The Secret of Hoyt's Farm : Chapter 14

Story by Wormsworth on SoFurry

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#14 of The Secret of Hoyt's Farm

Chapter 14 :

Show and Tell

The next morning was uncomfortable, to say the least. The girls all filed into the barn in silence, tip-toeing around Annabelle like she was made of glass. She'd spent the entire night in Henry's house with Ranger, and things had gotten rough once he started coming down from the high. As always, the nights were quiet this far out into the country. Everyone heard him crying as the pain of the crash set in, and it wasn't about to let up anytime soon.

Not to mention the matter of Daisy. Henry had planned to tell her about Eli and Cassidy the day before, but it just never happened on account of all the other drama.

So they all stood around basking in the awkwardness of it, watching Henry and Megan prepare for the morning shift. Sophie never did have respect for this kind of silence though. She always felt it was better to say something stupid than say nothing. A body could always apologize later, and she was of the mind that it was easier to apologize for trying than it was for not trying at all.

"How is he holding up?" She finally said, gazing across the room at her closest friend in the world, "He didn't sound too good last night."

"He's strong, don't you worry." Annabelle spoke quietly, and it was clear she was exhausted, "He's gotten clean before, and this time there ain't no one trying to keep him dirty. He'll be alright."

Sophie nodded slowly, looking her worn out friend over and wondering if her reply was meant more to reassure herself than it was the others, "How about you, Annabelle? How are you holding up?"

A long silence followed. At first it seemed she might not answer at all.

"I can only imagine what you must think of me, but I didn't plan all this. I didn't go looking for that place, and I didn't know how bad it was. Not at first." She leaned forward onto her elbows on the rail with a sigh, her gaze settling on the floor in the middle of the room, "I don't regret any of it, though. I ain't ashamed of what I've done."

"No one is asking you to be." Rosie's station was just to her right, and she sidled over a little to put a hand on Annabelle's shoulder, "We all fight off the loneliness as best we can. We're all in this together."

"Thank you... Everyone..." Annabelle leaned her head on Rosie's shoulder briefly, letting her eyes close for the duration of another long sigh before leaning back away again, "Have you heard from Lune? How is he?"

"The tribe got him into a therapy group for changed with experiences like his. He says it's helping." Rosie smiled. It was weak, mixed with equal parts of happy and sad, "He met a girl there. Another survivor. She..."

"I'm sorry, Rosie." Annabelle said once the words started to trail off, "It's obvious you care about him."

She just shook her head, "It's alright. I knew going into it that he and I weren't never meant to be. I just want him to be happy."

Through all of this, Clairibelle had remained quietly staring off to the wall away from the others. Silence from her tended to draw attention eventually, as it usually meant something was wrong. Sophie was the first to notice, and sure enough she looked upset.

"Are you alright, CB?" She asked, tilting her head curiously, "Shit. You're not, are you?"

"I'm fine." Came the reply, though it was so cold that it practically lowered the temperature in the room.

Everyone just stared at her for a few long seconds, before Annabelle finally spoke up, "You're mad at me, aren't you? Dammit, CB, It's not like I..."

"I'm not mad! I'm just..."

A long pause before she continued, quiet and cold in equal measure.

"All this time I've been treated like the slutty one, and now I find out that the person who respects me the least has been paying for sex. Yet somehow I doubt you'd all be so forgiving if I'd been the one you discovered was going to a whorehouse." She huffed a little before finally adding, "But she does it, and it just gets waved off as trying to fight off loneliness as best she can."

Annabelle straightened up, a bit of fire flashing in her eyes, "You're just angry because I didn't invite you along!"

"Places like that are everything we're supposed to be fighting against! It exploits and abuses our kind! I'd never set foot in there!" Clairibelle almost never yelled. She'd sharpened her wit over the years enough so that she wouldn't need to, but the outburst shook the walls and sent everyone reeling back, "And you're not ashamed? I get why you went there! Hell, I'm glad you found someone and fell in love! But at least have the decency to hate yourself for it!"

"That..." Tears had started to form at the corner's of Annabelle's eyes. A sight almost as rare as the rage from the woman yelling at her now, "That ain't fair."

"Lots of things aren't fair, Annabelle. Yesterday you wouldn't even look at me when I came out to talk to you and Sophie. Not a hello, not a good morning, not even a fucking nod in my direction." CB's tone had softened a bit, though still stern enough to carry the weight of the words she needed to say, "You think that doesn't hurt me?"

Annabelle looked back at her, the anger in her eyes shot down by a sudden pang of guilt, "Clairibelle... I..."

"You have no idea what it's like... Knowing I can never erase the mistakes I've made from your memories. Knowing that no matter what I do, you still just see me as... As..." CB had taken a step to her left now, holding onto the post that supported the long rail as if she could hide behind it, "I was the last survivor... Trying to figure out why I was so different from the rest of you. I didn't know any better then, and you still think that of me now."

"But you... You gave up on me faster than anyone, Annabelle." CB turned back, looking across the room at the other woman. She couldn't bottle this kind of hurt up anymore. Once it had started, there was no stopping it, "Do you think I wanted to be like this? Do you think I asked to have my life controlled by these... Urges? You think for one minute that I didn't want to be understood, or accepted, or helped or maybe just... Considered..."

The room had gone quiet, watching her fighting back tears before she continued.

"And what do I tell Mimi, hmm? What do I tell her if it turns out that my curse... Is the family's curse." She practically choked on the words, a sharp pain forming in her chest at the fear of her daughter's fate, "How do I teach her how to live with it, and have friends and be respected... When I've so completely failed at that with you?"

No one knew what to say. Henry had started to move toward her, though he never got near enough to reveal what he planned to do before she had moved off the rail and started walking back out of the barn, pulling her shirt closed as she went.

"But we're all in this together..." She called back, the pain clear in her tone, "Right, Rosie?"

She slammed the door behind her. Megan had been frozen this entire time, but the finality of it brought her back to reality. She barely hesitated at all before starting to move quickly after the woman she had come to rely on so much for wisdom and insight in her short time at the farm.

"Let her go." Henry said, holding up a hand to stop her, "Let her be alone for a bit."

Megan ignored the gesture, swatting his hand out of the way as she passed by, "I think she's been alone for far too long already, don't you?"

Henry found himself stunned as he watched the small woman stomp out of the barn. Partly because she had always done as he asked before, since he always tried to ask for reasonable things. Partly because he was forced to realize that he wasn't asking for a reasonable thing now.

"Dammit... She's got a point." He said, shaking his head and turning away to get to work. It was all he could think to do to cover his embarrassment.

"She's just angry." Sophie called, one shoulder raised in a shrug, though it did nothing to conceal the fact that she was concerned, "CB is tough. She'll work it out."

Annabelle just shook her head, "I'm a damned jackass."

"I think we all have a claim to that title, in one way or another." Rosie replied, putting a hand on Annabelle's shoulder to try and reassure her, "She's not not just mad at you."

"Well maybe she should be. I've been telling myself I wasn't ashamed of going to that place, but I think... I think I just didn't want to admit that I might have something in common with... Clairibelle." She leaned forward onto the rail with a sigh, "And now it turns out she's the better woman."

She let her eyes close, pausing long enough to sniffle back another tear or two, then shook her head slowly once more...

"A damned jackass..."

"Clairibelle... Wait."

Megan had to jog to catch up, as Clairibelle was making a brisk pace towards nowhere in particular out in the backfields.

"Not right now, Megan." She replied without slowing, clearly still struggling with her emotions, "I don't want to talk."

"You asked me to promise that I would never dismiss you." Megan called sternly, still moving quickly to try and gain ground, "I'm not about to break that promise. Not now, not ever."

That caused Clairibelle to finally pause. It was something she really needed to hear right then, and it might have been the only thing that could have made her smile. Even a sad smile still framed by tears was worlds better than what she'd felt the moment before.

"I guess I kinda lost it there, huh?" Clairibelle said after a long sigh, "After all this time, pretending like it doesn't bother me... Why now?"

Megan moved up along side her, still a couple of feet of distance between them, "Probably because they had it coming."

"Did they, though?" She replied, letting her eyes close and reaching up to rub them, "You've only ever seen the best of me, Megan. I can't tell you how grateful I am for that, but... You didn't see the way it was before. You didn't see me when I changed."

"Then tell me about it." Megan said softly, "Someone should know your side of the story."

Clairibelle paused long enough to dry her eyes, regaining enough of her composure to speak. Her gaze remained distant though, as if she couldn't bear to say the words to her friend's face.

"I didn't even know how to speak yet. Just a few words, still trying to learn how to walk on two feet, not knowing that I was... Different." She shook her head with a sigh, "I must have just assumed everyone was like me. My mind was still developing. There were concepts I just couldn't grasp."

"But I remember the rejection so clearly." She said after a pause, "I remember trying to engage with them in the only way I knew how. I remember being shamed and yelled at every time they lost patience with me. I didn't understand why. I wasn't capable of it."

"You really think they've carried that opinion of you all this time?" Megan asked, moving a step closer, "They changed too. They have to at least have some idea what you were going through, don't they?"

"Some idea is about all they have." CB shrugged one shoulder, "It still colors their opinions of me, and maybe it always will."

Megan's face scrunched up, "That doesn't really seem fair."

"You have to understand, Megan..." Clairibelle continued, "I wasn't just horny, I was aggressively sexual. Publicly, even. I had no concept of what was acceptable and what wasn't. All of these women have seen me do things that even I'm embarrassed to admit, and I can't ever change that."

Megan waited for a moment before speaking, "Tell me."

Clairibelle shook her head slowly, "I don't want you to know about those things. I don't want you to think about me the way they do."

"I would never." Megan replied, moving forward to put a hand on CB's arm, "Tell me something you regret. Tell me something you've never told anyone else, and I'll tell you something I've done that I regret. Fair trade."

Clairibelle turned to look the small girl over. There was something so honest about the way she was looking at her now. A sincerity that she was desperate for from another living being. It was all she could do to agree to the deal.

"You have to promise not to laugh." CB looked away nervously, "It sounds almost silly now, but it still... Hurts me to think about."

Megan nodded, giving the arm she still had her hand on a reassuring squeeze.

"Henry... Made a bed for Sophie." She finally said with a sigh, "Not the one she has now. She's broken a few of them since then, but he put a lot of work into the first one. Solid oak, headboard, perfect finish. It was really beautiful."

Megan had no idea where this was going, and cocked her head to one side, "You regret... A bed?"

"It had these lovely posts at the foot end that he'd lathed perfectly matching designs into. Sophie loved it. I loved it." She rolled her eyes at herself at the memory, "And then I... Loved it. I woke everyone up in the middle of the night, to find me violating one of Sophie's new bedposts."

"They were so angry." She said, shaking her head, "The next day Henry came out and sawed them off. I tried to stop him. I tried to make him understand that I'd learned I wasn't supposed to do that now, but all I could do was watch while a beautiful thing was destroyed because of me."

"Oh Clairibelle, that's awful." Megan said, "I'm sorry."

"So am I." came the soft reply, "About a lot of things."

"You came about it the hard way, but..." Megan looped her arm into CB's and leaned against it, not quite a hug but something close, "It's made you the person you are now, and that's someone I respect and admire more than I ever thought possible. It's made you someone I..."

She trailed off, and CB turned her head to look down at her. She knew the words that came next. It wasn't enough to know though. She wanted to hear them. She ached for it.

"Please..." She said after a short silence, her voice cracking at the effort, "Please say it, Megan."

The smaller woman leaned away, nodding her head as she gathered the words and the courage needed to set them free, "I made you a deal. Something you regret for something of mine. It's only fair."

She sighed heavily, then continued, "The night Duke was here... The moment you said that I was worth waiting for... That was the end of it. No more debate. No more confusion. I knew right then how I felt about you, but I let you walk away. That... I regret."

Tears sprang back to Clairibelle's eyes. This meant everything to her. It was everything, "Say it. I need you to say it."

"Clairibelle..." Megan stepped forward again, this time reaching up to place her hand against the taller woman's jaw. So odd, she thought... The face of a cow with the life and soul of a human. Stronger than any she'd ever known, and weaker than anyone had ever suspected. There was no denying it now. There was nothing left except to make it real.

"I love you."

Clairibelle collapsed into her arms, unable to control her tears any longer as she started to sob. Megan was a tad more stable, as she'd had plenty of time to come to terms with her feelings over the last few weeks. She was happy. Not just happy that it was finally out in the open, but by the reaction it had produced. She'd been forced to admit to herself how much she needed this other woman in her life, but for the first time it became truly clear how much Clairibelle needed her as well.

It was a long cry for Clairibelle, and eventually it devolved like all poignant moments do into a bit of awkwardness. They laughed and cried. They let each other go and then held on again. They tried not to seem clingy, and then latched back together like limpets on a rock.

But CB still hadn't been milked this morning, and despite all the yelling, storming out and admissions of love... She needed to be. It was starting to get uncomfortable.

The others were already leaving by the time Megan had finally led them back to the barn. It seemed almost fitting that Annabelle stepped outside just as they were drawing near, and they all stopped to look as if they're never seen each other before in their lives.

Not truly.

"Annabelle..." CB said softly, letting her eyes drop to the ground, "I'm sorry. You've had a rough night, and the last thing you needed was for me to..."

She never finished. Almost as soon as she had started talking, Annabelle had already begun to move forward, not stopping until she had taken Clairibelle up in a tight hug.

"Things are going to be different, sugar." She said, smiling a little as the hug was returned in kind, "I can't change the way I've acted in the past, but I ain't never going to take you for granted again. I promise."

Clairibelle and Annabelle. Names so similar that it always felt odd that they were so distant from each other, but those days were now past. As they held each other there for that long moment, they both knew...

From now on the Belles would ring together.

Clairibelle watched as Megan went about cleaning up after her milking. They hadn't said a word to each other the entire time, as if the sound would shatter some delicate reality they had managed to slip into. CB hadn't even used any of her toys. They just leaned on the rail, pressed together at the hip and holding each other as the hoses suckled the weight from her breasts.

That's not to say she didn't enjoy herself. Clairibelle always was the most sensitive to the milking, and about two thirds done she let her eyes close and leaned in against the smaller woman. She just let the waves of pleasure flow through her with a smile, not demanding any more or less than they were willing to give.

Megan had seen her orgasm countless times by now, but this was different. Alone and holding each other like this meant something to her. Something she still wasn't used to with another woman, but which she was more than willing to accept.

But now the hoses and cups were clean. The milk was in cold storage. The floors were wiped down. All that was left was for Megan to tidy up and it was time to leave.

The sound of the milking machine humming back to life caught her by surprise, and she turned to look as Clairibelle exited the room where the machinery was kept.

"What are you doing?" Megan asked, quite confused now.

"Something I've been thinking about for a while now." Came the reply. CB moved over to the long table where all the glass cups were lined up in rows, all sealed in plastic bags to keep them sterile. She waggled her fingers over them, then picked a couple out carefully, "Jasmine's are the smallest. Probably as close as we'll get to a perfect fit."

"You want to use those on me?" Megan said, eyebrows up in surprise, "Even if I was lactating, we could never..."

"Oh, shush. There's not even a collection tank set up." CB smiled and moved back toward the little woman. It wasn't the wickedly naughty smile she expected, but one that was surprisingly sincere. "Megan, you do this to us every day. As one woman to another, I think that you will never truly understand what it is that you do unless you've experienced it for yourself."

She looked at the little cups nervously, "I guess... That's a pretty good point. If only just to see what it's like."

"Exactly." CB replied with a nod, "Now go take my station and let me get you set up."

Clairibelle practically skipped off to the middle of the room, leaving Megan standing there for a moment before finally walking slowly over to the spot on the rail just above her. She just watched as the larger woman dutifully attached the little glass disks to the ends of the hoses, humming softly in her hands. It was a bit louder without the collection tanks hooked up, she noticed. She wondered if the vibrations would be more intense as well.

"You are going to have to open your shirt, honey." CB was smiling up at her now, and it snapped Megan back from her thoughts, "Let me see them?"

"Oh. Right." Megan had started to unbutton her flannel even as she was saying the words, though her hands were shaking a bit. "I don't know why I'm nervous. I've seen you naked hundreds of times."

"You're excited." Came the response with a little laugh, "I think that's good."

The shirt came open and off to reveal the white cotton undershirt she always wore beneath, which itself was quickly untucked and then pulled up over her head after only a slight hesitation. For a moment Clairibelle thought the neck of the thing might tear wide open as she tried to get her wild mess of a ponytail through it, but somehow it survived the ordeal. Then her eyes went wide, but not for the reason she expected.

"Is this silk? It is... This is real silk." She said, reaching up to run a finger across the surprisingly fancy white bra Megan was wearing, the lights of the room dancing off it's shiny surface. She was a farm girl. She always seemed to dress like one. "Oh my goodness, this is lovely!"

A shy smile, and a tremble as the woman found her brassiere being groped with herself still in it, "What? I like pretty things."

"Me too." Clairibelle looked up at her again, making eye contact now. One finger tracing along the flesh where it met the fabric, "But take it off so we can do this."

Megan was blushing brightly now, both at the thought of exposing herself and the compliment. She reached back to unsnap the thing easily, the straps sliding down her arms as she let her silky underthing drop into CB's waiting hands. She was still extremely nervous about it, reaching up again to hug herself a bit around the waist in a way that cupped her breasts together and up a bit. If it was meant to be a move of modesty, it failed terrifically.

Clairibelle took the sight of her in like a deep breath of fresh air. Megan was in her mid-thirties, and it was obvious that she would no longer had the body of a teenager. There was a little bit of weathering on the skin around her shoulders, with faded freckles of years long past working out in the sun. A couple tiny wrinkles where her arms met her torso, the skin strained by decades of supporting her sizeable chest. A delicate crease just below where her little bit of belly would have slightly rolled against her abdomen if she were to bend over.

But all that wasn't what Clairibelle wanted to see. She reached up to take Megan's hands, gently pulling them away to let her breasts hang free.


Pale and round, with nipples barely darker than the skin much like her daughter, but slightly more roughed up by a life longer lived. Megan often thought to herself that the other girls didn't seem to sag as much as it seemed like they deserved, but they were still young more or less. Clairibelle wouldn't have minded if Megan's drooped down to her knees, but these sagged less than they had any right to on a woman her age.

"Holy crap, Megan!" CB was just staring now, "What the hell kind of black magic do you practice to keep a pair like this? They're amazing!"

"So I've been told." Megan had to giggle a little at the reaction, causing them to bounce temptingly. She let Clairibelle stare, finding much of her nervousness had faded for some reason now. She kind of liked it, in fact. "You are going to have to put on the cups eventually."

"Right." CB said, laughing at herself, "That is what we were doing, wasn't it?"

There was no rush. Clairibelle placed the first of the cups against her right breast, letting the nipple tuck into the convex disk and swirling it around to find the best spot. Just as she had assumed, the fit wasn't perfect. A bit too loose, but close enough for this. Slowly she turned the little plastic lever that would apply the suction, watching rapt as the flesh of Megan's nipple rose up to meet it.

"Oh..." Megan said sharply in surprise. She knew it felt pleasant for the girls, but feeling it for herself was a whole other matter, "Oh wow..."

Clairibelle grinned up at her, nodding emphatically, "I know, right?"

Soon after the second one was applied, CB stepped back, watching as Megan stood before her. Hoses clamped on, hands on the rail, all of her senses focused on the vibrations that were flowing into and out of her body. It was different than anything else she had felt before. She wasn't as sensitive to it as they would have been, she knew that much. But it was powerful and she realized Clairibelle had been right. This was something she needed to feel if she was ever really going to understand the job she had been performing these last months.

"I didn't think it was so intense..." She finally said, looking up at CB curiously, "Is it too much? Should we be tuning the frequency, or something?"

"Already been done, honey. What I wouldn't give to have seen those first weeks that Muffin and Jasmine spent alone in here. They fell in love perfecting this system, you know." Clairibelle had started moving around the rail to join her, slipping an arm around her waist once she was close enough to do so, "Well, probably before that, but they realized it here."

Megan smiled at the thought, but it brought up something else she felt the need to address, "I'm not going to lie, CB... I don't think whatever we are is the same as that. The way those two read each other..."

"I'm not trying to be what they are." She cut her off, giving Megan a little squeeze, "You know, they almost never have sex outside of this room. It's not about that for them."

"I kind of thought that much." Megan replied, leaning into the hug, "It does make a person jealous, though."

CB reached over to put a finger under her chin, turning it to let their eyes lock once more, "I feel the same way, but... It is always going to be about the sex for me. I just want it to be with someone who loves me."

She had worried that a statement like that might sully things. She had worried that Megan might take it the wrong way. Instead, the smaller woman lifted her head away from the finger at her chin, leaving a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Then lets finish up here and go home." She said, stroking her new lover's cheek slowly, "I know you all prefer to live together, but... Would you stay in the guest house with me?"

CB leaned away, out of the hug and the tender touches. She turned away and headed to the cabinets in a way that confused Megan as to whether she was happy or hurting once more.

"The rift between the other's and me... It's nothing new." She said, one hand resting on the cabinet door, not daring to open it yet, "I stayed in the guest house for nearly three years before you came here. It was... My house."

Megan stood upright with a gasp, "Clairibelle, I didn't..."

"Where else could we have put you and Cassidy?" CB cut her off, looking back over her shoulder, "I'm not complaining, Megan, but I love that house. It was my sanctuary when I needed one. I'd love to stay there again, especially with you."

Megan just smiled back at her. It was a beautiful moment... For at least a few seconds.

"Besides..." CB added, "You're going to need all the help you can get now that Cassidy is pregnant."

"How did you... You know about that?"

"It's my job to know things." Clairibelle said, finally opening the cabinet and regarding the wide array of sex toys inside. She waggled her fingers in front of them the same way she did earlier with the cups, before finally picking out one of the smaller, vibrating contraptions from within, "Speaking of which... Congratulations, grandma."

Megan leaned back against the rail. She wasn't sure which was more disturbing. Being called a grandmother, or the fact that the person doing it was presenting her with a battery charged dildo while doing it.

"Seems like I hit a nerve with that one, eh?" CB said, laughing as she moved back toward the rail, "Now turn around and let me hit a few more?"

Megan rolled her eyes, unable to stop herself from laughing, "Fine, but go easy on me! I don't want the Commodore anywhere near my butt!"

Megan had met the Commodore on the first day in the barn. It was what CB had named the nearly foot long black buttplug that Henry had so abruptly hammered into her backside. Truth was, it was mostly for show. Megan had never seen her use it since.

"Oh, you know I wouldn't do that to you. I'll be gentle." Coming back to slide up alongside her and patting her bottom through her jeans, "Now take these off too. I want to see everything."

Megan nodded, less nervous this time as she kicked off her shoes, not bothering to untie them in the process. She bent forward as he pants came down, those pendulous breasts hanging forward heavily as she did so with the weight of the hoses dangling off them, then straightened back up and leaned back against the rail. She had her legs slightly crossed, letting her thick thighs hide crease of her sex and leaving just the fluffy patch of blond curls visible, nestled in the triangle that the pose formed at her groin.

"Oh, this I like..." Clairibelle stepped forward, ruffling her fingers through the patch of fuzz.

Megan gave her a sly smile, growing in confidence it seemed with the less clothing she wore, "Is there anything you haven't liked?"

"Not one thing." Came the reply, leaning in to kiss the smaller woman on the nose, "Turn around and get comfortable, Megan. Let me take care of you."

Megan nodded again and did as she was told, slightly spreading her legs as she bent down on the rail onto her elbows. Her plump bottom tilted up as she did so, revealing herself to her new lover for the first time. The lips were closed at first, held shut by the thighs that had been clamped around them, but slowly started to part once freed of them. Just a little. Just a breath of cool air against the pinker skin of her barely exposed labia, made cooler still by the slight dampness of her arousal.

Clairibelle had seen plenty in this room of course, but she could barely contain her excitement. She'd never had a chance to actually play with someone else's, and it wasn't just a matter of desire. She wanted to know everything about it. She needed to know if she was... Different somehow. In a way she couldn't explain, she felt like she might be able to learn more about herself through the exploration of Megan's body.

She slowly reached up her free hand to run a finger up it, drawing it away again slowly to let a single little sticky line of fluid pull away with it before snapping. It wasn't nearly as much as CB would have produced herself. As it was, just the sight of Megan like this had her own panties positively drenched.

"That's nice, but if I were you and you were Henry, this isn't how it would go." Megan said, looking back over her shoulder, "Or is this something different?"

"I... Don't really have a plan here." CB said quietly in a tone that Megan had a surprisingly difficult time reading. Her hands came up to palm the human woman's buttocks, pulling them gently apart and causing her moist lips to open ever so slightly more.

Clairibelle was losing herself, and she knew it. It wasn't something she talked about. She was a wise and clever woman most of the time, but her desires had the ability to strip that from her. She fell to her knees, face to flesh with the most lovely sight she felt she had ever seen, taking a deep breath of it to savor the scent, dropping the vibrating toy she had planned to use to the ground at her side.

"I need this, Megan..."

She leaned in, letting her tongue snake out and into Megan's body in one quick move that caused the little blonde woman to arch her back in surprise.

A ten inch tongue. Clairibelle had teased her with the idea of it that night on the porch of the guest house, and the thought of such a thing was something she hadn't been able to shake. She'd fantasized about it even, but here it was now buried inside of her, rolling over on itself as it explored her depths. Pliable and firm like a live eel wriggling inside her as it settled into its new home.

"Holy shit..." Megan never swore much anymore, but it seemed appropriate now. The feel of the vibrations wracking her breasts were intense enough as it was, having faded into near numbness before this act. This had sent a shock through her body that somehow seemed to wake her nipples from their slumber, sending a wave of pleasure that tingled through her entire body and would not be denied.

Clairibelle let her tongue slide back out slowly, the tip of it curling around and back again as if it was trying to make sure it touched every part of her inner walls. Her lips clamped themselves around Megan's hood once it was out completely, giving a little suckle and tug to make sure they hit her clit before pulling away.

"Thank you, honey." She said, almost as breathless as Megan now, "I've wanted to try that on someone else's pussy for so long."

"Someone else's?" Megan said, panting her reply, "You mean you can..."

"Oh I most definitely can. This big old cow snout does have some advantages." CB said with a laugh, leaning back in to give the pink little lips a gentle kiss, "I'll show sometime."

"I can't even imagine what..."

Her eyes shot wide open as the other woman's tongue penetrated her once more. Whatever she had planned on saying before was quickly forgotten. This time it stayed inside of her, twisting and rolling as it tasted every inch of her most intimate depths. Pulling back out just a bit and diving back in again in a gentle rhythm.

She'd always thought she was a fairly experienced woman. She'd been with her ex-husband and a few boyfriends. She'd gotten off in plenty of other ways... Fingers, mouths, toys and even a short infatuation with a particular body pillow that felt awful nice if ridden properly.

She realized now that nothing she had ever done before could compare to this. Nothing she had ever tried even came close to this wonderful tongue burrowed deep inside of her body, thrashing about in a way that she barely felt able to contain. It didn't take long. Just a couple of minutes...

Megan came.

A noise came out of her much like a squeal, but at the volume of a shriek. She couldn't help it. Her body was spasming violently and uncontrollable, barely able to even hang onto the rail without throwing herself off. Clairibelle's arms latched around her lower half to hold her in place, making sure she could keep her new lover impaled on that wonderfully flexible muscle that had her practically in tears.

It took a long while, but as it faded she was overcome with a sensitivity that was almost too much to bear. She started pawing at the hoses still clamped at her chest, struggling with each as she finally got them off, feeling less relief than she hoped for once they were freed as tingling vibrations still wracked them from the overload.

CB let her go, her tongue sliding out of the small human woman at last with a little slurp and a few tender kisses, then finally letting Megan slide to the floor before her. Clairibelle practically had to catch her, pulling her to lean back against her chest and wrapping her arms around her waist tightly to hold her there, head tucked over her should and eyes closed with a smile.

Megan just sat there like that for a while, still gasping for breath. Her senses were overloaded, and she needed the time. This wasn't afterglow. It was recovery time.

And she loved it.

"I've never felt anything like that." She finally said, leaning her head to the side against CB's snout, "Oh god, Clairibelle... That was so good."

"Duke always liked it." She replied with a little laugh, squeezing Megan as she did so and whispering, "He ain't a lady, though... Had to go in through the back door."

"Oh, ew..." Megan couldn't help but laugh, "I'm not sure I needed to know that."

Clairibelle loosened her grip, letting Megan spin to face her in her lap in order to look in her eyes, "I want you to know everything about me, Megan. Even the weird stuff."

Megan was struck by how suddenly serious CB had become, and reached up a hand to stroke her cheek.

"It's different with you than it is with the others. I don't how, or why, but..." Clairibelle continued, reaching up to clasp the hand at her face gently, "When you know things about me, they hurt less. That's never happened before."

Megan leaned in to to place her head against CB's neck, smiling happily, "Well, I guess you better tell me about the time you tongued out a guy's butt then."

"Tasted like shit." CB said, taking Megan into a hug as she felt her giggle in her arms, "I've brushed since then. Don't worry."

They stayed like that for a short while, holding each other in silence and savoring the moment. There was one more thing Clairibelle needed to do though...

"I didn't say it back to you before." She said quietly, "Out in the field. I wanted to save it for this..."

She sighed, letting her eyes drift closed and pulling her arms more tightly around the little human woman that had changed her life.

"I love you too, Megan."