Special Assignments - Chapter Twelve

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#12 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Thirteen to follow soon...

My plan to compose myself upstairs and head back down to the party didn't go quite according to plan.

Instead, I was hiding in the bathroom feeling like I'd embarrassed myself. True, the girls were being rude about Hudson and something about Charlie was unnerving me, but I began to fear Adam would no longer liked me after I'd snapped at his friends.

I'm being a "Queen Bitch," as Hudson would say.

"Okay, time to man up and face everyone," I muttered out loud as I rinsed my paws in the sink.

I pushed open the bathroom door and made my way along the hallway. I noticed two of the bedrooms had lights on behind their doors, but I ignored the sight and headed down the stairs.

I glanced cautiously into the living room and noticed everyone was clustered around the sofa, but there was no sight of Adam, or Charlie for that matter.

The girls were still sitting down and gazing into Grace's phone, giggling to themselves. Brian's voice was booming from the kitchen about doing more shots, but drinking more booze was the last thing I wanted to do at that moment.

I retreated up the stairs and back towards the bathroom. I noticed the one of the bedroom doors was now ajar and I peered inside. Charlie was sitting on the edge of a bed, grinning and thumping his tail against the covers. I stepped back, not wanting him to see me, but from behind I heard the sound of another door open.

I almost jumped out of my fur, but I turned, expecting to see Adam.

Ollie was standing behind me.

"Oh, hey," I said, feeling embarrassed.

"You all right?" he asked with a grin. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I was wondering where Adam was," I explained.

"Heh, I'm heading to him now," Ollie replied. "Follow me."

I followed as the bear knocked on the bedroom door where I had seen Charlie perched on the bed.

"C... come in!" I heard Adam shout.

Ollie pushed the door fully open and I followed him inside. Charlie was still sitting on the bed and he shot Ollie and me a mischievous grin as we walked in. Adam was sitting on the other side of the covers and he turned to face us. There was also a grin on his face.

"Is this Charlie's room?" I asked, glancing around.

"No, it's mine," Adam replied, patting the bed for me to sit down.

I sat and glanced around, feeling my ears voluntarily perk up with curiosity.

This is Adam's room! This is Adam's room!

I was in my potential mate's room, which I had hoped to be in alone just with Adam, but I was in it nonetheless.

The walls were a plain white colour (likely owing to the fact it was a student house rather than persona choice), and the walls were decorated with posters of heavy metal bands and trippy pieces of art. I admit, the choices surprised me as I didn't imagine Adam being into those sorts of things based on his appearance. In terms of being gay, his mannerisms and dress sense was more subdued compared to Hudson's.

I wondered if I should apologise for my outburst downstairs, but as I opened my mouth Charlie spoke first.

"Did you get it?" the corgi asked.

Ollie nodded and pulled a tub of brownies out from behind his back as if he was performing a magic trick.

"Hash brownies," the bear announced with a grin.

"Drunk and stoned," I laughed. "This will be an interesting combination."

"Heh, if you're nervous you don't have to," Adam grinned, giving my paw a pat.

I wasn't at all nervous, indeed Hudson had made plans to smoke weed with me to see if I'd like it.

Ollie opened the box and handed it to Adam who took a brownie.

"It's so the neighbours don't complain about the scent of weed," the jaguar explained. "We kept using air-freshner, but it still didn't mask all of it, but I still think fuck it, we should just smoke it anyway."

Adam then handed the box to Charlie who took one. The corgi then handed it to me. I hesitated, but forced a grin and took one before handing the box back to Ollie.

I bit into the brownie and began chewing.

"I didn't realise you were so good at baking," Adam teased.

The bear responded with a sarcastic nod before biting into his.

"Hooow much did you put in this?" Charlie slurred. "I can feel it already."

I could also feel the effects too. I laid back on the bed with my head touching Adam's side and closed my eyes.

So this is being drunk and stoned. At least I haven't thrown up yet.

I didn't care though, I could feel the music from downstairs (whatever the song was) pulse through me and I was on the bed next to Adam. That was all that I cared about.

From somewhere, I could faintly hear Charlie and Adam shuffling around on the bed.

I opened my eyes and glanced around. Adam was spooning Charlie.

Is that bad?

_ _ "Does that count as cheating?" I murmured out loud.

"Huh?" Adam replied groggily.

I rolled over and promptly fell off the bed. Charlie laughed from somewhere in the background. Somehow, I managed to get to my hind-paws.

"W... where are you going?" Adam asked.

I had no idea where I was going, but I decided I no longer felt comfortable. I staggered towards the door and into the hallway.

"You all right?" I heard a voice say.

I turned to see Ollie standing behind me.

"I wanna lay down," I replied. "Or eat something."

"Let's lay down," the bear said, and I felt his paw steer me towards his room.

"Where's Adam?" I asked.

"I'll go and get him," Ollie replied as he gently pushed me through his door and steered me to the bed.

The bear's room was quite dim, but I could vaguely make out a desk, a wardrobe and a double bed. I sat on the bed and felt my eyes starting to close.

Ollie had disappeared, but I glanced around the room trying to locate Adam.

Where is everyone?

_ _ "Adam has fallen asleep," I heard Ollie say and I glanced up to see the bear making his way back into the room. "He does that when he gets droned."

"Droned?" I repeated.

"Drunk and stoned," Ollie laughed.

"Should we eat something?" I asked. "I feel ravenous."

"We could order pizza," the bear suggested with a lopsided smile.

"Yeah," I replied, responding with a grin that probably made me look like a lunatic.

"I wanna ask you something," Ollie slurred. The lopsided smile was still on his face but his tone was suddenly nervous. "Soooo, what's it like being gay?"

"What?" I laughed before coughing. "Waddaya mean?"

"I mean, what's it like?" Ollie asked.

"Um, I, uh," I tried to talk, but I couldn't form the words. I knew I should probably rebuff the question, but I grinned like an idiot again. "Fun," I eventually chuckled.

"Fun?" Ollie repeated. "You know, I like that gay people just meet and get it on, whereas with a girl you've got to try for ages to get a shag."

"Heh, well it can be the same with guys," I said. "I want to shag Adam, but I haven't properly yet."

Ollie nodded.

"Want to show me?" he asked.

"Show you what?" I asked.

"Man, I'm feeling really pent up. I wondered if you'd help?" Ollie continued. "I don't want to force you, but I want to see what it's like."

"Are you gay?" I asked, chuckling again.

Stop laughing, this isn't funny. This is damn surreal!

_ _ "Nah," Ollie said, shaking his head. "I like girls but I want to see what this is like."

"You want to have sex?" I asked. "Wow, that's a plot twist."

"Nah, I wanna try pawing you with."

"Um, okay," I replied, feeling dumbfounded.

"So, do you want to?" the bear asked.

"Uh, I think this is cheating on Adam," I said.

"Hey, I won't touch you. I just want to wank with you, that's all," Ollie said. "Fuck I would never have the courage to do this sober."

I watched as the bear undid his trousers, slide his boxers down and slip his cock out. The bear's cock was already growing hard and I could see he was well-endowed.

Ollie sat on the bed beside me and began jerking himself.

"You wanna join in?" he asked.

I instinctively unzipped my jeans and eased my briefs down slightly. I glanced at my underwear and sighed, remembering they were another pair of close-fitting, sexy ones that I had put on for Adam. I also realised that Adam hadn't commented on the fact I was wearing my close-fitting jeans either. I tried stroking my cock, but it remained flaccid.

"Aww, you not going to?" Ollie asked. "C'mon Shep, it'll be fun."

I closed my eyes and tried touching myself. I could hear Ollie aggressively jerking his cock; the bear kept making grunts and groans. The noise of the party also drifted into the room from downstairs. I sighed as my dick just flopped around in my paw.

"You have a nice looking cock," the bear grinned.

Mate, you are gay. Sorry but you are. Hey, I remembered think, don't say!

_ _ "Want me to help?" Ollie asked.

The rational part of my brain told me to stop everything at once. I rolled over on the bed and tucked my dick back into my briefs.

"Sorry, this is too weird," I said, getting up and trying to ease my jeans up my hind-paws.

"Suit yourself," the bear growled. "Oh fuck, here I go."

Ollie let out a loud ahhh as he came and I could smell the scent of his cum in the air as I stumbled out of his bedroom door.

"Adam?" I called.

I noticed his bedroom door was partially closed, with a small chink of light shining through. I reached out and pushed it open.

My eyes widened.

Charlie was face down on the bed while Adam was thrusting into him. They both had their eyes closed and the corgi was moaning softly as Adam buried his cock into Charlie's tail hole. I stood rooted to the spot, unsure of whether I should keep watching in stunned silence or tear my eyes away.

Adam's eyes fluttered open and he grinned at me.

"Hey, w... wanna go?" he slurred. "There's lube on the nightstand, just slick yourself up. I was gonna let you fuck him next, but you can start now. I... I promised Charlie we'd both breed him tonight."

He pulled his cock out of Charlie and I could see the lube hanging from it.

"C'mon, he's a great fuck," the jaguar encouraged.

"No, I think I'll go home," I mumbled.

I turned and began stumbling down the stairs.

"Hey man, come back!" I heard Adam call, but I kept stumbling down.

I reached the living room and was vaguely aware of everyone else at the party, but I hurried to the front door and wrenched it open.

"Someone's in a hurry," I heard Eric laugh, but I ignored him and stepped out into the night.

My instinct told me to run home, so I began doing that.

I sprinted along the deserted street until I reached the main road again. I knew that I drove this route to campus almost every day, so I continued running, just wanting to get away as fast as I could.

The lights of the town centre lay ahead and I sprinted towards them.

There was a flash of lightning from up above and I glanced up to see the dark clouds were still hovering over me.


I kept running and soon the houses gave way to rows of shops. I felt like I was about to be sick, and even in my droned state of mind I knew I was not running straight, but I forced myself on.

The sky opened and before I knew it, a deluge of water was hitting me on the head.

I gasped and darted into the arched doorway of a bank. My breath had been driven out of me and I doubled over, panting for air. The rain crashed down outside and the pavement soon resembled a river.

"I need to get home," I murmured out loud to myself.

My wallet was in my jeans pocket and I pulled it out. With a heavy heart I saw I'd used up all my cash for the taxi to campus.

"Fuck, how am I going to get home now?" I moaned.

You idiot, you're standing by a bank!

I peered out into the rain and noticed the bank had an ATM next to the front entrance. The rain was still pouring down, but I darted out and tried inserting my card into the slot. I realised my paw felt all wobbly and I missed the first two attempts to insert my card. I gripped my wrist with my other paw and finally managed to slot the card in.

The screen lit up and I pushed my damp fur out of my eyes before withdrawing twenty pounds.

The lucid part of my brain realised I was shivering and soaking wet, so I jumped back into the doorway and pulled out my phone. The taxi number was still saved as the latest contact, so I tapped at it urgently.

"Beldover City Cars," a male voice answered.

"H... hello, I want a taxi as soon as possible."

I wondered if I sounded coherent, or even audible above the rain, but I breathed a sigh of relief as the voice spoke again.

"Where do you want to be picked up from?"

"I'm by the Barclay's bank on," I paused and cursed under my breath as I tried to remember the name of the street. "Kingston Road, I think."

"And where are you going to?"

Fuck, what was Aunt Ruth's address?

"Um, Number Six, Moncrieff Drive," I said.

"That should be with you in five minutes," the voice said before the line went dead.

I stood in the doorway watching the rain fall. Part of my mind was still feeling the effects of the brownie, and as I watched the rain I found myself being captivated by the falling drops in spite of the situation.

Watch the drops, don't think about Adam.

I was still watching as a Toyota taxi pulled up in front of the bank. The beagle driver must have thought I was a weirdo, just gazing at the water falling, but I snapped to attention as they sounded their horn and darted over to open the passenger door.

I knew my fur was dripping wet but I hurried into the back seat anyway. The driver tried engaging me in conversation.

"How was your evening then?"

I gave one word answers, knowing that if I tried talking too much it would be obvious my mind was out of it and I decided to let him think I'm not sociable.

The rest of the drive went in silence and eventually the reassuring sight of Aunt Ruth's house came into view through the rain.

I paid the driver and jumped out. The instinct to run was still in my mind, but I forced myself to be calm as I stumbled towards the front door.

The porch light was on and the rain was easing off, but my paw was still shaking as I tried inserting my key. I managed to unlock the door and step inside. My fur was dripping water all over the carpet, but the lucid side of my brain told me to concentrate on locking the door, turning the porch light off and making my way silently upstairs.

I staggered about, but I managed to walk as quietly as I could without waking Thomas or Aunt Ruth up.

Once I was in the safety of my bedroom (having silently closed the door), I tried tugging my wet jeans off and promptly fell over.

I lay still, waiting to hear the sound of Aunt Ruth walking down the hallway.

Everything remain silent.


_ _ I finished tugging my jeans off and realised even my underwear was clinging to my body. I eased them off with my shirt and sat naked on the bed. The urge to call Hudson forced its way into my mind.

But what are you going to say? The party was a nightmare, I caught Adam with his dick in his roommate's arse and a straight guy tried jerking off with me.

I glanced at my clock at saw it was almost 3AM. Yes, calling Hudson was probably not a good idea at this hour.

I also wanted to take a shower, but my eyes were growing heavy. I dragged myself to the bed. Whether it was the alcohol, weed or emotional shock draining me I wasn't sure, but my eye-lids were heavy as hell.

I sprawled my damp body out on the bedspread and the last thing I remembered was fighting the urge to cry or curse out loud to myself as I fell into a black, dreamless sleep.