Bracers Of Greed: Male Order

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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#2 of Bracers Of Greed

Transformed into a giant bull beast, Xavier decides to test his powers...

So my grandfather had given me some kind of magical bracers that turned me into a giant, muscular bull monster. I smashed the floor, destroyed the couch, and blew a load big enough to hit the ceiling. I should be calling him asking what these were, how to get them off; SOMETHING before my mother or somebody else stumbled in on the disaster I made or the thing I was. The last thing I needed right now was another person seeing me like this.

"So..." I asked of the terrified mailman I'd just grabbed and hurled from the front door to the couch, "...What's your name?"

The poor guy looked about as white as a sheet, or at least as close to it as someone of African American descent I loomed over him, thick hoof-like hands on either side of his head. Couldn't really blame him for being terrified, though. Considering how easily he'd been thrown, it was no wonder his brown eyes we locked dead on me, and I had to give him credit that he hadn't screamed or pissed himself in fear or anything like that. Course, if he'd seen what this place had looked like a couple of minutes ago he might not have been so calm.

I don't know if it was just the sheer amount of pleasure or too much blood going to my cock and not enough to my brain, but eventually I must have blacked out. It was roughly an hour later when I came to a living room smashed to bits and covered in my cum, myself included as my fur unglued itself from the floor as I sat up. First things first; I needed a shower.

Perhaps the weirdest thing about all of this was how NOT weirded out I was. My body, the destroyed living room, the bracers that I couldn't remove; any of that should've been freaking me out. I didn't know how to fix myself or anything I'd broken, and the strongest concern I could muster was a solid, "meh". I was more upset when I banged my horns against the doorway trying to squeeze into the bathroom for my shower than anything else.

In front of a mirror for the first time, I got a proper assessment of myself. I stood about 6 and half inches tall now, up a little more than half a foot from my previous height, with thick brown fur covering pretty much every inch of me. My hair was a very dark shade of brown and flowed down over my shoulders to about midway down my back. I had a short bovine like muzzle and thick pearl white horns on either side of my head, about an inch in length emerging perpendicular to my head before turning upwards and becoming mostly straight save for a slight curve in the middle of each horn. Finally I made note of the firey red eyes, which I could swear were almost glowing slightly.

What really stood out(Well, besides all the non-human stuff) were my muscles. Every inch of me looked like it was practically bursting with power and size, and damn if it didn't feel amazing. Though the fur blocked it a little, only an idiot would fail to miss pecs that felt like slabs of concrete, or shoulders thick enough that it looked like I was wearing pads underneath them, or biceps that peaked like a mountain top when I flexed. My cock started to stir as I ran my hooves over the stone-hard abs while I admired the rippling cords of muscle on my back as I turned my back toward the mirror.

Speaking of my cock, it had gone down in size quite a bit from when I last left it. A bit disappointing, but considering how I passed out beating it off earlier I could see the downsides of it being that big constantly. It was still bigger than normal in its flaccid state, roughly six or seven inches, though it was starting to reach about a foot in length especially as I gripped my tight, firm butt(and also noticed the thick brown tail that ended in a tuft of fur that I'd somehow missed earlier). It had taken some real effort not to start pumping my cock right there, and I could feel it starting to stir now as I looked over the mailman in front of me.

"What's your name?" I asked again.

"R-Rod..." The frightened mail carrier finally stammered out. The guy looked like he was in his late 30s or early 40's, with a bit of a belly to boot.

"Hi Rod. I'm...Sirbeus." Giving him my real name seemed like a bad idea, and the only one that popped into mind was an old online handle I used to use when I was a teenager. "How's your day going?"

"O-O.K., I guess..." I could hear his massive gulp as he looked around nervously. "T-This is a nice p-place here..."

"Thanks. You should've seen it a couple of minutes ago, though; it was a disaster." I glanced back at the living room, which looked pristine and not like I had just destroyed it a little while ago. I first noticed some other abilities I had while I was in the shower earlier. The shower head was barely high enough to hit me when I was my normal human self, and now the stream barely made it up to my chest. The shower was too small and I was too bulky to get my body any lower, and I was rapidly getting annoyed. With a snort, I grabbed the pipe behind the shower head and twisted it.

I could feel the metal yielding to my grip like clay, and despite that the pipe remained undamaged. The metal screeched and protested as it moved, but the water flow was never interrupted. I was even able to stretch the metal and treat the shower head like it was a hand held one despite clearly not being one. When I finished washing off and let it go, it snapped back into place like nothing had happened.

I was able to repeat the same repairing process on the floor and even the couch once I'd grabbed the two pieces and held them together. I also noticed a dull red glow each time, on the shower head pipe, the cracks in the floor, and the gap between the broken pieces of couch while I was manipulating them. The bracer on my right arm, the one with all the red jewels in it, seemed to be reacting as well. The one gem that had been glowing slightly was growing dimmer with each use; clearly there was some connection.

My cum evaporated like steam when I concentrated on removing it, but the glow in the gem faded out entirely just as I finished. I knew that was bad; I wouldn't be able to change back without repowering that gem. I didn't know HOW I knew, but I knew for certain, and even if I didn't understand how, I knew I needed another person to help me recharge it. Rod knocked on the door with a delivery soon after, and the bushes that surrounded the front door kept anybody from seeing as I yanked him inside.

"You look tense, Rod." That was putting it mildly. "Tell you what; let's make a deal. You promise to calm down and talk with me a bit, and not tell anybody about what you saw here today. In exchange, I promise I won't hurt you, kill you, or lie to you. Deal?"

"D-Deal..." Something happened when that word came out of Rod's mouth. There wasn't some big explosion or alarm or anything like that, but something felt different. Rod seemed as confused as I felt as his breathing started to come in a more normal, controlled manner. He seemed to be calming down, almost to his surprise.

For my part, I felt kind of weird. I didn't really have any desire to hurt, kill, or lie to Rod anyway, but now it felt like I simply couldn't even if I did. I understood Rod as a person, and I understood how to punch, kick or otherwise injure people and lie to them as a separate act, but when it came to combining him and any of those ideas, it was like my brain just didn't understand the concept. I just...couldn't do it.

Not that I showed it as I sat on the easy chair across from him. Rod straightened up on the couch as the chair protested under my bulk. Keeping up the appearance of control and certainty was important in this situation if I was going to get what I needed, but I also couldn't push him too hard or I'd scare him off and lose my chance. Where all this knowledge was coming from and what was happening I wasn't entirely sure, but I was finally starting to get an idea.

"Wow. I feel... weird." Rod sounded much calmer as he looked me over, seemingly unbothered by my nude form or anything else. "I feel like I should be terrified, but I'm just... not. What ARE you?"

"A demon. Or at least, partly one." That was the best explanation I could come up with; the strange red glow on everything I did earlier, the small wisps of smoke that continually came off the bracers, the deal I had just made, all this strange knowledge that seemed to be at my fingertips... it practically screamed demonic.

"You're a demon? Like, from Hell?" Rod shifted a little in his seat but otherwise didn't seem too distressed; the deal we just made was probably binding his panic like it bound my ability to do any of the negative things I said I wouldn't do to him earlier.

"Maybe? I haven't been at this too long. I don't feel evil or anything. Different, definitely, but not evil." That was true; whatever had happened to me, I didn't feel like making sacrifices to Satan or burning the world in hellfire or anything like that. I was more concerned about getting things for myself than I was sacrificing myself for others, yes, but not at the expense of ruining others just to get it. I was just a bit more... greedy, maybe?

"Rod, I'd like to make you another offer. Is there something that you want? Something that you'd desire more than anything else? Something you've tried forever to obtain and keep falling short? I can give you that, Rod. All I need from you in exchange is a little bit of your soul." I held up a hoofed hand as his eyes shot up in surprise. "Relax; it'll grow back."

"But it's my soul! I kinda need that!" Rod remained still on the couch, and though his voice still had a hint of alarm he didn't make a break for the door or anything.

"You need some portion of it. Technically any encounter you have with an individual is an exchanging of souls, though the level of the exchange varies depending on the interaction. Saying hello to someone involves quite a bit less of soul expenditure than if you had sex with them, for example, and any interaction can be positive or negative depending on the circumstances. That's how it works for humans, whereas demons work a little differently."

Souls are sources of power, one that demons can use a source of fuel for their own abilities. While stealing souls isn't impossible, the trauma and damage caused by doing so makes the hassle of doing so not worth the effort. That's why demons make deals with people to give up parts of their souls willingly. It felt like someone was whispering this in my ear as I explained it to Rod, and confirmed that I was probably dealing with some kind of demon myself. I had to wonder a little how much of what I was doing was by choice and being guided by someone else, but that didn't change the fact I still needed Rod to help me get back to normal.

"The more you give the more side effects you'll see, but as long as you don't sign over your whole soul in a single shot you'll recover in time. And I agreed not to lie to you, so you know I'm telling you the truth. Now, tell me; what is it you desire?..."

Rod remained silent for what felt like ages. I had to remain strong and confident looking as I gently folded my arms over my chest and leaned back on the easy chair, though internally I was starting to sweat a little. What if he was still worried about the consequences? What if he had no desires? I didn't need a demon in my head to tell me that mentioning we needed to finish this up before my mother got home would put a dent in the brave face I was putting on.

"I want a better body." I felt a smile curling on the edge of my lips as Rod spoke. "I'm tired of always being tired. I want to be able to run again without needing to catch my breath after a couple of steps."

"I think that could be arranged." I rubbed my muzzle as I mulled over how to play this before coming up with an answer. "How about this; I'll give you the ability to modify your own body at will, with some limits. In exchange, you come by here once a week and let me take a portion of your soul. Think of it as buying something on credit, only you're getting something that money just can't buy. We'll keep it small; say, 5% of your soul over the next 12 weeks? We can arrange meet up times and set conditions later, but under no circumstances will I leave you a soulless husk of a man. Deal?"

Yes, this was good. A small but steady source of soul power would be perfect to keep me going, and hey, maybe it might lead to further deals down the line. Rod could spread the word, and I could use him to show other potential customers that making deals with me would be perfectly safe. Everyone's a winner then!

...I REALLY feel like I should be bothered I'm thinking about the exchanging of souls in terms of networking and marketing...

The word, "Deal" had barely left Rod's mouth when he suddenly began to look glassy-eyed. Before I could ask what was wrong, a small mote of white light emerged from his chest, probably no bigger than a baseball. I held out a hand and watched as the mote slowly floated into my palm. As I rolled it around in my palm, I felt images and memories from Rod's life flashing through my mind. I was learning all about him, his life, the good parts and the bad; it was frankly amazing.

All of that paled in comparison to when I closed my hand around the portion of his soul and absorbed its power. Every muscle in my body surged as the power ran through me, pumping slightly larger before reverting down to their normal size. The feeling was orgasmic to the point that my cock went from soft to over a foot long in an instant, a small bit of precum shooting out onto the floor between us. Fuck, I could get hooked on that.

One of the red gems was glowing brightly again, but for what was next I needed the blue gems on my left arm. Holding out my left hand, another mote of light like the one I just absorbed sprung to life in my hand. This one looked like a small fireball in both color and the intense heat coming off it, and I half expected it to burn Rod as it floated toward him and entered his chest. Rod started to come around again as the fireball entered him without harm to either him or his clothes.

"How do you feel?" I asked Rod as the glassy look left his eyes.

"A little dizzy...and hot..." Rod started to pant and fan himself rapidly; within seconds he was sweating up a storm. "Fuck, why is it so hot?!"

Rod tried to stand, only to have his legs buckle under him as soon as soon as he tried to straighten up. He managed to get his hands out in front of him to keep from face planting onto the floor, though I couldn't help but notice the odd, "CLOP-CLOP!" sound his hands made as they landed. Rising off the easy chair to kneel next to him, I noticed the hoof-like hand structure like my own. His hooves were a deep charcoal black color, though my eyes were drawn to a much more distinct transformation.

At first I was worried something had gone horribly wrong when flames started to grow along the back of Rod's body. The fire burned in a straight line from the top of his head to slightly down behind his shoulders, with another geyser of flame erupting from just above his ass. His clothes ignited and fell to the ground in a pile of ash and burnt cloth, soon joined by the hair on his head. The small hairs on his back were burnt away as well, though oddly his skin seemed undamaged nor did Rod seem to even notice the fire that burned on its own accord.

His skin did look like it was bubbling a few moments later, his shoulders starting to look fuller and rounder. It took me a few moments to realize it was new muscle forming in the same way as my own had earlier. It was clear he wasn't getting the same size as I had as the transformation moved down his shoulders and into his arms and chest, though what he lacked in sheer size he made up for in leanness. I could make out veins on his biceps as they started to bulge larger, looking as though his skin was almost shrink-wrapped around them.

Rod's breathing had been coming in kind of rough since he hit the floor, but soon it started to take on a new level of deepness as a cracking sound started emanating from his face. His lips were pulled back, and I couldn't help but notice how his teeth looked wide and flat. It looked like his canine teeth had simply disappeared, something that only seemed to become more obvious as his mouth cracked and started pushing out from his face. His nose was pulled along for the ride, the ridge of it shrinking down as his nostrils started to flare larger and larger.

The way his mouth was shaping, the snorting sounds, and the hooves were feeling to me like Rod was turning into a horse morph of some kind. That feeling became fact when the muscles that had been filling out down Rod's arm reached his hands; true black hairs started to grow back up along his arm in a reverse of the muscle growth. They covered him rapidly, though the flames that seemed to encircle his wrists held my attention for a while. Again, Rod seem unbothered, and in fact seem to be getting better he pushed himself up to a kneeling position.

The hair and muscle was spreading about evenly across his chest, his man-boobs spreading and shrinking back into his skin as they became a pair of slim, solid pecs. His abs came in an odd manner; the top of his stomach started to form a set of abs on top of his belly, then the abs seemed like they were pressed flat as they banished the fat underneath to...somewhere. Once one set came in, the next would follow the same pattern. He was developing a solid eight pack, or at least I thought so until his cock started getting in the way.

My own penis had been largely untouched save for the size increase; Rod's rod had a bit of a different reaction. The head of his cock was a solid ring of flesh with his cockhead square in the middle, his shaft purely pink save for the occasional spot of black in odd places. There also seemed to be a sheath of some sort at the base of his cock, covered in more black hair along with his nuts. Without getting in an actual dick measuring contest it was hard to say for sure, but he did seem a bit longer than I was now.

Before I could really think about that, Rod just...disappeared. Well, that wasn't quite right; he wasn't on the floor anymore, but the front door had suddenly slammed open and I caught a glimpse of something red and black running outside the living room window. It felt like my brain barely had time to process the thought, "Wait, did he just run outside like that?" when he reappeared, the front door slamming behind him as he re-entered, tongue hanging slightly from his equine muzzle.

"I just ran around the building!" He exclaimed. Seriously? He had the build of a really buff runner, but that should've been impossible. The building was a collection of over a half dozen apartments like this one. Even a championship sprinter would probably need a good thirty seconds to make a lap around the building; Rod had been gone maybe ten seconds max.

"Sorry about running out, but I just felt like I had to move! I just felt so light, so full of energy like a spring that just had to be uncoiled!" Rod continued to pant slightly, though it seemed less from exertion and more from arousal as his hands roamed over his body, squeezing and groping occasionally.

"Well, you certainly look like you're made out of steel." I smiled as I rose up and approached the anthropomorphic horse as he felt the tense, pulsing muscles of his quads.

"Fuck, I feel so hot..." Well, he WAS kind of on fire. The flames on his head and neck did look sort of like a mane, and the column of fire above his butt did look a bit like a horse's tail as it flicked and moved about behind his butt. Or maybe he was referring to something else as his now red eyes looked up at me, looking a bit surprised and confused. "Fuck; YOU'RE hot..."

"Rod?..." A small gasp of surprise escaped me as I felt one of Rod's hand slowly stroking the top my already erect cock. His own started to press against me as he stepped closer.

"I never really thought about other guys before... well, never did anything with other guys before, at least, but you..." Rod's other hand slowly slid over my chest as he continued to stroke my shaft with the other. "Did you do this to me?..."

If I had, I hadn't meant to. Rod didn't seem too bothered by it as he fell to his knees in front of my cock, looking curiously at the slightly smoking bit of precum that had formed at the tip. A groan escaped me as he took a slow, cautious lick. His eyes went wide, and a second later his hands were gripping my ass as he wrapped his muzzle around my foot-long member.

"Whoa! Sucking my cock wasn't a part of our deal!" Rod's mouth started pull off my member before I gently gripped the back of his head, the flames of his mane doing little more than tickling me as I slowly pulled him back onto me. "That was NOT a complaint; merely an observation."

Fuck; is he SURE he hasn't done this before?! I'm sure having the longer than normal tongue is helping, but he doesn't look like he's hesitating or seems unsure of himself. He seems almost desperate for my cum the way he was slurping up every bit that was coming out, and between his tongue and his hot breath there was quite a bit for him to swallow. My cock didn't seem to be getting any larger, much less to the size where I could've sucked myself off like I was earlier; maybe my deal to not hurt him earlier extended to not accidently doing so either.

I hadn't really thought about my sexuality that much before now; I had to spend too much time just getting through life to worry much about that. Did this mean I was gay now? I mean, obviously this felt amazing having Rod do this to me, and judging from how one of his hands left my butt to start stroking his own cock he's enjoying himself quite a bit too. It feels like he's worshiping me, addicted to me, and the thought of that was making me thrust my hips against him as I felt my nuts start to clench.

If there was a woman, I'd have some breasts to grab, but then there'd only be my cock involved. But what if I got a woman AND a guy together? Or two women or two guys? More and more sexual scenarios raced through my head, and that's why I realized; it didn't matter the gender of the other individuals involved. It would still be sex, just sex in different ways.

"More..." That word was filling my head again as I closed my eyes to bask in the pleasure. There was certainly an element of lust to it, but it was the idea of having more partners, more people desiring me, giving themselves to me, giving me pleasure that was starting to push me over the edge. Rod would just be the beginning of a long line of people giving me more of what I wanted. THAT's what I really wanted; the sex was just a very, very nice bonus.

The feeling of something hot and wet splashing against my leg caused me to open my eyes. Rod's cock was spewing quite the load all of me and the floor, his own eyes half open in his pleasured haze. He was hot, horny and spewing his load like a firehose all thanks to me, and he'd be eternally grateful for it. He'd be just as grateful as I threw my head back, letting out a deep moan as I unleashed my own load into him.

Rod's eyes went from half-open haze to fully open surprised as the first blast hit, feeling like it shot straight down his throat. His tongue worked quickly to get the second spurt, his own cock still making a mess on the floor. My own seed soon joined that mess as Rod tried and failed to fully keep up with the floor, bits of my cum dribbling out of his muzzle and down onto the floor as he desperately tried to slurp up as much as he could.

My cum continued to come to the point Rod's abs seemed to be doming a little trying to take it all in, though he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he looked almost disappointed when about a minute later my orgasm finally started to ebb. I was still as stiff as stone, though. Rod seemed to approve as he stood up, our cock rubbing against each other as his hands started to roam over my big arms.

Sure, I should probably stop this now. My mother would be home soon, and I still had to show Rod how he could revert between this and his human form. Still, I also just had to know if his butt would stay as tight as it was now once I rammed my cock into it a few dozen times. Maybe I was becoming a greed demon, but I only had one thought as I licked up some of my own sweet cum from what I imagined was the first of many customers.

Greed was good.

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