Station 285

Story by Hazel O Hare on SoFurry

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#2 of Fur World

something new I've been working on for a little bit now, call it script writing, visual novel style type stuff, in my recent lack of motivation I've been playing a lot of those cheesy furry visual novel games where the main character is stuck in some small area and winds up having a small spectrum of people to get 'busy' with.

I decided to try give something similar to that a go, setting it an an alternate earth type setting cause, normal earth suuuuuucks.

hence so I've decided that this little story will be molded by the commentators, letting them chose what happens via poll or vote or some such.

for the time being enjoy the story.

Station 285.

Chapter one: Isolation.

The trip so far had been long and boring, the radio of the snow cat had cut dead to static some hours' drive out of the city and it'd stayed that way for three straight days now. My brother however insisted I come up to visit him as he was quote 'lonely' without me around. My little brother Calvin had been clingy since he'd hatched, always stuck firmly to my side through thick and thin, I admired him for it; not many siblings get along with one another. But still, after the fall out back home he'd moved all the way up to the desolate Northern Tundra for reasons that even I didn't know, now here he was dragging me up here to visit.

My Driver was not much for talk either, a deputy of the sheriff's station at 285, Aurther his name plate said, husky; a mute. It was just me, him and the howling snowy wind, for three days straight, no stopping save a few hours a night for sleep. The vehicle was like a big boxy camper van, on tank tracks and made to look like one of those massive military trucks, though painted in bright yellows and reds. It was cramped for a bird like myself and stuffy as all hell what with the windows remaining firmly shut, the odour of dog, shitty black coffee and tough mild jerky were all the air in here was made of at this point. At this point I was beginning to think the pooch lived in this thing what with how oh so 'long haul truckie' it looked on the inside.

I was about to let out my fortieth sigh of boredom when the radio suddenly snapped back to life, a voice cutting the static clean through. So instead I let out a sigh of relief, I finally had something to listen to, though the voice was rambling on about how the weather would be shitty for the next week and then some. It wasn't too long before I could spot lights growing nearer either, I half turned to the Husky, my eyes still on the foggy lights ahead.

"We almost their"? I asked inquisitively, though mostly I just wanted to get out of this stuffy snowcat and stretch my limbs out. The Husky gives me a nod, his striking blue eyes not leaving their forward locked stare, I breath another sigh of relief and mutter the word 'Finally' under my breath as I dig out my phone. Service was dead as a doornail but I still had the last text Calvin had sent me telling me to wait for him at the police station. Which set off all sorts of alarm bells, Calvin was the type known to stir trouble, he'd spent more than his fair share in lockup, so much so that Dad had adopted 'Jailbird' as a derogatory nickname cross insult for him.

The snowcat pulled in past some of the foggy lights, making a few sharper turns, I could just about make out the outlines of various buildings and what not. Though a moment later the engine was being cut off and the Husky was out the door and into the snowy winds. Without waiting a moment I reached back over my seat and grabbed up my duffle bag before following. I was a rather big bird, Condor, the largest you could possible get before flight became nigh impossible; that and I was technically not supposed to be alive. My fathers a Condor, my mother was a Macaw, the chances of them having a child were a thousand to one and yet they managed to have three eggs, Me, Calvin and our unfortunate third brother Michel; who sadly never hatched. But even though I'd defied the odds I was still not built for the frozen North, immediately did I step from the snowcat and my beak began to chatter away from the cold.

I was quick to follow the Husky inside, into the warmth of a small and cosy Police Station, same sort you'd get out rural way, all wood, high arch ceiling, shoddy brown carpet, light ash wood walls and painted white cubicle like workstations. The Husky was welcomed with open arms, another fellow running back out alongside him, possibly to stow the snowcat away properly. From a quick glance around I spotted the Sheriff; he was a Sheppard, wore a distinguishable jacket with the badge clearly having 'Kai.S' printed on its face. Though there was something else mixed through his breed, something subtle; apart from him the only other souls in the room were a canine detective and a rather bored looking Hare of a deputy. My brother however was noticeably absent and me being the towering raptor I was, I quickly found myself with more attention than I was comfortable with.

"You the techie"? Asked in a commanding voice, though there was warmth to it, my eyes came down to latch onto the Sheriff and I gave him a curt nod; the other reason I'd been dragged up here.

"Yes Sir, That'd be me" I replied as politely as I could; whereas Calvin loved to press the authorities I was perfectly happy to abide them; I'd had more than my fair share of dealings with the Police. Rodents and such forth tend to bolt for the nearest hole at first sight, mealy walking down the sidewalk usually had me chatting to officers eventually; though I found it nice to socialise.

"I take it the jailbird in our lock up is yours as well"? The sheriff added with a cocked brow, my posture slumped and a sigh left my beak, eyes rolling, brow knitting. Of course Calvin was in jail, why wouldn't he be.

"Urgh...what's he done..." I asked, exasperated; Calvin had been sent to prison a few times, but not for anything serious, a few weeks here and there for minor nuisance type stuff. Public indecency, resisting arrest and most often the case, vandalism via graffiti, usually at illegal outdoor raves in rundown rail yards and where houses.

"Caught him vandalising the billboard just outside of town with...ahem, highly inappropriate visual materials." I let out a groan as the Sheriff spoke, claws coming up to massage my temples in embarrassed irritation. Calvin was, rambunctious, to put it lightly, inappropriate was his lifestyle; ever since Dad threw him out that is. Which was good, he'd grown since then, become surer of himself and all, but still.

"Ngh not the French pose thing again..." I groaned, hence cocking the Sheriffs other brow, I gave him one of those 'I'll set him straight' looks and without a word he motioned for me to follow him to the Cells. The French pose thing started back when Calvin had first been thrown out, day one he'd joined a gay rights activist group and by day seven he was their most aggressive member. One of his calling cards as it were was spray painting a huge naked male Macaw in a seductive French pose whilst also flipping both birds, often accompanied by the words 'suck my cock fag bashers', It'd landed him in jail no fewer than a dozen times in a year.

The moment I spotted him in the Cell I crossed my arms and adopted a look most people had described to me as a 'You are going to die soon' look. My eyes locked on the rebellious Blue Macaw who currently faced away from the bars; busy arguing with another fellow.

"Calvin Novak Bourbon"! I said, my voice was flat but that's all I needed to say before his body went rigid and his head tried to tunnel down into his chest. His tail feathers splayed out, his plumage went limp and lame and I heard him gulp before muttering 'shit' under his breath. The fellow he'd been arguing with crossed his arms as the Macaw turned to face me, looking like an afraid child.

"H-hey Luca..." he said tucking his arms behind his back; Calvin was rebellious toward nearly everyone in the family and most if not all figures of authority; all accept me. I let out a huff of air through my nose as I stared him down. I was a good seven foot five, pushing seven-six, Calvin however was a solid five foot; though thankfully we both took after our mother.

"The fucking French pose...Again, give me one reason why I should bail you out, for the fourteenth time" I scalded, His antics did wear on me, though I was more patient than most others; for a moment he looked away before bringing those deep, diamond blue eyes to meet my own steely amber grey gaze.

"Cause you're the only person who cares about me..." he said, voice quivering and at once I knew why he was in jail and why he'd insisted I visit, he'd been dumped, again. I shook my head, posture slackening, he always did this, his heart was constantly worn around the sleeve and so many took advantage of that; love was something my little brother clung to in spades.

"...Let him out, I'll keep him in line Sheriff." I said with a flat tone, said Sheriff did just that, though with a watchful gaze. A loud buzzing noise before the rattling of the Iron bared gate sliding open and my jailbird was free, yet again. He made to hug me but I simply jerked a thumb in the direction of the front door.

"Move..." I said and he skulked off in front of me as I forked out the bail yet again before following him.

Calvin had a body that could easily pass for that of a woman's, curves and meat in all the right places with the plumage and wit to match that of a tough tomboyish street punk. He'd a mosaic of various blues all throughout his body, save the single red streak through his tail and the white of his belly and fluff. Lastly there was the stark greyish black of his arms and legs, and of course those sparkling diamond like eyes that he got from our mother. All that combined made him a target for all sorts of assholes, from queers to straight guys drunk so far under the table they thought him a woman. Though he wasn't a stranger to playing the long con himself; another thing that usually landed him in trouble.

I didn't say anything as I marched him out the door into the freezing cold and had him lead me to the small apartment he lived out of, not the usual kind either. It was an underground apartment, like those bars in the city where you had to walk down the stairs on the sidewalk. I wasn't at all surprised to see it was small, the words cosy came to mind, if it weren't for the fact that the whole left hand wall had been turned into a graffiti mural. Similarly were the kitchen appliances painted, toaster, fridge, kettle, though the furniture and bare styling's of the small space itself were all, for want of a better word, 'dated'.

The first smell to hit my nose was the musk of dried spunk and those god awful scented candles that our cousin Cody sent us every year for Christmas. Big old red sofa, well-worn in, cement walls, wood ceiling and floor, small curt kitchen, single bedroom. I eyed the dwellings with a bit of wonder, but my first and foremost was Calvin. Before he could slink off to hide I reached out and clouted him around the head, lightly though; he flinched, but took it.

"So who broke your heart this time hm, who in this tiny god forsaken place managed to break the jailbird"? I said, there was some mild irritation in my voice, first hour in where ever the hell this was and I'd lost two hundred bucks. Calvin was right though, I cared, I did; I was just not as soft and gooey as he was, not as emotionally sensitive.

"That's not fair Luca..." he said, sniffling; his posture was genuine, hurt, I had a bad reputation for being blunt and whilst it worked in the Military, it often had me cutting deep more than I'd like. I tossed my blue duffle bag off my shoulder and onto the sofa, followed by the ridiculously puffy jacket I'd been loaned.

"You need to stop this shit Calvin, every time I bail you out you say you'll stop, but you don't" I said, cutting him off from whatever he was going to say, I stopped when he started to sniffle and sob. Calvin didn't cry often, despite his emotional sensitivity; so when he whipped around and buried his beak into chest bawling his eyes out, I knew something was off.

"He took my fucking college money"! He bawled, that got my attention right quick; the day Dad kicked the both of us out of the house he'd also pulled both our collage funds. Calvin wanted nothing more than to go to college and study alternate modern art; hence the family falling out and the grudge Cal now held to our father.

"Who"? I asked, lowering my voice and wrapping my heavy arms around his lithe form, after I joined the military as a radio technician I'd started earning a good figure, so being the good brother I was, I saved up and set aside a college fund for my little brother. Calvin was up here working to pay off the extra fees that he insisted he cover, but I was providing the main bulk; if all went well he'd be able to get in next year. I had entrusted the account to him however, mainly because he was actually extremely sensible with his expenses, he never spent more than he needed to and he never dipped into any savings accounts; for anything.

The response I got I couldn't hear however, muffled by my wife beater and Calvin's crying, point of the matter was, who ever thought they could get away with a stunt like this was going to be very sorry once I found them. With a sigh I held him tight and dipped my head, bringing my beak down near his ear were I whispered.

"Shh it's alright jailbird, I got you" and I just held him, letting him work it out of his system, muddled and muffled I just let him sob it out.

I wound up slung across the sofa with Calvin laying atop me, he'd calmed down by now though his eyes looked a little raw. I had no idea what the time was but it was fair to say it was well past midnight by now, of all the things Calvin had; a clock was the most absent. I wasn't going to be the one to break silence first so I just trailed my claws up and down his back. Fair credit however as he was actually dressed, usually he'd be clad in little more than his underwear at the best of times; unless he was going outside. Even then his style was typically club style, yet here he was wearing a grey hooded sweater and a pair of plain shorts.

"Hungry"? He asked me eventually, his voice was horse now and quiet but I nodded nonetheless; I was starved.

"What's to pick at round here"? I rebounded letting him sit up and rub at his eyes with the sleeves of his sweater; were anyone to walk in at this moment, it'd look like Calvin was riding me. I quickly shifted to remove him from my lap and stand; stretching my limbs out with a groan.

"Not much, small town and all, there's a pizza place though, not half bad either" he stated, he seemed a tad distracted now, gazing off into some unknown abyss that hung somewhere in the room; invisible to all others.

"Pizza sounds like a good idea, you want to order us some while I take a shower"? I asked, patiently waiting for him to return form wherever he seemed to be stuck at; he sighed a bit, standing up and moving to the kitchen to trifle through pamphlets and take out menus.

"Yeah, they don't have a meat lovers but they do have a carnivore special, um towels are in the bathroom, I only got the two so you can have the white one" he said as he pottered about in the kitchen looking for his phone; I found that odd, usually Calvin would beg and whine incessantly to join me; not that I would ever let him.

He ordered the pizza's as I stripped off in the bathroom, I bundled up my clothes and tucked them in beside the sink cabinet. I was surprised that it was one of those big open plan modern bathrooms with the huge shower and no bathtub; I'd never been one for 'birdbaths' anyways. Though I did catch myself in the mirror before stepping under the water; I gave my reflection a sigh. Whereas Calvin was mosaic of beautiful blues, greys and whites I was a mosaic of dull washed out reds blacks and creams; everything from burgundy to russet washed throughout most of my body, save the beige cream of my underbelly that looks almost like cappuccino brown. I had no striking colours that stuck out, but my overall frame was easy to spot, tall, meaty; a little pudgy in the thighs and gut, but mostly a good lean stockiness all over.

The pizza's had arrived by the time I'd finished with the hot shower; which was heavenly as was the much needed preening here and there. I stepped out wearing not much more than some comfortable underwear and a slack white singlet, my usual evening wear. Calvin however was now minus the hoodie and shorts and plus a pair of camo trunks and a slice of steaming hot cheese and garlic pizza.

"Well that was fast" I commented, stomach growling as the aroma of baked meat filled my nose, though of course Calvin had to whistle and look me over like I was his next conquest to be; though with how he acted around me at times I had the feeling he'd actually jump at the chance if it ever arose.

"Mhmm, small town equals fast service" he chirped with a smile, nudging a box of pizza over toward me as I rounded the sofa and took a seat. I swiftly dug into the piping hot mess of meats, cheeses and crusts before me, blissful in the creation of such a wondrous food.

"So going to tell me who it is who stole your college money" I asked three slices into my pizza, cocking a brow; I could see he didn't want to talk about it, that he was disappointed in himself for it. Calvin sighs, dropping his currently half eaten slice back into the box, his eyes do their best to avoid me but his gaze is drawn to me eventually.

"It was Clyde, he said it'd be a solid deal..." he muttered; that made me smile though, I'd been yearning for any excuse to sink my talons into that cocky back stabbing fox for years. He'd broken Calvin's heart and to add salt to wound he'd outed Calvin to the entire school via social media; which lead to our father finding out, the snowball effect in grand fashion.

"What deal, why are you even friends with that mongrel anyways"? I said with a flat tone, Calvin could tell I was upset at him, he always went quiet like this when he was in trouble. I waited for him to speak up; he mumbled incoherently for a moment before sighing again and drawing his knees up to his chest.

"He Said he was going to get me a place right near Glacier City College, said all he needed was a down payment on the spot and he'd cover the rest. But he just took the money and gambled it away...I'm so fucking stupid..." he groaned, flicking at the crust of his pizza as I polished of slice seven of my own. I wasn't going to argue with him on that one, he was pretty stupid to trust Clyde, gullible would be a kinder word to fall upon but they both meant similar things. Now I was just more annoyed at the damn fox, I'd sunk a solid forty grand into that college fund account, the trust placed in my brother had been solid but I should have known something like this would have happened.

"All he came out of it with was some shitty garage in downtown which he stuck me with before disappearing..." Calvin added before sniffling again and mouthing off some foul insult. That however raised a brow of mine, land was land and if my Brother had the actual deed to this lot then potential was on the table. I had all sorts of friends in the city looking for a place to crash for a day or two or even somewhere to store stuff.

"Did he actually send you the deed, you know the papers saying you own it and all"? I asked, Calvin jerks a thumb to a bundle of papers magnet pinned to the front of the fridge; I snapped up slice eight and hopped up from the sofa to take a look.

The deeds were legit, the fox had even signed my brother's name and all; a small duplex garage in downtown Glacier city right off Mason Avenue. I thumbed through the papers, eyes scanning over the lines quickly; Dad always said to make the best of a shitty situation. His advice had carried me far in life; I'd enlisted the day he'd kicked me out on the street. I'd been and still am the only supportive member of the family when it came to Calvin.

"Don't worry Cal, I'll get it sorted, besides this property thing has potential" I said, weighing options in my head; I didn't rake in all too much in terms of paychecks but it was a decent amount. I was already formulating a backup plan, but thought was interrupted by the sound of a closing door.

I looked up from the deeds, his bedroom door was closed, I take in a breath and sigh; my brother wasn't stupid, just gullible and he was too hard on himself about it. He makes one stumble and he goes from being an unstoppable force to a paper boat in a flooded gutter with no way to control itself. I moved back to the sofa, stowing the papers in my bag for now before kicking back for some much needed sleep. I knew Calvin would be in a gloomy mood the next morning, he always was in situations like this; and the only sure fire way to break said gloom was to get the jailbird laid.

I sighed again; my stay in this town was going to be a long one.