Bruno - Part 13

Story by Krisnephilim on SoFurry

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#13 of Bruno

Well, you have waited for the continuation, and here it is. I'm currently developing another chapter to the story, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, please read, comment, rate, review and pass on. I'm very curious what you all think about the story so far :)

Part 13

How could I have let this happen...

It's all my fault. I screwed up the moment I left him in this god damned tower all by himself. How could I have not seen this coming? They've told me about Valek. I knew about the problems he went through, when I was gone. How could I have let this happen? It's all my fault. I left David as if those empty, dead corridors were the safest place on earth. And I've promised to keep him safe. I fucked up and I'm the only one to blame. Valek? I won't justify his actions but I knew that he was troublesome. He always was from the very moment my parents took him in. We aren't brothers from birth. His own folks died from a mysterious sickness and only years later, when we've managed to access our creators' technology, we were able to find out the real cause. Not that it could do them any good. It was then, we've also learned of Valek's condition.

He was always a bit different from the rest of us. Even though he was older, he looked weaker, smaller and in general meaning, inferior to the other members of our tribe. After he reached the age of 10 or 11 years, he suddenly changed. He became taller, more masculine. He towered even the largest boys from our small encampment. His sickish nature suddenly disappeared. Valek turned out to be the most healthiest of our whole group. After he changed physically, he also made a huge change in his character. From shy, quiet kid, all of a sudden, he became loud, sometimes aggressive and dominative. Some of the younger pups avoided his companionship, whilst others showed that they won't let him into their inner circles. He soon became isolated. My parents taught me better than to judge one based on his looks or behaviour. So I made sure, that he's not neglected by his family. Always took care of him and whenever he was down, I tried to keep him company. That was until I had to leave. When it became known to others that the surrounding towers of the ancient city were a bit more than relics of our creators, soon a search started to find out whatever happened to them.

As the most promising of the young generation of our kind, I was appointed to try and activate a portal that had sent me on my mission to find out our roots and bring back the truth. I was gone over 10 years. Valek was alone. I was worried about him. But I've promised him, I'll come back one day, and that he's never really alone. From what the others told me, my promise worked for a very brief time. After months of loneliness, Valek started acting out. He became restless, curious and caused some trouble in the tribe. Other groups didn't like him either and soon enough, he became the author of his own isolation. After some time though from what I've learned, he managed to settle. He found a female companion, who not only understood his uneasy character but also managed to calm him at times, when he turned more aggressive. He seemed to return the feeling. She brought him what no one else would or could. There was a time, when he started to be more welcome amongst others. And even though he was one of the largest and strongest members from of all our tribes, people started to welcome him more openly after they saw his change. It didn't last long. As his relationship with the female - I believe Seena was her name - evolved and both started to expect more from one another.

Trouble with Valek was that he was large. And I mean in every aspect of his physicality. Once he started to grow, he had outgrown everyone I knew. Even though I was considered to be one of the biggest from amongst all the males on the island - with little to none competition in terms of height and body musculature in the end, no one could compete with Valek. That turned also to be his curse. When they both went intimate, everything changed. Not only for him but for our entire tribe. No one saw him for days after what happened. Seena? From what I have been told by our elders, she never recovered. Unfortunately, the elders learned about the existence of the medical bay which appeared to be still working weeks after her wounds eventually turned fatal. She kept saying that she didn't blame him. Everyone thought at first that he had been too rough on her. That he did the damage to her deliberately. She claimed otherwise. I can't make any better judgement on this. I never knew her from before my departure. This I've never had the opportunity to talk to her. I also never had a chance to talk to Valek after my return. I was so focused on my mission and on making sure that David feels safe and cared for, I completely forgot about my brother.

After the accident, Valek was shunned by all tribes. They refused to allow him to participate in majority of their activities. He wasn't even allowed to hunt. His reluctance to talk about the event only made his case worse. Everyone started to believe that Seena's death was his fault and that he simply didn't care enough for her well being. Years of isolation, changed him beyond recognition. After my return to the island, I saw him once and only for a brief moment. He wasn't capable of even a single smile. "You're back brother". Those were the only words he spoke to me, when I ran into him near our village next to the central tower. I couldn't find him later. I wanted to but as I said - I was so focused on bringing the new found knowledge about our origins and the fate of our creators to my people, I couldn't make the time to think about him. Not with David around. David and Seth that is. Now we've lost our boyfriend. We've lost our partner, and I'll never be able to make it up to him.

Not after this - I thought to myself, as I was sat beside David's bed, where he slept peacefully. The damage done by Valek was obviously undone in the matter of minutes. The bio-bed made it's work without a second to waste. It was unusually long sleep. Even though the readouts showed that he was perfectly fine and there was no neurological trauma found, he wouldn't wake up. I made sure that he's left in peace as I visited him for the next two days after the incident. Valek was kept in old brig, where our ancient creators most likely kept their enemies intercepted in battles, they've must have fought back in their time. I couldn't find it in my heart to visit him and to look him in the eye. Not because of what he did. Not only because of this. Also because I felt partially responsible for what has happened. Heck - I was double responsible. I neglected Valek even after what I've found about his past, during my absence and because I also neglected David. I left him knowing of the troubles which affected my people. Bruno, you've utterly fucked up - I thought to myself.

After David wakes up, I'll have to figure out a way to get him back to his world and his people. He can't stay here. Even though this will probably break my heart, I can't let him stay in this place. He will probably make it easy on me. Surely he'll be afraid of every canine-looking creature, he'll run into for the next months, maybe even years. Rape is not something you easily get over. "Bruno?" - I heard a faint whisper from behind me. I was sitting on his bed, with my back turned towards the door, when he started waking up. I jumped off making sure that he sees my face and is able to recognize me. "Yes, I'm here David. How are you feeling baby?" - I asked briefly forgetting that I probably shouldn't refer to him in such manner. Who would be able to continue our relationship after what my brother has done? "Hi" - he smiles and tries to get up. He's not weak. He looks like he slept for a long time, and simply woke up. Like nothing ever happened. But it did - a thought kept on creeping at the back of my head.

"I'm fine" - he replied after a moment, when he realized, that he's in the Medical Bay. "I'm so sorry" - I started to apologise for the fact that I led to all this. "Why are you apologising?" - he stared into my eyes, obviously trying to understand my position. "I left you here all alone..." - I started to explain, but he lifter his hand, sitting up and gently stretching his back. "It's not your fault, Bruno. You can't be responsible for someone else's actions" - he offered as he started to get off the bed. "Are you sure, you're good to walk already?" - I asked carefully looking at his movements. I wanted to support him, but I hesitated when I remembered what he has went through. He noticed that. "Don't worry. It's okay to touch me" - he smiles and stretches his hand towards me. My eyes tear up. I never thought I will ever be able to hold him in my arms. He welcomes my embrace, and I can't control my reaction. My cheek fur soon gets all wet from the tears that I'm unable to stop from running. "I'm so sorry, baby. I was so worried about you" - I said, holding his small and so fragile body next to mine. I'm clothed. I want to show him that besides being his sexual partner, I also can restrain my sex part from our relationship. I wanted him to know that it's not the only basis, I've built my feelings for him.

"Stop being sorry" - he looked me in the eye, and moved his face towards me. We share a deep kiss, that I longed for so long. These were the longest two days of my life. I must admit, his absence was as painful as I could only imagine. "Where's Valek?" - he asks, and I can't hide my surprise at the sound of his question. "Why? Why do you care?". He moves away, still firmly holding my paws in his hairless hands, and seems to be judging me. "Have you...?" - he starts asking, but I shake my head. "I wanted to shred him into pieces. I wanted to spread his blood on the floor, but I wouldn't achieve anything but grief. They've had to put him together. I'm sure he had a couple of bruises and serious scratches. He's in restrains. You're safe" - I explained. He looked sad. "What is it?" - I asked uncertain at what he was thinking. He took a deep sight, and again turned his eyes towards me. "I'd like to talk to him" - he responds, courageously withstanding my surprised look. "What? Have you lost your mind? After what he did to you, you want to see him? You want to talk to him? About what?" - I could not hide my absolute shock after hearing his words. He seemed to expect that, so I explained the whole story about his past troubles during my absence. He listened carefully. Asked couple of questions, but remained mostly silent and allowed me to tell the whole story.

"That's why I think it's best if we talked" - he offered a very short and vague statement. "But why?" - I still didn't get him. "I want to understand. From what you said, he's been neglected, shunned and isolated for years. I simply wish to find out why he did what he did. I won't accept the story that he simply has a violent nature. That he can't take control of what he is. I want to know what he thought at that time, when he came over to me" - David was very determined about this. His mind was obviously made up. "You didn't talk to him afterwards, didn't you?" - he obviously guessed, and most likely my expression offered the best answer. "I can't believe that after all that he's done, your first thought is to talk to him" - I'm still very surprised, as we slowly walk the main corridor, leading from the Medical Bay. The tower interior is quiet and only a low hum from the advanced life support systems is heard between the sounds of our own steps. "Bruno, if you're thinking I'm going to see him to forgive him, or to have my revenge, then I must disappoint you. I don't plan anything apart from a simple talk. I have no plan apart from giving him an opportunity to honestly say, what he wants to say.

"What will that serve? It's not like there's any point as you're obviously not staying..." - I remark under my nose, and a short pause forces me to turn my head towards him. He's apparently very surprised. "What did you say?" - his expression makes me feel uneasy. "Well I thought that after all that has happened, you can't remain here" - I explained my thought. He shakes his head, and makes me feel even more uncertain. "Why on earth would you think, that I'd like to leave the island? Or you for that matter?" - I'm not sure what to say to this question. David continues to surprise me. And I don't even know what to expect from him. "David, you've been violently raped by my brother. I can't believe for a moment, that it hasn't left even tiny bit of fear to the thought of remaining here, after what has happened." - I offered a clear statement. "Your brother was the only member of your kind who assaulted me. And we don't even know his motives. This is the reason why I wish to talk to him. Parts of the story you told me about him, simply don't add up. First you said, he was restless, then a female partner managed to tame him, and after she dies, he turns back to alienate himself. Doesn't that show you a pattern?" - he decides to thoroughly explain his point of view, and I look at him no less surprised than moments ago when he first offered the will to meet Valek.

Valek is not the only potential threat to you. I admit, he might have been misunderstood, neglected and alone for far too long, and there might be some merit to the notion that he might be sexually frustrated to a point, when the perspective of release is too overwhelming. But that doesn't deny the fact that he has violated you. Against your will. He used his ability which he should only use when hunting on you, to make sure you won't be able to defend yourself. He obviously was deliberate in his actions and this is something that I personally see as enough evidence that he should be kept in solitude and lock up for good" - I'm starting to be a bit upset with how David is handling the matter, but I'm trying to stay calm and to understand his point of view. I'm obviously not very good at it. He comes over to me, and takes my hands. The look in his eyes suddenly strikes me with a feeling of confidence that he knows what he's doing. He asks me to trust him. I trust him of course, I'm just not sure I can trust my brother any more. And with this thought I listen to his words.

"I don't believe that further alienating your brother will resolve anything. And leaving him to rot in a cell for the rest of his days would be worse than putting him out of his misery once and for all. But since you have restrained yourself from taking his life, and your people won't let him interact with anyone, you must imagine what that must do to him? I simply want to give him a chance to show remorse. To provide regret of what he's done. If he is unable to give that, then I will turn my back on him as well. But after what you said about him, I feel like there's a lot more to him than we know." - David is very persistent with his point of view. And I must admit, that his words make my heart soften. I realize how much of a catch he is to me. How incredible being he turns out to be. If he's willing to show compassion to someone who hurt him so badly, his heart must be made of pure gold. I can't restrain my tears that show in my eyes for the third time in my entire life. I've never felt so much love for anyone in my life. And at the same time, I feel ashamed that I failed to protect him. And that I failed to protect my brother from harm. I can't help it. I take him in my arms, and hold him as closely and as tightly as I can. "I love you David" - I whisper.

"What did you mean by saying that Valek is not the only threat?" - David asks, as we walk into our chamber. I'm uncertain how to explain this. Before I'm able to gather my thoughts, the doors open, and Seth jumps at both of us, happy to see our love on his feet. The dog kisses David on the lips, as the young man holds his paws on his arms, and embraces his strong, bulky body. The dog wags his tail, and smiles panting loudly. This time though even though excited, he doesn't dare to attempt a mount on him. I know he understands what the human has gone through, and though his balls certainly require a release - as do my own - he doesn't even insist on any sexual activity. He's acting a typical happy puppy, seeing his human companion for the first time in forever, and it also grabs my heart. Damn, you used to be tougher - I think to myself, and a silly grin shows on my muzzle.

"What are you so happy about? You didn't answer my question" - David smiles, as he parts mouths with the dog. He licks his mouth from Seth's sweet saliva, and quickly swallows it. I'm starting to notice that David seems to be completely unaffected by what has happened and while it's something surprising, I feel a slight relieve inside me. "Well the thing is that if it's really as you think, that Valek's problems are caused with sexual frustration, to which he has no outlets... Then the situation is more serious than we thought" - I start hesitantly. He sits down near the entrance, while the large doors automatically close, and continues to listen. "Our population oscillates within the same numbers for at least a couple of hundred generations. I wouldn't be surprised if it was like this for more than we can remember. Either way the number of males within all our tribes is significantly larger than females. And while both remain constant, our reproductive cycle is a lot different than that of humans or canines for that matter" - I keep talking, and David patiently listens. "The thing is..." - I carefully look at him to monitor his reaction - "That most of our males are becoming more and more sexually unsatisfied. Unlike males, our women are very strict in choosing their partners, and since they mate for life, change in partners doesn't happen at all. This ensures the continuity of our population in sufficient manner, however our males need to find other outlets in order to feel fully satisfied. It doesn't affect all males, but as far as I know, their number has increased in the last generation" - I say, and this time, David has something to say. I have to give him credit in accurate observations. "Why won't your males turn towards each other? It's not like being gay seems like something bad amongst your species" - he offers a suggestion. "Normally it would be a perfect solution, and many of our men indulge themselves in long, monogamous relationships with others, but the thing is, that not everyone is satisfied in Greek sex" - I said, looking at him, as he allows Seth to lay his large head on his lap, sitting next to the boy. They both seem so happy in being close again. It's the most endearing sight I ever saw. I loved them both so much at that point.

"What about your tail holes?" - he smiles in THAT way, staring into my eyes. I respond in kind and offer a smirk before decide to answer his query. "The thing is, that because we are a hybrid of our own creator's DNA and our canine brothers, our digestive system is a bit different. While it works in the same way as yours, our anal passage... Well to say the least is very short and narrow. Whilst one would probably allow to be penetrated by a male with the length of a human male, it has very little tolerance for a hard and tough beating from a canine penis" - I try to describe the matter as thoroughly as possible, to make sure not to leave any details out. "Well, that's a shame" - David sighs with a bit of disappointment in his voice. "There's another problem" - I say before he assumes that's the end of the explanation. "Such as?" - he looks up to me again. "As offspring of predatory beings, we are incapable of overcoming our sexual urges at times. And also we are impervious to the effects or our pain suppression abilities. Even if any of our males would allow to be submissive in full, even if he'd survive the process without his ass being ripped into pieces to be put together by one of the bio-beds, he will still suffer greatly. You should imagine what it feels like after me and the unfortunate encounter with my brother" - I said trying to be careful in my explanation. He nods silently, and we sit like this for couple of moments.

"Will you take me to him?" - he asks with a gentle voice. This time I'm not eager to protest. Perhaps David can introduce a solution to the situation after all. "How many males have problems with their sexual frustration?" - David asks, as we leave our quarters. "I'm not sure. Two, maybe three dozens perhaps. I'd have to ask the tribe leaders" - I think out loud. "Hmm..." - I hear from him, as we walk the corridor.