Under Control

Story by bland2 on SoFurry

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Inventing a device to transmit commands to his dog leads the inventor to creating a virtual Furry world. There are one or two problems on the way, however.

Part 1

Seven years of research, of late nights, failures, breakthroughs and setbacks brought Jayce to this moment. Racks of new prototype equipment vied for space among the abandoned piles of failed technology strewn around the warehouse which served as home and laboratory. For perhaps the thousandth time he fastened the webbed cap of sensors over his head. A similar cap had been fastened over the head of his dog, Luna. Adjusting and connecting his xOne smart-phone device had become almost ritualistic. The phone acted as local data processor and transceiver. Luna stood patiently while he adjusted the twin device on her head. For the thousandth time he stared at his dog intently. He focussed on her form, building a clear picture of her in his mind: White head with a black blotch around one eye, floppy ears, white coat of short fur with occasional black blotches over a large frame, slightly fluffy tail wagging. Jayce visualized the dog dropping her haunches. SIT! In his mind he practically shouted the command to his dog.

Luna wagged her tail, resolutely standing.

For the thousandth time, with a sigh of resignation, Jayce checked data paths. Correct encapsulation at the source xOne, compression, and transmission to the racks of processors behind him. They, in turn had the correct decompression, translation, re-compression, and transmission to the destination xOne device on his dog. And the debuggers said the decompression and sensory dispersion had completed without error. Damnit, this should have...

Luna was sitting, watching him work.

After innumerable failures her response was probably coincidental. The dog was probably bored with the meaningless game already.

Jayce repeated his ritual of checking connections and cables. He stared intently at his dog, visualizing her returning from her sit to a standing position. He visualized her tail wagging happily at having finally done what he wanted. STAND!

His dog showed absolutely no reaction to his command. Glancing back at the data-flow displays Jayce confirmed the sequences looked good.

Luna was standing, wagging her tail when he looked back. A tentative thrill of butterflies fluttered in Jayce's stomach. Could this be success? Hmmmm....

SIT! Again Jayce imagined his dog planting her butt on the floor. He willed it. He desired it. In his mind it was so clear - Luna would drop her haunches, shuffling backward slightly. This time, instead of letting the equipment draw his attention Jayce patiently stared at Luna. Twenty seconds passed before Luna cocked her head to the side, then dropped her haunches.

He hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath - Jayce let out a long sigh. The fluttering in his stomach intensified. But after so many failures - after having his hopes fizzle out with so many attempts - Jayce wouldn't allow himself to believe he was succeeding now.

Curtailing his excitement - this could still just be a coincidence - Jayce focussed on the 'stand' command again. He watched Luna for a response.

Twenty seconds later Luna stood, wagging her tail happily.

Okay... okay... let's try something a bit more complicated. Jayce barely contained his exhilaration - butterflies performed loop-the-loops in his guts. He gathered his thoughts and focussed, visualizing Luna turning around on the spot five times.

Fully a minute later the dog walked in five small circles.

Holy shit, it works! He'd actually managed to send complex ideas to Luna - commands for behaviours the dog had never been taught.

At last he could unleash the delight of success he'd been reigning in. When he'd been so consumed by the project, a major breakthrough washed over him like a sexual thrill. Adrenaline and endorphins flooded Jayce's bloodstream - he had achieved the unimaginable. Seven years of his internal monologues berating him as failure evaporated in a moment of pure validation of success. At 32 years old, single and still a virgin, internal monologue can be brutal.

With his hands shaking from excitement, Jayce carefully unfastened and removed the cap from Luna's head, then his own. It would be impossible for him to continue working while he was in such an emotional state. Tears of so much past failure were warring with laughter which threatened to bubble up from the swarms of butterflies in his midriff. He dropped to his knees and hugged his happy black-and-white canine companion. For a moment he could just bask in the glow of his breakthrough. The inevitable bugs, problems, and setbacks could just wait one damned day while he spent some quality time wallowing in his imagined future glories.

Every so often glee at his breakthrough would overwhelm him and he'd giggle quietly while he petted his dog. He was deeply fond of Luna and she'd been such a good and patient companion. Luna had been only six weeks old when Jayce's brother had dropped the rescued puppy at Jayce's warehouse. That had been five years ago. His brother had been concerned Jayce's obsessions with research was unhealthy and that he was turning into a hermit. Perhaps having another living being to care for would give Jayce an anchor to reality.

Initially Jayce had been annoyed by the distraction of the puppy. She required attention at crucial moments in his research. She needed exercise, regular feeding and entertainment. At times Jayce would be intensely focussed on a problem - it might have appeared to an outside observer he was imply staring at the wall. Yet in his mind Jayce was building intricate towers of glass and crystal. Filigree stairways of ideas connected delicate spire solutions toward some elusive and esoteric construction. Leaning back in his chair, unmoving, he could spend an hour constructing an intensely complex citadel of ideas. Then Luna would trot up with some squeaky toy and demand play time. With an almost audible clamour of shattering crystal glass the ideas would crumble into an unruly heap of disconnected meaningless shards. Jayce would sigh, resigned to the loss of the abstract beauty and art he'd been building. Instead he would take the half-chewed toy and effusively happy dog out for some play.

At two years of age Luna had grown into a startlingly large dog of 65kg. Jayce realized he could double his sensory data harvesting by incorporating input from the dog. Her head was almost as big as his, so the cap barely needed modification. They shared the same warehouse environment so it was trivial to filter the experiences of the dog to match the dataset of the human.

Then, two years later when the research turned to transmission of ideas, Luna was the obvious choice for participating in the tests. She had already been working with the sensory caps and datasets.

Other technologies had advanced as years passed, and wherever he was able Jayce would integrate the superior technology. His wearable equipment could incorporate a smart-phone device with capable processing power and several independent data channels. Materials-sciences had given him progressively more advanced nano-sensor wires for harvesting minute electrochemical signals from his brain and his dog's brain.

Refinement of his ideas, improvements in technology, and distilling his software through layers of uncountable failures over seven years had finally led to Jayce's achievement. He was much too euphoric about their breakthrough continue working. Some fresh air would help clear his mind.

Luna practically bolted through the open door to the yard. She must have desperately needed to go out a pee. Jayce noticed the bitch stopped to squat and relieve herself in several places around the yard.

A large male dog paced outside the hurricane mesh fence which enclosed their yard. The stray whined and pawed at the mesh. He would have been a magnificent dog if anyone had taken proper care of him. While he was larger than Luna his malnourished weight was probably the same as hers. He was a muscular, brindle dog with a white diamond patch on his chest. He had ears that constantly stood at half-mast. It looked as though they'd tried to be erect ears, but had given up just before the tips succeeded in pointing upwards. It made the dog appear to have a constantly quizzical expression. He might have been a mastiff or pitbull cross, with a wide and long muzzle. Jayce often put food out for the stray who always seemed undernourished. But the dog was behaving oddly - pacing to pee on the corner posts of the fence, whining and returning to paw at the mesh nearest Luna.

Jayce realized his bitch must have come into season. It was about six months since he'd last sent her away to a boarding kennel for the two weeks. First thing in the morning he would arrange her stay away. Somehow the day had turned to evening and it was too late to call the kennels. Annoyingly, having Luna away would delay advancing his breakthrough, although he could use the opportunity to refine his code and hardware.

Despite being obviously underfed, the stray dog mostly ignored the food Jayce left for him. The boy dog had tried to squeeze through the gate in desperation to get to the in-season bitch. Jayce was barely able to thwart him, and ushered Luna safely indoors where she could enjoy her own dinner unmolested.

With the dogs fed as the evening turning to night, Jayce checked his research hardware. Several equipment racks held an array of GPUs for the main data processing and translation. Stacks of data storage hardware covered one wall. They produced enough heat to keep his warehouse warm in the winter. He connected charging cables to the two xOne smart-phones - regrettably the high processing requirements of his software on the devices meant they would never survive more than ten hours use each day. And he re-confirmed all his monitoring hardware was performing flawlessly. With his ritual of evening tasks completed, Jayce made his way to bed.

Unfortunately sleep eluded him. Thoughts paraded around his mind chanting a repetitive litany of "Lag. Delay. Latency. Each stage is waiting for the processing of entire concept before passing along to next stage. Lag. Delay. Latency...." His mind relentlessly picked at the edges of the next challenge he would have to overcome in his research.

What if... instead of entire concepts as the unit of encapsulation he could break the data into thought-fragments - small chunks of each idea. And he could use several process threads on the xOne device - multiple thought-fragments could be processed and transmitted simultaneously. And what if the GPU array analysed the incoming streams and made predictions about what the reconstructed concepts were going to be - it could do a few concurrent translations. It could begin transmitting the commonality of translated thought-fragments to the receiver, which could also process the dispersion of several thought-fragments at once.

It was a Eureka! moment. The latency between Jayce sending a concept and Luna enacting the command could probably be reduced by half, or perhaps even lower!

Working through the night (he never would have been able to sleep with the ideas marching through his head in any case) Jayce refined each step of the process, re-coding the software for both the xOnes and the GPU array. Trial runs on his standard concept datasets exceeded his best expectations. The efficiency of allowing the GPU array to do predictive translations meant the latency was practically zero. The receiver should be instantly aware of the ideas and thoughts of the transmitter. By morning Jayce had completed the refactoring and code debugging and was ready for a live test with Luna.

Unfortunately, with his mind fatigued from lack of sleep, Jayce wasn't quite as diligent with the equipment setup as he normally would have been. Code snippets fuzzed his thinking while fragments of algorithms blurred his vision. The two xOne smart phone devices were identical - the only way to differentiate the receiver device from the transmitter device was a hand-written sticky label: 'RX' for Lunas receiver device, and 'TX' for Jayce's transmitter device. After a year of handling the labels were worn and peeling. At casual glance with the lifted corner of the sticker hiding part of the 'R', the sticker on the receiver device looked more like 'TX'. So Jayce mistakenly fixed the receiver device to his own sensor rig and, as it was the remaining device, he assumed he was affixing the correct device to Luna's rig.

He initialized the synchronization software and started the idea exchange.

Jayce stood and looked at his dog. Luna wagged happily, standing and staring back at Jayce.

For a long moment nothing else happened. Jayce couldn't seem to muster his thoughts. He couldn't even seem to think about getting thoughts under control. Ideas bubbled fleetingly in his mind, but he was unable to hold them. Jayce couldn't string the fragments of ideas into an actual coherent thought.

Inexplicable euphoria meshed with a profound sense of wrongness in a mosaic of emotion he was unable to resolve.

He realized with a start he had been running his hands down the side of his dog for some time. Luna seemed pleased with the attention. Jayce dropped to his knees and Luna immediately licked at his face. It seemed natural for Jayce to return the licks - soon their tongues were deep in the other's mouths, kissing deeply and passionately. Shards of Jayce's mind trembled with resistance - something was wrong, this wasn't how he was supposed to behave. But his overwhelming desires seemed to be behaving in the manner Luna expected of him.

Jayce crawled behind Luna. She shifted her tail to the side and presented her rear to him. Her vulva was enlarged, swollen with her being in season. Black and white velvet fur gave way to pink flesh. Tentatively Jayce sniffed her exposed genitals. When Jayce's nose touched the distended vulva Luna reflexively contracted the surrounding muscles. The bitch's perineum bunched and wrinkled, pulling her vulva upward, ready for easy mating. Moisture dewed the Y-shaped entrance. Unable to resist the urges controlling him, Jayce licked at the slick orifice. At the taste a sudden overwhelming urge to mate his bitch suffused his mind.

Clothing frustrated Jayce's initial clumsy attempts to mount Luna. He could feel frustration and need welling in his mind. Luna stood calmly for Jayce while he pressed his chest into her back and wrapped his arms around her midriff. He humped his hips forward expecting his penis to eventually pierce her vulva in the way a mounting dog would. But his clothing thwarted his attempts.

Almost puppet-like, Jayce was compelled to move away and stand. He remained motionless while the confounded bitch circled him, snuffling at his trousers. A memory of Jayce undressing for bed bubbled to the surface of his mind. The memory was unusual in that it seemed to be from the perspective of someone else watching Jayce disrobe. It felt to Jayce as though it was not him remembering his actions.

With a start Jayce realized he was standing naked with his clothing discarded around the floor. His remembrance of undressing had translated into him unconsciously following the actions. His mind adapted the broad-stroke commands of the dog through the human-specific actions necessary to fulfil her desires. He dropped to his knees behind the bitch and again she presented herself to her suitor. Rivulets of drool ran freely from Jayce's mouth at the taste of her arousal on his lapping tongue. His teeth chattered, and he whined with pent-up desire to conquer his bitch. Her arousal was mirrored in his own hardening cock.

Again Jayce knelt over Luna with his arms wrapped around her midriff, pulling her backward onto his cock. But irrespective of how he hunched his hips forward and manoeuvred her rear, Jayce's bobbing penis couldn't align sufficiently with the bitch's vulva to penetrate her. Strange feral instincts swirled through Jayce's mind in frustration, seeming to scream out a command: SOLVE THIS!

Jayce used one hand to align his cock with Luna's vulva. Then he pushed his hips forward.

Puffy lips surrounded his cock, pulling his foreskin back as entered her. His own pre-cum aided by the fluid of the bitch's arousal was ample lubrication. There was a brief feeling of resistance - a constriction that gave way as Jayce pushed his penis into Luna's vagina. Hymen... A word adrift in his turbulent mind. Jayce was taking Luna's virginity at the same time he was losing his own.

The flesh around his penis was hot - much hotter than his own. And it was silky-smooth. Yet there were interesting undulations and ripples as he pushed his cock forward. An overwhelming emotion of fulfilment suffused his mind, but Jayce couldn't tell if it was his own or originated in the needy animal he was mating. All coherent thought dissipated into a sea of instinctual humping. Jayce hauled the dog's hips backward as he pistoned his cock into Luna's vagina. He was lost - no longer thinking any human thoughts. Jayce was consumed by the building orgasm of the bitch beneath him.

White light exploded in his mind. Luna orgasmed and her ecstasy flooded through the mesh of sensors around Jayce's head. The stimulation of her clenching vagina had already been building his own orgasm. But with the dog's fulfilment came a strong desire to be filled with semen, to fertilize her waiting womb. Jayce grunted as he pushed his cock as deep into the dog as he was able. His balls drew up, kissed by the vulva surrounding the root of his penis. And he orgasmed. He came harder than he had ever orgasmed in his life. The tip of Jayce's cock was pushed firmly against Luna's cervix and his semen spurted directly into her fertile uterus. In return the bitch reflexively clenched her vagina muscles, milking semen from Jayce's cock.

It was a few moments before some vestiges of human thought bubbled back up in Jayce's mind. No longer virgin... But the thought barely formed before it drifted away on a nagging desire that he should dismount his bitch and turn away. Clumsily he tried lifting his leg over the dog's back so they could stand butt-to-butt like mated animals. His manoeuvring dislodged his softening cock and it slipped from Luna's vulva. Disappointment filtered through his thoughts, but it could have been Luna's thwarted expectation of being tied with a dog's swollen knot.

Despite part of his mind looking on in disgust, Jayce was suddenly compelled to lap his tongue at the fluids leaking from Luna's vulva. His own semen mixed with other fluids of their coupling made him shudder, but he was impelled to comply with the bitch's expectations.

And then she leapt away. Luna bounded off, running around the perimeter of the warehouse barking excitedly. She raced back to Jayce and dropped to her forepaws with her butt in the air, her tail was a mad propeller of glee. Her whole body juddered for a moment as another orgasm consumed her. Profound satisfaction washed through Jayce. He couldn't contain his human giggling as he rolled onto his back. Luna excitedly lapped at the human's cock, cleaning the vestiges of semen that dribbled onto Jayce's belly. Then she rocketed away for another excited circuit of the warehouse, barking, spinning around, trying to bite at her own tail.

With seemingly no transition, Jayce discovered himself opening the door to the warehouse to let Luna out for a pee. Apparently human and dog minds were training each other so he could translate her abstract, general desires into the necessary human-specific actions required to achieve her goals. At the same time Jayce's own mind was subsumed by the behaviours Luna expected of him as a worthy suitor.

The bitch squatted in the yard to pee. Like any male dog would, Jayce was compelled to sniff at the wet patch in the grass, to inhale the pheromones of her oestrous. And like any male dog would, he was compelled to lap his tongue into the puddle. A distance part of his mind recoiled in horror. But he was drooling in rivulets with his teeth chattering like a horny dog, and he had a sudden urge to urinate into the puddle Luna had left.

Several times Luna squatted to mark the yard, and each time Jayce followed her like a randy hound. He pushed his nose under her tail and lapped her urine even as it still flowed. Somewhere a voice was railing at his mind in revulsion, but it was too distant and faint to divert Jayce from pissing like a dog wherever Luna had marked.

Luna's in-season pheromones had attracted the stray male dog. The brown-striped boy whined and pawed at the fence, eager to mate with a receptive bitch. Jayce felt a wave of prickles at the back of his neck - his hackles were raising. He rumbled a threatening growl of challenge at the dog through the wire mesh. Luna glanced over, seemingly startled by Jayce's dominant display. As though a cloud was lifting, Jayce realized the other dog wasn't a threat. In fact Jayce wanted, needed the other dog the come into the yard.

Jayce found himself ineffectually pawing at the bolted gate. He pondered for a moment then calmly stood, lifted the latch, and slid the bolt free. The gate swung open and the large brindle male dog bounded into the yard. With tail held high and chest puffed out the male dog approached the in-season bitch. He pawed at her shoulder while just the tip of his tail wagged. Luna, in response, licked at his face.

While the two dogs courted, Jayce stood at the gate, motionless like a forgotten puppet. Luna was completely oblivious to the human as her entire attention focussed on the randy stray. Jayce could only watch as the two dogs coupled in the yard. The brindle dog practically leapt onto Luna's back. He jackhammered his hips, thrusting his cock into the receptive bitch. His low-hanging balls swung between her legs with the rhythmic slapping of his thighs impacting hers.

Fleeting sensations of second-hand pleasure tumbled through Jayce's head. He was unable to react to a phantom feeling of being stretched out, of being filled. The brindle dog's swollen knot was lodged inside Luna, distending her flesh. They were locked together while he spurted semen into her fertile womb. Jayce could feel his abdomen clenching as though he was the one trying to milk the dog's cock. With a shiver that started at his shoulders, Jakes body shuddered with a flood of shared pleasure through his link to Luna. The boy dog stepped over Luna's back and turned. They were butt-to-butt with the dog's knot still locked into his bitch.

As though the puppet's strings were cut, Jayce slumped to his knees. He juddered with a burst of second-hand pleasure. The human's penis pulsed, and he squirted a couple of ropes of cum into the grass. He gasped and grunted, unable to prevent himself sharing Luna's orgasm. For several minutes his body quivered in ecstasy. His cock bobbed and pulsed, squeezing a sliver of semen from his aching balls.

After perhaps twenty minutes the phantom pressure at his groin seemed to ease up slightly. Jayce raised his head and crawled across the yard to where the two dogs were still joined. With an obscene squelch, the still-partially-inflated knot of the dog slipped from the bitch. Jayce's mouth was forced to press against her opening as Luna expected him to clean up the flood of excess dog semen draining from her clenching vulva. He shuddered with disgust, but diligently lapped at the fluids. Nearby the boy dog had curled around to lap at his own cock. Without volition Jayce crawled to him and joined the dog licking at its cock. By licking up from the dog's scrotum and along its sheath he was able to help the dog retract his penis. The brindle boy responded by licking at Jayce's ears. Jayce was oddly gratified to have helped the dog.

And then that feeling of disconnection again. Jayce was left deactivated as Luna wandered off fulfilled and distracted. The bitch snuffled around the yard, before drifting aimlessly into the warehouse. Jayce remained on his knees, with his head almost at ground level, staring at the ample sheath and balls of the brindle stray. The dog panted happily, with eyes half closed. Then he stopped, catching a scent. He snuffled around the prone human, pressing a cold nose between the human's raised buttocks. Jayce jolted at the cold but was otherwise unable to react. The nose snuffled lower, nudging the human's balls. And lower still, where the human's shrunken penis still smelled like the pheromones of Jayce's earlier mating to Luna.

The male dog huffed and licked at Jayce's cock, sampling the fluids. Then without ceremony the large dog pressed his chest into Jayce's back, mounting him. The dog shuffled his back feet forward until the pointed tip of his cock pierced Jayce's sphincter. Helpless to react, Jayce couldn't prevent the feral dog from sinking the length of his cock into Jayce's butt-hole.

When not erect, male dogs have a bone in their penis to keep it rigid. Fortunately for Jayce, the diameter of the dog's flaccid cock was only about the thickness of a finger. As the boy dog was recently depleted from fucking Luna, it wasn't painful for the human. Jayce had never taken anything anally before - his was a virgin anus (and he'd honestly expected it to remain so for life!) The slickness of the dog's penis from his recent mating prevented discomfort for Jayce at the intrusion.

The dog had claimed another bitch, but remained too exhausted from his mating to Luna to actually fuck the human. So the dog stood overtop Jayce with his penis-bone hilted in the man's butt.

After around fifteen minutes Jayce felt the finger-thin penis start to thicken inside him. The dog overtop Jayce pressed its paws into his thighs, pulling him back onto the thickening cock. The boy dog was barely even moving - just trying to press his cock as deep as possible while it expanded. Inside him, Jayce could feel the dog's knot swelling in pulses. He couldn't move, he couldn't force the dog out, he could barely clench his sphincter. Sweat pricked Jayce's body as he flushed with heat. Shards of panic clattered around in his mind - the dog was surely going to split Jayce in half. The mammoth knot would surely tatter his arse-hole. Tears leaked from Jayce's eyes in anticipation of ripping pain. But while the engorged knot filled Jayce completely, the throbbing growth stopped just short of pain. And Jayce could feel the dog's cock pulsing as it squirted cum into him. Panic fell away in pieces - this was actually quite a pleasant feeling. Jayce felt stretched to his limit, but not beyond. And he could feel each pulse of the dog squirting into him. The dog's knot was pressing against Jayce's prostate with incredible sensations. He felt his own cock start to harden.

When the dog atop him eventually stepped over and turned, Jayce felt its knot tugging against his prostate. The abrupt and unusual stimulation brought Jayce to a shuddering orgasm. His cock bobbed between his knees and he squirted more semen onto the ground. But he remained unable to do anything except stay kneeling with his head resting on the grass. Until the feral dog was done, Jayce would be locked to the dog's cock.

It was a full thirty minutes later when the dog's receding knot finally slipped free of Jayce's stretched butt-hole. Thin, watery semen drained freely from his gaping butt. It dribbled over his balls and dripped to mix with his own semen on the grass. Jake was powerless to react. Firstly the boy dog lapped at its own penis to help restore it to its sheath. Then he pressed his cold nose into Jayce's butt to lap up the seeping liquid. The sensation felt oddly to Jayce like a soft massage of his anus. Not at all unpleasant and definitely soothing.

The boy dog licked at Jayce's ears, then curled up to rest near Jayce's head.

Sometime later Jayce felt a nagging sensation of Luna desiring company. With a crackle of protesting limbs he managed to stand. The stray dog also stood and padded along next to Jayce as he made his way inside the warehouse. Luna saw them arrive from her position curled up on the couch and immediately wagged her tail. The two dogs and human were sexually satisfied, but hunger became a nagging imperative.

Luna was well familiar with their feeding routine and the human performed by his duties by rote. Dry food from the cupboard (one cup, another cup) was put into Luna's bowl. A spoonful of canned food and a splash of water was added. Sometimes, Luna knew, Jayce had to repeat the ritual for the stray boy. So more dry food went into the spare bowl (one cup, another cup) with meat and a splash of water. The two bowls were set down for the hungry dogs. Jayce watched, expressionless, as they gobbled the food. Then he retrieved and washed the bowls while Luna supervised.

Humans eat cereal from the box in the pantry, poured into a ceramic bowl. A splash of milk comes from the bottle in the fridge. And then Luna has to sit patiently while the human eats. Desires warred briefly in Jayce's mind. Simultaneously he felt he should surrender is cereal to Luna, but he also knew she was supposed to be a good girl and sit and wait until Jayce was done eating. Dogs, it seemed, suffered terrible conflict when humans were eating delicious things.

By the time the ritual of feeding was completed a nagging horniness started buzzing at Jayce's mind. Luna was in season. She was fertile, and she needed the boys to fuck her as many times as they were capable. Jayce's cock twitched in response.

Dogs and human fucked several more times. The two boys would fuck Luna and share clean-up duty. Then the boy dog would fuck Jayce again while Luna was momentarily satisfied and distracted.

The day was exhausting for all of them - Jayce was already sleep-deprived from working through the previous night. At around 8:00pm they all retired to Jayce's bed. After yet more sex they were all drained enough to fall asleep. Jayce's slept sandwiched between the two dogs with his cock still buried in Luna's pussy. As she slept and dreamed her clenching pussy milked Jayce to another orgasm in his dreams.

At 6:00am the following morning, Jayce woke with an urgent need to go outside and pee. The two dogs accompanied him to the yard. Wherever Luna squatted, the male dog and human would feel compelled to piss on the same spot to claim her as theirs.

Luna lapped at the last of the stream of urine from Jayce as he marked where she'd squatted. The pleasurable feeling of her tongue made his cock harden. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes to savour the sensation. When he looked back, he realized the brindle dog had mounted and was fucking Luna. Jayce was horny and slightly annoyed the stray was first to mount his bitch. He moved around behind the dogs, watching the boy dog jack-hammer his cock into Luna. Their passion was making his own cock ache for release.

When the boy dog's swelling knot slowed his thrusting to tie him to Luna, Jayce's arousal became overwhelming. He moved close to their union and noticed how the male's anus clenched rhythmically. Every throb of the dog's cock inside Luna corresponded to the dog's sphincter tightening. Jayce remembered how good it felt to have a cock in his own rectum. Surely he should return the favour to the male dog.

Jayce used saliva to slick the head of his penis and pressed it against the clenching sphincter of the dog. Whenever the dog relaxed his sphincter slightly Jayce pressed forward a little further. His foreskin peeled back helping to open out the dog. Eventually the tip of his cock pushed forward hard enough to slip past the constriction. He paused with just the head of his penis inside the dog's anus. Jayce worried the dog might react in pain, but instead there was a sudden volley of clenches around his cock as the intensity of the dog's orgasm increased. Jayce pushed deeper and his cock slipped effortlessly into the dog. The squeezing around his cock was incredible. His full length was inside the dog with his balls pressing against the dog's balls. Whenever the dog squirted cum into Luna, he clamped his sphincter muscles around Jayce's cock. Jayce groaned with the unexpected pleasure. Like a feral dog he pulled back on the hips of the dog beneath him and began pounding his cock into the warm hole. His balls slapped against the dog's balls.

It only took a few moments before Jayce reached his peak. The dog's butt felt as hot as Luna's vagina and just as tight. Jayce pumped cum into the dog and the dog responded with another volley of clenching around his cock. He held himself inside the boy for as long as he was able, savouring the rhythmic milking. But eventually his cock softened and he slipped free. Jayce sat back on the grass in the afterglow of his orgasm to watch the two dogs still locked in their coupling. His mind was content and free of concerns while he waited.

After the two dogs separated and Jayce had helped in their mutual grooming, the sated trio drifted back to the bedroom. It was still a little early - they could spend more time snoozing together.

As they climbed back onto the bed Jayce found his sensor cap under the sheets. It must have fallen off some time in the night. He checked Luna's rig and discovered the xOne was unplugged. But... but he'd fucked the dogs this morning. Surely that hadn't been of his own volition?

Confused, Jayce left the dogs on the bed and checked the sensor logs at his main computer. Somewhere shortly after their midday meal yesterday the batteries on both the xOne devices had drained. Apparently the additional sustained load of his multi-threaded processing depleted the devices rapidly. Jayce realized he'd been acting without any influence from Luna for most of their day yesterday.

Jayce shrugged his shoulders. He looked over at the two dogs curled together on the bed. The brindle stray dog was snuggled up against his white-and-black Luna. Jayce was sure, if he was careful, he could squeeze in between them again.

Part 2

It was some weeks later when the feedback cascade nearly killed Jayce. He had been experimenting with the sensor caps. How would it feel to allow both parties to mutually share in what the other was experiencing? Flynn had been his test subject.

No-one had claimed the stray brindle dog, despite Jayce posting notices. Jayce adopted him and named him Flynn. The boy proved as capable as Luna working with the sensor rigs. And he had adapted to his new life with Jayce and Luna. As well as filling out to over 70kg with regular meals, he was content to be companion and lover to the man and his bitch.

Jayce initialized the equipment for his new experiment. Flynn wore a sensor rig identical in hardware and software to the human's.

At first the sensation was an odd feeling of duality. It was like being able to see both sides of a door at once. Or to look at yourself looking back at yourself. Flynn wagged his tail and Jayce felt a sensation of euphoria - whether it was his emotion or his dog's was unclear but unimportant. The warehouse echoed with overlaid pictures and sound.

The experiment seemed interesting, but benign... until Luna waddled over to explore what the boys were doing. Luna was heavily pregnant with Flynn's pups - due in two weeks. Her belly was rounded, her many breasts were filling with milk making the nipples protrude. When Luna turned away Flynn's attention became sharply focussed on the bitch's distended genitals. In preparation for whelping pups her vulva had swelled even larger than when she'd been in heat.

Jayce remembered how it had felt, losing his virginity to her accommodating warmth. His cock twitched as he remembered his knot swelling and tying him to the bitch. No... Wait... that wasn't his memory. It seemed Flynn, too, was intently focussed on Luna's exaggerated sex. They remembered the smell of her pheromones driving him mad with lust. Confused sensations warred in Jayce's mind. It seemed he could feel his knot swelling in his sheath (but he wasn't a dog!), and it seemed Flynn was frustrated by the coarse denim of his jeans restraining his cock (but he wasn't the human!). The dog's cock throbbed and squirted clear precum onto the floor. But it was Jayce who felt the front of his pants wetting. His cock strained against his jeans, stimulated at once by the fabric, and the feeling of being Flynn with a heavy knot in a sheath.

To try to relieve some of the pressure at his groin, Jayce ripped his jeans open. His freed cock bobbed, jumping at the change in sensations. Beside him the hunched dog lowered his head and panted. His cock felt over-stimulated, a confusing medley of strain and release against his knot. Overwhelmed, the dog humped his hips. His cock erupted a long stream of milky-white semen onto the floor. Jayce was overcome with the dog's orgasm. He fell to his knees, gasping and drooling. His own cock spat a thick rope of semen to the floor.

Flynn was overcome by the human's orgasm adding to his own. Instead of reaching a peak, his pleasure amplified, building to an excruciating crescendo. Beside him the human had slumped forward.

Jayce's pelvic muscles clenched repeatedly, trying to wrest more semen from his aching cock. But there was no release from the climax. Just a constant increase in bliss, driving coherent thought away.

Human and dog collapsed beside each other, lost in juddering maelstrom of ecstasy. Their bodies trembled in seizure, caught in the grip of an escalating and unending orgasm. Their desperate muscles tried to wring more fluids into the expanding puddles at their groins. The release of unconsciousness was denied them - whenever Jayce felt blackness descending, a stab of white ecstasy jarred him forlornly alert.

Perhaps the man and the dog would have remained incapacitated together until the batteries of their equipment depleted hours later. Probably their brains would have been damaged - atrophied by overuse of hormones. Possibly the seizures would have killed them both. It was Luna who saved them. She was deeply concerned when the two boys fell to the ground. They were grunting and groaning, foaming at the mouth. Spasms shook them. She nudged Jayce with her muzzle and whined, but he was ignoring her. She pawed at his shoulder to try to wake him from his stupor. Whether accidentally or deliberately, her paw hooked the cable from the sensor rig to the xOne device. The connectors unseated.

With a shriek, both man and dog fell into a black abyss of unconsciousness.

Jayce and Flynn lay unmoving. Pearl gently cleaned the two males, then lay between them to share her warmth while they recovered. She whined softly in consternation.

Okay, so a couple of bugs to iron out. Jayce eventually roused, fumbling to his knees. The room swirled about him and he threw up. His head felt two sizes too big, or two sizes too small. In either case he couldn't seem to lift his head. When he turned to check Flynn's progress, Jayce's neck made worrying grating sounds. The dog fared little better - with head drooping he was staggering to stand. Flynn made a gurgling burp sound as he hunched over, depositing his half-digested breakfast in a steaming pile of slime. Jayce groaned and threw up again. Maybe more than a couple of bugs.

Setbacks are the building blocks of success. At least, that's what the poster on the wall declared. Jayce realized he could filter out feedback by subtracting the original known source signals. He could throttle echoes and potential feedback cascades with some clever algorithms. After refinement and debugging on his trial datasets for a week, Jayce was ready for another live test with Flynn.

His hands shook with trepidation as he affixed the rig to Flynn. The dog was cowed and nervous. Jayce took a deep breath and initialized the sensors.

The world changed. His nervousness evaporated in wonder at a flood of new sensations. Instead of an echoing world of superimposed images, Jayce could hear the tiniest sounds and see intricate details. He felt Flynn's ears swivelling to track the source of each hum and click of the equipment racks. When he looked around the room, sometimes colours were muted but rich contrast enhanced minute details.

And Jayce could feel Flynn's amazement at having dexterous hands! He found himself studying the way his hand could turn and fingers flex. He sniffed at his palm and immediately discerned the distinct scents of Flynn's fur, Jayce's body, the slightly rubbery smell of the sensor caps, keyboard plastic, cereal and milk from breakfast. In fact his whole day was laid bare in a parade of different smells.

It was as though the two of them - man and dog - had merged into one creature. Jayce felt he had become a hybrid human-dog, being able to draw on the best attributes of both man and beast.

Similarly Flynn was in wonder at how he could understand the world, manipulate his surrounding with a tall and dextrous body. As a dog he could smell and sense the world considerably better than any human. He could leverage the abstract reasoning from the human to understand not just the what, but also the why of the world around him. And he could use his hands (hands!) to manipulate the world in intricate ways.

Sex with Luna was phenomenal. Although she was only a week away from whelping her litter, she still sought pleasure from the two boys. The enhancements of the shared sensors merged their sexual experience. At times the human felt he had a swollen knot lodged in the bitches distended vagina. Simultaneously he could feel his human cock being gripped by the male dog's anus. But it was his anus clenching around a cock. Man and dog were entwined as one creature, fucking and being fucked.

Their shared orgasm was explosive.

Jayce felt the contractions of Luna's vagina practically suckling the semen from his cock. But it was Flynn's knot that filled the bitch. He could feel the thin watery cum jetting from the pointed cock tip, but his human cock spurted thick cum into the bowels of the male dog. Pleasure washed over him, through him, around him. The pleasure of the dog and the man built together, but never threatened to consume them. Their mutual orgasm prolonged their bliss without becoming a tempest of lost self. The male dog's sustained knotting to Luna kept Jayce's orgasm bubbling for twenty minutes.

When they eventually separated, a warm glow of bliss and love suffused man and dog. Their shared experience transcended mere trust and companionship. They blended their souls with an intimate coupling no two beings previously could.

So when the xOne devices shut down with depleted batteries a few moments later it was like having half their body sliced away. The separation was jarring. One moment Jayce was basking in the joy of sharing Flynn's wonder at the world. The next moment his mind was sealed alone and diminished in his human body. The xOne devices died with a sad 'beep' and shut down. The wet patches on the bed were cold as the semen dried to a crust.

Part 3

A week later Luna and Jayce gave birth to a healthy litter of six puppies. Flynn watched the human and bitch nervously from a distance, pacing around the warehouse. Jayce could feel puppies moving inside Luna's abdomen as though they were inside him. He felt cramps bringing on the contractions as whelping approached. Both he and Luna were nervous about birthing a litter. The sensor rigs elevated their abilities - combined they were certain they could manage any situation. But neither the man nor bitch had previously been involved in giving birth. Jayce could sense the strong instincts of Luna wanting to nest in their bed. Instead he guided her to the whelping-box he'd earlier built. It was padded with warm, absorbent blankets and towels.

Jayce grunted with Luna's contractions. He kept her calm when the first pup slithered from her birth canal in a mess of bloody fluids and placenta. Together they cleaned the pup and ensured it was breathing properly. They guided its scrunched, mewling face toward Luna's nipples. Jayce felt the pup clamp its suckling mouth around the milky nub as though it were his own nipple. Somehow the sensation was at once deeply erotic and profoundly fulfilling. Luna was radiating an intense joy and protectiveness of the pup.

Thirty minutes later the next pup slipped into the world. The sensation left Jayce gasping - it was such an intimate experience. Cramps pushed the bulk of the pup through his lower abdomen (or so it felt), then he felt stretched and stimulated as it squeezed through the birth canal. And then the sudden slithering release, followed by a burst of endorphins and an overwhelming joy. His hands shook with the confusing mix of sensations and emotions.

By the sixth pup, Jayce was barely able to help. His body felt exhausted from the prolonged cramps. The see-sawing emotions of nervousness, effort, and joy drained Luna and Jayce. Six healthy suckled on Luna's ample breasts. There were three boys and three girls, brindle, with various large botches of white. Jayce shared in Luna's joy and pride, although she was drifting into sleep. Jayce had to remove the sensor link before he was able to gather the strength to clear the soiled towels from the whelping box. He felt a clammy wetness at his groin - at some point he'd orgasmed into his pants. But now separated from Luna and her pups he felt isolated. He crawled into bed with Flynn, hugging the dog for comfort as he drifted to sleep.

Part 4

There were a few problems for Jayce when sharing his mind with a dog. Inconsistencies jarred his world. At times he'd reach out with a hand, but realize his dog's paw had knocked over some equipment. Or he'd collide with the table, thinking he could walk under it. With practice the man and dog learned when their individual morphology was appropriate for each situation. But they were still two bodies trying to reconcile a single shared experience. It was almost impossible to eat or drink. And having two bodies trying to share a single space was just somehow inconvenient. Mind you, the sex was phenomenal.

Still, Jayce felt he could improve their experiences.

What if...

The GPU array was already using predictive models to optimize the throughput of their shared experience. Jayce's software drew from the vast store of data he'd collected from himself and the dogs over their years in the warehouse. The algorithms inferred from mental cues of both participants what experiences it should be building, even before the originator had transmitted those experiences. Perhaps he could change the pipeline to simply draw from the pre-collected data to fulfil the expectations of the target, rather than drawing from another live being. And instead of interacting with the real world he could model the warehouse in virtual reality. If the simulated warehouse followed rules appropriate to a hybrid human-dog morphology there would be no conflicts between what Jayce thought he was doing and how the world responded.

The human could embellish his abilities with features drawn from the dataset of the dog. And Luna and Flynn could use the human dataset to give them the same experience as Jayce. There would be no reason why Jayce, Flynn and Luna couldn't stand together as equals in their virtual mindscape.

Completion of a year of tweaking and manipulating Jayce's datasets coincided with the release of the updated xTwo device. The new smart-phone had ample processing capabilities to host the virtual warehouse in addition to maintaining the sensory data exchanges. Progress on the sensory devices had been swift for Jayce despite the frequent interruptions of a troupe of rowdy pups. Flynn and Luna tried to keep the mayhem of their pack outside in the yard, but puppies will be puppies.

Jayce strapped the updated sensory cap to Flynn's head. It matched the cap on his own head. He made the dog lay down at his feet while Jayce sat in a comfortable recliner. The human drew a nervous breath, closed his eyes, and squeezed his hand on the switch to activate the simulation.

For a moment there was only darkness. In the distance Jayce could hear the whine of cooling fans on the GPU racks cycling up to speed. But he could still only see blackness. Dammit! Something had gone wrong, some connection he'd missed. He opened his eyes and stood, ready to check the equipment.

He was very tall. And he was covered in short grey fur. And he was naked! Jayce stared in amazement at his new body. He rubbed his furred hands (paws?) in his chest fur. Behind him his slightly brushy tail wagged slowly side to side. Jayce kept turning, trying to see every feature of his human-dog hybrid form. His legs were long and covered in the same short pelt of grey fur as his chest. But he no longer had human legs. He found he was balancing on his toes, with his heel up almost where his knee should be. His thighs were short and muscular. In fact, his legs looked more like a dog's rear legs than a human's. And his cock was gone! No, wait, not gone... Jayce had a plump sheath, like a dog's. Experimentally he retracted the sheath a little (to check he still had a penis...)

"You look magnificent," rumbled a deep voice near Jayce, "Oh shit! I can talk!" Another imposing human-dog hybrid was standing by the recliner. His build was similar to Jayce's, but his pelt was brindled black and light brown. He had a large white diamond of fur on his chest.

Jayce startled and guiltily drew his hands away from where he'd been tugging his sheath. "Flynn? Flynn! You're... I... We're... " Jayce was lost for words.

The brindle hybrid smiled. He strolled over and embraced his best friend.

Luna watched over the two sleeping forms while her pups played outside. The sleepers twitched. Luna wasn't concerned - they seemed to be having happy dreams. The human was smiling in his sleep, and the brindle dog thumped his tail on the floor. She lay next to Flynn at Jayce's feet, listening to their breathing. For a moment she became alarmed when the two suddenly juddered, their breathing in gasps. Dog semen squirted into her fur from the sleeping dog, and she could smell the expanding wet patch of the human's semen staining his trousers. But the boys sighed happily and settled back into an easy rest. The seemed content with their world.


"Is this reality?" the canine pondered. He ran a finger around the top of his glass of beer.

"Of course it's not. You already know it's just a simulation!" The horse was munching a handful of snacks from the bar.

"Sure, I know it's just a simulation. But is it reality? It looks real. It feels real. In every way we can measure, every machine and instrument we can build here confirms this reality. The world stands up to mathematical scrutiny. It follows laws, and those laws can be used to make predictions about the world. By every definition and measure this is reality," countered the canine.

The horse stared blearily through the dog's waffling. "But you exit the simulation several times a day. You know this is just data and pixels. You know that I'm not sitting next to you at a bar. I'm on the other side of the planet - the real planet."

"Right. I know that. But while I'm here, in every way this is as real as when I'm out there, to the limits of every measure and test you can come up with." The dog was getting enthusiastic about his subject. "The Holy Trinity of Lord God Jayce, Wife Luna and Husband Flynn, and his Angelic helpers wrote the Codes and created the universe." The canine bowed his head for a moment in the ritual prayers.

"Oh, you're a Believer." The horse shook his mane in disgust. "This simulation was created by xCorp. Out 'there'," he waved his hand vaguely above his head, "you're wearing one of their xEightyEight rigs. This place might be based on some of the original data from that dog-fucker and his pack but that was from a century ago." He sighed and gulped down his digital beer. There really wasn't any point in arguing with a zealot. "Really, look at the time. I should log out." The horse person vanished in a swirl of lights.

The dog was alone at the bar, but there were other patrons in booths around the walls. A tiger was having an animated argument with a bear. On the pool table, a fox (of course) was laying back and being fucked by a wolf (of course). Why was it always the foxes and wolves fucking in public places? The wolf saw the dog-hybrid watching and invited him over with a toothy grin. The dog quickly turned away, embarrassed.

There were no purely human forms. Apparently some fundamental defect prevented humans from elevating each other. Instead of drawing on each other's strengths, humans unconsciously tried to tear the other down. Both would end up drooling idiots in the rigs. And animal/animal hybrids were unpredictable and completely unsuited to the virtual world. No, it seemed a human could only combine with an animal, each augmented the abilities of the other. Perhaps they were so different in thought and form there was no insecurity of competitiveness. Human and animal forms would combine in a symbiosis which was superior to either individual.

If an animal was connected to the simulation, the controlling rigs would automatically pair them with a human dataset. And when a human logged in the only available options were to combine with an animal aspect.

The canine contemplated his beer. It tasted like beer. He felt bloated after drinking it (although he knew when he logged out he'd still be thirsty). Maybe this all was just a fantasy world. But he felt complete - more real - here. As a canine/human hybrid his life was amazing. The dog bowed his head in a silent prayer of Thanks to Jayce. This world allowed hybrids to meet others like himself, collaborate on projects, build artworks and have a fantastic life. But whenever he logged out, back in the 'real' world, well he was just a dog.