my story
this is the story i am working on
BY: DJala Barfield
This story is about a lone wolf helping a family keep their beloved princess and daughter safe from the evil wolf killer Lightning Fire, as we journey with the characters of the story u will see more characters added to the story, and as u can see in the list below the characters are played by my friends, right now their busy so i'm taking care of their parts, My name is Fireflash wolf
And i will show u one of my life stories and my tragic and heroic end to save a daughter/ princess/crush family from certain doom, now listen close to what i say, as time goes on you'll see that the princess is more protective of me then i am of her u will see that some part in the story as u read , u will also see some of my wolf friends as well in my story , i hope u enjoy my story
Zelos- Fireflash
Me- Moonlight
Devine- Darkfire and lightning fire
Galadriel-Roselight and Flash sentry
I'll add on as i add characters don't worry
Moonlight-goodness, this whole place is mostly forest-forest,forest ,forest- only forest.
Fireflash- oh stop whining ,we'll find our way around, i mean,we're wolf's after all.
Moonlight- yeah but..what if we don't find our way back to the pack?
Roselight-don't worry we'll find our way back sis.
Fireflash- yeah don't worry about it.
Moonlight- easy for y'all to say.
(2 hours later)
Fireflash-guys look!!
Moonlight-(goes to fireflash)what u find?
Roselight-(stands beside moonlight)
Fireflash- i found a easter wolf.
Darkfire- who r u?
Moonlight- beat rose not me
Darkfire-(claws moonlight)
Fireflash-hey don't hurt my friend!!!( pounces on darkfire)(bite darkfire on neck)
Roselight-(hides behind tree)
Darkfire-(claws fire and pins moonlight to ground and claws moon chest)
Roselight-Hey don't hurt my sis!!(kicks dark)
Darkfire-(runs away)
Moonlight-(lays on side bleeding)
Roselight-sis!!( goes to moon)
Fireflash-(goes to rose and moon) i don't think she's ok, she's bleeding badly.
Roselight-we need to get her back to our pack they can help.
Fireflash- but how we don't know where they are we're lost, but there is another way( gets vines and wraps moons chest like a bandaid) there that will hold her till we get back.
Roselight- Ok that should hold until we can get to our pack.
Fireflash- (puts moon on back) let's get going we don't have much time before she dies from this (starts walking).
2 hours later...
Fireflash: i think we're back at our pack.
Moonbright: Fireflash, moonlight,roselight your back.
Flash sentry: we were worried about y'all .
Roselight: were sorry mom and dad we kind got a little lost.
Fireflash: moon needs help and fast (sets moon on ground) she's been attacked by darkfire.
Moonbright: let me take her back to the den to get her stitched up
Fireflash: will she be ok?
Flash sentry: we hope so, we'll let you know how she's coming along and if you can come see her
Fireflash: please do, i care more about moon then anything
Moonbright: that's sweet of you.
At the fire pack territory....
Darkfire: master lightning
Lightning fire: did u kill the little princess of moon pack?
Darkfire: no she had her friends with her i wasn't able to kill her fully
Lightning fire: we need her dead or she will take over our territory along with that little lone wolf fire flash
Darkfire: yes master, but how we get her alone?
Lightning fire: dark star!!
Dark star: yes master
Lightning fire: you and darkfire will plan something to lure the princess out alone and do it fast we don't have much time
3 days later.....
Fireflash: (sits out side moonlight's family den)
Moonbright: fireflash u can come in, just be careful what u say to moonlight she is still a little shaken up after the attack
Fireflash: (sticks head though the grass blinds and sees moon sitting up and wrapped around her wounds) (goes in)
Moonlight: (looks at fireflash) hey....
Fireflash: hey , how u feel?
Moonlight: still sore , mom said i have to stay in the den till the wounds heal completely , their still bleeding a lot
Fireflash: i hope you get better soon so i can teach you some new attacks its fun training you to fight
Moonlight: (blushes) well i never really fighted before
Flash sentry: everything alright in here?
Moonlight: yes dad were fine
Moonbright: i hope you get better moonlight
Fireflash: yeah me too
Moonlight: thank you guys so much
Moonbright: your welcome sweety
Dark star: all we have to do is get her at night
Darkfire: ok that will be good
Back at the moon pack...
Moonlight: ( stands up and is still sore )
Fireflash: come on put your paw over my back i'll support u
Moonlight: (puts paw over his back) thanks
Fireflash: ( leads moonlight outside slowly, while she limps)
Roselight: sis r u ok?
Moonlight:yes sis im fine still sore tho
Moonbright: come sweety we need to get you dressed for your first grand galloping gala
Fireflash: i can't wait to see your dress moon ( leads moon to her dressing den)
Moonlight: thanks for helping me here
Fireflash: no problem see you at the grand galloping gala
Moonlight: see you there
That night at the grand galloping gala...
(the horns sound)
Royale gard: now presenting the queen and king of moon pack, flash sentry and moonbright, and presenting the princess, princess moonlight!!
Fireflash: (looks at moon and is amazed) moon u look beautiful
Moonlight: thanks ...(blushes)
(music plays)
Fireflash: (holds out paw) may i have this dance?
Moonlight: sure ( puts paw in his)
Fireflash: ( tips moon ) (smiles)
Moonlight: (giggles)
Moonbright: (looks at where moon and fireflash is) flash i think moon has a crush and mite become a prince
Flash sentry: i think he will
A few minutes later
Moonlight: (legs get weak)
Fireflash: (catches moon) (helps her up) u ok?
Moonlight: i..i feel dizzy (passes out)
Fireflash: Moon!!
Moonbright: sweetheart what happened?
Fireflash:idk she said she felt dizzy and her legs got weak
Flash sentry: we better get her to the den and fast (goes and tells the guard to keep the gala going)
Moonbright: (puts moon on back) follow me
Fireflash: (follows)
4 hours later...
Fireflash: (lays beside moon while they check her)
Moonbrigh: well her wounds have opened up again she'll have to stay here a while
Fireflash: ok thank you
Moonlight: (curls up on side hurting badly)
Fireflash: (nuzzles moon with muzzle on her ear) i hope u get better soon
Roselight: (peeks in) hey....
Fireflash: hey
Roselight: how is sis?
Fireflash: her wounds opened up again , your mom said she will have to stay in bed and recover for a few weeks.
Roselight: i hope she gets better
Fireflash: yeah me too (puts paw over moon shoulder)
A few days later....
Moonlight: (opens eyes is still weak from blood loss) what happened?
Fireflash: hey how u feeling?
Moonlight: im still weak , did i miss the gala?
Fireflash: yeah, your wounds opened again
Moonlight: (looks around) there are so many gifts and presents
Fireflash: your mom and dad told everyone at the gala that you was hurt , so everyone brought you gifts and presents to make u feel better.
Moonlight: everyone so nice
Fireflash: (gets one of the gifts) (puts it in front of moon) your mom said you can open some when u wake up but not all of them
Moonlight: *opens one and gets a new crown* aww its blue the color of my fur it's beautiful
Fireflash: that came from your mom , she knew u would want a crown the color of your fur.
Moonlight: it's beautiful.
Fireflash: *goes and gets present from me* *puts in front of moon* open it
Moonlight: *opens* *it has a ring and gold crown in it* omg thank u fire.
Fireflash: *nuzzles moon cheek with muzzle* *sits beside her *
Fireflash: well...yeah when i first met u i started liking u as i got to know u
Moonlight: *blushes bright red* i did too
Fireflash: really?
Moonlight: yeah
Fireflash: s-sure
Moonlight: *smiles* *trys to get up and walks out of den*
Fireflash: *follows* hey...what you about to do?
Moonlight; *looks back* u will see? *winks* *keeps walking*
A few hours later...
Moonlight: *stops where i am*
Fireflash: *looks around * what is this place?
Moonlight: this is my sacred magic practice place
Fireflash: wait u have magic?
Moonlight: yeah....*sits on a pillow near candles* *holds paw out and ears glow* *blows on paw and fire lights candles* *pats a pillow besite me* come on sit...
Fireflash: *sits beside moon* what r u about to do to me?
Moonlight: nothing bad i promice ...*paw glows and places paw on his sholder and says magic spell* moon and stars combine, star pack lend this wolf the power of moon crystal and lead this wolf in the path of your paws , lead him to keep our scarsed moon crystal safe from the evil lightning pack...*paw glows bright and a moon and star mark appers on his sholder* *takes paw off* *smiles*
Fireflash: *looks at sholder then at moon*
Moonlight: u r now the protecter of the scarsed moon crystal , just like me *smiles* *necklace glows and breaks in two and it makes a second necklace and lands in paws* *puts it on fire * there....
Fireflash: * smiles* does it mean i have powers too?
Moonlight: yes u also have wings like me.
Fireflash: *smiles*
Moonlight: come on we need to get back before sis gets worried *giggles*
Fireflash: yeah
At the lightning pack.....
Lightnign fire: do you have a plan comander darkfire
Darkfire: yes master, we made a plan to get the princess when the third moon is full the we kidnap her
Lightning fire: good *takes hood off* its going in the right direction for us
At the moonlight kingdom...
Moonlight: *walks in den*
Fireflash: *follows after*
Roselight: Moon, Fire, where u guys been?
Moonlight: fire is now the protector of the scaresed moon crystal like me
Roselight: omg thats great
Fireflash: heh thanks
Moonbright: come on roselight , let's leave moon and fire alone together so they can have alone time
Moonlight: thanks mom
A few min later.....
Moonlight: * lays down *
Fireflash: *lays beside moon*
Moonlight: *feels his fur agenst mine* blushes*
Fireflash: so.... what u want to talk about?
Moonlight: i don't know
Fireflash: *tackles her on her back*
Fireflash: do u....uhh...want to know?
Moonlight: r-really?
Fireflash: y-yeah....if you want to
Moonlight: s-sure
Fireflash: ok *kisses moon neck*
2 hours later....
Fireflash: wow, that was awesome
Moonlight: yeah
*a knock on the den*
Roselight: sis fire come out we about to have dinner!
Fireflash: come on
Moonlight: ok *gets up , is alittle weak but gains strenth*follows fire*
Moonbright: were glad to have you for dinner fireflash
Fireflash: thank you for haveing me queen moonbright
Flash sentury: well lets eat!
1 hour later....
Fireflash: thank you again for haveing me queen moonbright , the food was delicious
Moonbright: your welcome fireflash
Fireflash: well i have to get back home thank you for haveing me * nuzzles moon * love you moon
Moonlight: love you too fire
Fireflash: *walks in to forest*
Moonlight: *blushes and smiles*
Roselight: ooooo u have a lover
Moonlight: oh stop it sis *goes to den*
Roselight: *follows sis* so what yall do in the den
Moonlight: we did sex
Roselight: what?! Really?
Moonlight: yeah it was..kinda fun
Roselight: yall mite have pups after you know
Moonlight: really you think so
Roselight: yeah, ill ba a auntie!!
Moonlight: yeah *lays down on bed* goodnight sis
Roselight: *lays on bed* goodnight sisy
At the lightning pack....
Darkfire: master its time the third moon is up
Lightning fire: good go get the that princess
Darkfire: yes master, come fire star
Fire star: *follows*
Darkfire: *walks to moonlight kingdom opening* there is the den of the moonlight princess , come * goes to den and goes in*
Fire star: * follows *
Darkfire: *uses sleep dart on princess and keeps her sleep*
Fire star: grabs princess by tail and drags out*
Darkfire: take her back to the pack
1 hour later.....
Moonlight: wakes up* wha where am i * tyrs to get up but sees is tied up*
Lightning fire: welcome princess to my pack
Moonlight:why am i here?!
Lightning fire: u will see , darkfire u do the honors
Darkfire: * puts syring in moon side*
Moonlight: AHHHHH!!!!
Darkfire: pulls suker*
Moonlight: PLZ STOP!!
Darkfire: pushes syring deeper* Moonlight: p-plz stop i-i dont feel good *pass out*
A few miles away...
Fireflash: *hears moon scream* MOON!! * runs to where moon is*
Lightning fire: * hears fire * turns around* U!!
Fireflash: let her go!!
Lightning fire: the only way to get her is fight me!!
Fireflash: *pounces on lightning back* bites neck hard*
Lightning fire : * yelps *
Fireflash: * rips skin off * claws chest *
Lightning fire: *dies*
Fireflash: *looks at darkfire* growls*
Darkfire: *runs*
Fireflash: *looks at moon and sees shes bleeding alot out of her side* unties moon and puts on back* walks to moonlight kingdom*
Back at the moonlight kingdom.....
Moonbright: *crys* oh i wish i knew where she was!!
Fireflash: i found her ms moon *puts moonlight down on her bed*
Roselight: SIS!! *goes to her side , sees shes bleeding out* omg what happened to her?!
Fireflash: she was kidnaped by the lightning pack , they tried to kill her.
Moonbright: *looks at moons wounds * i dont think i can fix them
Fireflash: i think i can *stands beside moon and puts muzzle to her side and closes eyes* necklace glows bright red* the opening of moons wounds glows red and they redo themselfs * glowing goes out* opens eyes and lifts up*
Moonlight: *opens eyes weakly* f-fire?
Fireflash: *smiles* hey
Moonlight: sis?, mom?
Roselight: sis *nuzzles sis*
Moonbright: daughter *licks her ear*
this is my first story