Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 4

Story by DarkBlade51224 on SoFurry

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#11 of Scourge Second life & Scarlet trail of Scourge

Chapter 6

Scarlet crouched in the undergrowth, Archer beside her, and Scourge soon to appear.

"You know what to do right?" Scarlet asked Archer, his fox colored pelt barely visible in the shadows.

"Yeah, distract the others while you drag Scourge into the undergrowth." He replied confidently, crouching ready to spring. Just then Scourge and the three other cats pushed through the undergrowth, Archer leaped out hissing and spitting. The cats fanned out into an attack formation, Scourge at the back, Scarlet silently moved into position and sprang. Scarlet and Scourge rolled into the undergrowth leaving the patrol behind.

"Hello young one." Scourge meowed, menacingly, after he threw her to the ground. "You think you can beat me in battle?" His eyes locked on her collar. "Bloodclan!?"

"Yes, I'm a Bloodclan descendant. Happy to see me grandfather?" Scarlet meowed, and Scourge froze, and she leaped landing on his back as the other cats burst into the clearing. Scarlet saw the others and leapt off Scourge, pelting into the trees.

"That didn't work." Scarlet meowed, panting from the long sprint. "We'll have to find another way to get at Scourge." Archer just stared at him.

"You still want to kill this cat?" He meowed, confusion lighting his gazed, and fear pricked his pelt.

"Yes." Scarlet replied.

Scourge padded through the thorn tunnel, Firestar stood in the clearing. Scourge was worried about his leader, his brother was on his last life, Tigerstar had seen to that during the battle between the spirits and the clans. Scourge made his way to Jayfeather's den, he had something important to talk to the medicine cat about.

"Jayfeather?" Scourge meowed pushing through the bramble entrance of the medicine den.

"Yes? You're not injured what do you need?" Jayfeather meowed, confidently, as he sorted herbs. Scourge sat down in the entrence.

"No I'm not, but I need advice-" Scourge began,

"Advice, I'm a medicine cat not your personal advice assistant!" Jayfeather meowed grumpily, shaking his head in anger.

"I know, It's just that I was hoping to get some advice from someone connected to Starclan." Scourge meowed, "I met a two cats in the forest, one wore a tooth spiked collar." Jayfeather's ears pricked, and he turned to face Scourge.

"Oh, did you..." Jayfeather meowed, lost in thought. "I've met them, don't know their names though." He glanced back at his herbs, "Advice? Spit it out or leave me to sort."

"The one with the spiked collar said she was my granddaughter. What am I to do?" Scourge meowed, "Chase her out without question or find out if she's telling the truth?"

"How would I know?" Jayfeather replied irritably, "That's something you must decide, not me." he then turned back to his herbs, "Now, leave me, I need quiet to think." Scourge turned, and Jayfeather heard him push through the brambles. You stayed, Jayfeather thought, Well, let's see how this'll play out.

Chapter 7

Scarlet sat down, Archer had just returned with Freshkill, and She was starving.

"Do you mind?" Scarlet meowed, "I'm starving."

"Sure, here." Archer threw a mouse to her paws, and crouched down to eat his own meal. Scarlet finished her meal in a matter of gulps, and looked up at Archer.

"I'm not sure I can do this." She meowed, her voice trembled. "Why'd I think some kit from a faraway land could beat the great and mighty Scourge, maybe I should just find somewhere to curl up and live away my days."

"Oh, no you dragged me out here we're finishing this!" Archer meowed, leaping on her, they rolled down the hill claws locked till they reached the bottom where Scarlet threw Archer to the ground.

"How dare you!" Scarlet growled, Stalking around Archer menacingly, claws unsheathed, muscles tensed for attack.

"Lighten up, honestly, you're all mopey dopey!" Archer growled, stalking around the circle she was tracing. "I was prepared to die for you."

"Are you prepared to die by me?" Scarlet yowled, leaping at him, he met her claws and they rolled, he slipped out from under her and swiped his paw across her muzzle. She growled, the blow had dizzied her, but she recovered soon, swiping left and right, she drove Archer into the forest. He dodged every blow she threw at him, suddenly she hit him with a blow across the side of the head he flew backwards and hit a tree, he didn't get up. Oh no, Scarlet thought, snapping out of her rage and racing to her friend's side. Suddenly a pale gray tabby tom with blind, pale blue eyes, pushed through the bracken, his nose lifted to smell the air.

"What happened?" Jayfeather asked, "I smell blood." The gray tom, looked directly at her, and if Scarlet didn't know better she would have thought he could see her.

"He fell, rolled down the hill and didn't get up." She meowed, crouching down beside her fallen friend, she heard Jayfeather disappear into the undergrowth.

Scarlet didn't know how much time had passed before the Thunderclan medicine cat returned, pushing her aside he settled beside Archer's unmoving shape. Scarlet watched as the gray tom patched up the wound on his cheek and a wound, Scarlet hadn't noticed, on the back of his head.

"Is he going to live?" Scarlet asked, suddenly feeling really guilty. Jayfeather chewed up a few green leaves and trickled them into Archer's mouth, before tilting Archer's jaw up and rubbing his throat with a paw.

"That should help, wounds patched, and those herbs should help with everything else." He looked up like he could see her then turned and disappeared into the forest.

"Thank you." Scarlet meowed, but he was already gone.

Scarlet was beginning to worry, Archer had been unconscious for two days, suddenly she leaped to her paws as he began to stir, he lifted his head and stared at her.

"What happened." He asked, looking around in confusion.

"I'm so sorry!" Scarlet meowed as he scrambled into a sitting position, sunlight flashing off his pelt, he shook leaves out of his pelt and she watched recognition flood into his eyes. "It's ok, I let my anger get out of control as well." Archer meowed, ears folded back in embarrassment.

"We failed, and I was so upset, our surprise attack lost us our biggest weapon." Scarlet meowed. "Surprise!"

"It's fine, we'll still beat him." Archer replied, his eyes flared with determination.

"Here." Scarlet meowed tossing him a mouse, "Bet you're hungry." She watched contently as he dug in and finished the mouse in a few bites. She laid down beside him and began to groom herself, the setting sun casting lengthening shadows and before long she was asleep.