[Tabs - Practise]

Story by tabsterleir on SoFurry

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"W-well, i'm...i'm not sure..."

Tabitha stared down at the floor of the bedroom, focusing intently on the wooden slats beneath her feet as she fought the creeping panic that slowly built inside her chest. Kuzma loomed in front of her, dwarfing the Kraskit woman in stature and build. He let out a quiet chuckle and placed a hand under her chin, lifting her head to meet his gaze. His face was soft and kind, tinged with amusement. "You have nothing to fear Tabitha, there are very few ways that this particular activity can end in disappointment." he rumbled at her reassuringly. Tabitha instinctively reached up to grip his wrist, her face curling into a grimace. "I...I am not accustomed to such things Kuzma..." she responded quietly. "I am not sure I will meet expec-"

"Enough." Kuzma interjected with some small force, causing her to jump slightly. "You are overthinking this Tabitha. And you never overthink. You must treat this like any other battle or conflict you have faced, guide yourself by instinct, do what you feel is right. You will be fine." he continued, his voice returning to it's usual soft tone. Tabitha took pause, surprisingly his words were of some help and comfort. Drawing in a sharp breath she lowered her gaze, removed her hand from his wrist and placed it gently against his undergarments, lightly squeezing the bulge she felt within. She looked back up at Kuzma to gauge his reaction.

"A bold start" he said with a chuckle and a slight nod.

Lowering himself to her height (a considerable task for someone so large) he drew her face close to his and locked his lips with hers, gently exploring her mouth with his tongue. She responded in kind, perhaps a little awkwardly due to her lack of experience in such matters. Slowly she closed her eyes and let her stance soften as she was caught up in the moment, finally allowing herself to relax. Kuzma took the opportunity to place his arm underneath her and with little effort lifted her clear of the ground, not breaking the kiss. Cradling the small woman in his arms he let himself fall backwards gently onto their bed, sitting the smaller woman on his torso as they continued their passions.

Tabitha broke away from the kiss, sitting upright as she fumbled with the cord that fastened her tunic. Kuzma lightly brushed her hand away and took to the task himself, unfastening the knot and dropping the cord off the bed. Tabitha gripped the lower edge of her tunic and pulled upward, shedding the heavy fabric and revealing herself completely to Kuzma. It was now Kuzma's turn to take pause, taking in the sight of the woman he loved as she looked down at him with a mixture of concern and confusion. She lacked any sign of decadence or excess, her body a monument of muscled stone carved by a mixture of constant physical exertion and a diet of only that which was necessary to survive. Her chest was of a modest size but enjoyed enhancement from the build that surrounded it, drawing his eyes. There was no scarring or deformation, just soft violet fur covering warm and hard flesh that yielded to the touch. It appeared he may have held his gaze for too long however, the confusion in her expression had intensified. Before she could ask whatever lay on her tongue, Kuzma leaned upward and silenced her once more with a long kiss.

As they broke off once more Tabitha's hands reached down to fumble with the loincloth that secured his considerable endowment, which now stood at full attention. He leant back and rested on his elbows, allowing her to work. Before long he was freed and Tabitha shuffled backwards to allow his member to rest between her legs, not far from her own entrance. Her hands slowly clasped the pillar of flesh and began to stroke it gently, an action which he rewarded with a quiet "huff" of pleasure. Her expression became one of intent concentration as she worked her hands this way and that, experimenting with her work to see what would prompt the most reaction from the male. A gentle squeeze beneath the peak of the shaft prompted a slight shuffle from the Capran male beneath her, prompting her to repeat the action. In a matter of moments Kuzma breathing was heavy and his pulse quickened, prompting a rare, slight and somewhat adorable smile from Kuzma as she reveled in her success. He responded by caressing her thighs gently, running his thick fingers through the soft fur and across the flesh, forcing a slight but noticable shiver to run across her frame.

As Kuzma felt his climax building he ceased his stroking of the woman's thighs and began to lightly thrust into her hands. Tabitha to her credit did not alter or change her motions, although a flicker of alarm crossed her face. With a long and drawn out release of air Kuzma finished, erupting in Tabitha's hands with a volume that prompted her to lean back in surprise. The first few ropes lanced forward onto her torso before the flow ebbed and subsided, covering her hands and matting the thick fur on his underneath and around his crotch. He let himself slump into the mattress, catching his breath and allowing himself to recuperate. After a quick attempt to clear her hands and his shaft of his product, Tabitha attempted to restart her effects with vigor. Kuzma however raised a hand, shook his head and motioned for her to stop. "Come here." he said, beckoning her forward with a finger.

Tabitha cocked her head slightly, not understanding what the Capran male was asking. Letting out a chuckle Kuzma sat up and wrapped his arms underneath and around her muscular thighs. With an almighty heave (and a noise of sudden surprise from Tabitha) he lifted the small woman up onto his shoulders while he simultaneously stood up, his nose less than a hair from her undercarriage. He felt panicked hands wrap around his horns and pull, an action she used to shuffle her position into something more secure and balanced (which moved her crotch closer to his mouth). Taking a step forward he let her back press against the wall behind them with a soft "paf!" and simultaneously layed his tongue against her sex. It was as if she had been struck by lightning, her whole frame jumped in his hands and a quiet "Ah!" of surprise escaped her mouth. Shifting his own stance slightly for comfort he set to task, starting with a series of long and slow licks against her outer lips. It had the intended effect, the woman perched on his shoulders began to squirm and quietly vocalise her pleasures. Pressure built in his head has she pulled, hard, on his horns while she struggled with the new sensations. Eventually he probed deeper, slipping his tongue inside her outer lips and exploring the soft and sensitive flesh within.

With a slight shift of leverage her angled her forward and moved his tongue to trail over and around her clitoris, performing lazy circles around it interspersed with light flickering across it's surface. This elicited a violent jump from Tabitha at first contact alongside an audible gasp. He growled quietly in his throat as he intermittantly alternated his attentions between her pearl and her inner sanctum, enjoying the pleasure he brought his lover. Her breathing came heavier and sharper and despite her best efforts, she could not remain quiet. Every breath out was accompanied by a small moan or whine of pleasure. Behind his head her feet interlocked and she began to unconciously buck into his mouth gently, prompting him to squeeze her thighs with his hands and press her into the wall gently as a show of force. A telltale quiver began to pass through the thighs wrapped around his head, a signal for Kuzma to cease any furthur explorations and concentrate on his current action of attending to her stone. Above him he could hear her breathing getting louder and more frantic as she climbed to her own peak, her body in constant motion as it bucked and undulated and pulled and twisted. Finally she let out a strangled cry and squeezed his head with her thighs with all of the strength she could muster, a sudden slight tang flooding across his tastebuds as she overflowed into his mouth. The first wave ebbed with a harsh gasp for air, followed by another and another until finally his head was no longer held in a vice grip and Tabitha slumped her frame forward across his head in exhaustion.

Kuzma allowed her a brief moment of respite before he stepped back and lowered her on shaky legs, taking some of her weight as she attempted to get her bearings. Her chest still heaved slightly and her expression was a mixture of surprise, confusion and what he hoped was pleasure. He leaned down and kiss her headplate before he pulled her into a warm and comfortable hug. "A fine effort warrior!" he exclaimed with a mixture of amusement and pride. Forgoing a vocal response, Tabitha chose to instead thump her fist against his chest, her face buried in his thick fur. The message was clear: "Don't mock me, but thankyou". Leaning down he scooped her into his arms once more, smiling down at the still trembling woman in his arms. "To the baths?" he inquired. Once again she chose not to speak (or was perhaps unable to) and offered only a nod as she collected herself. With a reassuring squeeze the Capran male carried his lover out of their room and proceeded downstairs to the baths, eager to get clean and fall into slumber.