A Night with Cupid

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#6 of A Night with Santa's Reindeer

A rather vain wolf gets a gift from a lover which few think to offer, more time to admire himself!

This story was written for Superduperdog as part of my XXXMas Reindeer commission batch! It contains M/M sex between consenting adults and some narcissism related lewdness. :3

A Night with Cupid

"Do people realise how stunning you are?"

Morris had heard a lot of pick up lines in his time, some of which had worked, others of which had fallen totally flat, and others still which he had treated as though they were much better than they really were, simply because they were spoken by a guy who looked like he fucked a hell of a lot better than he flirted. The line he had just heard murmured to him from whoever had just stepped up beside him at the bar wasn't particularly innovative, but it was spoken with a confidence, and a teasing tone that at least managed to make the wolf curious. He tossed his long hair over one shoulder, batted his long mascara enriched and perfectly styled eyelashes, and looked up and down the figure who had just spoken.

Very few times in his life had Morris been rendered breathless by the beauty of anyone but himself, but it seemed very much that this was one of those occasions as he regarded a lithe reindeer whose body was not only similarly proportioned to his own, but oozing soft, seductive feminine energy. With a loose burgundy red top that hung off one shoulder and a tiny pair of shorts wrapped around his body, with a pale pink, silver glittering lipstick highlighting his muzzle and a gorgeous pair of earrings glinting either side of his antlers, the reindeer was truly a sight to behold. But as Morris stared at him he simply shrugged, smiled, and cocked his head teasingly to one side while meeting the wolf's gaze shamelessly in return.

"It's such a bore, isn't it? When people know that you're hot, but they simply don't realise just how lucky they are to be in your presence. To see the clothes you've selected draped on such a perfect figure. To see your hair so ideally arranged. To not understand the combination of natural good looks and hard work which went into making someone that they can barely keep from getting hard right there on the spot when they see."

Morris felt his cheeks flush. Rarely, perhaps never had he heard someone articulate so perfectly how he felt about himself. How underappreciated his own undeniable beauty was in his day to day life, and how even those who did appreciate him on a surface level failed to understand how truly fortunate they were to be near him, never mind how blessed they should by all rights have felt if he chose to let their interest blossom into a more physical expression of their desire for him. The wolf nodded, and smiled at the reindeer as with a boldness that once again might have come across as either creepy just deeply arrogant had he not been so dead on with his read of Morris, the other man reached out and placed a hand high up on the lithe lupine's thigh.

"It really is. But, you don't seem to have that problem, do you?"

The reindeer grinned.

"Oh no, I know exactly what I'm looking at. My only question is, now that you know what I think of you, do I get what I want out of it?"

Morris felt the hand shift further up his thigh. He licked his lips, and rocked his hips forward as the reindeer's hand settled upon his crotch while what lay within began to swell inside his very own pair of tight pink shorts.

"What is it you want? And why should I give it to you?"

He moaned softly, not caring that they were still standing in the middle of a crowded bar, just thinking that anyone who did see what was happening should be glad of the show, and the A class jerk-off material they receiving for their own lonely fumblings later that same night.

"What I want, Morris, is to watch you masturbate. To see that gorgeous body of yours being treated right by the one person who knows best in all the world how to treat it. And, why? Well... now that you know, the why you should give it to me should be quite obvious. Because when the fuck have you ever turned down a chance to show off your cock to someone who would appreciate it even half as much as you do yourself?"

The wolf's cock throbbed within his tight shorts, straining against the reindeer's hand. Morris trembled, his cheeks glowing crimson as the reindeer's eyes peered not just into his own stunning hues, but seemingly into his very soul. He swallowed thickly, and once again he found himself nodding to this complete stranger with whom he was not only in total agreement about his own vainly lustful motivations, but increasingly with whom he found himself rather lustfully infatuated in return.


"O-oh god, it's... it's beautiful..."

The wolf had been in a lot of nice bedrooms over the years. Hotel suites, classy apartments, a few mansions, even a castle. But this house, the house to which the reindeer had led him without once removing his hand from Morris' aching crotch, put them all to absolute shame. The bed was huge, the décor was upmarket and flawlessly on trend, and the closet... well, it was the closet which had drawn those complimentary words from the wolf's muzzle as he fought not to let it hang open. The closet was practically its own room, an octagon of which all eight sides were full length mirrors, and six of those were sliding panels which could retract to reveal an array of gorgeous outfits behind them. When closed however, with the exception of small inset handles on the door to the bedroom beyond and the panelled closet sides themselves, they provided an uninterrupted three hundred and sixty degree view of whomsoever stood within the closet, flattering light of just the right warmth shining down from above. They allowed Morris to regard himself from every angle almost simultaneously, to see his wagging tail and curvaceous ass without having to crane his neck or get someone else to take photos. And as the door from the bedroom slid open once again, and the reindeer returned bearing yet more treats to set the wolf's heart, body and mind alight with equal passion, Morris actually questioned for a split second whether he was deserving of such bountiful delights.

"Oh fuck..."

He gasped as he saw the smile on the reindeer's face, and the literal armful of dildos he was carrying with him. They tumbled to the ground in a mass of jiggling, bouncing and brightly coloured rubber, and their owner grinned as he gestured to them with magnanimous glee.

"Take your pick. Whatever you think you'd look the hottest riding. That is, assuming of course you'd like a toy. I'd be more than happy to just watch you stroke that cock of yours, or ride your own fingers."

Morris glanced up from where he was already on his knees examining a thick dragon-cock with ridges and bulges in a rich striped black and red pattern. He licked his lips, and grinned as he saw the reindeer rubbing his own obviously tented shorts. A tent that throbbed with an urgency which betrayed the truth more clearly than words ever could.

"Oh, I think you want me riding one of these dildos. In fact... I kinda think you want to be riding one of them with me."

Reaching into the pile of rubber cocks, Morris withdrew not one, but two bottles of lube, one half empty, the other full. He held them up, and jiggled them playfully within his hands.

"Unless you're just a really, really big fan of the idea that you can never have too much lube."

Grinning, the reindeer's hand stopped rubbing at his straining erection, and started to unfasten his shorts at long last.

"No, you got it in one. No way am I standing on the sidelines for this. I... I want to feel what you're feeling. I want to share it with you. I want to see how much you're turning yourself on, and know that I can understand it because of how much I'm turning myself on doing the exact same thing."

Morris growled happily, beginning to unfasten his own tented shorts as the other man before him began to strip off, finally and wordlessly granting them both permission to stop just teasing, and actually get down to business.

"F-fuck, we're hot..."

The reindeer moaned, nodded, and dragged his shorts down in perfect sync with the wolf, both men pulling their underwear down with them and letting two large, thick erections spring upwards, already glistening at their tips and eager for more.

"The hottest."

He agreed, teasing his shirt up over his antlers as Morris stripped himself of the last of his own clothing too.

"N-now... please, let's stop just talking about it, a-and give ourselves the pleasure that bodies this gorgeous deserve."

Barely a minute later, both men were gasping and moaning as they lowered themselves down onto a pair of differently shaped but similarly sized rubber dildos. Quite fittingly in the end Morris had gone with a canid cock, while the reindeer had gone for a shaft that more closely resembled his own. They knelt not face to face, but side by side, facing themselves in the mirrored surface of one of the closet's walls while those same mirrors allowed them full access to the sight of the other man too, should their own bodies not prove wholly inspiring enough as motivation for their bliss. Lube dripped liberally from both dildos as wolf and reindeer grunted, gasped and kept their hands on their thighs purely so they could watch their own and one another's cocks throb and pulse at the pleasure and the erotic thrill of being filled up, of having their prostates teased by the very first waves of pleasure which those toys provoked. Once Morris felt his buttocks brush against the toy's thick knot however, he hungrily, greedily reached out for his own erection and began to stroke it even before he had pushed up and off the dildo for the first time. He held nothing back, his hand a blur by the time he first rose up and sank down onto the toy in its first full thrust in and out of him, and close by as he began to grant his body nothing less than such beauty was owed, he heard the reindeer bellow softly in mutual lust and self-adoration.

"Ah. Aahh god, I... I love this..."

The reindeer moaned, and Morris whined happily in agreement as they began to bounce in tandem, knees brushing against one another and an occasional furtive glance away from their own beautiful bodies to the obviously pleasure-stricken soul beside them creeping in alongside that intimate if incidental contact.

"We're... w-we're so... ahhh. So fucking hot."

Again Morris shamelessly voiced his self-indulgent passion for the lithe body bouncing before his eyes, for the throbbing cock he could barely make out clearly within the dextrous, eager grasp of his own hand. He groaned in delight as the cock beneath him pounded his ass at his behest, going at precisely the speed, striking at precisely the depth he craved. No-one could know him as well as he knew himself. No-one could give this body what it needed quite as he could, even if he led them and commanded them every step of the way. But... he had to admit, this man, this deliciously lewd and attractive reindeer next to him was doing a damn good job of making this whole situation even hotter by virtue of his presence, without interfering or overly distracting Morris from himself.

And, speaking of the wolf himself...

"O-oh god. Oh god, m-my ass..."

He flagged his lush tail up high, and yelped in bliss as he realised that thanks to the unbroken octagon of mirrors surrounding him, he could stare over his shoulder and receive an unobstructed view of his own ass bouncing on the dildo beneath him. He could watch his cheeks jiggling and his hole swallowing up that thick lupine dildo over and over again, and let that enhance the pleasure already coursing through him as he felt it drag across his prostate time and time again. Glancing feverishly across at the reindeer, Morris's voice cracked as he found himself whimpering, and begging this other man for something he wouldn't have trusted many in the world to do for him, but which he knew this kindred spirit would oblige.

"T-tell me you want to fuck my ass. I... I d-don't care if its true, just... oh god, just tell me my ass gets you so fucking hh-haaahh... hard, you need your cock in it."

The reindeer's eyes widened, and he grunted with desire as a thick string of pre-cum shot almost a foot into the air from his own erection, the dildo in his ass doing every bit as good a job driving him wild as Morris' dildo was for the wolf.

"I... a-ah, I wanna fuck that perfect ass! I w-want your cock to fuck mine, too. I... oh, oh god... I want it all, but... please, please, f-first... just cum. Just let me see you cum. Let me see your face, y-your cock, your gorgeous ass as you cum, a-and... oh god, and then we can spend the whole night giving our bodies everything they deserve, and more."

Morris' eyes rolled back, and he groaned in joyous gratitude and satisfaction even though he really hadn't heard most of what the reindeer was saying. After a certain point it had all been erroneous, easy to tune out now that he'd heard what he needed.

"Y-yeah. Fuck yeah, y-you... you want my ass. My perfect ass. You need it, c-coz it's so fucking hot. You need your cock inside it. Your cum all over it. You want it so badly, b-because there's no ass like mine. My sweet, gorgeous, perfect... o-oh. Ohhhh god, I'm... I... yes!"

The wolf howled as he bounced harder, faster than ever. As he pounded himself while whimpering and gasping his own devotion and adoration for his ass. He could feel his backside stretching, hear the liberal volumes of lube he'd applied to himself slurping and slapping with every stroke of his ass down against it. He pushed himself harder still, knowing just what he needed. Just what he was convinced that the reindeer, that every man on earth craved in that moment and every other, no matter how well they managed to conceal it most of the time.

"You want my ass! Y-you... yes , you want to fuck it. Fill it. C-claim it as your own, but... oh god, yes... you can't. You... aaa-ahhhh, you can't, because... b-because it's mine! My ass! M-my body, and... oh, ohhh fuck! Only I get to decide what I want in it! A-and right now... fuck, fuckyesssss , I... I want me!!"

He drove his hips down one more time. He let loose an ear-splitting cry as with a wet pop the knot of the dildo plunged into his ass, and as he watched his face contort in ecstasy, as he watched his ass squeeze tight around the very base of that thick lupine cock, and as he pumped his own throbbing manhood feverishly with his eyes drinking in every twitch and dribble and stroke, Morris couldn't hold back from giving himself everything his incredible body was owed a thousand times over.

" Yes!"

He wailed, the first shot of his cum launching forth and striking true precisely where his hand was angling his cock to strike, square in his own face.

"Yes! Yes! M-mmhhh... more!"

He howled as he tilted his cock back a little, the next few ribbons of cum fountaining up over his head before raining down over his hair, his shoulders, his back and his quivering tail in thick strings of glistening white. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the reindeer cumming too, and though his ears drank in his own cries first and foremost, he couldn't help but enjoy the bellowing cries of his companion alongside him; the owner of this home, the mirrors, the toys, and so much of what was helping him to see just how perfect his own body was.

"W-watch me!"

He begged the reindeer as he rained down his thick, copious cum over himself, and grunted in pure elation as the other man did precisely that. In the reflection of the mirrors surrounding them, their eyes met as they came side by side, as their asses clenched around their respective dildos and as they revelled in their own pleasure, and the rapturous beauty of what they were doing to themselves. But for a second as their eyes locked, Morris saw the reindeer stop focusing on his own sexiness, and truly stop to recognise just how divinely beautiful the wolf truly was.

In that moment, they were both cumming for him.

All that cum. All that pleasure. All those bellowing cries and frantic howls, it was all just for him.

And that was just the way he liked it.

By Jeeves

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