All I want is a catgirl

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Why do people keep trusting genies?

PS: A request done on another website. I had forgotten to upload on SoFurry, so here it is now!

Jake was in short, your average nobody. He wore a black shirt, blue jeans, and a ripped pair of boxers underneath. He wasn't fat, and yet at the same time he wasn't slim either- a bit of muscle, but barely visible, and a tiny gut. He had dark brown hair on his head that was neatly trimmed right above his blue eyes. At the moment he had socks on, but no shoes. He was currently in his home- a small house. He wasn't married, but his job left him with enough money to live in a small one bedroom place. Not so much rich enough to expand beyond that, but a comfortable life.

At the moment he was sitting on a brown leather couch holding an oil lamp- an infamous lamp one might see in stereotypical genie movies. The lamp looked old and rusted to say the least. He recalled the owner was...quick to want to get rid of it- something about a curse and an actual genie. Jake knew better than to believe stories like THAT, but curiosity still did strike him about the lamp. Plus, it was free. If it really did nothing, it could be scrapped for a few bucks. Regardless, since he was alone and he wanted to humor himself, he rubbed the tip of that oil lamp. "Oh ancient genie of the lamp, appear before me and grant my wishes!" He said, jokingly at that.

Suddenly, a puff of purple smoke appeared in front of him. Not coming from the lamp, but just...well it was best compared to a cheap effect of purple colored smoke appearing from the ground one might use for dance effects, or magical tricks. Regardless, the smoke clouded anything beyond what was behind it, acting as a curtain. As that smoke rose and vanish, a figure was on the other side- the first thing that could be made out were two pitch black hooves, followed by a pink silk dress designed like bell bottoms, though sealed at the bottom rather than open. It covered right up to the figures waist- which showed off brown colored hide with a white splotch in the center. The figures breast was concealed by a pink silk bra too, though it hid little else and showed off much of the figures decently toned chest. They also had brown hide covered arms, but with white hands with feathering. The very top of the figure had a very equine face with a dark brown hide and equine ears. Her lips and nose stuck out a bit like a horses, but only by a few inches. It was a horse, an anthro horse that had just appeared then and there. Her eyes were closed at first, but she opened them to reveal deep green eyes, and she stretched those arms. "Uhn. You know what I love about sleeping? Nobody else is in there to annoy me." She said to herself, cracking her fingers. She then put her arms to her hips and tilted her head. "Oh. Great. Another one. Alright, make with the wishes. I had a REALLY good dream where I took over the planet and turned all the humans into dogs. Except unlike Mojo Jojo, I turned the superheroes into dogs BEFORE they got into my lair."

Jake blinked in surprise. He had doubted the lamp to work, much less like THAT. "Uh..." he scratched the back of his head. "Aren't your entrances supposed to be more...dramatic? Like, the smoke comes from the lamp and creates your form or something?"

The horse shot daggers at Jake. She leaned down and grabbed hold of his chin, her fingers up pushing in those lips. "Listen here, 'master'" she said 'master' with a huge mark of sarcasm and snide. "People pass off my lamp to other people more than beer in a frat party. I don't have time to make super heroic awesome entrances ALL the damned time." She let him go and crossed her arms. "Now, you can make your wishes and call it a day, or you can keep playing stupid and let me find out how thick headed you are by putting your head between my hooves."

Jake gulped at that. This horse was serious, and angry. He wanted to ask her if she was a good genie or a bad one, but he had a pretty good hint of how bad she was. "How about...I wish for a million dollars in my bank account, not taxable, that I can spend anywhere I want?"

The horse shrugged her shoulders at that and snapped her fingers. Really, there was little she could do with such a wish except...well...grant it. It was pretty carefully worded, after all. "Done. You know how to be cautious, don't you?" she had to ask. "Can't say I blame you. Alright, next."

Jake had to check his bank account with his phone- sure enough, one million dollar deposit. He had to kick himself though, why one? He could have wished for ten! Still, he didn't want to use EVERYTHING on money. He thought about the other things he could get. He didn't care for fame, power would be interesting, but he would inevitably lose it all anyways...or would he? "I wish for immortality. Also, I can't get any diseases or any general health problems either." He figured, why not?

The horse chuckled at that and snapped her fingers. "Fine. Done. Enjoy going insane, it happens to most people who live for ages. I already went insane long ago, you just can't tell. Alright. Final wish."

Jake knew better than to wish this genie free, not after her tone. He didn't believe her about going insane, but that wouldn't have been for ages, if ever. There was really only one thing he could want now, companionship. Not with this girl, but with another. "I wish I could be with a perfect girl all the time, she'd never leave me, and she was physically, and mentally, what I've always wanted."

The horse shrugged again at that. "Fine." She snapped her fingers. "And I guess that's it for me. I'm out. Cameo appearance and everything." She turned away and waved, seemingly at nothing. "See you readers next time!" And with that, and another puff of purple smoke, the horse was gone, vanishing just like she had appeared.

"H-hey!" Jake got off the couch and lunged for that purple smoke, but it was too late- the horse was gone, and that oil lamp too- gone off to who knew where. Jake had always wondered what happened to those lamps once all was said and done. He guessed it vanished to prevent abuse of more wishes, but still, he didn't see that girl at all.

"Great. I guess I should have specified 'and is with me right now' or something." Jake muttered to himself. "...or is she? Maybe she's hiding..." Jake's house wasn't very large, so he figured it would do no harm to glance around.

All the living room contained was a television on a small stand with a game system under it, and to the side of it was a stand with his movies and games- not a huge selection, but a varied one. There was also a small desk near the couch with a lamp; really there wasn't much of anywhere to hide in the living room. Jake took a look behind the couch and underneath the seat cushions regardless, and scratched his head- nothing but dust behind the couch, and nothing but dirt in the couch. He found himself scratching his head for longer than he should have; he actually kind of...enjoyed it, scratching himself behind his ears like that, if only he had that perfect girl to do it with.

Jake paused briefly with his hand still in his hair. He brushed just a bit back to feel something pointy, large, and yet soft. He rushed to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror above the sink to notice two pitch black cat ears on top of his head, his normal ears nowhere to be found. Half of him wanted to panic; the other half told him that he always had those cat ears. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Surely a person just couldn't GROW cat ears, he must have had them the whole time and never even realized until now! Just like that pitch black cat tail slowly shifting behind him like a slow moving snake.

Jake paused again and reached down to that tail. It had short bristly furs, which actually made it very smooth to stroke. As he touched that tail, he couldn't help but purr- yes, he had that tail all along. He just wanted company and companionship...not to mention it was REALLY hard for him to clean certain spots of himself on his own, so help would have been lovely.

Jake glanced around the rest of the bathroom while he had the chance. There wasn't anything in that bathtub, nor was there anything in the medicine cabinet placed right above the toilet- something he thought was always a stupid design, but he didn't build the house. He glanced in the toilet and shrugged, not sure why he even bothered looking in there. "The bedroom, perhaps? That's where I'd want my kitty to always be." He smirked at that. "All set and ready for me..." he could picture that girl in his head now, but he dare not want to spoil what it looked like. Surely the genie already knew and gave him that girl he always wanted. He straightened up his hair, licked his palms, and ran his hands over his tail to make himself look nice and clean before he went to his bedroom.

The bedroom was a bit smaller than the living room. There was a fairly large bed that took up the center plus one part of a wall, along with a shelf of books on another wall and a miniature television in front of the bed on top of a dresser- not the best place for a small television, but it worked. Jake glanced on top of the bed- blue sheets covered with black cat fur.

Odd thing was, he didn't even own a cat. With a casual shrug, he glanced down underneath the bed and saw nothing. "Nothing on the bed, nothing under the bed..." Jake reached down and scratched at his crotch. His crotch was...oddly bare. He reached down between his legs, not really caring about dignity and just reaching straight down underneath his pants and he felt...nothing, nothing but a bare crotch and a feminine cunt between his legs. At first, he was absolutely alarmed. He KNEW he was a guy! The alarm quickly went away though as he began to recall time after time again, he wasn't a man, at least not fully, no he had those female parts between his legs. He had what; in slang terms described it well for him, a pussy. "Yeah...being this wasn't easy..." he mumbled. In school, he went into the guys changing room, but ONLY after everyone else was finished with it. It was a little embarrassing, but manageable. At least he didn't 'pitch tents' so to speak, as much as he swore he remembered pitching one around that horse girl earlier, it was, quite literally, a physical impossibility for him to do so.

Jake pulled his hand out of his pants and, maybe it was something out of curiosity, or maybe he was just hot, but he pulled his pants down, along with those ripped boxers to confirm there was a clean feminine cunt between his legs. It looked odd on a man's body, but he couldn't deny it was down there. He glanced at the television, which was currently turned off, but it showed off his reflection rather well. He still had those cat ears and that cat tail, but now his pants were pulled down and revealed manly legs, a slight beer gut, and...a feminine shaved sex between his legs. It looked compared to the rest of his body, almost as if it didn't belong there in the first place, but he knew it belonged there, he had it his whole life! Maybe it wasn't the feminine clit between his legs that didn't belong, but other parts of his body instead. He pulled up his pants and shrugged, his tail fitting through a hole in his jeans that he...remembered needing to either cut himself or order it specially made.

"Well, one place in the house left, besides the kitchen." Jake said, leaving the bedroom and heading towards what he called his work room, a computer room essentially. As he made his way to that work room, his tail swayed slowly and seductively for anyone, or anything, that might have been staring at that rear.

His work room contained his computer and another bookshelf, this shelf in particular filled with knowledge about computers, writing, drawing; it was his hobby, and part of his job, to work on documents. That black cat tail of his swished around and his cat ears twitched as he glanced at his computer chair with wheels. He could just imagine how his girl would sit on there and he couldn't resist- he took a seat on the computer chair and raised one leg up, putting one foot on top of the chair while his other foot was down on the ground. He turned to the door and swung open that leg of his while lying back on the chair. Had he not been wearing pants, he would have truly been exposing himself. There was something missing, though. Of course! Jake reached up with a single hand and held onto one of his tits while looking up with a grin. Jake looked down at his tits- a modest C cup covered by a pink silk bra, pink and black- the colors went well together he thought. Then, he thought again, why did he keep calling himself a he? What's more, why did he keep calling himself Jake? He rubbed that feminine face of his for a moment and blinked, the world around him turning yellow briefly before he realized...he wasn't Jake, he wanted a lover named Jake yes, but he himself wasn't Jake, he was she, and she? She was Jenny, though she called herself Jen.

Jen stood up and slowly walked back to the bathroom to see herself in the mirror. She still had those black cat ears of hers and that long brown hair that stretched down just past her neck, but she also had that nice breast, still hidden beneath a rather boyish shirt, and her cunt underneath boyish jeans- the jeans with a hole in the butt to allow her black tail to go through. Her face was quite soft and feminine and she had yellow slit cat eyes that looked back at her. She was definitely a catgirl, though not quite considered a furry kind. Sure she had ears and a tail, but that was hardly furry. "What AM I doing dressed like this?" She said to herself. "And WHERE did I get these clothes from? I got to look good for when that genie's final wish comes true!" she undressed right then and there in the bathroom. She pulled off that shirt and showed off her silk pink bra underneath, as well as her pants to show her similar pink silk matching panties, not with a hole, but pulled down enough for her tail to be right above them. Her legs were sleek and hairless, just like her arms. Her body was slim with slightly wider hips. She didn't keep track of her weight, she didn't need to- she had a pretty perfect body. She walked out of that bathroom wearing only her underwear and made it back to her bedroom.

Once Jen was in that bedroom, she reached into that dresser and found...nothing. She couldn't find any clothing. "Nyaaan?" she said in a high pitched tone. She checked her closet and found nothing. She had clothes...didn't she? But then again, why would she have them? Catgirls didn't need clothes, especially ones covered with fur. But she swore she wasn't covered with fur. She looked at her body- her sleek arms, her soft rear with that cute tail, her slim legs. Sure she had those cat feet- long cat legs that made it appear as if she stood on her toes when she walked, covered in black cat fur with cat pads underneath. And sure, she had cat hands- cat paws with pads. They still worked much like regular hands, though the claws were retractable, and currently not showing. She didn't have fur covering her body though. Something definitely wasn't right. "Where's that genie?" she asked herself. She scratched behind her ears, getting out her claws just a bit to make that scratching all the more enjoyable before she thought, why would the genie take away all of her clothes? How COULD have the genie taken all of her clothes? It make no sense, maybe she really didn't have any clothes to begin with. Moment by moment, Jen felt more at ease with her near nudity, but something still didn't feel right. It took her a minute to figure out what was so wrong. "Of course!" She said to herself, jumping up in the air with a lone fingered paw in the air. "It's not that I should wear clothes. It's that I shouldn't be wearing ANY clothes!" Jen thought that HAD to be it. She didn't need the underwear either. With a carefree grin, she pulled down those panties to expose herself to the world. As for the bra, well Jen had problems figuring out how to get it off. She didn't know where the clips were. She ended up just taking out her claws and carefully ripping it open to expose those soft supple tits of hers, along with her perky nipples. Yes, Jen thought. Being nude felt right. She wasn't a human after all, she was a cat girl.

She still felt incomplete though, even looking at her nude self, she just didn't feel quite...right. She looked back at that fur covered bed, and shrugged it off. She walked over to the bed and laid down on her back, also she covered herself with the matching blue sheet on top of that bed. She swore she could feel even more cat fur underneath that bed. She shimmied her way down underneath the covers and rolled on her belly. Looking around with those slit eyes; she saw all kinds of black cat fur. She had to wonder- what was all that fur doing there. She could only think of one thing to get rid of all of that fur, as silly as it sounded, she was a cat- cats did silly things. She rolled around in those sheets, wrapping herself in that blanket and that fur. As she rolled around, she felt little tiny tingling sensations on her skin. It didn't feel painful, it just felt odd. She cocooned herself in that blanket, rolling around side to side again and again, nearly rolling off her bed, but stopping herself at the side. She couldn't help but laugh and purr as she did this, recalling the times when she was young how she imagined herself just wrapping herself up in a blanket and coming out as something totally different, another weird thing, but she was young back when, she tried all sorts of weird things, like using a toilet. She loathed the water in that toilet! She much preferred to use her liter box instead.

She stopped rolling after a few minutes, panting lightly. She couldn't feel as much fur on the blanket and she unraveled herself. She stood up and glanced at herself in the mirror, yes, Jen thought. Now she looked perfect. Or should she have said...purrfect. She was a fan of cat puns.

She still had those short cat ears on top of her head, but she also had long dark brown hair stretching down to her shoulders. Her face was positively feline. She had yellow cat eyes, complete with whiskers and a tiny pink nose. She yawned then and there to show off her fangs and small, but rough, cat tongue, perfect for cleaning herself. Her body was covered in black cat fur too. She still had those tits on her chest, but she also had three other sets of nipples traveling down her chest beyond that, none of those nipples had any boobs behind them except the upper pair, but she was fine with that- it made getting clothes on easier. Her pink nipples stood out on top of all of that fur- she even had fur on that top pair of boobs, but those nipples still shined through. Her arms and legs were covered with black cat fur and she had those cat hands and feet, along with that slim cat tail still waving behind her. Her rear was still small, but soft. She couldn't help herself but give it a squeeze with a cat grin on her face, oh how she enjoyed playing with herself down there. And then, there was her female sex, her...pussy she referred to it as. It was difficult to see underneath her cat fur, but it shined through with a pink outline. It was small, yet visible when she wore nothing.

And yet, despite looking at her in the mirror with that grin on her face, despite accepting all of this, because this is what she was- a cat girl through and through, she still had one question... "Where is that perfect man I wished for who would stay with me all the time? I don't know why, but I think I would have called him...Jake."