches and pins covered the top. It was a forest green, and his shorts matched, the 8 year old fox kicked a rock on the side of the road, his hiking boots dirty from the excursion last weekend. Stable Hills had a few great areas to hike around, very quiet, very secluded as he found out with his friend more than once.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the wood doors of the old building opened up and girl guides of various ages and scouting levels came pouring out. Cats, rabbits, does, and finally among the crowd was a grey wolf. She was Max's best friend in the whole world, same age as Max too, they hung out a lot. She was wearing a similar outfit to the fox, forest green but with a skirt that came down to her knees instead of the shorts the boys wore. Max gave the girl a big grin as she walked down the steps. She shot him a dirty smile, angry that she lost the bet, but obviously glad to see the fox.

"Hey, Kelsey!"

The wolf rolled her eyes and joined up with the fox, walking together home, they lived in the same neighborhood so they walked together. They talked a bit, sharing tidbits about their day, looking around at the other cubs in the group as they started to go their own way.

After just a bit the two were a few blocks away from their house and on their own, Max did a quick look around them and held the wolf's hand. She looked over at him and smiled, and held his hand back. They walked down the street together, the warm summer air making them eager to get back to Max's house. They had been friends since they were toddlers, living close together and being some of the only kids their own age in their subdivision they quickly became friends. They were always in the same class as one another and many summer days were spent exploring the forests or hills near their houses.

As they got older, their bond only grew and the summer before first grade, they started to walk into dangerous territory...metaphorically speaking. Max could still remember the first time he saw Kelsey naked, they wanted to swim in a nearby river but didn't want to get their clothes wet. The first time he saw her, he got tingling he couldn't explain. After that, they never felt embarrassed to be bare in front of one another again. They ended up swimming in that river quite often, always being extra sure to keep their clothes dry.

By the end of the summer, Max's peen started to get hard at the sight of it and Kelsey got curious. That was the first time she had touched his privates, and it was amazing. Max had never felt anything like it before, unfortunately it only happened once more that summer. School started and that gave them so little chance to touch each other, but they found ways, hiding, trying to find secluded places so no one would know. Max was scared to death of the idea of his parents or her parents finding out. He had a funny feeling they wouldn't like it.

The first time he touch her, she was wet, he was worried that she had wet herself, but she insisted that she didn't. She was hot down there though, and he could tell she liked it when he pushed his fingers into her. During the school year, they discovered that if Kelsey rubbed his dick hard and fast enough he would shoot out white globs and it felt amazing. The first time was so messy! He accidently got some on her shirt but thankfully her mom didn't notice when she washed the laundry. This summer however, they took things to the next level. He had heard from friends that tongues can feel good too, and so could kisses. And so soon enough, the two of them were exploring each other's bodies, kissing their chest bumps and licking each other's privates. Max loved the way Kelsey tasted and often offered to go between her legs, even if it meant he couldn't feel kisses on his private. She never complained about it, in fact sometimes she held his head there. It was awesome, even if they were always watching their back, making sure no one saw them. It was all so worth it though.

As they walked Max snuck in a small grab or a daring touch on her butt or barely budding breast, the wolfess would return the favor by giggling and poking his side once or twice, running her finger down his chest once after making sure the road was still clear. The two worked themselves up quite a bit as they walked down the street. Eventually they came up to Max's house, but sitting in front was an...unwelcome surprise. Sitting on the steps leading up to the house was Kelsey's 5 year old brother: Ralph. He rolled his eyes and sure enough as soon as the little wolf kit could see them, he ran over, nearly tripping as he did so.

"Max! Max! Max! Come on! Come on! Play with me~"

He whined as he ran forward, stopping and trying to take Max's hand and lead him to Ralph and Kelesy's house. Max scratched behind his head and Kelesy gave an apology shrug.

"Sorry buddy, not today, I have uh...scout things I need to do with you sis ok?"

Ralph stopped being excited and looked down at the ground, "Awwwwww, you're always playing with her." He looked like he was gonna start protesting.

"But uh, look I'll play with you tomorrow ok?" he quickly blurted out, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

Ralph went from blue to excited in a fraction of a second, he held out his finger and put out his pinky, "Promise?"

Max rolled his eyes and hooked his pinky around the cub's "Promise, now get out of here, we can play tomorrow."

Ralph nodded quickly and ran off to his own house. Max breathed a sigh of relief. Kelsey kissed him on the cheek, "That was nice, now come on, let's have a little bit of fun alright?"

Max quickly nodded, his heart beating a bit faster, knowing what was gonna happen. He slipped into the house and called out, "Mom? Dad? Paul?"

His voice carried throughout the house, no one was home, perfect. He expected mom and dad to be gone, but his brother Paul was luckily out with friends. With giggles and excitement pouring into them, Max pulled Kelsey into the house, shutting the door quickly, lest the neighbors see. He gave the wolfess a quick kiss on the nose before moving his hand behind her head and kissing her for real. They opened their mouths and let each other's tongues taste each other. It was wonderful. With a smack, Max pulled away, already feeling a stirring below his scout belt.

They linger for just a moment, before they both began sprinting up the stairs, Max let Kelsey go up first, admiring the view of her panty clad behind. She was wearing a light blue and white checkered pair, it made him smile. They raced down the hallway to his room and burst into it. Kelsey turns around to meet Max and is immediately kissed, the boy's hands wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to him. His pants were mighty tight at this point, and the wolf girl was feeling heat between her legs. As they kissed again, both of their hands began to wander, exploring the other's body as they embraced each other. Kelsey's hand roamed up and down Max's back, as they kissed, pulling his just a bit closer. The fox's hand traveled up her stomach, and under her shirt. She wasn't old enough to wear a bra yet, so his fingers found her little nubs almost right away. She gasped a bit and broke the kiss. Then, she tugged her shirt up, taking it off. As she did so, Max followed suit, throwing his shirt across.

They looked at each other shirtless, admiring each other. Max's pants definitely had a bulge, which made the wolfess blush just a little bit. His smooth boyish body was in full display for her. His orange and white fur hiding the beginnings of lean muscle from all of the swimming, hiking, and walking the two did together. She let her eyes wander back up, looking back at Max.

Max stared at her body, definitely not the first time they saw each other naked, but it never seemed to get old. Her own body seemed so soft, so lovely. Her small nips were barely visible underneath her fur. She rivaled him in terms of muscle but it was lost under her fur and more feminine build. They stared at one another, soaking in the sight; Max briefly wondered who would make the first move.

Kelsey took the initiative and pulled her skirt down, letting it fall to the floor. As she stepped out of the pile, her blue and white panties were all that remained. Max quickly undid his scout belt, and once free whipped it across the room he was so desperate to get those shorts off. Kelsey licks her lips a bit as Max's scout shorts finally come down, revealing his briefs, bright red and tenting quite obviously with a tiny wet spot at the apex of it.

He walks forward again, tent riding up against Kelsey's stomach, their hands explore each other once again, this time fuller, rawer. Max's hand teased the band of Kelsey's panties, slipping fingers inside and grabbing the parts of her ass that peaked out of the cloth. Kelsey's paws were much more direct, with one hand grabbing that stiff, hot, rod and squeezing it, while the other wrapped around his waist. They stayed there for just a bit, kissing and feeling each other.

Max broke this kiss and backed up just a bit, falling down onto his bed back first, he huffed and panted, already very hot and bothered. His little dick pointing straight up into the air, trapped by that red cloth. He looked up at Kelsey and said, "Alright, I won the bet, we got out of cub scouts first, so you know what that means."

He gave his best friend a playful smile while she rolled her eyes, trying to hide how much she would enjoy this. "Alright Max, I'll do what you want, for today anyways."

She turned around for him, wiggling her butt a little as she put on a show for the fox. The boy on the bed stared on, unable to look away. Casting her gaze behind her at the fox, she slipped her fingers into her panty's waist and pulled them down a bit slow, bending over and raising her tail has she ran them down her legs. Max's length throbbed a bit as she bent down, giving him an amazing view of her tiny, tight, un....fucked, tailhole. It was almost like magic watching this for Max, the wolf's beauty was inescapable. As she reached the very bottom, her slit was revealed, beautiful, puffy, and pink. He wiggled in arousal as she stood back up straight, panties in hand. She held them up by two fingers and let the pair drop to the floor. Max was smiling so wide at the sight of the show; he could barely contain his excitement as he ran his eyes up and down her form. She was so perfect, so pretty, so...just amazing.

"Alright Max, you enjoyed the show, now it's your turn."

Max nodded, standing up again off the bed. His mind swimming with arousal as he did so, how did he get so lucky? He hooked his thumbs into his waistband, before pulling them down, exposing himself to his girl. His tip got caught on the band, so it bounced up and hit him in the stomach before evening out and pointing straight at the wolf. It felt so good to have it be in the open air, a tiny bit of pre dripped off the head of his cock, no doubt from being so teased and pent up. The small humanoid length was bobbing a bit, the same beat as his heart, hard as a rock.

The two cubs now naked, launched themselves at each other yet again. Their muzzles connected once more, hot heavy breaths were let off by the two of them. Max's length finding its way between the girl's thighs rubbing both the tip of his little prick and her slit. Kelsey took the lead in the kissing, gripping Max's head as he let his hands wander all around her. Rubbing her soft back, gripping her ass, and when they pulled away, rubbing them up her sides and circling his thumbs on her little nips.

Kelsey moaned very softly at this, pushing her chest out just a bit, enjoying the sensation. The heat between her legs became just a bit hotter. Max bent down just a bit, and started licking her left nip. Tongue twirling around that sensitive little nub. She shuttered as Max's hands wrapped around her back, overwhelmed from the building pleasure. Max smiled a bit as he gave it a kiss, and then moving onto her right one, thumb rubbing and circling her left as his hot wet mouth covered her second one.

She wreathed under his touch, it gave him a small bit of pride as he kept one hand on her side and the other rubbing just above her slit. He gave that nub one last kiss and moved way, gripping the very base of is dick and falling back on the bed.

Kelsey panted, a bit overwhelmed from it all, "Well....ok, that was...wow."

Max smiled and said, "Well, wanted to warm you up for the main event, you know that I get to request whatever I want right?"

He was still rock hard, but not wanting to build up any pleasure from his own paw, he kept his paw exactly where it was. The fox sat up, and hung his legs off the side of his bed. He pretended to think for just a second before making up his mind, "I want you on your knees here, sucking on this until I cum in your mouth."

His cock throbbed again just from those words, and Kelsey blushed, unseen beneath her fur. She nodded and without a word, dropped to her knees and scooted over to where he was. Her face was exactly level with her best friend's length. It was begging to be touched, to be grabbed, to be pleasured, and Kelsey was all too happy to oblige.

She reached her paw out and gripped the very top, Max gave a very short exhale and removed his own paw from his base. Kelsey always liked the way it felt in her hand. The warmth, that unique hard feeling, the way she knew she was making her best friend feel incredible.

She ran her paw down slowly, teasing Max just a bit as she slowly gave him a hand job...at first. Rubbing her paw up and down his shaft just a little, slowly, Max's brother coulda come home any moment, but Kelsey wanted to enjoy this. Her paw would squeeze the boy's tip as it reached the top, before crawling its way down again. Max tried hard to not thrust into her hand. She took her other paw, and started to fondle those little balls, hidden away in his sack. She wondered to herself if they had dropped yet, as she massaged that sensitive fur. The sac was soft, and her paw took utmost care to not squeeze too hard. She looked up at max and saw him with his eyes closed, and breathing heavy, knowing she was doing a good job, she continued.

There was a bead of pre forming at the very tip of Max's cock, clear, hot, and just waiting to be licked up. She bit her lower lip and asked, "Ok Max, you ready?"

Max opened his eyes and saw before him the most wonderful sight. His best friend, her paw around his dick, slowly jerking him off and looking up right at him, it was such a sight to behold. He said, with a shaky breath, "O-oh yea...."

Without waiting another second Kelsey stuck out her tongue and took a big, long lick on her friend's head. Max gasped and moaned, that warm tongue finally hitting his sensitive head made it explode in pleasure. Below him the wolf giggled and he panted out, "S-shut up....you're just too gooooooooooaaahhhhhhhhh"

Kelsey had started one long lick from the very base up to his head, this time circling her tongue around the head on the very tip, nearly pushing her tongue into his cockhole. Max groaned as she did so, that warm, wet, wonderful organ made him feel so good. He wanted to reach out and push Kelsey's head down, but after she started suckling on his head, and tonguing underneath his humanoid glans, he simply fell back and started to do nothing but enjoy himself.

Her warm wet tongue bathed his cock as she moved her head up and down, small bits of pre leaked out and were immediately swallowed up by her muzzle. He reached out and pet her muzzle as she did so. She smiled and gave his tip a little kiss. Her blue eyes looked into his and Max knew that she was enjoying herself too.

She worked her tongue up and down his shaft again, wrapping her long lupine length around it, but never getting it all the way in her mouth. She was teasing him! He groaned out in a little bit of frustration but didn't dare shove her muzzle down into his cock, he knew that she would get to it when she was ready. For now, he let himself be tortured by pleasure, always building up but never releasing. He felt her right paw on the base of his cock, squeezing gently, almost like milking it. They were light, but firm squeezes that made every lick of his tip even more unbearable. Her left paw was massaging his sack just a little, small rubbings and light touches that drove max absolutely wild. He was panting heavily, trying not to cum right in Kelsey's face. He felt Kelsey's left hand replace her right, and her right trailing down his leg, even as she continued to lavish his cock with attention.

It was headed between her own legs, her own slit going far too under-appreciated. As Kelsey's paw neared her own pussy, she took a second to take in just how aroused she was. The heat radiating from between her legs filled her hand, and she could feel a droplet of her own natural lubricant dripping onto her paw. The floor below her must have quite a few drops on it. She slowed down her administrations on Max's cock, and dipped a few fingers into herself.

She moaned around Max's shaft, pausing for just a moment as her first finger reached into her, rubbing her sensitive insides. Her paw was already soaked from just this, juice running down the middle of her hand. She slowly rubbed her own clit with her thumb, making her shutter with pleasure. Her tongue continued to bath that prick in front of her with all the attention she could muster.

Max felt his pleasure slowly ebbing away as Kelsey pleasured herself in front of him. The display was amazing, and seeing how she stiffed just a little before continuing to melt under her own, self-induced pleasure, was undeniably sexy, he knew it was time to take it to the next level.

He shakily spoke up, "K-Kelsey, if you're gonna do that, then maybe....you should help me out a little more?"

He shifted his body so his cock was pointed at her just a bit more. The wolf girl gave out a soft gasp of pleasure as she continued to dig her fingers into herself, and then pushed her muzzle forward. Her entire muzzle fit around the boy's eager length. It was nirvana for Max, the warm wetness of her tongue couldn't compare to the amazing feeling of being surrounded by her talented muzzle. This definitely wasn't the first time Kelsey's muzzle found itself wrapped around his length, but it certainly felt the best.

She sucked on his dick, bobbing her head very slowly on it, tongue still touching his sensitive tip. Her own fingers hard at work, pleasuring her own wet tunnel, girl juice dripped onto the floor as she desperately tried to get herself off, rubbing her clit and now with her other paw, using her fingers to rub her now sensitive nips, hidden under her fur. Max sees this, staring just a bit, but unable to concentrate much as his cock was sliding through Kelsey's muzzle. He decided to join in and began rubbing his own nips, small pleasurable sensations traveled up his body.

His fur was on end, his climax only moments away, he could feel it building and building. He reached out with a shaky hand and pet Kelsey, who's fingers stopped for just a second as he moaned out loud and lightly pressed her face forward into his groin. He panted heavily until he felt it coming, quickly he grabbed the pillow on the bed and pressed it into his face, knowing he'd be unable to contain his noises. He pinched his nipple just a bit and moaned out loud into the pillow, his pleasure pushing past his limit. His cock throbbed in Kelsey's mouth, who steeled herself for her treat. She looked up at him as the throbs gave way to spitting cum. The bitter, salty taste covered her tongue as the fox above screamed into his pillow.

Kelsey dug her fingers into herself, rubbing her g-spot hard as she tried to bring herself to orgasm along with Max. Pleasure ripped through her as her muzzle filled up with that warm, sticky fluid. Her paw was soaked with her own fluids, and she came close, but couldn't bring herself to orgasm before the fox's died away. Finally, the throbbing stopped and just a little trickle leaked out of the cock tip, a trickle that Kelsey eagerly licked up. She pulled her muzzle off of the boy's cock, muzzle still full with cum, and looked at the fox.

Max pulled the pillow away from his face and began panting, noticing the wolf was looking at him he met her gaze. Right when Max looked at her, Kelsey lifted her head up and dramatically, loudly swallowed his seed, letting it all flow to her stomach. She lowered her head down again and licked her lips, then giggled.

"Man, Max, you shot out more than usual."

The fox could only try to catch his breath and hollowly laugh with her, "I wouldn't have shot out so much if you didn't treat my head like a lollipop!"

He leaned back up and noticed the wolf girl's fingers still buried deep into herself, wiggling around herself. He smiled to himself and spoke up, "You know, if you want, I could take care of that."

He gestured to her dripping slit, the girl didn't even give an answer, just hopped up from where she was on the ground to on the bed next to Max. She put her paw on his back and pushed him onto the floor.

"Sure Max, now get to work!"

Max turned around to face her and saw her spread her legs open, the fur matted with her arousal. Her pick slit pink and hot with arousal. He licked his own lips and pushed his muzzle forward, running his tongue along the girl's leg, making his way to her wet slit. He decided to tease her just a bit, and licked above and around her slit first, lapping up all the arousal trapped in her grey wolf fur. She grabbed the pillow next to her, and squealed into it. Max felt Kelsey's legs push his muzzle forward, pushing his cold wet nose right into her clit, making her squeeze his head just a bit more as she moaned into the pillow.

Max gripped the outside of her legs and started to lavish that slit with even more attention, is tongue running up and down her pussy, the lips parting for his warm wet tongue. The wolf above him was not quite, or rather, she wouldn't have been if she hadn't been screaming her pleasure into the pillow she held to her face. He lapped at it, tasting her raw, untamed, wet arousal. She wiggled with each lick, his tongue going further into her tunnel as he gave her all the attention she deserved.

His paws gripped her thighs as he really began to dig in. His wet organ pushing deep into her as his face buried in further. Muzzle pressing up against her slit as his tongue hit a barrier. He knew what it was, and didn't want to break it today, so he swirled his tongue around inside her, which only made her squeal even harder, even louder into the pillow.

She started hyperventilating into the cloth as she felt her own orgasm building up, the threshold crossed. She screamed into that plush pillow as she pushed Max's face even further into her. Clenching and jerking as pleasure rippled through her. Fluids spilled onto the fox's face as she came, hard. Max could only hold his breath and try to pull away as her legs trapped him in heaven.

She squeezed his head as she calmed down from her orgasm, panting into the now very warm pillow. Max gave her clit a little lick which made Kelsey squeal and release Max's head, who flew back onto the floor.

He looked up at the wolf, who was now giving him a dirty look, but the fox could only grin like an idiot. She shook her head and spoke up.

"Yeah, alright, sorry for trapping you between my legs."

He climbed into the bed with the wolf, hugging her close to himself as they enjoyed a small afterglow. Enjoying just being with each other. Max ran his hand down her bare back and cupped her little ass, squeezing it gently. Kelsey just smiled and closed her eyes, placing her head on the fox's chest, tracing a finger around his belly button. They kissed a bit, their muzzles meeting and tasting each other. Giggling and exploring on another's fur. Max got a bit hard again, but the both of them knew they didn't have nearly enough time to start that up again. So instead Kelsey settled for wrapping her paw around his dick and slowly pumping, pleasing the fox just a bit.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, enjoying each other's presence. Then, they heard the front door open and close. Immediately they both bolted up and started looking for their clothes, wanting to get dressed before they both got in trouble.

Max lept off the bed and began searching for his underwear, panicking just a little, knowing that it was probably his brother downstairs. He would have heard his parent's car pull up.

He found Kelsey's panties first, he decided to take a minute, look over to her, and gave it a long sniff. She looked confused until he looked over to her and said, "Nowhere near as good as the source."

He gave the middle part of it a kiss and flung them at the female wolf, who rolled her eyes and started to get dressed. Max found his underwear and pulled them up. His little cub butt filled out the underwear quite nice. He gave it a small rub and a slap before getting his shorts on. He was hugged from behind by the lupine who embraced him tightly.

"Well, your technique has definitely improved, foxy."

He felt the bare chest on his back and took a single moment to enjoy the little afterglow they had. He patted her hand and said, "Come on, we really need to get dressed before my brother finds us, ok?" Kelsey nodded and found her scout's shirt, pulling it over her head she covered her bare chest. They both froze as they heard footsteps climb up the stairs and heading towards the room. Max had just barely gotten his shorts on when the footsteps walked past his bedroom and into the room next to him. The fox breathed a sigh of relief as he heard his brother's bedroom door shut.

He turned to the wolf and put his index finger to his muzzle, asking Kelsey to be silent, she nodded. Finally the two cubs got fully dressed, the smell lingered just a bit, so Max opened up the window, hoping the cooling summer air would freshen up his room.

They snuck downstairs, taking care to make as little noise as possible.

Max and Kelsey got to the front door, the fox took a quick peek outside to make sure his parents weren't pulling in. Thankfully, the street was clear.

The fox gestured to the wolf with his head that it was clear, she nodded and went out the door. Looking back she wanted to run back and give the fox a kiss on the cheek, but she settled for a blown kiss and a wink, heading back to her house across the street.

Max sighed happily, watching the wolf go, and closed the door.