Something in the Water

Story by KristinaFox on SoFurry

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Deep in the thick forest surrounding the small town of Rhodsfeld a hooded figure slowly made its way through the thick foliage, brushing aside branches and twigs as they caught on its hood. As the figure tread forth, the animals around it went silent as though they sensed a great evil in the intruder. A strong breeze tore through the branches, flipping the figure's robes up revealing a terrifying vision; taller than any man had any right to be it looked like a combination of man and equine

Its head was large with a long nose, its two nostrils large and steaming thin tendrils of smoke that lead up to its two large fist sized glowing red eyes. A sight farther down would lead the eye from its bulging chest muscles and abs to the blatant sign to the creature's gender; a long hanging horsecock with an equine ridge-crown that was over two and a half feet long and a half foot wide pulsing and throbbing in the cool night air. Beneath his cock there were two bowling ball sized testicles straining against his scrotum. The entirety of his body was coated in a semi-thick jet black fur.

"Hmm... now where was that reservoir? I don't think I can hold it in anymore.." The figure muttered seemly to himself, only for a second hooded figure, this one a much shorter man even by human standards with his robe sloppily secured, every step revealing his cock, jet black and, despite him being human, was an thick yet short very-unhuman equine member. "I-it is only another mile my master" The man stuttered, his cock throbbed violently between his legs from his master's words, his swollen gut making him moan and shutter especially when the great horseman reached forth and stroked it gently. "I know how it is my pet... but soon you will birth forth part of my grand army to take over this world. I'll give you your feeding as soon as the rest of your town has felt my touch."

His pet kept his gaze averted, careful not to insight his wrath. "Y-yes Master Equitius, I know they will see your light... I know they will help you claim this world as your own. Anything to feel your glory inside of me.." The two wandered through the forest until they reached a large dammed lake. Equitius threw off his robe, the brisk night air rippling through his fur while his dong swayed between his legs with a large droplet of pre-cum swelled and dripped down his shaft. "Come my pet, help me prepare the ritual."

His human follower eagerly tossed off his robe, his horsecock slapping against his swollen gut before he dropped to his knees, half blind with rage as he grasped his master's giant member and started to slather its length with his hungry tongue. While his pet worshiped his cock Equitius pet his head and looked up over the edge of the dam to the town beyond. "Soon... soon you shall all feel the taint of the demon Equitius. Take a good long sleep Rhodsfeld... it shall be the last sleep you know in a long time." The apparently pregnant pet below his demon master had gotten an impressive two feet of cock down his throat with his own member drooling precum while his red-glowing eyes rolled into the back of his head in pure bliss. The demon gripped the sides of the human's head, slamming the entire length down his throat while grinding his face into his thick hairy crotch while chanting dark spells, filtering them into his human vessel whose saliva seeped into the demon's pulsating nut-sack with its bowling ball-sized testicles that swelled as they quadrupled production.

All over Equitius' body blood red symbols glowed through his fur, growing brighter before his entire body became a shining beacon in the darkness of the woods. With a roar he slammed his pet out of the way and jumped twenty feet to the water's edge, one hand on his shaft and the other on the head of his prick. His testicles, now the size of watermelons, squeezed against his body as his cock pulsated violently before his urethra dialated and shot a torrent of tainted semen into the lake. He let out a gravely throaty scream as his hand roughly squeezed and pumped the expressed ridges of his horse cock while it shot out his seed, the milky fluid already mixing with the water, tainting the pure water source with his presence. When it had stopped from a torrent to a dribble he put his hands together and chanted a most ancient and evil spell; within seconds the water started to glow a deep shade of red before it reverted to a dark blue once more. Without needing to say a word the demon snapped his fingers and was soon joined by his pet, whose tongue soon cleansed the slow drooling cum-coated cock of his master. "Now my pet, lets see if the rest of your kind will be as interesting as you were.." he mutters as he ran his thick fingers through his insatiable pet's hair before pushing him to the ground and raising his ass in the air. The head of his cock stretched the man's hole before he started to pump about a foot inside of his body, each slow pump drawing exclamations of ecstasy from the pregnant pet below him. One hand reached infront of the man and stroked his large belly, his condition mattered little to the demon as he started to vigorously thrust into the tight confines of his asshole, globs of tainted seed lubricating his monstrous member as it was pumped in and out. The demon's gaze was ever forward over the dam to the small town, where soon he would find all the willing pets he could ever hope for....

  • The Following Morning -

A loud, obnoxious sound blared in the darkness, causing alot of cursing as a male voice fumbled for his alarm clock. After slamming his hand down on the silence button, he yawned and stood up in bed, groggily trodding into the bathroom. He had barely gotten any sleep thanks to his wife who still blissfully snored away, the mere thought of which deadened the perkiness of his morning wood. He sighed heavily, the two hadn't been intimate in a long while - he wanted to share marital bliss but she was frigid every night, her increasing weight certainly didn't help matters either. She had been a practical super model, but what was once pert and perky now sagged and swayed. As he turned on the faucet for a drink of water he failed to notice the tendrils of a red ink-like substance swirling around the cup as his thoughts focused only on his wife and the last time they had made love; it had been his birthday and she begrudgingly allowed him to pound dispassionately at her pussy while making painfully obviously fake moans of pleasure. The ink dissolved into the water before he had a chance to look, as well as drink, the tainted liquid.

"Ahhh! Much better!" The man exclaimed, the water tasting different than usual but very refreshing, before he had set the empty glass down his hand was already fumbling for the handle, spraying out another glass of the suspiciously delicious water. The more he drank, the better he felt, his grogginess replaced by alertness, his body inexplicably feeling better than usual. The most strange of which was a feeling around his groin, like the skin was too taught. A curious hand felt his crotch and felt his member had curled closer to his body, gaining more girth but losing length before looking almost like had a cocoon between his legs. The demon's taint proved a better fighter than common sense as he only shrugged and pulled his briefs back up, hiding them from his wife's annoying questions.

"JEFFEREY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?" A shrill, ball-shriveling voice called out from his bedroom. "I'm getting a glass of water CLARA, what are you getting so uppity about this early in the morning for?" He called back to his wife, another full glass in his hand; he reached up and was about to take another blissful sip when suddenly she cried out. "BRING ME ONE TOO! I'M SO THIRSTY!" Jefferey sighed and rubbed his temple, his head throbbing in tune with his crotch before he walked out into their bedroom and handed his wife his glass. Without even a word of thanks his harpy of a wife started glugging down the water. A swift sigh escaped her lips, before she froze, feeling a sensation similar to her husband, but centered around the insides of her belly. She was about to say something to her husband when a thought entered her mind, only one word: "Thirsty". She stood up and ran to the bathroom, her husband a foot behind her. She stuck her head under the sink and blasted it on full, suckling and swallowing every drop she could that splashed her in the face and soaked her body. Her husband bent his head down and followed her lead, their mouths pressed side to side as they both drank deep of the tainted water. A couple minutes passed before the two pulled their heads back, gasping for breath. Suddenly their gaze met and both of their hearts beating like mad in their chests, Jefferey practically pounced his wife, kissing her passionately with his tongue mashed against her flailing tongue.

Their bodies practically BURNED inside, their veins pumping beneath their skin. Jeffery felt an uncomfortable tightness in his cock, it had gotten twice as much girth as it had been before and was only three inches long, his testicles growing and bulging obscenely against his underwear. His wife felt much stranger sensations, her flabby body was starting to tone up, her large sagging tits shrinking in on themselves while inside she felt.. smaller. Almost like parts of her were shriveling away. She also felt an unexplainable urge to "push" something out of her. Her panties were soaked in her juices, her clit felt like it was a few inches long from the way it throbbed violently. She wanted to FUCK so badly, her body shuddering with a desire she couldn't explained for the life of her.

The two tongue-battled it as they back peddled towards the bedroom, falling backwards on the sheets and writhing against each other, their night clothes drenched in the faucet water. Somewhere in his mind, Jefferey knew this wasn't right, Clara had NEVER been this horny or passionate, the more he fell into the corrupting lust the less he could process as wrong even as he practically tore his wife's pajama top off to reveal her massive yet saggy breasts... only for him to find nothing but a flat muscly chest with a fine coat of curly chest hair. His hands ran through Clara's brilliant hair, parts of his mind screaming "No!" but most of it only feeling a growing sense of lust. As he stroked her, she didn't seem to notice any change, only panting hard. "Oh Jefferey! I feel so hot down there... ravage me!" Her husband was only too happy to oblige, tugging down his wife's panties that were soaked with her juices he was greeted by a five inch clit, throbbing madly from outside of her hood. Her pussy had never been the neatest looking but it looked far worse now; her labia was long and saggy, like someone had split a scrotum open. A steady stream of ooze dripped from inside of her, Jefferey's mind cried out something was wrong but he was too mesmerized by that throbbing clit, he took it into his mouth and suckled it down, his tongue swirling around it while his fingers played with her cunt. His addled mind also logged that her passage felt much smaller than normal, like it was shrinking with every breath his wife took.

"W-wait, stop, I.. I..." Suddenly his wife let out a terrifyingly erotic moan, her body tensing up as she spread her hips wide and pushed with her muscles. Unheard by her husband a strong, masculine voice whispered encouragement in her ear. "Yes, keep pushing, become what you are destined to be..." Her voice became hoarse as she muttered utter nonsense, her face turning beet red as she pushed with her muscles, the sudden pressure of her vaginal muscles forcing her husband's fingers out along with a small gush of her fluids. Her husband froze and leaned back, his gaze stuck on her changing crotch. "Honey what..." He muttered before seeing something orb-like spread her wife's strange vaginal lips before it plopped out, inverting her female sex into a taught scrotum with one billiard ball sized testicle resting inside which was soon joined by another.

Clara gasping and panting below her husband; her new scrotum tighting up while the tip of her clit sprouted a hole and started to leak a thick clear liquid while her metamorphasized organ throbbed. Every throb seemed to engorge it, rapidly gaining girth as well as length while the color of her clit turning from pink, to pinkish red, to red, to crimson and finally turning black. Her husband couldn't resist his urges, his hand encircling "her" cock, sliding up and down her drooling length while his own transformed stub of a cock throbbed and dribbling precum down his thighs.

As he leaned down, his mouth hungerly swallowed the shifting shape of her cock, a thick buldge appearing in his throat while it bobbed up and down. Clara let out a ragged, much more masculine moan than the high pitched feminine squeals she had been making. Her hand, no longer dainty, gripped his head and pushed him further down her monsterous length trying to get every inch of her foot long cock down his gullet. Tears welled up in his eyes as he gagged, the crowning ridge of her beastial equine cock forming while it scrapped the inside of his (previous) virgin throat. A loud snarl escaped his "wife" before she bellowed "Enough!" and shoved him off, the thick head of Clara's cock popping wetly from his stretched lips.

Jeffery fell back, globs of saliva dribbling down his dazed face. "What, but I tho..." he stammered, before being cut off by his now masculine wife tackling him onto his back, grabbing his shoulder and harshly reversing him onto his hands and knees. "Shut up and stay still, I'm not wasting my seed on that stupid mouth of yours..."Clara hissed at him, her hands clenching his sides while the head of her prick pressed against the tight virgin asshole of her husband. "Clara, I don't know about this, we need to go, we need to get he-AH!" Jeffery started to say, before being cut off by a harsh thrust of his wife's thick equine cock entering his body.

His "wife" grasped his neck, choking him as he pushed every inch of his saliva coated cock deep into his "husband" while he hissed again at him. "Do NOT call me that. That's not who I am anymore, my name is Carl now, and you're gonna be my little FUCK toy wife now...." Carl's cock retreated inch after agonizing inch until the head popped free, only to be rammed balls deep inside of his fucktoy wife with loud sloppy wet sploshing noises.

Jeffery could only gasp inbetween chokes, nodding his approval as Carl rammed his cock in and out of his body. Between his legs, he only had the head of his cock left, formed into the very thick head of an equine with the eye drooling thick drops of precum. His balls were pulled taught against his groin, throbbing and pulsing in their sack. Everytime the head of his now husband's equine cock punched and scraped against his swollen prostate an intense twinge of pleasure shot through his body, making him tense up his anal muscles much to his husband's pleasure.

"Y-yeah, you like that don't you, you fucking cock loving whore? Bet you're gonna BEG me to fill your slutty cock hungry hole with my come aren't you?" Carl teased, speeding up his pace as he feels his wife's ass tight anal muscles milking his intense length. "Oh God, yes Carl, please, I'm your little whore! I'm your little slut wife! Please fill me up with your godseed! Please make m.." Jeffery's mind went blank mid lust crazed rant, his mind conjuring an image of a being even more glorious and masculine than his husband. It had thick black fur, a horsehead and a cock twice as glorious and thick as Carl. What caught his attention was the way his god's swollen sack swayed, the coal-black veins throbbing around his testies. He knew what he wanted would be made real by the seed contained within... " swollen with your soldiers, I'll be your broodmare!"

Carl's eyes went wide as he saw a vision of their new god. His body stiff as his sack pulled towards his groin as he screamed in his first male orgasm, thick streams of his cum spewing into the bottom of his wife. His wife's declaration of desire to be a broodmare for their lord drove him over the edge. As his bowels were pumped full of thick creamy seed Jeffery felt his own miniscule member erupt in a gyser of come. His crotch coated within seconds while his husband's excess seed escaped the tight seal of his ruined anus and flowed down in rivets over his pulsing sack.

The two lovers collapsed into a pile, both panting hoarsely in exhaustion. Carl lets out a loud groan and rolls over, a loud pop echoing through the room as the head of his horsecock escaped his wife's ass. Jeffery turned over and cuddled up to his husband, shivering as he felt the steady steam of cum dribble out of his gapped rear. "I- I love you Carl" he panted as he cuddled, kissing his lover's neck. Carl's eyes were closed, rubbing his wife's side as he relaxed in the after-glow of their first "real" copulation. Their rest was short lived however as they were both alerted to the sound of hooves scraping the wooden floor right infront of their bed.

Suddenly before them stood the hulking beast they had both seen in their visions. Their visions hadn't done it any justice; he towered over the bed at 8', thick tendrils of smoke trailing out of his equine nostrils. Their god had arrived....

(To be continued....)