Meet Me in My Penthouse 2 (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#27 of Meet Me 2 (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Awesome art by:

Madam Junta has a successful arms deal and celebrates with her closest guard. Meanwhile, she is informed of where her brother has gone.

Read the first chapter here:

Read the full story here:

In the midst of a very black midnight, there weren't many things that were moving in the slums of the city. It was the perfect place for a high-end arms deal to go down, especially since there was virtually new law enforcement around for miles. Cops didn't come to this shit hole of a place, not where they were outgunned and had no authority.

Three black vehicles drove almost soundlessly down the street. They kept in a tight formation, almost bumper to bumper as they neared their destination, a parking lot of a collapsed store two blocks down. All three were identical SUVs with blacked out license plates and tinted windows so dark that even with a flashlight it would have been difficult to see the occupants.

From the parking lot they were already spotted and welcomed in. Slowing to a crawl, the three SUVs entered where four other vehicles were, though they were considerably less inconspicuous. They were sports and muscle cars of varying colors and design. Two had body kits and the others had chrome rims that were still spinning despite them having been there for a while. The occupants of those cars were standing in a line near the center-most vehicles and the lights of the SUVs illuminated them until they came to a halt.

Once each new arriving vehicle had stopped in a line to meet how the others were formed, the doors came open and the new comers stepped out. At first it was like a military raid as each person was dressed in a similar way to the cars. Black clothes fit underneath black bullet resistant vests. Sunglasses obscured eyes, earpieces hung in ears, and face masks made sure that not a single defining feature of the soldiers could be seen. Aside from their obvious species and muscular builds, there was no way to distinguish one from the other.

The last two personnel to step out of one of the vehicles were the only two that were very easy to tell a part from the others. The sight of Madam Junta made the others that were waiting near the four other vehicles gasp and whisper among themselves. The border collie's reputation proceeded her it would seem and that fast made her smile.

Beside Madam Junta was her newly acquired head of security and personal guard. The striped fox was decked out in similar gear to the other soldiers except his was much different as it was his own unique outfit rather than their standard issue. He also held a longer, bulkier weapon in his arms that was so unique that it had no distinguishable make or model, as apposed to the others' average semi automatic rifles.

Where a line of black clad soldiers had formed opposite to the other members, Madam Junta and her head of security pushed their way to the front. When they emerged, there was a figure from the other side that stepped closer. He was a tall white tiger dressed in a purple muscle shirt and black shorts. He were a wide grin which showed off several sharp, gold-capped teeth. Several silver chains hung from around his neck and from his side hung a sawed-off shotgun that was at the perfect height to be grabbed and aimed forward.

He tossed away the butt from a cigarette that he had been smoking and came to stand just a couple feet away from the woman. Paul stepped forward in an attempt to put himself between her and the tiger but she held up her paw and he stopped instantly. The tiger noticed the action and he let a low chuckle rumble from his throat.

"I like a girl that keeps a short leash," the tiger said as he peered from her guard to the woman.

"I've got quite a few more things that I think you'll like more than me," Madam Junta retorted with a tight smile.

"Ooh, I also like a girl that gets right to the point. But you're right, I'm pretty eager to see what you've brought me," he continued. That was the first time the woman grinned that night. She turned back and nodded to her head of security who then signaled for two teams to come forward. The tiger whistled with excitement as he saw what they were carrying.

Two very large silver cases were brought forward and set on the ground right in front of the big cat. The security clasps were unbuckled and the lids came open to reveal an assortment of military rifles, handguns, and explosive devices affixed into foam cut outs. There were enough weapons to supply a small army or pull off an extremely successful heist.

Next came two more silver cases that were set along side the others and opened as well. These ones held bullet resistant vests and Kevlar clothing that was resistant to piercing objects and high velocity shrapnel. Again, the tiger seemed to be very amused and he looked down at the four cases with wide eyes and a slack jaw.

"Holy shit, Christmas came early!" he laughed and looked back at his companions. The others finally stepped forward and peered at the open boxes. They began to let out excited calls of their own and nudge each other about what they were seeing, making comments about what pieces were going to be theirs.

One of the tiger's friends leaned down to pick up one of the weapons but a nearby soldier kicked the lid and the crate slammed shut with a boot placed on top. The eager male jumped back and made like he was going to reach for his own handgun strapped at his waist but the tiger threw out his own arm to stop his friend. Then he looked to Madam Junta for an explanation.

"We brought our cases. Now you gotta bring out yours." She kept her gaze steady at him as she was clearly in no mood to deal with overzealous bullshit and the tiger seemed to pick up on that. His grin returned and he turned back to give a signal to someone that was still in the car behind him. The back passenger door came open and out came the first female that they had seen on that side of the parking lot. She carried a black briefcase with her that was several times smaller than the silver ones.

Read the full chapter here: