Jackie and Kameron

Story by tasha on SoFurry

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Jackie and kamerons story

One day in a far away place there lived unicorns.There was a beautiful white unicorn about 2 give birth she layed on the grass breathing heavly,The dad was just in time he flew down to help the mother he stayed by her side the whole time,The other unicorns gatherd around 2 watch and help out aswell.Few hours later everyone one was happy and running and jumping around, the mom and dad were so happy the foal was trying 2 get up and then she fell back down again and she started 2 cry. Silvia The mom gently nuzzled the foal and said "try again sweeite u can do it."So the foal got up and was about 2 fall when her dad caught her with his nose and held her up for a little bit the mother watch and smiled.The dad slowly let go and she stood all by herself smiling everyone was so happy that she was standing the dad John folded his black wings out and went up on 2 legs and was a proud dad.He went back down folded his wings back in and said "thats my little girl" The foal looked up and smiled the mom was laying there watching them. John slowly walked away 2 see if she would follow she took one step and then another and then another till she started 2 walk a little bit.Her legs were shaky but everyone was there 2 hellp her out.She couldn't talk very well so Sivliva asked John "hun wat should we name her?" The dad looked at her and said "how about Jackie?"The mom nodded and nuzzled her foal and said "are little jackie."A few weeks went by and jackie was happy playing around with her friends she looked up at the sky and saw more unicorns comeing their way. She got exited and ran 2 her mom and dad, John looked up and knew it was him so he told sivia and jackie 2 run into there cave for a bit and stay there. So they ran 2 the cave and the rest of their heard stayed around and were protecting eatch other The dad stood there as they flew down. The leader says "John i hear u have a little foal where is she or he" As he looks around."She is not here Shane she is with her mother so i sujust u leave us alone please."As he started 2 circle him and talk."so how is ur lovly bitch silvia" "DONT TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT SHANE!!" John Yells."alright alright im sorry" He stops and looks at him. "Im sorry i know im bad i didn't mean 2 say that" John looked back and the cave just over the hills and then back at shane."Look id like u 2 leave now" Shane looks at him "Whay is that?," He flys up 2 see wat is over the hills then back down again."oh thats why eh alright i guess ill go say hello." He flys up and starts 2 head 2 the cave John flys up and stops him "I said for u 2 leave Now!!" Ok Fine ill leave. Shane flew away John watched him fly away then he flew 2 the cave and told his family it was ok 2 come out from the cave.Few dayz later everything was ok Jackie was slowly growing up and her horn was getting longer and she was getting bigger She was playing around and she found a wolf....She looked at him and was like "will he kill me is it safe 2 trust him?" She slowly walked

up 2 him and said "Hello what are u doing here all alone?" Kameron did a soft smile and said " Iv been alone most of my life I live in the forest its my home." As the unicorn tilts her head and says"why would u be all alone dont u have family near by?" Kameron goes Quiet and thinks of his family once again he remembers him being a pup in his den With his mom and dad and his sisters and brothers he's playing around,His dad has 2 go 2 a meeting that night he dosn't come back his mom is sitting just outside of the den watching and waiting for her mate 2 come home,Just after midnight he comes home beat up and bloody he can still hear his mom screaming and crying he remembers him falling alot.His mom tells her pups 2 go 2 bed and his dad will be alright, He couldn't sleep he can still here his mom and dad fighting and screaming at eatchother,Then everything goes black and he's in the forest.Kameron Shakes it off and says "yes i do but i cant remember alot im learning about myself im on all fours now but im still growing up i keep changing and getting this awful feeling in my body and im trying 2 control it but i dont want 2 hurt anyone. Jackie softly nickers and says "im sure u wont hurt anyone u seem nice 2 me, im still growing up also i dont have any sisters or brothers,But i have a mom and dad witch is all i need.kameron softly smiles and gives her a lil hug and says "i Understand jackie somtimes mom and dads are all we do in our lives have u met ur mom's sisters or anything yet?"Jackie gets a sad face..." no i havn't but one day i will." she says with a smile. As the day went on it was about dinner time and they both went home and ate dinner and went 2 bed.As the dayz pass and the months they became really good friends but somthing inside of kameron felt different as they were growing up,Like a feeling he never felt before it was strange but a nice feeling at the same time.It was love but he didn't know what it waz so he didn't say anything 2 jackie b/c he didn't want 2 worry her or scare her off.They both moved out of there parest place and had a place of there own,Jackie lived in a huge cave With Amathyst all over it she was in heaven she built her bed outta grass and moss wasn't easy with her teeth,But she has some friends to help her.Jackie's life was free and wild she went out to eat grass everymorning and water she went out for long walks and runs she hung out with new friends and old friends.She was also looking for a mate but didn't go 2 fast on it, She wanted 2 explore her new area it was filled with moutains and trees,birds,elk,bears,unicorns like herself,Moose geese,eagles,lizards and many many more animals all around her.She was happy no problmes no shane her dads x best friend,She layed on the grass a mile away from her cave took a sniff of the air and did a happy sigh.The nice cool breez blew in her hair and face her white fur, She kept thinking of kameron knowing how much she missed him and hoping he's doin just as fine as she

is.She softly smile and though "oh jackie i bet he's doing just fine and happy as can be." She got up to get a drink of water it hit her stomach like a kick in the gut it was soo good.She put her head up and looked at the place once again turned around and trotted back home.Meanwhile Kam found a cave also it looked like an old mining cave that good expencive rocks were in.They took out jade and white crystal rocks kameron sniffed around the old pick axe and carts and some clothers and boots. while sniffing he found some jade his eyes widend and he had a big smile on his face he tryed 2 get it out with his teeth he growled and pawed at it wanting 2 show her best friend jackie he tryed once again 2 get it out with his teeth he pulled and pulled growling louder and deeper getting really pissed at it b/c it wouldn't come out.He shakes his head and goes outside for a little walk, sniffs the air of where he lives he can smell a very funny sent like a dead animal.....a dead deer he sniffs harder putting his nose in the air and he thinks "well this isn't good is it?"He followz the sent and finds a femal prego dead deer he tilts his head and wines then growls and thinks 2 himself "who the the hell would do such a thing like this." He puts his ears back and slowly walks away thinking why would somone kill a female deer?As he kept walking also of where he lived he saw moutains and a river he sniffed the air once again and smelt an elk his stomach growled with hunger he licked his lips snaped his mouth and followed the sent.It was 2 miles away from where he lived but 2 him it was worth it when he found it he got down in the long green grass he slowly crawled his heart was pounding his stomach was twisting and turning with hunger inside of him his teeth started 2 show his claws grew bigger.The elk was eating away some grass and bushes kameron waited a few mins looking around making sure no other wolf was going to attack this really big elk.kam shifted his sholders then made a run for it behing the elk, the elk heard him coming and made a run 4 it,But kameron waz 2 quick 4 the elk he jumped on his back digging his claws into the elk as hard as he can he growled with fear and with hunger at the same time.He grabed the elk the back of the neck with his jaws and was biteing as hard as he could the elk was making noses and still running,Kam knew this wouldn't work so he tryed to take him from the front of the throat but he got knocked off the elk. He fell and did a hudge yelp,Got up right away and froze,He was scared and so hungry he got up again and ran after the elk jumped up and grabed it by the front of the throat,While this was happening kameron was changing again his body was hurting mucles were growing a lil his bones shifting his back legs grew into wolf feet almost like human feet he could touch the ground now,Tears came down his face because it was hurting him so much, he grabed the elk with his front paws they were changing aswell but he didn't let go

he didn't know what was going on he was so scared but yet so hungy.He didn't let go of the elk and with his streath and him being on 2 feet now he kicked it down and kept biteing it and never let go,It went down on the ground slowly dieing he kicked it again and again because he was so hungry. It finally died and he started to eat it it filled his stomach with warmth and happiness.After he finished he smiled and knew he was filled with blood and guts all over him he went down 2 the river and washed himself off still being on 2 feet and still getting the hang of walking on them.He was a lil lost because he was naked but with fur he thought about those cloths in the old mining cave and said in his mind "hope some of those fit me." He walked back with a smile filled belly and looked at the clothes sniffing them shook them because some of them were filled with dirt and dust, he took it down 2 the river washed them off and put them back in his cave 2 dry.It was getting a little dark so he went to bed early didn't sleep right away because it was a new place he slept on some rocks it wasn't that comfy but he didn't care he thought about jackie while he layed there hoping and praying she's doing just as fine as he is.She was thinking of him at the same time they both said at night just before the fell asleep "goodnight kam" jackie says "goodnight Jackie" kameron says and they went 2 bed.Next moring kam got up early was happy where he lived he though of jackie right away thinking "lazy unicorn i bet ur still sleeping." he got up and was back on all four for some odd reason "what happend 2 me last night? why did i change? do i only changed when im upset or hungry why did that happen?" His thoughts ran through his mind asking himself all these questions. He wanted to find somone like him and the same changes but first he wanted to see the one he fell inlove with the one he liked 4 so long...jackie,He kept walking and walking they were about 6 miles apart but he knew it was worth the walk,he has a smile on his face and sniffing the air.Once he cought her sent he followed it,When he found her cave he layed on the left side of it waiting for her 2 get up and also protecting her in a way being on alert just so nothing happends 2 her.She was snoring and talking in her sleep kameron softly laughed at it and looking around at the same time.She finally got up in the afternoon walked outta her cave and went 4 a lil drink puts her head up looks around kam comes up behind her. "BOO" She jumps and almost kicks him turns around and says "Kam i could of kicked u and almost killed u" kam laughs ud kick ur own best friend how mean!" as he sits and wags his tail.Jackie nickers and gives him a lil nuzzles and smiles knowing she has missed him.They spent the day talking and hanging out talking like old time and having a good old time,Kam though of telling jackie of wat happend 2 him last night but he dosn't freak her out or anthything like that.So kam started 2 speak softly

and calmly b/c he was freaked out aswell,"Jackie somthin happend 2 me last night i have no idea what it was but i kinda changed into somthin bigger then wat i am now i had feet...i mean i was only on my two legs." He looks down and jackie tilts her head just a little backs up and says "wait wat are u saying i dont understand? ur taller or somthin somthing? u stand on two legs? u goof ur a wolf hahaha u stand on four paws."As kameron thought in his head "yes it dose sound werid but its true!" he sighs and says "Now that im getting older i can stand on two feet i can show u one day if u like just not now its getting dark and im starting to get tired and hungry.The Night came jackie and kameron hung out talked huged eatchother went off to bed,Crickets were out owls hoo and screated,Wind was blowing,Kameron layed in his den tossing and turning he was hearing drums and male wovles screaming and yelping and howling,He started to sweat these wolves were in the army and attacking eatchother.Swords swang shields broke wolves went down with a yelp and howls,The grass and dirt were red The clouds and sky turned bright red Kameron stood there with a tear in his eye wanting to help but couldn't, His heart was beating fast he was reaching out trying to move his legs but was stuck and couldn't move,He bit the air growled in this chest and throat swiped with his paws.He stood there watching knowing he couldn't do anything he felt like they could see him but didn't, he opend his arms filled his wolf lungs with air and let out a massive howl so they could stop fighting,Then everyone froze,Dirt that was flying in the air was frozen,Blood through the air froze,All the swords and wolves froze The wind was blowing just a tad.Kameron looked to the sky,The red clouds were moving slowly and thunder roard as if god was angry and upset of what was happening,He felt his legs now he could walk,One step at a time walking slowly breathing slowly looking at there angered faces asking himself "why?".Dirt between his bare wolfish toes feet felt wet with blood the air smelt like blood every breath he took he walked about a mile looking at there faces..there angry faces,teeth showing there claws where out there fur filled with blood and dirt.There fur wasn't soft anymore,Kameron had tears down his fur his paws were shaking as he walked more and more looking into there eyes the way there bodies were he hopes and prays one day he was never be here,He looks to the sky softly says "your not the only one thats angry and asking why."He woke up with sweat on his chest and forhead his body was shaking and tears were in his eyes,He wiped them away looked outside of his den it was still dark and very late,He changed back into his fourpaws shook his body walked outside looked to the sky looked at the stars softly smiled went to the lake took a drink lifted his head water driped from his muzzl, he licked his lips then layed down thinking that life is wonderful and he is glad to be alive.The

ground felt cold but he didnt care he looked up at the moutains in the distance they were white as can be he looked over to the woods trees were moving from side to side beacause of the wind,He got up and was heading for the forest sticks were breaking as he walked on them leaves crinkled and shuffled as he moved through the forest he was very happy where he was.As he was walking he felt like somone was watching him and following him he stoped lifted his head high perked his ears up the left one was moving from behind him then back in front of him he sniffed the air then softly says "hello is somone there?" He did a low growl changed into his arothos was on two feet again did a low long growl,His claws came out of his fur he sniffed the air again This time it was a human following him, his heart started to beat in his chest he looked to the tallest tree jumped 2 feet in the air grabed the strongest branch and climbed with all his might eatch branch he grabed tighly with his claws still out.He never felt so scared he held on to the tree looked around then heard bushes moving behind him he turned his body quick as posible his eyes were wide his heart was beating so fast, his claws dug into the tree pain shot into his nail and paw because he was griping the tree so tighly and firmly.He stared into this big bush he heard himself breath deep and heavy he heard his own heartbeat,he stared then this man came out of the bush about 6'2 brown hat,army pants and army coat he was caried this long silverd thing with two holes at the end of it, the tall man had hair on his face,Kameron squinted his eyes as he watched him walk right towards him.He had black leatherd boots on,It was like slow motion for kameron he walked right underneath him and kept going he turn his body slightly to watch him walk away from him.The man stops just a few feet from kameron sniffs the air turns his head to his right sholder,Kams eyes widen again the man lifts his gun and holds it agains't his chest,Kameron slowly moves behind the tree the man turns his body looks right at the tree kameron his in.The man couldn't see him,With his claws an intch into the tree kameron breaths very slowly and dosn't move or make a sound the man turns around and walks away,Kameron slowly pokes his head to the left side of the tree and watches him walk farther and farther from him.Kameron ungripes his claw from the tree and jumps 9 feet from the tree lands on his 2 paws and makes a run for it,He runs to the lake again cleans his claws as best as he can,His heart was racing he was breathing fast and is so scared.He looks around to make sure no one is around that is going to hurt him or kill him he has never seen a human before thoughts went through his head "who was that? what was that?how come it wasn't a wolf or a unicorn? what was silver thing?"His hands were starting to shake his throat started to hurt because he was breathing so heavy,He finished cleaning his claws sniffed the air to make sure no

one was around took his paws out of the water shook them off and ran to his den.He turned back and curled up in a ball still shaking and scared as hell, the rest of the night he did not sleep he watched the entrance of his den to make sure no one like that different colord thing would walk into his den.It has become dawn he watched the sun rise on the left side of his den he had bags under his eyes he felt so weak and tired from being so scared he never slept the rest of the night,he stood up stretched his legs and back spred his paws and did i yawn,Shook his body then slowly head to the entrance of his den he sniffed the air look from left to right his ears twichted from side and back then front.He went to the right side and troted quickly thinking "I gotta warn Jackie about this creature in are home." The grass and dirt was soft on his paws the cook air blew in his fur and against his face his heart started to race beacause he was worried about Jackie hoping and praying that she is alive and well.As he trots he makes sure that creature is not behind him or following him he looks down at the ground "shit my paw prints!"He changes into his arthose and climbs the trees jumping and swinging as far and as fast as he can to her den,He's now only one mile jumps 8 feet from a thick branch and lands on his paws quickly changes back into his 4 leged wolf and runs as fast as he posibly can.After running 50 miles pre hour he stops at her den breaths heavy swollows the lump in this throat and softly says "Jackie get up i have to tell you somthing!"She dosn't move and just keeps dreaming a wonderful dream and snores just a little.Kameron holdes his breath then looks from left to right then behind him then takes a breath then holdes it shifts his ears around and keeps an eye out looks at Jackie again then yells as loud as he can "JACKIE GOD DAMN IT WOMAN GET UR ASS UP!!"She wakes up with a scare gets up and starts kicking and going on her hind legs and kicking her front hooves.Kameron Backs up and says"WOH WOH jackie its me Kameron calm the hell down please!" She stops kicking and gets back down and says"jesus Kameron i coudl of killed u!"She calms down and slowly walks towrds him gently rubs her nose against his soft coat lifts her head and softly nickers,"Iv missed u kam what have u been up 2?" He looks around once again "get in i have to tell u somthing and its important u evan might want to go to ur mom and dads and tell them to be careful."She walk in her den and looks at him,"Kameron what is going on?" He is walking up behind her shaking just a little his paws and body are shaking with a scared look on his face."remember about the two legs i told you about?"She stand and looks at him then rolls her eyes "kameron u can't stand on to paws its not normal i mean you on all fours everytime we meet up and see eatchother.Look your my best friend u tend to confused me about this 2 paw thing and walking on them if you are serious about i...then i sujust u turn

into this whatever u want to call it and show me?"Kameron sighs looks at the ground then walks back and forth thinking she might scare her off or might loos as a really good friend.They for silent for a few moments and just look at eatchother.He sighed then looked into her dark blue eyes then calmly says. "alright ill change but please dont run away from me or anything i will never hurt you,Your my best friend so please try to stay calm."As he stands there and closes his eyes his muscles start to grow like bubbles in his body and jaw and mouth become bigger his claws become bigger His back paws become larger and more boney like, He wines softly because he can feel his body changing,Jackie stands there in shock because she has never seen anything like this in her whole life.As he finishes changing his body he stands there shaking just a tad because of the pain he looks at her with kindness in his eyes telling her that everything is alright and not to run away from him he reaches out with his left paw softly smiles and says "I will never hurt you Jackie i promise forever through our friendship ill stand by you for whatever it is that u need i wont hurt u in this form that im in i swear on my life Jackie belive me."She backs up just a bit and says out loud "Holly shit u got to be kidding me i mean your standing on 2 paws your back paws this is insaine! i mean i guess u werent talking crazy when we were younger i mean i thought u were just playing around i mean..."She walks forward and keeps talking."your on your two back legs i wonder can you pick up heavy stuff or kick really hard? how sharp are your teeth?"He stood there then did a deep sigh put up his two front paws "slow down ya everything is bigger and my claws are bigger back paws are bigger yes i am very different but now i may ask you somthing are you afraid of me? beacuse i really dont want to loos you like i said id do anything for you evan in this form ill still do it for you....o ya and i can climb trees now!"As he says that with a big smile with his white sharp teeth showing he slowly touches her nose with his left paw and pet her "see i told you i wouldn't hurt you but now i must tell you somthing there is somthing out there that can stand like me but has only a little bit of hair on his face and no hair on his paws or whatever u want to call them i was very affraid and last night i think he smelt me and knew i was close to him or her or whatever it is that also walks on two back paws,I want to show you if u want to come with me?"She stands there just a little confused looks out of her cave with the bright sun shining and the tall green grass blowing in the wind birds chirping and singing the smell of the air was clean and nice she turns around,"Alright ill go with you but if this is some kind of trick i will be very pissed off of you kam no fucking lie alright?"As she says with a little bit of a angry face.He slowly nods his head and says "i understand but this isn't a joke i promis

you" He turns around and walks out of the her cave with coution