Brushstroke - or More on the Vi'Xen

Story by RetsuNyetsu on SoFurry

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#2 of TF (or TF related)

This is the sequel to Lonely No More. Read that one first, please.

The small spaceship parked at a port, near a pristine, blue lake. The lake was surrounded by trees on all sides, sans a small beach on one corner. This was just one part of an expansive network of forests, lakes and other natural beauties where an alien race of anthropomorphic foxes made their home. This race was known as the Vi'Xen.

The spaceship was owned by one Vi'Xen, named Brush. She recently abducted a human and successfully tested a transformation serum using DNA to change them into an almost identical-looking Vi'Xen, named Stroke. All that separated them appearance-wise was their breast size and genitalia, with Brush being a biological female with the larger breasts and Stroke being a biological male with the smaller ones. Despite them only recently meeting, they were already incredibly close, and so they sat next to each other at a window, looking outside.

"Here we are, Stroke," Brush told her partner as she sat next to her. "The planet of the Vi'Xen. Isn't it beautiful?"

"I agree, it is beautiful," replied Stroke. "So, this is where I'll be spending the rest of my life with you?"

"Correct." Brush stood up, helping her partner up. "I have so much to tell you about my species, it's all very interesting." She walked her way to the doorway, beckoning Stroke to follow. "Are you still having trouble walking?"

"...I don't know, let me try it..." Stroke tried to walk her way over to Brush. Immediately, she noticed her lack of balance. This was what happened when you suddenly shifted from plantigrade movement to digitigrade; you needed a while to adjust fully. She eventually made it after a good minute or so. "Y-yes, it looks like it."

"Alright. I'll keep you close." Brush held onto Stroke, partially embracing her. "You may be wondering how we became so close, so fast. It's actually a psychological response, it always happens when two Vi'Xen... tie the knot, per se." She eyed Stroke's sheath, with a slight smirk. "When the knot is stuck, the two individuals are mentally bonded until death. That's what happened to us, if you can't tell."

Stroke listened and nodded. Truth be told, she was still not used to this body whatsoever, but she knew she would have to be. She knew it'd be better than her old life once she got used to it (she had Brush, after all), but it would take some adjusting.

"Just remember," Brush, added, "you still have your knees. Use them."

Brush held her mate's hand and pressed a button on the wall to open the door outside. She then helped Stroke through the door and across the bridge to the outside of the ship, stopping once the two of them got off the ship. The gentle breeze blowing across her fur and the smell of moisture in the air made her happy to be home again. Now, all she needed to do was find the folks who hired her to do this. They were going to be so happy...

"Brush," Stroke asked, "where are we headed?"

"We're going to the Governor's House." Brush continued to walk. "The Governor is the one who sent me and a few others to find a solution to the shortage of males in the population, and since I found a solution, I plan on telling her." She made her way to the end of the port and arrived at the door, working the lock.

"Okay... one more thing... what about my old clothes? Are we simply leaving them on the ship?"

"Oh, of course. You won't need them."

Brush opened the door to the outside world, revealing yet more forests. In those forests were lots of wooden structures, which Stroke could only vaguely make out to be buildings. There were yet more Vi'Xen outside, all entirely nude like they were. They all went about their days, some talking to what appeared to be street venders, others hanging around corners and minding their own business. It all looked rather peaceful, nothing like the life Stroke had once known. Everyone just seemed... happy.


Stroke nodded, and off they went. The pair walked out into the streets, listening to the chatter around them. Stroke felt lucky to already understand the language being spoken around her, it made adjusting far easier.

"Brush! Who's that you're with?"

A fluffy, white-furred female waved to the pair. Brush smiled at the waver and ran over, dragging Stroke with. This must've been one of her friends, the latter thought. She was certainly pretty, she had to admit, less endowed in the chest area than either of them but also slightly taller.

"Clear, hello!" Brush grinned and hugged the arctic fox-looking Vi'Xen. "Do you remember how I told you about my job to get more males? I just got back from my trip, this here is the result! Her name is Stroke, we've already been mated, and she doesn't have the faulty females-only gene."

"Congratulations!" Clear then turned to Stroke. "So, you're Stroke, huh? Is it true, you really come from another planet? What's it like there?"

Stroke blinked, looking at Clear and thinking about her response. She could very well be honest and say that she hated it on Earth, but this girl seemed so interested in hearing what Stroke had to say, and she didn't want to be unnecessarily depressing. Maybe she could... give an incredibly basic explanation, one that was as neutral as she could possibly give, yet still highlighted how humans and Vi'Xen were fundamentally different.

"Well, it's... different. We don't have the technology to go to other planets, but... everyone wears fabrics on their bodies to cover them up."

"Wearing fabrics to cover yourself?" Clear tilted her head, clearly confused. "What would you even have to hide? Is your old species just really ugly and you're all ashamed of it so you have to cover yourself?" She then took a moment to think about it. "Oh, I get it! You were all... weird and furless! Those fabrics were just like fur for you guys, huh?"

"...I never thought about it that way, but... kind of, yes."

"Okay, I think I get it!" Judging from Clear's face, she was more than likely proud of herself for coming up with that one. "So, where are you hotties headed?"

"We're going to see the Governor." Brush then stroked her partner's face in an oddly seductive manner. Stroke herself wasn't sure if this was normal social behavior or just being flirtatious. "I'm hoping she'll reward us for finding a solution."

"Well, you've got a solution right here, so I think you'll be fine." Clear gave Brush a peck on the cheek, then gave Stroke the same thing, leaving the latter flustered. "Anyway, I have to get home. Good luck on your visit, you two!"

"Bye, have a great time."

As Clear left, the pair then continued their walk. Stroke found herself getting slowly more used to the walking, movements growing defter as she proceeded. One thing she was still having trouble getting used to was how... forward these foxes were. She just got kissed by a stranger, something which would not really fly on her planet, and despite how natural it felt, it was still... well, odd.

"Is kissing strangers... normal?"

"Only among friends, and you're a friend of a friend to her."

That made an oddly great amount of sense to the newer Vi'Xen. She couldn't quite pin it, maybe it was because she was seeing it all for herself, or maybe it was because she was living it.

"So, tell me," Stroke asked, "what does the Governor do, exactly?"

"Governors lead the different urban areas, like the one we're in currently, and are responsible for our laws and regulations. There is one government, lead by many Governors, including one Head Governor in the capital."

"...oh, okay..." Stroke sighed. She wasn't sure if Governors were any different from where she was from, but it turned out that she was still dealing with politicians. There was something about politicians that she just couldn't stand, but she couldn't quite figure out what that thing was. Did they do too much? Did they not do enough? She was never politically savvy, so maybe she was just paranoid, but paranoia is still paranoia.

"'ll be fine." Brush gave Stroke a kiss, embracing her partner in complete disregard of the foxes around them. "She's a good woman, very hospitable." She then let go and led her to their destination. All Stroke could do was hope that her lover was right.

They eventually stopped at a large structure made mostly of wooden logs, like a cabin from Stroke's old homeland. If this was the Governor's building, it was surprisingly modest. Brush approached the doorway and knocked, waiting. They waited for a while, at least a few minutes. Governor must've been busy, Stroke figured.

Then, the two finally got an answer. The door opened, revealing a short, silver-furred Vi'Xen on the other side. She seemed young, certainly younger than most of the other Vi'Xen Stroke had already seen; Stroke couldn't even tell what her sex was. This was probably a child, maybe a teenager

"S-sorry, my aunt was getting ready... p-please, come inside."

"Thank you, young one." The pair of orange foxes passed by the door-girl and walked through the hall. As they walked along, Brush then whispered to her partner. "I don't know if you figured this out, but that was a kit, the child stage of the Vi'Xen's life cycle. They spend five solar cycles... years... slowly progressing into adulthood."

"Alright, I guessed as such, but thank you for explaining anyway..."

They soon found themselves in a spacious room. There were no chairs, just stools, and it all looked incredibly soft. There were no artificial lights, just the natural light of the outside from transparent windows, but there definitely seemed to be appliances that looked like they ran on electricity, or something similar. Of note was something resembling an open fire pit in the corner near a window, probably for cooking. Stroke, in the end, found herself surprised by the general familiarity, as even in spite of things like that fire pit, it still felt feasible that a human could have come up with this.

The two of them were finally face-to-face with the Governor herself, standing up from her stool. She was orange-furred and fluffy-tailed, just like the two of them, except bigger in pretty much every way. Height, musculature, bust size... it all made her seem superior to them. She looked down on them, they looked up to her, and it all felt incredibly natural.

"Brush, you're back." The Governor nodded. "I'm sure you've met my niece, such a sweet girl. Anyways, what were your results?"

"They came back conclusive." Brush patted Stroke on the back. "Here's my results. Her name is Stroke, she's a beautiful male if you ask me."

"Hmm... on first glance, I agree. Still, I'll have to look to make sure."

The Governor approached Stroke and analyzed her closely. Stroke froze in place, ready to let her have her way. She watched as the Governor knelt down to look at her lower half, seemingly just to confirm that she was, in fact, a male. So far, Stroke seemed to be passing the inspection, as the Governor kept looking and nodding as she poked and prodded. Once done, the much larger Vi'Xen looked up, still kneeling.

"Come on, loosen up a bit, we're not so prudish here." The Governor suddenly laughed. "Yes, you're definitely not from this planet." She stood back up and smiled to Brush. "This is a fine specimen, if I do say so myself. Well done, I'll have to contact the Head Governor once I get the chance. Wait a minute, I have your reward stashed away nearby, let me go get it."

"Thank you." Brush shook the Governor's hand. "It was an honor serving you."

"...r-right." Stroke laughed awkwardly, still not sure what to make of the situation. As she watched the Governor leave to go get their 'reward,' she couldn't help but feel like this was all a bit... anticlimactic? Maybe big formalities simply weren't a thing on this planet, as even though the Governor seemed so much more important, her and Brush just treated each other like complete equals. It was refreshing, sure, but it still left an odd taste in Stroke's mouth.

After a few minutes, the Governor returned with two unique items. The first was an odd device, shaped like a cylinder, short and blue in color. The second was actually a set of two small vials holding a red liquid.

"What's in those vials?" Stroke asked.

"You'll be happy to hear it once I tell you, trust me." The Governor handed the vials to Stroke, then the cylinder to Brush. "Put that device into a credits machine to get your monetary reward, it should total to a quarter of a million credits. As for the vials..." She smirked slightly. "Those are heat-inducers. If you ever decide you are ready for kits, drink them and the next time you... you know... Brush will be pregnant with your offspring."

Heat-inducers? Judging from that description, they were pretty much the exact opposite of birth control. This got Stroke wondering if she was ready for kits or not. She wasn't quite used to the culture yet, and she had no history of interacting with children, and yet... there was also that feeling at the back of her mind that she wanted this more than anything. Only five years of raising the kits was one thing, but it would also bring her and her mate closer. Being closer to her mate was the thing Stroke wanted more than anything.

"T-thank you, miss..."

"Ah, it is nothing. They're expensive things, those heat-inducers, nearly cost me a quarter-million credits on their own." The Governor laughed once again, shaking Stroke's open hand. "I figured you two were bonded by now. Call it a Governor's intuition." She turned to the door, then back to the couple. "Are you headed out now?"

"Yes, I believe we should be going." Brush looked at the vials in Stroke's hand, showing a hint of excitement in her vulpine eyes. "Thank you for giving us your time."

"You're welcome. Take care!"

The pair of recently-bonded lovers left the building and were back on the streets. Brush led Stroke eastward toward another, smaller house in the distance. It looked like any other house from a distance, as far as Stroke could tell.

"Brush, is that your... our house over there?"

"Yes, my love, it is." Brush smiled as they approached the house, standing in front of the door. "This is where we'll be spending our lives together. I hope you like it."

Brush opened the door and let Stroke inside first. The house looked quite nice, not as nice as the Governor's but still quite pretty. There were a few different rooms, one being like the one she saw in the Governor's building, and others resembling the bedrooms and bathrooms one might see in a human house.

"Wow, this place is amazing. You must have a great job to be able to afford such a thing..."

"A great job? It depends on your perspective. I simply pilot a merchant ship. That's how I knew how to fly the ship to get you." She walked over to an odd-looking device in the living area. "If you would like, I can give you a job on my ship. It is not uncommon for two mates to work together in the same company."

Stroke didn't need to think about that one for long. As much as it would be great to bum about all day, she needed to get a job. She'd probably get bored after a while without one, at least, and she didn't want to be a burden. This was literally a free job opportunity, and better yet, it was one alongside her mate. She genuinely couldn't think of any downsides for that arrangement.

"That sounds like a great idea."

"Perfect." Brush stuck the cylinder inside the device, and after pressing a few buttons, some numbers flashed on a screen. "Now, before we do that... don't you think we have some fun to get to?"

"...ah, I know what you mean." Stroke's excitement grew as she slowly approached Brush. "Those vials... are you ready to take them?"

"What harm is there in taking them? Raising kits is important for any Vi'Xen. A few months of pregnancy, five years of parenting... I won't have to worry about getting pregnant again if our kits live to adulthood." A smile grew on Brush's face. "We can have as much fun as we want, whenever we want it. Add to that the Vi'Xen's incredibly long lifespan compared to your old race, and we'll be having a lot of fun..."

"Please, tell me..." Stroke walked over to Brush, embracing her from behind, wrapping her arms around her mate. "How did you know so much about humanity?"

"Well... to be honest, I only know the basics." Brush sighed. "Appearance, lifespan, widespread cultural norms... I do not know much. If you would be willing to teach me more, I'd be happy to listen."

"I know about as much about humanity as any other human." Stroke laughed slightly, smiling. "I would be happy to teach you, if it would make you happy. Maybe once we are done, I have... other things on my mind." Stroke handed Brush one of the vials. "I have a question, my love. Foreplay first, or vial first?"

"Hmmm..." Brush opened the vial. "It doesn't really matter, does it? Either way, we'll be fucking our brains out in a matter of minutes. I'm ready, are you?"

"I'm ready."

Stroke opened her vial, and she and her mate them drank in unison. She recognized the taste as resembling cherry candies, if a bit less sweet. She found that she quite enjoyed the taste, but even more so, she enjoyed the sensation it brought on. A sensation of pleasure washed over her, like she were at the beach and a large wave came in and crushed her. It wasn't really crushing, though, it felt more soothing, comforting. That comfort gave way to lust, a need to breed.

Still embracing Brush, Stroke fondled her partner's breasts. She leaned forward slightly to nibble gently on Brush's ear as she played with those perky mounds on her chest. Brush quietly moaned as she began to feel herself up, joining in on the fun. Her hands slowly moved down her stomach before reaching back and caressing Stroke's back, and then her plump ass. The sensation proved enjoyable for the both of them, and so they kept it up.

Stroke's cock soon escaped its sheath prison, slowly revealing itself in its full, knotted glory. She knew that she could insert that cock into Brush's fertile pussy right now and be done with it, but where was the fun in that? A perfect mate needs tender, loving care from their partner, and Stroke was going to provide that. She pressed that cock between Brush's cheeks and grinded, refusing to penetrate. Stroke grinded back and forth against Brush's lips, all while she nibbled and toyed with her.


The pair of them, still making out and teasing each other, made their way to one of the other rooms. They chose a bedroom, where Stroke got a closer look to the bed. It was lower to the ground than the beds she was used to, but she didn't mind. It looked so soft, but firm enough that she wouldn't sink. This was the perfect bed to breed on.

Stroke held Brush and got her onto the bed, facing the ceiling. Brush spread her legs wide open, her pussy already getting moist. Stroke's dick also dripped viscous precum and throbbed hard as they stared on. They needed this now, and no one was going to stop them. It was kits or nothing, and they chose kits.

Stroke got down and slowly inserted her erect cock, past those puffy lips. It took restraint to avoid cumming then and there, but she held on. She bit into Brush's shoulder as she thrusted, unable to think clearly. Her instincts took over, driving her to impregnate. Her thrusts grew faster and faster, her breathing grew heavier and heavier.

Brush felt as if she was in a whole other realm of existence, one of endless joy and lust. Her breasts heaved as she panted. A white liquid began to come from her nipples; it was milk. It wasn't uncommon for Vi'Xen to lactate when aroused to a certain degree, Brush knew this, and she could see that Stroke was also leaking milk from her tits. It could all come down to one thing: Stroke was so much better at taking the lead than she was. While their first fuck was great, this second one was going even better, and combined with their shared heat, Brush was being fucked silly, and she loved every second of it.

"P-please, impregnate me!" Brush yelled. "Stick your fat knot in me and fill me with your cum!"

Stroke fucked harder and louder, her moans and groans growing animalistic as she plowed Brush's moist fox pussy. This heat had temporarily altered her psyche, and she was focused on one thing, and one thing only: Kits. She needed kits, so she needed to impregnate Brush, the perfect mate for the perfect kits. It was now that Stroke knew she was ready. She needed to cum, and so, she did.

Stroke came hard, yelling loudly as she filled Brush's womb with her seed. That knot of hers ensured that they would be stuck for a while, but it also ensured that Brush's pregnancy would go without a hitch. Brush orgasmed just as hard, her pussy clenching hard onto Stroke's fat, juicy canine shaft. Their simultaneous orgasms once again brought a sensation not unlike their bonding from their first time, as if it were a renewal of their bond. It felt sensational, perfect even, like yet another new chapter in their lives was going to take place.

Brush and Stroke had lost control of their bodies, and only now they were starting to regain it. As they started to come back to their senses, Stroke's cumming slowed down, and her breathing normalized once again. She was in disbelief over what had just happened, she'd gone crazy for a moment. Now here she was, staring down at the future mother of her kits, beautiful as ever. Stroke then, just then, noticed their collective lactation, and she just found herself confused.

"Hah... hah... what's... what's that stuff coming out of our..."

"That's milk." Brush found the strength in her to laugh. "Did you want a taste? I hear it's refreshing."

"Uh... s-sure." Stroke leant down to face one of Brush's tits, then gave a bit of a suckle. Yep, that was milk, alright, a bit different from cow's milk, but still milk. Might have been a bit sweet, actually, but still, it wasn't anything she'd drink regularly. "It's okay, I guess."

They both laughed it off and rolled over, so that they were both lying on their sides. The couple embraced each other in their arms, sharing their body heat and keeping as close as physically possible. Brush kissed her male, whom reciprocated, leaving them both blushing. Both of them felt like this was the greatest thing to happen in their short lives together, possibly even the best thing that will ever happen to them. All they could do was lie down and enjoy it.

"You're so beautiful, Stroke... does that make me a narcissist?"

"I don't think it does." Stroke took her hand and ran it through Brush's fur. "If you're a narcissist, then I'm exactly like you in every way... but I'm not. Even taking into account our appearances, we're still not the same individual."

"I... I guess you're right..." Brush sighed. "I'm so sorry about how we met. I basically kidnapped you, and I know you were happy about what happened, but it still doesn't change what I did. I should've asked first..."

Stroke hadn't even thought about that. Brush was right; she pretty much was kidnapped, strapped to a table and forcibly transformed. If she weren't so willing, she probably wouldn't be so kind to Brush right now. Still... why was she so forgiving? Was it because her life sucked so badly before? That was probably it, but something told her that Brush... might've been in a similar situation to her. Lonely, desperate for attention, prone to doing stupid things... they really weren't too different after all.

"...I forgive you. Despite everything, you still made my life better, and I can't thank you enough for that. I didn't really have many friends back home, unless you count that bartender..." Stroke gave a slight chuckle. "I can't

"..." Brush nuzzled up to Stroke, smiling. "Thank you. I don't know how you're so forgiving when I'm not, but... thank you."

"I guess we both just got lucky..."

And so, the two of them could officially begin their lives together. They had no idea if Brush's solution to the male shortage would become widespread or not, but at the time, they didn't really care. The pair were already planning on what they would do in the future. They would work together, sleep together, raise kits together... everything. They were inseparable, and they wouldn't want it any other way.