You Only Live 18 Times - #4 (SpyJirra)
#119 of Prequel
I'm getting almost no feedback on this where I first publish it on Tumblr, but I still like writing it too much to stop. I guess I'm writing this one just for myself.
I promise I'll get back to Kreet. Eventually!
"Besides," said Dar'Amon, "I'm not technically an Alfiq. We have a rather specialized research division working on our unusual biology. In some ways, we khajiit are even more unusual than the argonians in that regard. With the dwindling of magic in the world, there is some real concern that we khajiits may die out. So we had been experimenting with moonbeams, moon sugar and lycanthropy some years ago."
"Lycanthropy?" Ra'Jirra asked, sitting back in her chair.
"Oh yes. We were making interesting strides too. But our research was terminated. I'm afraid I'm the only tangible result."
"What, do you turn into a werewolf or something?"
"Well, technically I turn into the Alfiq form you see here. However, unlike werewolves, this is now my more stable state. But when Secunda is full, and Masser is waning, I return to my original Cathay form. It's really quite annoying"
"I'll bet!"
"You get used to it," said the cat, and leaped onto Ra'Jirra's lap.
Ra'Jirra found herself reflexively petting Dar'Amon, who accepted her attention happily.
Em continued, "Dar'Amon has proven himself quite useful with his unique abilities, as you can imagine. I think he will be valuable to you on this mission."
Queue stood up then. "I have something that I expect you'll find useful as well. Come with me. Let's go down to the lab."
The cat reluctantly climbed down off Ra'Jirra's lap, and she stood up to follow.
"Stop back by afterwards and I'll give you all the details, Ra'Jirra. We've already briefed Dar'Amon," Em said.
Ra'Jirra and Dar'Amon followed Queue through the labyrinth of rooms that comprised the HMSS laboratories, finally stopping at a large pool. Floating atop it was one of the oddest vehicles she'd ever seen.
"This," Queue said, shooing various technicians away from the vehicle, "Is the Collapsible Aquatic Transport. Version 3."
Ra'Jirra groaned, doubled by Dar'Amon.
"Oh, you'll love it!" the argonian protested. "We have yet to build a successful, full ship-sized engine as the Imperials and Redguards have done. But we have managed to create a much smaller one that we've embedded into this. Please, climb aboard."
"I'm not exactly dressed for the water, Queue."
"Oh! Yes. Well, if you're careful..." he started, but Ra'Jirra was already climbing out of her dress and shoes.
"This will have to do," she said, ignoring the technicians as she managed to sit astride the main body of the device in her underwear.
Dar'Amon jumped aboard and sat between her legs as she put her hands on the handlebars. One of the technicians turned a switch and the CATv3 began to rumble quietly.
"How does it turn? Is there a rudder underneath?" Dar'Amon asked.
"No, actually," Queue answered proudly. "The engine sucks water in at the front, and expels it at the rear, but the rear port is flexible. The handlebars bend it left and right. The throttle is that lever underneath the right handle."
"Well, Dar, you ready for a ride?" Ra'Jirra asked.
"Hell yes!"
And with that Ra'Jirra gave the lever a good pull.
Seconds later she surfaced from the water with Dar'Amon swimming beside her. The CATv3 was on the far side of the pool, idling quietly.
"Damn," Dar'Amon said as he paddled towards the edge. Ra'Jirra lifted him out before she hefted herself up to follow.
"It's... quite powerful," Queue said in apology.
"Yeah, I noticed. Can you please tell those dweebs to stop staring at me?"
"Gentlemen," Queue said, giving the technicians an angry stare.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Dar'Amon said as he ran around the pool to where the vehicle rumbled. "Let's try that again!"
Ra'Jirra ran after him and they both got back on, but this time Ra'Jirra was significantly more careful with the throttle.
"Woohoo!" she called as the vehicle sprang to life.
"Oh, this is GREAT!" called a small voice from between her legs. "Go faster!"
For an indoor pool, the area was quite large, but not nearly large enough to really test the machine's limits. She did get a feel for it's turning radius though, learning how leaning into the turn could significantly improve that radius, and how quickly it slowed when she let off the throttle.
Unfortunately, Queue had stepped too far away, anticipating the splash she had aimed at him when finally she pulled the CATv3 to a stop and climbed off.
"Thank you," she said as one of the techs brought her a towel.
"Whew! That's a hell of a machine Queue!" Dar'Amon said as he shook himself dry.
"It is indeed."
"Got any secret weapons aboard?"
"There's a mine deployment button in the center console. Only four though."
"Nothing forward-facing?"
"Afraid not. Tests showed that it's just not an aim-able platform. No, speed is your best weapon here. You'll have your gun, if you want it, but it's nearly impossible to aim on rough water. Also, be aware of the charge meter. It will recharge slowly over time, but will drain rapidly. On a full charge you have only an hour's worth of power and it will take at least 6 hours to recharge in full sunlight. Or overnight.
"Still, you've outdone yourself on this one, Queue," Ra'Jirra said sincerely.
Dar'Amon nodded. "Indeed. But I have to ask the question. Version 3? What happened to 1 and 2?"
Queue's moment of pride quickly passed. "Oh. Well, we lost version 1 to an accident with one of the mines."
"And version 2?"
"That one was unforeseeable. We were testing it at sea. It seems that version's rhythmic vibrations are apparently very attractive to sea life. Large sea life. Extremely large sea life. It was never recovered."
Ra'Jirra looked at Dar'Amon who was looking back at her.
"We're pretty sure we've resolved that issue. At least this one hasn't been eaten yet."
Wears-Only-Ropes stood up from the bed. For the first time in a week, she felt better. The hospitality of the villagers who had found her where she managed to crawl ashore had been exemplary, but it had taken a week to recover. She had lost everyone she cared about in the disaster, and the grieving had been the bigger part of that recovery.
But life goes on, and she felt like it was time for her to move on. She had told the locals about her experience, but few of them believed her. Few even believed in the existence of large ships for that matter. Yet argonians helped argonians, and she dreaded to think what state she would be in had they not found her.
She looked down at the shift they'd clothed her in. Apparently here it was standard garb for females, but she found it confining. Her appellation wasn't true of course. Even at sea sailors of all races certainly wore clothing, but female argonians, as well as other races, often dispensed with their blouses as cumbersome and unnecessary when out on the open ocean. Yet for some such as her who had been more generously endowed by the Hist, other means of support proved helpful and she'd learned early on that ropes were plentiful and handy aboard ship for a variety of uses. And so the appellation stuck.
Even in the centers of civilization, argonians didn't care much for travel and the ships that docked at their ports were always of foreign origin. Exceptions such as her weren't exactly rare, but weren't the norm. She would have to find her way onto a ship, hopefully Imperial, and work her way back to Cyrodiil if she was to continue her life as a sailor.
The thought of working with another crew, another Captain though... It was enough to break her heart. She wasn't sure she could bear it. She'd worked on temporary assignments with other crews of course, but she always knew she would find her way back to her own eventually. They were her family, and now that family was gone forever.
She looked around the little room that was now hers. The widow who had opened up her hut for the stranded sailor was a gentle soul, and Wears-Only-Ropes owed her much. She decided then that she would stay here for a while longer. Now that she was recovering, it was the least she could do for these kind people. She walked out into the sunlight in search of the elders. It was time to find some work to do here. She hoped they needed something involving ropes. They were her specialty.