
Story by DarkCousin on SoFurry

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A story about paying for bad behavior.


"Good girl, yes you are! Yes you are! Such a good girl!" Rhiannon scratched behind her new Golden Retriever's ears and squeezed the dog's face. The dog intensely enjoyed the attention, even if mere minutes ago she had not. Of course, 15 minutes ago, Mary had been an attractive, young blonde woman, and now she was a attractive, young Golden Retriever bitch. Well, almost, her coat still needed to fill out and her perky breasts still needed recede back into bitch's teats, but she was well on her way.

Rhiannon looked up when she heard the footsteps at the other side of the door in the reception room she was currently in, "Alright, sweetie-pie, you need to settle down for just a minute, mommy needs to talk to your old boss for just a minute."

The obedient bitch did just that, laying herself on top of what had once been her clothes. She really was a good dog, rather surprising given how loudly and angrily she her protested her transformation into her new species. But Rhiannon had always been good with animals, she had brought out Mary's true nature, a sweet, loving, obedient dog.

"Mary, I'll need you to cancel my appointment with representatives from Beecher, and schedule one with Horowitz, Nelson, and Associates, tell them I want Horowitz himself, not one of his idiot cronies. Seems we're being sued, again..."

Rebecca Thompson, Rhiannon's reason for being here, inside the colossal steel and concrete skyscraper, an environment she detested, but she could tolerate it for a just cause such as this. Rebecca was one of the higher ups at ChemPharm. As Vice President of the Pharmaceutical Division, she wielded an incredible amount of power, but then, so did Rhiannon.

When she looked up from her iPhone, she seemed rather startled to find the beautiful, redheaded woman at her Personal Assistant's desk, rather than the familiar blonde (yet still very pretty) Mary Hopkins.

"You're... not Mary," She looked harshly at Rhiannon, clearly judging her and not liking what she saw, not that Rhiannon cared. It was clear that Rebecca took a instant dislike to her. She wasn't the sort to dress by corporate standards, her long, curly red hair ran freely across her shoulders, and her white shirt might be appropriate if she closed a button or two. As always she wore no make up, proudly showing her freckled face and chest.

"No ma'am, Mary... came down with something. Rather sudden it was," Rhiannon smiled when she saw her new dog's ears perk at the sound of her name. Mary then licked her new master's ankle.

"Really..." Rebecca sounded incredulous, "Hmm, and you are?"

"They called me Rhiannon ma'am."

The 43 year-old corporate executive scowled, though very attractive, her face was too quick to that expression these days, "Weird name, Rhiannon... What?"

Her face looked even more displeased when Rhiannon answered with a broad smile, clearly unperturbed by Rebecca's underhanded insult, "'Tis an old, old, family name. And it's just Rhiannon."

"Hmmph, really?" Rebecca shook her head, almost muttering "Kids these days", "So your filling in for Mary? At her full capacity?"

"Of course, ma'am, I'll adjust your schedule immediately!" Rhiannon really had no intention of doing so (when she was done there would be no reason to) but she stuck out her pretty hand, and smiled when Rebecca took it, relishing the look on the other woman's face when she did so.

"Alright, ma'am?"

"Yes, yes... Please... ahem... do you understand what I need you to do?" The usually stoic brunette looked rather flustered.

"Cancel Beecher and schedule Horowitz, Nelson, and Associates. Demand Horowitz himself."

"Ye-yes, thank you..."

Rhiannon waited until she heard the office door close before turning her attention back to Mary, who was looking more dog like than ever, "Who's a good girl?! Such a good girl! She didn't even know you were there! Good girl!"

The former Personal Assistant put her front paws on Rhiannon's lap, wagging her tail happily and eagerly licking her new master's face, finding herself perfectly happy in her new life.

"What the hell was that?" Rebecca mumbled after she closed the door behind her. The exchange with Rhiannon had left her feeling rather unnerved. And that handshake? What was that? Her right arm still tingled, a sensation that had reverberated through her entire body only moments ago. She had never felt anything like it.

She made a mental note to tell, Mary in no uncertain terms, this Rhiannon woman would never be allowed to enter the building ever again. She was accustomed to being in charge of every situation, and having an underling employee be the more forceful personality was too much for her executive ego. Rebecca Thompson was a busy woman, she didn't have time for nonsense like this. She had half a mind to fire Mary for the incident, but finding a qualified replacement would just be more bother. But this unannounced time off must end. Rebecca had zero tolerance for employees taking off whenever they pleased.

Being strictly business first, Rebecca put her encounter with the strange temp from her mind and sat behind her desk, immediately getting to work. The first order of business was researching the latest group of animal-rights activists to sue her division. It wasn't the first time, and she knew it wouldn't be the last.

While there were many groups that protested the vast amounts of animal testing ChemPharm did, which varied from giving mice cancer to spraying chimpanzees in the face with toxic cleaning chemicals. This particular group was upset with the company's methods for the production of a menopause drug, a generic form of the drug Premarin.

The drug used the urine of pregnant horses in it's manufacture, and this particular group was concerned with the company's treatment of the mares and foals. The claim was that ChemPharm was worse than any of their competitors, keeping the animals in too small of confines and not enough time outside. They also claimed ChemPharm had the highest foal mortality in the business.

Rebecca didn't really care about any of it, she had never concerned herself with the animal testing other than keeping a close eye on their tight budget. Business was business, and in her mind ChemPharm was in business to make money, not to bother themselves with the supposed "rights" of stupid, mindless animals.

She was hardly troubled by yet another lawsuit. ChemPharm and its army of lawyers had destroyed many of these groups, pounding them into the dirt with counter-claims and muckraking the leaders. Sooner or later, Rebecca always made certain they regretted their impertinence. Who were they to challenge the corporate world? This was just another that would be crushed under their heel. And she would be certain to grind that heel.

After fifteen minutes of searching with very little to show for it (this group Equine Rights seemed to have popped up from nowhere) Rebecca leaned back in her plush leather chair, her fingers drumming the desk impatiently.

"Damn it!" She swore with frustration and discomfort, feeling stiff and sore all over. Her custom tailored clothes fit perfectly when she dressed this morning, but now felt tight; binding in odd places and pinching in others. It was becoming difficult to move normally. The room felt too warm, but Rebecca knew it was at her preferred temperature, the luxury office had been perfectly tailored to her needs. What was wrong? Was it a bad period? It wasn't quite the right time of the month, but...

Rebecca stood to take her jacket off, "God! This skirt fit perfectly this morning!" grabbing the waistline, she twisted and turned but nothing she did helped. Taking her jacket off helped, but only to cool her. Her blouse would bind at her shoulders and her bra felt like it was cutting into her. Her underwear was digging into her hips and thighs, biting into her flesh.

"Miss Thompson?" The intercom crackled with Rhiannon's voice.

"What?!" Rebecca snapped with a growl and cursing the device under her breath.

Rhiannon's pleasantness seemed unaffected by Rebecca's curtness, "There is a Mr. Gardner here to see you."

"Shit!" Rebecca swore under her breath. The last thing she needed right now, she didn't like him in the best of times, let alone now! Vince Gardner was a powerful member of the board of directors, but too rough and... masculine for her tastes (the man wore a beard for god sake!) But he was also a close friend of the CEO, they often went hunting and fishing together. Even if he couldn't fire her immediately and directly, there would be talk. For the same reason she couldn't let him see her like this nor could she turn him away.

"Of course! Send him right in!" Rebecca did her best to sound cheery while trying to make herself more presentable, though it felt as if that was next to impossible.

"Rebecca! Good to see you!" Vince came in, amiable as always, a grin on his bearded face.

"Of course, Mr. Gardner! Please have a seat."

"Damn good of you to allow your assistant bring her dog in to work! Splendid idea!" He said as he sat, "A fine bitch! May have her meet my Mickey, be nice to have a good new pup around before next pheasant season, ha ha! Look at me, covered in dog hair, ha ha."

He finished with a wink but Rebecca was, of course, baffled. A dog? In MY office?! She would never allow such a thing! Let it slide for now, let it slide! Deal with her when he's gone...

"So glad you like her, sir," Rebecca said awkwardly, "What can I do for you today, sir?"

"Right to the point, good! If you don't keep me in check, I'll talk dogs til lunch and maybe dinner! Ha ha!" He said with his booming voice and chuckled one more time before a more serious look came across his face, "I'm afraid it's this nasty lawsuit business."

"Aw, yes, Mr. Gardner, that's all under control..." Rebecca started but was interrupted.

"Yes, yes, I know you are quite capable of handling these sorts of things. As a matter of fact, that's part of what concerns me. I know I'm still relatively new here, but it seems this issue keeps cropping up again and again."

Rebecca squirmed in her chair. She was becoming increasingly uncomfortable now. Her clothes were beginning to down right hurt. Even the chair didn't seem to fit her right, as her hips were touching the arms now. She forced a smile and tried to focus, wondering what Gardner's angle was. Did he want her to make the lawsuits stop? It wasn't as it she could make these nutty groups go away!

"It's just part of doing business in America these days, sir," Rebecca had difficulty hiding her disdain for the man in her voice.

Vince Gardner seemed to frown, "Are you alright Rebecca? You seem a little... flushed. I can talk to you later..."

"NO, no, no, I'm fine!" She growled not letting her superior finish speaking. She was breathing hard, and sweat began to drench her armpits and groin. Beads of perspiration formed at her hairline.

"Hmm, at any rate, I would like to take a personal tour of our animal care facilities and the laboratories, starting of course with the stables, given this most recent lawsuit," He said, taking on a more grave tone, "I want see our practices myself."

"I can assure you, sir, that you'll find that totally unnecessary. Our facilities are top notch!" She was lying, of course, she had never given them the budget to be top notch. Besides, what the hell did he care! He was getting a 7 figure paycheck thanks to work like hers! So some stupid horse was a little uncomfortable?! So what! It came down to the bottom line!

Vince seemed unconvinced, "I'd like to see for myself. Frankly, I don't approve of this company's animal welfare policies. In fact, I'd like to see animal testing and the animal hormone collection phased out entirely in the future."

WHAT!!! "If you look at the numbers sir, our estrogen replacement production is extremely lucrative sir! And I assure you, the animal research is entirely necessary for new product development..."

"Profit isn't our only prerogative, Miss Thompson, there is the matter of ethics. It's a matter of what kind of company ChemPharm will be. I'd like to see it become a leader in new technology that makes animal testing obsolete. In fact, I'd like... uh..." He seemed to look at her and then look away awkwardly.

At first, Rebecca thought it was that he was losing the argument. Ethics? Really? This is business!!! "That would astronomically expensive, sir! In fact, I'd... I'd..."

Then she saw that, perhaps, he was avoiding eye contact for other reasons, "Uh, Miss Thompson, are you sure you wouldn't like to talk some other time? You... you seem to be having some issues."

"What?" She said out loud before looking down at her self. She could only gasp in horror! Two huge wet marks appeared over each breast, revealing a great deal of her suddenly very large nipples through the wet white fabric.

"Oh, my god! Yes, yes! I-we need to reschedule!!!" Both she and Gardner stood, both all too eager for him to leave the extremely awkward situation. In a scurry, he left and Rebecca unintentionally slammed the door behind him before locking it in a panic.

"What-what the hell is wrong with me!!!" She shrieked as she tore at the buttons of her blouse.

With her blouse opened she could see the red, swollen flesh of her breasts, straining against her b-cup bra. She struggled to remove that, her arm not wanting to bend that way, but finally pulled it off, her bra springing free from the pressure. She let the garment dangle as she did her examination.

"Oh my god!" Rebecca spoke in a frightened whisper as she cupped her right breast, examining it. Her nipples were huge! At least three times their normal size, in both girth and length! They were also darker and more leathery. As she watched, a small drop of yellowish white liquid began to form at the tip of the thick nipple.

"Milk!?!?" She screeched. How could she possibly be lactating?!?! She had never been pregnant and she certainly wasn't pregnant now!!!

"H-how?! WHY?!" Tentatively she squeezed the breast in her hand and as expected, a stream of the liquid squirted out, relieving a small amount of pressure.

"No, no, NO!" She backed away from the milk stain on the carpet, before stumbling over her high heels and falling, her already straining skirt making a huge RIP sound that filled the office as she fell.

Closing her eyes and leaning her head back she spoke to the ceiling, "This cannot be happening!"

Suddenly and totally unexpectedly, her upturned face was being covered in doggy kisses, "What the hell!!! Get away from me!!!"

She shoved the dog away to find an excited Golden Retriever. It must be the bitch Gardner was talking about! How did it get in here?! The door was locked!

"Who knew that Mr. Gardner is such a wonderful man! I shall have to keep my eye on him, quite a good fellow. Oh Mary! Mary, down girl! Down! Oh my, she still seems to still hold you pretty high regard. Dogs are rather forgiving, to a fault at times. Down, Mary! Becky isn't much in the mood for lovin's."

That voice! It had to be Rhiannon! Rebecca thought with a sneer.

"How did you get in here! Get out! GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!!" Rhiannon wasn't the last person Rebecca wanted see to see her like this, but she was close. And she hated being called Becky!!!

"Easy there Becky, Mary and I are the only friends you have right now," Rhiannon said with a mischievous smile.

"Would you please get out!" Rebecca snapped angrily while trying to cover her swollen lactating breasts.

"Oh my, you are producing well. You'll be nursing in no time," Rhiannon said coming closer and looking at the stains and drips on her newest subject.

"What are you talking about? Did... Did you this to me?! DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!" Rebecca screamed furiously, but Rhiannon remained unfazed, gently stoking Mary's head.

"Of course..."

"FIX IT NOW!!!" Rebecca roared, sending sweet, gentle Mary to hide behind her new master's legs.

"Oh, you've frighted poor Mary, and she's been so loyal to you. And no, I will not be changing you back. You have many crimes to pay for and so much to yet learn. But with my help, the restitution can be paid and you can be redeemed with time. Perhaps a lot of time."

Rebecca scowled evilly, thoughts of attacking Rhiannon physically began running through her mind. She began to stand. Her breasts were painfully full now, both dripping with her nutritious, warm secretion.

"Easy now, Becky," Rhiannon smirked, "Don't add attacking me to your list of crimes. It couldn't possibly benefit you."

Rebecca growled. Was this bitch reading her mind now? "What the fuck are talking about?! Give me the anecdote or I'll sue your ass into the ground! Do you hear me?! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!"

Rebecca nearly fell over mid rant. Her body was feeling more and more awkward and uncomfortable. The room felt intolerably warm now, but looking at Rhiannon as she stumbled and braced herself against her desk, Rebecca felt a deadly chill.

Rhiannon stopped smiling and her entire demeanor changed. Rather than young and bubbly, she appeared both ancient and terrible, beautiful beyond imagining yet brutally fearsome. Rebecca's office plunged into darkness, the only light emanating from Rhiannon's body. For the first time her life Rebecca knew true fear in the face of awesome power. She fell to her knees her mouth agape, but mute, her breath taken away.

"I know all to well who YOU are Rebecca Ann Thompson!!!" Rhiannon's voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once, but particularly deep in Rebecca's mind where it resonated through her entire body as if she were a bell, "Now you must learn, and learn well, for I will now call you Daughter!!!"

There was a terrible flash of light and as if the floor simply vanished beneath her, Rebecca felt herself free fall into complete and utter darkness...

Rebecca woke up, a dull ache in her chest and a cool breeze blowing over her naked body. Reluctant to open her eyes, she heard the song of a meadowlark and the shuffling and snorting of large animals all around her.

"NO!!!" She screamed internally, "It wasn't a dream! It wasn't a dream!"

"NO!" She said out loud this time, opening her eyes and sitting up, "Why am I naked?! What did she do to me?! Where am I?!"

Rebecca looked around, totally bewildered. All around her were beautiful rolling hills covered in lush green grass broken occasionally by stands of large trees and bushes. In the distance, immense, snow capped mountains encircled the expansive valley. Where she sat, under a huge thatched pavilion, far longer, than it was wide, was exquisitely carved, a beautifully intricate knotted style that went up the wooden central pillars and across the beams and joists. The incredible shelter provided shade to dozens of horses, ponies, and donkeys. Birds of all kinds flitted through the rafters and nested in the thick thatch.

It was a beautiful little world Rebecca found herself in; and she hated it! She would raze this place to the ground given half a chance. She would burn them all!

"Rhiannon!!!" She called out, "Please I want to go home! Oh fuck my hands! Oh my god! What's happening to me? Rhiannon!"

She could only recoil in horror at the sight of what had become of her hands, though they could hardly be called that anymore. They were totally useless! Her middle fingers were twice as long as they had been but were now thick and stiff. The nail was black and hard. The other fingers looked thin and frail; her little fingers nails had vanished. Her thumbs stuck out at odd angles and could hardly move.

Looking over her naked body, Rebecca saw that her feet were much the same as her hands, the middle toe long and thick with a thick nail, the other toes tiny and weak. Her thighs were much thicker and heavily muscled; veins bulged from the skin.

Was that Rhiannon's little plan? Make her a crippled freak? How could this Hell be real? How could she do this?

"Stop! Damn you, Rhiannon! Show yourself! I don't know how you did this, but I swear to god I'll kill you for it! Do you hear me?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs but it was to no avail, as the only response she got was the curious looks from the animals surrounding her.

Rebecca blushed in embarrassment, unsure why, as these were just stupid, mindless animals. What did she care what they did, "Fuck off..." she grumbled as she tried to cover her naked breasts and exposed sex.

Her breasts were plump and tight, full of life-giving milk yet with no young to feed. They were tender and sore, further fueling Rebecca's hatred of the strange red headed woman. She needed to be milked but was impossible with her misshapen hands. There was no way to relieve the pressure on her own.

"Damn!" She swore as she rubbed her breasts with her arm, trying to expel some of the pressure, but doing a poor job of it. This must be part of the witch's evil plan! "Gah! They're so full!"

As if in response, a tiny foal stepped out from the crowd of shuffling equines around her. The darkly colored dun colt was very young, not even a week old, but was terribly skinny, with his ribs poking out from his sides. He came to Rebecca on thin, wobbling legs, with a hungry look full of hope on his young, equine face.

"NO!" Rebecca said as she pushed his nose away, "No, no, no! Not going to happen!"

The tiny colt looked heartbroken and began to walk away sorrowfully. Rebecca felt something welling up inside her. For perhaps for the first time in her life, Rebecca felt true pity.

"Fine!" She sighed, "Come here, little weirdo, I guess I need your help anyway!"

The little colt seemed to understand her and tottered back and eagerly took hold of Rebecca's left nipple in his mouth.

"Ah!" She called out after a rough, excited tug, "Easy now! Oh, that... that does feel better."

Rebecca allowed herself to close her eyes and let the colt nurse. The little creature suckled hungrily, quickly gulping down Rebecca's sweet milk, its soft lips covered in the stuff. Soon, her left breast was empty, having given it's all to the colt.

"Come on," Rebecca said impatiently when the colt stopped. Opening her eyes for a moment she nudged his little nose over the other hugely swollen nipple, "There's another one ready to go."

As the colt began tugging at her right nipple, the milk freely squirting into his mouth, Rebecca tilted her head back, enjoying the release of pressure from her overworked breast. For a time she actually relaxed, forgetting escape plans and plotting her revenge against Rhiannon. She only came out of the pleasant trance when she was once again emptied.

"Alright, off," Rebecca said as she pushed the colt away, albeit far more gently than she might have once done, "And don't get used to this. This was a one time deal, okay? I'm going to fix this before I need to be milked again."

The colt just looked at her happily, licking his lips and swishing his little tail. Despite everything, Rebecca couldn't help but smile. He did look quite a bit better for his large meal, and her breasts certainly felt better, though her nipples felt sore from the colt's tugging.

Rebecca looked at herself as she sat under thatched roof. Everything was so different! She had always been proud of her body, she had been slim and well toned. She exercised regularly and ate healthily. At 43, she had was the envy of many women her age and younger. Men wanted her body, but few saw it and fewer touched it. That was the way she liked it. Her body was yet another way to flaunt her superiority over others.

But now... somehow Rhiannon had destroyed all that! Besides her freakish appendages, her ass had grown huge, but not with fat, as she first guessed, back in her office. Rather it was firm, strong muscle. Her breasts, never large but well-shaped and pert, now sat oddly on her body, further down her chest than was normal for any woman and sagging somewhat from emptiness.

"I don't know she did this," Rebecca grumbled as she shakily stood, "But I'm going to fucking kill her!!! Whoa!!"

She was much taller now! And standing was difficult; she was effectively standing on tip-toes, but her feet where longer now. She must be nearer to seven-feet tall now! Much different than her previous five-foot-six, but it was the only way she could comfortably stand.

Walking on the tip of her much enlarged middle toe proved difficult, but not impossible. The heavy, thick nails supported her increased weight surprisingly well and hard good grip in the manure laden dirt beneath her. Wobbling a good deal, she made her way to a nearby trough, where she balanced herself. Horses were nearby, munching away at the food inside, which appeared to be some sort of a grain rich granola-type substance.

Watching the horses eat awoke her own hunger. She even heard her stomach growl. She looked at the equines with some envy. She was starving and their food looked surprisingly good.

"Lucky bastards... There isn't food for me within one-hundred miles of here," She grumbled. Was that another part of Rhiannon's vile plan? Starve her to death? Or maybe force her to eat some filthy animal's fodder. Once again, Rebecca looked at the granola again. The horses sure liked it. Would it be so bad if she tried some? It wasn't likely to harm her.

No, don't be stupid! It's animal food! As she argued with herself, she noticed the little colt had followed her to the trough. She rolled her eyes and sighed,

"What are you? My shadow?" The colt answered by affectionately rubbing her bare leg. Rebecca surprised even herself when she didn't shove him away, but rather found herself appreciating the attention, "What do think, Shadow? Should I try it? I think I'm as hungry as you were."

Once again, he rubbed his little muzzle against her. She argued with herself for only a moment more, but in the end, her growling stomach won the day. Her mutilated hands would, of course, accomplish nothing in bringing the food to her mouth. Bracing her weird hands against the trough, Rebecca instead stuck her head into the trough, and licked up some of the granola, the dry food sticking to her tongue and lips.

She chewed a bit, waiting to be disgusted, but found the grains dry, but quite tasty, with a nutty flavor sweetened with molasses. Rebecca dug in, taking mouth fulls to satiate her grumbling belly. So eager was she, she didn't even notice her face slowly changing as she ate. Her jaw and nose lengthening, broadening, and merging into a small muzzle. This, of course, made eating even easier and she ate all the more quickly for it.

The grain left Rebecca thirsty but with a quick glance around, she saw a water trough nearby. Unfortunately, she would have to once again share with the animals, but as she saw it she had little choice. She would have to keep her strength in order destroy Rhiannon and get her life back. In truth, the idea of drinking the water didn't repulse her nearly as much as would have done just hours earlier.

At any rate, the water appeared to be very clean and clear. Once again, Rebecca was forced to put her muzzle straight to the water, much like the animals around her. And once again, her muzzle grew as she drank. The water was cool, crisp, and very refreshing, without a hint of animal contaminants.

While she was bent over the trough, enjoying her drink, Rebecca didn't notice her long dormant human tailbone twitching to life. Starting as a tiny nub between her large ass cheeks it began growing slowly outward, sinewy and bony. Nor did she sense the lengthening of her ears. The little colt Shadow nickered excitedly when he saw it.

She drank long and deep before standing and wiping her mouth with her misshapen hand. Her eyes flashed open with sudden realization. She felt her changed face, mostly with what was left of her thumbs.

"My face! That bitch! My face!" Looking once again at her body, she saw that her hands and feet had continued to change. Her pinkies and little toes were now gone. Her middle fingers and toes had continued to grow and change. No longer looking like some sort of bizarre mutation, but of something more familiar. By chance, she glance at Shadow and saw his tiny feet. Suddenly, it all clicked into place in Rebecca's mind.

"A horse! That bitch is turning me into a horse?!?!" She shrieked. How! How was Rhiannon doing this! How was it possible! How was any of this possible?!?!

"That fucking bitch! I've-I've got to get out of here!!!" Rebecca stormed off, leaving the shelter of the pavilion. The direction was totally random, but as she knew no better way, she continued on in that direction, not even sure which direction that was. She just knew she had to get out of here, find Rhiannon and destroy her.

"NO!!!" Rebecca screamed as she stumbled to all fours once again, her elongated face in the lush green covering the rolling hills, "No, no, no!!! Whinnnnny!!! I am not an animal!!!"

She had been walking for miles now, but for the past hour it had become increasingly difficult to maintain a bipedal stance. Her limbs had become more and more horse-like and now didn't resemble anything the least bit human. Her fingers and toes were gone, replaced by horse's hooves on all four limbs. A long silky tail now covered her rear and her muzzle had continued to grow during her hike, making speech more difficult.

For the past 15 minutes she had remained upright through sheer will power alone, but now her center of gravity had shifted too much to allow a human stance. Her chest was now deeper, thicker, filled with bigger lungs and larger heart. Rebecca thought her neck had been growing longer, too.

"Neigh!!!" She reared in an attempt to stand, without realizing how much she resembled the majestic mare she was becoming. Quite unmajestically, she toppled over, landing on her side in the grass.

"Shit!" She swore, but Rebecca couldn't lay defeated long as Shadow came running, nuzzling her muzzle with concern. She nuzzled him back for a moment, glad for the encouragement. A certain pressure inside her body reminded her of other needs.

"He must be starving!" She thought as she rolled onto her feet and stood. Rebecca then nudged the foal to her teats, which had descended to somewhere between her chest and belly.

As Shadow began nursing, the reality of her actions suddenly struck Rebecca, "Idiot!" She thought, "What are you doing! You are NOT an animal! No! I'm--I'm emptying my full breasts... that's all! I don't care about him! He's just a stupid, filthy animal!"

She thought these things, but a growing part of her knew they weren't true, no matter how much she fought it.

Rebecca cantered along quickly, though she wasn't entirely sure why. She had hoped to come across a road or maybe a fence, or power lines; any sign of civilization. But the terrain remained much the same, rolling hills of green grass, thickets of trees and occasional gently flowing stream.

At one such stream, Rebecca stopped and drank. Her mind continued with internal debate. Her old stubbornness fought fiercely for the idea of escape and revenge, to regain her old life.

But another, long dormant part of her came to the fore. Did she want that old life? Of greed and avarice? Of plotting and backstabbing? Was it really so bad here? To live a quite, peaceful life?

As her body changed, these new ideas grew as well and that's what frightened her. Were these her thoughts, or some implant of Rhiannon's power imposing itself on her? That's what kept her fighting, despite her body being almost entirely horse now. Her body was now covered in beautiful silver dapple fur and her long black tail swished as she thought and drank. Her silky mane blew in the breeze.

Rising her head, water dripped from her rubbery lips and she looked over a beautiful sunset. Then a maternal instinct, a new feeling entirely foreign to Rebecca, came over her. Where was Shadow? She couldn't see him anywhere. She spun with fright and whinnied nervously. Panic began to grip her. Where was he? Where was her little boy?

She whinnied again, this time as loud as she could. Rebecca felt relief wash over her when she heard Shadow's playful whinny and saw him trot out from the tall reeds near the stream where he had been playing. He was covered in the down of a cattail plant.

He came trotting to his adoptive mother and Rebecca directed him to her teats, now entirely equine and properly placed between her legs. He began suckling and Rebecca's mind was firmly decided. That was the final straw. She couldn't leave now, not without Shadow. She was going to stay right here and take care of her boy. She would lead him back and find a proper herd for their protection.

"A wise decision, Daughter," A familiar voice said and Rebecca spun her head to find Rhiannon's ethereal form watching over them, looking both young yet ancient, wise beyond count, but no longer terrifying, "You're making a fine mother, and far more quickly than expected."

"You!" Rebecca found herself answering with her mind, "You... How... Why..."

"How, you need not know. The why? I think you know that now."

Rebecca lowered her head in shame. "Yes," She both thought and said as she looked at Shadow, "I understand why now. Tell me, please, his mother, his birth mother..."

"Died at the stables of ChemPharm..." Rhiannon answered. Rebecca snorted with anger at the conformation. She feared it was so when she first began accepting her being here. Her anger this time, however, was directed at herself.

"I will care for him as my own," Rebecca said, both to Rhiannon and to herself, "But please, tell me, do I take this charge freely? Are... are these thoughts my own?"

Rhiannon smiled, "Of course, even if I could, I would never force my will on any in such a way. Your will is your own. These instincts and feelings were always with you, they were simply repressed. I brought you here as much for your own good as much as for the good of my children. Yet so impressed I am by your growth and enlightenment, I am willing to make you an offer."

Rebecca lifted her head, her ears perked to attention.

"When the foal is weaned, I will return and offer you a choice. You may return to you human form and you may do as you will, so long as you do not harm my any of my children."

"No, no!" Rebecca interrupted, "Never! I could never harm another horse! Or any animal! Never!"

"Never is a long time, Daughter," Rhiannon answered with a smile that said that she knew Rebecca spoke the truth before continuing "Or, if you so choose, you may remain here and lead this new life as you will."

Before she could answer, Rebecca gave small squeal as Shadow gave her teat a sharp tug. She looked back at the tiny foal that she had been nursing and caring for, for an entire day, the foal that had changed her life, perhaps even more so than even Rhiannon,"No... I do not think I shall ever go back."

Rhiannon once again smiled, "We shall see..."

The End