You Only Live 18 Times #6 (Spyjirra)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#121 of Prequel

What?! I apparently only uploaded parts 1-5, then skipped to 12? Jeeze, that would make it hard to read! Uploading parts 6-11 now!

Geeus knocked on the door an hour later.

"Hello Geeus," Ra'Jirra said when she opened the door. "Come on in. I'm almost ready."

"I trust you find the room acceptable?" he asked as Ra'Jirra went back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

"It's very nice," she said from the other room.

The argonian sat on the couch. "Arri, would you mind if I asked you a question? I don't mean to be rude, but... the sandbox. What is its purpose?"

"Oh, that? It's just a morning routine we like to do. We step in the sand and wiggle our toes in it. It's just a little reminder of home. Why? What did you think it was for?"

"Oh! I... Never mind. It's not important."

"Okay, let's go."

"The cat is coming too?"

"He is. He won't be any trouble, will you Dar?"

Dar-Amon rubbed himself against the argonian, purring.

"If you're sure," he said dubiously, but Ra'Jirra came out of the bathroom and they proceeded out into the late afternoon.

The three left the hotel and proceeded down a wide dirt path crowded with other argonians. The occasional human or mer would be seen, but they saw only one other khajiit as they walked towards the center of the city. The ubiquitous trees' limbs hung low over the paths, but Ra'Jirra noticed that there were far more argonians swimming in the canals than walking.

"Yes, we tend to swim rather than walk when we can," Geeus said, noticing her looking at the canals. "We've eliminated all dangerous aquatic life here in the city so it's as safe as walking. Outside the city though, I wouldn't recommend it. Argonia is known for its lethal wildlife you may know."

They turned onto another path, significantly wider than the others and they paused as a group of young argonians crossed the path, book-ended by an adult at both ends.

"School children," Geeus explained as they continued on.

"So where are we going?"

"I thought you might be hungry and have scheduled a stop at a local restaurant we argonians frequent. If you prefer we could visit one that caters to foreigners. Our eating habits are somewhat more... vigorous than humans or mer prefer. But I understand that khajiits tend to appreciate our style more than they."

"Oh yes! By all means!"

"But please, let me order for you. Some of our delicacies would prove a bit difficult for you to digest."

The three entered into a small establishment through a beaded doorway into a room full of argonians sitting tail-to-tail on their left and right at two counters that ran the length of the restaurant. Behind those counters, staff were serving a variety of dishes. Ra'Jirra's nose twitched at the wildly disparate smell of the place. At once she might pass something that smelled absolutely delicious, then a moment later she might actually have to hold her breath at something else.

At first she tried to avoid the tails of the other diners, but she noticed Geeus just waded right through them, apparently causing no discourtesy, so she did the same. At the end of the counter sat two empty stools that Geeus gestured to. The place was noisy with the sound of argonians conversing in Jel.

"Is it always this busy?" she asked over the din.

"Oh, this is quite light. During more busy times, even the aisle will be full of argonians. We don't have quite the same sense of personal space that other races require."

The argonian sitting to the other side of her turned and greeted her.

"Welcome to Argonia, khajiit! Are you new here? I recommend the Guark. It's nicely fermented today!"

"Why yes, my name is Alli! Pleased to meet you!" she replied while Dar-Amon jumped into her lap. She felt the argonians tail intertwine with hers and she returned the greeting unique to the tailed races.

She turned to Geeus, "Guark?"

"A type of snake meat. You might find it a bit gamey, but perfectly edible to khajiits."

"Then an order of Guark for me and my cat, please!", she requested and the argonian beside her nodded.

Geeus caught the eye of a server and soon she had an impressively sided bowl of boneless meat placed in front of her, an identical bowl put in front of Geeus. She extracted a slice for Dar'Amon who jumped onto the counter and began wolfing it down. It tasted pickled but quite tasty and the bed of boiled grain it sat atop soaked up the juices well.

"Delicious! My first Guark!"

"I am pleased you find it so!" Geeus smiled.

And then the meal began in earnest and no more talking was needed. It was refreshing to be able to eat her normal manner and not have to worry about offending some stray human who happened along. She even let Dar'Amon nudge her out of the bowl in between bites until they were both full.

Water was brought after they had finished and all three lapped at it between picking their teeth.

"Very very nice, Geeus! You have anything else planned for us?"

"Indeed! One of our most favored sporting events is going on now nearby."

"Oh!" said her neighbor. "Are you taking her to the fights?"

"Yes. I thought she might find it entertaining."

"You'll love it, khajiit! Do you wager?"

She shook her head. "Sorry, I don't bet on things I don't understand yet anyway."

"A good policy," the female argonian said. "But the fights are entertaining on their own regardless. Wagering just adds more interest. You have a good tour guide!"

"Why thank you," Geeus said, nodding towards her, and they climbed off their seats, Dar'Amon taking the offered shoulder and they began to work their way back out through the forest of tails.

"Just this way a little farther," Geeus said, turning left once they'd managed to get back out. Indeed, they had passed a couple of argonians standing in the aisle that Ra'Jirra had to squeeze past.

"Fighting in various forms does seem to be a standard sporting event across Tamriel," she was saying to Geeus. "Some to the death. I hope that's not the case here. I'm not really into blood-sports."

"It's not a usual circumstance," the argonian replied, "though it has been known to happen on very rare occasions. I don't think you'd deem it a 'blood-sport' though."

They continued through the gates of a large auditorium where the shouting of argonian voices could be heard well in advance of them emerging into the stadium proper. They found their way to an empty space along a long row of stone benches where they sat facing a large rectangular pool of sorts. The action below was obvious, even if it was a confused mass of argonian tails, teeth and claws roiling out of the crystal clear water.

Geeus explained the basics, "The contestants start at the left side. When the game starts a large fish is released from an underwater gate at the far side. The contestants vie to capture the fish and get out of the pool first. Though you may not see it, there are rules though that..."

Suddenly a horn blared and one of the argonians swam away from the melee. She climbed out of the pool, obviously very angry and stalked over to where three other argonians awaited.

"Teammates?" she asked over the roar of the crowd, noticing the similar tail-band colors of the others.

Geeus nodded. "Disqualified. She bit another player."

Suddenly something dark darted from the mass of argonians and they instantly broke apart, chasing it. The "fish" she assumed, though it looked more like an eel than a fish.

"That's it!" Geeus shouted as all the spectators stood to cheer for their favorites. Two argonians converged on the eel and began fighting underwater over it. But before the others could join in, one of the two shot out of the water and sailed a good distance into the air before landing on the platform surrounding the pool, the eel still struggling in her teeth. Her arms raised in victory, the winner screamed something she couldn't understand and bit the eel in two, each end squirming in it's death throes on the ground at her feet. Some of the audience cheered, while most let out a groan and sat back down. Then a mass exodus began.

"They're off to place their bets on the next game," Geeus said. "Would you mind terribly if..."

"Oh, by all means, go ahead! Dar'Amon and I will wait here for you.

"Thank you! I should be back in 15 minutes," he said and filed out with the others.

"Quite a show," Dar'Amon said quietly in Ta'agra.

"Yes, isn't it! Did you notice how big the players are? I swear every one is bigger than the biggest argonian I've ever met, and I've met some tall ones!"

"I did. But no comment on their swimwear, or lack of it?"

"Kinda didn't expect any. Not unusual. But they're all female I noticed."

"I think they separate by sex. The hist glands would cause unfairness I'd think. But the teammates appear to be of both."

When Geeus returned, she asked about that.

"Oh, yes, the contestants must be of the same gender. There are two of each on each team. Usually they are married couples, but occasionally they are siblings."

They stayed to watch a few more games, but Geeus - though obviously enthralled with the sport - led them out of the stadium and back to the streets. Night had come and a fresh rain had obviously fallen while they were inside.

"Very interesting sport, Geeus. Did you win?"

"Alas no, not tonight."

"Well, I hope it was fun for you anyway. It certainly was for me!" Ra'Jirra said, then a glittering signpost caught her eye, shimmering in the torch lights that framed the path.

"Oh! What's that place?" she asked, noticing a significant number of argonians entering the establishment.

Geeus seemed a bit embarrassed. "That... It's a place for... uncoupled argonians."

"What, like a brothel?"

"Oh no! Not that! Of course, we're not above such things either, but we have our own version of modesty too. We don't allow brothels in the city. But, certain activities we find, stimulating. So uncoupled argonians will go there to watch."

"Ah. Would we be allowed in?"

"I still don't think you comprehend, Arri. No one would be bothered by your presence, but I don't think the activities within would be to your liking."

"What, do they dance naked? Mating on stage? Geeus, we have similar things in Elsweyr you must know. There's always an audience for such things."

"Not... exactly that, Arri."

"I want to see," she said firmly. "We don't have to stay long. It's safe, right?"

"Safe, yes. But..."

"I want to see," she said, determined, and Geeus shrugged and led her to the door.

Within there was an odd, low hooting from the crowd and she suddenly felt truly surrounded by a species that was undoubtedly not her own. Geeus ushered them to a table away from the center stage. It took her some time to understand what she was seeing.

A large argonian was there, gyrating her hips in a fashion not unknown to khajiits and probably all the other races of Tamriel. Dancing in imitation of mating was a standard practice. She watched for a time, fascinated. The performer was amazingly good at her dance, even given her size, and the crowd around the stage hooted her on. It finally reaching a crescendo as her tail rose to the ceiling and she crouched on her stomach, her rear in full view of the customers.

And then it became obvious what was really happening.

She looked at Geeus and he shrugged. "I'm sorry, but it's a very erotic thing to us," he apologized.

She took his hand, "No. It's okay. I guess I can understand that. It's just a different part of the fertility cycle after all. But..."

They rose and headed for the door.

"It's just not something I'm terribly eager to watch. I should have listened to you."

They exited the establishment and she looked at the glittering sign again as they emerged back onto the path. Why it hadn't been obvious before, she couldn't imagine. The egg was not a trivial design element of the sign.

"Do you want to return to your room?" Geeus asked, apparently as embarrassed as an argonian could be.

"No way! Geeus, this is all fascinating to me! But I could use a drink. What do you have that passes for a bar around here?"