From Ice Cream to Topping | Arc 1, Chapter 2

Story by coreguardian0 on SoFurry

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(Reworked and reposting from old account; more soon to follow)Dead end job? Check. Lack of love? Check.Social outcast? Check. Hot college furs? Definite Check!

Such is the world of Charlie Fair, an out of luck loner, who is just looking to find his place in the world.

That is, until one day, he is visited by a local German Shepard, who is looking to share more than just ice cream with him...

From Ice Cream to "Topping" | Arc 1, Chapter 2

"Where the hell are my nice pants?!" I screamed out loud in my little apartment as I completely reorganized the entire concept of my bedroom. By the time I was done, garments were hanging from the ceiling fan and dresser, while several pairs of underwear -not that I ever approved of wearing them- somehow found their way onto the potted plant I kept.

I fell over onto my bed with a dispirited sigh, frustrated I had no good clothing options of what to wear tomorrow for when I get to spend time with Daniel, that sweet yet sexy German Shepherd that had stolen my imagination and heart today at the ice cream parlor; and we hadn't even had our first date yet. I was getting a little ahead of myself I knew it, but damn if the way I felt today was just going to end up being a big tease...

Anyway I sat back up quickly, letting my feetpaws rub together excitedly as I thought about what tomorrow might entail for me. I was confident that something good was going to happen; just the way Daniel laid his paw across mine before he left the shop really spoke implicit volumes a lot to me. It was just such a soft and meaningful touch, which personally surprised me because from the way he was built, I would have imagined his paws to have been rough. Quite the opposite truth to my great amazement however; his paw pads were gentle and plenty full of warmth.

I smiled from cheek to cheek then, grinning like an idiot as I could feel that tingle in my fingers, that happiness that one feels when something really amazing as happened to them. For some I'm sure, talking with handsome hotties is the easiest thing in the world, but for me, you would have thought I had just traveled the world to even come up with the courage to learn how to say hello.

I rubbed at my chest fur as I let my body relax on my little twin size mattress; the mess I made could wait for a couple days, I couldn't really care less.

It was pretty dark outside I realized with the moon now shining into my window, indicating the time as pretty late. I continuously stared at my phone, hoping that he would give me a call before bed, so that way I could hear his voice again. By god his tone was so strong and pronounced; it was absolutely beautiful to me.

I wondered then what had attracted him to me in the first place. Certainly it wasn't my personality, of that sad thought I could admit. I looked down at my shirtless body, the lack of truly defined muscles a great disappointment to me. I was really just an average wolf, not very tall at five foot eight, weighing around a hundred and fifty-five, give or take a few pounds. Perhaps he liked the boy next door type -I couldn't be sure at the time- but at least he was interested in me.

I climbed under the covers, letting the warmth of them envelop me, as I pretended I was wrapped in Daniel's well toned arms. I took the opportunity to slip my cock out of my boxers, letting the tip caress against the bed, feeling a bit of precum already forming as I slid up and down against the comforter. I continued for several minutes before turning around, wrapping my arms behind my head as I looked up at the fan as it spun around and around. I could only focus on tomorrow, and god do I hope it's like how I picture it to be.

Call me a slut, I don't care; I knew that I wanted Daniel to be my first. I've never been kissed, and never been in the arms of someone else before. I've never experienced any form of real love, this going all the way back to my youth sad to say; my mother a sleazy alcoholic and my dad used to abuse me.

So when I was still very young I ran away, after lifting some cash from my father's wallet during one of his "talks" with mom. I came here to Addlelark shortly afterwards, somehow convincing my boss to give me a fair shot as an employee, even though I was only thirteen or so at the time. To be honest, the whole situation didn't really bother me in the, seeing as at least I was free and only had to look after myself. I suppose that's why I've never quit, or pursued other job opportunities; I owe that damn ice cream parlor too much.

As it got later I rubbed at my now tired eyes, letting old memories pass as I got up to turn off the overhead light and made my way into the bathroom. Tomorrow was an important day; no need to smell like I died and was left in the gutter for several weeks.

When I walked in, immediately I noticed as the cold of the linoleum floor bit at the soles my feetpaws. I shivered for a second before I stripped, the mirror reflecting my tail hole back at me as I bent over. In consideration, I grabbed at my butt, spreading the cheeks just slightly to get a good look at what I had to offer; if Daniel was interested.

I moved one of my fingers over the tract of the opening, letting one digit rub dryly at its center. I moaned at the action as I really began to trace my way around the hole now, pretending that it was the tip of Daniel's cock pressing up against it. After a while I got a little braver as I licked at my paws, getting it nice and wet before it made its way back and I let a single finger slip inside. I was no stranger to fingering myself; I actually liked getting off by having something shoved up my butt, whether it was like this or with the dildo I had purchased some years back.

I was moaning now as I maneuvered another phalange in, feeling my soft and warm interior stretching as I pushed and pulled them in and out, really getting a nice rhythm going as I fell to my knees and began to stroke at my now dripping member. I breathed heavily, but happily, as my paw slid along the length of my dick, which at least was a little above average size at seven inches and proud. So I continued at that for a bit longer, listening to the sound of the running shower water on the side of me.

Right on the edge of cumming, I bit at my lower lip, letting myself get lost in the moment. I could feel the heat rising in my cock as I was about to shoot, when low and behold, the phone began to ring. I stared at it hard, it again interrupting me at the worst possible moment of course.

I really wanted to say fuck it to answering, but the call could have been him. So I reached my muzzle up towards the sink, trying to bite at the phone to get it to answer, since my hands were otherwise occupied; one paw covered in precum and the other now three fingers deep inside me. After a second of trial and error, I managed to slide the touch screen to open with my nose to answer, but dropped the phone onto the floor in the process, diving after it to hear who was on the other side of the line.

"Ugh... Hello?" I said as I readjusted my body after throwing my whole person on to the ground. "Please let it be Daniel. Please let it be Daniel." I thought to myself as someone came on the line.

"Hello! This is a courtesy reminder from your local 'specialty' shop calling to let you know that the following titles are late for return come tomorrow: "Deep in the Dog Pound" and "Fisted, but not forgotten: volume five." I just slammed my face into the floor with a moan of disbelief; the unbelievable stuff that stops me from spraying my load everywhere sometimes drives me nuts.

After that I just sat up, reached for a towel to clean myself off -seeing as I lost my edge due to frustration- and grabbed at my phone to shut off the call. Afterwards, I stared at the device, thinking how dumb was I. Here I am, waiting for a phone call like someone on death row; waiting for that last call that could change everything. I'm already nineteen years old now, twenty in two months time, and I've never gotten anywhere but college, which truth be told seems like a boring waste of time to me anyway. I need to learn how to be more open with people. Then situations like this, the kind that offer hope, wouldn't get to me so bad.

I grabbed for the shower curtain and hopped inside, letting the warm water rush over me as I soaped up everywhere I could, making sure I left no spot unturned. Even if not for him, I never could stand smelling bad; I suppose a good habit of mine amongst the short list I had. I let my paws work their magic, rubbing my entire body from top to bottom. "I really thought he was going to call." I said as I lowered my head; a little sad at the fact I couldn't seem to have something I wanted.

I stepped out of the shower about a half hour later, drying myself off as the sound of my stereo was still booming, the neighbors probably just a little pissy at the volume level, but oh well I thought. I threw the towel over my shoulders as I exited the bathroom right away, myself hating getting dressed in a hot steam. I rubbed at my head fur as I went into the kitchen, grabbed me a nice cold soda from the fridge, and sat down on the black leather-bound loveseat I owned, not that I needed a two-seater ever. I don't have many guests over, if I've ever had any at all when I really thought about it.

I relaxed naked along the length of the couch, letting the air dry me off as I grabbed at one of the video game controllers that was closest to me on the coffee table, however unable to turn the power it on since I had apparently let the battery charge die.

"Ugh what else will fail me next?" I groaned as I took to just kicking back, rubbing my hand paws together, wondering what I should do until bedtime. I was off work tomorrow; perhaps I should just pull an all nighter and just order some pizza and watch some good movies. "You know what, that's a great idea, that's exactly what I'm going to do!" I exclaimed as I made my way back to my bedroom and grabbed for my phone, unlocking the screen, accidentally answering the call that had just came in.

"Hello. Is this Charlie?" It was him, Daniel, I realized as I picked the phone up to the side of my ear, trying to work up courage again just to say something back. I stumbled for words, but I couldn't just blurt out what I was really thinking which was "Hey there you muscular beast!"

"Hello, this is Charlie. May I ask who this is?" I questioned, knowing full well it was him, but not wanting to come off as too eager.

"This is Daniel. I stopped by the ice cream shop earlier and gave you back that sketchpad of yours; remember?"

"Oh babe like I could forget your sexy ass!" Was what I wanted to say, but had to stop wanting to say these naughty things, focus on the conversation at hand, and -just like how I would like it- take things slow. "Yeah of course, I've been waiting to hear from you all day. Kind of thought you lost my number or something."

"Smooth you idiot; make him feel like he waited too long to call."

"Oh no sorry about the late call, went to go visit my sick mom in the hospital, she's not doing too well, bless her soul." He alleged as all I could think was "By god, he's a saint and a handsome one at that!" "Anyway, I wanted to finally get in touch with you and let you know that after a little magic and rearranging on my schedules part, I have worked it out to where me and you could spend the whole day together tomorrow, if you still want to that is?" He sounded so honest with every word. I would have just fallen over in his lap at this point if he was here.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that? What's wrong with her?" I would've felt stupid had I just went straight to answering his last inquiry.

"Why she's doing better today actually, the chemo is actually helping her got along nicely. Thank you for asking. No wonder why I knew it was good idea to walk into that shop and talk with you finally; you're such a nice, kind person. I could tell by that innocent way you first spoke to me today." He must have sensed my shyness earlier, but then again I did have my cock out and it was dripping all over the work floor. In fact, if the prep counter hadn't been there, I'm sure Daniel would've seen everything. "You know, I was pretty nervous before I walked in there truth be told. I get pretty shy around cute guys." He admitted as my face began to blush a bright red, my tail wagging fiercely.

"He called me cute!!!" I screamed in my head as I could've felt like doing a back flip at this point in the conversation. I tried to keep my cool, but my eagerness was starting to show. "Did I catch that last part right Daniel? It sounded like you said I was cute!" I had to hear it again.

"Well you heard right. Hehe, guess I should've approached you earlier to ask you out, seeing as I've been meaning to ever since I met you." I couldn't believe this moment was real, but it was. Hell, even if it was a dream I'd be willing to live in this moment forever. "I gotta admit, sitting behind you in class was one the great things about going to school for me. Wow, you know this is a lot easier for me to speak to you like this? When we were in person, I felt super shy. How could I not feel timid around you though? It's those honest eyes that really attracted me to you in the first place I admit, so will I be able to get to stare into them so more tomorrow? Perhaps over a hot dinner and some fun on the town? My treat of course; how's that sound" Daniel finished speaking, leaving my mouth dry from disbelief, unable to respond.

I had died and went to heaven. Or I was on some hidden camera reality show that was going to pull the plug soon. Perhaps I was about to get impaled by a rampaging bus driving through my living room any minute now. I wasn't too sure what dimension I was transported into, but I loved every minute of it.

I sat down, trying to get my breath back, only seconds after he had managed to take it away. "Wow Daniel, I really don't know what to say here. I never thought anyone would ever notice me, especially a god like you." I let it slip, but he was being honest so why shouldn't I have been?

"Pshh, I'm hardly that sexy, but thanks for the compliment! And trust me, I was looking." Hopefully he was smiling because I was beaming with a grin. "So if you're up for company, how about you meet me at the campus tomorrow? How about noon time in front of the art theory lecture hall, and we'll figure out where to go from there?" I shook my head yes, remembering I had to say the word out loud.

"Yeah, that sounds great Daniel! Wow my first date..." Oops I thought, I'm giving myself away. "Cough... sounds like fun! So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks Daniel, really. This means a lot to me." I rubbed at my heart, the sound of its beats getting louder.

"No problem, be prepared for an amazing day! I'll see you tomorrow alright. Oh and Charlie... This is my first date too!" He declared with that sexy tone of his as he got off the phone, leaving me falling over on my bed and howling so loud with happiness I'm sure I woke up all my neighbors now. In the end though, I just crawled my way up the length of my bed and grabbed at my pillows so to relax on them; my head still spinning from the whole conversation.

I'm going on my first date tomorrow, and the world seemed right to me for once. I snuggled securely under the bed sheets, letting this insane warmth in my heart just flood over me. Even all the precum that had consumed my lower body due to our talk didn't matter to me; I felt like I was part of the living again. So I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep, eager for tomorrow to get here already.

It will certainly be an interesting day to be sure; let's see where it leads...