Rudolphs Replacement

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Rudolph is sick. Who can cover for him?

This story was voted on by my Patreon's. While this month's story has already been determined, join now so you can vote for next month's!

December 23rd was often regarded as a holiday on its own known as Christmas Eve's eve. Mary had spent much of the past month decorating out her trailer full of lights, tinsel, and a large tree. The only thing she lacked, were presents for other people. She was rather greedy- each year she barely spent a dime on anyone, she didn't even bother with homemade gifts, or offer to help set up any parties. It was a holiday to Mary, she wanted to relax, and relax she did. The trailer wasn't exactly the most 'spiffy' place to relax in, but it was what she could afford when she lived alone.

For the time being, Mary sat in her recliner and watched Christmas episodes of cartoons, just for the sake of it being the holiday. She wore a simple black shirt and pajama pants, she didn't bother dressing fashionably when she had little intention of going outside. She was fairly average in appearance too with her fair skin and B cups, her blonde hair was in a bit of a mess though, she hadn't bothered combing it today.

Mary didn't get a lot of time to settle in to watch television, she heard the door knock, and a loud 'ho ho ho' coming from right outside of it. Mary was well aware that this was the time of the year people would dress as Santa or the Grinch and steal things, so she was already suspicious. Regardless, Mary got off her recliner and opened up the door, but she kept her hand on the door itself, just in case she needed to slam it on the guy.

Sure enough on the other side of the door was Santa, or at least a very good impersonator of him. That red nose, his hat and clothes, as well as two big black boots, along with his weight and white beard, the man unmistakably looked like Santa. The beard this person had looked quite authentic too, if one looked close enough, they could see the beard was completely natural. "Hello there. I'm looking for Mary, is that you by chance?" he spoke with a huge grin on his face, while his hands covered with red mittens held onto what looked like a long list of sorts.

"Depends, are you here to rob my house?" Mary asked, with a grimace on her face. Sure, this Santa looked happy and genuine, but she had heard enough stories to not believe in such things. The noise of hooves in her driveway was enough to make her try to peek around him, but he was taller than she was, and he was definitely wider than she was too, so she couldn't get a decent look.

"I don't rob houses, I deliver presents." He replied, with a 'ho ho ho' laugh. "I'm here for a special reason, but first thing is first, I know you doubt me, so perhaps you'd like me to take the time to convince you that I am the real Santa." The man stepped aside. "Would you like to see my sleigh?"

Mary put her hands against each side of the doorframe before she glanced outside. Right on her driveway she saw a sleigh, and a total of eight reindeer in front of it, all attached to the sleigh. There was a rather large empty spot in the back of the sleigh too, about the size of a bed, but a good foot plus deep, while the center of the sleigh where people sit, had enough room for probably two or three people. She couldn't believe such a thing was right in her driveway. Sure maybe another car, but not this. "That's unreal. What are the reindeer made from? They look so genuine."

"They're made of bone, flesh, and organs, the same as you and I." The man leaned down and nudged Sara lightly with his elbow. "They have a little bit more fur though." He added quietly, with a chuckle. He leaned back up, and held out a gloved hand. "Care to walk with me to the sleigh?"

Mary just couldn't take her eyes off the sleigh. She still couldn't believe it, but those reindeer looked real, they acted real, and if she got close enough, they probably smelled real. Was this guy really Santa? She swore Santa didn't exist and that he was just made up for stories. She looked up at him, and then at the sleigh. "I guess...just let me get my coat."

"A little Christmas magic and you won't need your coat dear." Santa said with a grin. His gloved hand grabbed onto Mary's hand, and he pulled her away from the door. Despite being, what many call, a fat old man, he had quite a grip. "And you won't need shoes, either."

Mary wanted to yell at this Santa as she was pulled away from the door and outside, but when she was outside, she actually felt fine. She didn't feel cold at all, and she glanced down at her feet that were now on the stairway, her feet were perfectly fine too. She didn't feel any sort of coldness from the wooden stairs, nor could she feel splinters or the ilk, either. It was unbelievable- but maybe this was a dream. That had to have been it, she thought. Dreams didn't have temperature control, or feelings. Maybe this was just a VERY lifelike dream. Mary walked over to the sleigh, and then turned to Santa. "So, why did you come see me, again?" If this was a dream, she may as well think of this man as Santa.

Santa closed Mary's door, and walked up to her. "I want to take you to the North Pole. I have a very special project I need to do up there, and I need assistance to do it. Because your name was selected randomly, you're the one that's going to help me out with it, if you don't mind, of course." Santa said with a jolly laugh. He walked up to the reindeer and stroked the back of one. He then walked back to the sleigh, and stepped on inside of it. "I guarantee you will enjoy it, and I'll make sure you're home in time for Christmas."

"Well, randomly selected is better than 'watching me' for a reason, I guess." Mary shrugged. She had no pets at home to take care of, and she already took time off of work up until Christmas, and the day after too. Not to mention the most important detail- she still passed this off as a dream anyways. "Fine, why not." She took a seat in the sleigh, although she kept a safe distance from Santa. "Any seatbelts or anything in this thing?" she glanced down and saw nothing of the sort on the padded seat.

"Magic will keep you safe." Santa replied. He took the reins, and shouted. "Let's go-ho-ho," and like that, the reindeer ran. However, it looked as if the reindeer ran in place, but the sleigh slowly lifted upwards.

"Right, magic," Mary rolled her eyes. She turned to the side, and watched the sleigh slowly lift off from the ground. It was an amazing sight to see, even if she still passed it off entirely as a dream. "You also didn't shout all the reindeer names." She added, without even a glance back at him.

"Would that be too cheesy?" Santa turned to Mary, a grin stuck on his face. "I could if you REALLY wanted me to." He turned back to the reindeer as the sleigh continued to rise higher and higher- in mere moments, it was higher than a one story building, and it continued to rise up above and beyond that- higher than three stories, then ten, they were rising so high that they soon reached the clouds, and rose just above those very clouds before they finally stopped.

"No, it's fine." Mary said quietly. Her eyes widened as they rose up so high in the sky. She figured maybe that Santa would have been tired of shouting all of their names repeatedly- if he really stopped his sleigh at every house in the world, or at least the ones with children, then it would become a hassle to repeat the eight reindeer names. "But question...aren't there nine reindeer?"

"There are a LOT of reindeer back at the stables, more than the ones you hear about in the stories I'm sure you're aware of, but you'll get to see them all for yourself soon enough." The reindeer continued to run in place, and the sleigh then began to move forward. At first, the pace was fairly slow, a good walking pace, but then it picked up to a running pace, and slowly accelerated upwards from there. The clouds underneath them looked like a soft white ocean, while the stars of the night sky surrounded them from the other sides, as well as a large full moon up above.

"But I mean like...where's Rudolph?" Even in her dream, Mary imagined Santa with nine reindeer- Rudolph in the lead. She tried to imagine him and hope he would appear, as if she wanted to control the dream she thought she was in, but nothing appeared in front of the eight reindeer. She could only make out their backs and nothing else in front to lead the reindeer.

"Back at the stables of course, why? Santa held onto the reins with one hand, while his other wrapped around Mary's back. "You want to see the most famous reindeer of all?" The reindeer continued their charge, yet the only thing the two of them could feel were the warm winds that blew in their faces, surprisingly warm given the altitude, the speed, and the time of year.

Mary didn't say anything about the winds. The winds felt incredibly real to her. It was still strange enough to pass it off as a dream, even if the wind felt so real, and the seat of the sleigh, and even Santa's breath that smelled of peppermint. "I mean...if you have a lot more reindeer and if you wouldn't mind showing me. I'd like to see everything you can show me." She might as well see everything there was to see at North Pole, or at least, the one she thought of since she still figured she was asleep, but this was an incredibly convincing dream.

"You'll see it all, I promise." Santa's gloved hand gently stroked Mary's back before it went back to the reins. The sleigh started to lower from the clouds and reveal the Earth below, and just how far they had gotten so quickly. The two had already reached the North Pole, but it wasn't quite the desolate land of snow and ice that one might imagine. Mary and Santa currently flew over what looked to be a tiny town in the North Pole. The houses looked about half the size of a one bedroom home, but they were built to have two stories. Snow covered the rooftops and the ground, but a clear path lined up the houses, and a larger path seemed to serve as a road. Christmas lights lit up the various houses, and along the roads, as if to function as a guide for anyone on those very roads. Up beyond the houses was a giant factory painted with streaks of red and white. The factory itself measured a good ten stories tall, and measured longer than five houses wide. The factory looked festive with the various lights that lit up the windows, including an oversized Santa hat on top of the entire factory too. One side of the factory had what looked like a brown building that almost resembled an apartment in both size, and length, but it lacked the windows, and it appeared to be made out of straw and wood, rather than brick and cement.

Mary was amazed at that little town. She was even more amazed at the giant factory. If she was dreaming, it was just getting more and more unbelievable that her mind might even think of the North Pole as such things. She could tell that elves lived in the town, and based on one part of the factory, that was likely where all the reindeer lived, but one question still remained. "Where do you live?"

"That is a Santa secret, trademark and registered." Santa replied with another one of his famous jolly laughs. The sleigh continued to descend and it started to slow down as it approached the brown building that attached to the factory. "First thing is first; let's show you all of those other reindeer."

Mary was curious as to why Santa dodged such a question, but she didn't delve too much into it. Maybe Miss. Claus was too shy. "Alright," she said with a shrug. "I take it we're going to see Rudolph in there?" Santa's workshop still looked so surreal. The town itself resembled a Christmas town that Mary might find in countless books about the North Pole, but not the factory, and certainly not the building connected to the factory. The sleigh slowly lowered onto the soft snow right next to the large building.

"Oh my yes, I believe I already told you he was in the stables, and these are the stables." Santa said as the sleigh landed softly on the ground, and the reindeer slowed their run into a walk, before they finally stopped when they landed on the snow. Santa got out of the sleigh, and offered his white gloved hand to Mary.

Mary took Santa's hand and got out of the sleigh. She then looked at the entrance to the stables, and noticed it was two large swinging doors one might see in an old western, but three times as wide, and two times as tall. She imagined it must have been freezing in there, but then again, she still felt quite warm despite how she was in the North Pole. It was all the more to convince her that this was a dream. She let that thought go though and together, Santa and Mary went inside the stables.

The inside of the stables looked almost like the inside of horse stables, and an apartment hallway combined. Straw littered the floor with wooden paneling underneath, while wood walls made both the sides, and the ceiling. The path was rather straightforward, with swinging doors to the left and right of them. Next to the swinging doors was a gold plate with the name of the reindeer that lived behind those swinging doors. At the very end of the stretched path was an elevator and a stairway that led up to the upper floors which were designed much like the floor Mary and Santa were on currently.

"Rudolph is on the third floor, fourth swinging door on the left." Santa explained as he escorted Mary down the long hallway. "There's room for about eight reindeer per floor as you can see, and with three floors I have a total of 24 rooms, and about 14 of them are occupied with reindeer."

Mary knew the names of the main reindeer Santa had. As she walked by the various stalls, she recognized many of those names, but other names didn't sound so familiar. "Who is Donna?" she asked, as they passed by the stall with that name. She could make out the sounds of Christmas music on the other side of the swinging doors, and the smell of gingerbread. It drove her curiosity to see just what was on the other side of those swinging doors in this building, but she was going to find out soon enough, she could wait.

"Donner's wife, I'm not sure if you know, but she's also Rudolph's mother." Santa replied to Mary. The pair walked up to the elevator, and Santa pushed the up button. In a matter of seconds, the elevator arrived. It looked like an elevator from a factory with a large flat platform and large fenced in area, rather than walls that a normal elevator might have. The elevator didn't even have a roof over it.

Mary stepped onto the elevator platform and glanced around at the wooden walls that surrounded, not the elevator, but the elevator shaft. She looked up at the wooden ceiling in that shaft, and then on the platform they stood on. "How does the elevator go up and down? Is there something underneath that's pushing it?" She was completely unfamiliar to how these kinds of elevators worked. Combine that, with how she didn't see any ropes or mechanics anywhere along the walls in the shaft, and it was a wonder how the elevator managed to remain stable to begin with.

"A little Christmas magic," Santa stepped onto the platform. "And of course the proper mechanics placed underneath the elevator, instead of above." He turned from Mary, and glanced at the elevator entrance. Santa stomped his boot three times, and the two large gates closed, locked in place automatically, and the elevator raised up.

"Wait, you didn't even press a button to say what floor we were going to." Mary wanted to grab onto something, but for such a strange elevator, there was nothing to hold onto, except for the elevator entrance, but the entrance gently shook when the elevator moved. "How does the elevator know," Mary paused for a brief second. "Let me guess, Christmas magic?"

"You didn't hear me stomp my boot? Reindeer can't exactly talk, so we had to find alternatives to make the elevator go up and down. One stomp for the first floor, two stomps for the second, and...well you get the idea for the third." Santa reached down and pulled up his belt casually.

The elevator reached the third floor fairly quickly, and the gates opened up to reveal a hallway that resembled the first floor nearly identically, except at the end of the hallway was not the entrance, but a small window that showed the snow outside. The smell of gingerbread was quickly replaced with the smell of mint.

Mary was still amazed at the smells. She still didn't feel cold, nor did she feel hot, but the smells, and the feeling of the wood as Mary went out of the elevator, felt so real that she frequently questioned her mind if it really was a dream. She had conflicting thoughts that told her it was, and that it wasn't, but she wasn't sure what to think about it all. " we knock on the gates before we enter the reindeer doors then, or what?"

"Well it is courteous, but you don't HAVE to. It's not like they have anything to hide." Santa gently knocked on the door, and then swung it open. "The reindeer are already naked, after all."

Beyond the two swinging doors was what looked like a studio apartment made out of wood. The floor looked like it was also made out of straw, and it felt bouncy for a floor too. The entrance led to a tiny kitchen, while beyond that was a bedroom the size of a living room. A reindeer laid on the bed, but it wasn't a normal reindeer, like the ones that pulled Santa's sleigh, this reindeer was an anthromorphic reindeer, it had the skeletal structure of a human, but instead of a normal human it had two large hooves for feet, and thick brown fur that covered the rest of their body. It was hard to see his body underneath the blanket, but his head was shaped outwards a bit like a muzzle, but about as wide as a human's was. This particular reindeer also had a bright red nose instead of a pitch black nose. Next to this reindeer's bed, was a vaporizer that hummed quietly, and a small square box that seemed to be the source of the peppermint smell that filled the hallway earlier, if only because the scent was intensified in this room. There was a television on the other side of the bed that played Christmas shows out of all things, and this reindeer watched it, while he let out a loud sneeze, and a hacking cough.

The reindeer grabbed a Kleenex and blew his nose with his three fingered hooved hand before he waved to the two that entered. "Hey Santa, who's your friend?"

"This is Mary." Santa said with a slight bow to the reindeer. Santa turned to Mary, with a half frown on his face. "Mary, this is Rudolph. As you can tell, he is fairly ill. I'm pretty certain his illness doesn't cross the species line, so you should be totally safe. I still understand if you'd rather not get too close because of that, though.

Mary was absolutely baffled when she saw this reindeer. Of course it resembled Rudolph, at least that big bright red nose, and the reindeer body, but the anthromorphic form completely threw her off. Were all reindeer Santa owned capable of doing this? "I uh...hi...sorry you're not feeling well. Santa is just kind of...showing me around."

Rudolph nodded at that. "Of course, of course, I heard Santa was going to get someone to help him out this Christmas." He turned from Mary, up to Santa. "So, I take it I get my chance when I'm all better then?"

Santa chuckled at Rudolph's question. "Certainly," He looked down at Mary. "So as you can see, I am in a bit of a bind here with my lead reindeer being sick. If you wouldn't mind helping me with the special project I mentioned earlier, it would really help me out."

"Uh..." Mary looked at Rudolph with a raised brow. "Do you want me to like, pamper him or something?" She had to admit that Rudolph looked like he was in pretty good care. She wasn't sure if he took medicine or the ilk, but she imagined that he likely would have, especially if he had so much stuff to already help him.

"Oh ho no, come right this way." Santa stepped out from the stall, and led Mary to one of the stalls farther back. Inside the new stall was a layout that resembled Rudolph's stall, except it simply had a bed, kitchen appliances, kitchen cabinets and nothing else. Even the cabinets in the kitchen and the fridge were quite bare, and the bed was plain.

Mary followed Santa to the new stall, and raised a brow when she got there. The stall resembled a studio apartment, much like the stall she was just in, but this one looked almost as if nobody had yet moved inside of it. "I don't get it. Do I sleep here for the night?" Mary recalled that she was going to be home by Christmas, and by now it was probably Christmas Eve, somewhere around 4 A.M if she had to guess the time.

"Well, now that we're here; what I don't need is someone to pamper Rudolph, what I need is someone to be his replacement. A replacement Rudolph, if you will, perhaps one that sticks around after this Christmas, in case this should happen again."

"Uh..." Mary stepped inside the stall, and turned to Santa. "So wait, why am I here then? I'm not exactly a reindeer."

"No, but that can be fixed. You'll be the newest reindeer. You can help guide my sleigh, and then you can help out with the elves and the present wrapping when you're not doing anything else, the reindeer and elves will greatly appreciate your help."

"You're going to turn me into a reindeer with Christmas magic?" Mary was confused by that. "And I thought you said I'd be home in time for Christmas, I don't intend on sticking around here longer than I have to."

"I won't be turning you into a reindeer. The others will, with their reindeer games." Santa turned to the stall doors. "And this is your new home. You've been on the naughty list for far too many years, it's time you start making up those years by serving under me." He chuckled lightly, his infamous 'ho ho ho' couldn't be picked up. "I'll return when you're finished, have fun." With that, Santa pushed his way out of the stall, and left Mary alone.

Mary found that hard to believe. Santa went from jolly and nice, to telling her that she wasn't leaving. She turned to the doors with a grimace, but she saw that Santa had already left. She marched her way to those double doors, and pushed on them to open up the stall, but the doors wouldn't open. It was as if she was pushing on a locked door that had no way to lock to begin with. "What...why won't you open?" Mary looked down and noticed the doors were just a bit too tall to crawl underneath, and she couldn't get above them either. She wasn't entirely sure what Santa meant by reindeer games, but she didn't want to find out. She went to the window and tried to open that, but with no luck. She was stuck in a reindeer stall.

Only moments after she tried to open the window, the two doors opened, and a reindeer entered. The reindeer looked similar to Rudolph in the manner that he was an anthro like him, but this reindeer looked a bit older than Rudolph did by a good amount of years, as if he was in his early 30s. Dark brown fur covered his body, but he had a tuft of lighter brown fur on his neck. He was also completely nude, and sported a clear cut reindeer cock between his legs, but positioned like a human's. "Why Santa always wants to go in such a weird with who gets to have their reindeer games beats me." He said in a deep tone. His body was fairly well built, but just covered underneath plenty of fur.

Mary turned to this Reindeer that just pushed those doors open so effortlessly. She wanted to run to those double doors, but the doors quickly swung back into a closed position. She also doubted she could run away from an anthro reindeer like this. "Weird order?" She recalled the old song about the 'order' Santa called out the reindeers. "Dasher?" he definitely looked like he had the legs for running, but his whole body was fairly built too, even if he looked a bit out of his prime when it came to age, she would have guessed maybe mid-30s. "And what kind of reindeer games are you doing?" Of course the nude reindeer offset her, but Dasher was a reindeer after all, nudity was probably normal amongst them.

"Dasher is my name indeed. As for reindeer games, it would be much easier to just show you." Dasher walked over to the bare bed and paused right in front of it. "Have a seat on the bed, and we'll begin the first of many reindeer games."

Mary glanced at the bed as she stood next to the window. "The bed?" She had a few ideas of what the two of them could do on the bed, but as human as she was, her mind drifted to one large thing they would do. "Look. I don't know what games you plan on doing, but I'm not exactly into getting on with reindeer." Granted if he was human with that build, maybe once she got to know him, but not the way he was now, and certainly not in the situation she was now. She just kept praying it was a realistic dream, but the longer she stayed, the more convinced she was that it wasn't so much of a dream. Even if the things she saw just felt more and more impossible.

Dasher couldn't help but chuckle at what Mary said. "It's an eight step program to help us out, and it involves using reindeer games. The first step is preparation, and that is me." All Mary had to do was blink, and Dasher was right next to her. Truly, Dasher lived up to his name. "And in order to help us out, you must be nude." Dasher put his arms on Mary's shoulders. "So I must ask, are you going to undress on your own? Or do I need to use the cliché Christmas magic to do it for you?"

Mary only blinked, and Dasher was already right behind her with his arms on her. She glanced at those black nails and fuzzy hands. His palms were furry, but with much lighter colored fur compared to the rest of his arms. She wasn't one that wanted to undress in front of him, but at the same time, she could never outdo that speed. "I'd rather not have a reindeer undress me. I don't exactly want to undress in front of you, either." She muttered. She was able to step away, and out of Dasher's hands, though she knew that she wouldn't get much farther.

"I'm a reindeer." Dasher said with an eye roll. "You've undressed in front of cats before, right?" after a short pause, he just put his arms on Mary's shoulders again and wiggled his nose. "I don't have the time to explain this. Cheap magic it is."

"I suppose I...hey!" Mary jumped back this time. She swore she got far enough away from Dasher the first time, but apparently not far away enough. She began to feel a bit strange as that infamous magic took hold on her clothes though. She glanced down and noticed her shirt became more and more transparent. She could see her bare skin underneath her clothes, and the longer she watched, the more transparent her clothes became. She reached out to touch her shirt, but by the time her hands reached forward, her shirt was completely transparent, and gone. Mary touched the bare flesh of her exposed belly. She noticed the same changes happened to her pants, too. "I might have cooperated eventually." Mary said, defensively.

Moments after Mary's first layer of clothing vanished, her second layer of clothing vanished too, her underwear and panties. She kept a pretty simple color of black panties and black underwear, but now that blackness faded as it became more and more transparent on her body, until it completely vanished and exposed her B cup tits and shaven pussy. "This is downright ridiculous." Mary muttered. She half wanted to cover herself, but she was only in front of a reindeer after all, even if this reindeer did have very human-like qualities.

"Hey, it's only the first step. If you think it's weird, then you just wait until you see all those other steps." Dasher chuckled at her. "Don't worry about others being attracted to your form, we're not really into humans. Reindeer, definitely yes, but not humans."

Mary recalled that it was the reindeer games that would turn her into a reindeer. She wondered what being naked would have to do with becoming a reindeer, but it was around then she felt a small tuft of fur at her rear. She knew it couldn't have been Dasher. She glanced back and saw a tiny ball of fur no bigger than two inches, but it quickly grew upwards and outwards into a tiny reindeer tail. She could barely even control the wiggle of that tail. She also felt a strange invisible force pull her ears upward. Mary reached up and felt her ears as they shifted into teardrop shaped, and became fuzzy. It wasn't long before she had reindeer ears, and a tail too. She even felt small bumps on her head. There wasn't a mirror nearby that she could look at, but she just barely saw her reflection in the window, and she could make out two small antlers on her forehead. "This has to be a dream. This has to be a dream." She repeated, over and over again. "And since is this MY dream, I want YOU out of..." she turned away from the window, and noticed Dasher was long gone. Not a single trace of him was left in the stall. Even the swinging doors didn't swing. " Where did you go?" Mary tried to mentally tell herself that if she wanted something gone in a dream that it would have to vanish without a trace. "Great. So maybe now I can wake up? If not, maybe I can get an attractive muscular guy instead of a reindeer?"

As if on cue, the swinging doors opened up, and another reindeer anthro stepped inside. This next reindeer was definitely a female with had a decent pair of B cup tits and cunt between her legs to prove it. Like Dasher, this reindeer was nude. She showed off those tits with bright pink nipples, and a bare cunt, with the exception of fur, between her legs. She was actually quite well toned with muscle too, especially with her legs. Each step of those black hooves made a very audible clip-clop noise, as if she wore clogs. "Hello there dear, my name is Dancer, and I'm step two with you, but I can do many more steps with my hooves."

Mary looked at the new reindeer with a grimace. "Dasher, Dancer..." Mary sighed. She didn't know the rhyme perfectly, but she knew it well enough. "I thought of a muscular MALE too, and human, not a female reindeer." She turned her body away, and she glanced back at that window. "Can't I just wake up from this damned nightmare." She had enough of this. She had a reindeer tail, reindeer ears, and antlers. She would have loved to see the town in the North Pole, yet she was restricted to this one area. No matter how hard she tried to imagine, she just couldn't change anything that went on. It was what half told her this wasn't a dream. The other part kept telling her that anthros were impossible, her having a tail was impossible, and the entirety of the North Pole town was also impossible, unless Christmas magic was just that powerful.

"You really need to lighten up and get in the Christmas spirit. It's the season to relax and have some fun." Dancer walked up behind Mary. Each step she took sounded like a complicated clog dance, even though she had just simply put her hoof on the ground. Once she got behind Mary, Dancer wrapped her arms around Mary's chest. "Besides, by the end of tonight, you'll have a new home, a new purpose, and Christmas will come every day for you." She gently pinched one of Mary's tits with a furry hand. "And you're not dreaming."

Mary yelped quietly when Dancer hugged her, and yelped louder when her tit was pinched. If it wasn't a dream, then she knew she had to do one thing. "Then let me out and send me home. I don't want to help Santa out. I don't want to play any more reindeer games. I don't want this to be my new home. I just want to leave, NOW!" Mary reached down to Dancer's hands and pulled them, but she found that, much like the stall door, Dancer's hands felt like iron. Her hands just would not budge away from Mary.

"Oh dear, we need to hurry your changes." Dancer spoke so casually despite Mary's struggling efforts to escape. "At least change you enough so that you're not so eager to escape." Dancer continued to hold Mary close. Her fur brushed up against Mary's bare skin. "I left you enough room to turn around and face me, so if you wouldn't mind doing that please." With a short pause, she had to add. "Unless you want me to use some good old fashioned magic."

Mary was getting sick of hearing about Christmas magic. It felt more like a way to describe that the situation she was in, was simply unwinnable for her. "Since you put it that way, what choice do I have?" she muttered. She managed to turn around and face her body towards Dancer, but her head was still turned away. She lightly blushed at the sensations of Dancer's fur on Mary's bare skin, their tits touched, and their crotches inches away from each other. Mary wasn't into other women, but feeling Dancer, looking at Dancer, and the faint smell of gingerbread from Dancer's fur, did make her feel aroused, as much as she loathed to admit it.

"Look at me." Dancer said quietly. She lowered her eyelids, and smiled faintly at Mary. "We're not here to hurt you. We're here to make your life better. You might not like it now, but you'll soon enjoy it and our little reindeer games." She giggled lightly. "If you want, we could bring in Santa instead. He never gets any fun at his age anymore."

Mary dreaded the thought of a naked Santa. Sure, there were definitely images of that lurking, but those Santa's probably looked better than the Santa that Mary saw, that was a fat old man, even if he was jolly. She slowly turned her head towards Dancer, but she still kept her grimace expression. "I don't see how you'll ever..." she froze when Dancer pressed her muzzle onto Mary's lips, and gave her a loving kiss.

Dancer kissed Mary deeply. She closed her eyes, and embraced Mary even tighter while she kissed. Her short black wet nose touched Mary's nose, and with a little bit of magic, phase two for Mary began. Dancer's hands gently moved up and down Mary's back, and as her hands traveled up and down her back, fur began to sprout on Mary. The fur was short stubble at first, but the more Dancer rubbed, the more fur grew. It wasn't just where Dancer rubbed of course. Anywhere her body touched Mary, their crotches, their tits, their face, fur sprouted, and only spread outwards from there, even to parts on Mary that Dancer didn't touch.

At first, Mary wanted to pull back from Dancer. She found that, no matter how hard she mentally tried to, that her body just didn't cooperate with her. She could feel her body itch lightly as fur sprouted from her. She glanced down in the kiss and found all of that fur. Her arms, her legs, and her back were all a normal brown colored fur, while her chest and crotch took on a lighter color of fur. Rather than become hooves, fur simply developed all over her feet. Her fingernails and toenails also blackened, much like the reindeer's nails that currently kissed her, but they still functioned very much like normal human nails. Only when the fur finished sprouting from her, was Mary finally allowed to break the kiss, and break away from Dancer.

Dancer smiled at Mary. Her arms broke apart to let her go. "There. Nice and furry just like us. That's step two complete. Ready for step three?" she teased.

Mary still couldn't believe that she was covered in all of that reindeer fur to begin with. Beforehand she was ready and eager to run away, but now she couldn't help but brush her furry arms on the rest of her furry body. The fur was short to the touch, and yet also soft to brush at the same time. It felt almost relaxing to brush herself, but she had to focus. She wasn't a reindeer yet, she just had the fur of reindeer, well and the tail, ears, and antlers. Her face was still human. Her build was still human, and she still had human feet, just covered in fur. "Why are you even female anyways?" Mary asked. She didn't bother to glance at Dancer when she did ask, she was too frustrated at Dancer to look at her.

Dancer giggled lightly. She turned around, and wiggled that tiny tail of hers right above her small rear. "All of Santa's reindeer should be female. I don't remember the details, but it has something to do with the antlers. Still, Santa likes variety. So with a little magic, some of us are male, some of us are female, and we can all become anthro." Dancer walked up to the swinging doors. "Just like you'll be able to turn into a reindeer soon enough." She stepped out of the stall at that.

Mary thought now this was her chance. While the doors continued to swing slightly from Dancer. By the time Mary got to the doors though, the doors stopped swinging, and any of Mary's strength just wouldn't open them. "Come ON." She groaned as she pushed and strained herself to open up the doors. It was extremely frustrating to her that she wasn't allowed to leave her stall, while the others could just come and go. "Fuck Christmas magic." Mary muttered. She decided to stand by the door and wait, surely the next reindeer wouldn't expect it, and she could just run right out.

The next reindeer showed up soon enough. This next reindeer was female like Dancer, but she didn't quite have the build that Dancer had. Sure, she was toned, but she had a bit of a chubby belly, and C cup tits in that anthro form. She had also opened the doors just enough for her to get through, as if she knew Mary was going to be waiting for her. This new reindeer also had darker colored fur compared to Dancer, but not by an entire lot. Once she stepped in, she noticed Mary already rearing and ready to bust through her, but the reindeer just giggled lightly. "My name's Prancer. If you want to get out, you can try, but even when the doors are open, you're still not going to be able to go outside, sorry about that. Magic keeps you locked in here until you're finished changing from our reindeer games."

As if to tease Mary, the doors swung wide open behind Prancer, but the moment Mary rushed to the door, the door slammed shut a foot away from her. "Figures..." she muttered, frustratingly at that. She turned to the new reindeer, and sighed heavily. "So, what's your stick then?" She knew all too well the other reindeer had been changing her, but she wasn't quite a reindeer yet, at least an anthro reindeer like these other ones were. "What 'game' are you going to make me do with you?"

"If you really want to become a reindeer that badly, I can invite the rest of the group in here now, and we can have one big reindeer orgy, with you as the center of it all." Prancer suggested as she walked over to Mary's bed. "Otherwise, I think you'll like my game, maybe. Some like it, some don't, it's a strange fetish."

Mary knew she had little choice in the matter. She walked over to the bed and took a seat. Maybe if she gave in, it wouldn't be so bad. She started to feel the sting of hopelessness. She couldn't deny it any longer that she was stuck here, and this was far too real to be a dream. It made her a bit angry, but she feared what she might do if she tried to attack any of these reindeer. "What fetish is it?" At the very least, her curiosity would be sated if Prancer answered.

"Your feet." Prancer leaned down beside the bed, and gently took one of Mary's furry feet. "See, sometimes getting hooves requires a bit more of a personal touch, although it's strange." Prancer held Mary's ankle with one hand, while her other hand reached out a finger, and gently poked and prodded Mary's furry feet. "There's not a lot of people that will pay particular attention to detail about feet into hooves. Why do you think that is?" She looked up at Mary with a curious look.

Mary half wanted to kick Prancer away, but she knew things could be so much worse. At least the reindeer treated her nicely, but that didn't mean that she damn well enjoyed what was happening. "Its feet turning into hooves, hooves aren't sexy. You ever hear of a hoof job? It sounds incredibly painful."

"I don't expect you to rub your feet on a cock or something." Prancer rolled her eyes with a grin on her face. Her free hand reached up to Mary's toes, and she put her fingers on top of Mary's feet, while her palm was below on the bottom. She gently moved her fingers up and down on Mary's toes, and as she rubbed, the blackness on Mary's toenails began to spread. "Just slowly get into it, and see if you enjoy it, that's all."

Mary kept a frown on her face. She hated to admit that the sensations felt like a sort of massage, one that gradually made her feet tingle, and then turn numb. It wasn't a terrible sensation, but it didn't feel quite soothing either. She looked at her free foot, and noticed the same was happening to the foot that Prancer didn't even touch. "Not going to do them one at a time?" she said, as her toes turned completely pitch black and hard. She noticed they also began to merge together and shrink inwards.

"Well, as much as I don't want to rush things, we're already behind schedule." Prancer said with a giggle. With a gentle push of her palm, the toes sunk into Mary's feet, and then the rest of her feet blackened. Prancer's hand gently pushed and molded the foot she held, and as she molded it, the other foot adjusted too, both of them began to take on a cloven hoof appearance, and both went numb to her.

Mary let out a sigh. It wasn't one of relief, it wasn't one of frustration or anger, but it was a simple sigh of boredom. "How many more details are you going to do to me?" she had to ask. The free foot touched the floor with a soft 'clop' noise. She couldn't feel the floor, but it was just then she knew that she had not one, but two new hooves rather than furry feet. She already had the antlers, she was furry, and there was only one physical detail she could think of.

"Besides the muzzle?" Prancer asked with a grin. She let Mary's hoof go, and slowly stood up. "It's a surprise. There are supposed to be five other reindeer, but Comet is having some difficulties... he's a little embarrassed to show up to these events, and Donner is out helping take care of Rudolph."

"So there's Vixen, Cupid, and Blitzen." Mary slowly nodded. "But wait...what's wrong with Comet?" Part of her felt a bit more relaxed, she couldn't quite explain why. It was as if the more she changed, the more she accepted her fate.

"Let's just say Comet is fast." Prancer giggled, and walked over to the door. "So fast that he'll get a little too excited when he sees you and...well...I don't think you want to clean up reindeer spunk. Due to how we're going to go about...having fun with you, Cupid will enter last. But don't worry...she'll be the most fun." With that, Prancer took her leave, casually at that.

Mary watched Prancer head out. Part of her wanted to run again. She slowly walked up to the double doors and stared at them. "Christmas magic my ass..." she muttered. She raised up her hoof and kicked the doors, and she found that, surprisingly the double doors opened on her. With a raised brow, she stepped outside those double doors, and right into the hallway. She had no idea how, or why, she was able to get out now, but she took her chance to leave that stall. She turned back to the doors, and it was then she saw her name on the wall next to them. "They really do want this to be my new home." She muttered quietly.

Mary was ready to run back to her old home, but she was already so much of a reindeer anthro, that she would never be able to live the same way again. While it was also true that the reindeer were pretty nice to her, she still didn't like the idea of becoming one. Mary walked up to the elevator door, each step a clip clop that echoed throughout the hallway, and pressed a button to signal that elevator once she got close enough. "I just...stomp my hoof once I think" she said to herself.

The elevator arrived within a good minute, but unfortunately the elevator had a rider on it. Blitzen stood on it with a grin on his face. Clearly a he, a naked he, with a reindeer anthro cock between his legs that hid inside of a sheath, but not his furry balls. His fur color was quite dark compared to the others. While not black, it was a very darkish brown all around him, with a few lighter spots here and there. "Well hello. Going somewhere, dear?"

Mary froze in place momentarily when that reindeer showed up on the elevator like that. "I uh...I was just going outside for some fresh air. I think I'll take the stairs." Mary made her way to the staircase, but she was stopped by a second reindeer.

This next reindeer was female with a lighter fur color and B cup tits. She had wide hips and a thin waist though. "It's not quite time for you to leave yet though. Not until you've finished playing our reindeer games." She spoke with a light hearted accent that oozed sexuality.

Not one, but two reindeer. Mary stepped back from the elevator and stairway with a grimace on her face. "I don't really...I'm uh...I'm not feeling well enough to keep playing the reindeer games." It was a long shot, but she couldn't think of anything else to get these reindeer away from her.

"You look fine to me." The female reindeer commented, with a casual shrug. Her body easily blocked the doorway, and she couldn't help but smile.

"You look just fine to me, too." The male reindeer stepped off the elevator and closed the doors behind him, while he kept his body faced towards Mary. Step by step, clip by clop, the reindeer approached Mary. "But if you really aren't feeling well...perhaps you should go back to your stall."

Mary stepped back as this reindeer stepped forward. The hallway was wide enough for her to go past this reindeer, but Mary doubted her abilities to rush to the elevator in time, and the female reindeer was in front of the stairway. "W-well maybe...she stepped back past her stall, and up against the window at the end of the hall. "I...have to...uh..." she was at a loss for words as she stared at the male reindeer. He was built quite muscular, and while he was still a reindeer anthro, there was something about him that just oozed dominance. He wasn't the alpha, but she could feel the power inside of him that hinted he damn well could have been.

The female reindeer left the entrance to the stairs when Mary had her back against the other end of the hallway. "You have to finish changing into a reindeer like the two of us with our reindeer games. We wanted to come in one at a time, but time is of the essence." The female walked behind the male, and a bit to the side. "And in case you're wondering, I'm Vixen."

"And I'm Blitzen." The male reindeer added. "No relation. And no, we're not together because we have a slight rhyme." The male reindeer walked right up to Mary, and he put his hand on the wall directly behind her head. "We just figured you might have some more fun with Vixen changing you in one manner, and me changing you in another."

Mary's eyes turned at Blitzen's hand. She noticed that Vixen also left the staircase path open, but she still doubted herself, plus there was something else about the reindeer. She couldn't put her finger on it, but it was just something that told her the reindeer games were fun. It was something in the back of her head, something that felt as if it weren't her desires, but someone else's just in her head. She shook her head rapidly, and inched away from Blitzen's hand. "It's fine. I don't...I don't need to play any more reindeer games. Please." From a rush of anger from one reindeer, to bargaining to others, it felt like Mary was going through stages of grief, and there was just one last stage after bargaining.

Before Mary could speak another word, Blitzen's other hand smacked against the wall on the other side of Mary's head, and then Blitzen rushed forward and kissed her deeply with that muzzle of his. He kissed, and he kissed rough. He didn't hesitate to slip his tongue out of his mouth, and right into Mary's.

Vixen giggled at Blitzen's sudden rush. She walked beside Blitzen and kneeled down. He left enough space for Vixen to crawl in-between Blitzen and Mary, so Vixen got right between the pair's lower half. She put her muzzle in front of Mary's vagina, and gently licked her cunt.

Mary let out a sharp gasp as Blitzen kissed her. She felt that muzzle press against her fuzzy face, and his cold black nose up against her human one. She wanted to pull back, but she was pushed up against the wall and window, there was nothing to go back towards. She also wanted to just flat out get away from him, but the longer he kissed, the harder it felt to escape, as if energy was being drained from her in that kiss. She then felt a sharp pleasurable sensation between her legs when Vixen licked her cunt. She wasn't into women, she was straight, but she couldn't deny the pleasurable sensation that Vixen brought her regardless, especially since Mary was stuck looking at a bull, another term for a male reindeer.

Blitzen continued to kiss roughly. He pulled back just a few inches, but when he pulled back, it felt like Mary's mouth was magnetized to his, as her face pulled with him. It was only an inch or so, but Blitzen pulled back bit by bit. Mary's face was slowly, but surely, getting pulled into a muzzle.

As for Vixen, Vixen pushed her index finger into Mary's cunt, and gently circled around Mary's inner vagina walls. As she circled her finger, the walls in Mary's cunt closed bit by bit. Two small furry orbs dropped out from Mary's vagina before it sealed completely, though her clit was still exposed, and in fact, it began to swell. Those furry orbs grew more and more into recognizable balls, while the clit grew into a small reindeer cock, and continued to grow and develop.

Mary's will to fight lessened bit by bit. She shivered at the sensations between her legs. She no longer had a feeling of wetness though, but a feeling of a forming erection. She couldn't see with Blitzen and Vixen's body in the way, but she could FEEL a fuzzy pair of balls between her legs, and a cock that formed bit by bit. She also saw a muzzle- and her nose turn black and reshape. She looked like a female reindeer anthro now, but with a cock. She had to try to focus and build a way to fight, yet the longer she kissed Blitzen, and the longer she felt her new appendage played with between her legs, she just couldn't muster the strength.

Blitzen pulled back and smiled at the new muzzle Mary had. "You make a cute reindeer anthro, but you're not finished changing yet, are you now?" He glanced down at Vixen. "Almost done down there?"

"Almost," Vixen replied. She moved her head forward and wrapped her lips around that forming cock. Her muzzle took the shaft and slowly she moved her head back and forth. Her human-like tongue licked and sucked on the cock as she reshaped it to a more reindeer shape, longer with a narrower head. A sheath also developed with those furry balls of Mary's.

Mary's body was wracked with pleasure. She could feel the pressure between her legs build, but she no longer felt a vagina between her legs, merely two fuzzy balls, and a cock that slowly grew more and more in Vixen's mouth. Mary couldn't hold it in anymore, moaned quietly, and her newly created cock would cum. Pulse after pulse, her freshly made seed burst from her new shaft. As she came, her tits slowly shrank, her hips shrank, and her waist widened a bit. Her body wasn't quite becoming masculine, but more along the lines of a male body, but one that could pass for a female without boobs.

Vixen blushed underneath her fur as she swallowed each and every salty drop of that seed with a light 'mph' herself. Once Mary finished cumming, and Vixen finished drinking, she gave that cock one last lick before she stood up and gave Mary a kiss. That salty taste of seed lingered on Vixen's lips. "Good boy. One more reindeer, and she should be here soon. Just go back to your stall and wait for her,"

"I...I...uhn..." Mary was at a loss for words. It felt like she cummed more than just her femaleness from that orgasm. With a slow nod, she shuffled her way back to the stall, while the other two reindeer left for the elevator and stairway. Mary got back in her stall, and fell on top of the bed. She barely had the energy to make it back to her bed, she doubted she would have the strength to get out now, plus there was just something that fogged up her mind, like a blizzard, but one that felt warm to her. "I'm not...I'm not even me anymore." She muttered to herself. She reached a hand up to her flat chest, and traced it down to her slim stomach, and then her reindeer cock. She no longer looked like a she, but just a girlish he. "I wonder...what the other reindeer would have done to me."

Mary didn't have much time to be alone with her thoughts. The stall doors swung open again and a female reindeer stepped through. This one was definitely more voluptuous than the other female reindeer. She had a D cup pair of tits that gently bounced with each step, and hips twice the size of any other reindeer Mary had met. Her ass was big and soft, and her fur color a very light brown, with a hint of white fur just around her cunt. "Hello there sir, are you ready for your final reindeer game?" she asked, her voice was soft, but sensual to the ears. Mary could feel her new cock pulse just at her voice alone.

Mary raised her head up to this new reindeer. She stared at the reindeer's face, and then at her bare breasts. Something in the back of Mary's mind told her what this reindeer wanted, but Mary wasn't in to that. "I don't judge, but I'm not into women, especially reindeer women." She said firmly, though she couldn't deny the gentle throbbing from her crotch.

"The very last reindeer game is going to fix that." The new reindeer said. While Mary was still on the bed, the new reindeer crawled on her knees on top of that bed. She spread her legs over Mary's own, and moved her body forward to Mary's crotch. "You're a guy now. It's perfectly normal to prefer the company of women over men when you're male."

Mary couldn't help herself but look down at that crotch of the new reindeer's. It hovered right over Mary's cock, that same cock that pulsed to life bit by bit, she could see it throb and grow with her very eyes. She slowly raised her eyes up, and paused at those tits, before she looked at the new reindeer's face again. "N-no I'm still a girl..." It sounded as if Mary tried to convince herself more than this reindeer about her current sex. "Not...not into girls."

"You're a terrible liar." The new reindeer leaned down and pressed her tits onto Mary's chest. "Oh, by the way, the name's Cupid." She said, before she kissed Mary then and there, a deep loving kiss. Cupid's furry hands gently reached forward and held onto the sides of Mary's head.

Mary wanted to speak again, but her voice was silenced in the kiss. She felt her mind get even cloudier than before. She could see a faint brightness show up from her nose as her nose turned a dark red, and her cock hardened enough to push right into Cupid's cunt. Mary wanted to deny that she enjoyed it, she wanted to tell herself she was a human, she was female, but the longer Cupid kissed Mary, the more she wasn't even sure of herself.

"Your name is Max." Cupid said as she broke the kiss only momentarily. "You live in the North Pole, and you serve Santa, and tomorrow, you will guide his sleigh as Rudolph's replacement." Cupid then went back to kissing Mary while she moved her hips up and down on that cock. She knew what she wanted, and she was damn well going to get it.

Mary opened her mouth, but instead of speaking, her lips were greeted with Cupid's. She wanted to speak out against Cupid, but she found it too difficult. Each word Cupid spoke made perfect sense., he lived in the North Pole. He was the newest reindeer. He helped out Santa and the other reindeer, and his name was Max. What resistance he had felt like it moved to his crotch, and filled up with pressure once more. He was sure he had already came before but Christmas magic must have help him.

Max slowly nodded to Cupid and kissed her deeply. With a soft moan that sounded half like a bellow, Max orgasmed. His seed pumped into Cupid's vagina, and the last of whatever resistance Max had left with his cum.

One day later, Santa travelled the world late on Christmas Eve with all of his reindeer. At the front of the pack was not Rudolph, but a different reindeer entirely, one named Max, one with a bright red nose that lit up the sky and guided Santa's way. Of course, Max was a feral Reindeer, but he could turn anthro at will. He couldn't wait for this night to be over, because that meant 364 days to play some special reindeer games with all of the other reindeer.