Manifold: Chapter 4

Story by Aeturnus on SoFurry

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DarkTyrannomon travels further into the woods. His general won't like what he's about to report, and it's hard to know what'll upset him the most: the fact there's a human in the Digital World, or that he was unable to defeat the creature and a couple of rookie level Digimon who might be with him. He could keep the information to himself, but the punishment for withholding anything is just as severe. In the end it's best to tell the truth and deal with the consequences, whatever that might be.

The champion level Digimon sniffs the air. He's close. His general had them set up camp near a swamp a couple of days, and the area has served them well. Throughout the day they destroy every village they come across, and recruit reptilian Digimon. Those who don't join their cause share the same fate as non-reptilian. Their general decides when they move to a different location.

DarkTyrannomon takes everything in as he arrives. Close to half of the army is present, and majority of them consists of rookie and champion level Digimon. The only ultimate is their general, Megadramon. DarkTyrannomon makes his way towards the powerful Digimon with his head lowered and waits until he receives permission to speak.

"Megadramon. I've some news," DarkTyrannomon said. "I spotted a human."

"A human? In the Digital World? Impossible. Tell me you've taken care of it?"

"I'm afraid not. Two Digimon interfered and they got away."

DarkTyrannomon prepares for whatever punishment the ultimate Digimon has in store for him, but nothing happens. He looks up at the general.

"I should destroy you for your failure, but I won't. You'll show your gratitude by destroying this human and these Digimon. That better be the report I hear the next time we meet," Megadramon growls. "Take five of my soldiers and git the hell out of my sight. That should be more than enough."

"Yes, Megadramon. I won't let you down," DarkTyrannomon bows his head. "Any word from the other generals?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but they're doing things according to plan. Soon the whole Digital World will be ruled by us superior Digimon. Now git."


DarkTyrannomon orders four rookie level Digimon to follow him. They should be more than capable at dealing with a bunch of pests, but to make sure they're successful, there's one powerful figure he would like to ask. DarkTyrannomon walks up to a dark grey Digimon with white stripes on his back, tail and shoulders. There's a lengthy scar that runs across his chest. A silver helmet covers his upper jaw and head.

"Greymon, I'm in need of your assistance."

"And why should I go with the likes of you, DarkTyrannomon?"

"To do away with a human and some stray Digimon."

"Need help dealing with some weaklings? Heh, pathetic," Greymon cackles heartily.

"Will you assist or not?"

"I shouldn't, but I've grown bored raiding villages. I could use a good hunt, but know this; you've only one chance at leading."

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

"Of course you wouldn't. Lead the way."

Megadramon narrows his eyes when DarkTyrannomon takes off with his third in command, and to add insult to injury he only has himself to blame. He never gave the Digimon limits on who he can take. The ultimate Digimon thinks it over. Of course there's a chance DarkTyrannomon will succeed. Greymon is the best when it comes to tracking down and destroying Digimon who are on the run, and chances are a human won't be any different. A task DarkTyrannomon can't do on his own.

"You sure that's wise?" an armor Digimon asks.

"Hmph, only time will tell, Allomon," Megadramon said. "I'm not worried about the lack of soldiers."

"But putting time into searching for a being that may not be here?"

"I'd rather be sure versus not doing anything. I'd rather avoid dealing with Dorbickmon."

"Hm, good point. How do things look?"

"They're going according to plan. We reptilian Digimon control over eighty percent of the Digital World. At the rate we're going, we should have complete control very soon."


"You've word on any resistance?"

"Little. What resistance we come across are promptly destroyed," Allomon said.

"Good. Give those weaklings the same treatment they gave us long ago."

"Any other orders?"

"Go inform the others we move out tonight," Megadramon said. "Now leave, there's one thing I need to do."

The ultimate level Digimon waits until Allomon is out of earshot before activating a communication device on his wrist. An image of his boss shows up on a small screen within seconds, and gives him a brief report. Megadramon relaxes at how pleased their leader sounds, but knows that can change without warning.

"Dorbickmon, I've heard reports there's a human's in the Digital World."

"A human? Tell me you've dealt with this... pest."

"I've sent a small regiment. They should be more than capable of dealing with it."

"Good, but know if they fail, then it will be your duty to find him."

"Understood, sir."

"Then understand this: if you fail to destroy this human, don't think about hiding. I will find and destroy you myself."

The image disappears. Megadramon looks toward the direction DarkTyrannomon and Greymon ran off in. It's a good thing he never mentioned one of his troops has already failed. The ultimate Digimon turns off his device and pops his knuckles. Next time he talks to Dorbickmon it had better be to inform him of the human's doom.